WEDNESDAY. MAlU H !<. 1991. I t is a waste of space to say nothing of being very unkind for newspapers to remind ‘•me-too’’ Blatt of the part he took in nomi­ nating Harrison. Make No Mistake L ek C aldwell . If yon decide, from what you have heard of it» cure» or read of its merit», that yo« will take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do pot ba induced to buy something else which may be claimed to be “about the him " or "just •« gnotL" Remember that the sole reason for efforts to get you to purchase some cubslitute is that more profit may be made. Firmly resist all Inducement», and insist upon having just what you c. tiled for, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then you will not be experimenting with a new article, for Hood's Sarsaparilla is Nmiee. From this time on I will not give IFroni onr regular Correll «deni I any credit for liquors to friend or I t is apparent from the speeches W ashington , I). C. March 7, 1891. foe. Lan-. J. BosEN3EKG. made at the woman's suffrage con- March .’¡d 1891. The United States is baukrupt, vww L mma at Washington, that the E m rayed. as far as the reckless and extrava­ C ollapsed —the pedestal upon ' women of Kansas elected Senator Tried and True. gant appropriations voted by the Taken up by the undersigned, on "In one store the clerk tried to Indues which Thomas B Reed once exhib­ Peffer, the successor to Ingalls, Poison creek. Harney countv, Ore­ me to buy their own Instead or Hand's Sar* I How long have the women of Kan- republican Congress can make it ited himself. gon, two bav horses branded on left saparlls. But he could not prevail on me so, and it would be actually so to ­ change. I told him 1 knew what Hood's sas been voting? shoulder with the figure 12, about to Sarsapar.lia was, I had taken it, was per* day if all of the aporopriations had S years old, weight about 1100. fectly satisfied with it, and did not want I t is customary to speak well of to be paid at once In the dying The owner is entitled t > the above any other." Mas. E lla A. Corr, SI Ter­ W e would suggest to “Buffalo (he dead, but the custom is more I hours of the Fiftv-first Congress the named property by proving the race Street, Boston, Mass. honored in the breach than in ob­ ■ Bill'’ that he might add a new fea­ ¡republicans threw prudence, con- same to be his, and paying all We Are All Taking Iu • We conld not be without Hood's Sana- servance. as far as it relates to the ture to liis “Wild West” show, } science, fear of a hereafter and charge« narilla. It is the best medicine we ever which is now in Europe, by employ <«'pt in the bonce. My family arc all taking P eter C lemens , Fifty-first Cotigrvss. every other restraining ifluenee ” M”.<. J. B. B arker , San Joaquin and Burns Oregon it. , ing the ex-member3 of Congress to Fremont Streets, Stockton, Cal. I overboard, and boldly voting for appro- rqicat daily, for the edifications of every possible thing that promised Hood’s Sarsaparilla the adherents of the “effette mon­ Sold by DnssilK »1; ,1, for»>. Pwpsred to assist in the looting of the Treas­ ouly by C. I. HOOD à CO., Al Ch- .Ail. •, archist systems,” the “riot act,” Lowel!, M ms . ury. which their leader had agreed which they hare enacted so often IOO Dosca One Dollar up m for the purpose of confront­ during the lifetime of the unla­ ing the democratic Congress with mented Fifty-first Congress. The BERN'S ADVERTISEMENTS a deficiency. Old mouldy claims 'expense would not be great, as that had been refused a hundred most of the republican politicians times were tacked on the appropri­ would be glad to go for their ex- |J W. ASHFORD, H. BOYD ation bills, and railroaded through, Dense«-, in order to avoid having to Ashford S l Boyd, extra salaries were voted to em­ return to the!.* constituents before PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ployes who are already paid be­ time shall have kindly glossed over FOIL SAI.E. yond their deserts, and money was son:? Sf the.'r meet glaring mis­ The Red Front Livery Stable, B urns ..................................... O regon Office in W. E Grace’s Druj Store. scattered around in every direction deeds. ' situated in Lyirns, opposite the as though th? Ticasury was over­ I Burns hotel. Air. Wilson offers flowing with a surplus, as it was : W e now an incorporated two yea-s ago when turned ever tc ' this valuable I.ivcrv Stable for sale at low figures. He lives in the ¡town, a municipality, or a govern- ■ the republicans. i ment of ourselves: the election over M here the money is tc come from ' country, some distance from town, Office at residence. in the Jo^n Robin »on and officers to serve us for one year to pay a;l of these wild appropria­ jand cannot give the business the building, and 1» prepared to attend tu the S enator Wolcott thinks the practice of dent »try in all its branches elected by the legal voters of the tions is more than any one can see attention it requires, is his reason Teeth extracted without paiu by aid of gsss. Fostoilice Department has become district incorporated. There is. of at this time; it isn’t in the Treas- i for selling. There is not a more a little chesnutty under the manage­ course, some dissatisfaction, ar.d ury nor can it possibly get there valuable piece of propertv in Burns ment of Wanamaker. Next time why not? it's natural, and should ! under the present methods of taxa­ and any one desiring to invest in Mr. Wolcott wants a postmaster , be in anv tuirn of enterprise and , tion. Two years of democratic that kind of property, cannot better appointed or an old one removed} .get up. There is always some? economy in the House and a purg­ themselves in any town. Call im­ he expects to get it done more: difference of opinion; that is one ing of the pension rolls of the frauds mediately at this office or on Mr. promptly than heretofore. the factors of a live town. All par­ thereon may pull the country thro’ Wilson, for you are likely to lose Notary Public. ties cannot be altogether pleased- without making it necessary tc put a bargain. The Stable is just what D. L. GRACE, Ex-Representative Anderson, of we recommend it to be. with results. Burns is a progres­ HI RNS. OK Kansas—thanks to his having been sive, wideawake town, ana it does new taxes upon the already tariff Two Pap«r» a Wewk fur a Dollar a Year Land Filngn. Contest Blanks, Applications fur ' Publication Notices, correctly and prutui'tly ; ridden people. a schoolmate of Mr. Harrison's— ; not matter what's on the tapis, of, attended to. Deed». Notes. anti Mortgages The "Twice-a-wcck” Edition of egibly drawn up. Charges ruaaouablc. 11-st 1 The republican ex-Representa- get« a snug berth in the diplomatic a public nature, her citizens “get The St. Louis Republic is at once service that will enable him to in and drill,” which shows conclu­ tives arc loath to leave Washing­ the host and cheapest news journal ton until Mr, Harrison has distri ­ keep out of the way of the Kansas sively the vim of, and interest tak­ in the world. It is a big seven-col­ buted the plums now at his dispos ­ Farmers Alliance for some time, en by, her citizens. umn paper, containing six to,eight al, which includes nine new U. 8. and get a good salary for doing it. But since it is all is over let us circuit Court judges as provided by ' pages each issue, or 12 to 16 every show our interest and good sense the new law, which purports to be week, and is mailed every Tuesday C. A. SWF.EK. by encouraging and supporting our for the relief of the Supreme Court, and Friday. Its readers get the ATTGRNEY-AT-LAW town officers in their duties; not but Mr Harrison proposes to try! , news of the day almost as promDtly «Jfiice: Burns Oregon. kick at every action of our council their patience, as he is going to ; and fully as the readers of a Daily and criticise every move or effort Maryland tomorrow for a few days and half a week ahead of any GEO. S. SIZEMORE made by that body, which presum­ of wild duck shooting, and says he Weekly in every State in the Union. attorney , ably, is made for the good of our will do nothing in tlic matter until Yet the price is only one dollar a B urns , .............................. O regon . town. We hope such are the feelings his return. Year. Special Missouri, Illinois Culler .'ion», I .a nd buxine.«». and Ileal of our citizens; that instead of find­ Ex-Speaker Reed has a pretty and Texas Editions are printed, and Estate matter promptly attended tu. ing fault with the mandates of our thick skin, but lie couldn't hide a general Edition for other States council, they will freely drop all the chagrin he felt when every contains nothing but details of im­ W. W. Cardwell dislikes and lend a helping hand. democrat in the House voted portant events of interest every­ T he great majority of the repub­ The council may, and will, in all against the usual resolution of' where. The Republic is the lead­ lican ‘‘ex’«" have a double edged probability, make some mistakes, thanks that Mr. McKinley, after ing Democratic paper of the country snickersnee in their trousers to be but in such cases our criticisms vainly trying to pursuade a demo- ' aggressive, but at the same time used upon the Harrison boom, and should be gentlemanly and friendly ernt to do it, had offered. Served liberal, and the only thoroughly none of them have a sharper or in their significance, not given in him right is the verdict among dem. national journal in the whole coun­ heavier weapon than Mr. Huston tones to create anger, ill-feeling or ocrats. try. Remember the price is only of Indiana. ex-U. 8. Treasurer, who discouraging to our body of law Senator Vilas is here locking 'ore dollar a year. Sample copies, W- Y, Jorgenson says he resigned because of person­ ! makers. just as natural as when he so suc­ also an illustrated Premium Cata­ al, social and political dissatisfac­ DEALER IN cessfully presided over the Interior logue, sent free on application. Copp's Settler's Guide llevised. tion with the administration. department under Mr. Cleveland. Address The Republic, St. Louis, v Henry N. Copp, the Washington He says that Wisconsin has cut I ! Mo. N obody seems to have heard of Mr (D. C.) land lawyer, has revised I loose from the rq ublicxn party for Harrison having tendered his friend and reprinted his Settler's Guide, , gbod and all, and that her vote may ex Senator Ingalls, a plum in the the seventeenth edition In view of be confidently counted upon for the shajie of an appointment, nor ling tiic recent confusing legislation of democratic candidate next year. It is pleasing to know that the any one heard that the vitriolic congress, this book is an indispen Kansan proposed employing any of sable assistant for all who arc, or •Fifty-first Consress did one good Watches and Jewelry, Clocks his spare time during the ensuing expect to be, interested in public thing. It passed the International Silverware. year in coraling delegates for ¿the land settlers will eave money by copyright bill, although it wan ap- Repairs Watches, Clocks and Scur­ present occupant of the White purchasing it. and ¿all who expect patently done through a tnisundei- ii g Machines. House, tu the next republican na­ 1 to take up land any time in the fu- standing, and Mr. Harrison signed I First door cast of Postonico. tional convention. . ture should get posted and save ex- it with a quill pen, from the wing Burns, Oregon. 1 pensive mistakes. A chapter, il­ of an American eagle, which had lustrated with numcrouscuts, shows , been provided for the occasion by rOR SA1X BV 1 how to tell township, section and 'one of the editors of the Century TONSORIAL PARLOR, NEW HOME SEWING MA­ quarter-section corners, and ex­ Magazine. CHINE CO., 725 Market St., ROBINSON A MYNATT, P bop ’ s Senator Edmunds is entitled to plains the system of surveys. It San Francisco, Cal gives full information about the thanks for having balked Senator Paicfic Department. Everything in their line guaranteed homestead, pre-emption, timber Plumb's scheme for transferring the to be done satisfactorily. culture, desert land and other laws. employees of the Census bureau to fJF The only place in Burns you The price of the book is 25cts. Ad­ the regular departmental service, can get bathe. without the formality of a civil ser­ dress the author. It will tell you who is entitled to vice examination. Mr. Plumb at­ Permanently Cured without Cutting enter land; how continuous your tempted to hitch it on to an appro­ Burning or Ihlating. A perfectly BLACKSMITH I residence must he; what iiuprove- priation bill, but Mr. Edmunds, ■ painless treatment and a guarcen- j menta you must make: what affi­ raised a point of order against it. teed cure in every case, no matter ADOLPH TUPKER - - P davits you must swear to; about bow long standing This treat­ ' contests and on what grounds they which was sustained bv the chair. ment for Stricture, of Dr. Box well’s, And while giving thanks I must can lx- commenced; also sugges­ is the greatest discovery known to tion» about Sate lands, stone and not forget tho democrats in the Medicine. It dissolves and com­ timber lands, mineral lands, desert House, who with the «id of a few pletely removes the Stricture with­ entries, saline, railroad, coal, town-i republicans jumped upon the Pacif out annovancu or pain to the pa­ «ite and other lands. Its purchase will save you money and trouble, ic cable subsidy "job." after it had tient. DISEASES OF MEN! as erroneou» »t.atements cinmlated been agreed to by a conference coiu- by conversation among settlers mittce. and strangled the life from Peculiar to their Sex. and not prop- t r to name here, including all those mav. if acted upon, cost you a con­ it. test, perhaps your land and im­ The democratic Senators abo de­ delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses provements. serve well for the smartness thev which they would shrink from dis­ displayed in wrerwHin« the mail closing to their family physician, subsidy bill front being sent to a permanently cured in k-sstimethan conference committee, which would , was evtr kn->wYi to Medicine before, M any years practice have given »only hare incorporated the ton- , hr Dr. Boxwet)'« "New System of C A Snow A Co., solicitors of oat- nage subsidy bill in it. It i» much Treatment.” It rejuvenates the fen-1 Iwtt. r to accept the least of two ' ito-urinary'organs and makes weak Mils at Washington. D C unsur evils than to have tn take tb«m 1 men strong. passed success in obtaining patents both. . '| Wb>n possible, it is al wavs best 1 r all classes of inventions. They There were seme di‘grace fttl to call for personal consultation and examination. Rut those make a specialty of rejected «Met -eoms Consuhing Physician. St Paul manufacturers and all who have to and corrid«rs were witnessed, bv many. ' Dis|