Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1891)
THE HERALD jz>ayette JNJursery, Noiierensc! You s>hali do r.o sudi thing. I’ll lîvç you anything vou sav. Slav here at inv house for a week, and get over vour era- Then go in witn me fix it right up to-morrow. Now, no I mean it. Yun’re the man I want and v.ill have. I am not the fellow to be balked in a business lit r ’ ’ But vou said vou were to go to wan the Philadelphia for a week 1 >1T BY MARY 8EIXHIOLM. ( H \P : i.R I I. TF.Mi»TKD B From Neu York Week!- l TK ¥. Ifthe reader could, that momeni have alno looked into the library, where the Leautiful was standing Lv the mante!. w th hi-r hand in the hand of h'*r Teurí band’s dear mother Struggling in her Ll'»e e turkey cr.rtM t, the la le rich in rov trine?, the stand uf c*»htiv ei g’ iv- Miks. ings. meh« a full of I« ndornvd wiih pniitii gJ Wealth ai .v cm affbr I. a.I th were imtliii g to the wif. being dei led (unintentionally. h licith- us fay) thaï whir nvallh rr Luy nor tobe—the < -o in foriti of v; i H love ”M«»th» r. I—Ηthought it would be different * hell luibv < Mine. i ou Raw it is not pra cious «laughter “i V.« Faid the good md ladv, Mroking the little hand which hbe le id ] on go vo’.I an ¡i true wife motlier! It i?* F«) ever; night. Motirv! mone» ’ monev ! I du not think him unfveling. but he in all aiiForlw fl in I’U riik 'FB. three v<*arB ii <» w . I gav< greeted him. and been greeted,juit an tonight And to think (< mf that he Fhouid have been fo cold in the presence of a stranger. “A étranger, daughter? I don t mind Che?- To be pure He would never notice. ter Tenie I suppose. He is a very nolle:.ian. He has no knowledge of what a home should l»e, of course. never married. I think Pierce dor. t ‘•Vcrv well. G rade mince it. Keep right on. 1 <>U IM i I vour husband h tende rneR back vet. He is a good lov. is mv He never caused his mother aniious moment. Keep t’ght Kepn right onl And tue bill.1 eve« fluahed with so fine a fire th i the tears were ad dried. Her gl« - YinuH color came. She caihd to the nurse from the veranda, to bring babv. and she took him in ht proudly in her arms, his rich drop falling down in becoming addition to her own. My mother, what do you sup pose Grace Morse will de but keep right on, true in thought, word and deed to the man to whom she plight ed her troth? And the bov—thunk Heaven for the Loy—he shall his mother ever smiling. Bradford ' And in an ir.Ftant, as her hus land’s foot sounded along the mar Lie of the halt, she was at his side, kissing him which he buffered— awaiting the guest who now ap- pcarvd, descendí ng the staircase. Now, leale, ’ promptly ret unit d Mr. Morse, as they were seated ai the luxurious dining-laLle, for theie was no on the h. st a part. though the guest himself, a rel g- ious man, thought the bc«utifi 1 Lead of the Loehrs indire ano- 1 «Ughi :.g I« pl V' of hlS * lfe. -Ye.-. Then vou keep him here, Grace, till 1 get ba< k, and take him around our be autiful tui.urbö here in y« ur carriage, and------- Oh. i could not I Link of if: -♦•aUv could not! exclaimed poor e;i c his fine feature» all pale again with his mental contention ••Now, now, it is no use tulkin^. •If said the intense little n an. remember aright, vou alwav» was « f women. rather air.i 1 (»race and my mother lure will d - :.«) harm for a week. i ou ¡ove a home. Make voursel» at home here These two good women love h<me. and say 1 do:i t. I do, though spend twentv-live thousand a year on this otte. There was nn use resisting Then. too. ('rester leale thought be saw onlv ice, hard, res* lute ice in the genteel and kind «Xnortation which th; lovai voting wild ce< <lrd at on e to fcc >nd band s Oh, it he had ÜOlv Known that it was on!.’ because sh had <kt» riu:i.ed todo all thing- tria*. her 'nil'Laid might want done. But if she hud no I'iigeriug of th old inur.-st in him, Chester T -ale c«iuld surely trust himst It. 1 tiro all his five-and twenty vears not a I lot had ev. r app areil upon the maidv conduct <>f Inis splendid leg. surely he could tr^sl rum sc if. by th«- help <»t <iod, and he would st.*v. He would at least coa sidtr this propositio i which prom isril to relieve his mi.-tortunes. tie ci* lid do more, perhaps by solv- mg the po lern ¿hat ulouc stood Hi the wav «>1 ‘an uniimibd fortune io Morse, be might relieve the op- pressed mind; u .vc as rich as t*< nad set Ins mark to i-r. iiossl«4e this neat ¿nd would be hai*pv, and turn . « make L*s a ife a c <mpanionship tn.tet w* lid bri.*g satisfaction to the rest ot her dava. llieie is an old prayer hu h sa;s • la.'ud us not into temtatiou man doe» hot live who can af- i*«rd to forget that prayer. 1'oth ol these pt-uplc knew it before the next «lay was dune. 1 et what wrong word ur lo«.k was spoken or shown'. Nolu’ie ior instance, Mrs. Morse nad taken her guest out for a drive. > I; r liuaLaiid suggested. iou enjoy la»r»vs. Mr. Tea e? “its indevour husband bus g.-od a . iiitK. tv judge tor \ OU, i ser 1 líese arc splendid animals. lie is very cs palle in every- it plied. ’>0.' 1 tuii.k he is working too hard Undctd i.e is. 1 only wish he icrciuun. c.a'tiuiot hu irali health o hut vtuiiid uauv and 1 du witlioiit go on there to-t :¿ht. ILLUSTRATI« fur **y« MG rX-. TREES SPECIALTY HARDY .ow ! • uu’.-s:*.*' ► *snU :ns m ru ED T- HUNTLEY * CO ara Wholamle T ai I ot ., and m*ka thè bes»Clothin«cn Earth. .'newe our goo«U euux«» be obtjdned t -vm j^ur df -iUr, and yo-1 «i htó try our guv 1 dothe*. »and u» tho pnee of thè sa,t. ani II .11 U» aeat b/ «■ xp.s a or e » »IL Jf th^tl da r «.' j »; cj 44 t’ou wÀen r^crtevi, tMjM i bs rthtntfia al ose ezpewae, A-.d w» w.;l th^rfu'.ly rrf. nd t. t O ir eLfruit a >».irei, r'¡.»«od atvve. L bki .I® fruia »-1, U..HL1 f-.iiica. h .ru. >'iiuu4y pe/feet in Ct, ani mt in f¿¿«h'onab!» ►tjrle All thi». lOgrtiiwr' with rub^tanual worimisnship, is * h»t haj bui'« up for _r us thè Ornate»« Mail Order Buaineas in thè World. W» claiu.^* Su u» U.V vhfcMpcal Clvlhir.-.- Hou»o in > m« r:« -, Kite. L. HUMnjÉT a* oo.. I H1CAGO, IIX PneSoma» Drawer sar. ^“SEND SIX CEHTS FO^POSTAGE. CLOTH SAMPLES FÍIEE TO EVER/ READER OF THIS PAPER’ vT,- want 0» Incrraae oiar circulât!«« ■ V. rf largely during Ihn n- it F. r turn th*—! I •> «‘-compii h tilt», wn ne- «I Hi« ro op»-rat on »»I «»ur |»re**»i»S ►tilM»- r l>- rs a m > i ncr, ,-r •*rr ila’i of our *•«• i.t r»-a 1,-r* w-««i <1 :urn ío.- «i» « mi lint «• Mio v l at it w:|l t»kn a i e%tr . H.uary I <lu tnMt i k .T-n . of oi»n o* rur i ro-umt-mi ■ril>®r4—W* ‘•h.dl 1,4»* I • i»«< a I. g . i.itiou- m < h I ai<ilouit to donhin our renUt n. an«!. L/ n,^»cia. a* ratig»iu*-ut ■ iu p *u. ishlug Ir « um « wo aro ■ r.abìed U» luaàu you •. r*T» l : it — nia-kr. V.- i. .1 I c .c- w ’ «‘-I -- I rtarteJ to Ue* «! «n « xt> ii i.«*w LU t «y* I m in a nn I »he - tirvl «.f »■/ and *.« rr haring u«\tain * t • ' »*«r i‘. I .»onr “•/ down * r t »in! >'.*c !««<»k.-da’li8< «»* »<^n ■ I • I think »he b : we *re <n- _______ hare io __ be. Mr wif<-e n make a li'i.t th* ■ anvo e I ever knew, v.-t »be s alw»» prii* ng nv* w •’* su*n? > ainty co-trivam*- *ha! add« totheeomf >rt :«n I beaut' *«f oiirlittl and -he’s *l*.iv< ‘ merry r- a lir-; ’ W hen I a«L how .»ie manage« It. • « Uwara Ian I • an •Oh! thit’A my a-c-et ’ * ” * ’ “link 1 v . eoren-d u r ‘ -ecr« t ’ Whexa we married, v both knew we -h-M»l l have t » l>j vr-y rar fnl. I<r sb« made«» «eeondiiion: a.««• world 1 av«l cr Mari in«. And *h • ara* right • I wouldn't d »v dbom H iuj. »elf for double the su'wcriptmM 1 • ce read it t •gi-th«--. from the ti I -pagf to the la*i the »rorie* ke-p our h«'are vning; t! e »yr.oj «la of i-np-irtant event* c d Rci iit Cc natter» k»-« pa mr po-trd *o fhr.t I ran tnlk nnd ’ra’andingly ©I what * going nu : i.iy v fe .* alw -w iryfn- *»t a new id «a iron the houMl.ohl «'■ •;»: Im- • ’ •. make- all her «’rv-'r* ami th« so fur »h ? • ’ an I -h • gets ■ H her pattern- f«»r nothing, v h II a M«"azine ; and wt- f v <1 J<x-wh«n 1 e ale» with H vj n »up. by d«>iu«_’jn » »• «’ reel I : * ts- -DoiartHie t !L r ’ r n't t-'I jo « La’.' -Whatw.» •b r'nl Ma~-zine I* I’? •• tu m - ’* Familv Man* i “Whi* ’ W’t’V t iai’a what w. n’-'d so bad an 1 I to 11» r it wa* m »x’r ¡w-w-o-.’* ‘•Weil, i »r fr <-nl. t at«* v l:« te yon r-u’.e r e-v»d r/.LU' - nrd <« • y if.I bet!« r r • tify «« l n*re. I II isko »our > o n a ‘ ' r l l.»F •» nruin* C ) «nth. •rddli 7 r t : i ti »e I r rbli Extensiv« . »’.te (iei o . on ihe O. F. L. l.lrl. Hr »I U m III. H - i u.^4. i: V T f _______ ______ a. II.JMU. tiri N a . II!. - n *;*. s>NK wiri cwul> ue to main alu that «luho cru ‘>regw;* and iliMfi al o h» r Nur belies combined. eu and c I hmu Much vai ielle - are offerta f« r »oCe tre Known io flou ri h «he in HARPER’S .hat niouiiíain The ••IDAHO” pear roun.rv. will be« ff red in H*ui r-i yuauu ca fur ita fir t «ixue iLi« ytar. Tbi; rear a na.ive af Idaho i» cQii'iuir«.«* the fine*. ear grown and i, ex remely tardy. loi PERI ü PIC a ’J hiive and Lu f «il to plant a few tree \ 'ddre-M, Pavent Nur Favelle Idaho. HAItl’EIl*» MAGAZINE il AIU’Eirs WEEKLY II AlU’EKX I’AZ AK H \Ll r.k VOI NG PEOPLE Po tage Area o all Cub < rther. b I' ö.aias, Canada, or klaxtea Tl.e volume-* of he Mngazma l^gui he Number t« r June and L’eambr litC h vear. When n<> «ime i< — • * -iiiat round volume u< liar Lrn viMi bu< K. in mat ' cm . L biMo» lx? vni bv m .11. ju aid, on rodili« ¡ %r volume. ceui-each—l»v mai . index o liar cr’* ral. Ajialv.i -al, uuuCxu >ii:ed. < r ;..J I o 70, inciu iie. :r<*i.i .‘une, IM-’/i. one voi. i vo. <’.t. h, ♦ .<<0 llvmi am e< shutihi he *uu<ic by « y . orucr, « r Lrau, . ouvoki « A m re..- liAki’EK A BKuTHEJk huMt MÑi) FAP- LOUISVILLE, KY. he Leasing Agriwikral J«.«_-maI of thsSuuD a. J V.\ Made by Farmers fcr Farmers As a record of succe-Aafu* agriculture. Hoai” Ixn F arm has no equal. Every topic relating >j agriculture ifcopenlv d.scu*;etl in r.s columns hr the farmers then* stives. No expense L- -p«rcd i?i securing a full sccuunt of every notable suc cess, ou the farm !t i* distinctively the I.» I.e U i LLTSTRATED FARMERS’ OWN PAPE^ .-M A recoru of their daily L.e prciewted iu a form and language which make it ©’.aiu to al*. I Olri -r I , r.! STENGER ITS LIST OF CONTR BUTOPfi -, .»rr»- Contains the name« of the mort «Brogressive farm ers of the South and West. They do not treat of theoretical farming, but of the actual r lion« which con.'ix-nt us to cay : B I-'. Jo* n*_«n : Waldo F Crown : Henry htewort : Jul n M. Mahl , A P. Ford ; Jeff. Welborn teh T Brooks !-n C .Edgar: Steeles Ba vou . L haldwm .'ml a ho*t of others mail tm* jewmd mdisi - Moreover, :i i* voually A HOVE T.TACAZiNE. Every «abject ©f interest to tlw hon»e-mr.l:e“ f.iliy’treatod. Mary .............................................. ~ . Marsden. !.Lois Catesby Brown. Mr? Davie»», M ss CaUell. M’ss ytosh? Alice Winston and a awe g ‘ other* will c strie ute regularly. LÄT» Yrn M — I ’ B I nr? ar- East- o Yen Jet r» Tre»« l>r. J 11 If !<>e l'Mrt*. I „ Ih M as the ires3 s W. 1 ha Mera . ■ n **a. iu Aiaurler; llowalla, a> d a ear tpt.f papera u I on.I.-n bv Wa. er 1 (gant. In the uu in ber and varier v of jp pera and o:her article» on auhjw.sZfi ■ ert-a . aa wed aain the norivalau < • ra mo.e fruì ¿rowing in f’tr. t" I'. h I (.<■ t r»rl »I I!. • ilrirwi. S»i ,wr»< hr ï. T. C .1. •' Mrrrlrt, — Ite- 14 mm A l»»nc-.' ------- ltl,.-k>.ira II.fl •i. K«*>.m MrBLM K«s« l*r H I F I’.-, il l’ur i I Mr l.ltttr Wl.t V m U «f ll>« I.Htlfu,-! • it c to pro Nursery ha* d< Rr ». i., u r A Iirti » «• * » . u-.; k Mi en, a In Hai per'» Ma/asi ne < urli g hé ,;f the tear IMS*. Mie ar i« k». Furnia, b, I bar ta Luuiet 1? a..i.*fnnrd Amour u«ht*r STOCK BRANDIS. it : J'o -ntÿ on* irhn trill a* «f »/« O r o Subscriber ('• t’ '¡> ’» iff ■> t r.- t’> ijit.nn Ju i> t f ire ¡rtll g»-r 0»O 11’0/ Free Twanty-fivo Completo i<ovoi®-'”*7w»rij 1 u«. It.f rorupmiac hur t*y. MT- i. is located one half mUv rum ra; - An Offer Remarkable for its Liberality Í ». • *.r J «lit. MrJuh.n, n. Hiraa II . Mf. M W I« in euRr-rof or.r CFf \ .-n'» D?partmrrt at . she has the nec.iliar Facu.ty ut beiug bulli ù: le reati u g sud instructive. . «7 J...»-- <4 I f i:. *B. O |.«*?T <- H orskr Either branded or Rieht Kanze—urant ctaniy. ■ P. O.— E I nrni. Gra ;t c«,ur. y. >rexun. H À r.F> -. 8 VrxxKLY F88 na¥*r fai rlk f' .la :i J« as ------ & -Juur.ia« ----------- : ; v . .Z-. :v! / t hue •.! e s * ui h*a < . h 8 ant iera:<l !, urxe-; p. saioili:i« a uf . seiu : < » «H a Í ui if * • au I filmar W8..8 I a .»1 be i ito i lipuf a il phaM • ri a prom sa. a rus \..i HA, «•.■-! s prs h j a da htfive-.nru 8« j .. uí pp emeu a v, i; iterar«. « i»u i* I« a . « ri i< ai. I k p xrahi a . . r us he n «un .*e*na serve I e heartv < 8 er. i. i K8H»-H ii »■* JÎ8 hr pve.h . .•su Ju n. i juna is haietvf. rr. Jvr il • qi a lits >l.a .»e « . u.e \ is r iv üuu.r. >TENGER. ILMEDA THE MYSTERY CP THE ÜÄTtOH I •« " *»t<7 If mm > t !'*nk X®»- li-.<rr. M »Tr.rti ». A it" t.«^ frr»M. Iter «... I -! -k.f-M 11.. i: ■y anr.cartr«g in „ a -. t Ta a thnlbnsr steri htiMrk. and i» exckinif vrt«‘i B aku . Ly Joha K.__________ _ attention s»bort storie» by dtetiugHÛhcd xvriifcrs appel** irua* time to time. r*a. « ’ te.i-t®. BILL âRP'S LETTERS < ATTLB branded jn I eft aida; «rcJe- A Split in earh Apoear in each issue and humorous pn: os*- was never mure *ni e«tiaz than at th*. <"x IS ITS KDITOKUI. m.TIHTXrN ' ter My-lrrj wl lb. II«-».:Ur ÍC.»». - .A J. k. il .-..4 Mr H ome axd F aru speaks bc*«-Iy r-n ’ behalf of Farmers Ki;hl.* viMui* ®f the tariff in bch^i ro'»'*r iw the Canutr Frre 1 ; Co-c-per’.t.on aiuor.? the .’ ki a»_i vs to >u>t i rusts ” r»lr Trad« -n ! n -n».y » N I» ■ • 1 ■ • n.l» w in" ev —bur. ■. i.a. L» II » t . IH a ’Lr U AS K FOR IT! ‘am *1 ff r m- -•'‘■I' THE SELF-THHEADING branded < ATTUI vith ••S-Wra.icb" eft Hip. marks : CL 8« r. j. »ff he Kigte eu: iiGvr l upe in ELDREDGE Harner’s Baza I L I. il S T R A T E b HOSSES *'><■ hlAUC.'d * •• eft taiea. IB it «re com bined the rin- eít i», ecbin ir ai »kill •nd I be useful nost nrictica’ Kange Grant and Ma'henrcountka. F. u. addrtaa nur. a, urani cu.. ( raion. rk*m«-nts, and ell Known ml ran>Bf*t liuti 1» he nut weil? ir», I th.nk—that is I hope be Lui he Lus uv«r-trainili Lu make ibi a K- will par Fise Hundred Dallara f* r he arria and rinvici iva vf am par ar pe rau I a. killing vr s ea hg an* .if the k **f th« above brand ur nel., n j ne th arem Bàli PER’S PERIODICAL! t » or UM- ’cr Year P rinters ’ I nk A JOURNAL POR ABVLKT1SLKL LEAVENING POWER trated fren aetml testa KIDNEYS, LIVER AND EOWELS Cleanser ^stell'EffsctuallY, k ; ju ma ¿¿toes CKO. F. RO .V E LL à CO PURE 3LOOD REFRESHING SL. EP HEALTH and STRENGTH Every one is ¿ .* soul an ! ali are « el ¿vi» ! w h it. Ask ---------------- druggist tur SYKUP OF FIGS. Mkaw facture«! ©n!y by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO S au I baxiv ^O, C au N. T m «. X / Ucrsv i • a. k . JsMinPra THE BEST u, 1 wr-s«!’» and rncad SF--D A nnual FREE F.« 1 û91 w, : s< • er or merroRD. Tuurxoia. K a %»; mt 1 • r» ; : • • I: •» » Jt vdi , r: ..ex *■«»• 11 » . r _______ trw’*i _ »»•* par*« terr wteR.: » r D M rr«RY A co etTWO:’ MICH n-y MZ I P. I..* MA . AZ NB H’ wr.Fk i.y FS Y< I M. PI OFLF Cree *.u all a 1 *e rioera 14 the a a a. or Sex «e*. rea a promptly on the SKlS H A»}" HA KP. t \ ;r. HAFF F a sta »a ' Th* Tw u net of the rasar bari • wi ■ c r -er . r a uar. of ea h ta üae s sien ¿une i. n scrip i •« i'.h te Nmaoer curran« a: he ituaoi order. Kutiwd voìamea of Harper'a Fatar f* rar iu «a rjv h oindi :£. .»ni be «- »!> a «je pai ì >>r by expresa, free .4 • i au «b a freight «Kca ai per t. a hr V a h api f,.r ea h vu n ne. »ui tab eW < *i!i « aaut o» mai: p apal i ou r* i. ea* a. kemi'tan.ce sh-m’d t-e trade hr P»V ; Cf the variera Bihiixg Pewden ul» Combine« the juice of the Blue F«gsof California, so laXAttx** and tiu’.niwus with the medicinal virtues of plan:» known to be movt bénéficiai to the human ivstem. forming the ON l.Y PER FECT k EM EDY to act gent.y yet H abpkb ' s B aiab il a jeu.-aal f.»r lha •iiing the la «»: io format i.«n wi h r< th« Faahiut a ita mimar. ■ a illualtatioia iou p aita, a.iu pa leru-al* at lupp ame..¡i indiapei eabl« a ike to the bum« un.« he profetai ib apareo in making La ania ie aur»<i ■ •i iba hiahra* uruer. a clever short parlor pia. a. and tb«nab<iut »*>■ s mi i kata, ana i s laat pa*,« ie » a a I ut u it a-d bum« r lu i a wrrkl 'bit r s in< ,u e<i * h ' h ¡i «.( in rres i Purinx issi txtiteaB ori- a! ea wi « »■ n t ./! ar.i Its on I be ik.vsr- tuinf«.r:al « o s t»w.J tree* of **>ati t.r livtais iu ri« Btitu sn< t < aau n ui p«|.err • n * il Art an « ilia < ” superbi\ il » s ra -d, wrniahed bv Thew«.«»ra< Bild. The seria hia La b* * ai rr besam anu Tb«.m<s it»« machiM dri'rihls m H HtTVuUS S Ftem. , ro a» í«*iiaca¿ t illustrated How • Him. In nil tms there was onlv talk of ment in silent thauk» to the giver tht :i? M id iurd. ai d the child I •ay, Teale of all good. d tieni b e her Iiad have lost your n.o »ey ? imt* man himst it dragged the bu: 1 bave Lut a Ix’ggurly handful o, n I <4 t ns luvimz woman into the left, was the reply. Mrs. Mourse looked ud in surprise f.x»i*vvrsat.un? Had nut she cuntin She had known 1dm as the udì ut d the theme. 1 het tu.kc 1 frcrlv atout Mr suitor, and her husi»aii<i as the dcmi Her glance of Under interest Murer, and could not talk so free!; \\ as nut was immediately su pure wed, hou ii. on any utla r su:j«vt b..t just right? LcUtd ai gels f urn • » er. That’s all right, resumed Mr. hr aven w Huesa am thing against N ont- **Yuu are the man I want then.? N«t a word. W hat was it? Wherein residui iou are an educated chttuist give you ten thousand dollars u the teiidrmeM? It was i*ot in tone year to work up this pruLiem of fast rmr look. n<»r ffcslure, i*or wu*t colora, which li» the only thing we But it was there. Vud they Loth knew it was there. lick in our factorr to make unln. ihry grew afraid of «wh ether. ì VS.6L an unlimited ltrd fortune. they frit trrgvdv in the air. fortuue. well they might. \\ hat is so sad ‘You are very kind, old friend, t*n earth as the heart of an unloved was the start.eci r<plv rrrbap« tin* heart The n*&u waa chuking with t. e vet loving WJ double temptation thruat against of a tin« man, which must not .eve h.a honor. To live near th.a U iu - if it would ober God and keep its Cl tut woman whuin he luted, and to honor, is just as sa 1 Tne awond day Mrs Morse ci have such fortune profferìd 1.11:1 cuard h< nu li entirely from her hus- But it was only for a mouMat. I ar.ds guest, tv ruing him over to replied pruni pt !r: her n other after the breakfast. I i : a sure U a; me thing in l'ut at evening, on the v<rar<ia Y<rk. they met, and th convf FMLu i ran He thought, at that, Ie saw a r instance ! ave not I ren bück loik of infinite rvl f piss o.’er the hat is. l»i >«« rd. Bill t f-’r far • of the huttcSS r at Fcluol there, I you. said noH.inr; fie w:.s Lusy wi h Mr Tra»? tl* coffee. i st of mv niter col r rrarr—v< u K t ow tour husbat-d ‘Sure of foiucthir.g? Grat leu j and I were in «oìhge tc get ber, and man. ian t Uis.t eiM.iigh. 1 . ♦ - « ' I JOC fraternity But I prefer ’o True, M hato been »pent in Europe. I '.æard l.d’vd I UJU f I of your grami wedding. lire in hew i ark Huüsr’s Of Payette Idaho S’.-*» > UMJU, NG. THE PATH OF HONOR; F‘v“«e k ABOVE THF.TIIOKX THE It OS IT rklM 1er *eü-.7!«3*afvs?i R- A.— KB b I m « - •< rtV. . ■ « -t. «r» h* >r«l «»•I» Il O ■ X e*r : ; w. - TîtlUÎTRI^m POWDER Absolutely Pure H vKPBB A KB f»“