O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON?WEDNESDAY I MARCH 18, 1891. A Good IFlor i da. ERALD. Fend addrer.*, on ¡mede r I. ft r iiifornn- tion tum;tTELS Kudl'Ec, etc.,etc., Ai.Fv,. ¡it! j ro.np iv. I. Y. JENNERS. Q t »-. I Around t he AV orld on Foot. A young gcntleuMMi while look­ A journev around the world on ing over some paper* the other day foot was undertaken muro than a VANb ,: , FLO I E. McKlhMti, P roprietor . which were dated e g>o<| many century ago by an English Corpor- Everything in our line of th« Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, i ear* back, esme across the foilow- a! of Marine*, named Ledfard. Ill ISO I’l-ol-lUE'liihS. A Siri.Mtliou-.il Su-ry. F ol ’.: Trial .ua'nrs- Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on haud when i g piiiile whie.h will i-o di>u:-t in- the winter of 1786 he started from With great premium t»;;«T-, on re­ you call on “Mack," at Drcwsey, Harney county, Or. terestotir n-aders: 'London with u design of wulking A’». K l.AWb. Il is generally believed by the at|(-;cFRt’S r. quircfi tu tfive notice bv ceipt ot 10 CE n TS, iind Putdown the day of month of around the globe, or around as » H|f r i.c»«’io< «ti®.vertici' of Atlanta, Georgia, that f <-f iU MARRIED LADIES. Only people it I- l. i « iivt ßk«- his rain r . much of it as possible. He design­ Kiie it ! 8..». for 1 8 U..1 - »'il'B 55ce*»tMu vrnr Be>t monthly in Rev J. G Armstrong, who recent-'.vourbitth. !'tiik<« .he st* Double it wer).} fu* ihe pri.• •. Ai) ir ns Wo« I ly died in that city, was J. Wilkes ’ ed to traverse Europe and Asia on publisher hr |m - PATENTS. in ;h’s \Ve»k, A ! ;b’f!*'. 1-«• ‘“L'a Add 7. | foot then 1« ferried across Behring Boot'i. llis resemblance to Booth C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. b I i:Ti»-r « ir m 1 • I Multiply by 51). 1 Strait to the American shore,whence Parents obtalued, and all patent business attended, to promptly and for moderate fee«. was remarks1 le. lie even had a Our Office is cppvsKe the U. tf. Patent Office, and we can obtain iu leas Umc than these i he would continue his journey to sliotgan wound on his leg. and a ( Add your age. remote from Wathiugton. 8eu. We refer here to the Pue.msater, tho Superintendent of Money Order’ Division, and to i tween New York and Labrador, s. ice the man’s death that lie1 Multiply i-y 10i.llatw Il ubo luroUh Hint >rm<‘Unt. next two figures your age; the last He walked to St. Petersburg by way A Serious Matter. tic quk-My r< i.nty. 1 figure the number of month of your of Hamburg and Copenhagen, going nt a li.rrc » > t A»’ Th? race matter in Oklahoma is birth.—Napa Journal around the gulf of Bothnia to the i ussuming a serious phase, and the north Then he continued to Si­ Woman Muffiate in Kaiiwas. ' continued agitation which the eub- beria and went as fur as Yakutsk, ijcct is raising will more than likely intending to press on toward Beh­ The ] a-sage of the woman suf- ; ling strait, in the spring of 1788. • result in a co.’ision between the PERSONAL AND PROMPT ; I.lacks and whites. During the ; frage bill in the Kansas house w as j But in January of that year he was ; ATTENÌ ION GIVEN T > pa r- I last six months negroes have been I the most exciting event in t hat i arrested by order of tho Empress, A Gre:! end Merful Work, K. . I ¡T ” ENTS, OAVEAi', Til A DE flocking ioto the terrilo'y by hun­ 1 body since the election of Senator; taken hack to St. Petersburg, after­ CO.NTAJNlNa K----- i MA' KS, etc. M ’t!< dreds in response to the glittering I’efier. Tin- bill had been defeated ! ward put across the Polish frontier l.e»l il ! NO PEE IÎNLE S PATENT inducements off. red by unscrupu­ I a tew «lavs before, but was re-eon-j wlth orders not to enter Russia 2,176 Pages ÀXD IS SEGUR E Í ). < ;Oii LlliSPOND- | aid« red and passed l.v a vote <4 CO again without the Imperial per- lous real estate dealers, who huve EXCE S »L1C.Ï ED. i7 ! 620 Bcactiiiil Mrfc! laid out a mythical town n<-ar| to 34. The eight democrats and I mission. ST ip, 1A'[} <1 •, .úi Í F.- T n ;' M a -IMOTI! rTCLVFJBCU liBN been pub . all the r-publicans b-jt t f u* Vitsdj Guthrie. The negroes arriving • I” • i t ■ me« i u» vuma u< ilia inatu*« lor « - ï -.'nx «Hu Gi'ir. r nlcoitiprudiuiit of kttt>wi«f '■ >- ry county to Devi*, during1 London is unlike any other city C > 1 c.ko thlat’.i ' »no-* cmrpi»te. vaiur.b'« »fit . ■* iiM-ful woikR.fCtrtUMMicaivcrpublialieJ. ibi« a new arrive.!- Imv - brought tl; th i me u M. rk fi.r » V- rj body—man. v ¡ innu a.- it clitM, ssion not ■■ il. standing ! says a correspondent to Springfield In !•'’ ry t ccu[>aituii < r walk In Ilf«». Th* ■•!»- loll p-ix « t h th. -u The di < i t r.et'iunl prtM tifai utility < t twenty ordinary vi/orous pro’e't s’g nd l y everv Repo licaii, in that one’s indivi«!- v ,uirv“ • ’ c‘ i” the»* four. *t.d aw s spreadin; ■ pail a'l-'l t! : r ph le I* lb** r i-rk with knowledge of **err repui liean member ng.-.iiist nam ­ Jif'd t'li'l. «’S! d la d with u-etul lili ta ■ml helpful t aper* hnv op. t l. >1 .1 i ve.,ity is loot i;i the gri-at throng ItP.j rnptP filoni -, I lift we folly to Here that in every Sí’i Í *° wlik Ii it » ha I fimi H a way it will unou ing the county "for that, arch traitor ■of 'ilia'a: tin- against r' »■ b tli-il <’’ tn*' b> b rcgardul ßa worth Ita writ hlin RolA. « )U,0«X) of p-op)e. The mo­ rii I I**'1’ » i co we tian only brlrflr A'.tuimnr- Jeff. rsJn Davis!” The S Alliance ment he b is passed out of the great rt::!l 8 Ftnui: ponlon vt ihecoutoutaci lina great —a w<-rli,anfoi!bW6 : <- iiis t«i ie getting a very sir ing v centalit, R oorcp.ct j Oilneee, Japan»’*, the penile H India, Africa, Mv-lacaacar, railway station- ,,]) interest in him . i O.vil V.’ar, pro- I’jlci'U , ledami, llo>too, Itv.rmah, the Handele1! island», ip on Kansas. The Suffrage till i- gone, and no one seems to know ! • < f the •?«»► Ili in ; a, ,M. ; vi,, K'ffiaria, Tart ry, Ctwhtnerv and Tunis, tlie Arab*. u.-ry b? f olnribuato 1 ur.a, Hcx¡c»n*. Booth Àr.wrirana. American lmll«n», Fg'j»- i i 1 '.I 1 ’ - <* :.n.| Ilia’ll, r i-incw. Atrnsln'uns, Norv.eaiaus, Muaiilariln. B«tw. ss.idp.oviJe that women twi n- itia-.ia, ta uuoioctcal I”. I..»«, Greeks k’j*»iaii», t iberten«, Afkhaii«. rarriau», pninphk ; cf iafonuatton and :tl>-^ or cure what becomes of him. I Mo .l.-ma, Auavtnlian*, Bulgarian», Slelilana, etc , etc. | ?O .!. htrsntt of Hie lam, showing How to/ i -one y< a s old au,f. In thia great wnrk la al«e dc’criMS a Obtain Fit tents, Cu rents. Trade .1 iliiiMrnnd the ari» amt pt ?e»*c» er |-rl«»iiii<, stereo.) ping. r lai .'ki -’laika, Co;’yr;fLu, a* * , tr l»M>kl.iif.|h!S. woo! (.nyrav log, lltli’ltrnph) , photograph', eolico r neee. s.orr qualification« ot lied . gbts m tile streets, if he I r-rlw'.nr. p»i>* inakiuc, wvclt niakinr, paper making, «ha ni-t ■lif eline of r.llk. irmi. a cci. ria»», ch.ua. perfumery, ao«y, Í» Sill Hrondwajr, with ■ dors shall l.e unfit!-d t«- vote at avoid the vicinity of the Bank ofi Ch* mull, C'J., Ivo’li'r. nnrch. w«U !’!■ ». tuipenilne. postal cards, poc’ige • mtnpn, euio'ope*. pee •, (cm lis. roedle», end many «Ihor ' what is 1.1.1 n ii ns n pinty riilm;*. i.ll v( «Lieh will be fouud peculiarly íutore.tlag *«4 11 general, special and murJcip.il England, the Strand, Oxford and | •»I1! »«•••« ■A’fctl» i -. », ♦«riilixors, liiwnictlv**. y ;ii> ago st-vera) ( . ntn-. ■ ■» I r..tm< nt of ’•’nitKHlN ritOlfÜCTIt Tntcrc-tlna dcrlntion». i'lwu «••»■», ncMHitpauhd I v iltM*iraii<.nt. •» aumeron» haaata, to; c'b« r in Chicago and st.ir ed on ¡and township offices in Kansas.— I nib aniioii h rd» 1’ !;*» »n t •i »cct*. wi-.u inucl, «urica» iulvrmaitou of a hermit or escape the observa- <1 ti« new« ii;g ih.-lr Ufo ami habit». nnrjonriiry in a happy frame of | [own ¡legist« r. ?. i*>b.im. Sot la F A*’*. T ii - )l»MM«wtr Crei.-ewwrt I» »1*e a compfote law In ns of bis fellow-men, then the I k .*, letlltu every luun li.nv he may ho hi* own U*)»r. and mind. Some New Y«>rk reiMirters, i e«’"i ' ,’ht lull pml cunriiHi < iplaiinlfon» of the ron»ral lane thickly sel’led part of London is ir d t'n I 'n • of !•»■■ »rrcrr.lflfot< a iitw,n ail matter* wht»h are /Affairs In <’mirala. »u¡>- vtl i litigai ion. With Lcmcruuc form > of ¡egal UocutuchU. while I was in the city, got wind of I i \\ OR K his safest retreat. Noone will ask MT’IS’fG. Ti »criptico» »nd Rinarratimi» of the mining nf n exe u cd with neatness i. i’lter, d.tiLMuU», coal, »alt, coj pci, kad, tiaa, Uu cud our going and sent a dispatch West1 <;ti cifrili if. ' anv .¡uestions, if he ha* the money liable III 18 VO ttr.rq O? THE BEA. l(e«»ln nr» d»»crl»«M •»« Montree). March 4.— Thursday to the effect that I and a poker party I« Painph’e’a I lu.fiatn I tho t-i.inv wonderful and brauttri I thing» fonad •> *ht to pay his way, or no one will in- •-a s 1 e er lira« , > -afthoor, an. the i lauf», fiowei«, »holt», fish*», tic , like« I of Congressman were abiiird a i will undoubtedlv be one of the |« and •»prliiih-ii.f ile «••nriuei»»«. »F lb* Blate* and Itrr.loMo» not I In every Western citv r we entered - of the Dominion. Never before has is the city ot refuge of unfortunates ■ f «»»'.. pilnrlpol coi.’tiri,« cf the world, length of the principal »e-i- regn iu iv or Ter re ACiKrìOW’.'IO3ì£3 THE E-t»T I’ic.i.lentl-I rtie for vlxtr year». Frr.idcntinl »lailxl»». I i'. 1.. ..e NcxvFjLi-cr Ad I 1 their been sc much interest and . •» : n 1 Icp ». cf »e », hike* and óori-n», I'•■»hl of moautaln». br Lì»;’, 8r.r.’zx. kr t?, IbMtas end RtJroadt. r. porters came in to ask us. not Erri il- e *< .. Mtt»v Yvfk. from i.ll parts of the world. Some i ■e-inniinn cf aiiltnn)« rad velocity «Í hodi»«. height vi tuo no- PRICES I:..'.-UUL U. : -’'.I by drF, J.'.GliT PAID. ■ i,i. «>nrr« »«<>1 «ruciare», tilaianet.» from Wa.hlngton, alao ifcMi’i».»ovum' M.'rn.w. New»Magi about the object of our visit to Cal- ■ intense bitterness nrottseil, especial­ f; ' ri *.'■ tr York. tn l»i|H>rtant point», chronotoglctl liletovy of lite- No gayrrtve: Eo Erara Jf’.’ssvy Rrlvajpe. succeed and become good citizens, ,». t > ami r '■•Tre»», ¡.ovular »»briquet» of Arurrfima Stato», Th« Jít4úd£c-i W Xer.vu Co., Cnicegc, Hl- ifmnia, but how th«- poker game ly in tho maratime provinc s, the <>.t more linger on in obscurity, l> ».tic., rommo’igr. n rnniloal »rrure. ni'e» for rpttlBag, pee* nofolh tt » d it«» of csyltab. W " ^ti|'«t ptirtur immhn » I»’H!'( TORY. i'ie wf Sial' », r.fd of routiiriei. of yrrot and die broken hearted. Every k«, pi’ptil.sr f-.b'<-* fomlHer r,uofotl*M «I gerla» and of in cards at all. we i'CC-'lne weaned War is being carried on tn the mest one the stranger imets seems to be ,-.» dril i word» i-f famon» perenti«, fol» "f th'i Ai-o’itr«, ! .tic» ¿fib« glob», loading goren, arcui» of tit« trurU. -*«j, ■ ........ Be»jamln Harri scandalous wnv. Priest, preacher, of tin. joke. No sooner h iiii WC l.ev* i*. Morlv» full of hia own business. Now and w»i»t. » r*rii»rlr»My lnl'r»Mlnr, ln*t-ucllvw a»d Jüii.t8 «. Elaine rived at San Francisco than a per­ politician, demagogue and even then one might stare nt him, but it M .VHOTK ■ YCU'P.ri'l» I’ til r lie ■! .y » I nt A fraction»! part f>t lit« topic» treat*,! in Hiiiiani U indwux I J' H b • a»«, t: • !.”U‘-o < f 11 ■.-fill and rntert-Mli’T fcriowl '—«in»)a»Ml«»W> I |«r t [r JvhnW. Noble v>.'l> b-,1 I any H"«! or I ir«v»rr N »• «»»»• nhntikl b* witk- high-born women are going from »lily I! sistent n-porter tackled me al ' lit •ti -i ■ v ■ av w i’i ’•mrd t th » vannoa perplaxlnr cti*»'in«-a that enitatanD/ Rebfieid Pr.ictur is with u far off' look, to be forgot-! (13- ’i* P • In 1 g n by iii r m > I itutt* vlfv la th#ir daily dull«« au I puinnlt*, and for eve described, nil postage prepaid and THE EAST OR­ •■irr fee not dirs SH patent is «ecured, L R. Binger Hernieun ! EGON HERALD for one year upon receipt of 13.00, which is but 50cts. j,.»\-ivester Pvnnovcr ’ n i ’. “JJnw fo (lurain P”»eris.” with base, foul, malignant, traveling, i light and were published, and only I ! without reference to the crowd of more than our regular subscription, therefore, you get Ibis large and naœ« ____,__________ ci:* :;:s iayvtu-Stusc, ,_________ ,_____ coux.ty,or ... .< e. . W. Mcl.ride milled fuel to the fire Ly their un ­ I Phil. Meist B . i tews, seat t-.-iiz free. free. Andrei«. corrupting, all around, ba^wiudow J! individual atoms of humanity valuable work for the small sum of 50 cents. We take pleasure in be­ . J. IÎ. McElr.»« . ■«• .u K.. f. B - . . Frank ! akei | gable-ro«'fed lie. Hr- did not 1 elieve mistakably treasonable untterances. which blea k their wuy everywhere. ing enabled to afford out readers such an opportunity. By making this C.Â.SSWW&CO . R. S. Be* t. [ * Opposite Patera C.ñcs, Washington, 2. C i in«*, and earnestly a»k -v the priests, that but his daily elbowing by the mill-, f. .1) LI1AH. F. H Y DE b (10. I), b. bl RTIN never heard the last of the alleged the goyertiment is most anxious in titude make him thoughtful of! ■ ,(Dj. H l.fcxcKaiAM poker game. Th«-papers were filled regard to the public peace on elec­ himself alone. Otherwise his work Cs sJ P ÍC '¿> i Í d ¿ U itirf O fir 6“ Ê R ? If — li ARMEY : Cannot to fncccufully traveled »itb- I D) with all'isi'-n« to it. Some time af­ tion day. and all the troops will be would never be done. Politeness W . M A. SET OF THE set good heslth. To reach wealth or any ,W. E.,G < a 1... ti») ter thi* I and -everol who were in ordered to la.* under arms during in giving way Io others, even la­ coveted position In It's requires the full T. li. 11OHETT8 L... ID) T. A. Ht K IN NOS posccMlcn tr.d eperation cf c!l tho fee- A. À. < O 1KO tie- other party made arrangements the time the polls are o|ien. Com­ 1 -(D) ulties Llr.d ra’-re has endowed ks wllh. >iot \V. E. 3LBEÜ. wN to ink another railroad tri; . An pany B , of the royal at tillcry. < f dies is not expectBl- M«fo I . .ikr These conations car.not exkt unless t! o .N k ELL UM. MEEKER enterprising New York r- munily than men engaged in anv The latest sensation of the cam-1 bearing stand» a poor chance in itii further mMe IMng. »« ri| tioni'rice. Our gi mt « flor i > ni¡l/»»cribtn the every day London democratic I at Ham. tad p m oth< r cla*s of busine«*, trunthfully paign is the desertion of the liberal ; rcîîj s«*e arytver i» s*i«»f»»»«» n»a<1<’. (Tinrhw I ei M! lUrse— ai H a u ' crowd. Their patience and good D¡rk» i * was the rrrwtcsi novelist who ever ly—at 7 Ao p m. remark* the Reno Gazette. They cause by the venerable Chief Justice hv< d. No ttiitli4,r » rfor** m r neo hin time lias i— it H a to, ar.d K-3 r m ie_. —at 11 a m. and 7 .Cp m w< li U t faino that I.« arhisved, and I,is works are (X|* ctcd to can fully guard all John Allen of New Brunswick.! huuior are proverbial, even under rr<> t\eu rorwvttpnl.tr to-day tlmn «lining his hicLnj«. T im ')- r-hmtid in wit, burnt r, interest of a public nature, publish He came cut last night for the con­ ' circumstances the most trying puth> a, n.:at»< Ivin rrr»»tiiig. No h« mes! «d»kX ib . ie>. 77, i. o o r and laugh. be will.« nt a K t e f th ar girai ai <1 rmiaik- ms Hall, e\err ffstvnlay in fact act a* sponsor for the whole for a loyal Englishman. The old ' would excuse p ! c ila. Kot to li.tvo rend them is in I»* ______________ F. M. JuRlMJX, M.O. f r bd i d th» age i’i which we live. Tbs comn.unity. For all of thi* work Justice ha* an imui-rnse influence \ nil D.1« : r ’ w«»ii»» which ne offer as • CDAPiXM nxx' ns. ■ ,» «1 f’tr i ■< ly print ( T SO. V, u. A. R. til^-f no nr vork*, carb vue cf which is pub* lw«*r« volwe.e» wi-t'i'i «>■« t.»ll*»*f"4 H.'il' Tí . d Wcdnesdav of rse Foundry, in iöir i.li,-• rt• »'*•**» kWrMj-**» t>»»t?!i «••. rn • v»»r wri'Un. Fm a Ti» -t»rr« ,<■ «nia. t T-.rrtém f ! m n i i >.»■ !, rnonev. More especially i* thia he lying in the Treasury is evidence 13.50 per ton of 2,240 pound*. Thi* o-eim-r - f » «*,i.nrr • * 7 ■ « ■ i.<, ■■ M-^dem M»wbe’«>»i,r.-» »-’I»». IvyfoUH ■ 'I i r’ttH r <'f Hr i -r I i , I »• iy I: »»••••’ll «Tr.’. 48 t.bl* ¿nit vp la • « al that they do not expect to get hold r*«-«4 t- • »rr*»** «■ »•»♦. ; «-k«i »V»»« t ' ■ * i»‘t ■ t ( Dicken?, . nr|.|. Y-, ,ii*rr . re r« 4 P-.«)*•«■ lea. «tlfea i.iW ;«n-RR r» m »nj«'Viu4 ■ I i h,.st.-r • * ’Trv^e»«’- Tr«d* B-rk. kv4 reee-rwV^». ♦»«. » Wu* ofthe appropiatiug machinery again S m » -' ««4 b«« f m B fie. to •«*■■•* vertiser* expect a whole column of i . i ¡«lirix an.I M'iiebii'4 il.toliu i-7- Um ■««. A to 37 cent* a heat, and other em • I n- • fora longtime. They are 3" right: 1 g 1 1 1 | (_ □<- kAwrtir® H TOMtc. k ■1 » c» »>•> • »iti«-»» in Lie rt *1,-- » f IHHW • < rrsinr« •»• r>*»i t*«uvr»» space to I* devoted to their partic­ thi* is their last chance. ..i fn V lie* - ‘ ttii at a ’f r 3> *4i" Nauoutl ___ employe» io proportion.—N. Demo- ruto, w« «r« «•* e t. *1 ,rto* vlftot, 4II C,a .ß • ? y 1 •' */ i< —i RtOMKVB-dk4 B«r»>»t-ZU, :** i.-.. S BK ATN Vto »«> «'RKIGIH « r»wwF EK Y WEDNESDAY '2 d ¿ SON. d OUB EXGHANGS. AXLE ßREA£ h a î ftêôs & ! PATENTS. w h ii f î a bo hä b hd m strut The Bead to Wealth enry m iller ha mi m mwno ïiînvr bi IDDI uas pstisctox askiso killkv hi hi UTTLE PILLS rahuii ctiristma m t a as a a om a a a ’« BE- foSItii rtKCtMM. $T.ICUIS,U8