Cash! Cush!! Caab!!! —Come to burns to celebrate. AH TrtERE! I am prepared to advance mouey —Three days races at Burns 1st w tGEST - —= CIRCULATION OF = on wool to responsible parties. I, What Bargains At ANY 2nd and 3d. of July. also h£Ve wool sacks, twine, sul­ SFAPER IN THIS COUNTY. R. C. GBER’S; H ( IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND A —Mrs. I). L. Grace gave us al phur and salt, cheap. Cali and see MANUFACTURER d wheat at N. Brown’s $1 with a cane; effect of the grip. Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and ble in N. Brown’s building. son Stock Inspector confirmed. —W. H. Gass has bought a house el. Sporting Goods. The app. of the bonds of road Work done to order at the and lot and began housekeeping. : suoervisors. BLACKSMITH. B urns ...................................O regon . —The Burns photograph gallery ) office. The Poison-Prater creek con-1 ADOLPH TUPKKR - - P ro .p’ 1 templated road ordered surveyed II. King, of Harney, was in is turning off’some fine pictures. —Lee Caldwell will, in a few and viewed. M. F. Williams, J. C. —G E N E R A L R E P A1RIN G—- n yesterday. N. BROWN, days, have his residence completed. I Wooley and S. Lampshire, ap­ AND artesian well company, of —We see in the Harney Press pointed viewers. ,ey, are now down 401 feet. R E A LES T a T E A G E N T Order requiring road supervisors HUY \NIJ SEI.LTGWN PROPERTY Stneral sewing and dress-mak- the publication of their town odi- IN THE COUNTRY H ANDLED to prosecute all persons guilty of REAL ESTATE ON nances. COMMISSION oDe by the Gage Sisters. closing, dbstructing or flooding any ( ()RRESPON'DEN(. E SOLICITED Promptly executed. The buihlhiK has been eu — We are glad to state that we lanred and improved and ia nrepared to turn ■ D. Richardson, of Diamond OFFICE AT N. BROWN’S S LORE, out highway. all kind* of blaekaniithinx on «hurt notice ■ visited our town last week. think times in Harney are iuiprov- 1-ly Whole amount of taxes: $¿'7,7 S4- Burns, ............................. Oregon. and in the beat atyle Terms: Cash. tl>in« *‘>mewhat. Nid Moore has purchased | .12; amount collected: $21,712.63; —It is authentically stated that delinquent: $6,071.49. s-Prineville mail route of C. B. GREAT NOVELTIE IN GBAUD BALL, President Harrison will not visit Notice for sealed proposals for AT THE TOWN HALL. building bridge across Silvies river If you want summer hats Burns this trip. CJHINA & JAPAN •—Capt. A. W. Waters who was, near Dr. Embree’s. Mud of a good quality, go to Friday, May 22, 1891 a few days ago, so seveielv attacked *vn. L EGA I. ADV E KT I SE M ENTS. Drofw,. learn that all the family with the grippe, is improving. GOODS AT n —Thos. Potter, Squire Davis, 'int ieb E. Martin ranch, are down uiuiiiu min tut t i Thos. Bain and Robert Drinkwater J7INAL PROOF: [iM. 'th-: "grippe.” Sing’s; I’ H. L and O ffice at Burna, Oregon, March were .n our town Thursday last. Good Music and a Good Time in­ Mrs. J no. Sayers and her lit t le 25, 1*91. —The voung man, who was in­ Notice is hereby given that the ioiiowing HANDKER' IIIEFS, OF EIN KSTSI1.K. C H EA I’; sured. L Viola Powers, are suffering settler has filed noti< e of his intention jured bv a fall from a horse on Sil­ named to make final proof in support of his claim, ami TEA, «Oct» A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRE rel_ an attack of the “grippe.” that said proof will be inatie before the Regis­ ver Creek, we are told, is not seri­ ter $1.50. CRACKERS AS A SMALL BOY CAN CARRY ami .Receiver, at Burna, Oregon, on May Tickets rdiJ’r ed Miller has returne 1 from ously hurt. 9, 1891, viz; I ron City and is again wielding Davitl L. ilraeo, FOR-Sct». ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAME — The measles are still in our Pre. No. L2i, for the Lots No. 5 ¿r 6, Blot k No. ison^e’iver 1,1 Richardsons Harney Townsite. Harney I'o, Oregon. RATE. midst. Miss Enda Moore, Dr. 8, Ur names the following witnesses to prove her shop. Blacksmith shop, with tools. Best his continuous residence upon and culiivaiion Bni'iis don’t forget that the 4th Ashford’s baby and J Nat. Hud­ of. said land, viz. Louie Woidenburg, Sr.. B. location in Burns. Inquire of N.! A NEW STOCK OF GOODS Lloyd Lewis Foster and J. W Norton,all of ON THE ROA1) come this year as usual in July son's little boy, are now suffering F. Brown. Harney, (.Begun J. B. H vntinu T o N, Register. TJpeLi the glorious "4th” with with them. — Frank Lewis, the popular Saloon H r.aihe on the 5th PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. keeper at Tex’s, attends closely to pINAL PROOF: jjfe are glad to see our neigh- U.S L and O ffice , Burns, Oregon, April 17 W- N. Jorgenson T. a M c K innon , 1*91. c ¡J. AI McMenamy in aoout as business. Remember be sets before Notice is herebv given that the following you the best liquors and cigars. hi alth as ever. He had a very named sett lei has filed uoticeuf bis intention STRAYED OR STOLEN —Geo. CrOgo has sold his town to make final proot in support of his claim, ami From ihe Well hittack of grip. nearthe lakes, about the first of ¡hat said proof will be made before the Register He is go ­ February, 1*91: One Bla< k stallion, 10 year« old and Receiver, at Burrs, Oregon, on June 3. ■e have been info’me. .dthatÖ"ProPi rtI-Y?> W, H-a or 17 hands high, Elonzo r.: .... . N. ... l'leni .. ni;. - ’in has bought the claim taken certain that he will call a halt at 1,. N Wl-4 of sEl4, about.» or\ ears old, branded GB with I’ un- I ltd. A... No. 7ï:i, 779, îor for îhu the r” K’ -, y ,.i of SE SFJ n left shoulder. Hf.'O reward for the ■ Martin, and will how turn ini.l ' NW>4 . ofSW‘4 See G, Tp -.2 s. R . 0 delivery or information so the owner can get that town. George is somewhat af­ Sec E, W M. tibntion to ranching. them. T. M oo RK. , He names the following witnesses to prove flicted with mining fever. I*. O. Burns, Oregon. bis continuous resinem r upon ami cnltivai ion 8« The editor and foreman, of this said hind, viz: Mid Fenwick J Foley. —-Quite a numbtf of our fellow of, Wm. skinner a:.«1 Satnuel King, all of Burns, For Over Years B now wear a broad grin. towns-men went fishing Thursday, Oregon. A n <» l ’> and W kll -T ried R emedy . —Mrs. n Twenty - five a buttle, Its value is ini tilcu — We see in the last issue of the l vemz . _i watch cases in gold warranted . 8 week Gage Sisters Mana- Items the spring apportionment of to make final proof in «nppori of his claim, lable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow’s for 20 years: a full stock of ami that «ai l i»r<»t>f wtll be made before the soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. J Register and Receiver at Burn« Oregon on school funds for toe county. Our Jnue, watch chains, a select assort­ 1c, I«'.’I, viz Beatty's l our i lie <>|- Word. ■JW‘e fishing rod has taken the school commissioner didn’t see pro-, Melvin l-'fiHvick. ment of jewelry, silver plated Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of 38 of the shot-gun, and pleasure per to honor the H erald with an j fi t No 419 and add. Hd. No. 7«. for the SS of ware, a full assortment of s\V’4. NE‘4 of NW * au.l NE‘4 of NW qr.,of See. Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi­ PKii»rS of Burns now spend their item of general iunrest to the oub- 24 Tp. 22 S R 30 E W. M. spectacles and eye glasses, n He names the followiutx witnvMea toprove anos. Washington, New Jersey, has re hours angling for the beau- lic. good stock of clocks and all i his C’H’tinuoiis residence upon **nd ial red “nose.” it I___ '__ vou t>y Aldridge to commit rape. makes Miller, 1,1150, is ii dark iron-gray, very for «mah.ÿut* li Mmr Daniel F. Write Heat t y pd clear down to the toes. Defendants. active and so gentle that a child Washington, New Jcraev To Henry Miller and David can handle him There seems no way to avoid ■ k a u "n "f »«*» wwiittftfwnrti, A. Heath who was arrested ■ gi I I |ka W I I't.v ami I,, m.iublv, by I how . f ■Wfl I M I W ■ ■ I*' *'■' "•■'"F'r ..Id, snarted horse, I W I fi M J ■ ' - i •*.» h. I< nr if. *y Hvr A i y nt to Portland to answer to ■ ■ ....... the wvrk kanytolrar black a® a crow, is a very fine an- We hirntah Gverythinir. We »inrt ymi. No risk. > •■u can devote he of violating the U. S. post- The Cherokees are determined to | fendants: yoor «pare Wiomniia, or all your tin*« to the work 11da 1« an In the name of the .State of Ore ­ expel the negro intruders. News jmal. Mr Morris sold, a few days Is. has returned. The U S. •nlfrely new h Htl.and brlntra wunderfill att< <»»« i<. every •» ■ tkar Mrrftitier« ar.’ i-arnnif from $2« to per • k and upws, - of a massacre may be expected at 1 gon, ago. to Seth Bowers, of Harney, a and nioie after a lift la r ii.rrlenue We ran fnrnieh you Ilia arn- jury failed to sustain the |oym« iit and teaeh y- u MtFF. No apare<<• riplain here. Full You and each of you are hereby Percberon. Price, $1,800. any time. got mat ton Hlh.' . '1 r* : i: .1 < <>., A MUX- t < to appear ami answer the Information received from the' required . .. e Burns scltool is going to* coke region indicate that the strike ' coinplaint filed against you in the number of entertainments is nearing an end. The families of above entitled suit, on or before the court week, the object is to the strikers are in actual want for first day of the next regular term Je a school bell with the the necessities of life and the men Portland Boot & Shoe Store the above entitled court next, s. A small admit ance fee will be forced to go to work ‘ following six consecutive -ntit- weeks of LUNABURG 4 FRY, P ropri etoks , B urns . O regon . charged. 250 tons of powder exploded at the publication of this summons in H erald a weekly a- ? x R. Biggs, deputy sheriff, re- Rome, ltalv, a short time since, the E, aht O regon ... ft.e town of Bur. s. P 7 Nt.x»k Hoot« an«i Htioea, of very I mmi I quality, r&eoivetf Thursdav from the Drewsey killing 7 persons and injuring 200 newspaper, in the town of Bur. s, Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, Harney county. Oregon b where he has been several more. It was purely accidental, And you and each of you will rving subpoenas on jurors. and not the work of anarchists as g^* Ais.», « union» work aad Repairing neatly dorr. take notice that if vou fail so to ap­ Hirts millions of crickets in was reported when it occurred. pear and answer, the plaintiff will treek gap. The rebellion in Chili is said I apply to the said court for the re­ s. Hackman is prepared to be a perfect butchery. There is lief demanded in the complaint ishing. ironing aixl house security to life or property. '1 13 URNS BUTCHER SHOP. filed herein. Ig at low rates, and lieing a government confiscates whatever it MARTIS BYERI.EV - Proprietor. The above summons is published with a family of small needs and the insurgents destroy in the E ast O regon H erald , a n to support, she should re- what they cannot make use of. weekly newspaper, published in th»' pe patronage of the town, S *I.Ki ! town of Burns, Harney county.) pekmen can now get honest Any on« desiring house hold State of Oregon, for a period of six ) 4 ei S bv shipping or selling stock goods, horses, wagons, stoves, fur­ consecutive weeks, by order of Hon. «tington. The O. C. Co. hav- niture, in fact anything from an Morton D. Clifford, judge of th«' » completed one of FairLanks egg-beater to a thrashing machine above entitled court t\nd dated 2d Beales, and arranged a large can find good bargains by inquir­ day of April, 1891 Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, S am W hite , 1 it r the purpose. Certified ing soon of r venison and game, when on the maket. I given 4-24. Attorney for Plaintiff., M. N. F egti . y . Ap8-20 3jii-Weekly Herald, HAIR CUT SMOOTH SHAVE. YE. JOB WORK. G rand M arch A t IPor Tient. BEATTY'S PIANOS