Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1891)
4 I T Semi-Weekly Herald, SATI'RDA Y, JUNE 6, 1W1. z v‘ < HKKALD’S WASHINGTON LETTER, W ashington , D. C. May 30 1891. Weak Women - burns advertisements . i- Owe to themsclvei a duty to take Hood’« Sarsaparilla. In view of the great relief it has given those who sufTer from ailment! peculiar to the sex. By purifying the blood, regulating imporiaut organs, strengthening the nerves, and toning the whole system, i* restores the debilitated to kTir Mr. Harrison has at last, it is Editor said, braced up his backbone suf W.C. It A RD ficiently to inform Commissioner of T he monkey brand of politics Pensions Raum that he must hand health. After 15 Years. “ For 15 years my mother has benn troiv will never become popular in this in his resignation as soon as anoth bled ’milk leg. Sue went to different er man can be found with some po parts with uf California, as persons said the di country. in\'..t help her, bat it was of no litical ¡mil who is willing to take mat? avail, an I I, being a druggist, thought I would get her to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. T he republicans sjieak lightly of the place. Raum did the gaand Before »!•? bed taken half a bottle she said Dealer in General MerchandiseLol? she wajini) roving. so she continued until the third party movement, buttheir kick act, and has not yet consented she took half a dozen Lotties, and now she ................. is perfectli well. For nearly fifteen years BvbN8 ............................................. • iBu. words do not represent their to resign, saving that he prefers be she was unable to walk around, but now O regon . she can walk as well as ever.” T. F. B l <W js , ing dismissed; but he’ll change his 8an Francisco, with C. F. Richards i Co. thoughts. d wb mind. They all do that way. Wholesale Druggists. tel. Like a New Creature. When Tanner was asked for his res “I have he n for yea-s trying to get help that terrible general debilitv ami weak y aft ignation he swore that he would for ness so common to women. Within a year have taken ten or twelve bottles of ine li never write it, but he did ail the I Hood s Sarsaparilla, and I am now feeling ________________ _____________ _____________________ ived same. It’s easy to talk about be like a new creature.” Mas. F. B. R osa , Marlin, Texas. 5 bob ing kicked, but when the big nob- Hood’s Sarsaparilla nailed boot is raised tney all get out Sold bv Druggists, fl; six for|5. Prepared onlv by C. I. HOOD de CO., Apothecaries, T he republican partf must have of the way if possible. Lowell, Mass. campaign material, even if it costs Just as might have been expect, D. L. <fc N. GRACE, Proprietors, .................... Harney City, IOO Doses One Dollar a dollar a pound to make American the alleged attempt to begin crim While not yet in full operation, is doing EVERY VARIETY of Job 1 ing neatly and'proniptly, ar® tin plate. The Lilis will, as usual, inal proceedings against young j This office is strictly new in every respect, both type and presses, au44 DSi BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. be paid by the protected manufac Raum and liis partners in office iul printers await employment. wall turers. selling has already practically pe J. W. ASHFORD, Hand in your orders u . b < - H. BOYD tered <>ut, and the District attorney, For letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, U" P olitical isms are quite plenti a republican of course, has begun opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling CT8 ai" Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., x Me ful this year, the indications are to hint about the diflioulty of secur PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, that the old fashioned, simon-pure ing the necessary proof to convict j B urns ................................. O regon £W~A11 Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices n:r- 1 ktin Office in W. E Grace’s Drugstore. Andrew Jackson democratic prin Raum or any of h;s pals, and the ciples will be good enough for a uselessness of bringing the case be-1 DR. H. M, HORTON majority of the voters next year. fore the grand jury. It is always DENTIST........... B urns O regon . difficult to do that which we do not Office nt residence. Prepared to all kind of Is W. K. Vnnderbilt thinking of wish to do. dental work. going into politics? The question Bv the wav, speaking of Pension i Teeth extracted without pain by aid of ga«a id suggested by the statement that Otlice matters, there was quite a1 BURNS, W. E GRACE P roprietor , he had given out a contract for the farce played there this week. A| T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. I Office at hi« re«l<'er<e o.. Itie east ide ot Sil erection of a 115,000 hen house on man was tried for borrowing money, vie« River, ten Eilet below Burna A Large Assortment ©f his farm. Everybody is turning and Commissioner Raum. the man o visit farmer these days, who acknowledged under oath he FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etm’L Over Herald Office. Town Attorney, had borrowed $1.200 from the king W hy doesn’t Mr. Harrison fire of pension sharks, was one of the ! J. NAT. HUDSON, Has just been J _ Received. 11 yen Blaine and make his sort, Russell, judges. Ye gods, think of that. It ATTOR N E Y - A T - L A W. — n eran Secretary of Start'? If son Russell was certainly the acme of absurdity, Otlice: BURNS, OR. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMP*. * DAS; 1 I I does not bridle the pens of bis min of course the borrower was acquit Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best tjrns ions Blaine may take it into his ! ted, but a victim had to be found, GEO. S. SIZEMORE, PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKET) PRIC is riior ATTORNEY, head to fire “Me and Pap’s admin so the fellow who got the loan for ____________________________________________________ ¿sure I istration” so high that it will not him from a Washington ten per B urns , ........................... O regon . Colite.ions. Land business, «nd Real come down in time to take part in j center was found to be too loose in Estate matter promptly attended to. next year’s campaign. CHARLES ANDERSON - -- -- - -- - hMbee ! his ideas of the amount of interest W. W. Cardwell, , that ought to be charged for accom- T he republican editors and cor i modation loans, and was according A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. This House has a wide and well known name, and under they Vi B urns , O r . respondents are going through an ly’ dismissed in disgrace from the rnsnt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the n Practices in all the courts of the State, awful lot of uneceessary worry in Government service. There are Also, rt liefere the I’. 8. Luiul Office. fame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Su L and M atters a S pecialty . order to determine to their own sat piles and piles of crookedness all n dii isfaction whether Ex-President i over the Pension bureau awaiting he Hms Cleveland, Governor Hill or a west the argues eye of a democratic Con Good table service, and tables furnished with all markits l|tl P rop . ern man will be the democratic can-; gressional investigating eommettee. JOHN ROBINSON and didate next year. They ap|»ear to Everything in their line guaranteed is Ixi Secretary Proctor having given to be done satisfactorily. have overlooked the fact that dem me, he the War department several consec £^“The only place in Burns you Burns-Canyon Stage Line. ocratic national convention, and Ve ar< utive days of his valuable time has can get baths. I. J ewitt , P roprietor . not republican newspapers, will mail r now gone back to Vermont to put Leaves Burnt on Monday«, Wednesday«, and Friday«, at S a. m ew dfiv name the democratic national Connect» wirh the Outario, l’rineville. aud Lakeview Mage«, at Burn», in about ten days in looking after tloo8 for pasatager«. ticket. Catiov his private business “ “ 'hret If it l>e true, as is generally be W onder if Russell Harrison was Permanently Cured without Cutting the originator of the fake about lieved here, that the instructions Burning or Dilating. A perfectly Blaine’s brain having become use telegraphed the revenue cutters painless treatment and a guareen- e mQi ' t in a d less? It will l>e a sad day for Rush and Bear as to the part they teed cure in every case, no matter PH«nV« rl ti i e . M c K inney , "Me ami Paps administration" should take in the present sealing how long standing. This treat Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies 1 :mi in» o when the Secretary of State shall season in the Behring sea, are pract ment for Stricture, of Dr. Boxwell's, the greatest discovery known to Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand become the victim of any brain ically the same as those issued to is Medicine. It dissolves and com you call on "Mack.” at Drewsey. Harney county trouble, No one would think of them last season—to pretend to pletely removes the Stricture with imbro watch, but at the same time to be accusing us of ail miring Mr, out annoyance or pain to the pa -------------------------------------------------------------W1 Blaine’« political methods, but we very careful never to see any ille tient. DISEASES OF MEN! have no hesitation in saying that if gal sealing—Mr. Blnine must feel Peculiar to their Sex. and not prop 111 his work could la' wip d out of the very thankful that he was net here er to name here, including all those NEAR BURNS. OREGON. f when thev were issued. record of this administration the delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses Representative T. J. Campbell, of which they would shrink from dis remainder would present ¿a very, JNO W. SAYER B worker Yew York, who is now here, is au closing to their family physician, very blank appearance. thority for a statement that will permanently cur»-d in less time than I*’ M any years practice has given have very important bearing upon was ever known to Medicine before, bv Dr. Boxwell’s "New System of C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of pat the Speakership contest if he is not Treatment.” It rejuvenates the gen- ents at Washington D. C.. unsur mistaken. He says that it has ito-urinarv organs and makes weak passed success in obtaining patents been decided that the twenty-three men strong When possible, it is a]wavs best for all classes of inventions. They democratic votes which New York to call for persona) consultation and make a specialtv of rejetted eases, will have in the next House will be special examination. But those and have seen red allowance of cast as a unit in the vole for Speak who cannot pcwiubly call, should All Ut .1, uf «urtar« lumher thow»u«hly «eaauaad far bviMtaa »Hnswa« many patents that have l'eco pre er. The candidate who is to receive write, stating their carefully. Med REDUCED PRICE viously rejected. Their nd vvrtise- these twenty-three voter has not icine sent by mail or express, sealed ment in another column w ill be of been decided upon, and will not l>e free from exposure, to all parts of Address: interest to inventors, patente«*. until a conference is held; but Mr Pacific coast. Ww. A. B oxwell . M. D„ nanufneturers and all who have to Campbell is certain that the dele Consulting Physician. St. Paul gation will select the winner do with patents. Dispensary, Portland, Oregon I THE NEW BOOK & JOB OFFICE $ Ashford 9 I r Boyd, HEIST-A-TT Fl A TONSORIAL PARLOR, I I II Attentive and STRICTURE! i ’’ *4' . T he D rewsey S aloon ft ■v 5 TtLe Sa. w-Mill. ' Flustio. I I