Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1891)
BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS ' ,, , j rrrjz-^jm R C A PITOL doubtful whether U. 8. TsKaausE. Hutton th.nk.l FROM TH I HE CAPITOL Mg, any remmstrance *¡*1, pre- 1 If you decide, from what you BU vr h««rd tht* country presents greater oppor-1 ----- — . wumnnted I of its cure« or read of iti mrntxHlhat|oo Will tai« Hood’s Sa.aapar^la, do do V b« tunities than Rutsia for th« politic uebsld -* washinuton lkttvr . M r WKDNWDAT, APRîL , UT. Induced to buy something ciao which msy al dynamiter, therefore he refuse. refusts */ a) rbor, propoec, taking any action be claimed to ba “about the saje«** or “ just as rood.” Remember that the sol« u to accept the Russian mission. He wkii.H.».. ¡upon the congressional reports of reasou fur efforts to get you to purchase ~‘thinks probably that hie proper | some substitute is that more profit me7 be ! the inve*tigalion of either tbe Civil * made. Firmly resist all inducements, and T he German legislative news will mission is to prevent tbe nomine- (From onr reyu’ar <'orrc»:'o4en,l upon having Jo; t wbat you called Service Commission or the Pension luaiat assume a new interest if Bismnrk lion of Benjamin Harrison again. tor, Hood’s Bars«jsari 11a. Then jxu will W ashington , D C. Murch 21, 1891. 0[plee notwithstanding the public i uot be experimenting with a new article, becomes the leader of the ‘‘opposi Mr. Blaine made such a bad break verdict against R iuru, of the Bei- for Hood’s Sarsaparilla is tion in the Reichstag " Tried ami True. T he non of the lute Senator :in the injudicious and undiplomat-^aion office, and Lyman, of the Civ-1 ; •‘In cne store the clerk tried to Induce * -• -A . A I--------- _ I L, - Hearst will, it is said, shortly begin !ic - language me to buy their own instead o* ITood’ASar- he used in the telegram . i| Service Com-uiseion. ... .«« »» if IL. — «aDnrlliv T he newspaper scrapping match the publication of a great daily .VT,-- But be could " not vrrva.) ‘ «.a me 1 O rigin which Baron Fava, the Italian min The two Indians “H s , Mr. liar- to tor change. . -nFt, I i told tuu him mm I I knew knew what what lloal's iiu««r« between those sharp tongted r.-pub- newspaper in the city of New York. ister, stampeded him into sending rison Iluston,'have, it is said, made f harsapsr'lla wa% I bad taken it, was per licans. ex-Senator Ingalls and Mur As the young man has just inherit- fectly satisfied wi*h II, and did not want to Governor Nichols, of Louisiana, friends and that oft’ offered resig- any o.hcr.” Kus. ______ E lla A. Gorr. Cl Tar- at Halstead, is growing interesting. |ed $20,000,000 he will not 1« ham in relation to the unfortunate lynch- nation ha. again loen withdrrwn. tw.sin.t,Bn*i»a, U—s. They can say nothing about each pered bv lack of capital, and if his . I Wo Are All Taking It. ing at New Orleans that as soon as I » • I* I • We could not be without H-vxl's H«rw other so bad that the jieople of the i new paper shall be as sound 'polit B-utiiy’M T<«ur ih<* « t‘ World. • cnrillA. It Is tho fast medicine i e ever he realized his error, he took to his country will not endorse it. huniM). Mv fuuu v «refill taklDB ically as the San Francisco Exam room and it was given out that he Ex-Mayor Danii-I F Beatty, -of k»*)'t Ft?' ’ in M h tin* .« • B. B< rb ». h , M«n Juaq.iiu aud iner, the paper he now owns and was unwell, and has been invisible Beatty’s celebrated Organs nnd P f Jrcnp*.*. b;rccts, Stockton, C a I. T he election of Gen. John M. edits, it will las a deci.led acquisi to callers ever since. Members of anos, Washington, Netv Jetsey; bife ■ Hood’s Sarsaparilla iold by Iinifg ¿tw. *1: hi c (or F>- T r» !»nr«4 Palmer to the United States by the tion tu the democratic party. the diplomatic corps say that Mr. returned home frujn, an ext»-mf'<t " »nlj by <*. I. ilOQD A Avet.Worie«, tour of the world. Read his ad- Lwell.Moi. Illinois legislature was worth al) Blaine’s telegram will give the Ital WELL. WHAT or THAT, YOU CAN GET sLL YOU WANT TJ r vertisemcni in tTiirf pa[>er and send'I IOO Doses One Dollar the patient waiting through the ap THE MARKET AW,IRDe, at THE T he Italian government has nro- ian government all the ground it for catalouge. . t parently endless deadlock. Pa needs to demand a iieavv indemni tested and Mr. Harrison has for- ■ - 4 . --------- m " BURNS aovektisements . tience, persistence and popularity 1 •-.? i warded a coinmunieation to the ty if it can be proven that any of i.A are valuable aide in “getting there,’’ men killed were its subjecte| But Takeriitipf^ ^.•.’undi/rsigntd, on Governor of Louisiana calling his and don’t you let it slip from yo*tr attention to tbe treaty obligations demanding and getting ¡ere two Poison c-Veit. ftarp'cv doufitv,' Ore'- > W. ASHFORD, H. BOYD THOMAS GIANNINI,. .. mind. things. No democratic Congress is j; : -r* ( Pro^ which compel us to protect citizens gon, twoJiavihqfBL's branded on left Ashford 1 Boyd. likely to pass an approuriatjon tc of foreign countries. Mr. Blaine shoulder with |<ke- figure 12, ataut PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, If an organization of Americana now has an opportunity. Let him pay indemnity for the killing of a 8 years old, weight about 1100. was formed in some of the cities of show the world the whv and where lot of thugs and murderer, who B urns ................................ O regon The owner is entitled to the above *3 Office in W. K Grace*« Drug ¿tur«. Italy, similar to the “Mafiag’ in . fore of this unfortunate occurence, bad made murder their chief occu I). L. A N. GRACE. Proprietors, ..................... llnrney City,« New Orleans and other cities of! and give the citizens of New Or pation, even if they were killed out named property by prOvjng the Mine to be liis, and paying all White not yet in full uper.tdtin. i” doing E/KRY VARIETY of the United States, having the same I leans the hearing they are entitled side of the law. But it is not be ing nen'.ly nnd promptly, j charges lieved that the Italian government Thiio'fiee h Mirictly new in every re<pecc. bo h ype a i l praM<,ujl object in view, what would the tu. P eter C lemens , iul < awaii empktymcn . will desire to take any further ac Italians do? Tbe meet cruel iikm I h ;r Burns Oregon, DENTIST............... B urns O regon . Hand in your orders tion when it is fully informed of extermination would be adopted Office at residence, in the Ju**n Rubii.««ni | buildiuK, ami In prepared to a*tend tv the ( M any years practice Lave given the "Mafia's" acts which led up Fur I*tt*-r Head*. Note Heads, Bill Head-*, Statenienti,U by them, and yet, will Americans •pmc SALK. pracrii e of dentia. r. ih ail i'« I.rant ht ■ Teeth extracted without pain bj aid of klbb . C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of cat- opes, Business Card«, Poster*. Hand Bill«, Calling to the massacre, as it has had some The Red ’Front Livery Stable^ say the citizens of New Orleans are Wedding < nbinete. Funeral Notices, etc., j ents at Washington. D. C. unsur experience with the "Mafia.” situated in Burns, opposite the to blame? j.äf'All Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. passed success in obtaining patents I was told today by an eminent Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers ,. Pricu sj for all class* s of inventions. They republican, who is friendly to nei- this valuubltf’liivirv Stable for sale T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. M r . B injamin Harrison is loom-1 Miake „ Hpw-oialty of rejected cases ' ther Harrison nor Blaine, that the Office at hi« r*-«'«’e'*<e Ou (he east ide ot Kli at low figures. He lives in the vie« River, tei die« below burn«. ing up in the republican mind as Hni| haV(J Hecur,.,j H|]„Wttnce of . deluge of Harrison talk which has country, some distance from town, the next candidate of his partv. 1 manv »intents that have been previ- , recently emanated from republican and cannot give the business the It would I (1UH|y rejected. Tiu-ir advertise That suits us to a dot .Senators and Representatives in attention it requires, is his reason Notary Public. hardlv lie po-siblc for the republi ment in another column, will l-e of ¡the colums of republican tiews- for selling. ’ There is not a more I). L. GRACE, TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTI, can to put up a weaker man than ! jhlert st to inventori*, patentees, ; pajiera in all secions of the country, BURNS, OR. valuable pieqc.’of propertv in Burns I.and Fling«, Contest Blank«, Applications tvr Hat rison unless it took Tom R**ed 1 manufacturers and nil who have to I is the direct result of a bargain be Publication Notice«. correctly it nd promptly and any euie desiring to invest in attend«*) W. K GRACE PaovaiBTOR, to. Dreua. Nutea. and Mortgage« We’re for Harrison, t*s>th and toe I with patents. lUIXI tween Harrison and Blaine', where that kind of property, cannot better i egibljr drawn up. Charges reasonable. 11—oO • __ nail, because we know we can lick by the latthr agrees to give the for themselveif in a-hy town. Call im him out of his I oots, and because A Large Assortment sf J. NAT. HUDSON, G heat excitement still prevails mer a chance to get himself renom mediately .it this ofliee or on Mr. we will enjoy "downing” him more ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. I inated if he can, and the former Wilson, for you are’ likely to lose than any other m tn, because of the in Newfoundland over the action of agrees that in the event of its tie Office: BURNS,OR. a bargain. TheBfable is just what accident that placed him where lie the imperial government in the coming impossible for him to get we recommend it to l*e. . Has just bssn Received. —— is. Oh. ye«, by all means give us fishery controversy, and the at the nomination he will withdraw c. A. SWEEIi. ---- iw ’'¿.r—! t tempted passage of the act through Harrison. PHYSICIANS’ I’RESCRll’TIONS CAREFULLY COMM JliHvhi Thin! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the British parliament to coerce in favor of Mr. Blaine. I cannot vouch for the truthfulness of thia . Everything guaranteed pure and of the very kcstt^B We offer One . litin<lre<i P.r.iiars Office: Burna Ortgon. Newfoundland In the legislature T hs negroes who ' went party lines are lost and the most storv, but circumstantial evidence Reward for any case of Catarrh PATENT MEDICINES SOTO AT MARKED FRltfl to Oklahoma expecting such great violent s|s‘eehes are made denounc j is strongly in its favor. It is not at that cannot ba cured by taking S. SIZEMORE, things are many of them adu ing the most cowardly and treach : all probable however that Mr. Hall's Catarrli Ctire. ATTORNEY. nlly starving while till of thei ni are erous conduct of the British govern , Blaine would Lave made silcli a F. J.'Cheney & Co., proprietors, B urns , . . . .................... O regon . suffering from one or another cause. ment. Delegates will be appoint bargain if there was any probability Toledo, Oftio. . Voller .’ion«, ____ .... ... ___ Land __ buine"«. nnd Real Tbe negroes, ill large bodies can ed immediately to proceed at of tbe election of the republican We, the undersigned, have known Estate matter promptly atte-mied to. -never thrive and prosper in any ceed to London to formally protest nominee. F. J. Chewty-for the last 15 years, This House has a wide and well knnxn name, and underffii place wliere the climatic conditions against the enactment of the co Representatives Springer and and believe him perfectly honorable msnt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up tW W. W. Cardwell, I are’widely different from those of ercion law and, also, against, a re- Spinola. who have been dangerously in all busipess transactions and fame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. > ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the Southern States, and they will forence of any portion, of the fishery ill in this city are both convales financially able to carrv out any B urns , O r . find no place in any of the other question, to arbitration unless the cing. obligation made by their firm. Practices in all the courts of the State, A Ho. before «he U. S. Land Office. States where it is possible for them whole question is so referred. The General Joseph E Johnson, whose West & -Truax, Wholesale Drug L and M atters a S pecialty . to live with as little work as they delegates do not expect to accom erect figure has been familier in gists, Toledo. Ojiio- Good table service, and tables furnished with all n can in the South, which is their plish anything, and in this event Washingthn for some years, and Wald’ftig. .Kiiinap & Marvin. Natural home, nnd to which the the legislature will pass a resolu who was a pall bearer at the fuuer- Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. .sensible members of that race will W- y. Jorgenson Hall's Ctftanrb Cure is taken in tion, setting forth that by neglect al of the late General Sherman '.nd ■tick. and ill treatment of a century. at that time was in good health, is ternally, n&irig directly upon the ^—DEALER IN blood and nljlt'dus surfaces of the England lias lost all claims to fur now dead. Burns-Canyon Stage Lin«. The administration has struck a system. Price 75c per buttle. L ynch law is always to be depre ther allegiance. A formal a ipeal » I. J ewitt , P hoprietor . cated, even though the eourse of will then lie made to tho United dangerous snag in the negotiation Sohl by all druggists. Laave« B«rr.« on Mund«.«, w«dn*a<!«'«, and Frida)«, ■ for reciprocity with Cuba. The justice bo sometimes turned aside States for protection and admission CoBBecta wiA ttee Ontario, Friueville. and Lakevi«w fiM'*** at Kama ilvba i«r Spanish minister will here of noth by or through corrupt methods, but into the Union. ing that does not include the free there are mitigating circumstances admission of Cuban tobacco, which in the case of the citisene of New T he New York Tribune says that is a concession that is ix-vond the Orleans who recent! v lynched twelve Watches and Jewelry. Clocks menilicrs of the “Mafia,” an out one of reasons of the unheard of ex power of Mr. Blaine to grant. Not TtURNS OIRCULATING T JB. Silverware. lawed aociety organized for plunder travagance of the republican con having any confidence in the abili ty of General E. Bird Grubb of New gress was the intention to confront AND nnd murder. These men had been Repairs Watches, Clocks and Sew- ii g Machines. BOOK acquitted by the Intimidation and the incoming democratic House of Jersey the present minister to Spain ATT*o»v*eaTS. IN THK KEKA1.D BUILDING. fW First door cast of rostoffice, rmcpiAOT" bribery of the jury, in the face of Representatives with a big deficit who is ignorant of the Spanish lan Burns, Oregon. in tbe Treasury for the purpose of guage and without diplomatic ex- CHAN. W. BYRD, ------ L ibbabia ». •vtilenco of the moat positive and trt c»>riilnr «hl« bwaine«« In ruanectloi» witte tha Frw R csm IU k M« kw » tttMtaewis M»-_ convincing kind of tlie guilt of a putting the democratic party in a perisnee, ex Minister J W. Foster «» can F bdü « for purthMinK hwk« fvt a FvLlic Librr.ry für Burt*«— The test fc»r tteal . It ■■■•« xjwwc a X —~ Hu oilier of them having been in a hole; then further remarks, "what has been sent to Spain with the ul- FOR SALK OY TERMR Membarehip Fee »2 a vrar. Remliag Fee Ihr. Depoait at J*e. er L odkal or Book, mau« w*ih the i^branan, in «v«ry inatance. beud for ( atalofB MSS.-.--À ’ .. rimation of Mr. Harrison, in the TON SO RIAL PARLOR, conspiracy which resulted in the are you going to do about it.” ffi^*The l.ibrarian i« agent für and will t«ke Svt «rription« at the lowaNl NEW- HOME: .SEWING MA*i We guess the democratic party shape of a threat to retain the pres «.rcer any Book. pubhehed in lh« l'aited blatt« ©r Cafcftua. AM I cold Hooded murder of tho chief of ROBINSON A MYNATT, P rof ’ s IdiraLand CH;INE,CO>i Î2Û Market St., Ficturea, Work« of Art, H«mM Bniidlog Drai^u«, Etc. police of that city. Tim mob which w’ll show conclusively that the re ent dutv on Cuban sugar if reci ; .. .*t :; ..San: Francisco. Cal. I Everything in their line guaranteed lynched these prisoners was coin- publican House fraudulently spent procity is not agreed to by the Paiefic:Dapatlqiw>t..'i. • * i to lie done satisfactorily. millisns of dollars. The accumu Spanish government. The outcome' posed of the leading cititene of New • ■ i ■ £«F*The only place in Burns you Orleans, many of whom carried in lated surplus was squandered upon of this matter is looked forward to can get baths. their pockets the “death warnings" republican favorites, and the future with considerable interest, as the Issued by the “Mafia,” and who revenue mortgaged by appropria sugar schedule of the tariff law. ■! « deemed it a question ef life or tion* on an extravagant acale for will go into effect April 1st, and PermauenHyCure*! without Cutting' pensions, subsidies and other like Cuban sugar will be admitted free, BLACKSMITH. death, wliether they or the ‘Mafia’' Butuing fit Dilrtihg. . A jieriectlyj BYERLKY..;............ ............. just the same as sugar front Brasil painless treatment and' a guareen-1 ADOLPH TUPKER - - Piro i’ should be exterminated. Before gratuities. Everything in the furniture line always ee hs The first session resulted in ap and other countries, unless Mr. teed cure in every case, no matter : condemning the action of these — GENERAL REPAIRING — " G<vs him a call before purchasing elsewhar» how- lojig standing. This'- treat Harrison shall take advantage of threatened citicene whe have for propriations aggreating $464,442,- ment fer Stricture, of Dr. Box well's.! months been compelled to take 510, as against $422,825.343 at the the power conferred upon him by I is the gteatswt-discovety known to; every precaution to prevent their first session oftlie Fiftieth congress. the tariff act and ordor the present Medicine, 'hi diseolve» and • com-; own aasasination it is well to read A difference of $41,817,167. The <luty continued. 1 pletely removes the Stricture with-: The biuMing tea« bee« u Although it has been nearly three out *ânov,ncs or pain to the pa the opinions of those great commer appropriations of the second eas ..Mt ..a ___ ________ __ on' ebert ____. notice '»at *11 all LI.J. kind« «sf'blackantiihtnf eiai bodies, the Board of Trade, the sinn, just ended, aggregates $544.- wacks since Congress adjourned, it tient. and In the beet atyle Ter ace: cash. 1-Jy . DISEASES OF MEN I Sugar Exchange ar.d Stock Ex 827,061, as against the second ses is still impossible to get a correct change, of New Orleans, as ex sion of the Fiftieth congress, the idea of all the pernicious legislation Peculiar totlieir Sex. and not prop- »BAI BUIRS. OKKON. •r to, name here, including all those pressed in the following preamble appropriations aggregating $395,- enacted into laws, or of the exact delicate infirmities and Weaknesses * J NO. W. SAYIR and resolution unanimously adopt 337.516. A difference of $149,490,- amount of money carried by the which they would shrink from dis ed by them all on the afternoon of 445. Making a difference in the appropriations tucked away in cor closing to thnir-family physician, f«»r ra’al.<rir Add Fiftieth and Fifty first of nearly ners of bills of all aorte. Every peruiajss'llv cured sn l«ss time than ty. «aablagtoa, New Jersey. ths day the lynching took place. “Wacneaa. The deplorable ad- ♦21)0,000,000, beside« authorizing day something is discovered show was e\#fekn*»wn to Medicine before, hv Dr. box well's “New System of tnlntotraUon of criminal justice in contracts which will take larpe ing a new and unexpected appto Treatment " It rejuvenates the gen- - amount of cash, f»r which no ap Uiis city, and the frightful eaten' priation or a new piece of unex lUi-uriCt-v organs‘aud make» weak to which the bribery of juries has propriations were made, such as plainable botch legislation. , Sec menltcwg • • | .- (1 M«)C Huai V. Loen carried, bar rendered it neces public buildings, war ships, etc rotery Noble has discovered what W heJ It a’ **»• “ to sail f 4 r personal consultation > and I The party in power has laid it he considers a $3,000.000 steal in sary for the citisene of New Or , »pwiar »giinnialion. Uut thoee I «»I th.w t *u ...-i. x tWroMhl. leans to vindicate outraged justice self open to criticise, and is respon connection with one of the.Indian WiohnC'¿tfwbhr dall, shmitf RIDVCBD PRICK. sible—only too plainly to be seen— bilk, and he aaya tho a-a»» »hall -tyu «a ing their nés* folly; Mert | «*> it paid if .................. it is in his power to I 4cU»ee<br mailer -------.. le .......... Rtcorvco. That, while we deplete for the pecuniary interests of never at «If times the resort to violence, contributors tocampagn funds and prevent it, I si I «.wing to the fact JrheAeBi expeeqrWvAw» aU Addiqm ’ 1 wo consider the action taken by the managers of party luachmey, lua that several prominent republicans. J*|«it'ie.coast.. dlisena this morning to bo proper *"8 oigbl, entirely, of the interest of •re to get a big alice of the money P ¿Consulting rhyWUran.rJHi Pawl and jusltflalde.’* 1 I the- iusmm of the jieople in the shape of attorney’* fees it is I'WtlVUl. Oregon. I Make No Mistake THE HERALD. dealer in Cenerai Merchant f U R NS H otel T he N ew B ook 4 J ob O ffice i DR. H.M. HORTON FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, Eti® Attentive ctncl EXCTAIÖl .SWTiJRE! •TEE BURNS FURNITURE STU BEATTY’S PIANOS. . .