'f. K 185 ayette ISTursery, Q1 upon the matter. Ills head had I , cleared during tho past year, and I it was as much a desire tolearjj the Hànjerij ‘ Of Pavette Idaho ■T^iE STORY OF A WO- ¡thing se?ut3c^t' which 100't3cxpcr‘ him anceafeanv " later to „ MAR’S SE^R^T 'thing else else which drew drew him later ILLUST HARDY TREES SPECIALTY. I Fenn Eyrie. A e'figle day’s observation there BY JENNIE DA VIS BUBTON. r- Uow ■ . Fl confirmed him in the conclusion to How’t i-jvrn: I CHAPTER T I I. which he had leaped. Not only Thh KMtensiv« Nureijr. rompnvinj ya want- EVEN LOA K MKK YOUKR COl*LI> : NOT STAND Sl’Cll A TEAT! {was August changed; he seemed acre j , L lemted one half mile from 1**’ • . ru tliau we’ve From New York Weekly. eite dv/ut, on thi^gp. 8. L. Ry. This { haggard and harassed when he Uui ula. ! , * ; a. ,6r’u: .I t «1:1 b<-my miMer/l “Keep back! you think you have! Mi", ill« 1.' *'I un exprn-i - . »''<1 nuw U1 .ay» Nur ery has done more to pro­ {thought himself unobserved, and gained some knowledge of inyse-- i.“ n-. .mnluln : 1 > -lu. ■ l-r ■’ I »» .'««r «>/• mote fruit growing in Ea>l- ! downs m. t m.’l she l.w.k. il J • Im -¡'J Mn«n *»l "ciel. How can you think me any ,_j ­ was unnaturally gay at fitful inter- nvün id . r.. ne •■I ihmkslm I* : mill M nm . • ■ om cnl.loo — ent Oregon and Idaho haretobo. My wife c » nmlm a InUe »< urtM« thing but a vile wretch; how can | vala; - but Mrs. Fenn, fair, graceful than all other Nur tho iany.ua I iv«r knew, yet .Im* «iw»>' and self-possessed, did not deceive »rh ud ina »:i!> •minty anitrtwy* fret you care f>r me, thinking that?” selies combined. Idd. U. tlm cmnt ml »ml b. imty of our llttl.- on», the keen-sighted guest. He could p I niul Bhu’iabviivs ‘merry m lark, u hei: 1 ««a “How, indeed? But I have.isot, ¡m.tel abo-r. I < I Jmw .ho manaiei it, ► e i.l».av» l.-m ‘ ’"J*’ ,'.H Ihrs, ii.i the iron ■> ym/ <*[■ V'iJili’xilSS “I l.avi always felt sure that you I - - - -* - ; y cc climmed and nailommeondiiloe: ,1mwonl.1 Imre ImrMaraalu«, sighed frequently, and - that there ill-sSDT S’ And .h • wa< right I I r.ouW:; I d iwllUonJ It ceuld make your whole record clear, j ■uch vaiietiosare cat • IW.amoo Omr»«. Kir for double tlm oa'i-criptma l‘reo. wo was a constraint in the manner of It i »gi’tlmr, from tho tiM-pag;.’ the last w What ever hold that hair, had upon { efl’tred fcr sale that CLOTH SAMPLESJRREEJ ^SENDJIX ÇgiTS^ûyOSl the itorics kelp our hearts y»«mg; the ►yijop caeh, as if some invisible barrier I of important events and sckmtitlc matters k<> von, it is not what it seemed; your I are Known to thrive and n*o posted so thst I can filk umlersiandlngly had come between them. flouri h in the mountain what Is going on ; r.iV wife if nlw « trying son brother, or a lover in tho past, per-1 I new Id a from tho hoiw bold departincpt : si “The same old story,” mused country. The “IDAHO” pear I niuke-all her ho gets :•» her pattern* L»r nothing, w ah It Dillon. “I wonder if there ever will be off-red in iimi ed quan i esl M i razi.ie ; nnd wo s iv. il Jncwhcn bo v. n* so s.c sudden panic under that inexplic i with thu c-otip. by doing Ju*t a* il rrCKd in was a passion that connunibial bliss for the first lime this year. Thiipc. banitnn m DapartinC't Ik f I cm th llyonka,.»- able gaze, “you can ’explain • Wit :t wo 'I' r ul Ma^zlno ielt ?’ i •lid not woar threadbare? No I ij a ntilive af Idaho iscoubiilcred the hj TO EVERY P.&3ÌB CF THIS PAFER2 “D. inv' aniilv M;i’.%t h”% r.r.d— ’ mystery of that time, you will l I ’jr.iil “\V ii’' Why 1 t h it Lil t med so baa, J peur grown and i.i e\ reniely hardy, more, I suppose, than that there V7e irfint to lucrerò rttir clix-ilatlo’i v-’ry largely dm Inf tlio tinti mix '•-onbH !t, L* what that man is to you?” aril I tn i • r !• ‘ elblit. J mccuntpIL it lltiw wj ne. d thu co-op. rat.on <4 <»m* pro.iwnt Mithv^mr« »ml t •>«• b*v*. I ' •-•-■.• it \ In to yon mado e never was a bouse which did not ono of our pffHont loivlotM won. -I FUCU ro for ài 0.11 i* ’ n cri>r. •> :.• ci.- tl it! hi v.ft..l h.i <■•> .t» »- ! noi f.dl to plant u few trees. The vnliune, of k7a, tl’d bet'« :• T”' tify a* "I can and will do neither the I oi .our. o JJut wo knoiv t- at it will tiko h ; j ostr.mrilliJHiy L;dn » idc :.» V>» ri’¿ n,,t J1'*' b‘'1 ’ i : t here, i Addrc-s, 1’aytLe Nursery, ’!■« biiiiiUr. Jtt, have its skeleton in the closet some­ r H • ' » <>f ovurv otto <>f o'lf pro^ont snlHiTlbor»—wu ubili buvo hi+kn ’o bof t !>■*<. >. «i. r. • ..i<> tmtr.’l to haven china fun li ytur. Winn ho i one thing nor the other.” “nibltious nnd aiixh’UH to double our circulât.on, ami, lì/ spécial uirai»s«nivut wlta olio o< tuo i«.i I- riiyclte lelalid ttbilng D ’.t month. where; and, by Jove! it looks as if. lug put)ilc>bhi(j houBufl we uro enabiod to juaku you ■■• ■‘b <■ will ln|nrtl i I rot f r r iting “You refuse?” he huskily asked, j rvn.ut dmeoire.,™.,. 1 ’* m nm they somehow had run afoul of the An Offer Romarkabio for its Liberality. l.oiui.l x. unmoi ¡|lr, ■i ilun’l Do you understand the conge-1 'hrecyenr liu • to i \ I’.fuTit; 7?» nnt/ c / h ’? ■ ;7 xd-4’/i O no Subocrlb.ofpopfr f t-Cno Year skeleton.” : »►’ « '■»•r be >t’H; by in.ui, af II' < ? f’ibn- nuhsci ipt.on pi i e, ire iriU give Absolll'Oiy Free, and wnd by mail, pfui- ,quence?” STOCK BBANDS. I am not sure that Mr. Dillon •' • Twcnt^-fiVO Completo fiovc:3-«»j ntj-jl^eyaumay aeeelj>oin l>ie J »(!ur. Ilf Atdxna M. Doflot*«. Index ’o Llurjitr’i A Luir WnrrLtee. ”* Mr».oo<. n/Mifi«/»A “You never could be wife of. \ Wirke«! <>lrL Hr M* C . H . Pipiti, l i M T. < »' » . eul, Anul i J.a.Bin,.' that it was bis friend and not him­ N- Tlif 1’inrl ortho Occttn. By Him. Ihiturc- 1’” Mr* .I* G. AuertN. i to .0, in in i,-c, ’riir Old O.’kcn <’lii—t. Hr Sri > iM't » it rat <■ < '»n nrd. I’j H L STKnex«»*». mine! For Heaven’s sake,” in one- 'I he Ciiltr.iruhi ('»bln. Hr M. T. C A 'I rimliic’k'im Irl. Ii v ” “nr. lipcnKaa.** l S-:5, line vol. 8 VO. CloA self who had “run afoul” presuma- The Forc. lllnl Küble«, by M. T. C (. -iii: v or net < ! ulti v . Pr A » M. I'cum. PJ’d last, inipassicned appeal, “don’t j hcini. .ace.' .should^, J I - IMriniwnd llrn••«ileI. By Wis. II- TT >an I- ,i> « ! v ,tec.»-cd. Hy M < Aw.xK. srarnhbo. Jtl <1. ibly of the questionable possession v llir-lloii-i’. Hr R U' Fnun «. \ t ut-u’■'»••1‘til. lit -Y| ■. Atnx'nt-KR Money Order, orDruf:! AtriUhii'- HUtory. Hr Mni'iurr R . . -J lie 1 ■ a. l I>|- lii »h l : I. Ity S -.- »fuss. Jr. wreck the happiness of both of us! 1OSH. tint of t hu «•’». HrCi.iu» Arci-sr« ►•ii.ion i>i ridel.'* tf-;it-jhlt-r. By M . T. C . >< m aforesaid. Thof-torv wfiiMterm. "• ' .K«i»n I ». J lie i.lndeu b aim i ti hl?. Hv H ’ ini' r lii.iiu.-rr. Aihlrcc IIARPER ¿i f <*' • * Don’t tell me I have been deceived.” ■ 'I he »'.Hl Centn«. ' T Co •- « A l>MHi*vr«M« VI «.III.1II. I’» >l’< A»* •- TsriiRva. i i_rk. The MyMery nt E!n< kn wod Urangr. By Ho went out to «:npkc n cigar lil.U-khh.l HU H.I I; IM . ra-1* t; mif. " - v »wsiH ► i mi'«. ¡'celi of (lii liu: •! I’lir-lon. Hy It. 1. E »1 "I have nything to tell you but ; Tlio I »«I of the Kiitliven«. Pc ."!<» Mvi-ec. ’< he i.liIlo Oli! .M oi t!>o Bul!£uw!ic with his old friend, the colonel, T!ie Miirwi k i*'iiriii Alvalcry. By Vfii.niu LOUISViLj.—. KY. this: In your iinineasurable eelf-; IHii.hutr-l. ■ Mnoti who was tho only vivacious mem­ Out of the Depth«. Hr lleno <’< » »», i fia Leading AgricuKsra: J.-sir.-.J of Lhf Seiith and Itetribiilt'in. By M’n-inrr l-n m. conceit you have deceived yourself A Tn!-’ of-*,ln By Mr* II !Y>.-n, ber of tho little parly at Fenn 1891 A Foi Inn«* Hnnlcr. By Tn' «* F'M. Made by Farmers for ¡’'armors I love you, a man who would cm-; I I’nrll-il. Hr antbir "Dor» Tt»rn«." V cdl’ed Eyrie that day. Their desultory 't h.- K n!|;!i*»bridge Mv«fcry. '’•? Cm« Wxs’ n. As a reccrtl of r.ucct s *' r ul r ri lets -irre. Iriiftedrw If-ii-r. nu'lwn "I “ l'era filarne. ’ ploy such means to hunt down a ■ and F ax .M h: « no equal. tonic rc A I’ 'I ’(’rime Bv " Tn« Drenus». ’ talk drifted naturally into a n.rson I cdffi-. Hv Mr« I I a v H'non. I -■i agriculture is opet.lv d: defenseless woman! I saw you j A I’.r ■’«•• .liT.ove. lt< HH I»r ’ D- » Th-r»» " hv tue farmers th-'. ni-i?ives. al channel. TiniEiitik! Murrina-. Hr M!«< M K Bn»s»« u. A »ecurin ; a full A <,«••• n A » XI omen. Uy th« amh«r of come out of that room that night cess um the farm « Tlmru«’. ” "Mv pleasure at seeing you is in­ I L LT 3TRA : I ' tel. r-rd n«-q Iiraf. Kr f!r«’i l’"«w • v /M after I had left it; I divined that I FARM ì l'V<’»l"ii,iif( ìir"W H» .mt Imr ’ - Dar a f t.u. creased by an alloy of selfishness, \ •'lin.'iiiv n 'Im TLrroli'itd. Iiy M mv fruii i!»r A record of thr.ri 'the Filini I'll«’«. -I1- euti.wr ”D«n< I à.rtw. ’ you would search into my past.{ STENGER. ’S V.'KI’TLY r.3!fi aud Uuguagc irhuii C hirii-lnn« (-¡T. Mr Hi .. fu« w.i r. /it.I. I’orde, tny dear fellow, though 1 I Lie us X •■J-.'urr.ti ¿j Moro lütter lltau Drntb. By an boref " P*r* IT8 LIFT C an l make use of the knowledge you ; dot e b ' U i.h^a ( I Contains the pa n-eof t! <»rMr«-t It* It’ll •»•& Cr»r l.i»« f**i.-«<*<(?c4. must have been glad under any cd p. »hibiiilli B ..I lf'.i • ■ ilnildnr«. ”r Mmv Cr. u. il.- era of the South aud Wt would gain to blast my reputation L. Sriev- card . i nr.ir.i.« awiip ItninnuUe .Id i entnrv« «>f n Zi.Ik nix.’ó. of theoretic*’ izmiicr. k H obbes brandad circumstances. To tell you the p < r unioni hedn.ii.Tfc I . JI tima which con in a good man’s eyes. For the] ■ ••I Mciii-t. tir - ni! «r *f • Dem Ttitibc.’’ a’o progrers, «nd prT Waldo !•'. Drown truth, I am anxious on August ’ s ac- Mut orir. 77‘.f. Dny». Bv lli'wi fui-• i r. Either Right or vrihy h .d inter«a schemer in such a worthy cause, | A. I’. Ford ; 1r»«.•, < U‘. cri: ¡cal, I p ji: true to his friend, I have no feeling Ti rerei XV . H» Mr» (¿«»ritri. /fltd. A KC • « « a « n mH»' i . u - ù *;- •I L-- My -îr-ry <»f th» *l«l!y Troc. j dio > did, and I think you will not refuse i i-n e thè bearti *• rir «1 “ In rn 1 llnriin." u'vi. Every stth>?ct *>i rant <*«tunl. but one of supremest contompt.” (ànhrt«*!*« Hïxrrlnire. B» Wn r r«r«,, î*TJ li I a I/.-U t’d vii |M fully treat id. W your service in that way for his good J oh n !l<»m*rt*nnl. « Ville, ’"r Jlt»« Mr» •■• •<. r.’L epbl ir. ; r. e fftp-i Brawn. M ik . Dav P. O. — Bn.::«. Grant couuly. Oregon. Utterly amazed and stunned, it ! now.” Jti.|M’i’ll>ind.8,-|.rH. l!vHi.«M T. I . y V. ill, is here up :* Alice WiusAou ¿Mít a acor !,<• >lin-, Hv !M itiv f «en. !l*v. /Uu>4-«l.d. )O;H't» /V’d. .could collect himself to reply. Tlit’-Friir.vn ’»••••n. Bv U timm nr.r isa /b d. T-, in c’;’.rr? of onr C ' FKK ïî Pe I. lo t i« ‘ <>!•! ÎÎ .nie. - i N.in : im li ‘ v t'I ! knew—how signally I failed when b ’.: c 1: s » t te v-ui!V»,l. Jlysi»» I’uHiage Free to r i sutsrtl utt cittiuu'. Shi.rt «¿torits by I “Ah, but we were all wrong there Mltmtnif. ‘ v JM.mv fxeii. H ». on Left aide; circle- Stati b . » it: n-.a.. r Aux 'v. appear íínmu time !•■ to my friend, I will be just to him. » nuo. Ill Mu. MKM.V U rtnit. Tho Vù.uint f - i .In- V. V; • '»ter V-’ . l«j U'i> «i» fui i tri. .deciured luc old, »oldiur, with en EÍLL V i'l\’î t’nty«. H.» Ab ». A i. vv* xvri. Ilio fi;Et N u : h > t .-r jsbj ^■siiu^i know what 1 have learned A t. Jlv.wii l>own. '■ l'ihor •D«- i'.t-t.».“ ¡'l Appear it? -;e>. V-Len l.o ’ thuslasm. “I have come to my i il or. tii-.’ VJ)«!"-;' «f lin-Bmul.’.ui « .- VAtl IlC- 'T begin with ike -untâtâ) bul you will not fjjid.it diijeult 0 L V • r.•!.•«••. Hl Û«M F nni teip; ofwrt’tr. sirrisi’s'tit'l.fsVh’nt I was as Riud ! 1 H- i.t. h. Mr. 1.. unit VuL>-, ‘ u K>' f| U ' your pvtlce w ith him. en I V >!r «•♦ A»hlrv. vea-s Lu< k. in 1 • •> h ,tl m: • ev nn j (.inni Oregcu nnd ns ousllnato as any"aid fool nt hy mail 1 ‘ . e ,. • ' ? Twas willing to be credulous, what .iH’>ri! ’•lu ur: 8. iruruMV county, Or. pensó tpr.oii’.e l.e >rd¿S| first. Let my little Junfl ulono to \o. *. llcnr.v Arlicl per mhiincj fvr’ ■ n •.•"3 may we not expect of August?” v.<. f. A te«i« iinri t.knh < t bob b ;■ en-h Và win her own cause. I saw her. and 4. lîlim Eye binding wj U Lt- r..- it cy me A quick gloom blotted out the teipt <»f *1. 3 '. u> «i I TODHGNTER. I ‘caved.’ as a matter of course, nnd Remili am arj I’m as proud of my son’s wife to­ i ■ <•!«, H' il Iti’ ■L..r< LS H . i “I asked you once to save him, —they ufi» Hit' catte ® branded I «i : ¡ •! v » li t fr- in wl. day as ho possibly can be.” with "S Wroiieh" on ¿ind you would not. I cannot ex­ nn .c, > nit tvl'.l Im |-otfi y <1 Left Rip. •i lu t i e Pusule fit il (tilier 111 mi l«»* “Thon your anxiety does not re­ plain; mv secret must be a dead U tuny fi-n.iso— fir*, L gi Hit'k iMuniv <> ! Par mark«: ... Clcpe- I opt, .rinuih/ - s ch n one ns you norer litvl b-i< i « _ L di Jte Righi car; fer to their mutual relation, or any­ (Tvp on t'rü Hi“t !« r •!.bi offer t «vn ! Ir-r c-l In hlnibô f nr l>ct-r secret to the end. You have'shown U ivîi er sope in Il ! thru v ! I Irtvo t re> fy-Hvn of the-® chuliiiliitf en r • 1< It? Ji'-VüiR. thing partaining it?” Leit . ear. me that no honorable man could i !n !t m net out« yem ! v bubflcrihnr intliispnpci*? Thereir* fr­ i? t'!H fl «I »'r tt’-’i's i III can f r our i n i c- a’ •nt 1'0 Habt mit at ont« ; n i pct j c.-.tr • iU» in the world; but young men H arpfr * B asan isa P3’- der.e, hud tho choice rested with ■ n ibi; i i • •' •». an I v hen you loceîi i ROYAL (r».--.)^-^ nensEs art#’ btnnded .•ivit.g tue la • V 1 • irini^ be voung men, you know; and even ■ illuni, yon v Hi bo du Ijhted to think wt i “.‘--wrench” vu the thu i-í-rhiui s. i 8 r.d !.er.;v» I you.” COAST’S* ¡A!ua)....Œ ion plaits, ano j - r ier.i iii.L his marriage, I grieve to say, has • r8 seront*-'-!V. e for Ihren cnli.se»"bri . n.’;-! Left thigh. “lie never will! If you are free iiu'.ignti Bablu aike lòtti a if y< ti cu i t. t much l>onh’c,'but • o r.UKFCRD’S- Oi)...: ami ìbe pr^fríf I- 1 ni ra.ojil ’.y il .’o charm.ut; cnîup'ete ii»vr'n f-e?. Y- n not broken August off from all the to come to me, my love, no secret j Liste ofîor 1 j uuUcee»« DAVIS’ * asd 0. K.* (Aiwa) Range: Grant and Malheur couvtira. tblhRis iac-ÌH e.i wli. b iidi watching his companion as ho s P. O. addr^se: Eurt.s, Grant co.. Oregon. j-ou as my beloved wife!” During lxvl Agni f B ornii* CLSVELAXD’S......................... it. of articles on T iie IL vs? N L’oth started. It was August Cuis, u wi] ti vai »f -MtnEifl FI03XER (Saa Trxwiw*). t wlll pav Five Hun»’reti Dollar» fer intere e in« ent < t fi 1« n Ri “Indeed, you surprise me! himself appearing before them, ea­ W W the arrea: and convletion of any per­ Ari tin i H ,f>;.T .’ «iiperbljf S CZAR.. ón or perso! b . ki li i-c or b ea.ing any of the furmghsd byTh«u< . r*Wa< gust was considered a paragon of totk of thu above brand or beimi ’ ns thereto. ger and Hushed and pleading. will te by V»a!;t»r 1 ctialM-' DR. PRICE’S. excellence among his most intimate “I was in the next rcoiu wlion ;: iot 7 ru associates. You might accuse me ’S PFK Dillon was shown in here,” he said. of wildness quite ns justly, Colonel i'er Y» “I have overheard all; I do not nd HECKER’S II AR PER’S 11A7. lit 1.1 vice. 21 krrtd ca th* Erst ml CUmA ¿173 cf exh The volumes . f ihr the ha« v hr.: I hr.v. i. t.’* gb.e looked at him wistful and I RUSIFOr.D*S * (rboepbate), vben not fc-esh.. . EZ./ ._J cumber L.r -u nar oi <•“ Jin. L ; •. “ W ■ c; i> inai ?” lie has 1 ecu gambling and loosing «sth, ml la Ûe rt^mesUttv» jyxnal—th3 traie ¡Btiinv iS ’nen i «- '• si * ; km Lcn. “v?c? l I-3rttv aS c? ter!r.forma­ undecided. w i. h ilie Nuuibe i a• ■ -ll- 3 Eoporta cf GcTomEWst ClssLia 3m«î cf Àxdcaa tlurtteew. It hiicatca to th» tion from t.m i: ; f ; cy t: -^p. I c.dmlt that heavily c-f late, and he has made a of ui'.ier, ebo knows all t'.s: h co!r.>; cn end is bri -bt arid “No, no! she said. “Even love I “ The Royal Baking Towdar is composed of latzperteMft tivertleer kw, vùon, ml vbiri’hi HvU’id volumes - i enti rtidnins in convc l . ira . but I con d do ce constant companion of a certain M. year in ne a e o h -’i i well as she co 3 if 1 t.tl 0 irmo tourco of pure ar.d wholesome ingredients. It does net like yours could not stand such a slrctln ; hrc tiv&a ta Uvcrtlsoacst ; ho* p. a a-re pai r . r • ■ infennation, feiu 1 » in tho i t«t number of her De Laurant. a Louisiana French­ contain cither alum cr phosphates, or other in- Mla^asinjir.tcly, r.T’«l I k: rrclucre in one ¡.ocre ts tispliy ne ; riet tj ts3 ; U* nmh (pro’» idtu ilie i r Itst I” Combines the juice cf the Blue Figs of la* per .. . jnriousaub&tnacM.-KDWA2D G. L otk , Fii.D.’ rbon: x t' x ' oocl'l natiers end the man, wl.o.I am sure, does bint no California, so laxaitv“ an J nutritious, reaain~. «icy t3 cc;eal-»ia fset, Clacc.rrcs ci ctc ^ pcisl CiOth < HF; 8 ; j topiC3 of the f.’y. t air Lal p ct up in Rmonth ‘It could—it will! If I trusted ••The Royal Dakin* rowder h tadaubted’y »•i P*i Ing .. il! ba at -r. ty 117 c:cn- .1 r.a! c'u : eviti* 2r < ads. * ItccnniBl? with the medicinal virtues of plants good. J Io is a dangerous fellow, Cu.t tfzlts cf yraDUhU C::^ k !: x le 41 e:i' h. covers e.-.•>•/ top -s '-f iuh r t, fr^ra Vo uens ui VOU less, I would love you less. Il tha purest and most rcbaLIc bakki* fo .de; known to be nrest kc.ietifr«l to tho t.10 d'v rirwn to t :o (;■:■*!'• c>' 1 ouFckccpirgt Remi tan.- « a » n ;»ctl:el 17 tu»7 lt< tskntxl 17 îbe that De Laurent, and playin ’ for a ' human evstem. forming the ON LY PER- end C7 r-; offered to the public. - i j so bsaurif.flr i’lcBtratcd. hx* Muuev Or 1er •. r tho devotion of tny life will make Brt» I ; < t . ' • e «iueters cf nSTTZDfl’ uler&si It, ml Auma: “ II znkt A. M ott ; H. D., Fh. D.” high stake. Unless something is IECT REMEDY to act cent!/ yet co.nes r c ’ : €?.?'•> n'*» tu frt yen to t-.be veU happier I will l ecentent.” promptlv on the Cut- at&e h tm:l a ta cf tre lise “The Royal Babin* rowder is pt;r«.i inq-iel 1 . •nirc-.t’-- I’.. ”7 Da r.-.:on, r .i th - .-tor’.es ere done to slop his game he will ruin retto* ■ogool. F ?ì I ys ratefor i every month. I:y ar.d highest in strength cf any bakia* pow­ trcty-fre jur: la j’adag UrertlsLaz entracte fee T^.Növ.8;*np: f “Then,” she said, putting her m pl ice i; fc.;r. ! ’ >r 1 cm e! o in its p; pea-, and «4 • uf ! he a. .,. c in; •»r ;»•-* KIDNET8, LIVER AND E9WEL3 my boy.” der cf which I have knowledge. llr. Alb n b'.tvKLy it It !« r ally vocdciful NfU E1S7 cf tk lm-Kt ml ext neeeeefcl tlver.^en. txrr- ?8 urt.tr hands into I.is, “I will be veur wife —’A?:a T.'-- how it suits every mcmb r < f th • 2 ^ tir I ’* " V. M. McMciTXlz, Fh. D. ’ “Is it so bad as that? It it r.oi. A yw*3 rehe:n;f.ca cotte hat Cae ScZx? : taxple M : .Lev. “ > cl! perita Ih ti o. .ter send for A if you wish, and may Heaven •AU Alun baking powders, no matter hor. FpotimcnCmy ; Lr, If iti .ny thing like what yoc Cleanse to — ¡Systcn ’ Effectually, snyit i- it wl lr. :» i ■•? andhwrne thevhole«Cue.w high their strength, are to L« svoidxl r-s dor.* ic;lu r.-H. ¿¿fcrts by me as I shall deserve if I oyer like August to make an associate cf 50 THAT • Mi.a Lv^ ••! r»c ih .t W -'tnnines Dencorcit, fewus Phosphate powders liberate t’iK-r gas CEO. P. ROWELL A CO.. n common sharper and gambler;; the publisher. 15 I jut 1 fi f tre t. hew York. 1* PURE BLOOD, i :o freelv, er u-xluT ckmAfce cdo cl vo i ou camo to regret it.” Newspaper AcZvertid^g D-jreoa, ederin? t • send n ASpecimo 1 Copy for lv centa. r® terioMRion. REFRtii HING SLi EP. » • « « • nnd no one but a sharper and g un ; wj e.w t lo«' n .-thine, r * «M L number contains New Veri. i w» wUI »«! t>> T- “ùS| iaeuA.-if- • '‘-f a • l'atto Or r’ mtitir . tha Lei. < r Io »nr HEALTH and STRENGTH t'Forgivo and forget, old boy. bier would plan such an end.” rutt-»m she lTiv ehc-oo • 1 in ar.r eixe-r bica •sether u» uia p*^*| Iteirref »*•»''-* i’ ! 'JJ S.lor.0 m:’...ii» e < 1 ( . ,;y i ; . .”' • f.!:d 1 itlrt Nstursllr follow. Every one is ®»i?.jj it “The boy is infatuated with' r vl nil are delighted with it. Ab': you! want a jack-t <.? . C>. me up to him,” Said the cobnel, sadly.1 ilrugtj. t for SYRt V O? Flob. ¿'lantf» hwm. fro^ e leg on I a Ma.x.ae f. r u> H L. j luoicy.’* factm ed only by the and u?*»jr o«* t» ' ,< Fenn Evtie for a month; well, far “And whatever De Lament may ' c, pn*a »0 ox • • • t«> 0 aa ' fc . llrf 1 THE SELF-THREADING t*>« rr^etoat %ad çe*» r r.’*^ CALIFORNIA FtG SYRUP CO » Aid Ear J?«. * r -* : ‘ L , . uwetkflfcn T he colonel will le he is no Aomr.inn man. You will ?AL. W . M. tin. Ca«*»’***|/ L v Vonx. have opportunities enough to see iced to tee ji u there rgain.” vim*ijr»r aA wn’.l RA »« 3M. A.1W i • » fi- 1C wftwcue VertT hrtei; ni’d i An- at.d judge fir yourself. He is quite »hör öf • B m ** « ïfM n C»vtlt TMlf ARE A çre-'-’ hasf-wo-»* J-3 - ¿»H fo. TàS Si© 3 -Jw* ‘ st and Dilkn had met fur the at bon e at Fenn Eyrie, and aln l ’ .m . ‘ u w. A vrjn i ’ - > l«—j THE REST tsï,:Â..«-- -• ,“X' etna! In his app. arances tir-t time t.nce that day. ? 1 , M. F bukv & O’< *"j*tr..cd, Descriptive and Prie «.-»ri. orJ «i r< quite I v accident in a en-wded rail .Aster.” SF.1D A nnual In it vo c W ¿'cVrt’.f, nM < r it. AÙ irt D. r.l. FCRRY A CO KICK. :rrc. t beedtmtn i U'll^d.t’Xi l <’ th* f ¡oí ¡29*. „ ^ai a aa. 'rue cjrajr F-»’ - vantages that nsakn n •cor­ rí achín* Trahie V» prve »• »K* ,?1* 1 vr O*K'. r a I Mfvsl C' Mr* M*« T *... • wt» m , U ♦ Jj»31 »r af - !>*♦•» . ■. TJ X-1 LSI T»« XU.»a- -■ n l\ Lauri Abeoìuteiy Pure • ? .CMA- - -