O regon H erald ßTJRNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1891. * ¥ her ald . Voinjçfi of th© WicVcd. Sena »dur-<<*ti nlr.tr »..tri .forr:i (IUTE! legislature Doings. THE DREWSEY SALOON There wilt be in the session laws London Feb. 27.—It is believed I E.McKINNKY, ----- P uoi - hietor . for 1891, 94 general laws and 133 that that the police will have to d.s- Everything in our line of the Best. ’ Liquor»—Whiskies, Brandies, i charge Sadler, the man accused of speci.il laws, of which 83 aro J À J V 1 / ¿v £v-A • .Winos, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, otc‘, always on hand when i the murder of “Carroty Nell.” One poralioii laws. Progress. you oall on “Mack,” at Drewsey, liaruey county, Or. •’y.rTrii The appropriations of the pre ‘of the lest witnesses against Sadler sent legislature, which are to be »• I 1J _ 1.. -T* J ... » *• It is very important in this age died suddenly the other day, and JPATENTS raised by n general tax during the of vast material progress that u there is very little t* -Linionv on next two years, amount to $1,215,- C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - ■ WASHINGTON, D. C. I ■ • ‘ * • »1 remedy be pleasing to the taste ! which to ask for his commitment. 432 53 of this sum $1.014,032 53 Patent© obtained, and all p iMkcBu paper from tie alhu AUila'.ian oullut bill. • m ureter (Uy ».•■'I'» ’Z^s diuretic Vnn.u •omc nm.-n pi’Ceh_|o ’r pdrsi^”“ ’•BEST ïtf T2IE. WOHLD. jr 'ie i r«> hi« iiixino < r an- I « soaring queftnas are nr.eurpMoea, netvapz Regulating primaries in cities of n/Zi u au. t riLed or nor, 1» re- This aff( ct unknown. ” _,.t i n-r of Kuy other brand. »500. ' .................................. ..... I■’»&X^-CIE T THE GEN BIN » I ji di an Ciinnintf. . i-t . « B.vC'ce. is still in custody pending further wills. ! C II. Russell, and old resident -*« have decided that refvft’n" U I investigation. The police hope to ïbÎ ri j»it an 1 periodica!« from lhe p» cl For the protection cf sea gulls. of Arizona, speaking of the trouble l t '.¡iti.i uncalled for, witiiuu | secure evidence to sustain the theory t ra ne, la prima invia evidence vi, State board of charities and cor- | among Indians, asserted that in his kui. , that he is guilty of this anil perhaps , rections. ■ t.l*. 1 ¡opinion the most intelligen» and at’ ¡other Whitechaple murders. ‘ I 0 ¡Carlos Apaches. To them, accord-j food fish. TTAiMINQ I i ing to Mr. Russell, is due the in-1 F k ALD ULV-B ÏJST: Every established local neijspa- To complete the State Capitol. lllarptr’ Mng.tzine................ .Of vention of the center fire cartiidge. '• J | per receives fulacription from large Pages aiarptr’s Weokiy .................... Amending laws relating to guar­ äliirptr'M Bazar........... AND •‘During the outbreak some eight < citit.g which puzzle the publisher, dians. Harpkr’s Young Pcoy.'e... IM I’Esifatious! ikCh’B Manifold Cy< h'ucdla, or nine years ago," Time of holding Supremo court i, he continued. i,u( the N. Y. Times explains this l*)tia. volume after Vol.", dò cent«; ! at Pendleton. (ia ver vmiinte. r ß a^e.' l .f'.VLQl’A.-UIL I.ILS .bo il puls their arms were all winchester rifles : ns follows: • A wholesale merchant J- br.- i l <• vwH.ts «1 th« i:>d>M‘ii lur e ;i v% .'■» Boi ft'.! Hu’tt an be ex* '• >• >>!..i «>t bHowl-up’, j rae:! ‘i , A protege railway at theCascades of the rim tire pattern, and they! of this city who became rich in the ucn n*~ Ku.e in Lhfi J ' > r uiyc and * un ■tnt.tt Regulating fees of county assessor -oon exbaurtlM their supply of; business, says, that his rule is that , iwtal *• a u 111 a 1 cutf ra v- Regulating recording of town and l airt I kii e hern < xi>ei . wi mun n: d child, ■ -------- .• • :• . rw.dk In ltf<». Th* na'.- Authorizing the admission of I t ut they were not available for1 for the local ni-wsnaper of his debt­ H;i‘ al utlUly < I twenty c rilnar/ ct r'VilH d in t'tcMo lour, aud an aliens us attorneys to practice in ’ w* i>; with kiv wlriittu of wx»-rY rcli-lu.cditig guns. The cunning or. So long as he advertised vig­ the courts of Oregon. it it V ill. tvi-.ul lih.tHand li;-lf>rul tl :t w I'vny In lhive that In evotr rascals had sav< d their brass ?ln-lls orously, he rested, but as soon as 'l I* H a 1 S« >h<. anlto« culture to acquire real estate. rrnknir, «•■.‘ i umkii a. jnper making, itM It. Imn. »Ke*, glii^ china. | • « f the laws,«hutting J{<,«r to/ */ Militro, vo'.ipii. Ili»x. |>.n>p, at Kttr. ric<*. uidm *?«. ctovee. sale men are not slow to act upon.” | Granting consent of the state to tor.«innnmnh; aV.’pie:’ c«”o:>»tui«. idncnpi*!««. haw. fsHchla. Car«.: tn. Traue/.«T ’. prune», dote,, raiafua. As-. <•!«>»• inti rul.br gnu* y Siurk-K Ooprriehts. stf.t A* the federal government to purchase i AdAraw MUNM & CO. n»f. I l*.ln<- !•• .c|»ii euik, camphor. c4l><'"n*> r.-’CtMnpr.uicd br I’tii-riati* ii’. of numernu« I mbmi -. J urlìi vi. 1» .d«. li Ir e aii l Ivse.'i». Wl'h i.tu.U Curious lu urmativu regaid- land. | ing thdr lito au l Unbita. f.AV.'. Tn- M ammatii C vci rr.fnili rl-o a camfr’Ma lav Protecting the German song bird- I Ku «*?iaii JewsBy thewhfilv- I Ofa'l changes that change has ^' a /| VG k*a' U‘“‘i li* “•*< | To protect laborers engaced in -JXUlJlf *.4i»pi_re f r «.unigra-, mast interest for '.i',,,wiiich affects ’ jxxRx«A-a-i.a.xA. 1.-»ylo „ r. *~ ‘ “ t’V e< an i’ <> plai-t '. f 'wcia. slfct’. ;, tithe*, cM , 1114* i n.s-j j cai| piv'u||»curtjJpU.ihg. • tiE*f <«• To provide for the further ad- I Russian .uithorities have been keep- ‘ though not so late a stage as flic cr -. ri- ru Al. AM. MIM i:i.r.AM:nr". I. r.wnJi »•<'< niito.ip» O' i -(ftil rn’d inirreulng informaihm. B. ini r t whb h Mh- I^pidatlm of Amtrioaii etrica. area and • ing a close wat. b for some time on ' moon; but only in long ages and vancementof thestatc reform school „..md..« ii< filw» ^Vu mr . ofJImRK'f” and Territoii.’«. and I rf ih > Ml.rltJl <4t nrrl.Xr-f iheUrlt. length of the prlr.elpM WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. i the frontier of Prussian Silesia, and : by minutes effects will further' Permiting only citizens of Ore­ , r«. I’ ««*.... id I v* te for .ixtr vrtir«. PtesIdenUal atafi«dea, i. . a Mi L.icv I* tifee- x. lakuartml.b can«. hoiglii af mmintal»«. gon and Washington to fish i'er I.-..- lo.ton < f 'ii'iui' I: Rbl -.cioeH*' f imdten. h«l«ht at morn* ! th*' Russian side of the boundary is . changes be noted. Ages hence it’ salmon in the Columbia river. rac.r*. lowrrMRRri irucfir-. di* .nnc i fiotn Kk>h!i.gli t".clirotmloglcal hKtwy af i:»uir.*i< f flt di «. ia.tlof c"ui.trlei, of rro«» I«-. ..,M ...1.1.'.* /i'** ! leave Russia without permission, I j orbit; or Mercury, yet nearer to Increasing the efTectivenccs of the I *vmTlfHlif'fi**.o*i'’ri< i• • n«. f-"o of iba A«M»»ba. 1 I ,h*i.: * fihc (jtabe. kadtaS futeitiiaaafa of ill« «mU. ! A few days ago a force of Cossacks the sun than we, maybe seen to act for. the prevolion of contagious I ctu. .* •* ” '• 1» . > pt'iT •&y ackncwle I ». r v.ot a r-n>»-l I„rt iwllrr «'4 diseases among animals. pursue a smaller orbit than now, , ion the watch opposite the town of KUtettJ« B ■' V ■-. t ->• a ira^m-oWr**;* ."rl— loalr*! In ...-•¡-.I t..l an I -•••*■ l.wg l<..;»V.l«.-unnm.•’ with« ill I'Ll. • V y « uz w m Bdrnr.l t ib • v.fltijri t erpi.-xh» f thxt covered 300 emigrants crossing tho home to man that we are drawing logging camps. >• lb- i ' vi .»- rnn!lH«i’*M^|u tia*>4bU/-Ipursuit«,«U fur®»«« i. i ’ i mirrcvrimuhicti^ . Amending the law pertaining to ( 1 frontier. Several of them hail all nearer the sun. Time goes on, ‘and for the partition of rygl prop-j WE WILL send the MAMMOTH 'CYCLOPEDIA complete in Four ready got within Prussian jurisdic­ the tropics become too hot for ex­ XX suits r t ch is but. 50cta. Regulating the loan of money by • the Cossacks, but a large majority I 1 welcome change to warmth. Age building and loan associations. more than our regular subscription, therefore, you get Ibis large and were still on the Rtisenin side of by age go by, and the end is, vi.-i- To define the qualifications of vo-' valuable work for'the small sum of 50 cents. Wu take pleasuro in be­ StCaBBEi . the line when the half-savage cav- I , blv, no nearer;_ but the figures of ters at school elections in small ing enabled to afford our readers such an opportunity - By making ibis îîenJfliMn r. lraff' ! C'rcc..1s, anil -fnule-M'irk. obtained, audall rat-. itrenl offer we liopo to largely increase dur circulation: Tl <’ Mammoth Jerciniuid 2«1 Rusk j eat business coodticted for Moderate I ee«. ' airy of the czar came dashing down astronomers : only to surely tell districts. ..Win 11. H. Al- er . ¡Cyclopedia, in four volumes’, with a years subscription to THIS PAPER Our 0 N.:e •• Cnposi;c U. S. P?ten* Oftice. ..John Wan-ni4k : awl w<• .’ au •»ecii”o patent iDltB3tiBi«thanlDO£e ’ upon them. The emigrant» thus their talc. Now the tropics are an ; Defining the duties of county j for only If 3.00. ■ ■■_____ ■ '•____________ rcwiGtR froci Wftehiiigtnn. x.or. . otticers. „ . Send -'i ••i' l. drawn' ’ ? or photo., with descrip ­ A J. N 1) >lph j brought to a halt on the threshold impassable desert and all the life • I I Mite linn tion. Vi ? advise, if pctcntabie or not, free of For the appointment of a board R. Dinner Ikrmeun ' chc. re. 0 r.ot due til! ¡»«tent is secured. of deliverance refused to obey the i on the globe congregate around the CRÄKiü PftcMüM O^FER! i\ t>, m'jhl-..!. “How to Obtain L’: rcnt«.” with D.SnstB’tr E»-.ffu'cr i of regents for the Multnomah State (¡»M. W. Me bride | names of actual client» inyour State, county, or order to turn back, and. using, any ■ poles. Spain has lost her vineyard feinte 7\. GET OE TI-IE LOv.n, 8er.t free. , AadrcsH, Normal School. Pail. Mt-ls han. I R:. ...J. D. McEiro.v . C.A.WOW&CO. i weapon nt hand, made a . desperate and the Alps their snow; England Dividing the state into two con­ rt .. Frurk i ».kei j I resistance The Gossacks speard is,a burning dpsert and Greenland gressional districts. Crpcci'c PM them without mercy, and trampled teems with vegetation of the tro’iies; To establish g library in the slate : / ' ru j I I them under their horses, killing in smaller and »mailer circles The penitentiary. Cimotl» ! t :iVl r. u«y i quite- a number before the remain­ inhabitants gather around the poles, Providing for.the sale of tideland r. iL'dTiN nitu' h Tweivs L»g« Velems, ■ . XMA.N. 1 der yielded and allowed themselves “But,” to quote the «words of Mr*, not connected with the shore. Whl'-’i X7O Offor wiii» a tni'.v’i GubscripUca .Amending section 1183, relating I to be drivin back into Russia. .The Keightlev Miller, “the narrow lim­ Csnrct ba »ucc«»«lully tuvctcJ witt>- to tilt, Papor xov a Wilo Moro thmi oet soot koatth. To reach wealth or ar» i Ouv Itoardar ijubasii^tion Prioo. > struggle was witnessed by many its of the habitable earth can np to charge s nod claims.......... t XU ccwted posltlca tn Ills require«, the full Wisliini: to l-rgily inerì »»•. C ip < ircul iUon i.f Ibi. '! people on the German «ide of the longer support this vast increase qf . Allowing justices of the pence to poSSSSttan and operation of all the lie- naisr ciurli R tiro uéxt xlx monti ». «< li.vo nmrlo examine and commit insane per­ ulilasltr-d ra'.L-re has endowed ns with. li ri |.p nx 1.1» r.itli New X-ik I •*'•h»l..rm b"n.» line and they shouted their sympa- population, and famine begins to * rons when county judge is absent. Theta ccntlllon« cannot exist uslcaa tho wlx ii I » v.'l> i SU' rnx'li et In xywk < !!rr ■ « i » r 1 < ri miri., rollini In nnr libali?«, bri or <1.0 pii*, t by for the emigrants and their de- phyctecl being Is In perfect coding mow down its victiins-by the mil-. k>r 1 Providing for tlio incorporation ew, in Tur! ve os,<' ITt*»id«ein« cr.'er, and this Is Inpqsstblo when tha (Dì •’ ; nqijciation (or the CosBax-ks, but lions. .____ „___ , benevolent, literary or -■ ìe Wi‘h tv jvar’'- h i ! ec»i|'ii'’ti t«» ilth of religious, Ihnr co 1 spleen are torpid, thus abstract. ‘It J»? $ «Q. i » rrr, Or fttriiln i*H»re ih; ' • i r r< t uh r «nb- tag the recre'.Ic-.s. casclng Inrftgsstloa I’did not dare to otherwise interfere. Now, indeed, the end of all life charitable »ocietie*. nnrHct?. OuriO* t. fi »rrilnr-i and dyspepsia, with all of Jholr aseo-n* X"" 44’lit 918 «!•> < Vtr b' f* IR» <:< ClirjNd Tho few who got across to Germany draws on apace. Tiie heat and i Publishing the the boycotting of g ET V. •- LAM>, t»s f ì » pan,Ing horrors. : ’ £!'(».*•< rljl 4H h <’.4Ì’- h ‘ * V/Yi«l (2< ITI ipt »<■•■• *i l* Cl* chranlp snnofgsawn-.s, cr.d prcr.c-.es lhe woundpd. In on instant a father, I aa(] bbe rivers dwindle down to of idiots, insane and convicts. tHrìl’ièv r.n t-d IWblfll vr .......* iikdS. Esc» ecorc ’ . ionc : ceres Indigestion and consti ­ Amending the net,relating to for uIODIST r.PIS . 'CAL Clll'BClt ! at ! v in1 CJSP' ing. N<> I»« me s’ oulti who had escaped across the line, saw ’streamlets and trickle slowly over, eign tp m. Adding two members to the state • ^-e Nvihul verk< ‘ HS4.f Vtliicb is pnl> .......... kl4£.AiT«Hfw V'ilnttxu mnt t ih«’ b.lln rRfg n al —Barra—«Il a m, and I SO v m grants were destined for America, j perish by the drought, and those medical Ixiard. h-Uartey-al UH». andT ie h «h rd c tâ 4^», n-cra fj‘ (î a < i ab barhauy r/jótììA ::b qîkiwtmas -------------------- ! who escape from the drought are Regulating the salaries of county OAVII7 COPPT7RF ELD, OTViükk .’•** n KTA^TIM CHUZZLF.wrT« • ! Three men were arrested at Red-; reserved for a fate.more awful yet. treasurers. ' '■ -XPEC- OMVg i ■kJitV »'¿ic SOCIETIES. UI0H0LA3 NIOKTI-ßr, • A' Appropriating $16,000 for the DÔM3ET ANO 3CÎ?, ding, thought to be the parties who For a time the few remaining in- JHQP AM • TUB Y LOIM?E, KO. 77. I. O O F. THE OHLY TRUE . i robbed the postofiice safe at Ash- habitants are partially screened naititia of Oregon. BLSAX HÔUCS, i -. V/CI-ER. Tri •n, evm UBluffM t ». HAR I i OX- “ »WC A Lirris DORRIT, KM JtADON.K. Q. 1 ind, on the night of the loth ult. from the overwhelming power of tho I f^ I ..If O’* Ovh MUTUAL FnttXB« . —Ox fOM, Treat. Governor Tennoyer, when rn-ked PISKrV/SCIC RAPtRS« Shut were discharged for want of' eun by a dense canopy of clouds ». Tl.f iiu Mtkoi.t fp’eHtp n'tbA i IX BY PO» T JO. IT. G. A. E. liis views on. the stand taken by ‘ sufficient evidence of their guilt. I formed by the evaporation of ever ©•nth r < f n cmiûiry t < y , .«*• »»•. n • « !-•'»• .• n »n-l’ld W ur of <«<-h Cleveland on the free coinage mcaa a w/.rl4. Y’t< «wxr5t-4'‘»»va*.«k<'» i -' 1>J4 Ball. All Co»r«'Kf I I ! lake and sea. But soon the sun fcoinr htvPed. tUHMMtl'l fimi - rii»« t«4 *' » j r* l»*i.£< ’fr I jnTM>K •'ill..' «Il I X lli’ilH»« M. M. ER I ERI.T, T. C. Among the presidential party scorenes up Lhese vapor banks, and 1 ure, said: “You a#k my opinion on tbi-i hiX'iry. âhtt n*»w, o-.viiur t •»:*; <*f uct . t UÎ- to'»* n ill fl:0 b»H»k Ad’JX JF, tb<- 4-xtr? <»«*!■ h» » .»* Clyycland's position on silver. Th< . : » ’ Tk« ni » who will visit this coast soon are: ¡dissipates them into space as fast trult, we *rv -•»j 1* y L-% I i-» -»ill* B ©el prk»' WjiUMi *11 «i« ' ‘ S h I ’ - p y. A'.rvx. t President and Mrs. Harrison, Mr.) ag they can form. Then the fiery • great mas* o(thc democratic party wf »b- grôaluaft T« W*nl»i. • , ’ • v *♦ V. 8. MAILS. ■arid Mrs. R-ie«ell Harrison, Mr. snd fr|, .hiue- out ¡•’■•fi nauttcrable lip the Uuited States faver the free ÔUR GREAT OFPBR to «ubijri» crS t • ©ycRALD. w» «ili .'Irs. McKee, Secretary and Mrs. splendor without tngvl-ghtest clpud- !coipnge cf silver.-. Mf. Cleveland djferiUd. j>08tage pre- i Halford. Mrs Dimndck, Secretaries ' *r< ath to interpose Ur twWn himself opposis, it,. Mafiqaiet refuses to ■enlf ilîe entire R-t qf Diolt«,/ $)<<’*"• ji a ('Twa‘Ak'‘i 10, which is paid, «nd the HF.RALDfqr hmi y. ‘4 ,* - — in. i u land his .victims.. Then the last » «et p *>i x i'V' - ’-,^1'his is one of the Tracy end Proctor an-1 pou.UpdM j j , o£ |be wurU’-tr^ strMcen . cgt.itc to the mounfai/i, and it is ub only «frhent»mere »ban tie«’ *,* Çii" or two other invited-guests. The »,J con)»ui1H«^t'W*1:Wtrace» . solutcly certain that the piountain erandest pwmium