E asi O regon H erald BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1891 BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS |D EVERY WEDNESDAY BY BYRD a SON. ¡ rs and P roprietors . should not Witihington to furnish M. D.<tiOPKlNÖ, PBOPBILTOB. EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASS ) i* I ew (B cvn . K<< ra.and Furuitura) and oßcracourt« vt aervuc t< ever) < Cene fri Btacks-faith Wa H. . 8CHLV.KL I _____ L akeview , C. O keuoa su ir.! DRE1VREY ADVERTISEMENT. ■CRTIS 15 B wk I 1 tn< Patents obtained, a c<1 all patent businves attended to promptly and for moderate feet. Our Office is vpp. ai.e the U. n. 1’a-eul office, aud we < an obtain in kaa lime than ;b< ar remote from Waahiigtou. Send Model or Drawing. We advise as to patentability free of chaise; aud we make no charge vulvas patent is eecured. We refer here to‘he P.-atniaa er, the BUperintendcut of Money Order Division, and to officials of the U. S. Paieut office. For < ircular, advice, terms, aud-refervucea to a< tuai clients in yaur own Stale or couulv. write to above address. A House in a Bottle. D. 8. HOPKINS, A kctutect , al Jo kTK—OBEOV* ¡CH DIRECTORY. SOCIETIES. 72^ little LIVER W pills . wk A ••m ®irf‘ ncnu 9« mwitimti . r. S. MAII4I. •»■*» e«M rw |:at K-.w aad ah irosi» e» trial « I»«.*'attea <n Crwrtpaua» l«4 I4UH« ’k" CvCSl)*- _ _ _ tjjT’-jrUii..« ’L" Mi"-» fWSaeaaaa hoMaal/W; n«4 u> •• t ih eae .» aaesate*-« esfla*. 49 pid« »st vp is a atr^n« via abusata to*«arrisila M m I h ik»uis.»« baa* !• 1 »»»Wra vs4 Is b ni a«sr a*»««** *•«* MS * < r V* tm . Ln tow a »ar J • mm , r»•. a touK t —al« ••• eeS SraM. S m S C ot U. I s •««»»•. - pw, HAWTM'B mow TONIC. L PFFirrr- tn atoeèj »rocLAtm uvraB • otc mi an re m saft*»«*« »«•paa*trf>Tv l ■ •a msj avn ms rwBoca «ì esser a «rfsTTsF m . m . it . ( rat ««ru Massi iena at