1891, jc>ayette j\Tursery, he said. ‘"Flora told me—” Haaner’s Magazit Of Payette Idaho. Cousin Thankful wagged her I L L U S T R A T E 1)1 HARDY TREES A head of stiff gray curls: BY AMY RANDOLPH. SPECIALTY. •‘You can’t put no dependence in ILLUSTRATED. Exten.-ive Nur-tevv. comprising til wi.at Flcra Trefoil says, ” declared The impoo er« ogflH CHAPTER II. is located one half mile from I'uy- \ r..-1-W-wv T- -r.- - h '-I. ” i —— eite depot, on the O. S. I.. Ry. I she “She’s allays tryin’ to put in ilHfper’s Ma^axiue duringibe u-reit^B Nur*erv ha« done niuie to pro- . ! 1.. - enr ¡»''I. -he nr i .< «......... 'hi-. , other people in the background. I “ didn ’ t HE APR WIIEKE I WAS?” mote fruit growing in Ea-l- „ ul«, hi Charlea Dudley Warner, « ■ I he aomimi'*'! Among other «...le-v... j ern Oregon and Idaho jest wish von could ’a’ seen Be?s From New York Le iger tra< ilo* • « > • “ * os• I ' I ii -1, than all other Nur- I ra-l'io* X: “ 1 •*! ei tioi. "I ■ r.jri hi .,r»i;|M selies combined. W. ,.i. Thio kern . no-, pii . --.i-, for if *| “Bess has made up her mind not cry in’ over her work, ’arter you’d a- the tress . rime ■ novel written ami il!uirr»'e- such varieties are 11: the hut He* ami ' hi .<•»: !"'ifnuj| “Do you think.” said Cotesworth offered for sale that “She had a chance to do a little ex­ per« ami other arlielt ».» nnbieels of It rlJ ere Known to thrive and rere«’, sa «eil agin the iinrivuCed i bar«M tra sewing for extra pay. and dt ar seizing his monstrous nippers as i i g gh iri «tories, p.Kit! s. eie . H api - er '»’jM flourish in the mountain Combine» the juice of the Blue Figs of zink wil; - .imitine to main aiti Ihar country. The “IDAHO” pear Bess is dreadfully fond ot money with fata) intent, ‘"she would be at ox< elleur e for w hich it et u lel^™ California, so laxative, and nutritious, wi.l be off. red in limited quamites tinxliif hed for the fir t time this year. Thi-petr with the medicinal virtues of piants for one so y< ung. Quite a miser, home if I were to call to-night?” HARPER’S PERIODIC.Vk Pi known to be most beneficial to the i-a nativAf Idaho in considered the tines- Cousin Thankful looked wondei- you know.” And Flora’s laugh human aystern, forming the Ob> LY PER­ peargrown ami is extremely hardy. I’o Per Year: fail to plant a few trees. HARPER'S .MAGAZINE I FECT REMEDY to act gently yet Addre.-s, not rang out sweet and clear, above the ously sage. Payette Nursery, HARPER'S WEEKLY promptly on the Pavette Idaho. “Ef I was you. Charlie,” said she, jingle of the sle.gh-bells. HARPER S I’.AZAR KIDNEYS, LIVED AND BOVELE HA HPEit’S YOUSG PEOPLE It was lot g | ast midnight when “I’d go to the dressmakers ulace P. F. STENGER. Postage Free to all Sub-erilieri il —AND T *'- and sort o ’ calculate to walk home the gay party return-’ i f »-iniin» fb ai.d “You are not sorry’ to see home, and tore it into ribbons. THE DISABILITY BILL IS A ard of artistic uud literary ex<- ------ LAW. ves untouched no important phase But it was an old thing. any way. Bess?” ’ f pio^rcsB. and presents u record rATTAC.-MpSTg: Soldiers u sai ied since the war are vrthy aiid iuiereeting, of the “No; but—but—” You couldn't have got much more TBtrfl'lXSy.- i eiF» i.s aud auheivemeu-.s of our Entitled ' :wf eDwswK 1 Supplements Mill be <•<»!.tinueH < “Bessie, I didn’t half enjoy the wear out of it. And Charlie was so Dependent widows ami Parents now tie hey will be literary, scieutifif ud d ; emlent wlio-e -oi.s died from the effecr- of PGMC§€U?IT2GCu./< . < al, ci it if al, t< ]■< grahi< al. or ues< ri^H shigh riile last night without you.’’ nice.” cNiCAto, 78 LRIOM SQUArtL N. Y »4*’- trnty service are included. If you wi-h o< uf • n maj o< mat d, aud v invel niMMJSk •O,TO“-MA3* GA. aerve the hearty cvminendatiun itatei Her face shone radiant under the .< urclaim -pee.iilv ami ■.ueces.-fu lv prose- aruu.W FOR SAL£ &y LAL-AiAMC “Was he? Didn’t he ask where n bcMoued » n past iFsuea bv therein tte 1. ,i I ire*. ’ JAME s T a NAEK, row of theatre-lamps which they e public. As a family journal, liar I was?” Pension«, NEW HOME SEWING MA­ . ate Commissioner of WASHINGTON, will, as here oforc, be edited D. C. Flora shook her head. Where' were just passing. gani for the qua'ities that maki CHINE CO., 72.5 Market St., visitor to every home. San Francisco, Cal was the use. she thought, of encour : ""Really?” PER year : aging Bess to think too much of- (It seemed such a silly thing to Paicfic Department. HARPER WEEKLY HARPER’S MAGAZINE the handsome voting steam-titter, i say, but what else was there tor HARI’EKS BAZAR....................... HARPER’S YOENG PEOPLE whom she, Flora, had fully deter­ her?) They were in a dark place T eel Postage free to all subscribers in the UC s. < anada, or Mexico. now; he drew her arm in his. mined to make her own prey? WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. Stat* The Volumes of lhe Weekly will begin ! the first Sumbe" for January of each ____ , ] “We can walk better under one ’’1’111 so tired of this everlasting When no tune is mentioned, subscriptioti begin with the Number current at timc«i dressmaking,” said Flora to her­ umbrella—so,” he said. “I wonder, ceipt of order. a IF.NCY.fbr hound Volumes of Harper’s Weekly for self. “And ( harles Cotesworth Bess, what you would say if'1 were years hack, in neat cloth binding, will bt by mail 1*. s age paid, or by express, free« would Le a husband for any girl to to ask you to walk through all the pense provided the freight does not exca years of life at my side.” per volume) for $7 a volume. be proud of” ■ •'* * aaea for each Volume. Fiftalv ..if binding will be seat bv mail pt st-paid, “I think,” murmured Bess, “I— A o.Tmp Cousin Thankful Morse sat III ’ ACKNOWLEDGED THE REST ceipt of . •• uI t ae laMra,»»nv,viri£ How to/ for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads n iN.renL«. Careni Remit nixes sb nld be made bv P*.st( _ her little room at the Old Ladi M* should sav—yes.” PRÎ( I S Er 1>UCED. Sold by dealer -. FREIGHT TAID ks, C odt right«, Mone^ Order or Draft, to avoid chance of HcMI Li F.» i Ol LTRY M HIM». New i liinir ! ireee KUfeN 4t [Tobe (\ntinued j Home, th** n<-.\t dav, w lien tin* mat­ ¿J? No bAgrging-* Extra Heavy Relva^e. Address HARPrR Az HR >T4 ERS. New V 461 aire aduar The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago, IÌL ron brought the steam-titters fore­ Harper’s B a si ¿tía man to look at tin* 11 iweil radiator­ PENSION. POSTAL. LAND and ILLUSTRATED. pipes under thewindow. Sh knew ¡1 k ri ’ er * R\ zar is a jonrna for tha INDIAN DEPREDATION ’iving the latest information with regt^i^H him nt uim*. the Fashions, i s numerous illustratioi s- ’ CLAIMS. THE CRY GF MILL...4IS* ion plates, mid pattern sheet supplemtnli ’•■^a indispensable a ike ro the home drtM-s^^M ‘A\ hv, it'.» Mr. Cot* cwoith. ain’t OH. 7AV BKGK1 ar.'l ihc piof< ssiiiDKl mo»:is*e. N»» is spared in making its artistic nttra* it?" Hiiid glie peering over thè rim LAW OFFICES OF 3TCP IT NOW, Caves! . md Trade-Mark« obtained, and all Pat- of tna highest order, its ( ¡ever short st- ointdq ent business conducted for Moderale Tees. parlor pla\►. and thoughtful essa>s sat-V« of her wilver rp«*< tiiele.» "Well, l • con ; t cz tcc 1 Our Office is Oopos'te U. S. Potent Office. T astes.and i s iast page is famous ns a I1’- ■ ? Ard we ran eecnre patent in les-i time than those • f wit and humor In its weekly issues do dvclitrt*! W hy, Bess Trefoil wan H I have been troubled manv years with remote from Washington. !!’.<•; 11 ■ t ,.hp «»m.?!><•♦• w ¡¡I w nte just hen* She come to bring in«* a many different temedies and have tion V»’ id’ i-c. if pateritabìe or not free of »‘r -■ •> -u ‘ i !.*• ¡louse » i.in i..r!“’ »■. rreast sought aid from different physicians chare ■ < >i;r fee not one till patent is secured. r< a’ :.f lisiug.” as^^^B new fur tip|H-t and muff; I couldn’t without relief. About the 15th of April A Ptmnhlet. “How to Obtain Ritenti. * vicli interesting sn< <» fsuui of papers on “\V« n I was suffering from a very violent DuDH» »>f i tuai clients in your State, county, or a gone to church next Sunday with Art and History.” superb! il'us’ra’ed. wAsaasff attack that almost proatratvd me in t< n, eent free. Aaaress. « 'Choui UNDER THE DIRECTION OF such a manner l »at I was bent over tile old linx set, bo I ¡.div eaten rill be by Waller Beaaut and Thoinns Hardfl^fl When I «at down it was almost impossible for me W. R. HEARST. (Editor and Pro­ t» gc. - p alone, or to put on my clothes, when C.A.SNOW&CO. harpers periodical -•„.» with mot Its. Sh<* set tip all night kin i Providence sent Dr Henlev, Opposite Patent Office. Washington. 0. C. prietor S:"i Francisco Examiner.) OREGON KIDNEY TEA. to my Per Year to tinish a job for the dress maker; 1 immediately commenced harpers bazar JOHN WEDDERBURN. M inager. hotel. using the tea. It had an almost HARPER ’ S magazine it was one, too. that Flora ought to *nug little fon ine» hare ‘ ren rwadr ai HARPER'S WKFKI.Y Work for u*. bv An. a I* gc. Auetin. til'' F Street, Northwest Washing­ miraculous effect, and to the aston­ Texas, end Jno. Bonn. Toledo, Ohio HARPER’S YOCNli _______ PEOPLE ishment of all the guests at the hotel, have done, Put she somehow con­ See ear. other« are doing aa well Why Pi- 1 •. .. a!l «'ii.«. ribrra in the in a fe w »lays,I am happy to state, ton, D. C. t yon? home earn over #400.00 a State«, < anuila. or Mexico. trived to push it ml' on to Bess— Win prat ?!• < >n I will* tmth. Ton ran do the work and I ie ’Court ef the that I was a new mau. home, wherever you are. Even be- t’uii»*d st a ht ».tin .i Mima, th»* several tee, mmen I the lea to all aitlictetl The \ .I’nnie« ot the B szh ’ begin with Flora allay » was a selti-h i*re*tur— Cour as 1 have been. • «»( ’he Idatrit C umM». before Um t .r January of e«, h war. W b>« •nd Mart you. Ian wr.rfc in «par« time and Bi-ssjust spent the money for nt in» • of t ongrtf san! the bxrvuthe Pepin >« time !« mentioued. «ubecripiion »ill or all the time. Big money far work- C A TrpPEH. •fk. Failure unknown amoag them. »t ’ h the Number current «t the time of We obtain Pensiors and Patents, WEW and wonderful Par* ica lan fra«. of order. Proprietor Occidental Hotel. me and her aunt Nat ! I ess in al H.HultrttaC* Ilna Portland. Mala« > ma Rosa. Cai. Bound volumes nf Harper's Bazar fort lavs thinking of other |*<*ople. IC h Indian Depredation Claims and all •■■r In neat cloth binding, will be «ent by « posts.e paid* or b, expre»«. free of ox Bess as pays m» I oard he*-«*, Mr classes« of l and Claims. Mining, provided the freigh* does not exceed on« per volume) a>r |7 a volume. ‘I < otesWorth, a Id* d the loqmteious Pre emtion •ind Homestead cases as* « ■ e«cn volume.suitable forl^^H *7* *aeatby mail pvepaid un reel Prosecuted before the General land o’d lady, hs Charlie Iwnt to exam *1 eat h. Remittances should be made by FMt ine th«* joints of the st. am pi|««*s ollie*. Department of the Interior lone* ' trder or Draft, tn avoid chance of AJre«« H *.RPER a BROTHKI^^H “Id I i* i'll 1 In fi w i.d « f it ' w a.» n't and th Supreme Court. New «pap< -« «re not to copy any ore.t HA • ui the above advertiser' . - Maalt for her. Flora wouldn’t « art* noth ctf-- HAS «j, in' ef I was Site thi* k« old fo.ka • 1 ?» 1 hain't no I u*n* s to exist P> o 1 Reas! I was dreadful sorry for In r —------------- --- -'-1 PERSONAL AND ¡‘ROMPT »«r«T ix me wi » blb . last night; .»he w tilted to go on th.it ATTEN IION GIVI N I » I’A I Will A ’ke Wl ia\p. IS8ECVREI». SF--D ANNUAL wouldn't l.e no rent paid :n*r c’oili* F r 1G91 ib.n-.Ue ! FREE I ENCE S >Liciì .:n. •1 LADIES AX*” ’ * ■'1 ■ -■ U. . nd tò last season’»■ bought fir Mr». Trefoil!" i cusu ; • rs. It is better than ever. 1 STODDAlìT à CO.. 1 B»ery penen using ■ »SS «">0.1.r,i, of *M orici nal ( Karies Cote«worth straight* n**«I .h. O «lo I. O. », «.«T. I Ä ?v - send for it. Addrean fl B 613 & 615 7th Street. N. W ‘■•via riilsk hinuwif up. ■ «ÙÎ?1* L”»!- <®m« • . < ao.i - ,1 ■ D. ii. FERRY A CO. fl (Op|>o . e l . *». I’. trai ttiiT.J lW~.’2fb* *'■«•• 1*~» «od Oro.«. B—.1 5 . Of 7ROIT. M ich . ■ y ******•_"? ** •« t»o oo,t. ,■ pw m r ’ She really wanted to go then?” \\ A.-HIM roN. D. » redimen in the wrortd^V Bess Trefoil’s Reward WOVEN WIRE FENCING a/. íi E xaminer B ureau of C la y l*i«tv IRON nnrn axle UHÍ l I í GREASE TOMO I RRÏ5 THE BEST. Dv. MANTI MIDlCINt CO . I c L oom . si ' £