THE H . w tp.r; FC Jt • ’ * r * *_• er -8k‘|Le < The National Iz-gislative Counsil. T Whi* hick **as provided tyr at the late FPOM THE CAPÍTOL __ ________ UNHILD-S W lSWINGTON LKTTER. [Ocd »la * >Vr i .iraMfn a dym- ' f^nf receiving hi« own t'r- r.j-;-r«-val. -,,«<*«i o f I e«j:iv«-iit on of th«- National f ' P. r Farmers Alliance,is low hpidiiig tits first sesrinuhwr f*i»-'um|H»ed ; <f the President's . f th«- State or ganizations and the National Prcei- BURNS ADVFJITIH 5 J NTS Qur JEoCto •4 d**'.Li*l «oe> 11 * 'W»-- I»'*-« Hssd sgs-uw’»1-'- 5 ** “cd- < -A* 1« a N*i>'s «- -Wit*:-4 -*•’*’•« w:..-r wrt: W- taU. a*Jk-.»»Kt *<1 t.**i- Stn«tUer . *rrt*-«l u ol I J«* kl&d jr«i - i* G ‘VIS * 1 ’ PU- 1 ar tfi- *-J trcvHC’-tl fact » r-ra:c4 b/ • I Fnrpc.i ?v»tn« 1 ,cdhar to ' • TM tovw I by f e jropri«- oi 1» *1» *34 kau«a lax- n«-- «.ae. Ill action on t’.e H xm ! :* »M. r« •’.! i-rpuritl«* «’14 » r »!v’a ■.. t ... »* •■». b- n*. r ■ '• * : > tore, aoH »U «* •* ‘ : « ».«■ A IU.. L-. jd J Of luvr • -i« lor '••Li are t»km TToM*a Sarssr.irHa and f : k 1 .li b« in« be*t b’tnui j«urif«r 1 hav • • vcrtiTed. Ua«. IL ilMLD, AUbU.U. < »L fProm o«r regular Cone»joden:J >de»t. Its principal duties are to :*al ** j-«4*.. .r ii ixgtom , D. C. Feb 8. ISOL prepare the Bills that t*«e Alliance .dl*i.-ite t**r thr Mr Harrison made a la-t d.-s- will ask the next Congress to pas-. •M.w ill, aw .-untami* ¡»rite attempt, through >eart*or ‘There is a runier that the munccr »I» to have it,* I* Hi«ar,in t ehalf of tie Force bill at has already dev.d d upon a maU-r - 4.ff« a. at l«-ast. O h egos '. a caucus of rpii i-an Senators al luodificatiun of the sub-treasury V ictims <.f it. e* or* ¡ r 1 et cy f < »* d o*** held last night. In uni -r to give scheme. - j'iweaw v-o* « mormon» reepo--'i grat Ute Senators «hu voted against th-- j Speaker Reed's action in having r*M- Treasury y *» f.< r i.e Laud Olfire h well aware «.f ,,|,j , j|| opportunity cf :e-.urni* g j to <1Te the House commi* Ring. Windom. «Il wi’brtf Hthf' The Best Medicine. Iu- fact that the E ast O ck ^ un H im - lo the ranks a new bill «as present-1 on forvig„ Affairs a day for th« “ I have <i v cf Hood's Rar** year* - , fs- .’i* f-.-r B ba« helped m« x t* t(«.k cp th*- ", tt ?g 1 in def* n e c,| to the caucus, shorter and with ;, onsi.leratiou of measun-s fxvoral 1» a rr a' «leal. I tbiuk It i< the beat med; « .I- .-i-iu X.OO anduyaprpeia.” M»*. o; I df uf the uflir<?rs * h*-n ; .ouie of f|ie «»Ijecli* »naLle f»*fcture> I iup.*rb <1 from that.« o uiiiitlve iuak»*> X. A. i.AVD- simxe , 15-1 Sor;h r’.fthStreet, I» les-tliai« ' • a-'e f o . Jt. yr - tiie dark clotifh of ar-rfiitlv nit<i ! tif U m * Ludga Mil. Storirt diJer a* - •» p■ actic.dly iuij o-?ible fur i : b o L 4.1 J .>w-, <. *L Me Tracy lr;g«d« tiontl pri-jndiee wrrs imugirig .wer i -o thr cunclusioa arrived at. ffom< i u,-‘k’ 4 Ml,lfb- *’rP towards the n- Hood’s Sarsaparilla doui fell d«’. d Til - wl.o iielieVe . .ii * i. r <’itv i»u< ex*ru<kti hv tn* C • cash fb»H bydmrri«?«. 11:>ix forS-'. I*n'r<r^d CASH 111 s .y that II was d*c.d«d tu pass »*» g,1V,.ril||^llt Well,* * that such thing* always tr.ivi'l in or.iy bjr’e. 1. HvUD dr Co., Apotb.cax.e» A. r.oitinss.................................................. .. U«t»eL. ■-<«». new bill lit a few days and other* j,,|lr „„.oiation. Ried »ill le a de- Burna, Orvgw, threes, are aekin«. wi o «ili Le the coming bec-us*- we jil^-ucute th«- I «■> Do.»-i Ono Dollar iliat r*o d. finite conclusiuri was ; j««*.-*l in a very short time. Has a Lvrge and Complete Stock of General Merchai dire, w|^ next victim? I election of as many «ii-rwoe-rat» f->r reu< lied One r*|*u licx'i Senator. will I-«- sold to p-ople dirt cheap CASH! Give him a call' |', l 1 f «'ialnra.1* f »r Cal*rr*Xs lla«l town officers as We c-k-rpffT ' ' jumping into a lumber wagon and sloj ping ovi r th«- limonili, • bo v«it«-d will* tLe Usmia-rala to RVRMS AbVFRTTFEMKXT?. tuha.ia Mrirfoij. W ill the new Sevrltayy of «he ; the snow and ram. £***Bedn>ck 1 i iw-s for CASH ONLY 'I* Partie*, come into our yflice and i lay aside the g.g-rul«- rcM*lut:wn, i- A. mercury wili » dertr»*v ile Treasury be a gold- *ug «>r will Le| say, “do not run thia métter into ! renorird to Lave ».il Hat if .1 -. m*<- of .-li»* Il aiui e**i. pietei’ de I be a tree coinage man? If Mr H. BOVI* politics ’’ “C-rtainly not,” we an- w<-uld-e any «*!i**f. ctioi* to lb.- »a«l rat gr thè wlmle »»stili* wheli « !«• I J W. AAIITORD. Harrison decid«-» the matter upon Ashforà L BoycL swer; “Lnt we should not Le blamed tie.d membvtw of bis party Le »«»’ id tenug thr* ugh the mu«-.*u»eurf.*c* . I his own judgement he is certain to If - ‘ - ■ vote f-*r the new * ill. • ecuUre I»- for an effort to elect a part ... of - th, PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, .’U* I» ar icle- »1.6»U neVer i*- u» *d . . .. I - > a a be the former, but f he takes the ' officers, when we l-clicve the town was «*ali»fii d that there ww <•«*: ex»-«, t *>n ¡*r»»i-rij*’i**n fiom re[*uta- advice of some of the )> ngest bead- Bi is.< ................................ O regon ! to Le democratic.” And must un enough time reim-iuing to get it le pii»*ic.. 1-. us t’ie damag«.- they OÆ. e i.i W. £ Gr*. e’i Dru.i St»re td men in hi» party he wifi b* the idoubtcdlv we should not be ceu through the House will do ir le.» i i-J tu th ■ g****d * *«ii latter. But in either event. Benja The ri publicans stem to I* g.-t sured by a part of uur own part* ean p s-ii lv «Irrive fn*m ti» m. min Harrison, the candidate, will ti: g tlie w,*r»t of tl»e silver [»««1 in fluii » Uat.itrh Cure coi.t.dn- no for stai d:ng * y our c»!- rs. TOILET ARTICLES, G LASS, PUTTY. lose votes in the next national con vestigation. in spit* of ti*e t vide» t mereury. anJ i» t,-.k»u mtern..l y. vention of his pirtv, and that's intebtioii <*f tlx- committee I» find ji.«i il .»i-t» dir. ctl. ii««*»n thr i l»M*d whai's the matter with Ber.ny at A t Washington City, February i**Ut xs little us J**M,«i.le No dem«* mi.coi.’ »urface «>f thè *’»t»m. In W. K GRACE PirorRfKTi>R. this time. 7th. a c-»i.f< r*-nce was held at th* EURES. Ckï cr.itic mvmi * r i*t ■ itiier branch <t t u.*ii*g Hall'» Catari ti Cure u-sur» * » * H reside c.- of rwiiator Stanford, I e- Uungti i a has la-eu implicated, » lol, y««u gel thè genuine. It is taKen I t seems a little queer that those twe«n the p’i eidviits of the Farm two pioniti.i-til n-pui Leans—Si«- int* rtially and Iliade in Toledo republicans who rh*>'. I the loudeat er»’ Aida.« ce and the Senator. H«- tor Cameron ami R< A Large Afertuient oí Oli o, l.y F J. Clu-uev* ,V Co for a prot«-ctive tariff Ligh enough (the •*•*» .tor) *X w-et.« his silver bill Taylor, of Illinois,—have admit:««) l ¿»F' Sold t*v druggiets, pru e 7óe to shut out all the world, claiming to t*e th- mi ata* of ivflu« ncing that tlit-ir guiit. a let al.ot her—Rei», ree •' | |*er « «4tle. >*rg*i ualiun Io ' <» ’ n him for th* that America can exist without ative Celclicm. of New York—iaex-i Mae jnst ’-cen Reevived. ‘ I any commercial dealings with th«- I ex» Presidi nry.” It «.-« ms to L- pa Cted to d«i likewise. The great-| Bua>'i’» *it.i t H.*- «»I World. Notary Public. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMFOPlJ rest cf the world, are the verv men eri..fidentiV ejf-ecud by llim. Unit ret farce of the invest *g..t.on w *s Ex I’aiiir-i r I*atty, ot D. "L. GRACE, who oppose an American system « f tlxe lepnLlii-ar* p*«rty will l*e foretd enacted tu s uc*k «‘lien Ow«-tii«>y.| LC RN», OK Evervth’: c gimrentcrd pure and of the verv lest enilitrl i«i Fiingi. Cssitfe«« maubi. Applit atior« for finance—the free and unlimibil to teiminate him for thr next the man who claimed to Le* i* ‘»•attx ’r relel ratvd Organ? and Pi F uu . k a ¡«an Nvti«t> « K-rics iiy mu U prompt!* PATENT - I DICINPS-OLD AT MARKED PRICE. I »ïKM. Washington, New bar aiie.msM to. i»ret.«. >»»«•, and >ivrlg*-<B coinage of silver—basing th«-i." « p Pusule- «•’. as *«i<ig tiwouly cuurse a mend er of a silver |*uo', was rgiult ura«*u up. i uarxe* rvaa.>uable. U-cU position up*ii the ground that t > ;*u -i.e to get th«* vote of that wrought tram Chicago under arrest rturiM-d li»>inr fruii » an ext»n<i»tl .Jam** pour of the worid. Head his It is an p»m*d the inten America cannot have fr«e e- ii . g- 1- »1 ,1- J. NAT. HUDSON, and put on tl.e stand. Almost le I vertii*enirnt in this paper and send i without the conBect of the ts ii **f r'armera* Alliance istocom- fore lie Iw-gaii his testimony th* ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. ........... . for catalouge. I» I on- <*r the other uld parties to 1 commercial countries of Europe. Office: BURNS,OR. . »*•> »/: committee decided that he must i I . We merely give this as a ►:•*,!..• -•-b ; ' th ir p!«if *« t » i . **r they will not mention the names of Senators FOit S ll.E. ulidat ii .depend jir Hepreaentative» that he had of republican consistency O C. A. 8WEEK.. • t ofü>* irto ¡»artica. readers can make their o vn c The Red Front Livery Stable. ! heard named by other people n* ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I tuents. - speculating in silver. That pract-j‘••u“*vd in Burns, opposite the I Otite«: Horn*Oregon. CHARLES ANbF.R-; Mr. Wilson off-rs ically shut out all that portion of; Bun.« hotel. *■ Tort* ise” start- * I . . * ■ > .. .... . , . • • this 1.1. ...I..-t I.. valuable Livery Stable for sale O nk would suppose from re tr.g gi lannsrv 31«-t. tu Le his evidence that might have led to GEO. S. SIZEMORE, at low figures. He lives in the the comment* of the repu i.< •'•:* »''«.rid’s Fair, and ATTORXET, This Home Ung a wide and well kr.own name, and under the press upon the pleasant «nliu p lieved that it was intended to have country. some distance from town, B h XS," ....................................... OUKGOX. i go • - exhibit. mint of th? present proprietor it is Bound to go further up th« .a ami cannot give the business the ¡just that very effect. of courtesies between Guvoriuw n d Coti**- i>»n-. laind bu-ir.e-s. and 11**1 the tortoise faine ¡¿nd renuwn N pu.: si ¡■*-I to jleate guests. Sute tit IU.«»« a.a-.ler -, r**.uptlv a.tended tu. Senator elect Hill and ex-Pre-« !e : The free coinage till has lieen attention it requires. is his reasoie i I* .«-Ii attention, or for selling. There is not a more Cleveland, at a recent dim.- r the cause of some very plain lallt *•■ :-i an iippropria- i New York, that the repu h this week, and unless all signs fail valuable piece of propertv in Burns Attentive W. W. Cardwell, it nr« of i 25O,()UO, expettel these two gent'em«- t it is gi ing to bring on a big row in and any one desiring to invest in Ihwt-j H.i*l «.he Jegisls- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- meet a i . a Fitssimmons ar. I i • the House. 8enator Cockerell said that kind of property, cannot i etter MM Bi kxs . O r . • i : ■ ■ 250,000, Or- Pracci'-e;« in a\ the enur.«« of the Slate, ff£7“G*>*.d té’ I*- - v h . and :M i<; furnished with all markets sey. This is absurd. < I<-v that the opjiosition to the bill, which themselves in any town. Call im i e*> J-.iSt that 51-4». before he &. Latni Office. and Hill are goo«i fiien != . I has suddenly sprung into life, in mediately at this office or on Mr. L and .M atters a Sr«« iai . ty . ml the wisdom ii **,. b I« or* r, Wilson, for volt are likely to lo«e both good democrats, and -e l a variou« sections. I ut principle in would hgye i'o*i *i the way *.f Lit ¡the east, was inspired by telegrams a bargain. The Stable is just what do hesitation in making tl.e*pr -p t -r xp fieri«- that is. motiev we recommend it to lie. W- y. Jorgensen ecv that when the text nal n I ■>;*e.*t e.i!T,.-t f * equivalent. China* I from the (’iriit *1; nnd Representa campaign opens they <111. t ilth ’ tive Bland, charged Representative 2 >. 'e ft*«-, would reap some DEALER IN hard at wo:k for the dem.«er t’’• Walker, »ho is a Massachusetts eie ài. «: <««>r expeioe “Charity nominee, wlietber it be one of ! fr ill i « anker, with trying to smother the j Burns-Canyon Slsge Line. • -dì S *•! Inns' i 25O.(XM appro or some other democart Lili in committee by grantir g end- j I. J ewjtt , P kopriktor ¡ «:.-,(. >? i,y th* te t<> help irri- I Leave« h<n • om M ucci *. * e¿nuc» *. aid Fri • ' *, at f a. m. less hearings to all who ark*-d f«>r • t- th, - -¿'j l*ru»h lands of East- /gy^Cauaf.a wi.4t ¡he Qulariw, Frit evil:«. ana i abeti*»* * a;sa. a: Im*» Md ae I them. The vote i.f the eommittiv a i«r vt.M*ukAi» I t looks as though it would 1 rit 1 g •*., V i-hnuhl think mon- shows tliat tl.e Bill will get no fa left for the deincrstie Hoi.-- t fil pp q*...,t. a d more beneficisi tu vor* there, and all tlmt the free out which congressmen epe u »u;d iter Slut <»>J t: - citizens. coinage men can now do is to await iu silver while last veara e»|.*r b*'l a favorable op|x*rtun:ty to bring ii I Watches ami Jewelry. Clocks waspending The commit!*-of th« Silverware. Fur. h..d the following Fili dir*ct)y iwfore the House, urn osculating x jeap y present House doesn’t seem ili' *: I to-ia! th«- 7th i< st: ‘ We ate ti« »t Cuiigr«es has granted Mr. Ilarri- Repairs Watches. Clocks nnd Sew- AND to try very bard, iu tact **• -veral of I ii g Machines. its republican memhars have pr-,»-- t F|«eaki'ig from m«-nr pr«>l*al il ties sons request and pasM-d a l-ill ex- BOOR rar First door east of Postoffice, XP»' »»•«**. UVlLDiNu. tically admitted Icing sorry for I when we inform the public that a tending the lime during which an 1 -».¡seal.- Burns, Oregon. having found out 8- not or Camer prveltttwMion frwm the President assi-laitt may act as tlic head of ♦ H W - - - - - L imajuam . u -Anaenwxtji C oiepiMtSp on’s speculation, and they never may be ex|*ej-ts«l. ¡ifubai'ly before anv i xecutive department uf the ©f vpCDfRff *h’« H’«i; i « •* » i»»’ ifk *h© rr«w Rs*« F ud < • fur ^<;r h&ali x -.^ k« f. t a I m i- rr.r' i.«r..»— l'r.© I.< *r im c >2. wccc - as ^ c «——«- —- would have discovert-«! that if Sen the 20th or Ath of this month, Government from leu tu thirty (Jays, TERMS: M©oiberahi^ Fev fl • «ar R«« «1 t? Ft© I r. I»«*v a* >4-w. >4M *0* WW TOKSOPJAL PARLOR, odk al ur «t r wi X hr 1 P r»~ «a -t • 1*. «*•&«•. c«. • ft« < «¡<u« «■». ator Vest hud not voluntarily tes calling an extra svssibo of th-- Sen and now that gentlemen is up to • Lb'tS ■ c«. S l*lí< l?O<' « - £9 Th« < ibra 'fin ¡»avr -f t au ink«-u e rl> i. 1 • a! ih« 1.« a is» Rar* a * »■ ..JL,**. ROBINSON A MYNATT. Paur’s i<’i< ah and « r.’er si» 1.. k. |u list»* i i.t I ui «-«• ¿ta.ta »¿r casssua. tified to the facts Did At y >>f the ate to meet in Washington, on the his .earn iu the n-comwendatiuus of • ‘ FOR SALA. SV Pi- tures. Wurfca vi .w*, H. u-c * ut .i. / i*v©s. • a. sue. 4th day of March, or innui diately various wr.uid 1« S. crvtarv's of the rnembere of thia committee g-1 a NEW HOME SEWING MA after« ri.. It mav, alm, le pre- . Treasury. All the big republican« CHINE CO., 725 Market St., Everything in their line guaranteed share of the "pork?” ~ to 1« done satisfactorily. slimed that lhe I usiness to t*e from Gyn. Alger and Ubauncy l>e- San Francisco. Cal. 1 rough t I «fore this called session ' | m - w down tu “ma too’ Platt, who Puicfic Department. The oidv place in Burns you W ell , well! Truly wonders will can g.-t baths. will l*e Af tuore than ordinary in -i n> him*»lf a candidate, arc Hitting never eras«. According to ex Ren- pittance. ' in and out of Washington like rest- ator Warner Miller, prerid.*nt of | lets ghosts. It is stated bv repub | WIL MILL SR the Nicaragua Canal ci ii'pnuy. the j lic.n.s that Mr. Harrison has »rum i Permanently Cured without Cutting Reni Estate Ag*-nt. proposit-on Io have the Gov rtt 1 Ttitr gri-atest numl-erof evicti**ns is* «1 nut to g vi- the {«luce to a sil Burning or Dilating A . perfectly ■ Office with W. E Grace, Uoun- inent guarantee the liontl« of tiie ytf kn-*ni> to bave takii, place iu Clerk I ver ijian He'll have a hard time painlvs* treatment nnd a guareen- g corporations did not Com«- from th«- ' ii.y snqd*- year in Irt-land wns in te«-d cure in every cas«-. no mutter . ' ’ j to fil) the six vs of the lats Secre company, but from th-- Senate 1MP. 'Ib«- total r.umber uf pro how lo-ig .’binding. This treat-j Gary Wii doin; several cf those who t-'us Nate. merit for Stricture, of Dr. Boxwell>, ! committee on f<*r<ign ntl -irs. ai d h - ff*-» issued rviK'hcd four tl»*ue iu ,h Jf>* to satisfactorily to the i* the great«-»t di«oo’'«-ry known to 160 arce farm, well watered and was the result of an invt- i..*ity*.n nid or ii liltle ovyr. They wert- {country would under no circum Medicine. It dissolve« an«l coni-! improved. 11 miles front Burns. of the progress made l.y th«- com disti^Mited amollit a population of , , * stanc ’S coniHxt et« i.v v remove« me stances connect tm-mselvei themselvet witn with the* the t (> ptetel th«' .-triciur-- Stricture wmi- with- panv in building the canal, lie i*.ur uVl loi s. InAfilM) thr oisi » - u Ur a(Jluil;istrat‘;otl <«it annovance or pain to the pa- Terms: f800 down. 3-45 W m M iller . Agent. hastens to add th tt the c*«m;iap’ fi fifi warr auto uf A»*«r i ork Citv. ’tient. * T“»*-. “ « ( DISEASES OF MEN! had promptly accept- d the p-o»is- «üb kwrîlianlwi* million of Dnpû fr*** co: «oil'd i B. re •< party t ealer in Cenerai ••e'chcndisg ! cash ! 1 FINE CUTLERY. NOTIC.>IS, Etc. . PICTURE! n *'•o11"1' rtcxnt.i a . pt • ,»eeujjar t},cjr Sex. an«i not pmp ions of ths t ill iu vi* w of the Riant 1 lotion, rex* t«l :he gNoriuoua to- BLACKSMITH. advantages to I r derived th-/ fiom , tj«*f sixt^ti tho isand two hun- ’ *l 1Gi« Indiana h guUturc. lus rr g, ,1!n,ie h. r*. inchHingsll tlxwc* d and tImt#-Cvù-New York nffer'4 - rvrJ‘UU,,n Pr’’l-*’I:i ' ‘M;«*»»* Infinuitie» and W.*»kne«-es TUPKER - - P ro »’ Weil, we should think « . Is the»»* jd.-i ] aaieliduiest to the constitution which thwy wouH shrink from dis- any corporation in existence tha* < World. <>f the United Stales, for the election c«.*amg to tluir faimlv physician. —GENERAL REPAIRING— would not promptiv accept au O’ler - I , „ , ... . » .i I permanently cured wi lesanmethan K.f Senator, by a d.rect vote uf the . cv( f known * of the United States Gov-r imerit to I «4 a.* t Ilf XII",v«ri lit • lie. Ill“ IMI V , | i M any ye«i» practice have given people. I hv Dr. Boxwell's -‘New Svstem of guarantee tlie payment of -. 2> G,0W, C. A. Snow A UK, So'kitors of rat-1 It looks now as if the Fifty-first .Treatment ” It rejuvenate« the ren- 000 of its bonus, an I especially a •"-«^tamHCrws sotiH come to an end 1 ¡U. urinary orgs *. sod make, weak Pr.Mnptlc Th« bui’dfnjt hat hew eti , company that h-.d« Its Lo-.ds a a.ts at W.t ‘lingtim. D U. i____ larien •’»'1 improved *n«l i* nrryere’j tu »un* L fnr, |he . connnitte<. which , - ll has i. been| men strong. cut *11 kind* of I l*rk*Tit hing on abort r« tl«< ¡* >•< -1 «icwess m ¿btaming p.tenfi« Jf-wv the committee winch has been When possible, it is always best *n«i in tb* b«*t at%> Terw.n t gjh. drug on the market, even wh«-u 1-1 y of :nven i »n.4. ' T for Io tliese many months making to call f r persons 1 c-jnsultation nnd offered stall sorts of ruinous dis- f >r *11 cl inska a sp*.« iSfty itf rejected Case*» -- -- investigation of . the . — *’”** f fan alleged Pen- special examination. Rut the««- ouuntf. M his been the case with 1%-xT h iwe sesnrtri allowvinca i f si.»n office and t uinmi-*«: net Ratini,' who cann**t po«<:hly call. sh«yild tha Nicaragua company. If the Irmtfcy ratcn’Vtbnl Lr»»b.tnpMi IB,k~ Rs report. It ia thought write, stating their case fully. Med mskes its report. It is thought company did m-t reqm-st thia I g-s» *iheir rdyertipe- |^e report to held t«ck to keep icine sent by mail or express, sealed lation. individual or indnridu free from exposure, to all parts of ’ limit in <uiujhqr^u ’ umn.,will I« of Rauni in hie place ns long as p»‘S Pacific coast. Address: ats verv heavily interested therein, ii-ttirU « iRVenkw*. patentees, sit la, as he is almost certain to be Ww A R oxwei u , M D , must haw eaercired a powerful in- manufacturers ar.d all wbo have to removed when the report goes to Consulting Physician. St Patti Hue nee orer the Ser. ate commits« j Dispensary, Portland, Oregon. j do with patents. ¡Mr. Harrison. 00 foreign affairs. JNO. W. SATFJT JOB WORK. / -tVuisrtio All k»a4* •( rartss. !«a*«r tba-onth'.y msk .«: let bolMl»» >srpsM> Utbi'CKD PRICK. A Good med ill the way. •*