Fayette ^JUTSery, THE PATH OP HOHOB; OB A0OVE TMK TBK HOML I BY BABY UMHOLW. Brea Mew Tori Vatoly: Of Payette Idaho, Paul and Gracie parted at the | gate. “He lows me and will be true to me," said Grace. “She loves me and will wait for me." said Paul, as be supped on board the train, that bore him far away fso-u his b<*roe and the scenes of hie boyhood Paul Mayo and Gracie King had known each other ever since they pation Three rears haJ paaaed. one Oc­ knew anything in this, to them, bright world They had romped tober «lav. when Cheater TeaJe togrtbrr from two years of are to flighted from a carriage and en- twelve; sung, danced, and walked lered again the spacious hall which together from twelve to twenty— he utter thought to revisit. The thev were both of an age, and now servant failed to rvcogni.se the hand­ being separated for the first time, some stranger who asked to see hts thev knew tbeir first sorrow. mistress. The three years of hero­ Paul went to the city to practice ic loneliness had left tneir marks medicine with a fan.ous ductor, pre- in the graying hair of this young paraterv to telling up for himself Bus But breadth had I also i-ee ' In two years,” be SuJiJuquixvd The sea to tlie fine shoulders, I “I »Uall be ir d pendetj. and then 1 His curi- kroner was in his face will go for Gracie, my st» - - - No. ing Icard was d tfe’vnt. Yet one my uetmthrd. mv oarlit.g glance of the entering hostess udd Paul appi-.ed bimseh" assidivusiy b»r eh' he was Her heart gave t—wli.^.. aa seo *» prwcucc. gained a eyrrr-g a« «fre rlW: the fUui a; I ot the old doctor, and “Oh. Chester! Mr. Tealei Is it tne k« paUet,t» tie was trusted you? It >s altxiet like seeing f.rad- wit:. Lw».u.s ua>. -g tne s-nn-ve u^ furd u- facet you again*" se_,.< <1 tin. first lau.il.rSiulbcC.t -. When they talked aith teirder Lr Ju»L..i Parker, a young pbv- fecal feet ions of the departed roe s..u.->, just tfedgou, aud all ready mixed in ietaeer . th s man readied to uc «ucated “»wuiewhere," Used to bow be was not alone- in han ng drop in uu Paul utteu of an evening suffered life’s darkening. to Lave a <|uiet cUaL .They sat at lea. He noticed *i a.sb 1 «ere luuaud. said be. that while the lines of beauty ware “in suuie place, uC H «ver »o bumble. finer, yet she had not grow. old. * lu tuc cilv : ' aaiu i»-l. She was far mure beautiful than “No, 1 i-ivfer acvuuuy town.” eve». " 1 oe. e »» ail Ujxr.uttg in LU* US»- How softly the autumnal mon.- live jungle, 1-r Panker. Vue o. ing earae. It w«*oed them to their our «sucusra 1» » upcr«naatadt a..o old ride* again. And now there wss no disapproving conscience. you aoald u«.d mot a sp.iuuid They had obeyed God, even in their cUui.cc to uulfd up a practice. * “Perhaps you lliiuk of kjcalir.fc secret thoughts; and now God was oí vvor to reward the obedient and the theie yourscif ««.. out lime. ” honorable. "No, 1 prefer use city, I th. ok— Was it wrong that she laid aside Wine of her widow's weed* that fora lew year», auyway.” Will you give me fetters of in- day? No. Marriage is till death truuucUoii to »uiuc of Use faun. e do us part.’’ But—oh. that the there * ’ tnistnated and intriguers w.>ui4d »hone reepfendeut over his lit­ tle office in the prvity town of Mary­ the past with the dead. Watching her white fingers al ville. “A new doctor, young ar.d un­ their needle-work, at length, be ! married; isn t it splendid, girt»!* said: “Mrs. Morse, I sat here over cned Jaiie Porter, when she called three years ago, as 1 do now. and on her fnend. Graefe King, who watched you with God's law for­ was entertaining anetuer mutual fnend. Susie Brown. “And, Grade, bidding my love " acquainted with your affiance, too "Loe*?“ Looking no half fright­ Won’t I flirt!” ened. “Haw you Seen him. Jane?" said “Yea I lore you ’’ Grade. A scarlet flush stole over her 1 L L U RTRATii HARDY TREES SPECIALTY. ■ • .. CHAPTER V. CmitM T bala nrrtaaa. When the spring came the wid­ ow bussed herself with all the usual beloved schemes of her husband about the grand plate. and grew calmer in her gr.ef with her occu­ ILLU8TRAT1D acta *, I Narsery has done mere le pre­ mete fruit crowing in Eaat- ern Oregon and Idaho than all other Nur •elie-« combined. aa the ire— are ac* climated and / M m »«!«. ?/ b? 1—l- O’’iw'J* •Jyrwi«-S’ I harlM hall«, í! b« «.>»tln«M j,,,, *J."< irai-lUi a will ba a aîvû'^' Cr«.Mwtot. U.»*« used «f g » «y —f . —. etov >* n— I » June”1 rae h orar. When nu iha< •«•ri.'.n»n.. will begin wi Cii ren at ime nr receipt oieruti Î min j m.nisie u Haritet'. lire« rear harK, in neat eta) »»* iM.i:. pis.-raid,« I-*«.-[-iiid.M I - !1 ( Ca-to, a .j « *m< i lti.h •ru—l»v .i.aii, . ¡MMt*(flÁ 1 o Hrtr. tr’< 4 AldgMïil* t v ir:u i i-i ', UiHu if«-. .n*ui.¡unt.i|H K kt»i. ____ *<» Ciu h.J jé I Xi* «ie ai**-« ahtrjid bt nutül tillite in.. . .fl < *ru*r. < r i rdti, dHtigifl .At.ur* York. HAKrEtt 4c r.iuTJ issi 4 ... «.¿fs Vvcii ¡ L LTSTRATI STENGER H ook » branded Either RUbt *r Ki«« on , Raare—« P ALM»'” C atti .« » ra v>8-. Left al ;• ; rire e t. A a>.;l io ear b Ba* jo—Ha r wrt»-r« !»■* ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING Harper’s ILLUSTRA ELDREDGE ** *■«• n HARPERS Pl Per P rinters I nk . num, uni in wra THE BEST S I U located ena ball otila treat Pay• ette depet, eo» the O. 8. L My- Tbie “Gracie seems likes sister to me," tttustteSfsiu' Efltcttally. — ■» TWAT — bo would say to himself "Fool that I was not to know the diffcr- SU« BL003, RBSWCSMIMO IL IS. ecoe. but we know nothing until we HKALTM an* »TWBWCTH are taught, and Mary Las been too VntwrwSv Maw. Kw-w on, ■ ■■■•( a naS kB •» datarMa« with «- A*k yw sweet a teacher." dwer X SYRVP OF FIGS. M—w Paul wae honeet. and meant to hew»« «a>y by ika marry Grace; but be would write CALIFORNIA RG SYRUP CO, ami tel', her tue whole truth. Then <*. Bev TeeUnB if, under the cincumrtonoee. abe him to his promise thev would be marned just after his time was out The next morning, after bis letter WM dispatched. Paul sat in the office trying in an abeenl-n.mdea ezd annu manner to kam h s Lat’n Irsecr, froxr a Frvnrh gratr.ctsr. when the Irmi—"I h,«r tom iur n,i maid brougLt bin. a lettev. with misfortune." iw »r fvmwtto Bob* »eo^tedly )—‘ Iiidaed Ihav« c » H A : 3 Ixiet AAlV in eash and bonds, ne gotiab.'e bord« t,< —good a* p “I can think of nothing. Yet I I ■stante bad done before him. will go, if you eav eo. and never re i ­ She was a sweet yoong ladv, shy tat*. yet unaffected. and a mutual liking “Oh. don't go' You seemed •prang up between the two veung tee you eauie. like the rvuira of people thrown eo much together rummer after such a long, long Liking npened into lovw before winter.” either was aware of it, and poor Chester Trale waited for no more Paul awoke only to the true rate He drew the fair head clues to bi of hie he=.rt when a suiter asked the strong heart, yet throbbing with 1U old doctor for the hand cf fair mingled hope and fear Mary “Will you. the«, bars faith in Then it was '.hat be f«U be bad met" "Yea, always faith in yon, yon never loved before. Haaw’j i Wt —• «to Lm aa—hae «f tor a« Item oaev tow Leere r____ w« cartel toan aaXV» Xtoa fey-tounlo^w T'cAepto anaa rb tZ^SÍFiSÍÍh a/£.T3 ____ to «avute t JB e«' M ua » ti ent ç ; nto eavryto»« to — tee WiTi r rjertntto toe» Kry L~a- ka-.e geca e^r «> tta A.«na ate —• — (?« yen to M fe - for! r*ary BFKB*B BFKB*B BFCB*» RFL11 BA LAB ■ AW A XI KB *KIELY YOVNW LEAVENING POWER ey a.. —• — «I the TBTWto tr.t.« «**•« TOTAL cr-u, OATT** (Ata-) 20B00KS1 ’wrtaw T hl B est SI^Qoldep Ceps^r POWDER Abeoltrtely Pure. MOTH