Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1891)
DVERTI3EMENT8. ■ u s «I Harrs. Orvs»i>. D«sm- ■ ber II luir given thin the follow hin ts, lillvi hull« ills in ».tj»p..rt uf l*is claim. Ki,ini wilt be made bcíoív the L.-‘-civer u- our*i8t uregun, vit I I L vi»: pllCli ilks Klj.ilSEk. NWl; of SE'< L . sv.’u T|. «ni: " M .• LsiioAung uinuffitfr t«> pr»»vc tr«.BÍi»emc upon "ltd < ulti vatIon z jainiB'iiliMHl, t harts ‘ r Lgoii, and Henry t and F. ui dur », Oregon. F .i. H. H untirgtom . Register Luniy Court. lor the County of bey, al ale «4 Oregon: Mlgned tiilsei.8 and legal voters bit, Haruey tvUiity, bta e of ure- betiiiiily I ray that a Ihvise l « asng a K uiMcui.nru tor the *a.e «if ai.u \in«.UB ilqUoiB, in su d pre Fand atu.e, in quunttuiB i«** L fur a peri«xl «f bix in mi . l L b , be- Siiiii.g ircin the iih uay «4 Feb- keVihuvy of August, IW/i, aud ■ e\et pi ay : c.W. Garred, C. M Mact, J l ahuiu n, a L. M browu, J. C .Pniker. J. u. fxeM wine H. U. Level 8, B J. 1. Ne.tlnan. T U.J ne«er, Io Tius Whiting. \\. »V juiii.aou. Win Har»ey, Chas Ziegler, Ueu. W. AuueiaoD, ta, KJ baker, Lun brown, John E. Maitin, r Henry Kit iiarueuii. k. J - Martin, h) Nil Terr,11, Peter Ihvii ] son, Jvhn .bvtijfeb, M . M. I veiling, L«. Hut »peath Uu b kacine, ,». M Mi . al in am y. < hurltB iiclruu, W .u Tobin, J. P. t.arru l, W. 11. l a.Gt ell, A. C. Wurihltigton, ................... Ü. W. Zumwalt. >1. E. Thoh.i Soli, R. FL Kce-:, W. . T. Lu< htti-an, )*. il. Y. ui.g, U. W. Wilc.»x8on, 11. Hoithki»*. F. i urx. A. W. Wa.eiB, Chas W. K> rtl, Jami * U« t shall. Fret! Miher «. II. Fry. Thomas Giannini, A. K bin ¡th, 118, JuiniB .Mehuficy, T E. Alunly, M. J O’Connor, K. il Hu :!ev, .1 P. Ilo'mtB, w H.' anauay, ('. H . I aumati. 1’, Lochvr, Win. lever*. G. W. MDilsvr, Jumt8 briugi*. Austin Go...;man, G W. Mm pin. J. Ln B. Finbree, lime S'e.tmun. Tin«mu* F. Lrink. «> l>. Kt sk. Wm C. shuratt, Chu8. Clink. M K. l.lus*. Th. a. g . I»..« son. Wm. Skinner, S. F. Jvj, II. C. Pa no. frebv «¡ven hai the undersigned i mi..u o the H. nc«»unt) l . ur n v.sia e <.f • re««if, for I«» sei E aud llquo:*, in town of Lun'v an 1 s a.e. L r u period cf the 2d day «>f February. R'Jl THE HREALD. HAH I.AROF.ST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWsrArElI IN Tills COUNTY. Official County Paper. Local News. | —Mr. Al Jones, of Drewsey, is There is no reason for discourge- j ment from any source. Though ! visiting our town this week. the grantees of the state are every —Fine brand v, nt Long A Bosen-' berg’s, for mince pie, sauce, , etc where hard at work to harass set- I tiers and prevent and delay the Try it. i land department in giving a decis- I —100 tons of hay 24 miles from | ; inn finally settling the mutter, for I ! Burns—for sale at $3.00 per ton— - which they are trembling every de inouire at this office. cision yet rendered b/ Hie depart —The O. C. Company Hunting IIAIlSEY ClirSTY ITEMS. ton Oregon have a full stock of everything in the mercantile fine. JANUARY, 7 Send in your orders by mail, parcel or wagon load. They will certainly —Notice the premiums offered bv give satisfaction. T he H erald . —Mrs. Paul Ixx?her desires to —We now have mail twice a week thank the citizens of Burns who on the Prineville route. befriended her husband by signing —H erald is only $2.50 a year a petition to the state court showing, now is the time to subscribe to a conclusively, the job put. upon him. live local newspaper. that a few parties here might make —Come to the debate to-m morrow ' a few dollars. evening nnd tell what you know —For the H erald —I desire about railroads. i through your columns to express niy —Attention is called to the ad- gratitude ( and thanks, to Thos. vertiseiueot of the Masquerade Ball Parker proprietor of the Arlington to be given on the 12th of February. Hotel Baker City, for his kindness —Persons wishing to purchase and . attention to myself and sou potatoes, cal) on Sam King; his po Irwin. We were unavoidably de tatoes are first class and cheap. tained at his hotel bv the illness —Do not fo-get that Ed. Walton of , my son Irwin. Mr. Parker gave is ready at all times to give vou a us the best care and attention pos nice smooth shave or hair-cut. . X 1 sible, for which we are proud to rec- —Harney valley is blessed with'-, ‘omend his house to the public ns an open winter and plenty of feed. being , first class in every particular. Hay is offered at $2.50 and $3.00 a C al G eer . ton. —There will l>e a social dance nt the Town Hull next Friday evening, January 9, 1890. Tickets, 50 cts. —Received at the Hardware store two crates of queenswarc, also a full stock of bird cages, hanging and bracket lainus o —When in town during holidays ■‘drop in” nnd see Tex, his liquors are of the best quality, nnd given to you by tho polite mixologist in any shape you desire. e . —The sporting faternity of Burns is 1 not in a very healthful condition nt 1 the present writing. The old saying that ‘'there is honor among robbers” does not always hold "ood, i the absence of a greenhorn whom in they can easily fleece, they try i their hand at fleecing each other. To say there is any honor in gam bling is folly; it causes many riots, and even bloodshed and murder. , The lite of an individual is not held as invaluable by sporting men. b/it ' the contrary, life is freqently fallen ( over the paltry sum of a few dollars. For example, one of our fellow townsmen was held up last Friday 1 and com|H-lled, at the muzzie of a - pistol, to give up money won at the gambling table, another has brought suit tor sJ’-lOO double the amount he , claimsto have lost at the gaming table. ment has been in fgvor of settlers and against the demoralizing Cali fornia firms. Pempejus’ officers were quarrel ling among themselves on the eve of the battle of Pharsalus about the booty they were to have and the officers were to enter after the battle was fought and victory gained, so sure were they of success. How woefully were they deceived. The opponents of the settlers are trying to make it sure to the people that victory will be on there (opponents) side, and while under the influence of such scare, to buy off some of the settlers ostensibly to eave these from utter rout nnd distruction. The swamp claimants know that decisive buttle is at hand and by their certain defeat ‘ there” land will lie gone. It is acting upon tne principle of the robber- w$Io admin isters diinks to a man nnd while under the influence of liquor em pties his pockets. While the honest settlers are thus seared mid almost reduced to poverty, conqielling them to leave the country, the swamD claimants send off affidavits that the settlers left and are leav ing the country because of its being swampy in character. By this they wish to avert certain and crushing defeat. Is tliere any principle of honesty in this sort of conduct? If this is honest, then please tell us what is dishonest. Reduce this Mnchiavelian policy to lower depths of iniquity and corruption, if you think it is among the possible. C icero . 5 Special Notice. In the matter of the County Sea Harney County Oregon. MASQUERADE BALL, AT THE TOWN HALL, At Burns, February 12, 1801. Floor Malingers—King aud Suite. Carnival G reat R eduction sale ! GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! We have a Larger Stock than ever, Wi carry the Best Goods; We want Your Trade, Grand March at 8:30, sharp. Good music has been procured and no pains will be spared to make every one comfortable. TICKETS (withoutsupper) 1150. SPECATOR’S TICKETS 50cta No males allowed to dress in fe male attire, and competent inspec tera will be at the door. Fur lUile. WE WILL SELL Seven miles south of Burns, 150 ............................... 17.00 per. Barrel. Flour at.... tons of fine hay for sale cheap. Ry .............. 9.25 “ 100 IL*. Sugar “ .... Green Hudspeth. He offers to fur ‘ ’ ” ’. ’ 1!................... 4.00 “ 100 tt»s. Bait ” .... nish a comfortable cabin, that can goods at corresponding low prices, during our GREAT And all other _ l>e occupied by the purchaser while REDUCTION SALE. feeding the hay. Reduetions are made in every Department of our large stores. gST-NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES, Kot Ice. C ILEA PER THAN EVER. Yours Truly, The subscription to the mill fund has been due for some time. Parties THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF HARNEY COUNTY. still owing their subscription are 3-50 here-by notified to pay up immedi ately, for the money is now an ac tual necessity to pay up indebted ness and carry on the business. J. DURKHEIMER & CO., Don't Head This! After Jan. 1st 1891, I announce to the public, that I will not let any account run over $5 00; and when account reaches $5.00, vour bill will be presented, and after said bill is presented no more credit till said bill is settled. L ee C aldwell . NORTHWESTERN MAIL and TRNSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, --------- 0:0-------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, Entitled to the Beet. Now at this time comes on for RATES or FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: 99.M Burns to Vais consideration the matter of the —Mr. John Pratt, our tailor, Burns, to Ontario.................................. <10.(X> I All are entitled to the best that T.50 •' West Fall •• “ Grove City................................ 8 50 wishes to inform the public that he . 4C« •• ” Drewsey.. county seat of this county and the their money will buy, so every fam M •• Beulah ................................... • <» 1.00 •' “ Harney •• • Pine Creek . 2 M I will l.e pleased to receive orders for legal place for this court to hold its ily should have, at once, a bottle of Baggage, 3<Mba to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must any thing in his line, at hie ranch the la-st. family remedy, Byrup of terms etc. >>e way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. two miles east of town. o Figs, to cleanse the system when And it appearing bv the act cre costive or billi ms. For sale in 50c H arry F loyd , N eri A cxi . es , J. C. P arker —Married—nt the residence of ating the county of Harney that the nnd $1.00 bottles by all leading Gen. Sup’t. Division Agent. Burns Agent. [’. F. Stenger, on Sunday, the 4ti< 4-7 tewn of Harney therein ‘ Was male druggists. inst, by J. C. Parker J. P., Mr. the temporary county seat thereof, Henry Chambers nnd Miss. Ellie Advlee to Motheri, that thereafter in accordance with Mack. Frcm Riley. \ Mr*. Winslow'* Soothing Syrup hit* n*ed been 1.0NO «k i OBKNI URG said act and on the 2d day of June by milllttna <>f mothers for < hiluren teething f« r —Wo were visited by our road Born—to the wife of Mr. Jas fifty yewra with pvriect su< ces*. It re ievss lALE: 18C0 the proposition of the perma the overseer, Chas. Ziegler, last Monday. Smith on Dec.—a son. little sufferer at ouce, produces neural, sleep h freeing the rhihi from pain Krebv given. That under and by He complains very much of the nent location of the county seat of quiet Miul the liitle »herub awakes as “bright as a MART BRENTON,........ ................................................ Propriety. |< ti.Ln ksi f the Hvii Cir- button.” Itiskery pleasant to taste, soothes Mrs. Simon Lewis cut her hand said county was submitted to the •het n.c Mit.e . f » rig. n 1« r Harnet citizens of bis road district, and hiltl, soft ci a the gun«*, allays pain, re it <? 11e< t< d nnd t.i-iiveiid up. h a save it is almost impossible to ^et , wind, regulaies the bowe-s. and ia the severely with a piece of broken glass legal voters thereof but not deter lieves L iu 'tn-’viert nnd eiaeied .1 iuiu The proprietor of the Red Front Livery Stable assures the pub be» known remedy for dirrahma, whether aii. nv vf t»< 1« i t r A D i bU, in n«- them out on the roads to work their arising from other «anaen. 7.6c a hvtt'a lic that he is prepared to accommodate in every way in bis a few days since. Lurt. d.»it g* umli r lhe mined. , road tax. F Re’i hnr< «k <«»., p-ui‘ «iH', »mu line of business. buv, Gciem-ani. for iha mm vf That on the 1st day of July 1890 House and ijotfor Sale. Eugene Boone of Surprise valley Lied f.iti«n ai.d t-P.oo uoi- iuf —The Burns Literary club will a Peremtorv writ of mandnmus was H-ieoii a. ihe lait* ‘»f * pvr cum Rilev id .he i.Mh • at of < • K.L h t . A i« ini-et tomorrow evening (Thursday) is attending school nt the A good house and lot. situated £M»*Hay and grain con stantly on hands, and careful bands. issued and served on the county in the town of Bnrns, can be pur e further num o: .’.'4 < < t- fi iuig house this winter. ; L i>i d vJieifub b> n.i<: ju^gnicnl in the hull over T he H erald office. jurhool clerk of this county commanding chased cheap, for cash. House h ud i c ;v.CKtd t.i c tiui ieeti »hu Question for discussion: Should tlx fi.i6-riied teal fr. per.y pievi The fellowing are the visitors that him forthwith to remove* his office well built and furnished inside, con hiv me bv \ irfi'e «»i a - it of at government have control oftlierail B<; . u. vf the abvvc i timed <. uri, attended the entertainment given roads. and records etc to the town of Burns taining 4 rooms and one store )$«■ and t.’ir- : < *i up toile«*, 'o- *...< ! ihe Nor.hyast ar. and the at the Riley school house on the which order was on said day obeyed. room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran Ki* .*. qr. of I-- ti. u ivuriien'l-b —We are indebted to attorney Kiriy * x(.r) .-«.uih of range ihir tee deed will he given. Apply at evening of the 25, from Burns Mr. |t v, M. in Harney Cviuutv, Ore- C. A. Sweek, for the copy of Judge That thereafter the citizens of H erald office. |F«di8i.v ruld judgment anu ail and M tb . WitzeJl, Miss. Ragon, Mr Harney appealed from said order 11 lie kd i.ay of February A I> Lord's oppinion, which we print in kpm.vf Bind day, in front of and Mrs. Rusk and Mr. and Mrs. V, f ooorin Harney e.-untv, Oregon supplemental form this week for our to the Supreme court cf this State Attewtk». it v and iniensi the raid A. atone Byrd, of Harney, John E. Roberts, MRS. LOUI8 RACINE, - -- -- -- - -P roprirtrmb , which said court upon argument he i.aive d«*s< rile« pr* perty, «»n readers. t sep emt er. AD 1>9 . ar public \ of Enterprise. Geo. Cawlfield and Of all persons still indebted to of said cause reversed the order or i bights li.dder for < ash i»i hand B urrs , O rboom . undersigned on E ast O regon H er —The school Directors of Burns “ l i’ sister Miss Canle. of Swamp lu I e i-pp led in saiiBiaetiun of judgment of the lower court, there ald nceounts, viz: subscriptions i and all t. s r. A large and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. district now have hopes of negoti creek Mr. nnd Mrs. Best, of Buck .h uay vf Lei ember, *.8W. A. A. CO .VINO. by leaving the town of Harney the subse<:uent to Nov. 28 1889, adver Tables furnished with ail market affords. Sure to suit tho L fehcrift of Han c <«.unt>, Or ating the bonds voted for building creek Crook county, Mr. Johnson temporary county seat of Harney tising and job work done prior to public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a Uhl. a new schoolhouse. The string and wife, Columbus Johnson, Jas. UT1CE county until otherwise determined March 1, 1890, is called to the fact ency of the money market has been Street, Martin Baker nnd family. upon trial by the courts of this thnt payment must be made before llviure and Order of Sale. ger-GOOD TABLE SERVICE | b.’ these prisen a, that pnrsu- the cause of the delay. 18th day of 8epteml»er, 1890, to Thos Allen nnd wife, Chas. Lillard State. b»f he cirt ukCourt, vf the state save further cost of collection. Bar icy Count*, made anu en- In view of and respect for the de —W. N. Jorgenson our silver and Wm. Jacobs, of Saddle Butte I- uav of October. A. D. land. In a D. L. G race , cision of the court of lest resort of K T. Motley ia plaintiff and Mias. Rosa Dickenson, of Sage-hen smith, is doing a fair business and I, I. E. McKinney, uninea 8u«li- this State in this matter and the Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. h4i » and Ei zabeth E. MoHe<, good satisfaction. Bring Walter Parker and family, Miss. importance to the taxpayers of this [the sum of Two hundred and giving L.llarB anu lu ]H-r cent interest May Parker, Nellis Parker and county that the business transacted k<m from the las: named day him your watches and clocks that Gods blessing to humanity— So Mum of fit)-two 4<-IU j uollata, Byron Terrell nnd family. by this court be legally so. need cleaning and repairing, he bsemente. and Fifty dol.ata al says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety itor «he foreclosure of a <er- We do deem it justice to ourselves ■Kc,oi<.ate >l.e «th day of Au- guarantees good work. —We received a progrum of the as officers and the taxpayers of this Years Old. mii . u n aue by aa.d <;efeu<!aut, W. H. CANADAY,.................................................... P rofrietor . Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I Lto the paint iff herein, up-.n entertainment but have not space to county that the onlv legal place — Wm. Altnow county commis- ■ Suuihues and s>. n lieuBt U have used the Oregon Kidney Tea -----------:----------- O------ 0---------- :----------- mu <1 the Sou hwest qr. <<f ' sinner gave us a call Monday, he publish it.—Ed of holding court in Harney county [qr of Section tigh ten lb) in and obtained immediate relief. It i« as by law directed in the town of ben(i9) bouth of KatiRe thirty- reports Drewsev and vicinity in Nothing but first class pictures leaves thia Gallery. Duplicates is God’s blessing to humanity. I bic W M.. in flari.e.» c.unty. Harney, From Heil-S. furnished at reduced rates. C^’Give me a call. Ki ting inc to sell Baid lam.8 to 1 good condition, not much sickness. take pleasure in recommending it to It is therefore ordered that the Iree as may te. |r, 1 will offer and ae'.lthe whole i I E. McKinney of Drewsey is liav- E ditor H erald ; The report has clerk of this court remove his office the afflicted. I am now nearly nine livit: The of the and been circulated that the swamp and all records, books, papers and ty years old, came to Oregon in 1842 , ing a alight attack of fever. 1» and the of the i. K.4 E. W M.amt all the right files in his custody pertaining to in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay ■id teaie which RaidJamisT —Our worthy and efficient Sher- land contest of Henry Miller vs. the courts of‘this county to the Company, and since I began using ■ thereto had on the raid «.th i.av ■ h ’.!. for < nah to the nighist b.u- • iff, A. A, Cowing received notice settlers on what was once Rod’s, Kction at the < ourt h-.uae door, offices provided for him for. that the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good f Harnei. biate of Oregon, afore- ■ this morning, of a meeting called having been decided in favor of purpose in the town of Harney the health. ■ g at one o’cioi k, p tn, oU Tucs- ' at Salem the 20th inst., of all the D avid M unrot . settlers by Mr. Vilas and also bv temporary county seat of this coun ■.f February. A 1» icDl. ■ y band, ihia.Ld aay of Decem- ■ sheriffs of the State. As thif jneet- Sec. Noble, have been carried to the ty, and that he have a copy of thia A A. Cowl so, ’ ing will be one of importance we Take Before Breakftwt. Iriffof Harney < cunty, Oregon. hope he can make his arrangements Supreme Court of the United States order published in each of the news papers published in Burns this P roprietor *. The great apetizer, tonic and liv SMITH k RICHARDSON so that he will be able to be present. and that there the judges are of county and State er regulator. In use for more than various and conflicting opinions as lonrt of thè State of Oregon far W. E. G race . —County Court, —adjourned 50 years in England. Positive ilarney Uuuuty. regards the jurisdiction of the Sec Clerk. Lual'l term—last Monday did not know specific for liver complaint. Bad retary of the Interior to cancel ap By order of the Hon. County I taste ii: the mouth on arising in the if it was a court or ‘‘some other Sho* seppll«« Wits all Masts market aEerds. C^-shov «sposila Posi«*««. proved swamp lists. The Oregonian Court. morning, dull pains in the head man, ” whether it was Burnsor Har u. thè ¿bove narned defer.dant: is responsible for this report. Where and back of the eyes, tired feeling, me <>f « beliate of urcgoti: ney, or Harney or Burns, or Burns bv Bummor.ed and required to it gets such information it is diffi State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu diziinese, langour—sysoins of liver bove eti iilcd Court on «r bvfore and Harney, or both places or— complaint. Remedy—Dr. Henley’s [thè next re;;u ar terni tliervoi cult to understand. Certain it is, cas County. pi «n of ih_« rt-qnirej ter there we’ve lost connection. English Dandelion Ionic Relieves there is no truth in this report. pii ratio i of th b n.itice, io alt Frank J.Cbenev makes oath that constipation, sharpens the appetite r.»ni thè < a e of ihe flist può i- The people on the land referred to ha is the senior partner of the Arm and tones up the entire system. [and aatd tiri; dav of raid tcrm —A remonstrance is being circu LUNABURG k FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O seoor . In vf Ma». A. D lWt. at thè |»ai<i Court In <lie Cvurt Huuor lated in Grant county against the are in constant communicatoin with of.F J. Cheney & Co., doing busi Get the genuine from your druggist bit. Io le h«>lt.en for thè «me knd thereaf vr «.uring saia ir*u petition which will 1« presented to ¡officers at Washington and are ness in the City of Toledo County for 81, and take according to diree $3, J 03 Stark »t Esala aad Skaao. al the sear ksat «aalltr. fata MosSsa* |.ihric, bere f« re, Le '011 a..u lions. htiffs (-.»mp.aiiit in ibis at iloti : the legislature for an Enabling Act jthus posted in regard to the statue and State aforesaid, and that said B. or f,.r wani t’nerv».f «hep alni can assert that firm will pay the sum of 1100 far ■•kenenr agninat v.#n a*» *.<»n I “to allow the voters of Grant county of <* the ‘ land. 1 ” They ” POH SALK. Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. ■ sei < an te hvard f, r lite suin ■ do lai* (li’«); ai.d 10 per «ei.t I ut the next general election to vote the decisions of the said officers each and every case of Catarrh that fe-.Ri ihereou tr-m Augnai j. The Red Front Livery Stable, Baa. na 4« attomey k-v «f otte 1 upon the question of re-locating the have not been appealed and in fact cannot be cured hy the use of Hail’s w«rk m 4 R«v*l<l*s smtlr Sms. Alm. C< ■r dol ara a -diti..« ai pn • situated in Burns, opposite the K>r. i iha? «ertalo promira r» i county seat.” The remonstrance can not be appealed, al least before Catarrh Cure Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers ■ a >«l de Isere 1 by }«u ssid lo Mxor z i Mi* er and by ttoetn | claims that the county is now in the Secretary has finally decided Frank J. Chenev. this valuable Livery Stable for sale; B. rva uab’e ro« ate.era i.m pri- ■e emei.t « f sa «1 arti» n en- i debt $70,000 that tlie county build-; upon the matter, which is now up Sworn to liefore me and sub- at low figures. He lives in the ■ff wbo ia now he ao’e „ |>l, i.igvthcr wl.h het.n «nei . ings are valued at $34,000 that a for consi’leration. With him rests scribed in my presence, this (Jth country, some distance from town, ■f i na id Cor an rdcr io aeP JAMÍ8 COP8HALL - - - ------------- ---- - Proprietor. and eannot give the business the great many taxpayers are heavily jurisdiction in the first instance. day of December, A. I>. 188<J. ber y i o* tu ibe »beriFa bau. ■ ■r of a fa» hvnent « u y aneti e ni attention it requires, is hie reason Such reports are designed to dis-1 A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. for selling. There is not a more Bar ' « ur tr. per v ai hi8«-«.ur.ty | in del* and not able U pay the ■ prò« reale io ibe pavment «.< ! present taxes, that the removal of courage settlers and to debar others } Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- valuable piece of property in Burns B» 'bar •be<’»,e of *he « Hrr of ■ ternally and acts directly upon the and any one desiring to invest in ■r f a&iei < urt f« r tb * | ub’l- j the county seat would necessarily , from en’e-ring the land. ■ create an extra expense of ($25.000, We wish hereto state for all such blood and mucous surfaces of the that kind of property, cannot better themselves in any town. Call iin- <>r 30000) that ha I f t he voters arc as are in search of land that will system. Send for testimonials, , mediately at this office or on Mr. j>->t taxpayers, and wouldn't ha ¡net pnxiuce giawl crops of grain and free. i W ilson, for vou are likely [to lose , to the taxpayers to allow that ele- hay. that there are still a number of Full weight given. Good bevf or the block. Mutten, pork, F J. Cheney a Co., Toledo, O. a bargain. The Stable is just wbat ( —ÍST1 gaaaa, when on the make«. meat to move the county seat etc. places vseant of very valuable land. f^'Sold hy druggists, 75 cents 1 w* recommend it to be. THE RED FRONT LIVERY STBALE, THE FRENCH HOTEL. Burns Fhotgranh cJ^allerv, BURNS MEAT MARKET. Portland Boot dt Shoe Store. 3BURN8 BUTCHER SHOP.