— Nc 28 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1801. hWeekly Herald, ■ ed EVERY WEDNESDAY ■AND SATURDAY. ». A . C. BYRD & SON. K iers and P roprietors . ASCRIPTION RATES: hl Ilin advance) *8.00 .1.50 . .75 .2.50 )KALD CLUB LIST Harper’y Magazine.................. 5.00 Harper’s Weekly.................... 5.20 Harper’s Bazar 5.20 Harper’s Young People 3.75 lden’» Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 ionai volume a*ter Vol. 1, 55 cent»: tra per volume, poatage. » of all the above work» can ba ex ¡»lire iu the Reading Room. Hlie Had Good Cause. While in jail in the suburban town of Austin Illinois, Saturday evening. Alfred Townsley, a gam­ bler, was shot and killed by his wife, who has of late been separated from him and residing in Lafayette Ind. The charge against Townsley was that many times he repeated the criminal assaults upon his 18- vear-old step-daughter, whose father was Townsley’s brother. Mrs. Townsley was arrested. There was no witness tothetragdy.—S. F. Ex­ aminer. leather Kipeusive Souvenir«. mliaher» of periodical» are solicited Ding rates, a copy of their work for tiling Room—We file, and bind the • of every half-volume, r"d r--' < 1 advertisement. ■Rd' "S While the presidential party was at Pendleton Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Dimmick purchased sev­ |* Ml --------- *- * eral strings of beads from the In­ VERTISING KATES: dian women, paying a fancy price. 1 me 3 mo I 6 mo I !_Ir An incident occurred which |5 00 »S ’« Hl.00 »15.00 0.50 12 UJ 18.00 28. CO shows that the simple . savage is « 00 15.00 24.00 40 00 10.00 20 00 82 00 50 00 losing his simplicity of character 15.00 2K.00 48.00 54 00 28.00 4S 00 80 00 120.00 and acquiring a large stock of guile. 40.00 60 00 110 00 140.00 One of the ladies paid $2.50 for JOB WORK some beads and inquired of the B Inscription executed with neatness ■ rh, at reasonable rate» squaw, who understood English, if Pamphlets i, Potter», it wasn’t a tedious j->b to make Letter Heads, I Bill Head». earns. Tic acts. I , Note Heat.», them. A suspicion of a smile ap­ Dodgers, Etc. I ». invitation». peared on the Indian woman’s fea­ iald 1» kept regularly on file for re the Geo. I’. Kewell Newspaper Ad tures when she answered: “Me no ireau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. make um. They come from your country. I get ’um’at stere.”—E ■ fficial directory Oregonian. national : Benjamin Har rlao Levi I. Morton Jame» G Blaine >f State Charles Fo»ter. it Treasury JohnW. Noble of Interior Redfield Proctor »f War Benjamlu F. Trac«y ef Navy Jeremiah M Hunk J if Agriculture W in H. H Hier general . John Wan(make General STATE—OBKOON: J. N. Dolph K i rt J. H Mitcbau Binger r . r .. Hernieuti iter Fen noye D.Sylveater Pennoyer 'Geo. W. McBride ut State Phil. Metachau. R . J. B. McElroy i< Instruction R Frank Bakei ter ............. R > R 8. Bean. R / Wm. P. Lord udgeg R ’ W. W. Thayer R Rheubln 8. Strahui DIBTRK'T: M. D CL1FF0BD D CHAS. F. H ydf . .D D. 8. D ustin (D). (D) H enry B lackman Salem Statesman: The Governor was the least bit late—owing to a mistake of a cab driver—but he met the president at the train and ten­ dered to him, on the part of the people of Oregon, a very hearty welcome. A Women In Trouble. $2.60 a Year. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I Marietta Blair, residing near Heppner, was arrested last week on charge of attempting to liber­ Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 10011» 1 have just received a full ami ate the prisoners confined in the Salt............................. 2.10 it »V complete Stock of Dry Goods. Morrow county jail. Miss Blair Nails,............................ 7.87 “ keg. G-oceries, Hardware, Tinware testified that she was innocent be­ Flour, ..................... 6.(K> ‘ barrel Notions, etc , which I will sell fore the Recorder in whose court Omaha Bacon............ 13.50 " 1001b at BEDROCK PRICES FOR she was arraigned and continued Coal Oil (Pearl) .. 3 00 “ can CASH ONLY to doso until the prisoners testified H. E T hompson , Yours Respectfully, that she, assisted by two men, were M anager. A ROBBINS the accomplices in the act, when I she plead guilty and was placed RETAIL ! Î under $500 bonds, One Thomas WHOLESALE ! Owens, residing nejir Heppner, was CO. o. also arrested on the sane charge, HUNTIN GffON, ................ OREGON but on proving an alibi, was released —E. Oregonian. X QUOTE YOU- It Coats You Nothing. G eneral merchandise , It is with pleasure we announce We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, that we have made arrangements with that popular, illustrated mag occupying three floors, and each tloor loaded With gOO^S. azine, the American Farmer, pub­ lished at Cleveland. Ohio, and read , Will maintain our former rules: SQUlTe Doling. Olie Price, by farmers in all parts of this coun­ Best Quality. try and Canada, bv which that We buy Flour, Meats. Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, great publication • will be mailed Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prices ar« LOW. direct., FREE, to the address of any of our subscribers who will pay up SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! all arrearages on subscription and one -year in advance from date, and CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. to any new subscriber who will pav Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfullv. one year in advance. This is a J. H. ATKIN. Ma! ager grand opportunity to obtain a first- class farm journal free. The Amer­ ican Farmer is a lame ¡6-page il­ lustrated journal, of national circu­ lation, which ranks among the leading agricultural papers Its MRS. THOMAS GIANNINI, Proprietor, highest purpose is the elevation and ennobling x>f Agriculture through THIS IS THE MOST POPULAR HOTEL IN TOWN. BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST CONDUCTED the higher and broader education EVERY THING IS NEAT AND COMFORTABLE ITS PATRON’S W ANTA ARE CAREFULLY of men and engaged in its CONSIDERED AND TABLES FURNISHED WITH EVERY THING THE MARKET AFFORDS pursuit. The regular subscription price of the American Farmer is $1.00 per year. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. From anv one num­ ber ideas can be obtained that will Proprietors. be’ worthj thrice the subscription price to you or members of vour household, yet you get free , it Call and see sample copy. BURNS Prisoners in the county jial at Baker City attempted to escape Tuesday night, but were detected just when freedom was in sight. lieaity’H Tour t he of Word They managed to make a hole as Ex-Mavor Daniel F Beatty, of big as a man’s head in the brick Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi­ wall before then efforts attracted anos, Washington, New Jersey, has attention. returned home from an extended The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Li very Sta­ tour of the world. Read his ad ­ bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate There is more Catarrh in this t section of the country than all vertisement in this paper and send in every way in their line of business. other diseases put together, and un­ for catalouge. fW*Hav and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. COUNTY—HARNEY : For Over Fifty Years til the last tew years was supposed W m . M illkk ID) ftdge AN O ld and W bll -T risd R emedy . — Mr« .W. E. GBACB to lie incurable. For a great many Wln»low ID) ’» Soothing syrup lias been u»elllion»of mother» for their (D) T. A. M c K innon years doctors pronounced it a local children while teething, with perfect succe»» W. H. CANADAY,.................................................. P roprietor . A. .(D) ■ A. ■ COWINO ----------- disease and prescribed local reme­ It Boothe» the child, »often» the gums, allay» ................................ ID), W. E. A lberson a’l pain, cures wi-jd colic, and la the boat rem­ .C har .N iwkm . dies, and by constantly failing to edy for Diarrhere». 1» pledkant to the taste peri it tendent . (R) O----- O Taoa. G D odson Sector by Druggiet» in every part of the world. cure with local treatment, pro­ Soid Twenty-five rent» a bottle, ltg value 1» incaleu Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicates W m . A ltnow nounced it incurable. (D) I Science has lable Be sure and ask for Mr» Wlmlow’i puer. Lytle Howard. 'D? ( furnished at reduced rates. £MF*Give me a call. proven catarrh to be a constitu­ ' Soothing Sy nip, and take no other kind. ahnet c. ». land OFHCB: CONSI'M 1’1 ION (I KED. tional disease, and therefore re ­ I J. B. H uhtinoton An old physician, retired from practice, Burns MeatKlarRet ..H arrison K rllky quires constitional treatment. • • having had placed in hi* hands hv tin East Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ India missionary the formula of a simple SMITH A RICHARDSON, Proprietors. remedy for the speedy and |ier- tured by F. J. Chhney s to each I’aasenger. Frieght and Pasaengers must be way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance N eri A cki . es , J. C. P arebb H ammy F loyd , Division Agent Burns Agent. Gen. Sup’t.