BURNS ADVERTISES!! NTS The fact* are clear! y itated in the piniir-. if Burna did receive a ma­ jority of 8 vol»«. Bum* is the coun­ ty ae.it. »nd court canoot he held lrgallv at any otner »lace And in proof of rueb being the facta we hare a legally certified copy of the return» of the elecuua from our county ch rk over his own ngnature In that opinion any man of com- mon wns- can we that blank rote* c-jt no figure ia tie case. THE HERALD. BOOK i THE NEW JOB OFFCE ( m»«ffie. 1. “J™ r‘r*" Hand in your orders Fur letter Head». N«e Head*, Bill Heads 'a Envel- Opes Bur Card*. Porter«. Hand ! fl*. Calling Cards, Weldiug CaUnrt». Funeral Notice», etc . ■F*AI1 Mi Material » fresh, and of best quality. Price» reasonable Dealer in Cenerei Merchandise B c kss , .... OBSSCS C0SSTBUCTÎ0S OOMPANT. HUNTINGTON- ----- -OREGON w uni K11 î A RETAIL IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CASH ! A. CASH t|| ROBBINS, Bum». Ha» a Large and ____ __ will be »old to |wnple dirt cheap CASH! Give him a call jumping into a 1 uniter »irm a>xl »kqwang owr the__ the souw and rain. Bed ruck Prices fur CASH OKLYlj afle- I SALT. rs. coal OIL. ETC. SULPHUR. BARBWIRE. ETC, rTV BOOTS SHOES A DRY GOODS. STOCK COMPLETE. _____ ------------- O-; O ----------- - All order» receive ; roaipt and careful alter.boo. with ONE I RICE to ever, bodr. ^Proprietors af Huntington Warehouse. solicit enrrespoodence DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRU TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS. PUTTY At E GRACE. Paorairroa. STRICTURE! W Y. Jorjas» DEALER IN Permanent yCaseU without Cutting Bortarg ar Dilating. A perfectly painjew treatment and a guareen- teed cure ia every case, no matter bow tong »landing This treat­ ment for Strict are. ef Dr. Boxwel. a. is th- grvatert discovery known to Medir.-e It dissolves and com­ pletely removes the Stricture with­ out anoorauce or pain to the pa- ths* til ‘ LT* dàtractMa. Ia ocstry Fsfier» beve the f r-a:.- FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS, Etc. Ha» just been Received. HYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOD 3W Everythfrg guara- teed pure and of the very ie»t patent medicines sold at marked price Watches and Jewelry. Clocks xnd Silverware. DISEASES OF MEN* Peru!.ar to their Sei. and not prop­ er to name here, iodading all those debcale Inf-title» and Weakness-« which they would shrink from dit- cJjmr g to" their family physician, permanently cited in les* time than wu ever knama to Medic: ne tef.ee bv Dr Boiweir» “New System of TreatraenV" It rejuvenates the gm- ito-urinary organs aud UAakra weak mer Ftr«g When poarible. it is al wav» be*t to call for pemjdal consultatioei and sp-eial examiuatijr. But thaw who cannot possibly call. . Ccetsuhsng Phrmcun. St Paul Ihspenaary, Pori.at.-i. Oreg c, i * «areu BURKS. « — Repairs Watche». Clocks and Sew- it g Machines. E^F"First doe east of PcwtvSEce. Bums. Oregon TOSSO RIAL PARLOR, WM H GASS. ROBINSON A MYNATT. Paoss F.rerythirgin their line guaranteed TLi/ He* » fc haf * wide and we^l knem rime. ?r.rwm< i ! BLACKSMITH. IBRAR ADOLPH TUPKER - - Pio « —GENERAL REPAIRING— EMBREE. M. D M tW Notary Public. BEATTYSORGANSÎ D L GRACE. . A*^ar«Q ty aa>4 pr»«|< r AX-4 Lr-M» J NAT HUDSON. ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. Office BURNS. OR Stoddart and Co Pensio n andClaim A Z orneys. «15 Tth Sc. Wa»hingt«m n. c. SUI *1 E' ■ GEO S. SIZEMORE. B«»» • Attoney-at-Law. N DUSTIN e Harney City and Bu ras P. H PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. t a M c K innon MURPHY u»KK' :iw - - - - HAY A GRAIN : x*d ¿3 fcs