fHE HERALD. WEDNESDAY. M ABC If 1«, KI. A OAlCT Foil LIFK; OR. A KiRflVi MISTAKE. BY R’ Fl i KALE. I*rem N.Y. Ledge.*: • Well, one thin« is certain,** she •aid, “I will not Like him aith n.c in the dinger, a * r»»u pro|M»*td. u hen I g) tu the rc.t to (>"•» V •’WixOiu then, will vou take?’ “Tom, the liiUt. va.in-hoy “Better take Wirit ek.'* But Mary frhudUcreu, buying t’»v would rather xiut go at all than have that iivr«.v unlive in lue LOal with her. The visit to the reef, which was about a mile d:st«u»t, i>ad Ixxii uro- pOsed by Mrs. V\ iikllib uu lac ui/ tA*-.’ie aixo e the W jui J cu* juf tflp, I he captain otfefed iw • > • to J.vT I lie ca'*ll»'- Lo. with her. true, uv wo not very i'.. nor was at ek.l.fui with an u-r. lu ; lue cairn, dear weather Wvoiu appar«at»y no.d for luar.y tuu.'c *»..>.?, so mat tl.i'e Fcctued 2. ce no daug-.r, tvea it the aaat r/jL.* poorly Laad.vd. A, ti.c you: g skipper had tome work in e*. re lor hi* men on this d-v, L- could no; 2i*jrd to fetid ti-y oi them with his wifj except Wu-i-ek, who, it: umlerstanduig if <._-.., c./i.J be Letter spared than -y, »11..1 had been loaered for Li-:, a 1, Arc long, she reached the !<.< i. the oarsmen, the boat fairly seemed to fly. The captain, while urging his crew, turned his gate alternately upon his wife and the shark. Mrs Wilkins still clinging to the keel of the overturned dinger, was mticb exhausted, and must soon 1 t co her hold. She did not see the monster behinrl her cleaving the water with its uglv fin so rapid-; Iv. that it evidently would reach her oi fore the approaching boat. In a faint voice she called to her );us:-:ind to make haste, un appeal which went to the very hearts of tiie men, aud put rigor in their; arms. ‘•We will be tor late!” groaned the captain. Pull, boys, pull!” KD SIX CERTS FOR POSTAGE. CLOTH SAMPLES FREE. Never before did oarsmen s> ex-; ert themselves; but the boat was still fully fifty yards fr; m the poor r p woman, when the shark, now near UH ki enough to her to pr< pare for seizing TO EVcRf READER ÜF THIS fArEiJ its victim, was seen to make the V7e want to tucrease our clrv«ilatl«>-i v* ry during tho wxtfdjg - m : terrible rotary movement for div­ Bible To a«-wm|vli-IkAJiis w«, M m cv-operat on 1»! o«tr praowoit *»»»•<• - ii cue “* our ;-r«-vwrui walrrs w mi I we«:are £•>.- u» «■»? w • s »•; •» 1 • cir • i! ing, in order to £ :p u*. Er s b at onr-e hut we kn<»< t at It wilt tike an e tr • rdiunry I riotubla <>*at u i. aud. by e. sciai arr-iige:u»-i.i witu Then Warlock sprang to his f-et. h. ii jusea tre ar j i iioulcil to jum X u yuu An Offer Remarkable for Its Liberality With qui< k i ,c :u asuril . Read it: 7b "fy ntt>> irha miU »» »««Oro Subscriber t > <-''<« p Ono Year lance between him am! it. <»• 7r/"i • P»i », irill Ab»O>U1. A ■ ••lor. Nre |rj afiravrt »»»rd H. K I. - <*^> ’I l«r «•!•• I» .k'-M 4'111-at. Hfifi 1 «I aa, Jr, JC re, 11 ». 'I ter < uilf-vralat ateia. Hr M. T ■ A i r «MbIraouar U|»L Rv “Taw t* wilty »ru»: Uwill « K» »«««« M. h-ic»i«. WT-f Ko. I»l. ■File Fi.rr. nini KaMf. fi» « « . the »< man to sinks ti.- n. -ter .X, taU-ly krvia»-4. K«M. « Are» •«. Mwui.-^. JuX I Ite l>IntNOM4 Krarvlrl. L. J.'r». I. » A S nl»r reveiil. Ui kr*. Jitiiviuk x. < litre tfa»««. Mr Krrv behind her, this scenit-i t > ail a I .- i'rarl wf IU«- Hr A >wt «C-n». Jr. Al ha - Hl-tarv . r «lui ofllie •«■«. It« l'i »a. *»lrj »«• IkvrrlrL*« l»KuW ì-y :o ; To­ .’«»«I fe*»«r mi ba'ir.’ .■•.!; «■• ’ r 1 *‘r «’•“’ down« r-t • •• .ha •?» a«; «a eal • lth: -.-!!• : n; v! »• •■:•••• «-mrc cw».- d haTc to be. M. wif • r n m ike ft h ua t- lha ar.vs e I • v *’ L- v.-. y ? > * ai*-j - pri. ! 4'111» v I . •;.*• :■ f c invar«, that X i»i- in t K : Git ho a: nt t-r»» II.. T. .; a - . . , ,, J l.onJ.in i. Mra e, t I» Ihrl.u 1 .... ■ - h . r a. 1. , i«.--» .«» e ««ire II» «a,' I • th. r ■ orlr. |. 1, , , r«. nt Lined ■ ar. 1 -he’« al v iyi ‘ nwrry t* a Lr< \l hen 1 an* how she manatee i’. » * 'a'* f ’ MZ*: •On ! tnnt’i t:»y a i: a ! L t I I ■>’< 1 '- « • coven dur' ~cr-1.’ 'o h^n •• n -rtW. v • bota knew «J •h-'nl 1 hive t • U ' ry tar ful. I •. . aha madeo e condì'i«»' : * >*v r:.’di aicl-rrMsff d;K An«l »'1 • wa* rishi I I wnul-ju t d » v ;tbur» ft seif for d-iolkle the « a »-criptica ¡ r ee. '<0 U t »--th r, from ihe f b-paffr to t..c iati w th s:.)rie< kr p our heart* )ocr.*; t e ryrop of ¡no» 'anteven’« t «1 «-Kr.i f- r.aUera Ke rue o-.-u-d *o thrt ! txn t k w. l-ntaiMtinjIy what ■« r"inz í n : my v f>- ■* '•’•* '« ’ry»' r so® ! < ■ mi'.t-a’I h.r«'r<- e« r it’ -efr’h?« re» ¡.’.it! •xnlv. r v «1 ! • vi •« n ? r v~« 8 C ;-n. ». i '2 ' »* • rr I In I'' D iar-c title n m j « ihaV.-* ml ' F ri ” i ro bad, .»,„^,‘»1 ••Mi. t>n the O. S. I.. Ry. ThU « »» »1 > ■. 11 ur ,. m " « l-r » b.. h . 1, .*" lli.^a.lhal icáe-are HARPEIVS 1’F.lbiii Ptr ytar. n rvd < r -ale iha€ - ;.bwn .o .h.ive and e mounuin IDAHO” pear tf r. .l in iiiai cd quan i «1 t drr.e tl»H year, Thhjear luaLo id cousiderad the tueat '// •• ne. ' ■ Lia . .; »n • ex reiutiy hardy. ...: f. i’.U • a few 1rs« . J o I’aye'.te Idaho. r iKu BKAKDS. wo l w tkv à h vlv im m X i -». N» JIS. N« K«r Jt*. ÎIÎ K-. ;ii S-v- .'«I X >. i.o, A ,i ii.cK. loi Will strike :. .. i •• .ma.r, down v.'lti. that irnii! ’ I nt t:. • •vild N v Z.-lande.-either, di 1 ■■■ understand, or would not hi '1 the order. II - i iriio in, hurled with won- . • ■■•. whistled on its way, o i '.zing Mary’s h a i, • ' igh the white. upturn • shark, as the b llljrl 'ii-.l itili nr »«»-«<■ >»wi < Krwwnw. Îh l’crlIurWb knrJî’ur lM. IK« t. F«iu» .- m > 1 « v»i»«i l *ie I Mat i.f tfer llittliv n TU» Mitrwi L Farm Ut -.. / ».« . «J. Olii «refi »!»• Pepi li re ftv lirai |Cr!rlhali**n. Hr M«»a«a>r 1 A Tal«* «*f **lt Hr Mr« tlv.«, h l > rtHM<* IfnrOrr. H» •*■* li «-.’«•vi tu..I I*i«rfr4, er 'I *i k vlir1« •rebrl.le*' 'I » “Ir-rv !>if!i-i‘rn Ifntiar. «•« »»•:<•» A Furerei» i ritti- H< rit» f t I aJg-. Hr Sir« livrea» \ Kr’-b'<* nr I.Ai e. H« 'i S • Filial Unrrlnc» •’» VI A O i- Amuygret It uatva. tfe . - »» » ru.^vire. The Ii latch *nr4 ft■■«» »r«l. ftv lira*» 1 ' 1 b e < nrar nt 4 ur-w Hi nu- ,..r •\ ••hi».,uw • •• Tlirrnioald. Hi '¡'tee F a ’ i *! I ••fra. lew r Carri«-•»**'« ii;l«-r than llralb Hj «» t I row« IkeEiirfi lutar* It •»•»». ’ r Jv'• Vvwww I • ■ i • U «r II.» l". I-' m. J. II I’,..- Ii»r*re'« V. IIL i-r •*»i r«»v« • •■»■, Jr. T^eiârat Fair-ka. Jl T. <'*i»-«a. jar w»rr.«w '«r - •fervi. I t M« w * I’-cvr. fl |‘rr»-y areil l«r l*r»gbr|. Hr Wn «1* < -u 1. T » »>• ai nit r4».l«c Iliac* *’/ *- No I». » I*-««» ■ it nrr*« Tr ruotai Ina. f’r M**. J» K Ii« »*»..1—<• I mww TU u I^. >• r j A U a -I c V» >•» i i. T ».* I-l i».*« llow. K. V.T.r«»».»*. h- T.W. T Ur I »1»! t.iwv»- H« ( i.r» Au*-K«ra. T i- M:3 Wirl »T Ty r*l- l'.r M.T «’.i M-j'vrn « K >vwgi*. •*« If. I « m » i »I i «> ï ^ lin It ♦•« rt’rL. I.y *-t tr 1 1 «i» It. Mewrer il . |(al*>i-a't It ar A. If fi.niHM« M.ttf ,f. i -A r '! .1 «• liUwrA. I- • - -«.-i I-MM. N» 5! I !■•«».:< »»•! •«••«■hi»<*. >--t < h »» i o» Itw.pw. M. 7. \ i MjguUt.-td 11-rulMf. Hr Jlr». A Ea-zaawa. i ’t'»r n «♦• « «»<«-. ft» l.rrr Wrre wmua , i «trt»"i*-í < *li*»s« . Hy Ur« llaxv V .• ». I l»r l»r.-v:»a II tMtaM. I r W > KIK 1 1 • T beTrcoarcak » raarfeard. My K. L Arcr- Th: gh bis glass, the captain had now and then watched bi- wife, as the toy, with bis hatchet, erMr«.t fttWtiw.wr. itu!!-l-iv». H. Nvar*’ kt io k 1 oti iH-ieeo of coral tor h- r, • ''•• . . ;!»- A4* t-alarra I • •.!!-« ‘v rwl'trrA of Jwha Mleaoloaa. Hy when, all at o ice, without the sligh - I l> •■»Uñar». Hr-ntínraJ I r»-»tt t!»e Water». Hr Ml»«Meiacw. J'i'.t. lyart» ft-iv ». Hr tiran i‘««rew » \ Fu! • »r r*«rr.- I.iwa«. Hy !t. H |Jo««»ae. 'hi, * —* ■ * *t rbw •«toty. Hr «I L rot wariiiiig. a •■cdt-sijuall" strut,. r»rr Ninety-l ir«*, br NvwvC'rru. liar %» 1. • »1 ari,!'» Merre-t . Nt g*> . 1 T 7t .r. ttnr.l w i«-L'a lilt al. I'y lira. If W«M»w ’Ita-L. H i!i**»ii • i.rew. X*. th sea. A mist, which had E II all k'tAWrrw. Hy M ■ llkai.« .» J I •*. SI ir -I T-avnntww. Hr • Tr, ’t he llt-rrhaal’»< rime. Hy H A--«»a. Jr. In < «»IJ*» Vet. H ■•«H.ar.f I- .-««rig- < r»IO< i«l'a J»ur»rt. H» VI»» Ki - re T' e <•■•••’ ll'otMa«.. 'ir *;»« «; • gall.'. rii’g ruimd the hili« of the i- l’y •F-i*r kale. H. <>■.>..^r ■ !>xa 7!>araw. ’ J<4 4. I'!*«* My«* rr of lb- Hally free. I«—;» ria. I«» M f < *:«•». r»f‘*r ra Twafiaa.** lu:ia, ii..'l I ecu blown about t I . aw 111» •erf. I«r •»: »»*.« » <*»M. Jr. *• '•’a. Ct n Bov»erbnnk1« 11 If» 'r Ml». Mi 1 V.. \ irtbrritener. Hr M ««11 tc»>. H » V. » •..■ I H ;*ilrr Mgkl U- ».. »car Kvcwaaaa, Ka. «7. jB.n-r H i»*-'* “e«-r.t l*.r M .• M L reef, i. • : hiding Mary iiu-1« ’J I a~ H«-4 4 1.« M T. C*r i- ». •*» T4 l.e-liar. R» M.wv <•■.-.« ftiv I ur I.ate ar ItlcLra^ Ry aw har • » Crawl K». Ki l-ntly 4.-v radali Wr'a Dr an at. H« u.« >a her at plhg li • . ts fill length from the wi.tcher'» gaze, as ••|»„«. I -«w- /•l-rt'tt-i. I IFix.i» ! of UraaeAa. Hy Jf. T C»i »ea Kr«< Court f'-rw. Hr Mr« l'urea» Fon» r*r > S - Mirt’i Tree Kror-n Itc-rp. hrWnnr » Ju J ship t .re along b-rt-ru the . \ I*, aw. •,-rrvt. va» Avarara. 4 «lî-.IY tiivt r. » Wn W-..-«'.»I . »rea It net latikr 4fiM tlam*-. « W tr ‘ »( , II1 j /It i • I 1 ,*•- >«<■ lviit£l«a*a Oatto. H* M>a. M*»v A *1 he l,»al l«Mtk A -, l-y Mr» lina», H w . r.g the water with the men a.oft taking in . . er. s.ti. £» • ’I’« •'■ . . /i' a ti I!.-re 1er. > H »TBH-a M Jett /!!>•• « ■« I a*».- ••trrai »Lie. Hr Ur« M T Virraa. Ht'J. A I! rirlr from th» fera. Fy aarh*w >Wa llarrr" M.««t 4-r**r,X" •■* Si« liawar W—»» l.;ke «.Il squall* of the kii.d, t... with i: 8 1 l'Krd . ami linn, with til- ’1 hrl'rlrL- tta th»- llrarllt. Att>u«ta.aa .«-.a- - a ». >a I»;« aaaa. /i/a»«> »f< < 1 .,t l’.,i—<• «.f \reyre. r- li.l.rc> M«awviT. I i e • •■ •• l ri irra. I»» Mi «. A » » re *■ t*aw. *1 he Yellow Utkaa Hr tl’l-B«l fri I ire» aluio*t ftUp‘T ■ .' One v> as of brief duration, an,. vitality and > »’i.«» u ricLi'a lru«tgl»t . Hr Sira. > - tL v I ’ , » low l-'t »l-tU. Ht M «a««»»* ft« »rar . ’ 3. A i* nr < Mr». >lr»»< U«w,t> i' rance • ' its -cics, with the A -|.»r|. r.--’ 1 ir... i:» M»•»«.. . :<-a* area feinter *■ »***. Hy a . » , • , < •••». 3.’. • « %••• H lr. Ml. iítv »-«re». ’ ran«. \n. JI. Itirrlf'tfalc. Hi Mr» Aia»»»«»« tel, it had died away, leaving / ;t iron pi’Otrudii ig i its form, and I, .ri.'- J . , I y |i.»>re, , V «iiTre. A ♦••ld«’U Dews. » aatfcnr II ■ • ri»..rr.» , r ' . tlrar-l«. !■ •’ Î 5J. I «■•«-»: or, the Uya(»ry of the Met:.'landa Lreeze by which the ship, .• >. •he lif- •-lidc* 6l ill I’.oxing from it,th-? \.« in I. » I... '-r . Illre.H ati«. ly -Taw v. r 'Ti W. p Mr ». Ht.-tf, M'r-4. Hs»4f y A nrh en. Mr VI«« N F ftw.l y-jr Ki« r » »•.•*.— - y,*rr. |>„ t ' IS .mi B- Mr* »» « a. a rar an ? hauled, rear beaded tip toward th. - re.itn re i ri 1 avored to -live to seize 'i !-r Uriel«« IreSlra. Hr Mr« l.'r I I» ll M.-t.iv X'f.rr. »=• I j H. >..»•*».- Zi I. Na. I• |M', ‘*J I vt.» ► •««. 4»« *«.» »-•; w—r «I •• ife-rw V. 51. Hm -IwKttee It hIrla i»J. F» M.ar • ,» I I. A reef. The captain aux. .»Jj the co-• • t 1 it uuian prey. X». 1». A <•!! h «< «*!•«. i’> ‘ - - |!»r <.-»«»*. .-*»« er. < f *• .. VI F 7 'Ihe I a ar* I •’wn’-. Hi »1*1- •«»yi.rf < i;«.' i I»r. J.kyU (.».4 Mr. Ifmrv Irteli, ft« Mr Hatched f.,r his wife, hut, seeing no The water 1 -li l le-l and foamed fi. A ni«»« llart-.i-. ft« ’■» H tw <»ti ÍU ' M.««*rtSi*ÿ. fty M.«. Aww ft. 4. lllur Fye« a»«*’ 4«wl«Tr-n llatr H sign of her, he turned pale. 3. < npl.tle litri". Legni -. ■ * I » . s the »hark. imped- -1 by its wound lî I Av.ltrll«.- I.Hst»». I . ,./ * p..iw T'j.^t.», • M •»»<>< ¡1 ■w. 5 Au u. - the Kulan. "Ay,' rcmalted the old tailor and 1 ■■■r the ic­-ii, strove to reach it.- « ••uu’e «*f ! ! 'Vi- •.» •/I I yon 1! w «1 ar-nb it r nt ; ’r!n n<-r»»’j «/»»* !f yntl w 1 1 » «ni,« rífe-r T •• iir vi-H r-i'o »felrviolAl » -*, n-«1 !!»••> a:«» |««.blialt- d 1» • • 1 •.'«*• in N :•* i *-ri'>i««w ««f the n»id«»r*—llief iirillie -»«I r»*:i who had acted as apokesuian to the intend ed virtiim; atid the captain's r»tr.| 1 . - « .i i-l E i t-p N««»o n'K» tit«» !.»ug a- I ut’m-tiV* ll-t fr« m will»-!« r«»’i *r »kipper the night before. "The 1 heart ahooFt stood »'.ill with th- -•»■ i ?» • tt'«..l«*r wl»l«’h r«r lb»« »'«»r»-H «mi ri ,«•.«» .*, ynt| »•. Jt| »•-» |f.-f«-«ry ti«* M ■ • ««’ •!.«• ii *v».i Iu tbla !!••■ wll h-r *Jt • • i Is *» - -■'1 - - ! !.«• .*■< rrsije gu-l nt|i< r I lr bad luck has commenced. This dr- cd that the e.Tort would be eue - - .-• ft»” ••-•j» - aO*y iwm»«jr live r«*n n«ey ehMwe- ■fri^. . . t -r „ 11- «*r’r ' i *. ' .i « ' » trfr.' ,»•« «•*», i ■ « ii , a « • «i« nrt «s sort Hr»«rr lilt comes of our having a Jonah ceF.sfnl. • v • . «»' II. •• ’ j » r c r.ref J»r I h r!T i r«ft l>!*’«**e«l l«> h *h*i '• « . «< . r i n t-.x »• 1’1 her«« fw«» iv I'v-« i f lit*«»«* ' ’ r«< I aboard. • . • •'■> . ' f« » I*« : . . • I OV»» It;: • i ;!,.rv *►?:.« F I . . il « t This iwmel tl.e more lik-ly, ns " • !» « • - ¡ i -I r«'«« nl1k l ilt s-H Jl «'«» P. If •' oy «V He looked, as he spoke, at War­ ! Mrs Wilkins, new unable to hold • •' I II* C WM-«->l»p. »Mit p l ik<» « ur f i-> u v lock, whose keen, glitterii g eyes Ion longer, let go or the dingey’i- « re C- t' «•» IV I . r> I t I r<. e ! c were turned toward the reef. • ■ 1 ft- I I •»• • kiel, mid sank under the surface, I yn »*••«** t* You're right, Bon,” answered the 1 and disappeared in the f i-iming er I •’»er ♦ » Rwv y » sailor whom the old fellow ad •oitex of water about the strug- i r U -m »»u K' ♦' a ine •»*? - « dressed. "You eau make sure that j gling shark. Iblj ocer l y uj .1 **j*t ««H** A'Mrmm « - ■ the capt'in will never see bis wife "Save her’ Save niv wife!” shout­ nor the U>y again, both, as 1 take ed the captain. it, havin' teen drowned in the Hut none of the men to whom hr squall.” spoke were willing to sacrifice their' All hands were now )o »king o:f to­ (live..—fur such tlv-v thought wo'ild ward the reef. it the result of th ir swimming to, The captain's heart sank. ' ttt mp‘. a r e-i. ui der the very 'It cannot be that she it lost!' lie jaws of ti. fiercest of ocean mon- cried to his mate. 1ÍA L*r. •‘■V’’?,”. ’ uilo. yer.Fic^n’'c*yftt*oti It! I only t 1 . r - e a vc 7 wcU- The latter tick a ici.g rqi.ut l.i \;.. .rd j ■* --J. L-.u t ¿o- '«.CÀ-J.f4ÜuW fn rpitc < f his r jured leg. th- Urczii.c ic.” _ through tlic glass. Mia. I .,'. •• »e», r- : • v-?’: frn eald 703 .«kippi r «•'. :'d doubtless have Sr’-bed 1 ccu’.d I - •; l . k ¡ 3 St. .i«h LS Xra ‘•Heaven help the peer lad;. . ’ I • /.hen.—and s' • trr ii L l ; cv.a v-Glu» Lui ; a,..; • v r! oir I a:.d |orisl.id in ! 1» . * 1 *: ' a. ? a« . said. "1 see nothing of her. > a L ¿»1 -'î ” ■ i ■ ,'i-d • -• to save his fair lin* L’3. •' t* c. . t».e - .t aH «7 T *T Suddenly Warlock sprung <1 w . lînn f - jri t a ’*»••<’ r. : »*y r ,c. ; i.di.dt that ;>:irt:n‘", 1 :;d i.i.t the New Zclander alie kr »r. ; t ; L r< en ead ia br bt bt .J from the rail, l-rward. upo.. -v 1 - . 1 . ¿ c.» as ■ ’ tlv ri i * d I ini and then well m «' tu c< “ • i* 1 t: t j.'-’.r «ocres ef he had teen Handing, and. . Inferoa/m. bisa 1 ' trie 1 s » » °: B’br: of 1 m the bow. >_ nx.:.: ;.'.c’.’.r ' I 1. rt ' r. » rr in one Loor a Combines the J’-ice of the L’ j tbre-bounds, rescl.id the qu .n i- r L i r «an; i : • e? ! rsrt : m rnd t: « K- ■ : his eves open, as h‘ C-l.ion-ia, so Uxo.’v“ at d rj t p.oUf" .t et epica nw.t!> dee’re. lie utleicil a shrill cry. )• •- trcivctr «.¿.v. r.-i.» dsi i;cerei..!» with lie medicinal •’irtues cf piai v •• r. ho soon beheld kn A« to be c IUT». ï Í. r. tl c rrv « ¿I ticulatii g with Ins arms, and p ixnef’rbl to tK t e d'T c. r> : •« < ‘ ’ ncec’.ict :» et '! • • ‘ - fif-i within a fev. hu»T3“n ?' <‘e n. fomint» the O> I V PFK- a • ing otf t!.e weather taiw.iroiu vvl:;<‘. L*v«7 i. « î . •- . n -s, j c er ta t.-a .'.î c: >’ «‘.e FICT REMEDY to act gcr.uy pc: y • - oi tr. shark, which, with corne« c • : - h : : .-*» iu f et txu t<» t-ù« a strip of mist hud just clean d. promptly on the 1 n: »< n« -. ar*l KIBKET3, LIVES AKD BOVELS .1 1 H j grasjied her with >lr AUn t»« r Lr ’L )t i* r -l’y ' crùerfiü raw a s.actach winch made h - —A*P T«' — Low k *J.Uevery :. ave' h _ v t" . ri . nd to make his wav to M ; l.F « «.1; pc:?ji 11 v r«m!fora heuill.imd res :f it would Iren Fp*r:œcn C'-'T. 1er ?iit* • •-, thing!;! "whetpou Clsaiist ti* EffestuaHy, b . ■ f.ci with l.TTr. was. for this Bufiti- Itwl î A.-nn-e a i»i t' eut c»e« f ca.** th < Jgh his ril s. — SO THAT - Xi-B 1. n ' i ? i.i'.t W catir.tja L’cmorcet. C _ mpu . M*.- • 1 th : tr>- r. hew York.» Clinging lo the dinger, which :■ wi rial native, tut the work of a • PURS DLOCD, effetìnz « • > ni n c:r.e > < opj frr tv et rtx «0 RXFRc^MINO £L. CP. waesrt »0— n ; • r i r«-b nmbet cnauine rare turned lottm up, was his nii-i, f iv moments. Just ns he and hi- a ‘l-L.-n Or r* .riti-? th- h jt TWK sax ___ fc- f t!.c ship, and, hearing the voices oil quickly rccogn.scd the long. 11., k THE BEST. « » . I. F subt ft O’< fi3 t : clcavit.g the water like a knife, ths • ui rs. who now were chei.rirg ' lattSir.. -c, I'wacrip.vc «cd Priced W in the u.r.c.o.n of the strugg'..: g, .h- mr.n whom they bad been gr­ S^-D ANNUAI.Í/ For 1C3I wit be RK»Bed FREE jK it r to th ow overboard on the night wemnn. ¿ ind the Chop«» t ■0 a*¡ «H*2 J»rd R* U «t « a*re » s^B levato -» It :« be fcr t'-*r. iw«r. “A shark!" bu cried, “a shark! before cs a Jonah. She soon, k Every ;c| « *rv*-~M f r tre?« aa l awcttp. f*w * premer m * -mr f«»Hy. ? I mb ♦ • l»«Wwr» c-r In hat peon, which ho had brought for him the lasting admiiaticn aril r* t »«vo «.t-o- • IB » tai F’1». »• .•»’'«-aa rm»H ng fer t«»« • Skit to ’Wn aa>l trwe. i p frum the forecastle. -%* ’ ‘iHr-a »».« tfe* t»W amar*», «ari tt» respect of the fori mast bands, a: d il S 4«rat«»:.. ]>Ua*w .'^lur'Wfe* Ira »ad, uuder the vigorous 'strokes of foolish notion that he wasa' Jvnah.” H-HalHttA c*. Mode by STr.‘i‘T : h i i H ors ?.!* Litber ipua obaxim A HC Sect c e.i- Mt Br.isV,’ 'ir« i>. - A lie j Wiusi-Hi air ute regularly. Ba arre him mi it at alm : tü >.r tere¿túig and iaet THE UT57ZZT Gr 1 Ts a thriiliaj .«i*rv F akm . by Joes K. hs-kk. nr at'.caiion. Short «teñes by oirrt; aupear irvui Vinte to l: n*.’ EILL AF.P¿ If HUS ppear iu each isxae. arti t. •» ; iter was never mc " JiUrel TfUStS jdrTrads s- J Fai bc IIOMK AXD wu m k t ■j M • r*ier. r i- ruif. KFKM x .. ì. >1' E i p m h h CATTI.« w’lh < tVrOiit h’’ <*:: Left Hip. LEAVENING POWER hi a 5tyç(iOldepÇeQsçr Far marki < cr»-p. fT ht r. .■ Under f.upr i id:-. Cf ths various Baking Powders iliu» trated fren actual testa. E9YAL(P«cJ • ?:.-.axx .» >* i rrr» r I: b i 6 nu Iti ••«*.»■ e a ike tu ite «: al ig i « a 4 _er. .«et e- a ». a , «i c: > tv «. aiife'.t. u." .Me -.w Am'ZXTfS£ZS. PEAPX (AadrewsftCx)... „ t i q Pepcris cf Govemacut Gwuusts. » «Jur’Bftuf ir.e **?. txr »r : r ivr . a usr- * î rii ;< « i lea I n J, fi f Hr 5uiu: <«• a * rre ¡ a. “ The Royal Baking Startler is coapcsed of d.i v.tivineB pure ar.d TrLclcsoniG in jredier.t?. i fl* .:t ’• * It dees not contain either a’.um cr phoephates, or other ia- jx'iou3sub»:a.-’ce*.-EDWAZDC. L ove . Fh.D." “ The Raya] Dak;« j Towder is undoubted'.j the parest and most roZabk Lakis* pewd K- .vi tariree ah ¡w! I h»* » **♦ j • . ..*: vf L-:i . * * i X a K:' k *:gh their strength, are t j te avoided es dan. gerous Thcs’ r«»:e powders kberree their yas i yo freely, or uadt-r cb^./us auft« to- wri oration. Tret. JLiSntt j— ria C£0» W RowtLL a co.. Xevrtpaper JU. wudog Dmai Jr-o New V*«k. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THHEADtNC 5 Í if la it wo ecaa- binsd th. na­ evi n Mbaair- a! (kill. moat B > B W ’ Ji - * i Ì SOrALÏSS? ¿»u* *•< XT trefT1! i* ff 'sW' the. uaefu! and pnetkal; .loir.-at«, a»’l all kaown ad vr.Tag. Ihat raake a aew. >ae marhiao d.airaMs l> «1! or use Absolutely Pure.