Semi-Weekly Herald, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, INI W ashington ,D. C. May 15 1891. There is a vast accumulation of W.C. I>7KI>, matters requiring attention from the Slate Department just now and I t is to be hoped that our city Secretary Blaine will probably be -‘dads’’ will now take warning, since a very busy man during the sum the tire Sunday has given them pos mer. The recent events in the itive proof that Burns is not guard Chilian situation have added to the ed and protected by direct interpo complexity of affairs and there is sition of an over-ruling providence, now a long docket of unsolved dip and make some provision for pro lomatic problems, as follows: The tection. Italian row, the BehririB Sea com plication, the Canadian reciprocity “C heapness is un-American,’’ scheme, the Newfoundland fisher says one of our national statesmen. ies business, the Chilian muddle, The observation ¡8 not a mere cas the Spanish agreement, the Venezue ual, accidental remark. On the lan treaty, the Haytian grant of a contrary, it is the natural expres coaling station, the refusal of China sion of the policy to wbLh the to take our minister, the trouble school of politics that the speaker over the failure of a consul at Vic belongs to is devoted. It is the toria to toast the queen, and quite shibboleth of McKinleyism. a number of minor matters, includ ing the claim of the Barrundia fami T he Supreme court has decided, ly- in the contested case of J. M. Thay The grand jury reached the same er and James E. Boyd, Thayer conclusion concerning the New Or claiming Boyd was not a citizen of leans affair that has already been the United States, therefore not I expressed by fair-minded men eligible to hold office, that Boyd is throughout the civilized world. not a citizen. Immediately after Society will protect itself when the thedecision, Thayer repaired to the ordinary machinery of its protec east room of the Supreme [court, tion failB. Under such circum and re-qualified. as Governor of the stances it is unexampled to indict State of Nebraska an entire population, for the affair had the countenance ami support I f the professor, whose rnathe ' of society. The report of the jury matical calculation brings another , may be considered as the final an Christ on earth between now and swer to the demands of Italy. It is the year 1900, is correct in his fig difficult to see what the United ures some of us at least who are States Government has now to do now inhabitants of this globe will with the matter but to accept the live to see him. His explanation results of the inquisition of the d<M*sn’t extend far enough to inform grand jury under the laws of Lousi- the public if it will be the birth of ana. and with that result it is pro a Savior, or his miracles that will bable that the government of Italy first attract the attention of the |>e - will have to he content. Only one pie and establish his identity. of the victims is known to have been a subject of Italy, and he was M any years practice has given an escaped convict If Italy de C. A. Snow <t Co., solicitors of pat mands an indemnity for the life of ents at Washington I) C.. unsur this convict it will be for Congress passed success in obtaining patents to decide whether it shall I m ? paid. for all classes of inventions. They The New York Tribune says: “If make a specialty of rejected cases, the republicans of New York choose, and have secured allowance of they cun carry the fall elections many patents that have been pre this year ” There has never been viously rejected. Their advertise ment in another column will lie of an election since the republicans interest to inventors, patentees, ran Fremont and Donaldson on the nanufncturers and all who have to national ticket, when they did not choose to carry the election, hut do with patents. somehow, and the Tribune may dis A great many people will sym cover the same by refreshing its pathize with Governor Pennover memory, the choosing has not al for having received such dastardly ways been the accomplishing treatment at the bands of alleged "Chose" is not quite the word the newspapers. They have magnified Tribune wants to use in this con every minuest opportunity and ap nection. BURNS Weak Women ADVERTISEMENTS Owe to themtelvea a duty to take Hood's Sarsaparilla in view of the great relief it haa given those who suffer from ailments peculiar to tho sex. By purifying the blood, reculaCng important organs, atrength-n'iig the nerves, and toning tho whole a; stem, t* restores the debilitated to health. After IB Years. •• For IS years my mother has been iron bled with milk leg. Sue went to different par',,.I f,>rnhi, aa persons said the tJj- ina in' .t help her, but it was of flr> ava.l, a>. I I, being A drmtpist. ti ought J wo tl«l g-t Ker to try Hood a Snr. m anila, l.e ii'ei'o h •>! tnkeu half a bottlo s .e said She wa, 1 i: rut ii.g. so »he eoudnued mull she took hll.t a (token bottles, and now she is perfectly w ell. For nearly fifteen years she was unsble to walk around, bnt now ehe can v. alk i s well aa ever " T. F. Bl.* KM, San Francisco, with C. F. Richards A Co. Wholesale Druggists. Dealer in General Merchandised V H a B urns ....................................................................... O regon . Like a New Creature. •‘I have le:n for yee-s t-vfng to get help for that terrible geueral debility and weak ness so common to women. Within a year I have taken ten or twelve bottles of Hood's Sarsa|>ariUa. and I am now feeling like a new creature." Mas. F. B. Rosa, Marl!u, Texas. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by Druggists. »1; six forth. Prepared onlv by C. I HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. THE NEW BOOK & JOB OFFICE IOO Doses One Dollar BURNS I). L. & N. GRACE, Proprietors, ADVERTISEMENTS. Hand in your orders H. BOYD J. W. ASHFORD, Ashford & Boyd. .......................Harney City, While not yet in full operation, 1» doiug EVERY VARIETY of Job ing neatly anti'proniptly, Ofunt Thia office iv strictly new in every respect, both ty|ie and presses, and »ipbe c ful printer» »mil employment. Ste* For Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Kn, opes. Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling Czr Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., O regon fMF*All Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices I n PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, B urns ................... Office in W. E Grace’s Drugstore DR. H. M. HORTON DENTIST,............. B urns O regon . office at realdenee Prepared to all kind of dental work. , Teeth extracted without pain by aid of treat. T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). ». 1 Ca » A X 1 in uaj i kv/k/vt in tie ti< se TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, P U T T Y , A w. I 5a fifi E GRACE P roprietor , BURNS. W Office at hit reait’er < e o„ ibe ea*t ide ot Sil- viett River, tei xrileh below Burnt. A Large Assortment ef Town Attorney, Over Herald Ofl ce. J. NAT. HUDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: BURNS, OR. GEO. 8. SIZjjMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , .............................. FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Et Has just been Reeeived. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY C0MP0lÄen J Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quJ tl PATENT MEDICINES MWDTi'TNR'S SOLDAT enr n < t MARKED xr * r.„I. PATENT PRICE. ¿W O regon . Collet-.'ions, Land business. and Real Estate matter promptly attended to. W. W. Cardwell, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. B urns , O r . E S T -A» TJ TFL A. TV CHARLES ANDERSON - - - -- - - - - P rof This House has a wide and well known name, and under the Practices in all the courts of the Slate. niant of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the 1 Also, liefere the I". S. Land Office. L and M atters a S pecialty . TON SO RIAL PARLOR, fame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. •A-ttentivo Sure axlc L JOHN ROBINSON P rop gW“G<xxi table service, and tables furnished with all mgrkst Everything in their line guaranteed I to lie done satisfactorily. I fMF*The only place in Burns you Burns-Canyon Stage Line, ■ ev can get baths. I. J EW itt , P roprietor . W r< STRICTURE! Permanently Cured without Cutting Burning or Dilating. A perfectly I painless treatment ami a guareen- parently worked in concert to pre j A statement pre pa red at the Pen teed cure in every case, no matter sent the governor in as unfavorable I sion Office shows that during the how long standing. This treat- a light as possible. All this has month of April last there were is- ment for Stricture, of Dr. Box well's, been done to lM*little and destroy sued 31,545 pension certificates of is the greatest discovery known to Medicine. It dissolves and com-, com- j the political influence of Governor all classes, the first payments pletely removes the Stricture with Of out annoyance or pain to the pa Pennover. Bui the people know which aggregated 13,874,815. these newspapers, and in making the total number of certificates is- tient. DISEASES OF MEN! up their minds as to who is their sued, 11,167 were under the gener- truer and better friend, the Anal | al law, ami 20,378 under the Act of ■ Peculiar to their Sex, and not prop er to name here, including all those estimate will not be to increase the June 27 th, 1890 delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses influence of such journalism. It is The Bureau of statists* of the which they would shrink from dis contemptible in method, to say the Treasury ¡department has issued a closing to their family physician, least. It is warfare conduct on the I statement of exports and imports permanently cured in less time than plan of destroying and dragging for nine months ended March 31 was ever known to Medicine before, hv Dr. Boxwell’a “New System of down the man with whom you dif last, which shows the exports of Treatment.” It rejuvenates the gen fer, even though yon traduce your merchandise to I m * $667, <50.229. itourinary organs and makes weak I own country in so doing The exports of gold aud silver men strong When possible, it is a) watt heat It is the villainous and cut-throat coin and bullion for the same pe phase of politics It is the deliber riod foots up 144,027,500, and the to call for personal consultation and : But those, ate, underhanded miarvpreeenta- I imports 132.542,627. Excess over special examination. who cannot possibly call, should lions that assassinates reputations import 111,494.872 Deducting write, stating their cage fully. Med and pulls down public men. by this sum from the ex dess of exports icine sent by mail or express, sealed seeking to humilate and degrade of merchandise leaves the balance I free from exposure, to all Darts of • them in the public prints. But it) of trade in fever of the United ' Pacific coast. A<Mress: W m . A R oxwmj .. M. D.. will not hurt Pennoyer. It will Statee for the none months at 168. | Consulting Physician. St Paul read in bis favor—Salem Journal 255,518 Dispensary. Portland. Oregon I Leaves Burna on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, at < a. m Cowueets with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview mages, al Bunts. Aaed tivns fur passengers. --------- —* \>nuWl’ i e . M c K inney , - P rops Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Bra Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand w you call on "Mack." at Drewaey, Harney county, Or. NEAR Rl’RN«, O ROGON. Kew CMetMtlv M haas a larve M«O rtew laalMr thoea.rtty tette«.»! tee MA.. REDUCID PRICK ’