jp>ayette JXTursery, her more dearly, from the fact of Of Pavette Idaho. her terrible sufferings, and now de Krom Mew York Weekly: HARDY TREES A termined to make her his wife. CHAPTER 1 I 1. SPECIALTY. And accordingly on the fifth an This Extensive Nnrvssy, conrprwing 123 niversary of that atumnal night, And at early dawn, and while I acre«, is located one half mile from Fay i there was a quiet wedding at the ette depot, «u die O. S. L. Ry. Thia Marcella «till slept, he dispatched Nur«-«ry has dune mete tv pro poet’s cottage, and dear, good, kind mote fruit <ro*iB< in East his servant for a trustworthy wo ern Oregon and Idaho Mrs. Webster, whom Marcella had than all ofher Nur man—a sort of half servant, who learned to love next to her husband .«elias combined. came* at intervals to the poet’s I ax the tress ! was installed as housekeeper. are ac home tv look over his wardtobe. to And now we leave them in full climated and see that his clothing was in good »ueh varietiu- are possession of their wealth, and the eflersd for sale that keeping. are Known to thrive and flourish iu the mountain The poet had conceived the fan happiness which was so suddenly Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of •’ounirv The "IDAHO'' pear California, so laxative and nutritious, cy to set apart a certain part of his snatched from them in youth, now will br oft red in limited ntian i o» with the medicinal virtues of plants for the first time hi- year. Thi-neir house, where he could place the fully restored to them in middle known to be most beneficial to the i< a native uf Idaho is considered lit* fined life; and we pray that Heaven ’ s human system, forming the Or- I-Y rr.K- pear grown and is extremely hardy. l>v poor, demented creature—provid not fail to plant a Nw trues. REMEDY to act gently yet ing he could find a suitable person | choicest blessings may ever rest up FECT Add re««, Payette Nursery, promptly on the i on them Pavette Idaho. as nurse—and this he had no diffi KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS P. F. STENGER. culty in doing, in the person he What Might have been -AND T lias sent fcr; for Mrs. Wei ster was Expected. Cleanse the Systsh1 Effectually, Houses bian«»d ou a poor widow, and as he offered iier — SO THAT - a hansome income, she very readily PURE BLOOD, BY MARY A WHITE. Either Right or left REFRESHING SL. EP, undertook the charge. •Urte: OK. HEALTH and STRENGTH When Marcella awoke, she was | From N. Y «.edger: Naturally follow. Every one is using it “Now, father, tell us all the for several hours apparently per and all are delighted with it. Ask your Henge—Crawl coerity, Oregon. fectly sane, and during the interval news.” druggist for SY KUP OF 1- 1GS. Manu P. o.—Hurns. Grant county. Oregon. factured only by the she gave her lover such informa Mrs. Merriman had filled the ALM EDA A. STENGER CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tion as he desired, and he learned old farmer’s pipe, bail given hiui S aw F rancisco , C al . C attlk branded that she had been kept a prisoner his favorite seat by the tire, for the L botsvh .,.«, K v . N ew Y o « k . N.f u Left side; circle all of these long dreary years with evening« were growing chilly, and o i. A Spill in each in a few leagues of his home; under was bustling around the comforta ear. the care of the old gipsy, who had ble, roomy kitchen. preparing sup been instrumental in her abduc per. A market day supper was a ttange— IJarnev and Grant county Oregon tion. serious business, for Lucy Merri l —ini g. liui".«. • i.unty. or. When Clarendon very gently and man and her mother took a‘ snack” IPora-slons, cautiously questioned her in regard on that day instead of the custom THE DISABILITY BILL IS A to the poniard, she could only re ary noond?v meal, and substantial LAW 1 tvi DCJT i member that she had snatched it food was reserved for the hearty L ¡ATTAClYMEMTfti Soldiers d’sabled since the war are from the hand of Randall as he supper “father” relished so well af Entitled > g^jWÛODV.'OfW Dependent wi>loyv< . hi Parents now de hud raised it in bis hand in the act ter his long drive from town. endent who e o h died f oin •<>« eft-cr ‘ or of stabbing her, after which she It was another time-honored cus cmeAoo. rt UNION SQUARE. X. r SAX’«*.*-, army-»rvi< L- are imltii.ed. 11 >ou wish \oilr liiim -p.i dly and Micee- In lv prose remembered no more until she tom for the farmer, in the interval ITlMin num» FOR sale : BY not, a lire«« ’ JAM Erl TANNER, Pemtors. found herself in the open air; then while his wife and pretty daughter NEW HOME 8EWING MA : ate . bitiimisslotier of WASHINGTON. I> C. she recollected that the old hag had prepared supper. t< tell the n all CHINE CO., 725 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. told her that Clarendon was living the gossip he had heard in town, Paicfic Department. at the Rrainbridge cottage, and she the prices obtained for his chickens also remembered having found a butter and eggs, and the purchases pencil and scrap of paper one day; to be unrolled after supper should she had hastily scribbled her name be over. and thrust it into the 1 osom of her But on this especial evening, the dress, with a faint hope that she farmer, instead of putting down his might get it to him; and pu tting pipe and clearing his throat for a her hand to her bosom, where she long talk, glanced anxouslv at his had deposited it, and finding it safe only child, his Lucy, the pride and she wandered on, making inquiry darling of his old heart. She was dente-. FKLàGHT 1’AlD. of a boy she had met, f >r the cot very prettv, with bine eves and M TT.5Ü. New i bini: ! Extra Ht at y AelvRi'r. tage. who had kindly given her the brown hair, and a very tender Fence Co., Chicago, li! right directions. smile; but she had lost something She th< n was able to direct the in the past three months of the peet so that he was aide to find the bloom and brightne-s that had been gipsy's hut The old hag had tied her great charm. She looked pale THE CRY OF MILL But, as he anticipated, there lay and not altogether happy, as she OH. AAY BMCK1 the dead bodv of Richard Randall, drew out the table and spread the gr,-p IT KCW, Caveat, and Trade-Mark® obtained, and all Pat ent biV’Yie«» conducted for Moderate fees. with a deep wound over the region cloth for supper. .. cz _____ ,Oui 0 •• e OnnosPe 1!. $ Patent nffice. ar.d we ran secure paten; inlese time than those of his heart, which had evidently I have been troubled many rears with “I was rignt,” thought the old remote from a<!hin»*tnn. disease of the kidneys and have tried bend LKM.ei, drawii .? or photo., with descrip many different remedies and have been made with a sharp pointed iarmer, “and yet I hate to tell her. tion We advise, if patentable or not. free of sought aid from different physician? ch trgs- Our fee no? due TIP patent i® secured. without relief. About the ijth’of April instrument, and which had doubt Sin* has never Been the same girl A F mah, t. ’How lo Obtain Patents.” with I was suffering from a very violent namvb of actual clients in yourtftate, count?, or attack that almost pruatrated me io less been the cause of his death. since he left.” town, sent fr» < Adure®®. such a manner t .at I was bent over When I sat down it was almost impossible for me The | hh t had taken the precau "Why, father,” Mrs. Merriman to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when C.A.SNOW&CO. kind Providence seut Dr. Henley, with the tion to secure the attendance of an said, you look as solemn as if you OREGON Opposite Patent Office. Waahinotcn. 0. C. KIDNEY TEA, to my officer on his tour of investigation, had Bad news. Ain’t lost nothin' hotel. 1 immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost who took possession of the body. have you.” miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment oi all the guests at the hotel, An inquest being held. Claren “No—no I gjt vour calico all in a tew days,I am happy to I was a new man I don gave his tesAmoiiv, and then right. Jane, and the groceries, but that recommend the tea to all as 1 have been. it was for the first time that the peo —well, it don't exactly concern us C. A. TVPPEll. ple of Brainbriuge learned anything now. but, the fact is, I did hear Propn-Vor Occidental 1 H.Hallrtt «<• < •» id'the jsiet's history. some disagreeable news to-dav. ** ma Roaa Cal. The best medical authority in Then he paused again, wonder larndon was brought down to prove ing at his own reluctance to impart the sanity or insanity of the unhap. the tidings py woman, whom they pronounced But Lucy had drawn near the insane, and entirely irresponsible arm chair, her face white as snow. THE ONLY TRUE for what had happened “Don’t concern us now?” she • • • said, “Is it news about Henry Five years had passed, during Newton ?” OAKB which time the maniac had received "Well, well, women folks are the la-st medical aid that England master hands at guessing,” said n MT IM THE WORLD. could produce, which had not been the farmer “You thought vour fta rrim" u «•! t two boxes any other brand. N. in vain; for the past year she had old father was very cruel when he dbi’L :-iv t.t.T THKUEWTIWI.. ' PFK r ww ornkbalxt . far been apparently perfectly sane, and would not let vou marrv that fine •A now the physicians pronounced her city chap who was turning all the entirely rid of the malady girls’ headaF’ Clarendon, who had watched over “You—you are never cruel, fath ami protected her all through this er You always meant to be kind 0' long period, as he would have done —but—but-what have you heard?” to bb caMiTierae by a dear sister, only learned to love bOHT AT THE liltinu. HOUR. WOVEN WIRE axle sILhGREASb ■ Wu-e, •-« » >•» e- IRON Toriic 1891. H aaoer’s Ma^p ILLUSTRÂT^ ILLUSTRATI Th» fmpoo An>»ri<-». by Theodor* Child, w® In Helper'» Maesitn» darinftl. of the veer 1M1. dh» article» »nf ifurnia. bl Char'.»» bndlev Wi be aontinaed Atnorfl ethe- tractione will be a novel by K Craddock: acullectien of or'»!u-'.. W. M. The- keray, now pabifihej? time: a novel written and ilia*« In Maurier; a uovelle'.te by ■ Hoirellfl; and a eerit-i of papsriQ London by Waner Beeanl. In the uumber and variety nf para and other articlaa on eabj,_ te ■. as we: I aa in the an rival id! it» abort eioriee. pouma. etc , H zini will i. utinae to maiataia exi-elleiue for which it tinea Uhed HARPER’S PER10I Par Year: HARPER'S MAOAZfNB HARPER’S VVXKKLY II AR PERS BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNO l’EOPL Po-tage Free !o all hub I'nited States. Canada, or Mti The volumes of -he hs the Numbers ¡'or June »nd eerTfin i eac h veiir. 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