^^ayette JXTursery, 1891. B| gave me. I must go to my hus­ Haater’s MagasiM Of Pavette Idaho. - band. and you must think of me ILLUSTRATIr HARDY TREES A as if I was dead, because I will nev­ er come back to disgrace the old SPECIALTY. ILLUSTRATED. BY MARY A. WHITE. home. I am a convict’s wile, and This Ext«n»ive Ntir-esy, c«rnpri«i»< !2fl Th» imp»» ,r» ‘ no longer worthy to be your loving acre-, locaWd «ne bait mils .rom Pay­ America, by Th» >d»r» Child, w!,. ,»r ■ ette depot, eu the O. S. L. Ky. 1 hi* in Haih«r'« M»t»rlB» hariugthr ■ child. L ucy .” Krom N. Y Ledger: Xur-erv ha» done mote te pre af the vear 1»91. Sha artici«» “Berks has been up to Albany mote fruit growing in <*«t- ¡furnia, b’ Chari»« D«dl«y W«r>«r, ‘‘«•>h, father!” be a.iatinaed Am««c «th«r n t«« T aru Or»y»u and Idaho about some business tor the store, “Married—all this time deceiving t-actie»» will h« a n«jy«l by than ail other Nar- i raddock: « eu’lecti«n of origina, dr« solies combined. laicy, and he heard that Henry us— I thought if there was one true W. M. Thackeray, new «nhiUheu :«r as the tress time: » nov«l written and ill«. -« Newton Lad been arrested for for­ woman on earth, Jane, it was our In Mauri«r; a n«v«H«tt« by W 11 are ac- Howeili: and a ««rir» of payara of , eiimaiOil and gery and theft.” Lucy, and she has heed living a lie London bv Walter Beaaut. •ueh varietie- are In th«uainber aad variety of Blin oiersd for sale that “But it is not true! Father, it is to us for wi cks. peta and other r. liclee on aebieria et are Known to thrive anb tereat. •• well •• iu the «nrivalla I c’ not true!” “but what will she do? Where Sourish in th« mountain it« ahort atoriee. peonia etc . Runt] ztsa will i oatin ie U> inaiatala that? Combine» the juice of the Blue Figs of country. The ‘IDAHO” pear The wailing cry of utter misery, I can she go? Will she be allowed excelleuce for which it ! will be oFi red in limited snanuton California, so laxative and nutritious, tingaiehed for the first time this year. This pear called the mother in from the but to go with him?” with the medicinal virtues of plants HARPER’S PKRIODiq known to be most beneficial to the is a native af Idaho in considered dte One»i tery. Lucy was lying in her fath­ “How do I know? I’ve been an and is extremely hardy, l'o human system, forming theON I-Y rt.K- pear grown P«r Y«ar: not fail to plant a few treo». er’s arms, shivering and moaning honest man, Jane. . \\ hat should I FECT REMEDY' to act gently ye. Address. Pavette Nuraery, HARPER’S M AOAZINl HARPER’S WI1K.UY Pavette Idaho. promptly on the 5 as if stricken with phisieal pain. know of prisons and prison rules. HARPERS BAZAR ----------- --------------------- HARPER’S YOUNG PIOPI.l “It is true, Lucy, I always mis- The old farmer’s face was set in P. F. STENGER. Postage Free to «11 Subsrnb —AND T ' — trusted him, th« smooth-tongued rigid lines* as he spoke, for the United Stata», Cnniida. or Mence. V villain, Thank Heaven 1 was firm treachery of the child who was the The volumes of She Maginn, HORSES branded — SO THAT - the Numbers for Jun» and D«c tor once, and kept my darling. n very idol of his heart cut him dee] - Either Riefet er PURE BLOOD, eac h year. When no time is sp«nj “Father, where is he?” ly. It had cost him bitter pain to seriptious will begin with the NniH REFRESHING SL. EP, •tifie: OR. r«ns at time of receipt of erder. “Where they put criminals—in refuse her her heart’s Desire, but he HEALTH and STRENGTH Bound volumes of Harper three years bai K, in neat cloth buj Naturally follow. Every one is using it jail!” had lot b ed the brilliant gentleman be sent by mail, post-paid, on rseextru and all are delighted with it. Ask your Range-^Jraat ceanty, Oregon. There was a pause of utter silence who wanted to marry her. knowing ;.er vaitime. Cloth Cases, lor w Bun ■ • rani - < URI ' ■ ' »r*gon. druggist for SYRUP Ob HGS. Manu­ centAaclt—by mail, post-paid. 'Piesol Mrs. Merriment coming across the that lie was the richest farmer in factured only by the Index to Harper’s ifagazina. y lelBur ALMEDA A. STENGER. cal. Analytical, and Cla sided, farM room to stroke her daughters hair the county, and fearing that the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 1 to 70, inclusive, from .! una, KlCTMisl S an F rancisco , C al . C à TTL» branded .. ...i, with a loving touch. Then Lucy »inter thought more of that fact 1885, one vol. 8 vo. Cloth. $4.00 UtnsvtLi.«. K .. Ns* Y ork . N * Remittances should be made ti Left side: circle lose stillly from her father’s arms, than of Luev. And he had trusted Money Order, or Draft, to avoid 'aBver o and staggered across the room Jo Lucv blindly, never supposing her 4. A Split in each IOAddre»» HARPER A BROTH I » ear. the staircase, stumbled up blindly capable of a deceitful act or thought' York. __________ „______ _BF b lbw mother M.s. Merriment went down-stairs to her own room. Range— Harney andGrant < uuuty Oregan would have followed, but the ohi i to get breakfast, knowing it was i.SO P. o.—Burn«. Harnav county. Or I L L T 8 T RATE farmer held her back. i useless to argue with her husband F.n'i W kekly naa never fail i ■ I le na a ‘Journal af rlvihzi I < “Leave her alone a bit, mother, ’ when his lips were compressed and « one 8<> with’» eui alant rag A TilE DISABILITY BILL il p-ssibilitic« naefull ih - fb bi He said, hoarse)v, wiping Ins eyes I his eves stern. ar«i uf artiatic aud literary LAW. vea uutouched no important >4, wilh the back of his blond hand “lie loves her so!” the mother ' b progress, and presents a ret«; Soldiers disabled since the war are urthy and interesting, of U THCglMtST: •'She’ll light it out best by hern If.’ thought, wistfully. “He will never Entitled persons acheivenieuiBof/ eon. and ana scasi venivate aa^^_ ■ ’■ i* 'WOODWORK’ will ba . , IC«,at BL ? Supp,einen'» ' Dependent widows and Parents now (lc- \\ lin’d a’ thought she’ <)! N<; rr H’l wanted her.” words to know lovi • had conquered Poatage Free tu all an »crib«"i ifl WlilE ROPE SELVAGE. Sta is. t aiiuda. or Mexicu. “No—but — poor child! poor “1 w ill go to Albanv, Jane, on The Vuiumea uf the Weekly will the first Number fur .¡inuarv o child! to think of her voting, pure the next train, 1’11 be but six hours \’Av*k J|ûvOk When nv I in« is mon! luneri, subBt begin with the Nuiuber earrent heart being set on such a scoundrel, behind her.” ceipl of order. ^7' -ûC¡/V • Ai-¿xiCYfor \ ■ Bound Volumes of Harper’« We when there’s good men would give •‘You’ll bring her brek, Dani’l?” years back, in neat cloth binding. i b\ mail P. b age paid, or bv expry their righ. ham! to win her!” ‘•Ay! I f sin' will come.” penna pr.ivi ;»d the freight dvws i per rohune fur|7.u0 a volume. “it's tae world’s way, father; but It was a dreary, and when the i l.i.h CaBcB h»r «At h Voiuv««. . ACKNOWLECCCD THE BEST binding will be aunt by mail »vBii fío A pamphlet of Information iiud ab- J ¡•lie’ll get over it! We’ll see her a farmer reached thecitv.it was after trad <»f the iawt>,«h<>wbig How t tor Lawns, Gardens, Firms, Ranchss 3rd Rahroads. ceipt of |l. oiitaiu Patent«, Caveat a . Trad« rlGCES L. 'H'CEb. s..hl bj dealer Ft.lllGUl I’AUK Kemitiaiicae should be maee » happy wife yet, please Heaven!” seven o’clock. lie had been to Al Murks, Cu.ijriu'hta, »nJ J ree. Jlr.llfl.I EX’S KH l.TBY XETTtXG. Xiv. i I uh .-I Money < frder or L»raft, to avoid «kt K Àddrewi M'JNN X CO “ No :* _in^' No 1 .’iKicing! Extra llea.y Helriure. Addrrfa: H A RPKR get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when slept they stole in, as if their child The man gave a loift w histle. HARPER’S PERIOD kind Pnn.dii .e u* Son.« earn over SS09.00 a iu a lew ilíiys.I am happy to state, Pottase Free to ail subscriber« I piontli. To« (ando the work «nd li»« farmer lifted ins la ad from a sleep­ mean'.’ 1 am an old man, in lieavv that 1 was a new man. I will kt bom«, wb«rev«r you err. Even be- S ates, t anada. or M*xice p-nn.r*«rr • »ei'.vura-” inf from f« to the tea to all al ilici evi less pillow, he saw his wile coming trouble, ami—this man—has—tak­ recommend # l‘>a day. All 0|Trs. b r show you how The volumes of the Bazar beg ■ as 1 have been. end start you. i an work in «pare time number for January of each y or all the time. Big money fer work­ Irom the room Levond. white and en my—child. 1 am looking for C. A. TVPPER, ia mat is mentioned, ■’lbaeri» er». Feilure unknown among them. NEW «.»1 wonderful Particu art free. with ’he Number current at the her.”' Proprietor Occidental Hotel. shaking H A? <’«».. fox »• <> l*«»rtland, Yluiu« uf order. nta Kona, Cal TO NK CONTIM KIN. Bova j volumes ef Harper's B "She's gone, father,” Mrs. Merri­ )car in teat cloth bindtax. will p< «rage paid* or by express. ment w hi.qa red “She's not slept gg f gF*> « I MM ft a an be rwr- •ed a'l night, and she is not wi 11 lia ► 1 • -th rases fo ea< h volume. ■W| ■ S IB I I »"»’> A . • hr* A » 111 V I 1 La I Ing will be sent by mail peppaid in the house. She left tin»!’’ We A* •> «arai eg u « • Kai I. 1 sr«id . •.< ftvm |Si to#M»|.r»«k«a4 and m -re a A -r a liuto ewpertonce. We .-an fVrwtah ye«i the »n - Adnse: HARPS* * out a note, at which she had looked Lem, lac '«-«.h» • » K > » \e a»x« .> I > rapbOn h*r* I l Aeaui a »».th. I’Rl fl «I ( O., KtHtllto AAlXk. Newspapers are nut to < np< with hungry eyes, knowing nothing * uf ihe above advertisem«,n’J nrrv order uf HARPER * of reading or writing. PATEN Ätw. I in a ehokid, low Voice, he read the PERSONAL and prompt IUNT I> THE WOB1.B. letter: W q Fw-’f’ (He Flo**: _LZ____ a i n N nos « I ves ro pa r- tn - iíqua!i..i'«M»n’uitirDa«BKÍ. MtvaVy LH«r and k and R« m « f * rb« - r ’wuK xe« f nnyother brand. Not "I cannot stay to disgrace you! ENTS. t AVEA LS H' Uth ■ I ÍML. Hani of Impeti re, I was marriiu wlnii ll.uri Newti n M ARKS, etc. I rk of St’enr’h and i i -d •EA~K!»in August, on the day I 5.CW ->• and Mrera rec NO I I P I NI.!’. S PATENT k n • t’rr*. F.nlivnatb« rmni coaxed father to take me to town ISSI CVIIED. « «»RKESPOND- SEED ANNl^V^ i «o: : 'e< Bra n Power NM<« by J. bn ft K-r 1391 * i l be mailr r to buy a iu w Lat You will find K* dr ENCE »LIC1TED LADIES o all app iontA, an «wfe *nd »nw the marriage on the books of the •• 1 r re t. rM arlear. wi- cuitorircrv It is better »»♦»■»»..•* « arte«b" at ranter....*» Ewery per»of* t«ii*g church opjiosiie the taTvrn where STODO/\RT ¿ CO., in*, rm'y n«4 to th* p«Hi rity r»f the orlai nal ar hr'a ' »o« t • • • » OKI'.'Ml awd KF«?. father always puts up. I saw it Ö13 & bld 7th Stro t, H. ou ' «< '' frr it. . Dr.HUTtrt LITTLE LIVER RlLL»e\ D. M FERRY A COI ‘ I. —r . -n ; . - Y written down, there I have iu} (O>>po-iu V. I*.itrnt Otli c,| VlCM Bn<**aeh«s * mple lkw* aud i>rmm Book I hue» with me. that the minister U ASHINGTON. I» U »• * •• ’ .*’> - -,•« in p «r**-® f What Might have been Expected. — 11 KIDNEYS, LIVER MR BOWELS Cleanse the 6pteh’Effectually, Harrier’s Wetikl’-Bi- ; ¿>eajinG Pensions, ìFENCfiMG Ëk C.A.SNOW&CO. MONEY IRON Rl ( Dr. tVsRTC rV4û:.iACCP — U..A, K a