H air - C ut - ’ S mooth S have . Provvedi huh of Circuit Court, We have examined the offices AH THERE ! and records kept by the County t CRIMINAL DOCKET. What Bargains At Clerk And Sheriff of this county, ’ May 20—State of « Oregon vs A. IDNK s DAY. MAY27, IMtl and find the same to be correct and N. Smith, Larceny of a steer. Ar : R C. GEER’S; : IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND A neatly kept, and especially do we raigned; pleads not guilty. MANUFACTURER A DEALER commend the Clerk of this county, May 20—State of Oregon vs. G. 1 IN ALL KINDS OF and his deputy, for the very efii- W. Scott, assault with a dangerous TINWARE. At Wm. Mynatt’s Shor. I w cient manner in which the records weapon. Deft, failed to appear; , Tinware repaired. partaining to theit office are kept; bondsmen failed to appear; bail I On Corner sc nth of Red Front Sta u Gant to enjoy vourself, I that the same are in such shape as forfeited. Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and ble in N. Brown’s building. Idu nee next Friday, 29th. that the finances of the county can Sporting Goods. May 22—State of Oregon vs. W. very readily ascertained by any D. Huffman, breaking a fence not B urns . . ............................... O regon . y. 1 locals crowded out to be and all persons interested. ■or grand jury report. his own. Deft, arraigned; pleads ■ ,04 We find the present debt of the not guilty. Verdict of jury i of BLACKSMITH. '•H .James, cashier of th»- county to be $30.977.37, with a de Htw National Bank, came in guilty. linquent tax for the year 1890, of' LAW DOCKET. 'M ADOLPH TUCKER - - Puoti’’ R E A L E s ’ t T t ’^A G E N $6,071.49. T w supply of Howers & rib May 23 — Peter French vs. Har We also compliment the Honora Bl’Y A\l> SEI I. TOWN PROPERTY .In 1. E. S. Sweek’s Millnery ble County Judge of this county, I rison Seward, ejectment. On trial, | REAL ESTATE IN THE COUNTRY HANDLED —( 1E N’ ERAL R E P A1RIN G— ON COMMISSION bisters Managers. CORRESPONDENCE SO LICITE I) for the manner in whicn he man-1 court directs the jury to find a ver AND OFFICE AT N.BROWN’S S LORE, >’ t as added to his saloon a ages and transacts the business of I dict for the pltf. in. There's no Hies on the the county, having in view, as he | May 23—J. 11. Bunvard plff. and Burns................................... Oregon’ the best cigars and liq- does at all times, the welfare of the j resp. vs. N. R. Woodfin deft, and —Ml |at his bar. entire community, and for conduct- j appl. Further ordered that neith AT YOUNG’S HALL, MAY 27 Promptly executed. The building has been en larged ami improved ami is prepared to turn court week those who ing the affairs in his office in a sat er party recover costs in this court. 1891. out all kimJ.H of blacksmithing on short notice aud in the best style Terms: Cash. 1-ly I I /is’ Saloon will be gentle- isfactory and very economical man- EQUITY. I .nd courteously entertained ner. May 20.—I’hil Metschan vs. Jno We desire to call the County | T.'Mahon, foreclosure of mortgage. ORATORICAL CONTEST. !ity’rau' odated with the best ob 4 Court’s attention to. the manner in Decree foreclosure of mortgage. | Admission 25c, which the aRessments of the coun $170 attorney fee. Cash!! Cash!!! «M GREAT NOVELTÏE-S Mac 20—W. S. Bvbce vs. Albert pared to advance money ty are made, and to earnestly re commend that after the Assessor Vestal et als, foreclosure of mort to i responsible parties. %1. has assessed an individual, that he W- N. Jorgenson CHINA & J/APAN gage. Decree in accordance with e>v root sacks, twine, sul- compel him to sign the oath at the prayer of the complaint, S. »a dt, cheap. Call and see tached to the assessment blank, May 20—E. 11. King vs. Jno. T. = ^1,Still tell yon the rest. GOODS AT and that he then and there, in Mahon and J. L. Sitz, Foreclosure C al . G eer . every instance, cause the person ; of mechanics lien. Decree of fore making the same to subscribe and closure of lien and $50 allowed as tA’i no you think : Ail Sing's; __only cost vou $7.73 per 100 take the oath attached to said attorney fee. H AN D K E RC H IE ES, OF FI N EST SI LK, C H E A P eafc and everything else in blank, and that the asse sor adopt May 23—Heilner Ottenh’imer 0<e «.roportion. I have as this as a uniform rule. TEA, 40cti A PACKAGE; AS MANY EIRE vs. W. K Goodman. Judgment f r We make this, recommendation [ costs in favor of dett. ected stock as you will find CRACKERS AS A SMALL BOY CAN CARRY lail road town in Eastern for the reason that a number of in May 20—J. T. Crump vs. F. M. FOR25CIS. ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAME ' pnd am bound to sell it off. stances have come to the Grand j Jordon tt al, foreclosure of mort Watches: RATE. 1 a e me and I will astonish Jury, where individuals have failed gage. Default as to F. M. Jordan have Watch Movements of all a |;>w prices if you bring to return to the Assessor the great- . and Tillie Jordan his wife, $57 the I leading American and foreign A NEW STOCK OF GOODS er portion of their property, one I attorney fee allowed. Decree ¡of I rwin S. G eer , S'E ON THE ROAD. makers, from ordinary to best Manager. case coming to the attention of the foreclosure of Frank Bros’ Mort quality as time keepers, and all in Grand Jury w here one man escaped gage, and $35 attorney fee. leinpuil Sue Su e de. A tempted good running order and warranted. assessment and taxation on 400 Call and see me. Always at my z Kallenbauch attempted head of cattle. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. post, in N. Brown's building. We have not personally exam V cutting his throat last ab< .ut the hour of noon, in i ined the office of the county Treas CUN AL PROOF PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. her shop of Marrin Bverly, urer, nor the County Jail of this U. 8. L and O ffice , Burns, Oregon, April 17 —Are 1X91. T. a . M c K innon , the e. He entered the shop | county, for the reason that the same Notice is herebv given that the following liest. named settler 1)88 tiled notice of his intention W rite are situated at the town of Harney, y was absent at dinner, A<Mnmi. Hon. Dmiiel F. Heat to make final proof in support of his claim, and (ori-atnloKue a butcher knife from a considerable distance from this that said proof will he made before the Register ty, Washington, New Jereey. Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on June 3. cck began the work of place. We. however, made diligent and 16‘Jt, viz: inquiry concerning each and both, Klutizo N. L’leinin^, tion, Byerly entering in nd No. 779, for the E>, of SK*4. NW^of SE>4, •h.the knife and prevent and believe the same to be in as Sec. 23, and N W *4 of SW 4 Sec. 24, Tp 22 S, R 30 Blacksmith shop, with tools. Best W M. fing out his suicidal good condition as could be expect E. He names the following witnesses to prove location in Burns. Inquire of N. _____ „ succeeded however in ed. on account of the unsettled con bis continuous residence upon and cultivaiion for catalogue i Ex Mayor Daniel F. Beatty1 Brown. Washington, New Jersey. of,said land, viz Mel Fenwick J. C. Foley. jrrible gash in his throat dition of county affairs. Win. Skinner and Samuel King, all of Burns, We recommend that the new Oregon. he knife was taken from J. B. H untington , Register. :ged of Mr Byerly to county road, leading from llarnev Portland Boot Shoe Store. pINAL PROOF: >n the head with a cleav- valley to the town of Drewsev be U.S. L and O ffice , at Burns Oregon, May 3. LUNABURG it FRY, P roprietors , B uimmh , O regon . put in good repair as speedily as the wound had been 1X91 the same can be done, in order to ended too, by Drs. Em- NOTICE is beret)' given that th * following* named settler has filled notice of uis intention ^3,0 OO \stockHoota and Shoe«, of the very best ipiallty, just received shford, a coroners jury acccmmodate a great amount of to make final proof in support of bis claim, thuisail proof will be made before the ned and the following travel going >ver said road, and mid Che¿tpest Place in Town for Cash, Register and Receiver at Burns Oregon on he “would be suicide” understanding that the same is1 Jliue, 13, 1X91, viz: Melvin Fenwick. now in a very bad condition. Also I Hd No 419 and Ileo. I’n.tom work and Repairing neatly done. add. Hd. No. 7H. fop the 8U of to cut rav own throat, we recommend that the grade on SW‘4. NE>4 of s\5 ' , an i SE'4 of NW qr..of Sec 24 Tp. 22 S. K :0 E W. M. [was tired of living, my the Calamity road be widened in i lie names the following witnesses to prove URNS BUTCE P. SHOP. his continuous residence upon -nd cultivation j [been bad for some time, Road District No. 5. MARTIN BYERLEY - - -------------------- --- - Proprietor. of. said land, viz: E. N. Fleming. James Al ‘ We also desire that bridges be bert, Samuel King and Jason Bennett, ml of bred and had the blues.” |ree gave as the cause of placed across what is called “Stink Burns, Oregon. J. B.H untingtom . Register » ct, temporary insanity ing Water Creek,” on the same by i ervcus prostra o i. road, and the Malheur river at tne pINAL PROOF: at Burns, Oregon, Mav enbauch is known uy Van Post-office, for the reason that1 U F. L and O ffice 12,1X91. s an unobtrusive quiet each of said places are very bad, Noiice is hereby given that the following ‘ settler has filed notice of bis intention j citizen not addicted to and in the early Spring months al named to make final proof in support of her claim, and • that said proof will be made before the Regis most totally prevent travel, and es bits, and his attempt to ter and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on June a shock and surprise to pecially with heavy teams. Also 20, 1X91, viz; Full weight given. Good bevf or the block. Mutton, pork, Heltecca Thompson, ask that a bridge be built across Pre D. H IfiO aintances. venison and game, when on the maket. for the NW qr. of NE qr. Sec Griffin creek in Road Dist. No. 5. 23. Tp. 21 B. R 31 E W M 1 OF GRAM) Jl RY. She names the following witnesses to prove We commend oui Honorable h’s continuous residence upon ami cultivation VIT COURT OF THE STATE Judge of the Circuit Court, for the of. raid land, viz: Geotge Huston, John <>ateg, Luther Edilmen and VS m. Waters, all of Burin, ■ ION, FOR HARNEY COUNTY, efficient and able manner in which Oregon. J. R. H untington . Register , on Morton D. Clifford, he is disposing of the business of e above entitled court: this term under many difficulties, piNAL PROOF: Grand Jury, regularly and the Honorable District Attor U 8 L and of 0!< r . at Burns, Oregon, May 12,1 1X91. lis first day of the pre- ney for his assistance to us at all Notice is hereby given that the following* I f this Honorable Court times, and for his desire, manifest named settler has filed notice of his intention ; make final proof In support of his Haim. and I eg leave to submit that ed to us. of saving the people of to that said proof will l*e made be for« the Reg-ster and Receiver at Burns. Oregon, on July 3. 1X91. this county as much of the burden n in session eight full vis:, re have found and re of taxation as is posible Kichard N. Miller. Hd. No 114. for the NU of NWqr Ser. 2S. SFqr We thank our balifl for his pres of Court two true bills of HEqr Me. 19. NEqr of NEqr. Hee «0, Tp 21 8, 27 fe. and two not true bills ence. attendance and assistance at R Hr names the following witnesses to prove nt; that we have given all times while we have been in ses his continuous residence upon and < ultiva'ion : of said land, viz Ira O. Bardwell. R. J Wil ¡deration to such mat- sion. liams. J. A Williams and W. N. Hogan all of We do consider that there are r«^ Riley. Oregon J. B. H ustiftof Register ae before us, but have A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Bca< abors much retarded on commendations that should lie A long-tested pain reliever. non-attendance of wit- made, but for the unsettled state of F inal proof : ng the first days of our county rffairs, and, hence, do not LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, MAY ■ Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the a. wi. Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective 1 believe that it would make them at this time. Notti’« I. her.br given that the foil, w nr n.mi’il .ettler ha. flle<i notice nf hi. Intel,'Ion Having completed our labors, we to est interests of the tax liniment. make final proof in .upport of hi. < laim a d that Mill nnioi will be ma le before the R>- • the county, and more respectfully ask to be dischared. No other application compares with it in efficacy. and Receiver, at Burna. Oregon, on ;ul> 2. Dated at Burns, in the County of ter that all witnesses ap- 1W1. via I his well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost George W. Trrdiit, up. >n either informations or Harney, this 26th day of May, A. generations. Preda No ’■»TO for the HWqr Bee. 10. Tp. » 8, I). 1891. eof enfc. should be subp«pned R « E W M _ No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustano He name, the following wilnceg to prove ient lime before the sittings R. J. ¡VERS. R obert I rving , hi. contlr n.,n. residence nt»’O and « altKation L iniment . of, eaid land, vtr Robert Ivera, Frederick Rlt tertn of Court, to be in at- II. A nderson . M. M. C ushing , terbuach. Angnet F. Ritterbna. h and Julius A. Occasions arise for its use almost every day. Ritterbuach. all of Bums. Oregon the first day thereef. F. M G ibi er , C. H. W ilshire . eekly Herald, uf JOB WORK. Et BEATTY'SOBGANS BEATTY'S PIANOSs ! Mexican Mustang Liniment. VecSmmend. r I J ohn 8. K enyon , Foreman. J. B. H untington , Register. All druggists and dealers have it.