•ayett® IXTursery, ; tslwbiSdlaasu-.’Ts«»’ brightened up. To these simple country folk, the annual visitation It- H awr’s Of Payette Idaho. of the circus rignified opera, theater, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4. IMI. t ' polo and athletic games all in one. “Good!” cried she, releasing the OLD BlBTOS'S BRinE HARDY TREES A struggling hen. “Then I’ll let old SPECIALTY. gpeckle go this time. But, Leander, From X. Y. Weekly ( ••».Hot Tom. Glad to jroo. olJ¿e»®* ILLUSTR«T|lj| ( have you asked Alice? ” Six months after, Mrs. Burton sat It’» abnort ten y. are rince we were married, h» I down: let » have an experience tueeUug. How r “I’m going there now.” A Jrenei F? *Jf in her private box at the Metropoli- the wife?” . , ___ < This Extensive Nnrseey. comprising 1» ••Oft! »be’* to-»«», -ame aa eaaal,—alwaya weak, “Are you sure she’ll go?” Un Opera House, with her aged tog aomething I can't afford.” . in H»rp«r, M .*■>«, acres, is located one half mile from Pay *• Well, we all want aoxuelUing m re thaa we're ot <h. ar i»9i “Of course; why shouldn’t she?” husband by her side. She was glo got. Don’t yoef” » ette depot, on the 0. 8. L. Ry. This ‘¿’«la. b„ ( h.r!„ | ni'h»a •• Ye, : but I guen • wt "111 be my moMer 1 Terebinth hesitated as she lied rious with jewels, and her dress Mart cd to keep down expeneea ; ai d now Lu ray» Nursery has done more to pro ■ & I m • mean.’ and »he » Lrrd of aasiug aad a* ver »as one of Worth’s roost costly and the sun-bonnet strings under her having anything to »how for it. 1 >aw year wire mote fruit growing in East* down »: reel. and rhe looked as happy a« * <>n< I chin. M"1 c’ a written and hi? attractive garments. ‘•I thinkahe ia ; and we are wnomical. <*».— am Oregon and Idaho <iu Maurter; a noveiuiu have to be. My wife can Bake a htU«gu furthai “Perhaps that young English Howvll»: and a ,en,, Yet people whispered among I than all other Nur than anyone I ever knew, vet »he a always »ur- London by w.!t,r Ile„'»Hl.M I prims me «¡th »me ilalsly c n.trt.rsy« tin Inlb.unmner.ndiSL,,© lheuiselves that, in spite of carriages, tourist that boards at the hotel— j aelies combined. add, to th« eomf nt »nd beeutr of «mrljtlle ho«, per- »nd .„he, « ud »he', »lw»y, ' m«rry >< A l»rk.’ W b«o 1 *“ ter«»’. »■ w«|| as the tress horses, opera-boxes, French toilets Captain Cassell they call him, don’t! bow >be m»n«e» it, st,« *lw»y, tanrb, and 1» »bon atorie,. """'e«® •Ohl Ual'* my aecret! E t I Uimfcl re . CIOTSS eorered h. r'iecret.' V hen we mirrdad, we boeb co“,lhu« tu in»",.u#.‘>B>1 are ac- and jewels, the bride of the million-, they?” knew wa «Sonld h*»e <» be very Leander's handsome, sun-burned i cliiua.rd and uire looked worn, and restless, and wvsrl^ »re eondit ion: abe would have her Mapaxine. And ahe wa» right! I wooldu’t do wiihoot it uiy- meh varieties are visage darkened. unhappy, and that the beauty eelf for double the aabtrripiian price. We read it together, from the tule-paffe to the hat word : offered tor sale that HABPEns rn»J| which Lad won “Old Burton” from , “What of him?” said he, sharply. the»coriee keep our heart» young; the »ynm»*ie of important events and acientific mailer» keep« are Known to thrive and fer me ported ao that I can talk underaundfngly of his life long bachelorhood was speed-1 “He may have asked her. Don’t, what ia going on ; my wife ia alwaya tryins Rome »ourish in die mountain I new idea from the household department: al e jly vanishing beneath that look of be vexed, Leander," »be added, ( make» all her dres*c‘i and thoec for the c Iren» country. The “IDAHO’’ pear pleadingly. “ Folks do say she’s and »he eets *U her patterns for nothing, with the care. HAMPER'S .MAGAZIS1 I will be off. red in limited quantiiea Magazine ; and we saved Joe when he wa* •*> aicx HARPER’S WEEKLY i with the croup, by doing ju»t as directed in th* Suddenly the door of an opposite dreadful took up with .him, and I i H MtfERS BAZAR for the first time this year. This pear ] hanitarun Departme’t But I can’t tell jou hatf,-« HARPER* ‘•What wonderful Magazine ia it ? PEorut box opened; a tall, handsome don’t know’s I wonder so much arter j is a native at Idaho is considered the finest Uo-tnjre Pre* 0 .n •• Demoreat'a Family Magazir.r, and— ret , in H o.f*M We wafit to inereaae our circulation very largely during the next ait months—to double it, if pos ••What! Why that’s what Lil wanted »o bad, young man entered, leading a love I heard him talk t’other night, to sible. T» j aceomplUh th!» we need the co operation of our present subscribers and readers. If each pear grown and is extremely hardy. Do I h'ivd Slatas, Canads.ejJ.Vte an 11 to’.d het it wa-« an extravagance.’’ one of our present reader» would secure for us •*« ot» t^^uertbtr. our circulation would be doubled, -Well, my frend. that’s where yon made a ly creature dressed in bridal white. Mary Bailey’s Chinese party. He’s of courve. Bnt we know that It will take an extraordinary Inducement to bring oat the united Tbr ro ’ urn*, of tbeM.j, B not fail to plant a lew trees. grand mistake, and ona y n’d better ratify of every one of oar present subscribers— we shall have to make a high bld. Well, we are the .XuniLcrs toon asvon can. l’Jl take your *»ub.’ »»_■ t here, Her g >l-Jen hair was drawn away travelled most everywhere; and if effort* ,-mbti. jo * and anxious to double our circulation, and, by speOAl arrangement with one of the laad- Address, Payette Nursery, v«v n v^ar. When no on mv wife’» account: the’» bonnd to have a china Paretts Idaho. scri|di.n>- wiil begin tea-set in time for onr tin wedding next month. from her fair, low brow and oval you could hear him describe ti e iug puDiiaMug houses we are enabled to make you Mr gold i n'nmln rent at ¡ime of re. .-¡pt An Offer Remarkable for its Liberality. un.ne’rh rithtiien face, caught by a circlet of pearls, j tigers he killed in Ceylon and the Found volume, ot Hanw, J Lhtforc: l‘ir?o-t! Rcidlt: To any one eAo wm tend us O lie Subscriber to thii paper for One Year three years bat’K, in neatevò® and left to ripple over lier shoulders elephants he’s hunted on the Nig->r al the regular nbicriptton price, ice will gite Absolutely Free, and tend by mail, poet » 3 < 1 ¡1 I * -ent by mail. STOCK BRANDS. pud. Twenty-five Complete Movels-any tmnlJ-jli»youmay eeCeetfrom tW/oUoB- ; ,r volume. Cm h Ca*® in a profusion of large soft curls. Biver------ ” tng Lei: runi- eai*h—hr inai!, to... “ Oh, hang the tigers and the ele- ' lf». 1M. A T.«w Marvlec» Me. Index to Harper’« .'LriM‘| Her large blue eyey were always I Ma. M». ISA A Wtek«4 ClrL 1 Ns.lM. TbcPearlef thè < •■ill. Analytical, und N.1U The Old <8«kra CI slyly seeking the face of her bus- ’ phants!” impatiently broke in Le 1 I to 70, inclusive, iticlu-iff. tromj¿. troni Ju;» M N» in. The <aUr«r»i«Ci Ne r». A Trwableeem« UlrL. Ry,,T»B Dv t ■■».** Iddi I o .» T*®1 ISSA. ...... on« .. vol. 8 ... vo. .<• Cioib,|wW r» Ci «Ht y «r wot Wall«» ByAHxn.M. ATS N» 181. The roewUlal M< band, to droop before his food, ad-1 ander. “I don’t believe a word of R N». «7. raUelj AeeaMd. Ry Mr*. AnitrvuM. JWA Ns-lX». The IHaMMMl Hi Keinutanvcs shuuhi be tniiit J N» 12& (lire ll«Mee. B? 1 N» 37C AFaUeSeeaS. »V Mr» iuuni* it. I dare say he ’ s all very well: Money Order, vr 1 -'raft, tea J S». J75. T b» l*Mrl «f the Ortaait. By S »« »C . Jr. N in. Aealha’e Ittotery wiring gaze. The oair were so X*. ?71. SI» « »«rHek’a l»«**hte#. By M. T. C*L»oa. N« m. Osi «r thè Oca. H los**« T7L. TheU»«»« Farm BriJ*. R» M» » * R » - Me. III. TheHtery «faSU -J vouHg, so happy, so evidently and but; for my part, I haven’t much N». Address IIA KP ER A X». 77«. A D««<*r««a WMM«. By Mr* A S. S » * *. Me.!». The Evll Uealae N». 11». The Myetery al N» Hlaekblrd Hill Ry F« « 8«* * K«»- York. Nr». W Àf'll »’UUfflK«. II». Th® Peril •fKiehBrdP«rd«a. By ». L»* honestly in love with each other, I opinion of a fellow that loafs around N* . Ry MI.» Vet X» 34« Th® Ulti® Old M ®f th® HaUgnallc®. By Me. IM The I-aet ai thè Betls Me. iti. The Mervriek Fara» Mystery. -.. G*«* »* . that every glass in the house was a hotel piazza in hay-making time, N». B J«?. - From C ----- . /uuetrated. ^uHrsted. the Earth t® th® M® By Jnt* Vma. Me.iaX LOUISVILLE, KY. - -* - - . O«t eftho l>tplh» By ncaw CeBwsr. -, Nata Th® GB»r4t*« , a l ’ l®U By Dr. J H- K . doing nothing, with a white scarf on KekrlbMiiea. By M M » Rteor. N». M. Na. til. Th® Bar®«*® Wilk My Brirawo® C ®, Jr. turned that way—the women envy- J he Leading Agricdtartl Jctmal of tho Soatk zui West Ne. M. A Tale efNIn Ry Mrs llmv Na lit Th® Uray Fale®«. »? M. T. C» »®*. N». »?. A F.rteae Manier. »ponTs.su IM The M«rr®w®r« Secret. I’J Ma*» Cacti. Hat. ing the bride, the men the men the his hat, and a sa«h, for all the Na 1891 Nat«. I’rrcy a«d th® Pr®»het. B» W fourni. Me. •*■ Wedded a«4 Parted» By ea’ber “tWa Yh.r; Made by Farmersfcr Farmers. b. TheSt®ry ®f aWeJdUagRlag. Sy ih® *®U®r Me. »5. Ìhe k'alght.bHdg. Mystery. Ca.« Mas a world like a girl ’ s, tied around his <e. «4. naiedetv H«s>e. Mr iihtr •<" Dere T herse ’ af - D xi Tkarwa - bridegroom, and some, indeed, As a record of successful agriculture. H ome Na, K*. Marl!* Ware*® T«a»»tail®a. By Mr®. H. Wa®«> No. hi. A Paaalve Crime By •• Tea nrcawe. ’ and F arm has r.o equal liverv topic relating X® us. A M®¿»r« O-a®relia Br •stkwDwaTkeraa** Me. »1. Keee l edge. By Mr». Hoar Weo». Harar's Wed t .nong the latter, not scrupling to waist!” «is. »1. A Bridge «C Lave. By eather •’ Der« The»»« ’ Haul Th® 11 ««a«. Br M. T. Cataaa, »o agriculture ia openly discuNsea in its celutuna Me. M The Fatal Marriage. Ry Miss w. R Maaev«,». Xa 1X1. 1 he Fa»«l Cil-»® N» C Aveva»*. hr the farmers them.- .Ives. No expeus».- is spared “It’s the fashion,” said Terebinth. Ne. na. The Mill Càiri ®F Tyral R» M.T.Cataea. A Qaeea Ame«g»t Weatea. By th» »»««et «f ray so openly. ih securing a full account of every notable suc Na 70. Melwa's KeteM®. fly H. ími H * cess on the farm. It is distinctively the m. Hath Merrick. By W *« H. Heaerst-L. “A queer fashion, I think,” com- Sa. ILLTSTRATII Mrs. Burton looked also, and the Ne IIS K«'hrr-a*a Ward. Ry Fi » ® MaBB»*t. FARMERS' OWN PAPER. Na. 11«. TeeKieeee. My tfc® **Uar •! ” Dee* Thera®.** ! mented Leander. b*. Ill CletaMaaad *««ebh<®. My C«aata® Baava. A record of their daily life, presented in a form iron entered her soul at the sight of I N. nt A % a« ah«««* Il creta®. Mr Mr». «. KawtiM. arfer b W eekly nasnaver^B P. F. STENGER. and language which make it p’.aiu to all. j’l. Ib.rAyrrail Graav«. Ry Marr Wi*«•«», •’He’s a very brave man—a reg N. ta title as a “Journal of her ol«i lover, so fully enraptured Na : •» « »meri C'«AI«ca. My M«a H Waea. ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ao urnh^a cor.a*anii|H Xe F». The Dream tlemaa. Hy Wit « Cei.ii>® Contains the names of the most progressive farm ) *iadone od p -asibilities of i »e:u!ln«niM with the beauty of bis young wife ular hero,” went on Terebinth. N«.tvt fh® rrcM«r«®r b raaehard. By R- L. 8r*r- ers of the South aud West. They do not tre.it dard of ariimir aud littnijM of theoretical farming, but of thé actual condi Hossas branded on Th® MlaaS r®«tarea ®f Jaba Mvb®l®aaa By a .’ca an tout bed no i that he tliil not even know, or care, "He s rved in Her Majesty’s White- N* ItaMt C<a »IBI«»*.« Ma. tions which cosfcmtt U5 today : B. F. Johnson : d’a progress, and presifataiA re llrra l I'»®« the Water». Rr Mlaa Mvterv. /■*«. Ma. Waldo F. Brown • ïlcnry StiWf.w ’ lohn M. ? ‘.tn hl ; Either Right or Heeled Horse once, during a Lon- N« worthy and intere>*tin(,olfl Xa Hi. A l'ale er Three Llee*. My Ft. Rrwaa llaee.a®. Ma. that she was in the house. A. f . r'erd ; Jeff. Welborn ; Hugh T. Bropka : John v. NU. Page Mec<y-tw». »»» Nur Cren. Hu. Ma. ta. persons aud a< heivessenB Sa »a Merv ll«rJ«lch*® KiraL Ny Bra. If. Wae®. Na. ! don riot, and ------ ” C. Edgar . Steele s Bayou . T- H Baldwin . ud a stifle: OK. cal Supplement will btfl Old Burton looked, too, and Sa rn WallFUwere. l-y M.Bia® fl*B4.*>® /.T4. Ma. host of others make ink» journal indispensable. They wi.lbe literarv.atNM Xa »M Th® .Urrebaal*®4'vim«te Ry M®«*»»® Aieaa. Jr. Ma. “And did wonder, I don't doubt,” Moreover, it is equally t ul, critics’, up fgrahittlS *e Cere- « rt«IBrl4’a J®«racy. By Mtn B*«»®««. Na. sighed as he marked the shy yet Xa. I’M. 11 y M-trr Kate. Hr a.'her Dar*Tllera® ' ¡d i. Na. cas.on mav Gemand, uiH • A HOME MAGAZINE. I«— pert au R» M TCai®»*. e rve tl.e hearty cumsfl Every subject of interest to live home-maker is clinging affection betrayed by the i interrupted Leander. “But I don't N. Iff?. |«aath»*crf. Range—Grant cewuty, Oregon. My 9ri-»*rr® Ce»». Jr. n b<. stowed «'ii pas laainil Ne. UC Aitarli I n «erltaec®. Ma Mas» «’«eu. H*V. fully treated. Mary Marsden. Loi» Cntesby. Mrs. I sec what all this has to do with us Ne I®*. Thaï W l«tcr Night R< R<>® Ruca*»*«. r public. An famtiy Brown. Mrs. Daviess, Miss Cabell. Miss M ossy , lovely bride. Not in that way had P. 0. — Burns. Grant county. Oregon. «Ce l-V T be Bed < r®æ. H. M. t. C.i®«®. y will, aa hereto ore. htfl Alice Winston and a bc>ce of others will contrib Ne Hi h-r i.e»e ®r Ulehe®. My a®.bar ** A Great regard fur ite qr.a'itici'M ute regularly. his beautiful wife ever locked on and Calumet's circus.” Mi.».*. ’• me visitor tu every iiomt. I V- The Wlrari ®f Craaada. Ry M. T. CiLaeth FAITH LATIUSR He took up his hat from the Na A W *®cret. Il» C**a* A ««ver*, him since the day when she prom x. »IS The «.«¡hr Hirer. ' » W„Cat.ru»» Is in charge of our Chil& en’» Department, nnc PER YE Al: I I grass where it had been reposing Xa ISA Fljrcae® I * Ingtaa'a Oath. By Mr*. M*w A ! »he has the peculiar faculty of being both iu- ALMEDA A. STENGER. ised to be hi». |l«»>M-< «tM HARPER WEEKLY I I ter est; ng aud instructive. X». IM. |.«e-!«alrr'a < ehi«. R» M«a M. V Viera® JtTJ. among butter-cups and white clo- , Xa IM. Meet l.raa*e My Mra >l*wev Ueee. HARPERS MAG AZIN E I THE MYSTERY OF THE KATiOM "bo romantic, isn’t it?” said Gar X. 1 1 The l'eia««« ®f X a «a. flt h -«•« M Bar JT. IIAKPEK ’ « BAZAR ............. I ig story appearing in Kosre and Is a thrilliui X. ISI. i erxlug lire Fetter®. 1!« Mra. Al*l<r»ia. C attlk branded HARPER’S YOUNG PF^PUI R. Masick. and is caching wide A l*t«» « rtghl’e D «g h 1er. l’y Mra. sartv rison Palmer, w ho had accompanied ver bloc-soius all the time, and start x. I«». F arm . ty Joi >lx> ---------------------------- _ y-ee.ae. Postage Free to all sul^ribnll attention. Short stories by diskinguisaed writers M. Il» ile'.leir tal, fieli. M» M Rl«m. ¡VJ. States. Canada, or Mexico. I appear from time to time. the ill-matched couple to the opera. ed off at a brisk walk. Terebirtth N. Il* A l<Hr|«-re«t l.ire. K» M «iwww tl>a> The Volume« of the Weekly wq la I if Mr Nwel'a finir. H’ Mr> M>1 Aon Fi une®. BILL AP.FS LEnCP.S looked dolefully after him. the frat Num I »er for Janusnd X. Il® llerl.'a F »r1««r. By F» aar •»» W “He was disinherited by liisold un Appear in each issue, and th:« hr.jr.oroesphilosc- IIS I hr Nlaeef II ear«.. Mr 1« L FaWaee. When no time ia men; loved, i»i« “Poor Leander,” said she, half N. Xa tu l.edy h«le®eib'a DI «a» »«Se. By **T«» pher was never more iatecestiaff than at th « begin with *J»e s.«her « tm <J cle Stephen, and all the money left 41®, « arle®®. RyNiMU X Bn»»««, ’ ceipt of order. i ' aloud, “I’m afraid he’s going to be X. |a*««w.rwa Ill r».lr hret »’eUe. Br ae«ha» ■ liera Tbarwa. ’ /IT4. vie II« at »1 »In. *k»8 8rwn«o ^ IK ITS KDITOCIIL DEPARTMETT Bound Volume« of Harper’ll« Tbr N®lp la Aakley. By Mr». Hwwwv B are. N. Ht 1 1.1- M »,«««•> Bâter. N» J M. R-ei—». //CA to that girl, who was a distant rela badly dieapjiointr 1.” year« back, in neat cloth biadiBcf X-I 'il If -r » • r-H lue Mea. Ily ihe auliieff a< ** bara tt'»»8»gtk'M birla la J. Ny M. ar C H* . Hoars axd F arm »peaks boldly and fearlessly in Range—Harney and Grant county Oregon T — A i» IM® 4 Sia. My kt • waU>®r of •• Para Thvru«.' by mail Pva'age paid, or by «x>i. behalf of ’’ Farmers’ Rights ” It favors a re- tive of both; and George Iiowaid P. O.—Burna. Harney county. Ur. Th. I. . w » rr’a ’•’-eret. Rr Mtæ N. R. RB*r«ew. X®. Tb« Laarvl ll«af>. Hr M1 Net -a«. Alice Ames was sitting on the i N. penae (provided the freight tau. vLiou of the tariff in behalf of tl.e farmer : better x. i ' T he *tr««ge < e»e ef Dr. Jekyll aa«l Mr. Ila«ry Arbeit. By Nr». H®'*v Wau». ------------------------------------------------------- -———. per volume) for |7 uo a volume. 1 roads for the fanner ; Free Mail Delivery to ih< M» Ir. I. A « Hart»«. Br Oroana Knar. went east on busines, saw her. fell porch, under the green, shifting x. . IK.tr. lu» A <»t.l Ma«*e M«crlC®e. By Mr». Av» 8. Cloih Caaea for each \ olami lllaeEyeaaarl Guide» llalr. Hy l>firs?M»i®. farrner; Co-operation among the farmeis, aud its X® C«H«b AlkA’a legacy. Rr M T C . binding will be cent by nail km turn in to *' Bust Trusts. ” Its motto is in love with her, and married her, • shadows of the hop-vines, shelling X...I ®rBr>m»a. ( «.1er |1»c IJIur®. Nr aether ni“ O»»* Tbera®.'* X®. _ __ Ameanlbe Rutaa. I’y M..*vCsci* ¡L v. HiJ. ceipt of |l. W. B TODHUNTER. ** Fair Trade zad Farmers ’ Kights. ” J mt think nf I* I v. ’ e «ill g ’ r® you twenty Hwo charming complete noveleare If you will get it« Remittance« ahoald be madO* and never knew that she was the i Lima beans to dry, as Leander .m r ear yearly auliscrliter The novela ore splendid ones, ft nd they ar® published complets lu Money Order < r Draft, to avuidttar fine .» figure came m* iL (>'imp*tl I f’.rni N - r t >® nature «dtlte authors—they are the mret relebr&ted writers, both ! Addraaa HARPER A HR -»Mill' heiress • iv i i v co ui of 1113 bis JUrl lost lUilUIlv fortune till till d a . Rockwell's tall, .i cattls branded A'<;*rl»*M am! K«imp •. N »te aleo the lung and nUrætlve Hat fr<. in which you are privileged . - A. swaging up the path, . ' • He was ••f with -S-Wranch” on i.» «.•:« t N . it.aher wbl«*h of ihe novels ton cl.oote, you will bo j-orfrrUy delighted wt»h them. month after the wedding-day. It 1 very Left Hip. very handsome, handsome, though thought the girl, M.w.1 . » • lie. Il .r.-ln tn Itila lie» ►‘•Il for 2S renls each In the .OanJe aud other libraries You can «et v <7.r ».//>/«- a-.y twenty-Hr® you may rlt<reo> frtt. for get tic g ns only one yearly subscriber, Ear marks: Close- is like the things one reads in a but he lacked the ease and polish i t rw-c® ’ait i.» t «!-.«:»»< ’ha’ th!» I-« «.nn^rf-.il icUa ou® es you never had before ? crop off the Right ear; x » v I«’ every reader of Hita pnper c ntM 1er ibis nff.ir r» a>l<!re*>e<l io ialmee’f or herself Indlxid L’nuer slope in novel; but you don’t expect to see ' of the dapper little captain of "Her anilv Mak«* .- v.iur »nind ili®’ yre will Imvo twenty-five of th««® «harming completo novel«. Left ear. Vu.I » enetly x«»w c«v do I’ I What I* It to£et ® yearly sute''rll.>er to lilt» paper? There is net those things In real life, ’ do you, ’ lflr. «I.ak« 1 White-Heeled Horse.” om- Harper’s Ba: one <‘f -nr per - en» a« rltwre ami rr.ulere l»nt eon «lo It, If t! «y will try. Remember. His clothes bore evidence of country y. .ti *| v® g.- not x-k-l to e-t uu a «hib or to «Io any nr arel ng. but merely to use yowr lnCiieiuí»* ti Of th® v*riou Baking Povian Uli» dear Georgina?” in i ®i.c .»f vn-f nctgltb r® or friends in hike our paper mr a year Anybody can do th!» ILLUSTRAT _ 111» cut vuv —his 1113 boots uvrcrto were W V I V powdered with ll 1 I I I i»if • ‘»«»r '• I eh »«nr® »nd friend® th* re 1» cera'nly ewe who will anhscrlb« for onr laper at you/ trated from actual test* Mrs. Burton shook her head, dust, and his face was bronzed » A '.•.•'ml >1 !» • ■ »it pill it i-.ff nretnp In think it over, l-ut go right out a*, once m l pct ymr mb * ! -r Y u viuirreif « H! I > ►nr- r’ae.l tu ân«l bow raey a thing it I tn do an I when you rereb < Haupan s B asab if a jruraalM BOTALtr«re She could not have spoken. In with August heats. ■eases arer btaaded your» veer ® <-nn:p*ete ■ ‘»ve ® ami comn’ri'.«*® reading them, you will bo delighted to thick yon • •iving thela.eet inforn.a ieii »] w‘th "S-wreBCh” oa the the Ftshiure. it« numerous illusd of <»nr great a <l verv liber I affer. “How do you do Aliev?” said he; t> We 5 Ivi Ig •»*:•« that one moment of supreme emo- UXm- (Alam) vaDitv ,»f th® ii«»vel-» f-rtwo yenrY »’»’’•‘’ribera. «evantr-Sve for three rubso-iber», and io!.-piafes. and pattern sheet ium Left thigh. if m y n uni tier Gel livre tail nii « e«V «erri ber If V‘-n ran without tn® nr.u h trouble, tut • o inaiepecaable alike to the iunti .lion her rejected lover—had he and Alice, remembering the differ SO svarosDT Urnk' '’viti «»t /at icft-t n -e. ami -eviti® fr.r vonreeü twenty five chsrmlng compiei® neve's free. Yon arid 1 be professional meuiste. .M ential manner with which the cap n«»t will m -® »• <1 I ar. e— great rj.t • rtii’ itv- If you p«UM» Gita ««íTct by uuhved'ad. Ordvr JOUI* I it spared in making its artistic 4 cared to know it—was most bitterly ■UIVORD-S (atea ■ tain always addressed her as “Miss notéis •>/ t i- ’.iinibrre r a plv««.t Au.lros all letter:: of the highest erdtr. in elewi I CUU* (Ahm r*a®r>. avenged. parlor plats, aud thoughtful om Ames,” answered, with a tots of her tastes, and tie last page is faneei of wit and humor. In its weekM head: MW* aaff O.K.* (AM R«-X. Gram and Ma’haareoantica. thing ia Inc ¡need whir h is of iurs F. U. address. Buri.a. Grant co., Ur «go a. A COUMTRY CIRCVS. “I’m pretty well, I thank, you!” During 1*91 Ague« B. Orrrsbeewilh ontuin of articles on ’I be House tualffl “I’ve been getiin’ some tickets Corson will treat of “Sanitary Lrt rwni (Saa Fi I will pay Five Huadrad Dollars for interesting snececstou of ©apend] for the circus to night, Alley,” said BY AMY RANDOLPH. wUVw the arrest and convictioa of anv per- Art an I History.” saperbiv illorn CZAX................ he, plungin'? can amore into his on or persons, killing or stealing any of th« furnished by Theodore Child I’M tockef th« above bread or beloaging thereto. will be by Walter Bessel end ThoBi subject. “Will you go with me?” M. PBICTS.. Front New York Ledger: ‘ Thank vou, evei so much,” said “Cut, cut, ca-daw cut! Cut, she, stooping for a fresh handful of HARPER’S PERI01 cut!” velvety, green pods, “but I’ve prom Per Year lift- L ew . •Why, Addie, you rcedn’i oyabeot HARPER ’S BAZAR Thus caroling her way, the ised Captain Cassell to go with R! 1 only Mid. 2J». Zllcn was a very well- HARPERS MAGASIN» informed wooud , £~d I T ie^cd J OU WOU.d follow HARPERS WEEKLY speckled hen flapped wildly around him!” her example." HAEPER*8 young _______ rioni Mtn I. xb - *TeB. Rr.d la?t week yon said yea “Humph !” observed Leander, ■aaroRD'KN Mtnone Mies Terebinth Rockwell's! ,T Postage Free to aU 1 subsc ribs* wfehed I could tE-aca e lo l< ok as atyUsh ae Mrs. A JOURNAL FOR ADVRRTKLRS. State«, Canada, er Mt «view. ,'so I ’ m too late? ” A Be»,— and »he Bia>^ ftU ttt 0W3 cUMtot. Dot nxmi.ir... *O) dahlia« and carnatiuns, with that I ike has wbai I ha?'a'V • a ».--*. i-w The vol a me« of the Baser bsgb^ “Yes, a little too late ” M b . Lae- •• What is that ♦* J BimroasB • («».**—), .*«■ mm ... number for January of eack W fair maiden following close in pur-. “Is it to be always so, Aliev? M ra L kb . •* Well, sac gtu al! o* tef InfonxMk ia time is moniioaed, subecriptM Ron from the N.-**az no they take. I admit that with the Number current atthscq Beports of Govenuneat Chsausta. I kuit, her cheeked Biin-bonnet waved , “I don’t know what you mean, the knows all ths: is coin- ou, and is bricht and of order. eaUrtaicing in conversion; but I coo d do as •' The Royal Bakief Powder is composed of Bound volumes of Harper’s M above her head like an ensign of Leander,” well as ah© tiers if 1 hsd the jane source of year in neat cloth binding. wiflkj Information. She lent me tbo lxn aumbor of be? pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not “You used to care for me a little, postage paid’ or by express, W war. Leander stood and watched Kagazine lately, rnd I ksrac-i core in one Losr s I Combines the juice of the Blee Fip of contain either alum ©r phosphates, or other in- (provided the freight doe« uot«*- »cadiDff. abac; v rio-s aockl nv.turs and the 1 before this boasting captain of-herse California, so laxative and nutritious la: per volume) for J7 a volun^ jnrioussubstancea.-EDWABDG. L ove . Ph.D.” the pursuit, with thecool, impartial l^miThere” topics of the day. tian I wnn!d p ck up tn a month Cloth casea fo. each voleme.Wj with tha medicinal virtues of plams by my o©czsior.al chaLJ with fr.cnda. Itccvtaialy •* The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly Ing will be senir by mail p-«!*“’ smile of a dlsintereete i speetatcr, ©overs every top s ef ini* rfvcm Ue nee a of "1 like you well enough now, Le- known to be most beneficial to the |1 each. the toy dam la tie dcnf’B of b.orsekccpirg; the purest and rac^t reliable baking poude: hamaa system, forming the ON LY PER Remittances should bo rr.io« • and everyming is so bcantifally illustrated, too* I until the epeckled speckled fugativo tie- be- I under." offered te the pubLe. Monev order or Draf*. to FECT REMEDY to act gently yet Every time Msnde ®Tcr Al cne’ eh© Adtvafi HAKPSt*1 thought herself to dart headlong in-1 “Well enowgh to marry me?” coomb back roc lessee to fxt yen to Uke •• H emrt A. M ott . M. D., Ph. D.- promptly oa the Dcmoresi ® Family Ma'Weiae. es th- «tories are •* The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual so good. Even u • boys watch fori every month, to the aunny angle of the stone wall j “I don’t think you’re justified in «^.Xenspapers ara «ot to ttg* as a plarc b iocud tor t era al-© In its p»Eca: and asking me any such question,” said KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS ity and highest in strength ©f any baking pow Hr Allen swears by it. It is rally wonderful a'« of the above adver isen.««¿ where the scarlet spheres of ripen-1 Alice, jumping up and retreating dcr of which I have knowledge. toew it volts every member of the i-~ulr 1 ’* tiPMta ord«r of MARPÄK 4»* i Hit 1 ji < “ V\ t-U perha « I h d th iter send fere ing tomatoes basked on a huge hurriedly into the house, •• W k . McMvmfB, Ph. D.” Copy; for. if it h anything like what ye« Cleanse tie SjsteiP Effectually, Specimen •AH Alum baking powders, no matter how say it h. it will smart a nd in «roc. the whole <f ua»*' wooden frame. At the supreme | “I understand,” remarked Lean I — so rut - high their strength, are to be avoided as dan Hr® Lxe 1 rt that V7 •'■>nnings Demorest, I I 'J gerous Phosphate powders liberate their ra« the publisher. 13 Fest 1’th Street hew Tort, .a second, he swooned noislessly down der, grimly. “I don’t stand any PURE BLOOD. offer:nr tn send a Soccimeu Copy foe 10 eenta. re too freely, or taour ctunattc ahaafca sukkr de show alongside of the tiger-hunting REFRESHING SL. EP, we cant low nvthn.r, s® ea«-h number eooiaics from his unseen vantage point, and terioration. HEALTH and STRENGTH , a ’Pattern Or r’ estiU r* the bolder to ear hero. It’s a pity we haven’t a few Pattern she rasy ebeoer. ar.d in any size—which seized Old Speckle l-y her flutter I wild beasts in these woods to kill. Natvnlly fc riow. Ererv one 1» Mntf il aLne sBakc® ejch ropy wm 3P cents : and 1 wwt want a iedtet pat era ike Jin. Aflen’a The ing wing*. The captain must miss his occup.v I »r. I all »re delighted with it. Ask yont sa’je-r*ptM3 p >e Is c-r’y ‘tfQ a year; and I drvggist for SY’KU'P FlG-x M»aw nnat rar I ern't ere bow t --T eon US Well, goodafternoon, Ally. “Here’s your feu], Terebinth,’* ition. ®L«rrx»t a kl«.aace f-T m littie a»cney> (»ctuit'l only by tbe Terebinth and I will have to go to said he. THE SELF-THREADING CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Cd. I the circus alone, I suppose.” "Well, I declarer Ntid Mirs Tere S am F smkisco , C al , Un-w-nrt... Kr.« Vo««. i The mammoth tent on Durkill binth, according a reluctant admir Common was crowded that night. ation lo the deftness of the capture. Calumet’s circus was a local cele “And I’ve been chasin' the creature brity and had been widely adver » . M. Faasv h Co’* for thia ten minutes! I'm goin’ to tised The rural population had inus.r^'l, Dev-r pure as J Priced not many opportunities of enjov- have a fricssse for dinner.” S f . zd A nnual la it .re e«w- m-*nt. and did rx t propose to 1 t F . 1G91 FREE “Company i min’?*’ biMd th. fla this one go by default. Every o ie » all xart«. awd ta D«t season'» evstc^ers. It »* ber.cr than ever. ti« tneehanie- “1 mean to ask Eider Atkinson was there, from Elder Atkinson and I »wry per*®© « M .kill, the *. rear *v and l is wife " his wife, down to the little Mitchael K- M seed ier iu Adcrcss most urefal "Don’t ask 'em,” said Leander Ryan, the cobbler, and bis pinched D. M. FERRY A CO uii practica! DETROIT, MICH looking better half. Captain Cas dements, tad Larrret beexisv n ihe •o.-’d “Put it off till s ome other time. sell and pretty Alice Ames occupied all known ad Terebinth.” a conspicuous front scat, and a few vantage. that “For goodness sake! Wliv?” rows l®ck rat Lander Lock we 1 task, a tew. OF ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. E ’ NM M Ywwetv T»’V» •» • «Murr«, as coin»»«, ing mackina Leander drew Üitre squares of with Miss Terebinth and her fr end with«»! a«lverti«emeMt». ülh»*c«*riat». «n«tf- d.siraW. to b«« «erreat f r trwth an4 »*•<»»»•« yelloy pasteboard from his pocket Hannah Binns beside her, a plain I«»», Ckr;»«. with tb« br*».lrw« <ksrw B » » c!*ea «11 or me. RARrr H* Y*«r taBlfeÄ It ha» ’• be bbire er “Ixx k.” said he. ‘I’ve got ti< keto little seanistresa body, who had rwhr'ow* bwt«. bwt •-•V'» t.» v »<•••♦ cf vil». »• been aaked at the eleventh hour; rr aiaaUaa rre-ftaa hv tk*l • bub !» a*d for tbeeircu» to night—for vou and "sooner than waste the ticket,’’ li H***« h>Mr«n »ad II <*M erwRl*. aa B»u<!av~«al»>«>l <rv b*»»*fwl A ar ratee ws*h »p.l a »aks < lar-'-w. O«»ly II.M a V u.e end Ally Ames." thrifty Miss Terebinth had said la «leb»? > »•*--F¡* ¡ k Lara- i-*«»r*v Miss Terebinth's earewern visage ire ar cswnsvn.i ‘'BU wr^l7£-Y.:»STF8rsxai« THE HERALD 25 COMPLETE NOVELS FREE TO EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER! young m h b il b wv obb k b bb b t lbc t m tk b b l wtb umi th b av vcbs aui mu b b lxh v HOME AND FAR baiiss wl ommom a ob a bt l iibib uba ímu jui b ncb vmbv ib mt a m & kii v m mm h ai ipw h i t m LEAVENING POWER ii om miw m ui ch h m k av a k P rinters ’ I nk ASK FOR IT! THE BEST ELDREDGE mtc s mi 6l^(¡o!deQ£ei)8^r b b m bt k I POWDER Absolutely Pure. I