jqoTicKi ( |B itoOueatrCMnotihaMMat 0M«ea.for , —5iud and water everywhere. \ COMMUNMMTIOJi. Grand Anniversary Ball,; «I. DURKHEIMER & CO _Tfae gpr¡ng tern) of out Buhooí The President evidently mean« to GIVEN BY HARNEY LODGE, In the mxter ol the'lxt Will «nd .Teaiarntiil ' COmiliOnCed todaV. distribute liefore Congre»« adjourns County oil NO. 77,1. O. O. F., —Mise Ida Roberts i. hired «« all the offices which are yet at his Executor of the last Will and Tve a- 4 11A Thirns flchool. and d legal vu-1 Hppclutsd ineitl ut WiUittin E. Gates, decesssd, and letters principal Oí U1C LrUr 8 « disposal, and the first installment Cu.miy, Mure ' •mei.Ury.duedlbaSdda/ ut Uareh. 1W1. : Mrg Canfield assistant. Friday Evening, April _ inai, a 11), to ------ ------ ~ of nominations reached the Capitol »UO. I>r iho I h«>.i«au®du bim u . nro- liqt.o-8 in I Now, therefore, all persona having claims' 24th, 1891, ____ i ___ — Bums 18 VCTy QUiet at tuC pTC yesterday. They included impor­ qutui lea , I agah at Iho aaid tiatuU r, are hereby notified , x ntou'hs.’e iu prvaent the bstne tome at the tench ut the | ... . . »main an davof A*ri ‘ , tote William l’. Gatea, in Karucy county. Ore- FCnt W Tltl Ig, but Cannot remain 80. tant diplomatic and cousular ap­ AT THE SMITH & YOUNG .. e ir» ana yuUi gon, i.r to Thornton Williau.a, my attorney at . liia utnee ia the t jwu of Hurney asid county, CXClttilllfJIlt 18 CBBClltial tO pointments and an assistant treas­ HALL. BURNS, OREGON within aix motitha from the date of the flist ' • .. . publication (glveu below) properly verified ua ¡ progress, and the people Of I5um8 urer at St. Loui*. The list was Pe a lav. by law provided. beaded by the name of Represen­ COMMITTEE ON ARRA.NQKMKXT«: First publication dated 4th day of March, 18S1. are progressive. SYLVASUa O. G atrb , Execuiur ( _\ye are informed that a party tative Anderson, of Kansas, who is H. M. Horton, J. W. Bayers, of voung men, filled up with beer the first of the members whose Ben Brown, mixed with “rot-gut", on last Sat­ terms expire next week to be given THE HERALD urday night, made the upper part a berth. Among the Kansas dele­ Floor Manager......... P. F. Stenger gation, the appointment was not un­ xlward, HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY of our town quite lively. If the ht, expected, for it was well known vuyou, proper authorities made any effort newspaper in this county . Floor Committee: ium, n. to quell the disturbance, we have that the President was acquainted W. W. Johnson, J. W. Sayers, ht. with Mr. Anderson’s desire to con­ I. Foster, P. Cheney, no knowledge of it. thia petition will Official County Paper. W. Skinner, tinue in public life. President Har­ W. B. Parker, awkMiC'i Cwurt uti —We are in receipt of several rison and Mr. Anderson were not O. D. Rusk, J. C. Wooley, packages of fine garden and flow­ schools mates, but occupied the Ed. Martin, J. T. Sillman, urn«, OppoFs Local News. Geo. I Stanolift. er seeds, from the garden of D. M. „ February 21 same room, and the friendship of handin Ferry. We will take the liberty those boyhood days has been kept the following HAIIN'KY COUNTY ITEMS. 8:30 p . m . ’ » Ml GRAND MARCH, to remind the customer* of that bii inleutiun alive for many years. Mr. Ander­ his claim, and firm that they are always well pre ­ the Register MARCH 11. son did not specify the particular April 7, $2.50 pared to fill all orders for seed« bv position which he desired to obtain, Tickets with so rpea. mail, and remember that you will Sec is. —Chinooking somewhat\ but is understood to be throughly jjvv Of ov vi«»»»» _ K. 31 E. o.dodvj _ith tt<«- place which t.A: «• lu prove _iu« _1_B_ MsKionou >» still very ¡Sitting'Bull • YT HÓU President selected for him, that of E. Joy, til of sick. Notice. T-»M, Register. I announce to the public that 1 United State Agent and Consul And the Indian War. —Mrs. T. J. Morrison is ill this will not do any more credit busi­ General at Cairo, Egypt. week. ness. The nomination of United States A FULL AND AUTEltTIC LfFK Or SITTING —Good wheat nt N. Brown’s $1 L eu C aldwell . HULL. OESEKAL MILES, B Yr *1.0 BILL, Treasurer will be made to-day, and RED C1AIUD, LITTLE WOUND AND A per bushel. GREAT MANY OTHERS OF THE GREAT Notice. it appears from reliable authority CHIEFS. —There arc many strangers in From this time on I will not give that J. Alexander Lerncke of Evans­ town this week. any credit for liquors to friend or ville, Indiana, has been selected by By Fletcher Johnson, Author of the Lou. J. B osenbxuo . Mr. Hunter of Canyon City is in foe. “Johnstown Flood.” the President for the position. Mr. March 3d 1891. our town this week. Lemcke is a prominent business Harney Items, A full and graphic account of the —Mr. Gearhart of Drewsey was man and was Treasurer of Indiana recent war, how it was brought in Burns the first of this week. H arney March 7th, 1891. for two terms. It has been an open about, how the terrible battles were —Ilarney will have her election The citizens of Harney have or­ secret for some time that Treasurer fought, particulars of blood-curd­ for town officers in a few days. Huston whose resignation was ten­ ling massacres, hand to hand con­ gon, February ganized a board of trade. dered three months ago, and which flicts, narrow escapes, the battle of —D. L. Shirk nnd wife, of Catlow Wounded Knee, death of Captain the following Dr. Ernbree gave us an excel ­ has now been finally acted upon, Wallace, slaugter of soldiers, In­ öf lus intention Valley, visited Burns laBt week. his claim, anti lent sermon March 1st. was dissatisfied with his position. dians, women and children, Mes­ fuie the Keels­ —The ball nt the town hall on the on, un Matth Sabbath school has been reor­ He originally sought a nlace in the siah craze. Ghost Dances, disgust­ r con night of St. Patricks Day, 17th, will ganized in Harney with a good at­ Cabinet, and was disappointed at ing dog feasts, etc., etc. lou is. Tf . L3 8 be a success. •ry hit Sitting Bull’s own stdry of the his failure to securo it. The Treas- sues to prove —J. C. Garrett and Robert Wil­ tendance. ED PRICI ud cur: i vat ion Massacre of General Custer and his Coasting is the order of the day | ™"hip wa. not to his liking, and Un. Fritz Mace. liams of Silver Creek paid us a visit command. The whole story is told Moyian, all of last week. as well as night, here at present. after a time, he recognized the fact in the most vivid and life like ton , Register —D. L. Shirk reports no snow in Both old ninl young participating that if he was to maintain hit posi­ manner. A thrilling, exciting, quick sel­ Catlow, but lots of it between here and regardless of broken noses, tion as a leader of the Republican tica Order of Sale. and there limbs, skinned chins, black-eves party in Indiana he must return to ling book, rivalingin substantial in­ terest and sale, Stanley’s great —J. C. Parker, Esq . school clerk 'etc., which are often the result, from the State. While Treaaurer Hus­ work. A million copies will be tee presents ton himself has recently asked no lcree of the of Burns district, finds 142 pupils indulging in the aforesaid pleasure. sold in the next three months. favor from the administration, his te of Ore- in this district. The book is complete in 600 large A number of young bloods, of nty, made —W. H. Gass, who has heen ab- Harney, niter returning from coast­ f-iends were quite active in urging size pages, and profusely and su­ - f day of Oc sent for some time, on a trip to P that he be appointed Secretary of perbly illustrated. suit wherein ranch, returned Monday. ing the other evening, made a raid the Treasury after Mr. Windom's of Baker AGENTS WANTED. on the saloon of Geo. Tregaskis. —Chas. Foster of Ohio has been The result was a burning lamp was death. Mr. Huston has banking Peter F. A regular gold mine for agents. d under lb interests in Connersville Indiana, tenger, his appointed secretary of the treasur- The interest and excitement is in­ broken catching the bar on fire :her up t r. defend- ery to succeed Mr. Windom. which require hi* attention, but, which whs nearly consumed before as he has further political aspiration tense. An agency is worth at least nd Eeight from $10 to $25 a day. Strike — Go to the nstiurait »f Chas -100 dol- the lire could be extinguished, two while the iron is hot and big mon^y nd 10 per Anderson on the night of th« 17th dress coats went up in the confla­ it is not likely that he will be retir­ is yours. Now don't get left this ed from public life. ni the 1st if vou wish a first class supper. o time, previous experience is not gration. one of them, belonging to . 1889 and for the —100 tons of hay 24 miles from necessarv. Illustrated circulars Jack Green, had quite a number of Eat rayed. certain real inort- Burns—for sale at $3.00 per ton— nnu. J. Bosenburg says times Year old re-hashed and played out twentv-eight Health, attendance, conduct and charge« books offered by other houses. ih half of the are hard, money scarce, which fact application, excellent. P kt » C lemens , a, al • • a. Those who have taken agencies for id the West makes him more determined than Christian Doctrine, 90. Burn« Oregon. this or other Indian War Books | quarter of ever to please his customers bv Spelling, 85 can send their order« direct to us, L also the keeping the best brand of liquors Reading 70. The Partin* of the Ways. and so obtain the genuine article (west quarter and cigars Elocution. 70. and save considerable time in mak­ rf the South- col- Wilkins and Watkins were —Maggie Turningham, a little Penmanship, 77. ing deliveries, as we fill order« on Ion one [1], girl, 3 years old, died of Typhoid 64. lege chum« and close friends. day of their receipt. Address, te Northeast fever at the home of George Stan- Grammar. 83. They had been hard students and E j JB a Vest quarter clift, on Tuesday the 10th inst. Arithmetic, PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO., 65. had taken little out-door exercise. lr of Section The child was an orphan adopted Mental Arithmetic, Ainsworth Rlock. Portland, Ore, Geography, 75. i»hio twenty­ by Mr. and Mrs. Stanclift. When they shook hand« and eaid 70. Popular Science, twenty-eight 70. good-bye, at the end of their college —The O. C. Company Hunting­ letter Writing, e Meridian, PRACTICAL 8URVEYOR. Composition, 75. career, they were in impaired health. fmerly Grant ton Oregon have a full stock of 90 Both had dyspepsia, liver trouble T. A. McKINNON. tgon,ix>ntain- everything in the mercantile line. Instrumental Music, and troublesome cough«. . tnore or less, Send in your orders by mail, parcel COXIVRPT1OX Cl'MID. in Block 4, or wagon load. They will certainly An aid phy dcian, retired from practice, Wilkin« had plenty of money, in the town give satisfaction. having had placed in bis hand.« by an East and decided to travel for hi« health. India inissionaij the formula of a simple r and State, —D. L. Shirk has sent a petition veptinble Blacksmith shop, with tool«. Beat remedy for the epeedy and |»er- 11 said lands numerously signed, to Washington maneut cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Watkina wai poor. “I must go to location in Burn«. Inquire of N. work for my living, ” be «aid, “ but Caiurrh, Axthina and all throat and Lung • may be. Citv for an extention of the mail Affections, aLo a positive and radical cure Brown. ill offer and route, from Burns to Diomoud, to for Nervous Debility aud all Nervous Com­ I’ll try the remedy that Robinson ’he hrj of the his neighbo-hcod in Catlow Val­ plaints, after having tested it wonderful talks so much abcut—Dr. Pierce’s curative ¡lowers in thousands of eases, ho« the NE{ and ley. felt it his duty to make it known to his fel­ Medical Discovery.” k of Section low suffering fe lows. Actuated by this In less than two years, Wilkins motive and a de-ire to relieve human raffer- — The Register and Receiver at I 28 E, also, inc, I will send free of charge, to all who d the Wi of the land office, in this place, have desire it, this recipe, in German, French or came home in hi« coffin. Watkins 16. also, the received orders from the Depart­ English, with full directions for using. now is in the prime of life, is a bank by mail by addressing with stamp, rSWi Sec. 1 ment, at Washingion, not to receive Bent naming tnis paper. president, rich and respected, weighs Ej, and the filings on pre emptions and timl«er W. A N oyes , 820 rowers’ Block, Roehes- 200 pounds. “The'Golden Medical «•ah* ter. N Y. ___________________ cultures. The law baa been re ­ ction 11, all Discovery’ saved my life at a critic­ itahtM i, containing pealed. H«w a Thta! al time,” he often «ays. “Ob, if —Eugen« Boone, a nephew of lots 4, 7 and We offer One Hundred Dollar« poor Wilkin« bad onlv tried it!” in block 6, J. C. Gariett of Silver Creek, wa« and all lying in Burns two or three days last Reward for any cate of Catarrh For weak lungs, spiting of blood, tty of Harney, week. While here the young man that cannot be cured by taking all lingering coughs, and consump­ and together passed the necessary examination Hall’« Catarrh Cure. F. J Cheney 4 Co., proprietor«, tion in its early stages, it is an un­ ints, heredita­ before our county achcol Bupt., and equaled remedy. Toledo, Ohio. le, franchisee received bi« certificate. «■on, use and We, the undersigned, have known —Haroey had a regular “tilt,” a > and in any F. J. Cheney for the laet 15 year», to, said lands, few night« since; the outcome of ■nd believe him perfectly honorable toboggan coasting. If that is the and interest, in all bu«ineM transactions and scion and the effect it had on the Harney boys financially able to carry out any we guess the good people of that P. F. Stenger obligation made by their firm. hie wife, and town are rejoicing at this chinook, West 4 Truax. Wholesale Drug as it will necessary stop the coast ­ d to said lands BURNS, OREGON. gists, Toledo. Ohio. rerv part and ing busine«i. Walding, Kinnan 4 Marvin. which they —Our council «re democrat», but I on the 9th appointed a republican marshall Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure io taken in­ On St Patrick’s Evening, I, for cash tl W< have no pertoaai objection to it public auc- “Broody” he i« a clever sociable ternally, acting directly upon the see door in the man, but fn m a political standpoint, blood and mucoue surfaces of the MARCH 17. 1891 4y of Harney, the council being all democrat«, it syetem. Price 75e per bettie. Sold by all druggiato. laid commenc- look«««—woil— funny,’’ the best Grand March at S o’clock on Saturday, paying office in U m town given to The courtship of Mr. John Jacob h, A. D. 1MV1 »» i«U vid ««L who w« freely admit Astor and Mio« Ava Lawle Wilting, COME ONE, COME ALL. I have l.< innal friend, but politically who were married is Philadelphia 24th day igsrly toko any advantage Ticket«, into any plan to swamp the < m the 18th, ie said to have oeen A. Cowt», remarkably brief. John Jacob l who gave him U m i« hfe u> the for west Astor if «be was willing. 81 m wa«. nd as ! DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ....................................................... OREGON, Carry the largest stock in Eastern Oregon. attention. All orders given prompt BURNS, OREGON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. HUNTINGTON,- _____ -OREGON OLESALE 4 RETAIL IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WH FLOUR, MEATS, COAL OIL, BALT, SULPHUR, BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. BOOTS, 8HOES & DRY GOODS, STOCK COMPLETE. --------------------- O-: O---------- :------- -- All orders receive prompt and careful attention, with OKB PRICK to every body. 0^Proprietors of Huntington Warehouse, solicit correspondence D. L. A N. GRACK. Proprietor», ..................... Harney City, Oregoa. While not yet in futl operation, is doing EVERY VARIETY of Job Print­ ing neatly andfproniptly, ThU office u strictly new in every reapjet. both type and presses, and ahiM- fui prin er i await employment. Hand in your orders For Letter Heals, Not« Heids, Bill Heids, Statements, Envel­ opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, ¿Calling Cards, Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., EW**A11 Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices reasonable. NORTHWESTERN MAIL and TRANSPORTATION Company C. C. McCoy, General Manager, -------- 0-:-0--------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, B.alak, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicle«, POINT«: RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND 1NTF.RVINING Burna, to Ontorio.......................................$10.00 I Burnt to Vai«.. •’ Wett Fall •• Grove City............................... I » •* Dr«wtty •• •• Beu’eh « oo I •* •• Harney . . •• • Pine Cieek............................. 2.50 | •? S Baggage, 3Ott>s to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers be way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. H arry F loyd , N eri A cki . es , J. C. P ark » Gen. Sup’t. Division Agent. Burns Agent THE RED FRONT LIVERY STEALS, JS l ISTX) WHITE FTFLOMT 8TA BLE; BRENTON 4 BAILEY, Proprietor«. The Proprietor« of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta­ bles assure« the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. Hay and grain conitantly on hand«, and oaraful hand«. THE FRENCH HOTEL MRS. LOUIS RACINE, - - - - - B urn «, O rkow . A large and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortabto. Table« furnished with all market affords. Sure to ewit tits public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a trial. GOOD TABLE 8ERVICE. Portland Boot dt Shoe Store LUNABURG 4 FRY, PaoruirroB», Bua««, Owao». Cheapest Place in Town for Cash Alaa. Caaua wart at« Ra»alrla« ••Mir «osa. BURNS BUTCHER SHOP JAMES COMHALL Full weight giv