Ni». 4 TIW DrUggfctS Corp Weather Bulletin bureau. T hh man who wishes to read FROM THECAPITOL Of the Oregon Weather la Ixiwell, Ma«., agre«» In taxing that they THE HERALD. Hootl’t Sarsaparilla than of all . ............ - Oregon. "a'more , of ____ Central Office. Portland prominent democrats out of the outer oiouu pariser». Vor For Instance: k ending Saturday. Mh « u.wd lu.ian«. the wet-L . . " J ‘ HSHILb-S WIHHNÜTON LETTEIL For j party because their views do not in , j F. C. G(X> dal <: I sell more of Hood’o Far«<- WEDMMDAV, APMÍL 16, t»91. tarlila than all other blood pnrfflera. April 4, 1891. REMARKS. -—7— •■ tall things ngree with his, isn't niak- Thia bulletin is made up from re /„*• D,”,‘ * ,,oud'• lp*« Week’s Working Al ibe BMttor. ing so much fuss as he was a short A 8ynoy»l«of« W.C. BTRl) - - «> , '________ . Of oil other MtrMparlllaa. White Hou«*. I 1 ills UUHI-IIII .............. lakctiab ’»: WeteH more of Hood's ■■ — j time ago. Thia’is no time to talk i ports received from 173 orrespord ' C. u F. B . ...... ents. The The varicus varicus conditions and (arsaiuritiA th» <>i »uy «imiur. contlifioriH anu •arsa^rii*. reported lire given. M ar 4 ton a S hkw : With nt the aalo of The third party that is expecting al out reading men out of the party; (From our regular Corrwjoden’l prospects as i , ‘ *■«.»«•. with 0, • — •*»...) Hood's J, 9 to I of any other kind. to get any electorial vetes from the ' it is only by presenting a united W ashington , I). C. April 3, 1891. Statements made are from written F. A E. B ulky A Co.: Hood'a SorsoparlH* South are doomed to disappoint­ front to the eneinv that we can ■'* la oue .„, of the beat _______ medicines. reports of reli.wle That was no “April fool” sensa­ , tion of tluj State men in every se?. I uon C abltoh 4 lloviv: Hood’« SamparlPs 1« elect the next President. ment. WEATHER en« ot th« beat medicine« we li*«e. lUM'.e tion which struck this town this incrcaie» every year. Bl! T he old tub, "Galena,” has been T he extravagant Congressional week when Baron Fava, the Italian | Cool temperature«, frosty nights. F. P. M oody : Weaell twice as much of i Mood's Sartaparilla as of anything similar. minister, who seems to have studi< d showers fresh winds and two < hutd pulled off the rocks of Gay Head functal will have to go along with C. A. S wan : Mood's ia tho most jwpular « •at; the great American game of draw less days have b«en the weather •anajMirllla of tho day. in order to make work for the re-uhe extravagancies of republican ent jmker to some purpose during his ¡'characteristics ftrtl e week. Whi'e Twiarr OTUia druggists speak similarly. publican strikers of New Hamp­ rule. Hereafter all governine... ___ j ' ten years residence in Washingto-, the teni,x*rsture has Iwcn I elow This popularity at home, where Mood’s arsa par Ilia and its proprietors have been shire and Massachusetts controlled by the Reprc expenditures, so House far as of they are I walked into Mr. Blaine’s private'normal for this season < f the B known for many years, could not continue If 1 .V I 1 ,1. n tr r i ... nr vear. vet there has been a gradual the medicine did not possess merit A ad office aud made the bluff of Ins life bn( r|ow jn ihp h(.a, p(lch these facts should certainly convince people T he alleged falling off of the per­ i sentative», ought to 1« mads with by presenting a letter from the Ital-lT|le froRfs W(.re general aid f«- In other sect bins of the country that Iloud'e centage of increase in the negro an eye to economizing so that some ian governmvnt recalling him as Iqnent. but owing to the retarded Sarsaparilla is a good, reliable mediciue. race in the South is very easy to of burdensome republican tariff tax inn government recalling him an state of - fruit “ •- ’ bods *- - and — -J vegitatmn Hood’s ..’ Sarsaparilla I The 1 f..r'IV PrttwrM 1 account for. The census enumera­ may be lifted from the shoulders of I I Envov extraordinary and mini-der there jruRgixn. »¡7«^ ws, . t there wm wat no no damage daniaee done. I. HOOD «■ a CO., Ajiothecar.u», I plenipotentiary to the United Staten showers helped to h ep done. the ‘oil we', suty by <............. ■». ».«.thw.r.««. tors in the South didn't enumerate the people. J is. m by way of emphasizin’ its dissatis­ thus delaying spring seeding, the I teweu, »i "1 i, ............. 100 D o 3 os Ono Dollar ell the negroes. faction at the failure < f this govern­ dampness and the cool winds have T he American citizens, made D. L. it D & N. GRACE. Proprietor», Proprietors, |1||fc ment to make reparation for the not leen favorable to the voting S pecial toour republican filends: free by Lincoln’s emancipation lambs and sonis loss therefrom ia While no: yel in full opernlion. i< itoin* BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS recent lynching of Italians at New ” ing neuily and EVERY ¡»romptly, V a N r , ’ | Suppose you let the demi crats de­ proclamation, and since allowed, by Orleans, but the real etnuine. “/*• .rw»ort«L I jo K1 b*’l storms doing Thi.o'tle» 1« • rlct y new in every;htyp«,n4 cide who shall head their Presiden- a republican Conor«.», tlie riehl of wool and a yard wide, warranted no rfama*.'. «'Cured tn n’nni- iwe lui printers »wail empioyiuen:. euuFage, noDing thereby to perpet- ¡(ions on th» 20th and 27th ult II. BOYD your time to nursing the sore­ uatethe reign of republicanism from not to shrink while being cabled Snow fell in Lake county toadepth 1 W. AdHFoKD, Hand in your orders heads of your own party.. For Tetter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Head», everlasting to everlasitng, are. im­ around the world” sensation. It of 2 inches the 20th. chops . opes. Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bill,, portuning Benjamin for recognition. has shaken the administration from PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, 1 ’ Wedding Cabinet», Funeral Notice,, While the weather conditions are L ook for the counterfeit f-2 silver They insist on being one of the stem to stern and from "Baby” Mc­ not favorable to a rapid advance­ B urns ..................................... O regon gSS-AH Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. certificates; they carry the portrait "big injuns” at the World’s Fair, Kee to "Jim” Blaine, and will prob­ ment of vegetation, vet it is rather Ofn< e ia W. K. Grace's Drug Store. of the late Gen. Hancock on their and, also, one of the burning lights ably < auee a slump in the price of beneficial, as it allows the roots to facer, and are printed upon paper of chief judgeship. Benjamin Macaroni in the New Orleans mark gather strength and gives it slow but healthy growth. Fall wheat is eo near like the genuine that the tells them he will consider their et. reported to he better stooled and I am afraid that some one will Trea«ury experts have been de- prayer. rooted than for many years. DENTIST,................B urns O regon . accuse me of levity in writing thus, ceived. The republicans have cooked “de Spring seeding in southern Ore­ Office at residence, in the John Roblneon aiid ia prepared to attend to the possum,” but they "dars’nt eat but I can no more take this absurd gon is well along. In the Willam­ building, practi« e »»f deuliatry in all its brant hea. ette vallev it is greatly ’ delaved, ex ­ Italian blunder seriously than I can Teeth extracted wiihvut paiu bj aid of guar ’ im. ” U ncle S am is quite well to do, the announced retirement of John cept, on the higher land. In east­ in fact wealthy, but it is not proba­ ern Oregon in some sebtionit is half TOILET ARTICLKS.GLASS, ble that he will again indulge in T he tariff reform inaugurated by Sherman from politics. If this act done, in others just commencing T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). the extravagant luxury of u billion the democratic party, and a plank of the Italian government be seri­ The acreage of sprng sown grain onice at hit re«l<’rc( e o.» ibe east ide ol Kil­ W. E GRACE P rofrietor , - )>Zot» and «Ml dollar Congress for some years to in the platform—when Samuel J, ously taken and followed to its log­ will be larger than last year ties River, tei. diet tc ow 1 urna. The cool weather continues to ical conclusion it can mean but one ______ Q_____ Hired to app come. It did not agree with his in­ Tilden was ••elected” President of check the advancement of fruit, îplaint filed thing — war. Had the same thing ternal arrangements. the United States, although be was A Largo A»*urtm«ut »f hence is beneficial to it, ns it is lees ■ve enti' counted out—was a tariff for reve­ been done by that government at liable to be injured by late frosts. t day « Notary Public. the court of any first class European Fruit is farther advanced in Jack- W hat benefit would accrue to nue only. That is what democra­ I). L. GRACE, power it would undoubtedly ere this son, Josephine and Benton counties BURNS. OR the rest of the States by the admis­ cy still want. A cutting down of Land Filngt. Contest Blanks, Applif ationa for Has just b«en Reaaivnd,’ have resulted in a declaration of than any other sections of the State Publication Notices, currecliy and promptly all tariff rates to a revenue basis; sion of Newfoundland to the Union The snow is gradually leaving the attended to. Deeca. Nolts, and Nivrlgagts war. But in this case there will as a State? This question may or exemption on the necessaries of life foot-hills and in the Coast Range it tfcibly drawn up. Charges reasonable. li-oU PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY be no war M e can’t fight Italy be­ may not be pertinent at this time and an increase on the luxuries; is nearly all gone. Warmer wcath £W “ Everything guaranteed pure and of th« wn cause we haven ’ t the ships, and er seems approaching. The grass but we would be pleased to have it a relief as niHch us oosrible to the J. NAT. HUDSON, PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKEI Italv can ’ t fight us because although is growing, and stock are getting laborer, who is not able to pay, intelligently answered. ATTORNI: Y-AT-LA W. along verp well. she has the ships, she hasn ’ t the and an increase in the direction of Office: BURNS,OR. HEALTH. money. Gov. Hooc, of Texas, hasn’t a that class of our citizens who un­ The general health conditions M’hat shall we do to resent this arc reported to be good. Colds are C. A. 8WEEK. very pretty name but hia head is able to pay; thereby placing the insult? Nothing. Our minister to i less frequent and no unusual sick­ very level all the same, He wants burden of taxation on the rich who ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Italy will remain at his post, unless ness prevails. no paternalism in hia, not even cun afford to buy luxuries. Ofiice: Burns Oregon. B. S. P ague , the "Mafia,” which King Humbert when it is presented in the shape Observer U. S. Signal Service. evidently fears more than the citi ­ R umors regarding the future of of a cash bounty of two cents per Bonity’« I <»ur I lie of* Worl«!. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, zen» of New Orleans did, shall com pound for all the augr.r produced the Oregon Pacific are still life, the Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of pel the government of Italy to send ATTORNEY. latest being that the stock of this by that State. Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi­ road is controlled by the Vander­ him his passports, in which case he anos, Washington, New Jersey, has B urns . .............................. O regon . This House has a wide and well known name, and will return home and Italy will not returned home from an extended Collections, Land bucine**, and Real mint of the present proprietor it is bound to go further Estate neuter j romptlv amended to. H on . E. G. Phelps, exMinister to bilts, and that it is likely to be be represented at the World’» Fair tour of the world. Read his ad­ fame and renown. No pains spared to phase juti (¡Kat Fritian, doubts the efficacy turned over to the Chicago 4 North­ An official statement of the affair vertisement in this paper and send of arbitration as a means of settling western. The Oregonian rises with haB been made public, which makes for catalonge. W. W. Cardwell, the Behring sea dispute, and thinks the remark that the Oregon Pacific it plain that the administration is Gods blessing to humanity—So is trying hard to own itself. The ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. it will eventually be settled in one in no way responsible for the slap says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety B urns , O r . of the three ways—war, the com­ few men who put theis money into Years Old in the face it has received from the Practice* in all the cour « of the State, Good table service, and tal.le» furnish«! with ill plete back down of the United the road to Yaquitia bav, recognize .M m ». before he V. 8. Land Office. Forest Grove, Or.. March 19 — I of organ-grinders and bogus counts, the large profits that are sure to ac ­ L and M atters a S pecialty . have used the Oregon Kidney Tea 8tates, or the prolongation of the and which take» as dignified a and obtained immediate relief. It discussion with Great Britain un- crue when the rich and undeveloped resources of Eastern Oregon aie stand as is possible, considering is Goil's I leasing to humanty. I til the seals arc exterminated. take pleasure in recommending it to opened up, and are not anxious to that the absence of a navy power­ the afflicted .1 am now nearly ful enough to cope with that of Italy Ir we are to wait until the reve­ dispose of their stock at any piiee. stand» in the way of our trying to ninety years old, came to Oregon DEALER IN—> nues of the postoffice department They could have sold for big money assume too aggressive an attitude. in 1842 in the employ of the Hud­ son’s Bav Company, and since I Burns-Canyon Stage Lin«, exceed the expenditure before we ut any time during the past five The following remarks made by began using the Oregon Kidney tea I. JlWlTT, PKOralKTOB. years, but they were not anxious to can have one cent letter postage, Representative McCreary, of Ken­ I enjoy good health. I mt « Barns on Mandara, w«taeada?a. and rndaw.» there is every likehood of a very let outsiders in to reap the harvest tucky, who was chairman of the D avid M unroe EXT-Caancrta wlA the Oniarla, rrinaville. and I atari.« »M* »I llois f»r saMoasa»- long wait, as the postal subsidy when they have tilled the crop House committee on Foreign affairs There is great inducements in tl.e law of the last Congress will add in the Fiftieth Congress, and who very largely to the expenditures of Fulleo bill passed hv the last legis­ will probably occupy the same pos - lature, to railroads to build within that department without adding tien in the Fifty-second, represents much to the receipts for some time the next two years, and the Oregon the general sentiment in regard to Watches and Jewelry. Clocks and Pacific may 1« expected to take to cotne. Silverware. the occurrence: "The Italian gov­ advantage of this promptly.—Ex. ernment has acted hastily and with ­ ------ ■ -y -," T • Repairs Watches, Clocks and Scw- 1« is said that Hayti wants the ii g Machines. H arney oounty is a large coun­ out the dignity which ought and United States to assume a protec­ fMF"First door cast of Postoffice, ty, embracing al ■ 1 " ■* other nice valley» in this county, ment clerks, who has invested some­ which they would shrink from dis­ lMf.W»«' T he State that isn’t represented not so large, which are well adapt­ thing like «30,(XX) in a surburban closing to their family physician,. at the World's Fair by a full and ed to grazing and farming purposes. real estate scheme, of which Com­ I permanently cured in leas time than for raíalo»»« N "j* ,Il>‘ F- b«! ly. W Mbluiton. N.w J.rwy missioner Raum was at the head, complete exhibit of his product» | The Happy valley country, the that is apparently as great a fraud was ever known to Medicine before, by Dr. Box well’s "New System of j aud resource», together with well Diamond valley, th» Blitzen coun­ as was the Refrigerator company Treatment.” It rejuvenates the gen­ •nd oarefully prepared statements try ^and Catalow valley. This so cleverly unearthed by Repre­ itourinary organ» aud makes weak of the ad van ’ago» it ha» to offer country is a "paradise” for small sentative Cooper last year. Thi» men strong. I I j---------- . Fe-Mavor Daniel F. Beat y When possible, it is always beat I H eipltal as well as labor, will delib­ stock owners. The hill» and moun­ "snide” enterprise and Commis­ r ra’aheue 1 . AU U>da »I «ut.,« ,horonfbi, «MM* sioner Raum's connection therewith to call for personal consultation and t f« Washington, “ w Jereey _____________________ Mew erately throw away a chanc» to ob­ tains adjacent grow the finest bunch has been brosght to Mr. Harrison's REDUCED fRICE. special examination. But those tain advertising that could not fail1 grass, and tb»re is very little feed­ attention, and once more there is a who cannot possibly call, should if intelligently directed, to add ing done during the winter; a greet rumor that Raum's resignation will write, stating their case fully. Med­ million» of dollars to the value of deal of the stock goes through tl.e be ask»d for icine sent by mail or express, sealed Ex-Secretary Whitney and ex- free from exposure, to ali parts of property in th» State. It would «rioters without any care on the privatc SoeMary Dani at mon t were Pacific e«»st. Addree»: simply be impossible to invest th« part of the owners, and it is never I welcome visitor» to Washington, W h . A. B oxwill , M. D., people» inorcy ia any other way] necessary to feed stock to exceed this week. They are now a A Good rosd »U the way. Consulting Physician. St Paul thsu iu thus advertising their State I three months. cd in business. Dispensary, Portland, Oregon. Jealer in General Merchi the N ew B ook 41 ob ^ Ashford S, Boyd. DR. H.M. HORTON FINE CUTLERY. sWTIOMS -ÆLttexi.ti'V'o £tn W- IT. Jorgensen JB'U STRICTURE! JOB ‘WORK. Tlie S - Æ ÏS0RGANS1 BEMTYSPUNOSJs. Flustio New