r^un •1. IV—Ne 25 BURNS. HARNEY 3OUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1891. Semi-Weekly Herald, PUBLISHED FA ERY WEDNESDAY AND SATUREAY. BY W. C. BYRD & SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Six Months. Three Months One Year (in advance) W-J® L5o • —.ov Opposed to a Third Party. A. S. Hall, president of the Mis- - sour; Farmer’s Alliance, is strongly I opposed to a third party movement, and will bitterly denounce a move- . ment of that nature when the con- j vention assembles in Cincinnati, i this month. Heal Flatting in Behring: Sea It seems, from present indica­ . .. 5.00 1 tions, that seal fishing in Behring lerald and Harper’s Magazine . 5.20; Sea, this summer, will be free to lerald and Harper's Weekly 5.20 I leruld and Har|>er's Bazar 3.75 I all. lerald and Harper’' Young People The commanders of revenue .IK) I Jerald and Alden's -Manifold Cyclopedia. ----- [Each additional volume after Vol. 1, 65 cents: : I cutters will receive the usual orders, [10 cents extra ner volum e, postage. i but will be furnished with private *; gf~ copies of all the above works can be ex- I I and confidential instructions not to Iniued at leisure in the Reading Room rjsp- Publishers of periodicals are solicited ' molest any vessel sealing within the send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for I jurisdictional limit of three miles ir Free Reading Room—W e file, and bind the1 Iter ut close of every half-volume, end r»» n i from shore. ¡pies bv advertisement. ■ ! _____________ I H erald club list Slavin Makes a Match, ADVERTISIN'« RATES: j 1 wk j2 wk 1 1 mo 8 mu 1 6 mo 11.50 I 22.5b '|ö ou ».s '» 111.00 Billy Madden says he has made an agreement with Dick Boche on »15.00 1 inch ¿SCO J.UOl 4.00 t 50 12 ol • IS.00 behalf of the Granite Club, where­ 40 00 24 00 N 00 17. 00 ;;.50¡ .'».oo 50 00 1 “ à ' 00 4.50l 6.00 10 00 20 00 54.00 by Frank Slavin will meet Jake 4S 00 6(H)' 9 00 15.00 -4». 00 1 col. SO. 00 120.00 ! Li.00 16.00 •2E.0Ü 4S.OO Kilrain in Hoboken, for a purse of JO 00 1 30.00 40 00 14)00 110.00 140.00 1 44 $10,000. He says he has also ar­ .10B WORK ranged that Slavin will meet the every description executed with neatness d despatch, at reasonable rates winner of the Corbett-Jackson fight Pamphlets Posters, fculars. in San Francisco Letter Heads, hill Meads. ivelopea, cards, Tieaets, Note Heads. ktainents. Madden save that the reason he Dodgers. Etc. Invitations. iinuranita. sent Slavin to meet Sullivan face to ri(R H krall is kept regularly on file for re fence, in the Geo. P. R-well Newspaper Ail face was because Sullivan would ising Bureau. 1U Spruce st.. New York. pav no attention to telegrams bent directly to him. He did n^tJ^av, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Though, null it would'oe unposrib/e national : to get an answer from him if a re­ Benjamin 11 a i riso taident Levi F. Murton sponsible man in St. Louis or Cin­ ce-Presloent James G. Blaine tretaryof State William Windom "retary ofTreasuri JolinW. Noble cinnati had been deputised by wire tretary of Interior Redfield Proctor ► retary of War j to get an answer from him. Benjamin E. Trncev tretary of Navy Jeremiah M Rusk June 16 was selected as the date tretary uf Agriculture, Wm H. H. Miller iarney General of the contest between Kilrain and John Wan. mat >tmaster General STATK— ORF.l.uh I Slavin. J. N Dolph r mi $2.50 a Year. No Use l'or Mormous. For two years past several Mor­ CASH ! mon elders have been preaching A. ROBBINS, .................................................. Burns, Oregon, their doctrines in the upper part of Has a Large and Complete Stock of General Merchandise, whisk Lincoln county, W. Va., proselyting will be sold to people dirt cheap CASH! Give him a call bo for« quite a number of members-.from jumping into a lumber wagon and slopping over the mountain in other denominations and securing the snow and rain. gW*Bedrock Prines for CASH ONLY! 1 I ! large numbers. The elders are well educated and always readv for a debate with at.y minister who would accept their challenge. By this means the elders stirred up a good deal of discord and made; HUNTINGTON, ............................................. OREGON. themselveB quite obnoxious to the people other than of their own be­ lief. Last weeE matters reached a ■ climax when fifty horsemen rode ¡ We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, up to a house at which the elders were stopping and ordered them to occupying three floors, and each floor loSlded With gOO^S leave the neighborhood forthwith. Will maintain our former rules: Square Dealing. One PriC8. The elders pleaded to be let alone, but they were started on the trot and followed the county line in the We buv Flour, Meats. Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, back counties of that section. Many Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prises are LOW. of the people have listened to the Mormon elders and have disposed of their little possession and gone CORR ESPON DENCE SOLICITED. west It is generally among the poorer class that the elders gain Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfully, their converts. J. II. ATKIN, Manager. CasK I I WHOLESALE ! o. o. CASH 111 RETAIL I 1 .CO G eneral M erchandise , Best Quality. SEND FOR QUOTATIONS > ! It Coats You N'« »tiling-. B urns Tt is with pleasure we announce e that we have made arrangements J i with that popular, illustrated mag­ azine, the American Fn.nier, pub­ MRS. THOMAS GIANNINI, Proprietor, lished at Cleveland. Ohio, and read TH!« IN THE MOST popi’t • p u<>TEt I.N TOWN BFCU’F IT IS TH F. BEST ’( Nl.flv’’»* by farm» rs in ail parts of this coun­ EVERY THING IS NEAT AND COMFORTABLE ITS PATRON’S WANTS ARECARKF. LET try and Canada, by which that CONSIDERED AND TABLES FURNISHED WITH EVERY THING THE MARKET AFF8RD8 great publicatson will lie mailed direct, FREE, to the address of any i of our subscribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and Proprietors one year in advance from date, and R Í to any new subscriber who will pav g. Senators J. H Miteban A Bellamy Expv, inicrit. K. Binger Hernietin Kgreesman one year in advance. This is a - D.Silvester Psnnoyer rernur W. McBride ,R. 'Geo. ' ........... ' h*«tary of State grand opportunity to obtain a first- A Los Angeles gentleman him Phil. Metschan. R »usurer J. B. McElroy been Lt. Public IhPtruction K class farm journal free. The Amer­ investigating with rather Frank Bakei R le Printer i R. S. Bean. i startling results the Kaweah colo­ ican Farmer is a large 16-page il­ R Win. P. lxird Lreme Judges K K ny, in Tulare county, Cal , which lustrated journal, of national circu­ FIXTM JVPl ranks among the D M.D.CLiFFoat, ' was establised some three years lation, which b r i< t Judge .1» ( has . F. Hvr>r. irict Attorney The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livsrv Sta­ leading agricultural papers. Its to carry out the (D). D. S. D cstis ago ostensibly L t-kte» resent at ive St-Senator .(D) H enry B lackman bles assures th«- public that they are prepared to acconimadal« community ideas set forth by Mr. highest purpose is the elevation and in every way in their line of business. COCNTYy H ARSKY : Bellamy. Haskell A Martin were ennobling of Agriculture through W m M ill » inty Judge v means of price of the American Farmer is ‘k Inspector ()—o W k . A ltnow (D) I a magazine started by him in the $1.00 per year. IT COSTS YOU i in iMienerg Lytle Hou Ard. -D) Í NOTHING. From any one num­ Nothing Lut first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicates ' concern. They set forth that the ber ideas can be obtained that will furnished at reduced rates Give me a cal). s. LAND OFFICE: HARKEY r. ». colony owened 5.000 acres of the lie worth thrice the subscription Ister J. B. H untington liver ..H arrison K kllxy best of land, and that any one could price to you or members of your become a member by the payment I household, yet you get free , it • SMITH «V RICHARDSON, CHURCH DIRECTORY of $500, $1