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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1891)
HÙME ÄHD l*AH!- •a y eue KTursery, 1801 faee. Yet they hud been a singu LOUlSV^t-LÉ, KY Haarer’s Magcziy fke Leading Agricultural Tornai the Soufi» <«'d V» -- larly happy couple all their lives Of Payette Idaho kwig. Made by Farmer# f<.r Farrnor». WEDNESDAY janoaky m . IWt ILLUSTRATED “Did you get any lettera?” A b n record of successfirt ax.i.uliuie. fl' vr ANH F amm had no c.iu «'. K ery topic •«; “Yes" i j africuHure is ’jpo; s d»*-i*» al iu its m HARDY TREES A BOIA'« CnmitMA» DINNKK. bv the firmer« thems*1 ». Ño expense is T red ‘'From Martin?” ift seen ring a full ■> it of ever'- notable SPECIALTY. cess gm the farm It u cinUnvu -e*/ i> • Froxa New York Weekly» “No. not from Martin, We’re ((<»• FARMERS* OWN PAPER. ILLUSTRATE!). in* have company to Christmas. ;o o imm Thia decision had hurried their A record cf their doi* I ... y » r.tcJ .n a lwiu and language which make u {»Lua tn i-U. Vivia Grey ie coming to-morrow I Tbe iHiporani ..He, u, p,,,„ a with A Year ’ 3 Gubseription cal) upon Uncle Ren—an they had ITS LIST OP C qh TK 0U7OP3 |m«ri ., , Th».Hi. r.t b!M. «f.i .‘„rtJW night. sr Lor a Trifle rîoro thu.11 Contains the natnesef the most *»roRrt*>dve farm little time to spare—and finding di» Gubacriptioa Prico. l(. 1,. 1 «r ,|,e v > ; Jr*¿2¡ M ers of the South sud West. They do « •< • Mrs. Car.-y elevated loth bands 1‘vim». ■ lir.Hi.1,11,, War’.r'TJU of theoretical iarmiug. but of the acluul *vi » J r-< 1 v jnrrrnao t' c «•irci'l.‘'l«,n < f tliia him absent from his quarters they . in a tort of spnsmr-dic d< »pair. tuM)« which confcout us today ; H F J g ‘ ** u I.» H..U It.UH. AHI.,,., ., th , r j i o lies* f ix t««< ni'-d. "<• I gi V o »liuti« Waldo F- Brswn . Ileury ttewart : Joi n M s’nb Irai-li.,. » .1-1 be a noie) bv < bu, ^nP* were directed lip to Rosa’s r* out. ts • it!. ; N w Y ik lui li-l.iiig I m .uae “For the land’s salt«-!” was h.ri A. P. Fold . Jeff. Welborn . Hugh T. Dr-oks J'»1 ■ I ra.iu.. k *<-ul l ,»n of ,,r ictna ’ I* ,(«M i ro • nal l<*d • • • <T • «** «• ’ " »«• ••««r k- M.Tlu k»ra . Pi1.,;i,le‘ .or*’(¿i*l¡ C. Kdgnr *. Steele's Mayou . T B iialdwMi n l And there, as we have seen, they exclamation (which St.-phen Car. v »’c-t * f the XV«.»k» *)!' < hml«* n:< h- ho^t of others make inis jouruul tut i p’-’-*'’• li ne. a 11 .,«1 .«rlnen and 1. u, ,, „, .■*«« j«i Twelve mid cine Moreover, It is equally Ini Maurler; a nove-e>*« bv wi i. ” '' bad found the dear girl. who. I ut facetious y te-ln "mother’s swear'”) ülowe a-.l. papo,,* t .» m , vi ’• r. }i-r.r’- bi :’sc’ p1'' " •" s A HOME MAGAZINE. for her generoua Christmas dinner .“what ure we goin' to do with Vivia er. irr’ i!o > •«•»<• th " ‘,,,r ,-t 1 ’ •’***• I. Olio, ti ,> wu ttf insa.i, P*Psrs Every subject of inters* to th« home n * t'(.n I rie». Cur j.r* i»t« ÍT ■ 1 »-i I >rri!'< rs lli 'he uunn er aun .arl.l .U ! fully treated. Mary Marsden. Luis CMtcfiby and invitation to her sailor friend, 'Grey? We hail’t n< tl.ii.' 1 ke what 1.1* I Iti. I* 1« n>: <1* CI.» i ha Brjwn, Mrs. Davie»«, Mis* Cabell, Miss » • er.a.a, |,# ,he II .rl,a , i h. Ml' prericBt |i<‘V’li»: win« «-ver Alice Winston and a »cote of others uill c.».n might never on earth have seen ( she's been used to. and I don’t see l.ah r . . rl«, . ¡7' i < fore o b t««’« lu« time I h . b utt regularly. « »< wl . .. n.l ue 1., alu l" .*?*“ I h n Li- %• d. mi «i I i* ui'iLe FAITH LATIVER lunke her li"W(xi airth we ’ re to them more. *a-e-leii. e f..r ahli h it lúa . aei j ¡I r t- -<lr.y th si • niln« "¿TuuiGej and In In charge cf our Child» ci*« Denaitmox ? ar I. ku aheil j.! .»nnd hi wit. hum* 1, All thoughts of going l uck to anvwnvs comfortal |e. We haiti’l she has the nseullar faeulty ot being toth I ’ . ti<u ci clu«r-ci«r, terexting and instructive. Much varletle < are Scotland to live were now dis< artled ; no v» ¡vet carpet», nor silk HufaH, « f t | era rid itiriilentB, THE MYSTCRT OF THE RATION HARPER’S 1’FRIOt‘K offered L r sale that -.’iv ’v )• up! f i I-'* E.iC" Ts a thrilling rtery appearing in K ostk and I —even though it was »till dear to like tin y have to her un<-J< ’’ " I.« Il » H « uhi Ter Year: F arm , by John K. Musick, and ia exciting * are Known .o Jnive and I r u.d irmi.ik- attention. Short storks by distinguished rvi * them—as America, with its free in 'don’t know what »hutild sei.d her I il « u. i* to be A< uri’h in the mountain I appear from time to time. v <• live. The stitutions ami equal laws, offend here.” BILL Air» LETTER! country. The “IDAHO” pear v c offri a« a Appear in oeh iamte. and this hunsormu pb 11 IlARPEIt’H maoazinb greater inducement» fi r four ding •■Because she wants to »re us, I «. » i h i««*w type, ph er w*« never mere imerosting thar. T will be< ff red in liini ed quan i oa IIA KI’EH’H WEEKLY f I.ich is ptib» Uult Uf IW I»IT0««H. »«rAIITOST j «'prise," ol served Stephen. c*-mp<>»-i Vhr r-v beautiful and happy bonus. HAltl'Elt’.S HAZ IK for the fir <t dmc .hi* year. Tlihyear fi m i II t Ill'l'.K'S YOUNG HEOPI.K R ome and F arm speaks boldly nnd f: tri Charlie Graham and Ilosa had edlv. ’•There. th<re. wife, don’t ¡H53TNIA3 be i«a na iveaf Idaho iaconsidered the fines 1’0 .¡Ige :¡i, l*o Free to ull riith ,-ril.w- I.Ì half of Farmers’ Rights " It f.vo^ DAV13 ’ l uì til s e a • Canada, ur M»ki<-». vitolou ef the tariff in behalf uf the tarm I in ni " than w at. r. Í loved each other alwavs. and now I fret. Blood is thick, r peargrown anil i< ex reiutly hardy. I o MARITI roads for the farmer ; Free Meil IK’.” farmer : CoopavatioD .»mon* the f~r their affection was purer, stronger, and she’s our foster cousin, y ou j unHo; no f *il to plant a few ;r«e<. The vo itine- of M ukm 4 m |,0- n ■ in to * Bust Trusts.*' Ils m- - o is CHOP AN « DO?V' be Li.niber. hr june t and nobler for the long Reparation, know. It’ll make it pleasant for WL Address, Payelie Nur’iry, “ I Mr Trude a*d Faim-r? 1’ly . TRAVELER« tMt h year. When no nue h «i.ecih-f« M Pavelte Idaho. »J /•.7.O. HAR i enp ion - wi.l iKgin wi h th« NtimliwL lhtl : hope deferred, and baptism of suf Martin, when he comes • I •JYOTCRY C.‘ ren . at ime ot receipt of ordtr * ours m I But Mrs. Carey; could not take PICKW fering they had loth undergone. Pound vo un.« o. Hur^r’. Maguriia ia luce yvar B uck , in neu. chub bin«li01* ’»u r tv i i t u F* ' ■ « Donald, too, found out that pret matters so easily ns did her more Ti •• be en. by lu il |» og . aiu.on rvi’vi >t ¿f i . f : <• ■ iviü» ! KTfM K BRANDS. fl-’.-’rt-' vr vo unit I’lo h C m e-, . r bi./di.« M I I 1)1« I < llC, ty Carrie Somers, w ho needed I ioiik -. phl< gmat c »j oi*se, world. 5 ‘•tn." earn- l«v noil, |»o-.- aid. 4 K lit < lij«-yil:g iiHtl ' I hi'Il !. an l h iicinng “1 didn’t put t'O icin'on th. c ke.” t fin- lnuex io liar ir’- »Magazine. AI hab« love and sympathy so much, was THE SELF-THREADING Iti*« lux i y. ¡••n in !ha book i al, Anah l’’at. and Cu* < jiirtl, lor V’«». uiii just the one. out of all tlie wnrl»’, »he fretted, “and there wasii’l a mi- ni ciiintuy, th - : i •*’ rks et a . :<» rt), lnc.u irt, U*-iu .'ant, I-50 UjB. truie, w • aro e . . - -. .:!i A set . one vo«. < »o. Clo h, | ,«NI ' aon left for the pi't, arter I had prioi* which ;di ç whom he would have chosen as his iUmi am t" whoulii be mauebv Po«u>a 01 the givaì îkUu; -i- 4 Ww. n .Vi ney oraer, or Prati, <«» av«»i.¡ < |Uh(< soul’s mate; and as she responded l mixed tip the puddin’. 1 might favorably it was nrrangi <1 that so it have sent for some by Deacon H à K ì ’EK ä BUOTIIEpjki OCR CREAT OFFER to su Millers Io THE IlEllAl I I Beardsley's boy», if I’d only know, d send the 1 ntire m t of I •ii k'-ns’ Work, as a. ove di-eri. i il. should be. So t o beautiful mami ns wire in time. And then the floor in the paid, and th«' H ERA LI) fi>r one , enr. upon n i ript ■ ( la It »r» «MB- bought and furnished, a lew lull, a trout bedroom—1 bain t no carpet only (JI) cents more Ilian the su. seriptmn price. This bined ih» Ma gr.n <b st pr. niiiims ' ver off-red to mi scril ers IL-mil > cs« mechanic from the city, mid two pairs of tor it, and------’ 1891 Mail, or call at the H ER A LD oiliee, Bums, Orr gon. al skill. the twin souls were wedded very quiet- ' •'U.i, bother the ea-pet. mother, mom useful ly and moved into the in. I If Vivia can’t put up with w hat and pmctic»! Hu.rcr’s Weekly. • leiarnU, and And there, to day, "it one von We’ve got. she must go elsewhere; all known ail Wholes the might find good vid Uncle •ven nut 1’11 risk her. Rules forSolf-meaxjrGrflent ■ vantage« that ■ B « - M . over vest, <k-k. » smoking Ins pipe, telling stories, or paper?" make a tew i •p KudiT arm«. STENGER. BK Yiirr K , »rvr penta <t ' < ing machine t • U h 11 te The snow lay white and pure kinging sea songs to smiling louiiit- < WoÉbEf HO N EST GEMTILE CLOTHING hbM lune g,. wnnaM <« h e ani regNiu t( I.M M kac - ' deliratola lo Iraro R GENTLEMLM i-»«, trunnuU v ;<ri p seinili it-e «>f i vuiu , H l aters; while in the ether, ice Lome ridg.a of peml, over al! the fa! to ho.1. fi «tu* ara «f mi ir i. ttU . d>wrni F Bov« r«»«s M or .» «s ». -am* ed a.♦ a unirti iteti ’;*» 1 np^r aut ph&oe .ifi of Rosa Grahum, Mr». Weston nets icn logs and unsightly atone walls, IS Y »., »Iinpi,- ) • e D’ogreM em. pne*.. e a ia .,n. equi ' Either Rich' »»r I rfi « nh a>u itile;v<*i ìiik . «o ilie timi the roll of Louse keeper, und Nellie iriiiging Hie solemn old cedar tree» il e persi ne a .d a< h«-i vwincu e ,.f . ur ù, l»e< irò Shppic-u tu x vi.i ivi.i.ii.aed Gray us seumstr. ss. Irmi.d und and turning the woods to cathedral; ».Iff«: r H The» wilHe Jterur .e ieu: Itti. unii companion. Betöre she Came there jarches carved in dazzling marble' . ri. a . < ritirai, Up «rahi a.. ..r .¡< a rip ue he .»<•< ao'-'U noi ue na i i, uu i wi>. toni BROWtl çfyiïÿwpiB coto however, dear old graimu.a had and aiabaster. when Farmer Cary’» ue i<> desi r^e ihe huar. ) < «»ini* elidil i, u ..fa Kauz«—* rani .-• hih I v , < ncg..n. enee*. ati„wooi-,ytspíM «a» bit ..weu . i. ] LR irsiiefi b ,he yi ui.ii i he pubiir. .'‘iRihu.i passed from the humide attic tu a old Lox-sleigh, cosily lined with j ’ -uro»-. tiwp BRÒWNoiMf/úBi r. « -ra r <*wun:>,'»rexun. Wteki. ulil. ■■ hereioi« • e eu.leu withi higher, fairer, and m..r« glorious ! buffalo robes, jingled up Io the dour, « i h i ie..ari' iur thè <¡1 a 1 i«e <1 a U eke Ei « e t i inu \lePor lo «vvr buine. Ä' vöüth s; just about dusk, und Vivía Grey home in heaven. F j *B $ 2.50 S50O ',S.* $8?l PKK YEAR Every one, indeed, who had ever j ran into the kitchen, like a fur- iiAlil’KK WEEKLY .......... > ÏD. It. CO. aro Whuletole Tailors, and rae’r« i Aiil’EK'o MAt.AZiNK been kimf tu Rosu, was sought out 1 robed fairy, to Mrs. Ca rey'« nu ) tho bast Ciethinif on Earth. In case our gu<«U o.imiot bo obtainod FIAR.K V f -o:a v-no* Mtaltr, and you wish to try our ijoo I cloth»«, »an t u» the iAJti’l-.R'» l’.AZAK.............. BY. N priee of th« suit, tin J it will be Mnt by exprès or m til. If t'uy do C a TTLK und piuviued fur 111 some way; and small astonishment. !/. KPEl.-’r» YOl'Ml i - i.-l E S »u»i p’.cait j*ou H-ftm raerfuoi, t Aoy e<*n b« rttumad at our expen f, WEARIKO P.-ningu Ere. tu all ani a. rii vi. u. i he l'M ) and we will eh:erfu!lf refund the maney. Our elegant anparrl, There was nothing so very terri .»•i I efi ai e it is the delight of Lona id and '¡n • s. < u Mua, cr Alex •. . 5 quoted above, i« made from sutniCantial fabrics, hirmoniuualy yOOjÿ The V., univa vi i})« »Vet-k’.v v.lh S trimmed, perfect in fit. and eut in fashionable ntyle Ail thie, Charlie to n uke sunshine in many ble about this citv visitant, after ail i A .spin he ti si Number h.r .a*.nur « I tntfcther with rubctantial workmanship, U what hae built up for uh the Greatest Mail Order Buelnees in the World, W» claim A neu nv time is mentit«. t<>, su b i darkened Lomes, and du all the —u delicate girl inn I lue meriti',' to bu tho eheapuet Clethinr Uouee tn A meric*«. ' vkì i v.i.h the Number «Une,, ai .im BD. L. HÜMTLIY dE CO.. t eip. uf ««ruer. good they can with the wealth dress, and gold brown hair falling 133 Atop 121 HaaaBT H tmmkt . "• ui.d VuiUinriof Ifurpvr'« W«*ek (» ruitoffice Drawer M?. CHICAGO, ILL. omis ¡ m k. iu; «.*lvih b.n .J , OreK..n K anjee Heaven hue given them. in a rippled cloud above her oval malt P* B'Hge pHid, vr bv <« n ir.e.T P peiiBu «lie freight «.. « b „iCA teJ SEND SIX CENTS FOR POSTAGE. CLOTH SAMPLES FREE. face—a girl whbse shy Lrowti eyes per Volume*. («>r |7 • « u tviume. < lu h < t.Bes ft r earn V<, u., e s-i-iküt MABllA'Ii CJ »IHílMAl GIFT. looked at you as pleading for love, iiiuing will Le Beni, u.» mai, i> » -i.iib,.»n i*ipt »«f ♦!. and whose month was as pert and nemiiiaiK «a slmuld be ii . bg «* < .-.vite « irfier « r i.ruii, t». av» i>. A gray December twilight; the i luvely as a rosebud! Mrs. Carey AndtheCheapeti Audites: HAKPEit Si 41 >F { leailes» woods hull' hidden in the ' felt her fears being gradually dissi FiMinPra vii th ■ H Ale efi Hip. whirling clouds uf mtuw that hud be pated. as Vivia threw off her wrap .•ar »arai gun to 11 utter Uiruugh th« chill uir pings in front of the huge tir. place. rup T- hr .. . —FUBLI8HKD.— iJmier b .a*< as the tun nent tluwi.; a nu-liii.- 5^(Joldei)QeQ8^r ■'We've got a lire in the front Harper’s Li chuly wind aighuig Ka.liv down lliv i room," began Mrs Carey, but Viviu BENT IM THE WORLD. It ? wearioR qualities are unsurpassed, actually 1 L 1. U 8 T R A T bl 1) Valley, where lucky hiiia hmu up did not alli^ her tu iinish the «eli Or ROCKTORD, UdLUTOIB. outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Not eSactud by boat. ITGLi THE OEM VINE. Ke'abliahed Tw.aiy Ye re; • V««re. 4» e»lum«% Oil each side uf tile steely gleanin g te nee. without Bdw«*rlif>F«nwitf». l»»ecMrio, uupar- F0R8ALF. BY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyr tieau, but ear» ret fc»r truth and pwritv, tench in x H arpxr ’ s B asak ia e j.'Urt a * bt.itikled Ch riot, hat with tbn t*ruw«iw< chamy. Bare a eteau •i.inx ihela.b L. 1. rn x-.v 11 river, and uidy the red light ln.m relifione paper in vour family. IT has ie hobbies or "'Oh. never mind the front root; ». *ir "S-wreti; h" ite Ho. . LBbiut S .18 llUil.eo is U erot< heta, but eerka to a-ipp y the place of vile, or lo P U, 1 to. u 1U ; H ieri. Bl. et Bu, ; - ? aimer Carey'a kitchen window aimleee readiajt l»v that * hioh ie who-wo^e and true. she said, eoaxitigly, “itV to bright • iiu.fipvi khi le u ike lo ú.e /».. It plenaea the children wud th* oM people, and its H. .. lie I r.-fctosiu. al «n. . Ate •eeuuid to t.righten op the »umber I ai d snug and cheery here, Yuu'ii 8ttt day-oehool leneot*» are helpful A wrnu-fl each week and a eplrudld etorr. Oaaljr Sl.M » leer. to BT’Mie-. in i h ÜB t>; b i Id clubs*. F:vo fo* Fiv< y.lLara. Sampleoopiee free. • F YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVER acetic. For the great log tire lout let '.ie stay, won't you?'' i L*. high, e « rdtr. b < e> • ai or p.a « ar.u iL»ug. u. • "BED ID5 ” si “ TBEWDRlTFBE ’ '5JffliiUi blazed in the cherry throat uf the 'Mgiy* SMITH & WESSON'S t<B ' f, ui.«. 1 b paj.t s ih ; And Vi.ia had her way. ./t . .1 h : d hum.,r in i i* weci» FTJ huge atone chimney waa »utlicient . binp b in- îu ed r iii< h Ko tu bhe was the I riglitest little sun- Combines tbe juice of the Blue Figs of ».. j . fttc* 1 oj i ■: rn^iH’l 4I kc B or* ite. aud i-i-j ua ’ C c..v.couf. .1 in itself to light up the la am tluit night that ever illumin California» so hxativ- and nuuiuous, - ! ar i. kF OU • 'lt.e ti.,l ff- » . u cxpcita. lu ea.Jbrvs IL, i o B n ] 1 rt u ui uni ar the medicinal virtues of plant* id and *iH j(>. or winter glooming that ever emced ated the quiet < Id f.irm-Louso. At with iu Filli!! »ntl < fri. ti ui ) uj ♦ n double action. Saiu.y L irr known to be most beneficial to th* LEAVENING POWER rtcrkM nn 1 Tarhwt bick . It au t. , b or»Btip iro. h. 1 over our uleuk New England 1>1II»| least so thought Farmer Carey and human system, forming the Ob« I V P! !<- I a n c.r pr-r Eest CKnlity errorrt. t umitoheii byTheoi oie* hihi. 1 foci, care»..ily im.-e^.i l t .»k • the above !>rnii<1 «»r bt*l.»n .. 1.. i t- bv V. ul er lkeui-t ai.u TL. tr;. > FECT REMEDY to act gently vr» 1 r workman«:«.Dniut Ki — . ............ It was a large, iuw room, with his wife, as \Tviu run about, help promptly on the Cf the wiotu Baking Powden ill» f, dttitib 1 ty it? -.1 tier -nt ;. L t ( i-O il-wivu 1 i.y < *r - < n ati-un newly whitewashed wails, und solid tmted from actual testa. < t. n s?Ll tor tho gt‘RU«r«* b: c'r. T. < v a e unre* HARPER’S PER1O. I ing to clear away the table, and KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BO^ 1... 1 Re p.-.-.d <*• r-fcn.i.i. T'l® F mhh a Was» x It • v ;.VE « ;i-o sua BMCH v.p.!.i 1’Q I j ri I- with Ih nt'a aainscuting vxtciiUing hall Wuy up sweeping tip the heulth ai.d wiping Per Year P.OYAL » a .'v, iiJditSM i.uddaf”.. f | ummi, ¿n<l sre gtini . —AMD T >—- dARPFR ’S RAZAK. r.*«ter«t perfect. In-l-tui- n li»ivj< z ihevn, « .<i if to the celling; n luom with »mull y tsr . ea;er cannot mi>|Jy you, an or-lcr »c ' Akl'KK’3 MAU a Z í XE OUIFS* (All*) 11> 0 dishes as deftly as if .lie had Cleanse btipteti’EtfsctuaHy, < ?3b»lnw will r«*c**i < *.r*'inpt nt’p-tl 11 K r. j ’a bri •> h Y paned windows, which oddly dis brought up to the trade, and tinally t-»e uai*k>jiie a”<l « r -»ip *’» n-t b — SO THAT - i Ni ___________ i IOH } . IIA I H R> ht _____ B0KF0B5-S • (-nd.).. C=3C=CaBMeBSSm bAIl'xU Y H • U-.C r’reu io all a n>s ri»«iv .■ ¡h« PUKE BLGO3. t.irtcd everything you looked ¡.t A JOURNAL FOR ADFLRTTSLRS. s a es. Canada, or Mexico. seltlug down on a little cricket close nEFRs;tll-,INO SL. EP. through their medium, and chairs to Mrs. Carey’s side, where every The volumes <>f the nacer hertn .vi.h !»• X: knsfi sa tïs Crìi sal Lfteeath Uys cf tick HEALTH and STRENGTH uiiiiihwr f,.r .ia unr. ui «« li and tables which were evidently azi-L *z4 is ths NTTtmUttT» jaaml—Us trade ;« im“ ia men ione I. r i b rip DAW aafi 0. Xe ¡ ‘■lur.,lHM of the blazing file turned her bright N-turalfy f How. Every on« is using it wi h he N’uinner curren, ul -lie manufactured in ’he days wInn in 1 Ul ire d.lighted with it- Ask yi.ut jctrtrt <f Amrieaa adtertlwra. Xt kdlutM to tie uf «.rder. CLZVZLASD-3 SB hair to shimmering gold mir ,f-t fur SYKUP O*‘ F.GS. M.iiu- Kviin i volumes of Harper’s ! a < ir kez-crie»«! advertiser Lew, rhea, izl rlore he wood was cheap, and ¡«eople didi.’i \ear in n«a. cio h oindiu ». wifi üj «e rored Itself in the i depths r-f bttu c 1 only by the itcCl advertize ; haw to write t3 advcrtloenni ; how p. Ha- e paid* or by <sxpr.~ss, frerofexj*' miud a httlu extra b i.k to hit her lial 1 ey < s, ih» freight dote du <*< eoi«»»*' fTAR ■WTïïnTTTT" CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. to C^tey ue ; what tir?;« to too ; hew exh itti per v.iiunie; f. r a Volume. . mound. A bright strip, d r: g Car-I S ä '» F rancisco , C al . Cloth < k «*-8 for e< h fu u-Tie. fell'ita’) e ■‘It's a little dull for you to-night, Ktacy to ee;ead—h fact, Cisoozncs ca mz7 jclzt ex pxicr:.................................... ■BsaaHwaoa ! . Naw Y ork . >• lux -.vili be aeutbr mai. p spani •< ; roreip» pet uu'Uirud lUu tie r,tu-d the ahelv. a mv dear,” mill the fartit'-r. glntn-itig « Uax adzko cf frótate Ccsztda. ¿¿vtrtaäg Is fi h. SNOW FLA^.6»«.rH.....................L.'. ' B1»Z3 iCeibi'tancoB »h >«’d be made h I’- *' •if the wooden cupboard buyiiui.d lovingly at her, as l.e smoked lr.s u art jnctlul V na=7 tet tzdcrstcod I7 Tow. The Mobe order or Draft, fw * n t ■ COXCRIM........................................ B33 Aùrees. HAKI ER A LR JTtlt® œioctars of HTZ taierstzzd It, aad the chimney were deevrat-d with uveuing pipe,' i ut Martin will te BKKXX1.............................................. 13B Culr advize is based n aa es?cH«&ce ef nere tósa layers uf l,kW»ps|Hirs,-cut tn ianei- ’TÄL X’ewepaparB ar» not to r.»p. 1 to tnorr.’nv eight to sp. nd Chr 6 • PEUtO.XAL ANI» «nirr» .......................... .. a twc3t7*tve ytazs la fUciaj tirarti«; extracts for «11 ,.f the auove a Ivertie^snen 9 ful sheila and scullups, whilu divers ' expw.Fi vF'ier of HAR^.iR x N:{ )T i¿F tas? cf the laz-nt azd svt rxccezsftl advertisers. m r«. That s vour cousin tu y ATTE . iiON GIVEN UAKPORS'S (Nee. M). «U» auM. .1 and sundry nnple-nients uf gleaming d«*a»Zt A yafi wkeeriytloa eacts bit Cae tallar : saa;le EN I.*. t 'WEA i' ;, f' ORANÚf PEARL (Andrews £ Cx)............................. B tin, liung op tlm trails, Hashed back , tables rrte. lidrttt "My con» in Mar til»!” repeated MA I l<S etc BUEFGXDI • (P'.wptate), when dm fcweh.. OCO. P. ROWELL Ä CO.« NO i EE GNU: 3 PATEN! BT.IOUIS.MU. the Liightnesu uf ti e tiro 111 e ro OAll.KS.TUX. Vivi.«, nuli! V. Newspaper A* vertid ax Borea«, Beporta cf Govcruact Cksauitx Jf SEI I .M<i>. < OIH.U SIMAD many eyes. ■a Spnree St.. New York. W» vili »*nl Ui» entlrv l’ut Twenty Vi “You'll like hi'.ii I'm sure —hc'b ENC'K . >t.ic, i i.I>. The Royal Biking Powder is composed of &,on vQumsr*tsd sud lU.ser.ijyd »•«»!.-w. tu •» * WellX” said Mrs. Cau v, selling j v.rib*r to this r-siwr fer tha en»uinx ysrtr. wh pure and wholeeome ingredients. It docs not ns Ann S filtnn- ns vv.-r if twnt^ o i» * blltios t" the rvpilar *ub< pries. '-o' ►«. s-^-h oncBÍ which contait cowtain either alum or phosphates, cr other in- SïjJJA3ï ê CO., down on n round pme stand th. f .t' pleì» Bin rei or oih-»r work by s w»l he in U;V «<uii, ’ weiit «in thvoltl niaii. jut »us substances.-E d vvabd G. L om . IV D.' sal po cUr S4lh»»r, sre pm h«J«e» i*i nsa*, f tallow candle she had ju.-t lighted,1 •A im I— ihiw thia» if* a i*er«t, 013 è ùiu m a étroit, IL V7. form t».-. a».- i -u I»".I ri.aJ.ibl » typ« on f “ The Royal Baking Towdcr is rndoubtodiy (tipi'« I V t >. I* lem < lù <-.| snJ inn »y of li«* • « ' KO-.uniy tllneLrstol T‘i»ft usher litiai-ai <1 < i.luu n , rliakn.g' n.v pi.I, ri tm in f f—~ ;.i.«i I uiu-»-s »ri»« tou ne ut the 3a . u wo< \» ever «rii ten t yljS the purest and most rutabla baking powdc: V. A Ili' H i <»N. I». « . the rrwucrt. » cl a»r* l p *|«.i!sr writer« both of »■ sa had t crops. to-<tcu one i.« vo « di >1« u » I o iusu^ tiio light mow from bis p’pe-r-utid-1 Martin tue: i . h to -i r;>r -e b wiih offered to the public. •tCAUtl TM«V ARC * 3to*> Wre. Candín’« «rlnln l.<*etw*t“ •’ H bw > t A. M ott , M. D., Ph. D." Dor«:. a » J f - h - ». Very ch! und very f .nnf, suit covered oven out, as if he ih- it. for I nnlv In-tir i on it ysunfsr veil ». ««Ider ícnerufon ebonl I rem! hrougii “The Royal Baking rowder is purest in qual / IX M. F srry & CoS Bo. •*» A-IV”..¡ >«r-« «tofn lÏMhrlor. Tf! tended to have a good storm with.ti ity and higheot In strength of cay baking pow thor o» • Bij¿h Bainpo e’s Adventures ia XeO’ Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced ter-inlaw Deacon Ih iml.-ley'* ,1 ■. Arrea* '«.Gü-fo.i»’n->k *<y * a.ttijor. dcr of winch I bare knowledge. door», on bis <>wn account ho. lt«iv «»» Mk»k»* atid *«vr 'tejj S eed A nnual who came up hut wie« I M k uhln’t the F*«« n. A v.«ins'>»s europi ist, •»« ff »seta •• V/N. UlcMtBTRIE. IT». D.” b-nt« en I <*i t4*>‘.«on* ,<»r fa* morn ■ «*i B«r’l*>5E F jt ism «inb.rn.iM free ! ’AVeil," miawcred b'.epheti Carry, I wonder 1 Murlin vlionhl firing r. Cannel bs succeMfully trave'ed with- No. St ’ F» «* • ’h» Dûsvtlto to the Nssa • ATI Alum baking powder«, no matter hov. to all applicants, and to la«t season's! XovsJ Ry J”L 4 Vifra ed j :o i I ea”.*t. Te resch wea !h cr an high ihcr strength, arc to be avoided as dan icustomers. It is better than ever. 1 cotupuaeiHy’. ’*««’» ■•goitr to fino* ■ wifi lu re, one of day», to g-1 Xn -‘IS T-m Lille <»• I M«««« •»? ike ■■ I Every person using G'arWes, ■ gerous Phcsnnate powders liberate their pas ce»e:ei psti.len In li e requires tba lull tile*. A Sorel. Ny K mii -8 G i JMOI a O. 1 /Zertvr er Field Serai, fl all night lik« furiation, ati* tie <Ute t.'14 folk.' l-lvi*i*ing » 100 freely, or tuukr dzaa^cs suXXr do N>. *«7 V 13 •*» er»«« YVaasMa. A Ns** pesze.tka r*.d cpzratton cf ell the B should «end for H. Address fl -• B S**«** •«««. - uxiorc k -L. Ne «a Th* I- nd»«» F»wa llrldr. A> altlM rz’irrt Ui er.eowtd »3 wKh. ■ D. M. FERRY A CO. B wind'» m-ttiu* ton nd to the east, I By K s * » T Ap r «r. J I The funnel'« face w Theta ccn“iion| ea.Tr.ct exkt wr etst' e B OITROIT. MICH. M SifwuM ßerrRl*'. Dunsttrr. Largest See«hmeo in the world mfrrttt hadn't a* «ren tor thvm he Fpok... Viv'.i Jii-L phyttaJ btl.Aj !1 la pcr'tct aorMrg The n«»rcn’» Wi l. A Morsi- * or er. aafi this la li-ttoM’klQ abea the « ». j r. _.u muflli r« ymp knit last luuulh, my l fair head sligjil’.v tur- i n- »’er«! uf Rlcltar.l Para« Ihf-rand epkcwve brpid, thusobetraef* Alt. U F« :nrwr. _ Ä ears would ha' Lem clean frute u.l ta| lit oecrel er.s. caaeln^ tndifoetlea ItlAvkblrd till’. A SovSL BF» i ’ Wonhl ion l!kr it?" ar1 ¿rMPtlAo »'>b til ol LhGir k.eo«to- * N-»*ZK Th Gaiamfilaa’* PliH. A Xe*d my head. ’ pan>!«f homra. ‘‘Like ill I gw-»» we ‘hi.ul'i!" X ÚÍ- Th# Uray F..!eww. A Xov< W They were a curiously contrast, d I - ' lint iou wight nt.I find hi» DR. HENLEY'S * *rXj»t. Th«* iUrrsw af a ISecret. AÍ MUplu. bhe, io.y anti f. < ah tub red .uf.<:«|—" English Dandelion Tonic By _*aav r*«i M ài . . _ . . I Na. . Perry wad Iba r«Wf»het. A’ exert* a epedlla inneeaco ever the Iher, with blight bis. Ie «yea, « id a quick, V X < B» W« -«X <k»M.iv*. —. . nu excites It to hsatthy ecOen, reso.voo its “Mv M.u tin w nt’d rever bring No «T Th- »• »rv "f A VI I» chronic eweonimoefo, and prxnotee the Nsvsi '•y th* saahsv bf ’ h* tw Th»ma.T duttering wav with her, lik»a laid, ih'itw* a I : id'* tint wo al.onldtt't lov. .Sa. XU Martyn Wnr^'s T«^|toSas^W ooertdeae: cveoa IMiged on anfi coast** B»r->; r »l.-n. 3 v TF.e.. . a Uii« ho was lull, and »low, and I “TEI..* Xi m AMI tn»4**rsb«t. A pation. tharpeni the acpetHo, tones ep ff Hint I'm eartin,** r.rsweted the the auO-erof" Do»» -****■ ” M il p ¡y. ponjeio'is, with l< ath.-r brown skin J ri the eatl. 9 mtom, aad «akeo I N werth Bo. tK Th« Iskaad H wa*. A Novel- W ... r eor.clusivclr. r Ude«. °N^*’re. The JSz *v■ Uijva» AI«w* 1 r a «1.4 ltd «Sir «»ktllcM, f.aeillled IT. '■» rwj.»v>l I I HÄ* I i THE HERALD Larga V I » 1 ASK FOR IT! ELDREDGE .Wa.HDNnW $lO^SDlT b a t iamtm iawks om a CLOTHES /^^TWLB est FOAZER GREASE $500 . P rinters I nk . PATENTS USE YRRY5 iSEßß THE BEST. Tie Hoadlo Wealth POWDER I Absolutely Pure. a «