THE HERALD Ur»e>»aT lascaar a. ine BURNS THE COUNTY SEAT. FROM THECAPITOL . =A___ Í ~r----- * f su kb » tre mmimw w ADVERT! SEMENTI! OVERT riwe ■ BOTS Ashford A Boyd. Fi A li . paditical »igne in Altane and ' New York Cstv nnsnt to Uè nomi- Tbe leading topic in Bcm» it W ashuoto « D. C. Jan. 19. 1491. «tatir« and efetfon of (iva. Hill to ■till tbe crmnsy »eat diietama The merry jingle of Hirer is the ta United Sx« het>a'.or to sue croi In order to discus» tbe real mer mu ate which the Senate ha» pro ®>- M. E t art» thè nomination of its of tbe ritcation. and bring tta vided for the people to dance to. by Boswell P Fiowe-r tr governo» ofj iuai«»r ta€w* tta pu'-lic intelHgent- the adoption of the free e>«inage sul«- a tl New York, and the nomination ut' >T, it i» r«eee»»arv to begin at tta »titute for the Financial bill, which Gre ver Cleveland fi«r the Preside», eornmer-ce-toetit i«X givr,g the facts went through in »j-ite of the deter cy in 1W2 I in «tetaíl. but a »ynop*is clear mined ai«d extraordinary opposi I enuogh that nvr render» may un- tion of the adminirtration and the T he World • Fair was forenally l dierhtand tta eawditMk republican leaders in the Senate ebristemd. Dwemtar 24. let© in Purus and tbe settb-r» of Haroey The democratic party has been an offgLal asai ■ -r Vy tta Preatdev t valley, were—and still are—eager committed to free coinage, as far as Beau>"• T mtz ihr X WorM. and given to the ywooie of Chicago, for the d«-velopn»erit of tta eountrr. the vcAes of all the Senator* of the 1 Ex-Mayor Jlantel r F ^woy. Qgatty. u. of who were impaticotly waiti,-< for I now enmpriring Harney county. ar»d party (withoxexswptMn—Wiln«. c-x-nayuT srwnsri it, as a Chnatmaa gift After tta . haring that end in view, legan ■ 4 Md.,) can d«> so. while the re-put.! ResUy's celebrated Organs and Pi- proclamation was rigr>ed by the work six or seven years »ir«ee. as 1 liean partv of the eastern and mid-' *no«- Washington. New Jersey, ha* President it was hurriedly carried !»yrt.*-matiral1v as tta condition >4 die State», are hr the same token returned home fnen an extended On this toor world. Read his ad to Secretary Blaine, who placed h>» (affairs admitted. «»mniitted against it. signature to the all important doc- IStter optawition to a movement qtaevtion of iiimn, the meat iaspn<> vertisement in this paper and send amevd. the great seal of the govern 'of that nature came from a cattle tant in evrrv country, the repui li A* catalooge. k rneut affixed, and Chicago made ' syndicate. I era use that movement cans of the w»-»t and northw«-»t, if ------ happy conflicted witu ttair interest-, look the votes of tbeir Senators repre- p ----- Sute of Ohio. City of Toledo, La- ing at tta matter in a business -ent tbeir views, and the presump-1 c>t County. ia that tbey do, seem to ta in Frank j'.Cbener makes oath that ' tioti is Maar year» practice bare giren point of view, we would say neither ItiM C*. A. Snow A Co., eolicitors of pat enta at Washington, D. C.. unsnr passed aoeceae in obtaining pato-i«ls for all classes of invention. They make a specialty of ejected ease» ar.d have secured allowance <4 many patenta that had been preri- oMily rejected Tbeir advertise ment in another column, will le <4 interest to inventor», patent»«» mat .««facturera. and all who have ti io with patenta. Dealer in General Merchandise, Hiutr O ri T V. . EMBREE. M. D A. D L. GRACE, KBM. OB Laad Fïlag* .wate« a^aha. A»lkatWi.B f«* Paa.traiWa K.XU«. ewrartly » e -C preriBMly artiere to. Dae-a So«« aad Mwr.gadrr« drava ■«- ChAfgw rm-»ahw ROBBINS, ... .................. Burra Dreg»«' Has a Large and Complete Stock of General Merchandise, eta will ta sold to p«-oj>le dirt cheap CASH! Give him a call Uta jumping into a lumber wagon and slop)ring over tbe muuntaia a tta a&ow and rain. £Bf Bed ruck Prices fur CASH ONLY 111| J. SAT. HUDSON, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. Office: BURNS,OR. C. A. SWEEIL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSH Bvn*s j ref ci . I than most people believe, ar>d ari inij*-«liment g> prtgress <rn has the right of way in the Senate, «nd an «Jatecle in tta path of ttair Ly jja opening, it would undoubted- CASH III CTcuslxlf CASH I Notary Public. TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY,»«. I W. E GRACE. PiuipairroB. BUEES, • A Large A asan aient W FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. Has just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMFO Everything guaranteed pure and of the very beat • PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. W y. Jorgenson DEALER IN-> fellowmen, outside of their own |T have made him many friends in ring. ' that section, where, as be proLably Had tta st«*« k .indicate teen ta now has none As it i« sn<-er*sful. Harnev valley, to-day. although it wuS carefully liste»e«i would le in the condition it w»s to and all uf its strong points, and taxation laws. Th* new eountv of. there w re inanv of them, against aad which >• 'he convenient app r ten roan ago , . i’, j r.c Brute etc» tes eppiriag it? . a Hoe arieti« re«- w.« have r^-4»ri r.f ff if >f >« it afi I W 9f«41 ■ • . a Harney would not teen ereat- - t the monopoly and greed of tn» tta grow aUr physo-iaa eeefal to u* twau-e we T mb attention of our readers if ed. the land oflice. now in Burns, ing nw«nev powe r». were applaud« d believe ia bun. a-«4 how far a«r fato fólla aad powders an I toa e* ta y th* e«a e- directed to the advertisement of would never have leen establixtad to the echo, in spite of tbe effort*. S^rT«r*t^hf ***^ *’■ Repair. Watctas. Cl««eks and Sew- la Munn A Co, patent solicitor», and hundreds of settler», who now of the Senate officials to prevent it. Tbe re»ular «lucior» care; the »<■«*•»■»- ii g Machines. another column.<>n this paye. Their have homes in thi. valley, would 't is regarded as tbe artificial pie. petbicdK on cure; the lUl.i^manene. a«,,. n,,r P.-n-ff.r* aura, end »odo meta h cura ani th« r ‘ J ’ 1 acM,r ea»l,)I ruatomce, name is familiar to patenter» have teen debarred by this same of an office-seeker toulttain the sup miad coree, aod ibe eo-cailed Curi-haa . Hums. Oregon. throughout the country. In con- influence. port of memtars <*f an urganixati.-t. eeiea i-te. aod th • ieur-d*«nar-»nd-e-ha.f i----------------------------------------------------------- r.ectlon with the publication of the I Now we will twke into considera pledged to oppose bis re-elrction to odiertMia« itioera-u«, sad tta pa ent I Scientific American for the pest tion the fact that Burns, during tta Senate. st>d not a» leprraenting forty-five years, they have made these year», ha» teen tbe bead and bis real sentimeat». Neverth« les- roi mvsatt r the drawings and specifications fie center of everv movement intended he 1 old bis r-pubhean colleagues •u an* grUM'dre. an-l wi«en ttairrrg «- «.nd the republican President, wb< tadoct-ea lee .«ee tta c«.mm.e..iy Everything in ttair line guaranteed more than one hundred and twenty to* ameliorate tta condition of the . . □ • , , , eterni» uw m-l «" I bueto.-fiKkaurr i ..,;.r....„,;i„ Ai^rro^r. I '* d ” " e aatixLictorily. thousand invention«, and tbeir fa settler, and advance the develop etaiids ready, it is lelieved, to veto C-H»n a«U a*d Addentar. i ' free coins»* should the till arti batar-cur-e, tutta aided, jf^The y««' .\«mr;ew-»,b«it a «tare .tare can be beaded. place in Burns rou cilities for obtaining patents were ment of the country The first pe tree coinage, m ouiu me «.111 get ! hindered ««r d-ea ed m tee curative pro- •* * . . can ? 1 batns. never better than now. tition gotten up for a new county. through the House over the unxc'U reee. Aa-I the CwnhwreMfi oclraiea is that it to the r«rt of reii-mal to-i «« te---------------------------- r.----------------------- Burns was the prime mover; the pulous opf«o»itioii of Speaker Reed, see« atd iraet the »Ivica U mea <X «««d ’i • taea* ' W1£ MILL Uaman A JUU. haa been introduced in the creation of a new land district aid some mighty truths about what tie characaralro »ave .to iie«l the sy.ten« and tarwe*i, a. far as m -tarn Louse for county pro»>-cuting atlor- land office, to ta established at; ;eople will do in the future, should •rience iirbtd the way, bow f»r U^ey c*« i Real Estate Agt-nt. neya In »lead of district attorneys Burr.a, was carried through to a their wishes be thwarted in thi» But it was casting jiearls It ia claimed that a diatrict attor »uccesaful termination by the citi- matter It to notour purpM to oMa-Irr tbe 3-4-1 ty Clerk. to swine. The republican party evito that r- eult l<om naipluyia tta tin- _________________________________ ney who baa several counties to x«-ne of Burna. ecapulotM. tl»e iso--rant, cluria'aaa an 1 I In spite of the opposition and in has never paid any attention to the qna- ke to pre» n'e for the aila-isM that look after, cannot 1« prepared, F'-* hate, th» hnaaaa toady. We wiupig coming into a i-ominunity only at fluence brought to l«ar by this wirbvs of the people, unless the; afflict declare that the pliy-Ktaa who know» 160 «rce farm, well watered and the beginning of a term, to proj«er|y same stock association. Burns sur happen« d to coincide with those of aotaetbiBK to bet er lliaa the pliy-i-iaa * improved H ntilea from Burns, who knows b <4I ii «, or very lit k iMieed aJA(, > understand and try criminal caeca. mounted every barrirr, turned the bosses ot that party. about the «tracture end <x» dltioas of tbe Ierms: <800 down. John Bull mud ta trying to give hum« s.atem tit orerre "be >'«• 3-45 Zach oounty should bare a count« ;i»i«ie every obstacle and come out W m . M illbr , Agent, ’ B the dying republican party a boom. nor know it all.’—XvcJUsIrr Meraieg prosecuting attorney, elected by the gloriously successful. Hir-M Now we. in all sincerity, ask: 1» At least one would so rupptoe from people, at a fixed »alary prupor I have used Warner's Bate Core and, tinned according to the population it a surprise and a wonder to the his foolish action in attempting to IrtH for it* rim-ly uae. would bare been. 1 vveiiy tel-evr. in uiy grave from wh it and business of the county. people of Harney county, that get the aid of the United blab a the «io«-tor» terir^rd Bn«ht's LHaease.—D. F. Ithr.ncr, -enior Editor Hoo«o G'eutrr.; Burna, after receiving a clear nil- Supreme Court in his controversy Chillicothe, Onio, in a ¡«tier dated Jone ADOLPH TUrKER - - P ro t’ with the administration over the jwrity of eight vote» f->r the perma- kJ, 18S0. If Drewsey precinct and Silries Mr. —GENERAL REPAIRING— valley ba»« unanimously petitioned nent county scat, should contend , Behring Sea seal fisheries, —as we learn they have—to ta »et for her rights? After having sc- Blaine would not have asked for a»» back into Grant, every taxpayer complished for the jieople—with the j anything better than the latest JOB WORK. should delight in seeing their de help of the settlers—what she has,, move of the British Government, sires granted. We nerd more tax Froar.ptIv ex«r«-ed. The boi’din« he» beer, eu able property.—Grant County News is it supposed that she will silently j It has given him what he has never lAned and impr««ved »od it nrepared to ?nrn Wrl »•»•eeavMwej Cured without Cutting ~ .’D oUl out Bl all I IinUS kind» Ml of LU t’ackernj hin« vn ehort n«Mice "I f Drewsey procmct and Silvies and wit limit protest, surrender her had before—the united support of • Permanently 1-Jy rights to this same syndicate? lay {the American people. England Burning or Dilating A perfectly ' ••* *•«>« beewrit i* Tern.» i a»h. valley baveunanaiDOUsiy petitioned painless treatment and a guareen- down her laurel» to ta trampled should have learned from experi- •ta." teed curé in every case, no matter: This treat; tOuT lfltH N- ZUCGrS. The Grant County New« is ax under foot? simply lie-cause the at- ence that America dignity cannot taw long • rtwdintf torneve for the opposition (and we be trifled with without danger. Al ment for Stricture,of Dr. Boxwell's. With gretit premium offers, on re- well aware of the fact aa we are da not blame them, they are paid ! ready a democrat, Representative ia the greatest discovery known to ceipt <>t 10 CENTS, and addresses that if euch a petiliuti ever existed, Only fi r it) who are hired by the year by j Enloe, of Tennessee, ha» introduced Medieinsu It dissolves and com of 10 MARRIED LADIES it ia not unanamoua by any luean«. this syndicate, to retard the growth a resolution in the House resenting pletely removes the Stricture with 55 cents a year. Best monthly in neither do we be)i<-ve a majority of out annoyance or pain to the pa world for the price. Address Wo the taxpayers in the two precincts <>f the country, advise a removal j this action and declaring it to be tient. man's Work, Athens, Georgia. mention'd desirs lota act back in • 4 tta record« to Harnev, in order in derogation of the dignity of the DISEASES OF MEN I 'hat they may ta able «o keeo up J United States, and providing that a to Grant. Peculiar to their Sex, and not prop-. the fight the longer by so doing j copy of the resolution be sent to the ' er ______________ _ _______ to name here, including all those Gr u t county, It seem«, is not sat- Thev do not talirvr anything to I British Government Uncle Bam delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses i >sfi'<i tviiii having fought against th«, contrarv but that Burns is )• -, hasn't much of a navy, but he has which they would shrink from di»- the div ion of the county, using lute of dignity, and not even the , clueitig to tbeir family physician, any n d every means, whether h<>n gaily the permanent county seat, permanently cured in lexstiiuethan •‘Queen of the Sea" must dare to blit are d« lermined to put off the oralde or mA, to defeat the bill, but was ever known to Medicine before, bv Dr. Boxwell's "New System of liiusl now step in and um its in <lav of siknowhdgment aa long as rub him the wrong way. A rumor very pleasant to detuo Treatment.” It rejuvenatestta gen fluence in the effort to make our possible. crate it circulating here thia week, itourinary organs and makes weak Burns wants the matter settled, legislature belHve that two of the men strong. p.-ecmcUin the new county and in refusing to allow the records •x> the effect that eX-Representative When poMible, it is always best Perry Belmont may be elected to rem< red, is only acting upon the tnoualy di-uira to gat bock. i to call for personal consultation and But those The petition from Grant to our advice of authority, who know <.f the tanate as Mr Evarts' aucceaaor. ■special examination. legislatura to paaa an Enabling Act what they ap> ak. and who are not Mr. Belmont's aggreMivenesx white , who cannot possibly call, should write, stating their case fully. Med for a vote to ta taken on the ques paid by the year to work against chairman of the House committee icine sent by mail or express, sealed Burna and tar interest, and to on Foreign Affaire several yeara ago tion of relocating th« county seal, free from exposure, to all parts of ia likely to inspire the taxpayers of throw every otatacle posaiblein the proved that be has the capacity of I Pacific coast. Add res»: W m A Box will , M D., Drewsey and Bilvies valley with a way of the devclopuiant of the making just tbe kind of a Senator that tha democratic party would Consulting Physician. St Paul dexire to jump from om> county ecnntrv. like to see cent from tbe State of Dispensary, Portland. Oregon. seat racket to another, which bids • New York. fair to ta aa hotiy contested We On» republican—Mr Dawe»— Goirge Bancroft tha veneratl» hsvo hot*« of our c<>«iteat being historian, died in Washington City, joined Senators Berry and Blodgett permanently aettlcd in the near fu PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. January 17th, at the ripe old age of m a minority report uo the appro-1 turs, w bile that of Grant is just be ÄM. H GASS. - P bof Thia House has a wide and well known name, and under the m^nt of the present proprietor it ia hound to go further up the .M fame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Sure TMS0MA1 PARLOR, KÌ2S!Ì^«SLSÌ‘.^K; > is «>’:* . Good table service, and tablea furnished with all market . ^r«T,r ^;«>xr<c‘XX;r* Burns-Canyon Stage Line. I. JrwiTT, PKoraiKToa. <>»«* •»»*wc-— Learea Farne oa Monn« a, * edaeaaa a, bl A Frt.Iata, at < a. m ai4 th« Oalarto, Frh.«Tille. and lakeview at Beraa. i U l • i*»r pu>«ugera. STRICTURE! . Four Trial Numbers. ! — | priaUou Uli k»unog aa addiuuual | 190 jean. V T. A. McXDWQR« oircula TING J3URNS IB AND BOOK EXCHANGE IN THE HEKAUI BUILD IN®. BLACKSMITH. ginning nty C01 y, Stats fiied ci I, Harn« tfnlly J C 4 Bt and vinu and Mt wr a pe ting fr« 7th da ever pi OUre M kw re* .-r- . • «_ «M «Ml M« •> all •la» itr cUta v-—* terM- party war to Llame. The cattle accord with the democrat« democrata and the he ia the senior partner of the firm syndicate had a perfret acknowl Farmers Alliance, wbich i« a mach p j Cheney &. Cm. doii.g busi- edged right to fwoteet as fa- as pre iIH»re powerful factor in thi» matter r>^g jn tta Citv of Toledo "coentr riUe tbeir financial interest. But on tta ottar Kami tbe settlers and t-urin«-»» men <4 Burr.» had. and have, tbe »am* 1 -gal right to en- courage tta development of tta »«»«try. Tta only marked differ ence l-rtwvwg th* two being: the efforts of tta !a«ter are very eows- meidabte. white that <4 tbe former beii g highly «Ajertitamblc and eel- I Beus ................................. O rwhjw OAeaiaW X Onr* • te»» tosa ■nd State aforesaid, and that said 1 GEO S. SIZEMORE, Tbe most aensation.«l feature of firm will j„r tta sum of »100 fe the debate which preceded tbeadop- each and every ease of Catarrh that attormet . .. O iecos . tion of tta free coinage amendment, ennot be cured by tta u»e of Hall's Be:.-" f 'c I—i’-e * i.-.d Ke&l was tbe speech of Senator Ingalls Catarrh Cure £•. u* J itter ; •. eaaed 14». r.i favor of free coinage. It was- Frank J Chenev. more than that; it was a most ape- Sworn to tafore me and sub ciously made plea to tbe Farmers scribed in my preser>ce, this 6th W. W. Ci., rl well, Alliance legislature of Kansas to *I*y of Dec*i:itar, A. D. 1BS6. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. A. W ' ''l Gleason, Public. re-elect him to tbe Sei.ate. ft was r*•o,,■ Notary Public, B cbns , Oa. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in G-»v. P exvotxr in his mrrraze to fish, or in ottar words tta tavioess ¡n nsany respects tta moat brilliant Practice« in all the cuori« of the State. ternally and acts directly upon the Alo. before the S. I-*nd Office. -gislature. gives a table of tta men of Bums and tta settlers of! oration ever delivered by Ms. In- ^d'and’nioeoua rarikica'of the J L aud M atters a S fkcialtt . Fta’e'a indebtedneaa. which sitoas thi» new country were actuated I y 1 galls. an«J bad ta nut have allowed «ystem. Send for testimonials. > ti.on January 1, 1M7, the princi- j tta principle of pngre»sion and his hatred for tbe South to to in- free. F J. Cheney a Co.. Toledo. O. i p l .4 interest amounted |u 195,- g.aid l<> ttair fi-lfowmen; that of veigle him into a defense of the f^*Sold by druggists. 75 cents.« 317.69. January 1, leJI.prioaipal tta rattle aviMiieate.Lurelv .elfish, gvrce till, which by tbe way. again and mterevt amounts to only «2. 235.35. Tta money for tbe pay ment of the preaent indebtedness is now in tta treasury. Bo our State is ' practically out of debt. Tbe Gavernor recommends a rad -1 ical chat«ge in our assessment and ca. at Bi ber 11. U o« alvei Ailed ■ Í iu si t will eiver a via: piten 1 the <i r .. See. 8 folluwii deuce : James' on, am . of finn. J. B. Hv PHYSICIANS 4 SUBGEONS, CSA». W. BYBD, U bbabia «. Objert of o>«Bing tfiia bu»inew in e«nu»ctUn with th» Fr»» R«»dinr B oobb 1« FunCa for purt baaing bwka fur • hub lie Library fur Burn»— Tb» Wt fur th» TF.BWB M»Bibw«hlF Few |12 « year. B m 4 i »< Fee IBe. De»>.»»it ef Sie. er Retail udirai or Book, »ade wiib the Librarian, in »very inaiane», bend for l aUlogue. O^^Th» Librarian in arent for and will take SBtBcri>tier-0 at the I.owaat idlml. ami ««rder any Book, published in ike United btatea er Canaaa. Aldo, Fletarse. Verka of Art, Mows»-Building Itaaigna. Ku. I THE BURNS FURNITURE S t O LEY Everything in the furniture line always on band G>ve him a call before purchasing elsewhere JNO. W 8AYER RIDUCBD FRICK. II herebi plicátil uxuy.fc! alt an<! count nthe 2