Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1891)
Bl'RNS ADVERTISEMENTS ■| burns adverjtskment «. Ex-Mayor Daniel F. Beatty, of in*, osa vi- 4-------- a big silvtg spear thr • ■ * Beatty ’s celebrated Organs and ll J W. ASHFORD. I tai part of his body. fHEBALZ»*« ««SlIINGTON Z.ETTBB. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1W1 H BOYD anos, Washington, New Jersey, has Ashford & Boyd. A returned home from an extended W.C. Siili, - — Editor. I t wiirtake something more than ; tour of the world. Read his ad PHYSICIANS 4 SURGEONS, Blain and reciprocity to put the - vertisement in this paper aud send B urns ................................. O regon IFrotu <w tegular «'orrespodenil Tns fact that there is no real sen- G. O. P. on its feet next year, Ollie« in W E Gru«’« Drax Store W ashington . D. C, Jan. 23, 1891., for catalouge. timent any where in this country , » ■ favoring the outrageous Force bill,1 <- Senator Gorman is proving him To read an article against politi- FOB SALE. had a feather s weight with the ca ; bosses in a republic! _____________ r___ ?an paper re- self more than a match for the re- j DR. H. M. HORTON ealer in General Merchandise ripublican bosses in Congress, minj one 0|- <]evil preaching re- publican Senators, and he is still; The Red Front Livery Stable, DENTIST,............. B urns O regon . Bu whose onlv idea is to perpetuate jjgjon confident that with the active and situated in Burns, opposite the O regon . Office at reeidence. in the JoKn Robineob ' determined support of the demo-' Burns their own power. hotel. ____ Mr. Wilson offers buildinc. and is prepared to attend to lhe ____ _ _______ I - . —---- — .. , . . ratie Senators and ti e moral sup-; this valuable Livery Stable for sale p”«th!eitracted'without pin^xWoi x»u I t is significant that the guns , , .. , T he republican party is more , the Indiang are port of the conservative masses of. at low figures. He lives in the ........................ • silver •• b without r exception J hopelessly divided on the eld and worth the country, the Force bill »nd its countrv, some distance from town, T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. question than upon the tariff, and ksg where are all the good ri- revolutionary forerunners, the gag and cannot give the business the 1 rule, can be defeated, I' * ’ ’ _______ He fairlv attention „ it requires, is his reason osir««t hi« re»K‘«r<«ou aerat ldeoisu- liow it can pull itself together suf how suf- .<1 rhp and squarely outgeneraled the rp- re- for gelling. There ...................... is not a more . « Ire Ki>«r. let =11«. flow Bura«. ficiently to make the fight in 1892, I valuable piece of property in Burns publicans when they attempted to interesting, is at the present time a puzzle to the closest political ob T he suer-«or to Senator Evarts, Kcar out t}ie democrats by a con- an<j any one desiring to invest in cash I Cast! ! I CASH !U Notary Public. in the United States Senate is iii tinuous night and day session of ^at kind of property, cannot better server. A. ROBBINS,.. ................................................ Burns, Oregon, D. L. GRACE, every way satisfactory to demo-1 tne Senate, and now he is winning themselves in anv town. Call im- BURNS. OR. crati, but the republicans are do- . ! new parliamentary laurels by the mediately at this office or on Mr. . Land Filnga. Contest Blank«. Application« for Has a Large and Complete Stock of General Merchandise, whick . ......... . - Publiration Notice«, correctly and promptly T he republicans are now claim- ing lots of kicking. Democratic I will be sold to people dirt cheap CASH! Give him a call bsfa> manner in which he is blocking the Wiison for vou are likely to lose »ttende-i to. up need«. Note«, reasonable. and iloitsasM j .v . .-o j rawa cbarge» Il-o0 ing credit because we have so far I legislatures arc’not in the habit of republican attempt to force a vote • jumping into a jtiniber wagon and sloppingover the mountain 1» • — - .................... ■ a bargain. The Stable is just what the snow and rain. fWBedrock Prices for CASH ONLY ! l" escaped a .financial panic, It's a consulting republicans 'as to who upon Senator Aldrich’s gag-rule we recominend it to be. J. NAT. HUDSON, wonder some enthusiastic republi shall receive their support. resolution. He compelled Mr. Mor ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. can hasn't before this, jumped up ton to acknowledge that he had Brware of Ol&tments for Catarrah that I Office: BURNS,OR. and declared that his party broke rontaiu Mercury. T he fighting Indians have sur- made an eroneous ruling. The up tuc agriculture implement trust rendered, but the long-haired men republicans have but one hope of As mercury will surelv destroy the C. A. SVVEEK. which recently went to pieces. and short-haired women have just succeeding and that lies in Vice sense of smell and completely de- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. begun their Indian campaign President Morton making an arbi- ; range the whole system when en Office: Burn*Oregon. T hf bill to incorporate Burns, Thev want—well, just imagine trary decision in their favor, and tering through the mucous surfaces | Senator Blackman rushed through every impossible thing and you the probabilities are rather in favor Such articles shoffld never be us -d I GEO. S. SIZEMORE. the Senate in one day. He intro have what they want done with the of his doing so. although it will be except on prescription from reputa TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY,A« duced the bill on the morning of Indians. Gen. Miles seems to have because of the great pressure . ble physicians, as the damage ^they ATTORNEY. the 2Sth. It was read twice and done pretty well up to this time, brought to b«ar upon him and not will do is ten fcld to the good you . j>BXS ■ ................... O regon . can possibly derive from them. Colltv .ions. Land business. and Beal W. E GRACE P roprietor , was made the special order for the and it would not be amiss if Uncle j because he wants to do it. Estate matter promptlv attended to. BURKS, 01 evening session, and passed under Sam would give him discretionary Even if the Senate adopts the I Hall's Catarrh Cure contains no a suspension of the rules without a powers as to what shall be done Eag-rule resolution and passes the mercurv. and is taken internally, disenting vote. with the Indians. Force bill, there will still be grounds and it acts directly upon the blood W. W. Cardwell, A Large Assortment of ..... _ __ upon which to base hope for its de- ■ mucous surface of the system. In ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure B urns is in a thriving condition M any years practice have given feat The amendments made to B urns , O r . FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, Etc. in spite of the hard times and C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of pat- ,he biU in the Senate w111 n,ake its you get the genuine. It is taken Practices in all the courts of the State, internally and made in Tqledo ’ a Iso. before the V. S. I«and Office. Has just been Received, stringecy of the money market. ents at Washington,’ D. C„ unsur- return to the House necessary, and L and M atters a S pecialty . Our merchants, N. Brown. J Durk- , passed success in obtaining patents there the democrats can renew the Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. bv druggists, price 75c. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CARErrLLY COMPOUK heimcr and A Robbins, are doing for all classes of invention. They figbt, which the nearness of the 4th per ¡fW'.'jld bottle. Everything guaranteed pure and of the verv beet qeslity a fair business, and our mechanics make a specialty of rejected cases, of March and the end of the session, W- IT. Jorgenson PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. seemingly are all employed. Cal. and have ^¿rcd allowance of niaF make successful. At any rate Geer, hardware merchant, has sold i manv patents that had boen previ- tbe republicans in the House will ^DEALER IN-x an immense quantity ‘of goods in ously rejected. Their advertise have to have a quorum of their own liis line of business -luring the last ment in another column, will be of members in order to pass it, and A LEVEL HEAD. year. The drug business is well interest to inventors, patentees, j that's more than have had for three represented. The drug store of W. manufacturers, and all who have , successive days during the session. Czar Reed, as he nears the end E. (¡race compares favorably with to do with patents. of his power, shows a disposition to I any drug store. His stock of drugs ■ resume some of his tricks of the is unexceptional. During tbe late strike on the New York ILul oad, the militia were or T he democratic Senators have last session. By the denial of a re- Central PRormm dered to be in readiness in case of a riot, Watches and Jewelry, Clocks and shown tlieir willingness to meet the q Ue .t that was right and fair, he. but they were not called out. I t is difficult to believe, and yet Silverware. In an interview, Gov. Hill said the it seems true, that the republican popular desire for more money, by thjs week, provoked Mr. Mills into I troops were not to be called upon except Repairs Watches. Clocks and Sew- This House has a wide and well known name, and under tho ml Senators are in dead earnest in pro passing Senator 5 est s free coinage an exhibition of temper which is in case of an emergency. Tbe emergency had not arisen, therefore they would not ii g Machines. m?nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the ladi bill, as a substitute for the clumsi- very much regreted by that gentle- posing that the United States shall be ordereil out. He remarked that this /*F*First door east of Tostoflice, fame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Sara « was the first great strike with which be ly constructed Financial bill pre man ’ s friends; not on Reeds ac- guarantee $100,000,(XX) in bonds of had bad experience, and he did not pro Burns, Oregon. the Nicaragua Canal Company, in pared by the republican Senatorial count, he deserved all that Mr. pose to lose his head; the only point at which there bad been serious trouble was order that that private corporation caucus. Now, if the measure is Mills said of him, but on account at Attentive and Syracuse, and there a deputy-sheriff TOHSORIAL PABLOR, shall go ahead with the building of delayed or defeated in the House. of the effect that it may have upon had lost bis head and precipiatated an canal. There would be no more it will be entirely the fault of the the candidacy of Mr. Mills for the encounter. The strike continued several weeks, ¡ROBINSON A MYNATT, P rop ' s justice in such an act on the part republicans, and if it gets through Speakership of the next House.' and there was riotous action at various iWGoxl table service, and tables furnished with all market if along the road, bnt the civil au- Everything in their line guaranteed of the Government than there would the House in spite ot the opposition "You arc perpetrating ajraud upon points tbonties were able to cope with it with- -. , °, ... . •, »<> b« done satisfactorily. be in guaranteeing the bonds that of Speaker Reed, it will be in dan the Hous»1," shouted Mr. Mills, ad out calling on the militiL The test of a man s real •bilitr cornea Wg^-The onlv place in Burns vou Smith. Jones or Brown, dealers in ger of a republican veto at the vancing down the isle, and shak when an emergvney arises which makes r l «u can 8et baths, groceries, etc., might see fit to issue hands of Mr. Harrison; at least he ing his fist at the Speaker, ‘‘and a hasty call on his good judgment and discretion. The man wko retains has threatened that lie would veto you know it.” Mr. Mills then inti in the conduct of their business. presence of mind, maintains his it, but it is doubted whether he has mated in language not to be mis- his equipoise and exervises sound discretion WM. MILLBR, at such critical junctures, is to be relied I Tits West Shore, last week, give the nerve to do it. His threats s taken that the Speaker was not an on and will be put to the front. Real Estate Agent. Burns-Canyon Stage Line. Men with level heads have the staying n spread eagle illustration of the were probably made in the hope of honorable gentlemen. .A minute or qualities Office with W. E. Grace, Coun I. J ewitt , P roprietor . which do not falter in the face preventing action upon the bill in t„ o j a t er Representative Kerr, of ‘ good time coming" when the gov of danger. Otis A. Cole, of Kinsman,1 3-45 ty Clerk. I.eaTea Burna on Monday*, Wednesday*, ar d Friday*, at 6 a. m the House. ! Iowa, had the bad taste to call Mr. O,, June 10,1890, writes: “In the fall of £^F*Co&nee:« wirfi tbe Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview at a fee. at Bum*. Oeod *c ernment lends the farmer all the lions for passengers. 1888 I was feeling very ill. I consulted Mills a "traitor. ” "Y ’ ou are a trait For Sale. money he wants. a doctor and lie said I had Bright’s dis What the Oregonian says of ease of the kidneys snd that be would or yourself." retorted Mr. Mills, "to The picture represents Farmer 160 arce farm, well watered and not stand in mv shoes for the State of Hon. Phil. Metsclian: the constitution and the laws. Y’ou Jones going to town to purchase ” But he did not lose courage or improved. mijes from Burns, - y?*’ >[etSt;han\ the I are trying "to’sJrround the ballot Ohio. give up; hft Mi's: “I eaw the testimon- _ 1 ’ tw > pounds of sugar and one of cof ial of Mr. John Coleman, 100 Gregory Terms: <>00 ctOWTi. j State treasurer, has now been hold- —------------ - ixjj with bayonets and to deprive St.. New Haven. Conn., and I wrote to 3.45 M iller , Agent, fee. IB A B urns osculating , „ . , . . ling the keys to the treasury for the people of their right of repre-; him. In due time I received an answer, ° ..... The farmer is loading into Ins. ........ that the testimonial that he gave AND about ten days He will undoubt- „ Thig wa8 flowed bv , stating was genuine and not overdrawn in any wagon, drawn by two poor mules, edly make a popular officer, and is a feene |0 degcribe. The particular. I took a good many bottles BOOK EXCHANGE money to buy the sugar and of Wsrner's Safe Cure; have not taken IN THE HERALD BUILDING. rapidly making new friends and dcn)ocrat s cheered Mr. Mills loudly any for one year." coffee, his hogs and chickens are BLACKSMITH. winning his way to the well mer anJ the repBblicang hisged. Rep. CHAS. W. BYRD, ------ Liat ASIAN. Gov. Hill is accounted a very success eating money, his boy is flying a ful man; be is coo! and calculating and . nnIPH r>™ Object of opening this business in rovnectien with the Free Reading Roca' !*’te eW ited respect of all with whom I k re ? l . ntatire P erking > of K an # ag belongs to the class that do not lose ADOLJ H tupitd Tl I KER - - P ro p Fund* for purubasiug books for a Public Library for Burns—The let for the belldinf to kite mode of 1100 bonds and his come, in contact. He possesses gaU ,.put the dirty loafer (MiUg) tbsir ^ wUn emergence, ar»..^ -GENERAL REPAIRING- TERMS Membership Fee 112 a year Reading Fee 10c. Deposit of Xe. or Retail prifl wife at the pump Laving on an odical or Book, made with lhe Librarian, in every instance. Send for Catalogue- every element of popularity, and in ou, „ anJ jn a moment he found apron made of the bonds. fl^*The Liorarian is agent for and will take Subscriptions at the Lowest Rates for ideal, and order any Book, published in tho United States or Canada. Also, »heel M’ We think the West Shore is car a quiet unobtrusive manner is des- the big fi#t of Representative Mar Picture*. Works of Art, Huu.we-Buildlug Design*, Etc. lined to become a general favorite Hn of Indiana in clogtf proxiniitv rying the thing to extremes. The j to his nee and was informed that extreme now is in the opposite di- j ,r,lh ,he Publir-n_______ Promptly executed. The bnildiny ha* been en Cured without Cutting i*iy»d «.nd impiyved «nt i« .repatyd to mro rcetion. The government only al-I , Three jealous husband. A. B and if ,hcre w“ t0 ** an-r “Putin? out” Permanently „ . ' - «• a f 1 f*ut all kird* of b!ack*mlthin* on abort notice 1-Iy low. a few of her pets to handle wi|b their wives, being re.dv to he (Martin) proposed taking a Burning or Dilating. A perfectly and in the beat ryle Term* Cash. painless treatment and a guareen- the "much sought for stuff" while pass by night over a river, find at hand in ,k That was the laM teed cure in every case, no matter' the farmer, mechanic and laborer the water gide a boat which can heard ot Perkiui 1,1 ,hc Iuean bow long standing. This treat-; Four Trial __________ Numbers. are the servants of the aforesaid carry but two at a time, and for ,inie tbc •<carge,d’ai’arn;s trotted ment for Stricture, of Dr. Boxwell’s, With great premium offers, on re- privileged few. wgnt ufa waterman they are com out wi‘h lhc K°ld 1,ead niac*' lhe is the greatest discovery known to ceipt ot 10 CENTS, and addresses LEY ............... Prop -- polled to row themselves over the en,bkm of ,n the H®«»* Medicine. It dissolves and com- of 10 MARRIED LADIES. Onlv Everything in the furniture line always on hand..J pletelv removes the Stricture with- 55 cents a vear. Best monthly in Wi infer from the morning Orc r,ver at several times. The ques and <lu’e* restored. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere owt annovance or pain to tbe pa- world for the price. Address Wo- gonian, of January 24th. that the |ion ig lhoge gix persons shall Tho resolution provid- tient. man's Work. Athens, Georgia. Pcnnoyer bcom, for the Presidency lwo at a tilne tbat none of ing for an investigation of the Con- DISEASES OF MEN! .n.tulged in by that paper, for some the three wives may le founil in '«r*Ponal Silver pools is bearing Peculiar to their Sex. and not prop- time past, is rather intended for a the company of one or two men, un- lru*l- Senator \ est has testified 1 er to name here, including all those burlesque, than the earnest convic , ¡egs ber bu(d>and be present? tbat s*natcr Cameron told him delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses which they would shrink from dis tions of that republican organ. If Thig lna, effected in two or th,t **. bad made aom* such is the case, the effect on «wr thrce warg' lhe following nay be X un’h^aeVni.'^’xfe^l closing to their family physician, permanently cured in less time than honest old Governor will U- just th<- ag good as any: Let A and wife go r . claiming that he has as much was ever known to Medicine before, eontratrv to what the I rogonian over—]ct return—let B's and C's right to speculate in silver as in bv Dr. Boxwell's “New System cf surmises. wives go over—A's wife returns— corn, wheat or any other product. Treatment.” It rejuvenates the gen- organs and makes weak The Oregonian no doabt thinks R and c 0Ter— B returns, A Ho,r ’• tbal t>x>1 aodaciV* ito-urinarjr men strong. he is getting off a huge joke at and B go over-C's wife roturns.nd M'hen possible, it is alwavs best 1 ennoyer s expense, not having ^.g fcnJ jVg wlvfg owr— then C ¡g accused of having adjourned the to cal’ personal consultation and n*iumon*Mnse gufheient to fee eomes foefe fbr his wife. Simple committee from last week until special examination. But those it is making a fix>l of itself and ex t_' as this question mar appear, it is Wednesday " ednesday of this week in order to who cannot possibly call, should write, stating their case fully. Med l> «ing the ignorance of the editor. found in tlie work of Alcuoin, who prrtent Senator Vest from tertifr. luuuu in uro wurfc vi .-xn ilvxit, wik > • _ . . icine sent by mail or express, sealed , . . , , . , mg ing until after the Pennsylvania We can safely assure the public flourished a thousand rears veers ago. lc<,flglur<. had re-elected Cameron free from exposure, to all parts of that our Governor would make a hundrvds < f years before the art of u, the Senate, although Mr. Vest Pacific coast. Address: Ww. A. B oxwkll . M. D„ President far superior to any can printing was invented. bad state«! bis willingness to testify. Consulting Physician, St. Paul didate the Oregonian may bring . ___ . . It is believed here that Cameron forward for that office. Soin bur The next number of Harper's, would have been defeated h*«I his Disjxnsarr, Portland. Oregon. lesquing the Governor the Oregoni Bazar, published January 30th. will connection with the silver specula- contain an entertaining comedy in tion been made public before his an is only making frier.Js for him one act. entitled "The Reporter," re-election. There are other big (the Governor) and lowering itself written bv W. G. Van Tassel But- republicans who will l>e exposed if PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. in the estimation of people of gixxi phen, and admirably adapted for th«- committee does its duty without T A. M K.IN NON. N. R. A Good road all the way. parlor theatric«] entertainments. I fear or favor. «use. > THE HERALD T h e reiblican el :^phant\as had ¡ FROM TH E CAPITOL Beany's Toor lhe cifWorlS. 7 I i * STRIGTURE! AND JoB W0RK- tx i TEE BURNS FURNITURE STORE. AN