■ww; CALLED AND CHALLENGED. —Cfturt adjourned last night. AH THERE ! Christian—’Well Judge, I’ll bet —No sickness that we‘know of in What Bargains At you $400—” Burns at this time. SATC RD A Y, MAY 30, Judge—“1’1 take that bet!” and : R. C. GEER’S; : IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND A —The dance last night was en­ reaching into his pocket pulled out MANUFACTURER * DEALER joyed by every one present. a lot of old papers which the Chris­ CIRCULATION OF ANY IN ALL KINDS OF _J i —A. Robbins will soon begin tian mistook for greenbacks. ER IN THIS COUNTY. work on his new store building. TINWARE a At Wm. Mynatt’s Shor?. ‘‘No, no, no!” excitedly exclaimed i —Crickets are doing great dam­ the Christian. ‘‘I never bet.” Tinware repaired. On Corner scuth of Red Front Sta­ age on the Warm Spring reserva­ “And besides,” said the Judge, Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and County Faper. tion. ble in N. Brown’s building. “I’ll fight you the rub if you will Sporting Goods. —Oh! What a tine shampoo you step out behind the oilice.” B urns ...................................O regon . can get at Win. Mynatt’s barber That proposition was respectfully shop. BLACKSMITH. declined bv the Christian, and so — The late rains in Harney coun^ ended the controversy which might lirns celebrate? N. BROWN. -V.. »TV heat at N. Brown’s $1 ty almost insure gcod crops of bar­ have culminated in a first class “Melee.” ley. wheat and oats. REA L E STAT E A G E N T ADOLPH TUPKER - - Puolr’ ].... J’1. ESTATE ?,?.*!! . ÍN ïi.vlJ TÌIE .-.T.,l (bl 'VN xi'RY property . —The sugar beet raised in this To Dispel Colds, REAL ÍÍ a ÑÍH.EII shearing is progressing —GENERAL REPAIRING— ON COMMISSION ............... county, when analyzed, was found Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED tlie system effectually, yet gently, OFFICE AT N.BROWN’S S 1'ORE, Lirk done to order at the to contain 17 per cent of sugar. —There will be a daily evening when costive or bilious, or when the Burns,................................... Oregon. rice. Guard, issued from the Guard office blood is impure or sluggish to per­ Poster gave us a pleas- in Eugene, beginning June first. manently cure habitual constipation IT«uupil v executed. The building him been en ■ day this week. larged f*”‘lw improved nnd is nrepared to turn —There is big howl made in our to awaken the kidneys and liver to W- N. Jorgenson out all kinds of blacksmithing on short notice favorite dog passed in town because of the taxes and li­ a healthy activity, without irritat­ and in the best style Terms: ” Thursday night, but cense imposed by our town council. ing or weakening them, use Syrup i Is $20. —Mrs. Gage, mother of Mrs. C.! of Figs. a an excellent time to A. Swiek and Gage Sisters, came Cush! Cash!! Cush!!! in Thursday on the Ontario stage. | I am prepared to advance money I script. GREAT N0VELTI3-S —Providence has’nt deserted this i on wool to responsible parties. 1, ibseribers can have their part also have wool sacks, twine, sul­ of h's moral Vineyard yet. 1 horse brands published CHINA & JAPAN We are having some nice showers phur and salt, cheap. Call and see lAi.n gratis. me and I will tell you the rest. of rain. pwan. clerk in the land C al . G eer . —Bozy lost his dog, but he still 4-21 GOODS AT •et! med last Saturday, from has a fine assortment of wet goods.. Watches: WHAT DO YOU THINK! msiness nature to his old f a|'. Call and console him for the loss of i Nails only cost von $7.75 per 100 I have \\ atch Movements of all his dog. ft»s at Geers and everything < Ise in the leading American and foreign Ffi'tenger is back from his —Call and subscribe for the H er ­ the Sound. We are not in- ald and give us your horse and ent­ the same proportion. I have as makers, from ordinary to best ofihis success with his drove itle brand, which we publish for good sel cted stock as you will find quality as time keepers, and all in in any rail road town in Eastern good running order and warranted. t8. i nothing. Oregon and am bound to sell it off. Call and see me. Always ahsinv irtws in toivn. owing back i —Burns deserves credit for the Call and see me and I will astonish post, in X.'Brown’s building. ¡Iticnstothe H erald , please quiet and orderly conduct of every you with low prices if you bring d sat tie. We need the money One present during this term of cir­ the cash. I rwin S. G eer . NEW STOCK OF GOODS debts. cuit court. Manager. ON THE ROAD hdge Dustin met with, an ac —The question of the permanent ; Wftlisday night, a board in county seat of Harney county will lor catalogue AthircNs, Hou. Daniel F. Beat L EG A L A I> V E RTI8 EM EN T8. ty, Washington, New Jersey. ;<-W4(ik gave way with him be decided sixty days from yester­ g him to sprain an ankle very day at Baker City. —John Robinson, the barber, priNAL PROOF lost popular shapes in isn’t certain which one of the boys U. S. L and O ffice , Burns, Oregon, April 17 1X91. Ithe season are the spider. lie is, but call in and see him when Notice is herebv given that the following catalogue. Ex-Mayor Daniel F. Beatty named settler baa filed milice of his intention for B bouquet. Mrs. E. S. you want a shave. t«> make final proof in support of his claim, and Washington, New Jersey. I xpecting a full stock of said proof will be made beforethe Register — E. H. Kallenbatich, the man, that anr BWe II lu I H oun I..I liruur th. y live. A nv for lhe E*.2 of SE*,. NW’, of SE*4. ■ ■ ■ I « KOI J Dll'* « an u «’an devota E. W M. your spare inoinetna, or all your tini, to th< work I his 1« nn ik on our cemetery have He names the following witnesses to prove entirely new l«*ad.an« i « e. k and tq u » Completed and get their more after a little experience. We can furnish von the en said land, viz: Mel Fenwick J. <’. Foley. and — Frank Lewis has made Several of, plovmeiit and teach you t |.*t f. \o Bpn ,. f., rxplniii here. I -ill Win. skinner aud Samuel King, all of lfbrns, iuiormutiuu imlhe sale of the lots. I FKLE. 'i’K S E <’O., . <.. MAIXu. improvements in his saloon build­ Oregon. ihnllloberts, former editor o'. ing for the convenience of bar ten­ J. B. H untington , Register. iJifc‘fitirn|\' Press, was brought be- ders and comfort of patrons. His priNAI. PROOF: id Clifford, yesterday, and saloon is in the ascendency. Portland E üûjî Shoe Store U.S. L and O ffice , nt Burns Oregon, Mav3. OTA-1*' usured. for an article lit* isyi —Thus. H. Roberts, county treas^ LUNABURG f rtm very beat Clifford, until first day of the next to make that sai l proof will he made before the lack man is prepared to regular term of our county court to ana Regis’er and Receiver at Burna Oregon on Cheapest Place in Town tor Cash. viz: tg, ironing and house move his otliee from Harney to Juue, 13, 1X91, Melvin Fenwick. lid No 419 and add. Hd. No. 7X. for the S’.. of of i j- t low rates, and being a Burns SW’4, NE*, of SW‘; ami SE1. of NW qr.,of Aec. ith a family of small 21 Tp. 22 S R :.O E W. M. lie names the following witness« s to prove A ien i support, she should re- Contemplated A ret i<* ex plorations. hia continuous resilience upon »»nd < ultivation 13 URNS 13UTCHEP, SHOP atronage of the town. of. sai l land. viz: E. N. Fleming. James Al T he unquenchable spirit of Arc­ bert. Samuel King and Jason Bennett, ail of MARTIN BYERLEY - Proprietor. Asbury of the Grant tic quest, is again awakened, aud Burns, Oregon. I J. B. H untingtom . Register W8. was i indicted by the the dawn of another era of activity Ï. ■^!W8. jury the last t term of Grant pTINAL PROOF: V c‘ Icuit court, for libel, Our in polar explorations seems at U S. L and O ffick at Burna, Oregon, Ma\ hand. >n i that Bro. Asbury is not 12.1X91. - aud HU 1 troubled over the mat- Notice is hereby given that the following Four expeditions are preparing to named settler has filed notice •( bis intention brr/j to make final proof in support of her claim, and start to the Arctic regions in the that said proof will be made before the Regis­ KtJ he Oratorical Contest, given ter and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on June next twelve months. 20, 1X91, viz; edit Lsdav. was a very enjov- lie!»<•<•<•« Tliompson. Barron Nordenskjold will lead Pre 1» S. 160 Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, Xljffaii l. Miss Gracie Canfield for the NW. qr. of NE qr Sec venison and game, when on the maket. 23. Tp. 21 B. R XI E W an expedition to the South Pole 4. 1 titzgerald, receiving the She names the followin’; witneBaea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation »tri lumber of votes, w ere each Dr. Nansen the Norwegian scientist, of. sail] land, viz: George Huston, John »«atrs, ited with a handsome watch who accomplished the first crossing Luther Edilmeu and Wm. Waters, all of Burns. Oregou. J. B. H fntington . Register of Greenland three years ago, is -tocamen can now g» t honest having a vessel built, in which he £7INAL PROOF: )e ts B- shipping or selling stock proposes to follow the Jeannette’s Burna. Oregon, Mav 1?. , intiagton. The O. C. Co. hav- course and hurl himself into the U S L app O ffice , a* 1WI. Notice ia herebv given that the folh.wf ig- ‘6«. stAmpleted oneof Fairbanks nintcfl pettier has filed notice of iiia intention •‘"■"«.I Scales, and arranged a large pack north and west, of Wrangel to inak«* final proof io anpport of hi* claim, and said pr.a»f will I»e made before th:» Keg iter I for the purpose. Certified Island, with the expectation that he that and Receiver at Bnrna. Oregon, on July .. ixyl, __ jtajBven. 4-24. will be drifted over the |>ole and ViZ:, Ki<’harN, MAY Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the iwi. he Sumpter Valley railroad iaS<> >uth with those of Scoresby and Nofire in hereby at. given that the foil. w'nir Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective named nr^tler hnn fl led notice of bin r»» ent ion _ de« i into Harney county, it Clavering in the north. liniment to make final prod in support of hia»»a* •» ai d rose the upper part of John Mid T>rooi will be made before the Remit­ Lieutenant Robert E. I’earv of that No other application compares with it in efficacy. ter and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon. <»u ^ulyX valley into Logan valley, and 1WI. via: This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost iieora* W. Verdot. thAce into Bear valley. We the U. S. Navy, will start about tne Pre da No Mi for th« HWqr Hoc. W. Tp. 25H. generations. first rf June, under the auspices of rstabd that a survey has l»een R E W M name» «he folkiwinir witacaae, to prove No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ust ano |on this rout, and has i>een re- the Academy of Natural Sciences hla lie eontli nona r*-al