COMMUNICATION. From Prosperity. —County court thlk week. MASQUERADE BALL, j. durkheimer co P rosperity , O r ., Jan. 25,’91. —Abner Robbins is in town. W ashington , D. C. Jan. 24, 1891 DEALERS IN E d . H erald . — Nothing having ■LKUENT AT THE TOWN HALL, —Peter French is in town this appeared in your paper for a long By a series of rulings, nearly all GENERAL MERCHANDISE fear I have filed my week. fetion of the estate of time, from this section of the val­ of which were arbitral y, the Vice At Burns. February 12, BURNS,...................................................................................... OREGON, fed that Monday, Feb- Ek a in, in the Court —Masks at the new drug store ley, I transmit the following re- President to the narrowest possible 1891 it of Harney county, limits the dilatory tactics of the bid Court for hearing for sale. \ marks for publication: ■tion of objections, if Carry the largest stock in Eastern Oregon. All orders given prompt —Ex-Judge Shields is in town The long winter nights are gen­ minority, and enabled the majority I G eo . M c G owan . attention. to secure consideration of the clo ­ lofS. A. Rodman, de- this week. erally the dreariest times in a Floor Managers—King Carnival 4-0 ture bill. The debate therefore be ­ aud Suite. —C. R. Peterson is taking in our new and thinly settled country, and town this week. we see in the columns of your pa­ gan with a speech by Mr. Cockrell, which will continue till probably k to to whom It may —Notice the premiums offered by per that such is the fact to a great next Monday—not because the re­ Grand March at 8:30, sharp. I day of December, A. extent in this valley. Yet, I wish Bisters,doing business T he H erald . OREGON OONSTRUCTION COMPANY. publicans are anxious to hear it de­ ■illiners, made an as- rof all their Creditor», HUNTINGTON,- - -OREGON —D. Jameson, who was hurt to show that this is not the case bated, but because it is the demo­ Good music has been procured tgnment, appointed the with the people of Prosperity and Dee. some days ago is out again. and no pains will be spared to make WHOLESALE & RETAIL IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. cratic program to endeavor to break Ilins against said firm Saddle Butte country. toy notified to present —A. Venator, and David Carey of For the last three or four weeks, a quorum, and the republicans are every one comfortable. to me at the town of tree months from this Crane creek are in town. I may say, the people of Prosperity delaying the crisis until all their TICKETS (without supper) $150. e, thia 12th day of Jan- F G eo . W. Z umwalt , — Tne diftheria is again raging 50cts have been in permanent session. Senators arrive here. When the SPECATOR’S TICKETS Assignee. on Beaver creek Crook county. Ä-’ We have two literary societies, one republican quorum is present the —— — —W. E. Alberson, county asses­ nationalists club, a settler’s union, suggestion will be made to the Vice No males allowed to dress in fe­ sor, is in town attending court. President that debate upon the con­ male attire, and competent inspec­ the M. H. P. A., and a Sabbath ©eurt, for the County of —Remember the Masquerade school and preaching on Sundays, stitutional right to change the rules tors will_be at the door. ■ of Oregon: fettizens and legal voters Ball in Burns, February 12th. and all these meetings has taken has proceeded far enough, and he Key countv. State of Ore- Kp'rnv that a license be ■■en barg for the sale of —County court convened to-day. place each week for the last month will be asked to close it. He can, ■us liquors, in said nrc At the first meeting of the na­ of course, at once press the passage ■te, in quantities less Both commissioners are present. Eriod of six months, be- of the resolution by a deliberate ig­ ■ojuthe7th day of Feb- —B orn —To the wife of J. E. Mc­ tionalist club, the platform was noring of any one of the numerous fey’ of August, 1891, aud discussed at some length by E. Kinnon, Monday, Feb. 2d, a boy. feC W. Garred, Fisher, recording secretary, Dr. democratic Senators who will at Given by the Burn’s Social Dancing Weight Tibs. FLOUR, MEATS, COAL OIL, SALT, r c M. Macy, once appeal to him for recognition. f j. T. Silinau, SULPHUR, BARB WIRE, ETC., ETC. Club, —II erald is only $2.50 a year Em’oree, president for the evening At least summary proceedings has, f L. M. Brown, I J. e. Parker, BOOTS, SHOES A DRY GOODS, STOCK COMPLETE. now is Hye time to subscribe to a and A. F. Ritterbusch, correspond­ FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUA­ J. C. Welcome however been pointed out to him. H f. Leven«, -------- :-:-------- 0-:-0--------- :------- -- live local newspaper. ing secretary. RY 20, 1891. I J. .. Newman. All orders receive prompt and careful attention, with ONE PRICE I T. C. J. Beyer, He can decide that the suggestion TICKETS: At the second meeting that plank $1.00 i Thos Whiting, —100 tons of hay 2.J miles from to every body, W. W Johnson, A cordial invitation to all. Burns—for sale at $3.00 per ton— of the platform, requiring the gov­ to close debate is not in order. An Wm. Harvey. gOff-Proprietors of Huntington Warehouse, solicitcorrespondonoe.J^ ( has Ziegler, appeal will be taken from this de ­ inquire at this office. • ernment to own and control the Geo. W. Anderson, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. R J. Baker, —Oats and cord-wood for sale at railroads, was discussed earnestly, cision by a republican and any de­ Geo. Zumwalt, . Ben Brown, | P. G. Smith, John E. Martin, bate that the democrats may pro ­ the ranch of Stephen Lampsliiro 1) lasting from 6 o’clock to 9:30 p M, Pearl Geer, Plumas Yeung, Henry Richardson, E. J- Martin, miles east of Burns. Ben Brown, by E. Fisher and A. F. Ritterbusch. pose will be met by the motion to Byron Terr.ll, Peter Thompson, — Tlios. Gianini has rented and 8 r m Questions and objections, raised by lay the appeal on the table. This Grand March John Body felt, M. M. Cushing, taken possession of the Burns hotel, parties present, were answered in motion is not debatable, and will of Ben Brown, General Floor Manager. G. Iludspcath W. H. Gass retiring. Louis Racine, favor of the desirability, practica­ course, be carried. The Senate I). M. McMinamy. Charles Helron, —T. D. Harris has rented the bility and justice of the measure. having thus decided that it is in or­ D. L. A N. GRACE, Proprietors, ..................... Harney City, Oregon.. Wm Tobin, hall, belonging to N. Brown, ¡over While not yet in full operation, is doing EVERY VARIETY of Job Print­ J. P. Garred, der to end debate, the Vice Presi­ Talmage’s Life of Christ At the meeting at Prosperity W. H. Caldwell, ing neatly and promptly, the Milliner store, for a carpenter A. C. Worthington, dent can then proceed to press the school house, on Friday evening, This office is strictly new in every respect, both typo and presses, and skill- G. W. Zumwalt. shop. NOW READY. ful printers await employment. H, E. Thompson, -Mrs. Fry. the very entertaining^30111 ult> the function of nl0ne3’ passage of the cloture resolution. R. E Reed, Hand in your orders W. T. Buchanan, The storm of disorder and con ­ ENTITLED landlady, and daughter, Mrs. Ella was the question for discussion. P. H. Young, U For Letter Heads, Noie Hoads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel­ G. W. Wilcoxson, fusion which has kept the political As your paper endorses the plat ­ Morrell, took charge of the restau­ H. Hotchkiss, From Manger to opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling Cards, form of the Nationalist Party, and waters of the House ruffled with F. Lunaburg. rant yesterday. A. W. Waters, Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., the members of this party in Burns Throne” Chas W. Byrd. —Several parties in town this have organized a club in your town waves of discord and dissension James Copshall, £WA11 Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices reasonable. Fred Miller week from the Drewsey and Pine I thought these remarks might be during the past few days has passed. G. H. Fry. Creek country, among them are R. of some interest to the readers of It was severe while it lasted, but By tho greatest pulpit sovereign, Thomas Giannini, A. N Smith, J. Motley and Fred Bliss. James Mebaffey, when the end came it was sudden REV T DEWITT TALMAGE,D D. your paper. T E. Manly, —The French House is the lead­ The Prosperity literary society, and unheralded. Behind this de­ Including a History of Palestine M. J. O’Connor, E B Hanley, ing Hotel of Burns. The proprie­ that has meet every Saturday ceptive calm there is lurking still and account of his journey to, thro’ J P. Holmes, AND W. H. Canaday, tor thinks of putting up a large and evening for the last month, is very more bad feelings, which will show and from the Chris-land. Illus­ C. H. Bauman, commodious building in the spring. well dttended considering the pre­ P, Locher, TRNSPORTATION Company. Wm. Levens, itself again before long. The evi­ trated with more than 400 superb G. W. Smelser, —Representative Dustin has in\ valence of the measles in this sec­ dent settling of all difficulties is engravings, scenes in tho Holy James Bridges. Land and copies of world-famous troduced a bill in the house to in­ tion at the present. The programs Austin Goodman, I C. C. McCoy, General Manager, G W. Maupin, crease the salaries of our county are full and the debate lively, in­ but a ruse of the democrats to pre­ paintings of the Old Masters, from John B. Embree, -------- 0-:-0-------- teresting, th irough and instructive. vent the republicans from drawing the greatest galleries in the world. Dave Newman. judge, stock Inspector, county Thomas E. Brink, Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, -The society paper, “The Prosperity the governing reins of the House treasurerand commissioners, <).*D. Rusk, From $100 to $300 per month Wm C. Sharatt, Advocate,” by A. F. Ritterbusch, is Westfall and Vale, whero Chas. Clark, —The O. C. Company Hunting­ somewhat elaborate, but sharp and proceeding still tighter. Knowing can easily be made on commission M R. Biggs, or we will pay liberal salary. ton Oregon have a full stock of Close Connection is Made Thos. G. Dodson, that with a quorum of their own full of thought. Wm. Sklnher, everything in the mercantile line. with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehiclefl, the republicans would rush bills S. E. Joy, In the coming week the meetings K. C. Payne. RATES OF FARE FROM BL’RN’3 TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINT!: Send in your orders by mail, parcel >v given that the undersigned or wagon load. They will certainly of these societies and clubs, will through without allowing any time |!0.00 I Burn* to Vale |9.M) Burn*, to Ontario. pon to the Hon County Court - “ Grove City. 8 50 “ “ Weal Fall ..................... 7.5® Teachers, Students, Minister, take place in the following order: for obstruction, the democrats have ¡State of Oregon, for to sell give satisfaction. “ “ Beulah « 00 I “ “ Drewsey............................... 4 Ofl lid vinous liquors, in town of Wednesday evening, Saddle Butte resorted to a sharp practice in the bright men and ladies in every '• “ PineCieck 2.50 | •’ “ Harney .......................... 1.00 atv and State, for a period of —Everybody call on our photog­ literary society; Thursday, M. H. town to whom we give exclusive Baggage, 30!bs to each Passenger. Frieght and Passe ngers must 2d day of February, 1891 L ong B osen bubo . rapher when in town, liis pic­ P. A.: Friday nationalist club; hope of deceiving their opponents. control, and territory. Act now be way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. They decided to withdraw all ob ­ tures are first class, and remember Saturday Prosperity literary socie­ before territory is all taken up. 11 akry F loyd , K eki A cki . es , J. C. P abkbb his “chemicals’’ are getting low, ty, and Sabbath school and preach­ structive tactics, and allow the im­ Write lor terms and full particulars. Gen. Sup’t. Division Agent. Burns Agent. and may run out, so hurry up aud ing on Sunday. pression to gain credence that they kt of the State of Oregon for Address—PACIFIC PUBLISH­ irney County. be on hand before such a catastro­ These meetings seems to be as would not resort again to filibuster­ ING CO., Ainsworth Block, 3d and phe happens. contageous as the measles, but the ing. Their plan in doing this is to Oak Sts., Portland, Oregon. —Lou Bosenburg has a secret, spring, which is close at hand, ap­ delude the republicans into the be­ THE RED FRONT LIV.ERY STBALE, IJ ■he Above named defendant: but he never was known to keep parently, will put and end to them. ■ of the State of Oregon : The weather here is pleasant as lief that they had accepted their one longer than he could find some r summoned and required to ve entitled Court on or before one to share it, the one he has in spring, even now, and we have had position as a minority and that the ie next regular term thereof his keeping now, that is, he “keeps hardly any snow yet; portending remaining appropriation bills would Blacksmith shop, with tools. Best ton of the time required by location in Burns. Inquire of N. W. L. G. lication of this notice, to-wit it going” he wants to tell everybody drought. receive clear sailing. With this >m the date of the first publi- STABLE; Brown. Dd said first day of said term call in his Saloon and hear it belief they thought that the repub­ r of May. A. D. 1WI, at the Notice to Maskers. BRENTON A BAILEY, ........................ Proprietors. kid Court in the Court House —Manvill Clark, of Canyon City licans would not recall their absent L to be holden for the same will take charge of the Jordan drug id thereafter during said regu- fhcre, therefore, be you and store, this week. Mr. C. is a regu­ Tickets for the Mask Ball are for members to make a quorum. ■its complaint in this action The lively proceedings in both tor for want thereof the plaint* lar licensed pharmacist of 30 years sale at the Postoffice Store. Tick­ jgement against you so soon tael can be heard for the sum standing. Persons sending perscrip- ets for ladies who mask will be free. Houses have had the effect of ■ollars (|1000) aud 10 per cent tions to him can be sure of them be­ fest thereon from August 12 All parties, who mask, will please crowding the House and Senate Isonable attorney fee of one ing filled correctly. Give him a [dollars (>IA0) additional pur- procure a ticket and write on it galleries throughout eveiy moment |r of that certain promissory trial. of the prolonged sessions. Even ted and delivered by you said —The following extract is taken their name and the character they FSwortz & Miller and by them tor valuable consideration pri- from “Boat Ford Items," which ar­ represent, and present it at the when the Senate adjourned shortly incement of said action en- after midnight yesterday morning r who is now the sole owner rived too late for the publication of door. The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta­ If, together with the costs and action and for an order to sell the whole: The Grand March will begin there were a larger number of peo­ bles assures the public that they arc prepared to accommodate kertynow tn the sheriffs hand® ple in the galleries than is usual Many persons in this locality be­ promptly at 8:30. ft of attachment duly sued out in every way in their line of business. 1st your property in this county lieve that Burns received a fair and during the busiest hours of an ordi­ ! proceed® to the payment of square majority of all the votes nary seesion. Yesterday so great D that the date of the order of g*^Hay and grain constantly on hands, and careful hauts. ge of said Court for this publi- cast at the June election, and if the There’s a patent medicine which was the pressure for admittance to ►er 27th 1M0. records are moved back to Harney, is not a patent medicine — paradox ­ IAMg| Attorneys for Plaintiff, they pronounce the whole affair as a ical as that may sound. It’s a dis­ the public gallery that men formed rder of Hon. M. D. Clifford one in long lines on the outside of each the above entitled Court in the first class theft. [BALD, printed and published covery! the Golden discovery of door and waited patiently far an i for six consecutive weeks, —We call attention to D. M. ertisns. Ferry’s seed catalogue, advertised medical science! It’s the medicine opportunity to occupy a vacated t insertien, January 7 1800. in another column. His illustrat­ for you—tired, run-down, exhaus­ scat. It is noticeable that almost ed, descriptive and price Seed An­ ted, nerve-wasted men and women; all the applause in the galleries MRS. LOUIS RACINE,----- -P ropriitbb «% HERALD. nual will be mailed free to all ap­ for you sufferers from diseases of has been evoked by expressions B urns , O regon . plicants. Every one wishing gar­ skin and scalp, liver and lungs— made upon the democratic side. den, flower or field seeds should A large and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. r CIRCULATION OF ANY its chance is with every one. its sea ­ Several times the Vice President send for a catalogue, knowing Hie •ER IN THIS COVNTY. Tables furniihed with all market affords. Sure to suit the son always* because it aims to pu ­ reputation of the firm for square has threatened to have the galleries public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel atrial. rify the fountain of life—the blood cleared but the threat has never, and honest dealing with all. —We cannot publish a commu­ —upon which all such diseases de­ and is hardly likely -to be, carried County Paper. nication gK*GOOD TABLE SERVICE.^! we received this week for pend . The medicine is Dr. Pierce’s | ____________ ¡nto execution. A day or two ago publication. The main reason for Golden Medical Discovery. The 1 the 8ergeant-at-arms visited one of not doing so is, we do not under­ cal News. galleries for the purpose of ar- stand whether it is intended to makers of it have enough confidence i in it to sell it on trial. That is 1 resting a a visitor whose hand- slander the parties spoken of or in ­ SY COVNTY ITEMS. Portland Boot & Shoe Store. tended for a “Josh.” Another rea­ you can get it from your druggist, | dapping was particularly ccnspicu-1 son there is no signature to the com­ and if it dosen’t do what it’s claimed oug but he failed to find tho cul- FEBRUARY. 4 LUNABURG A FRY, P rofriktobb , Brasi, O regon . . . v bv million* of mutnera for rnildrcn tectninjc for munication. We make it a rule to do, yon can get your money back. nr:» fut nftv T yetra with perfect «uceew. it relieve« .... r***- I the tittle «nfferer «t once, pre-iurM-enatural. not to publish anything unless the every eent of it. Bleep b freelna the child from pain Occasionally Senator Hoar re- j quiet ,000 (Stork el Boots ted khoee. of ike v.ry beet qoellW. N« !••«»»* bocials are the order ofj writer signs his (or her) name. nndX the little cherub awake* m “brlffht aa a Thats what its maker* call tak- ceivcs a little encouragement in his button." ft is very plea*nnt to toata, soothe« g, in Burns, thio winter, j —We acknowledge the receipt, tberhild, softens the irnms, allays pain, re­ wind, regulates the Ixiwsls, and 1* the ! efforts for the force bill. The tele­ lieves week, of the New York Clipper ing the risk of their words. best known remedy for dirrah«ea. whether Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. I forget to call on Tex j this arising from other esuses. 25c a bott'e annual almanac for 1R91, from the graph tells of an Ohio man who fell kn. his liquors and cigars ' office of Stoddart and Co., solicitors Tiny, little, sugar.-coated gran- out of a sixth story window, landed g^-AI«o.rn»tom work e.d Rejtalrltis neellf «looe. best brand.«. of patents and pension claims. tiles, are what Dr Pierce’s Pleasant! on a pile of hard-burned brick, and Take Before Brcakfiiftt. little sickness in Bums or The Clipper, besides being a com­ Pellets are. The best Liver Pills still the physicians think he will The great npetizer, tonic and liv-! k this time. Mrs. W. H. plete almanac, gives a full history er regulator. In use for more than pvering from an attack of baseball and cricket players, ever invented; active, yet mild in |recover- 50 years in England. Positive; BURNS BUTCHER SHOP. hia. The measle eases, records of fastest time and best operation, cures sick and bilious | TOVM1ST. specific for liver complaint. Bad performances in all department of headaches. One a dose. JAMES COPSHALL - - --------------------------- Proprietor. I are all recovering. in the mouth on arising in tho sport. It also contains theatrical, -------------------- i Whether on pleasure bent or busi- I ! taste morning, dull pains in the head j I’bite Front Livery Sta- musical and sporting chronologies Honw *n forms of sickness. For sale in 50c. ■ Get the genuine from your druggist Full weight given. Good be< f or the block. Mutton, pork, le public is directed to A. Cowing, on the night of the 3d tee deed will be given. Apply at and $1.00 bottles by all leading i for $1, and take according to direc- venison and game, when on the maket. i this page. inst.. a fine loy. H erald office. druggists. w 4—11 i tion*. :& ,, C5rB.A.ISTB o. o. oo BOOK & THE NEW JOB OFFCE NORTHWESTERN MAIL 3 AGENTS WANTED. fl A.TST1D WHITE EROMT * THE FRENCH HOTEL.