ast tint a it D. e r Ona. ■I;ln ja- i ' e eon yn! _. am ■ e Kreat^H" -> »other,- . »•er, viVQl J ’ ar t, i "rav.i for ra .■ I Willh.n of PM« Sg' IV—Nc 35 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891. mi-Weekly Herald, PUNISIIMENT PREVENTS CRIME. FOUND OUT AT LAST. Where the death penalty has I been altogether or almost abolished murder has increased in an extra- C. BYRD A SOU. dinary degree. In Belgium mur­ ICAL P ublishers and P roprietors . ders increasedjin a frightful manner whenever the knowledge of the ab­ olition of the scaffold spread among ■ S P BS< ’ RIFT1ON R AT ES: One Year 13.00 the masses. From 1865 to 1880 K •lx Jlouths. LftO Months . . .. . .7S riltert murders increased from 31 to 120. Onewear (in advance) ~o0 <•0. In P i AMK, where for many years HERALD CLUB LIST ? 1 ■eeir.. Hand Harper'* Magazine .. . 5. BO the^liad been no executions, mur­ Jeceiul^WU ■ 5.20 ¡■eeitie er*1 ■ ' and Harper’s Weekly ders increased from 242 in 1854 to und Harper ’ " Bazar S. ‘ - ’ 0 ’u"*'w:Srfd -and Harper’s Young People 3.75 518 in 1880. In Switzerland, where land Alden’s Mauifold Cyclopedia. 2.90 ^Jadditional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents: capital punishment was abolished bi iidiin^^K MRpls extra ver volume, postage. in 1874. murders increased in five bin di] MWr ‘copiesof all the above works can be ex i at leisure in the Readiug Room. years in the proportion of 75 per cent. The same effect was pro­ for Vol flT* Publishers of periodicals are solicited How 850 to> ®ena clubbing rates, a copy of their work for duced in France and Italy. ar Free Readiug Room—Wefile, and bind the will the modern crank, who holds i v p itter at cluse of every half volume, P"d ti • i rlr advertisement. that punishment is not reformatory and that the death penalty is not i HE R8. a deterrent of murder, account for ADVERTISING RATES: .PICK j 1 wk 2 wk 1 me 3 mo j 6 mo |J_T these facts? $2.50 a Year. GREAT REDUCTION1 IN PRICES ! The Methodists of South Wales have adopted resolutions express­ ing their regret at learning that the Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per lOOtti I have just received a full and prince of Wales took part in a game Salt....................... 2.10 complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails, ................. “ keg. G-oceries, Hardware, Tinware of baccarat at Tanby Croft. It barrel Notions, etc , which 1 will sell adds, “We respectfully submit to Flour,............... ........ 6.00 Omaha Bacon . 13.50 “ 1001b at BEDROCK PRICES FOR his royal highness that by his con­ Coal Oil (Pearl). ....... 3.00 “ can CASH ONLY duct he has offended the religious 11. E. T homps ON, Yours Respectfully, sense of the people and drags the I Manager. A. ROBBINS royal house from the high position in which it stood, and tends to les­ sen the loving and devoted affec­ WHOLESALE ! RETAIL ! ! tion to the throne which has ever been cherished by us.” HUNTINGTON, Mrs. Helen Gougar has kept a record of the accounts of wife mur­ ders by drunken husbands, pub­ lished in the daily papers, since We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, occupying three doors, and each floor loaded With £00^8 January 1, 1889. The aggregate number is 3,004. Will maintain our former rules: Square Dealing. OUG Price. Edward Ta’ser, Jiving on South Best Ouality. 111 50 |2 50 15.00 |x ‘O 111.00 115.00 Hill at Burlington Iowa, heard a AN AMERICAN MOVEMENT. :ly. lìncb I ** oo 4.00 6.50 12 VO 18.00 2«. CO We buv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, 5.00 «00 15 DO 24.00 40 00 D. < 4 •• 3.50 A semi secret meeting was held burglar in his house and upon in­ Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOA DS. Our Puices are LOW. 1 ’.0 , 00 10. CO 20 00 32.00 50.00 led to j y oo 15.00 28.00 4S.00 54.00 vestigating it he ran into a burly at ion.” 16. DO 28.00 4*00 80.00 120 00 at Baltimore, a few nights ago. at gaid ta 1 “ , 1 .0 1«) 30.00 40.00 60.00 lio.oo 140.00 fellow, who shot him in the abdo­ n. 4 a j which stirring speeches were made SEND FOR QUOTATIONS I ! ext.; ——r men, fatally Fifteen years ago li use cM (in favor of keeping America for CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. JOB WORK ; ’“""Ml he I Americans. The effort of the peo­ the young man’s father was shot in >f cur i Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. y deBcrlrtlon executed with neat new Yours Ilespcchilly, >i. t iuu«r * ple of other nationalities to over­ the same manner in the same room patch, at reuaottable rnies, "ill1 tni Note Heads, Cards, Tit nets, tits, atii untai tions of the United .States, such as Ar. exchange says that there is Dodgers, Etc. >v the Me nda. Invitations. al. li the working and doings of the Ma ­ but one lawyef in^.eaven. How he I ki '. ald is kept regularly on file for re ted , in the Geo. P. Resell New,paper A<1 fia, Anarchists, Socialists, etc., got.there if? not positively known, Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New A ork. were commented on as examples but is conjectured that he passed MRS. THOMAS GIANNINI, Proprietor of what, may happen if immedjute himself as an editor and slipped in OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. steps are not taken to prevent com­ upexpected. When his dodge was THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR HOTEL IN TOWN, BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST CONIH'CTED. plications which are inevitable discovered they searched the realms EVERY THING Is NEAT AND COMFORTABLE ITS PATRON’S WANTS A RE < ’ A REFI'LI.Y national : Benjamin Har riso when men of different nations at­ of felicity in their length and CONSIDERED AND TABLES FURNISHED WITH EVERY THING THE M ARKET AFFORDS. it ................. Levi P. Morton laideut. James G. Blaine tempt to govern the affairs of state. breadth for another lawyer to d-aw j of State Charles Foster. y of Treasury JohnW. Noble Said one speaker: “Every of­ up the papers of ejectment, but as eora'az' Of Interior Redfield Proctor V of W ar fice holder in the United States, they could not find cue, of course Benjamin F. Tracey y of Navy Jeremiah M Rusk y of Agriculture, whether he be a government, state, he held the fort. Wm H. II v General . .John Wan^make or city official, should be a native- 1er General STATE—OREGON ’• llea>:y'» f » a .* (n • .><’ Word. born American. There are thous Proprietors. „ I 3. N. Dolph ’ . 8. Senators K I J. H Mltchan ands of offices filled to-day with Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of K. Binger Hernieiin P* st ’engrtfeBinan 1>.Sylvester 1‘Biinoyer refugees from other countries, while Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi­ 'e of MbferK r K Geo. W. McBride people who were bred and born on j • ew ecrew v of state anos, Washington. New Jersey, has Phil. Meteehan. reaavi -r — J. B. McElroy I American soil, are walking around •jp7*PÎi"lic - In struct loti R returned home from an extend'd Frank Bakei ¡ ■ winter K tate vainly seeking employment. Time i tour of the world. Read his ad­ i R. 8. Bean. 1 D . R { Wm. P. Ixird has come for action.” uprem< Judges vertisement in this paper and send the ) W. W. That er | K reutjl^l Rheubiu S. Strahm j for catalouge. There is more Catarrh in this ioi 8- SIXTH JVPICIAL iustkict : mrnuw section of the country than all I M. I) (’LIFFORD D -< sb »atril Judge For Over l’if W ell T ribd R emedy .—Mrs bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate til the last tew years was supposed | (D) H enry B lackman >r* f Jnator Winslow’® Soothing >>nip ha« been used for satiri over fifty Avars by million®«»/ mother« for their in every way in their line of business. to be incurable. For a great many children while teeibing. uilh i»erfe< t ®ucees® COVSTY- H A RN F.Y I years doctors pronounced it a local ! jf«F“Hav and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. Ule« rSM it soothe® the child, «often« ihe gum®. alla\a W m . M illke ID) Judge to a'l pain, cures wind colic, and lathe best rem­ vv I- G rach disease and prescribed local reme-l edy (1>) Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. ite aflH for Diarrhea»«. I b pleiiaant to the taste T. 11. R oberts k*r (ID ►le,” I Boid by Druggis's in every part of the world. ID) T. A. M c K innon dies, and by constantly failing to Twenty-five cent® a bottle. Ils value is in< aim k aa A. A. COW1MO cure with local treatment, pro­ I a hie Be sure and ask for Mra Winslow’s ■ ID) ■ (D). W. E. A lberson d. wfi Science has I soothing Syrup, ami take no other kind. C h A*. NS WELL nounced it incurable. superintendent (R) Tilos. G D odson inspector proven catarrh to be a constitu­ CONSUMPTION PUKED. W k . A ltnow SMITH A RICHARDSON, Proprietors. (D) ( bgioner® Ljtle Howard. tional disease, and therefore re­ '13) ( An old phv-ii ian. retired from practice, We wish to inform the pub- We solicit a share of quires constitional treatment. having had placed in hi« hands by an Evi HARNEY C. 8. LAND opricK: • Hail’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ India iiii.-e-ionarv the formula of a "itnple J. B. IIUNTIMGTON vejmtahle remedy for the rpeedy and |>er- | the patronage. Shop . 1ÌAKR1SON KELLEY tured by F. J- Chhnev & Co. Tole­ r iiianent cure ut UolHUinption, Bronchitis, do. Ohio, is the only constitutional Catarrh. A-lhma and all throat and Lillig > cure on the market. It is taken in­ Affections, al»o 3 positive and radical cure 1 CHURCH DIRECTORY. upplied with good meat for Nervous Debility aut kttfl LINKED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BY X QUOTE YOU- B urns NORTHWESTERN MAIL TRANSPORTATION Company. RNKY LODGE, at odd Fello» s I ortom . Tress ? I a RNEY POS T NO. 4M. G. A. R. every- »nd*:-d W.ilnen lav of rich nt odd Fvllow. Hall. All Cumruie* »andln* invited. M. M BKIEKLY. P. C. SlvlLL. Ad’)’!. Mchl.-I« V. B. MAILS. ai.d depart« daily, bun a. Frida*«. 6«m. •day« Tburwia)« a >aturda>« X 4ftp. m C. C. McCoy, General Manager, DRPRICE'S (Ä Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. -------- O-:-O--------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsov, Beulah, Westfall and V’ale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicle*, RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: Burn®, to Ontario fio j Burna to Vale ft>.M - Writ Fall 7.50 *• *• Grovef.'tty . ® 50 i •• Drewaey 4 On •• Beulah « 00 I •’ •• Harney LOO •• ’• Pine Greek 2 50 | Baggage. 3O!bs to ench Passenger. Frieght and I’asscngers must be way-bi lied. Passenger fare paid in advance. f N ERI A< KI.F “. J. M. V aughn H arry F loyd , Division Agent. Burnii Agert. Gen. Sup’t.