Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1891)
E ast O regon H erald T BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7, 1891 IV—Nc 3 $2. BO a Year. New York Ledger. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. After t he elegant holiday jm in her | of West Shore one would scarcely i ■ = BLIbHEI) EVERY WKDNK>DAY New York: Rober Bonner’s Sons. look for anything specially Hue soon I RY The Christmas issue of the New again, but that .splendid journal York Ledger is a soivenir worthy! seetu to have go» its hand in and of the source from which it etna-! . intends to keep it going, for the last UBI.tSHERS AND PkOPKIE-TORS. mites It contains a choice selec ' numla*r for 1800, just at hand, shows tion of articles by George Bancroft, j : some most beautiful work. It also NEWSPAPER LAWS. A H poiiinn» nniimarer ¡a ivqu»i«.M rcquirea .« to abr notice Russell | I contains an announcement of the cr w ........ - by I Margaret Deland, James [returning the paper doe« not anawerthe when a sui •( riber doe« not ake his paper Lowell and others, who would cer-| 1 publisher that the paper during the ' the office, and the rvasoufor• i a nut being there an American' coi.iing year will maintain this Auv lieglect to do a<> makes the p. s<- tainly wear r re«por.«ibl® to the publisher iur pay M. D. HOPKIN^, P roprietor . academy of "immortals.” ; high standard, which rivals the, ,nv pers.m order, hl« paper dtoecntln- I The veteran historiographer con- j i best work-of any illustrated paflbrl must pa all arrearages or the Publlshtr LMiniuue io send it uutil pa-mem la h js the only gen- EVERYTHING NEW ANO FIRST-CLASS. and collect the whole amount whether tributes to this |>eriodieal ihe sec-! in (llt. countrv. e office or nut. There can be no legal oml of bis papers on "Oliver Haz J ui),e i||llliiratwl w,.,.klv in 1Hp Uni- tinuam e till payment Is made. nv vM‘s »” who takes a paper from t e ard Perry and the Battle of Lake > t(J(| gtntes published mtteirle New i< e, whether directed («» his ; ame or an- Thl» Hotel is a ew (lloCNe, Rooms.and Furniture) and oflersrourteons service to every Gttcsi ur whether he aut-Bcnted ur not, is re- Erie.” bortraying with rare anility j y, ork Citv. Its ^i'script rs willjbe b^e ior i he pay. i fa s’l s riber orders his paper stopped incidents of the carnage and 'beig-Vh,11 nu <tpp»n:tu.*n?Y fo’cJnbp'tc ;in Ume anri the pubLsher contvlucs to the su' s‘ riiMT is bound lu pay fvr it if he fate of the flag-hip Latirenbe. 1" | flir „,¡1,,,. yaluaije.prizes during the IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. it uui oi .he pcsioffi< e. uatoliing tne vrdid sccrTi's depicted FThc courts have rteMde 1 that refuVng t< jne .ispMpc .s und periodica1« ir«»m lhe p. si here the reader is deeply impressed I L .;>• .e.u«in< (hem un< abed for, wiihou Ing for iho same, is prima facia evidence ul with the phenomenal activity of fjaud. the notiogeiiarian, eeahliog him to II. . SJilLAGiSL. ______ L akeview , 0\ iig <» >■ t.y’KHTION DATE«: rise superior to physical infirmity III9TOKY. T ub CrcL»r«Di*oontains ■ Veu. ............ 12.00 •n4 aa«b»«th biatsrv of the grot Amer loan Civil War, pro !<• ...Is, and like Titan, continue to cover I Women are not slow to Chmpre- fusely illustrated, with numerous Aneodotes of ths Bsbelliou: a . ................................ >•’? comp Wo History of a morion, from its disoovery hr Columbus to Horae Shoeing at I-.5Û p eared col) all Kinds of Wo li Ui Piar kantlt Wine. i Moni ns tho present limo; graphic daosrip-lnns of fuuiou« battle« and. Iris canvases io the admiration of | hem! .2.00 feär in advajieo) iaipnrtaut svsn.s laths history of all natioas, shrocologiesl Thuv’re qqick. Thev’re history, etc.« st» - of mankind. IlIOGIIAI’il Y. This «rest work contains the Lives W ah W A GONS, ET C.,- AB U G G I E S, i alive, and vet it w»e a man who the I'rrsidciiia of the United Hints«, from W«'hia£toQ t<» L Imiti Harper’- Magazine....................5.00 llarrtocw. with portrait« mid other illustrations, also lives and Amelia E. Barr, the author of MAfiRTOOBDRX WÏTH NEATNESS, AND OF GOOD QUALITY. rfifieoVen d tlltTOtie reineitV' fiir their pn-trai-nof hspol-oa RoHap-.rie, Shskcspoare, Hymn. William E' t i i H ti'ar'h Weekly ...................... 5.20 rcuu. Frnnkliu, Henry Clay. Daniel Webster, aud sev, ral much admiieu stories, be ¡■•euli ir ailments. The man wus lid and Harper’! Buz;.r 5.20 famous itau stnen, authors, poets, general«, clergjBCS, etc-, A L L W O R K W A R It A N T E I). down t<> the rrMcut day. El i.-uni llar,-i‘r'< Young People 3.75 E. it.-.I Ahien’s Manifold ‘ uh.podia, k.9<' gins in this immoer. ' The Beads of Dr I’le.ei- AQHirUL'l UHE. Vil.inMe hin’ennd nsvAit snggSMlen« to F.rtneri, ucattog of field i u, s, gate« and fenoe«, fcniUxor*. k i; ..dilitioi ul Volume afít-r Vol. 1, Ô5 cents: Tasnier,” a novel of prime interest, farm implements j livestock rating, tiiolu.ilng th» treatment of Eon’s t-xiru i»er v«>!ume. p> 8>ai,e. The djseovery was Iris ‘‘Favorite diseases »f domestiT Riilnmls; poultry ke<-|.iii«, and how nia.lo «ncesssful and profitabl:; b«o ke«piii<. dairr fatniiu*. etc. Th« whose scenes are laid on the shores Pi. heriptiou"—the boon to d< lieate treatment of the«« subjects Is eomplct« and exhaustive, and pr • ad 'In worka can be ex DREWSEY ADVERTISE HEXT. readers th« work of great practical use to farmers and stockmen. [J. i , b .¡t in iht- Beaniug K.-vin. of West Ross, oil the coa <t of Scot women. Why go round “with one llORTICri.TritR. Herein 1« given tho most uoefht hints to «rowers of all kind- of vegetable« «nd fruits, as gathered from the experience of tbs most suceoanful liortiaulturltta. land. Between William Black and foot in the grave,” suffering in si Pit "feh ARCHITECTriTF.. Drains*n<ipl«iiafnrhouses, eottnge«. barns «nd other o.itti-.ii.doiga, «tab ta1u*i>l« sug„cstisa« is Mr. and Mrs. Pennell the Land of li ne.—i lisunderstood—.vh.m there those iutendiug to build. JIOT*FIIOI.n. This wn-« -»«•sins tried rad tested rvclpn« Mist and the stormy Minch seem is a remedy that isn’t an expert- t«r almost every iinaginn'il.i dish f ,« brealHa't. dinner and tea. this d« vnrtnw-nt oloun being worth r.iOre than nine tenth« of I E. M< KINNEY, _ - _ - - familiar localities. Robert Grant inent, hut sold under th«- guarantee th« cook hooks «old ; almost i'liiuiiier-l'le bints, hel|st-.:d «n<- gealious to hon«ekr<-p. rs ; design« r nd euggoaCmi« for making ai«uy be«iitifn| thing« for flio «■loriiniont of homo, in needle begins "Mr.-, Harold Stagg a live that if yoy are disappointed in auv work, emhrol-lere, e:u.; limisou tlormultiire, telling howto be saeeesoful »uh nil th«» t urlo’i« | l«nts; toilet bints, tcllKr.g how Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, K ' I .. k i . wk I 1 «».- 1 - nio I ly story of American- hie. display v. av in it, you can get your money to preserve aud beautify the cou plcxlou, hauds, tecih, hair. St 1., etc. "~r ¿7’ ir -! Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when K h ing a profound knowledge of the hack by applying to its makers MF.HICAU Hany dollars | i dnetera* MBs wilt ba saved auuual v <s evt-rv po«»ee»"r of b «ik through thu valuable t «.*) 1 a a.’ you call on‘-.Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney twenty, Or. 1 1 • 1 iuformstion herein eontshied. It ti ll • hov t » cure, by simple life h - ■ ducri <«•. ine <>|>ening jrst reliable Imino remedie«. available In «very hotn>eh"tl, every U.>* ; . -Uli We can scarcely imagine a wo- i disease and ailment tliut 1« curable this d«t>artr.ien< fornilnff a II/’:'I chapters contain a sinking illastru- man's r.ot trying it. Possitd.- it eosnp eta medlea) book, ft.» valus of which in any homo can Im'-'.' i . o ! . .< • i • 1 I hardly ba eiroptiisd iu doJI-irv ami scuts. lion, drawn it. C. Edwards. INVENTION AXt> nmrOVEllV. tomtarfcaMy Inter, may lx- true of one or two—d>ut we estlng descriptions or rn at luveiiiou«. in hiding the Rtcam Kug ue. tlieTelssrsph. thePrlixing I’n-s«. th» Elaotrio Llrht. |u. 1 Mrs D land* novelette, "To What ths Sewln« Machine. >hs T«lephot»o. the Typo Wilier, tbs Typo i» F >KE: g \ a- ve RTISER.’*. donlt it. Women are ripe f.r it C A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D C. Bstliug Machine, th« Cotton Citi, eto. ,.ur pa ’ rouaue I End ? ” is brought It» a «dose, and so ■l. inl'.t F’’.< ii .-’4 '• THE WOIILIfr*« WONDEIl«. c.raphls dsaerlptiena. Pa ’ euta ob ained, and all patent buaineas atteu'led to promptly tad tor moderate fees, Thev must have it. Think of a B .csire \ir keep OUr fw’i! <Up., r eu as to the beau'ir.illv illustrated, of ths Vellowatonu Pari. Yrsamtte nr >Ui( e iB . pp. site the U. b. Patent Ufllce, and we ( an obiain in a t» » « tlm :1.*.< Valley. Niagara Full«, ths Alp«, Paris. Vosnvlna, Venlao. by ilie Mar ! prescription und nine out of ten I ■ u, s un rciiu.t v ti - t. K . • C Mil with, c.-r is "O<d Ehz.a.eih,’ Vivaria, the Canons of Co1«»r-idn. Mommoth Cava, Natural referring to the El eu e . 1-1 be e ; i -< re it.» e from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. We advise tv»..- put u i 1» free I Bridge, Wa kln« Ulen, lbs White Jleumslus, el«., eto. ,,u our < ircuiu- quise Clara Lanza. b, t'm 6 ft »' !VU F .’.T'". waiting lor it. Carry the news to ,.; rh.ii e. a id we make no charge unless patent is secured. TRAVEL«. Dceertpffoa». prsftteely Illustrated, of ths liflt. h s. li • liis an » »i ijoianu <. i asanus.. -usisuts, peauh-.r forms, rite« and «vremoolaa of the \earlv advei- |p*t.ib .u re •it-:ii>H vp refer here to the I’ustmaater, the Superintendent of Money or-<f ldvis: »n<1 to An udmirutde dialect storv, is them I Publisher. | •. all m Utt’» e, or a n From ihe nh<re bri f mtmmArv nf Im «'intent« M>ms I Is« n* whst a remark« bly InWsstlitg, InntraollTs aM •Kt ia r of the U. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and rvfenmtes . r.< tuui .r iing to space; l "Forefathers’ Day,” by Josiah Al ▼aluabb’w rk th«« MaMMOTn « TCLor.VDiA in msy ba i aiti* y t l>nta ftaetiorial part of lb* topi«« trraUd to ■“v ii 8 I'lih ge.l ex. rn. iv this«r> at work havob^en nsm •>. It Ina »aat auirehou»» < f u <>ful ami entort ining knowl-d«»—upMwotiflSk i entg iu your own State or countv. write to above address. abut iiict.3 use u iini f - ably u of th-b-sf. tndmi# .valuable» work« «-rer publl*h««l I any land or languors. N<« boats ohouM bo WMk |t .> -i •-i j. inn n s. at n«» price. len’s Wife” who is a much appre ©a*, it. It 1« * work In bn c >n«uit-! <v*ry «i»y «nth rowan 11 th* varifUM parploxta'r ©tssMlons that ssostoatto l\dverila ; nen s ti; kss »¡an 1J cent» per The seat of sick head tee is not ariM in writing and mnr rrattou. by th«* fanorr and housewife In tboiT dally dutiss and pnntoto and hf |uet p foe. >early. - r < ent«, trantieni, ciated member of tin community. Unaoas reading no work is were entertaining oc iastrastiw. in the brain. Regulathe the atom 1-* . Yi p. biliuti $- ex ih charge per in Dr. Julia llolmes Smith gives sen WE WILL send the MAMMOTH CYCLOPEDIA coiupietu m hour * [ .• ...i ,,i p.siii* n h a antiinx rea«ier ach and you cure it. Dr. Pierce’s ; s. ..»« i. »\rki« run in wfih sible advice in the current number Volumes, as above described, all postage prepaid and T11E EAST OR Peil- ts are the Little Regulators. L R ." k e' e'. t'p. a ; on h Ivert Iseinenis EGON IIERALD for one year upon receipt of 43.00, which is but 50et. of "Common dense lor Mothers and L M r .P’ fourpn’iii nifoi:«, $1 each. I more than our regular subscription, therefore, you get this large and ■! ' tai it»; io »• •• a * 1 • i •'» ' B. 1' c a iinc. Nurses. 4). 8. HOPKINS, A rchitect . fr-.!aniagc, birth, ai d < csih announce- valuablo work for the small sum of 50 cents. We take pleasure in lin | h Itema Boiii i-ed as new s, A-beautiful Christmas story of a ing enabled to afford our readers such an opportunity. Ry making this Grand Rapids, Mich. PECULIAR INFATUATION. r- . e a; i-u-t s • iferuli to re ¡ h I o I ib . social, Will fiirn’sh Designs of Hows. Cottages, and Mai-sions r‘ng ir. rn fBcn on up to an> West Jersey village is ‘ A Happy je U' ft. ional bo-i cs. great offer we hope to largely increase our circulation. The Mammoth ii-ail >• u a purtfo- r<.U.” office, with Cyclopedia, in four volumes, with a years subscription to THIS PAPER Leaf," bv Mallon Harland, a win Different Method« of Following the In n.a erta s, ai’ verx JOB WORK n.»lr. ub<e It. going for only $3.00._ _____ __ ____ ~ junction •• Love One Another.” ter who never tails to io. c i tom rite ti e ripti.u ned wi'h npfitne.B Hhra ft”d <*« »topi«* Inn »he work. And if you do not find j< r I h T he . a. irt.R- tuibie rules Im < bn .vs u desire made, and I will accommodate < v svcrei spring oi bappn e-.-, and eel >.L . Y. n u ill It «a • heap to erect a handsome h> use » ► 1’. p cif . I’umphlelR De men ever fall in love with ea 1» Wilj ui.i vuU in re constructin£ your pres it vibrating lor all to hear. i id !i<-n f c »er Hen’s. other? N\>te fit h f t fir. s, Ti< Ke'S. Women do. Not Ion# ago a vonn Mr James Ru>eeil Lowell s poem itit illi i. ns h.Higeis, Etc. woman in New lersey was married t»> a ‘My Brook," was written especial!., youthlul laborer on her father’a fa»in. for tins paper, and is a feature oi Mime time afterward it was discover’4'! W« want to toorttM oar «Iroalation very Urgsly (luring tbs n»itsii months— to lout 1«. it, if )><> m that the hu&band was u female; the •Ibis. Tn accomplish thin w« n#vd the oo-opsraHon <>l onr prsssitt aubs<*rlb< ra ami r.<ud«*r If «.* u pri ue impoi lanej; in recogmt O > ol young wiie refused, however, Uioogu •us of our prsMut roads» would H«wur8 for as ••*»««• «'«'"cnfr*''. < hi >* circulation wo-1 1 n~ du n ,1. •ff'owrM. Bnt w« know that II will take an extra««nilnary lnd«"»,m»iil to brii.g «...t ¡1 h . t- d earnestly entreated bv her iri«-n<is. to its value the publishers print it as sfforta of »vary one ot «or prsnant anbacrlbsra—ws «hall hara to iuha » a li k '. i d .1 1 w.. »» s give up her chosen c neoi t. The s ran- ambitious and aniiowe to doubl b our circulation, anil, by ni»«olai arrangsruont witu mi., or uIN 10*4. a supplement in a loose leal with a ge»t part of the diaeoverv was the iacl lug pubilMilug howMW wo are enabl«d to malto you ol.lClAl, bIHl ( TORY. series of appropriate illustrations that toe bride knew lo r husband waa a An Offer Remarkable for Ite Liberalify. Woman Letoie she « ah ed t«» tin* altar. NATION Al.! by Wilson de Meza, in "Mv Itoadit: TV any on« »IU sw'«4us O re Subscriber fo U>i* r f onft yftlr If men do not exhibit V hr atranve in Benjamin Harrlsoe int .......... al th« nub^rlptkmprit’^t w^will gins AbuO'Ute*/ Pre®, ‘ hy matt. t Levi P. Morton Brook” the p< et reverts to the d. y fatuation for one of the r oxn hex. they k'Hidcnt pud Twenty-five Complete Novels-“”'/ moy «»»»* at least, oftentimes, give evidence oi the JainrgG. BLaiue fy of stale xng Hat: >\ illiam Winduui of his youth "when the hours w re fact that th» y love one another. fry of Treasury 1 h< re ■» >». H«r Meal^S eesSwy» ■* las—i M. toss s ia N«. IM. AfewWsrrisgs. Hr WI m Mv« /w.«sra«aA JvhnW. Noble |y ot interior are many msiam eson record wheie one Ms .m. «»l«M»la. Hj IT. Ollass. N» fU. A IVlrkvd Wlrf Rv M .H» far,. H. r U r L ew . m Why, Addle, yon >seda*t cryabeet ReUtield Proctor so-many tie duties so few^ ’ and Ky of War Na. Ml. iBelereo Uy Mrs. Jaaa «. Aeenis. Nall*. Thr l*vwrl wf tls<< O.-rar. R« <« ,v«v«r*. tt! I only said j irs. /11« a wm a very w«U- man has given his hie for another. Benjamin F. True ey N<>. M«>. A II rave tie we rd, By R. L avavesse— N* i»3 Th**<M«l O-km t'hrat. «♦ '<i< a - i .< < »»«, j». by of Navy iufonned uoman, I ».tolled¿oil W0B »4 foUoV Jeremiah M Kuak sings some of the drearm suggested There are many more instances where Na. a? A A Tr—bleeeuse Hlrls Ry" Tea Dvceaas **, Th«. f'Mllf<>r«tli. I'sibiis. H» u r > a „a fry wf Agriculture Iter exanu lo.” Ns »78 Uality erne!«Milt,.«ya— m »«M. DetreLae fU't Ns. IM. T'hr fr’-.rr. Ilinl Hiihfe». if» M r « , nu. \\ in H. H. • fclher w Générai Mita L lb . “Ye«, end V'tweek yen ««Id yee Ns. »77. FalMly Areaaesl. Wy Nre A wn B. RveeosMS. JUi. N- 1». III.. DI muiwh U lir«.«|l|. R» Mr«. H e .•». by the the l.iooc. The imagery is uieu have given lite io another. John Wait“ .nix Iter General Ns. I7S. A False Ave»« t. By Mrs. fi.uows Na IM. <'ll ff<* II «*»«.. Hy Krr* W ri»n<-r, wished I could iuara a to I uk as st w link m Jirc It is a proud p asession—the knowledge HL TbWFearlef toeMHs—. By«»«.»*»veO»»s. Jr. Na 171. Aswtha » lllatery. R» M .ao.»» r r 1 • i-wr NTATK—OREGON : Alien.—«nd she mak » .'Ji £gg own gioUw. M 1 Ns. Na »71. Hlmwn IBerrlrk'« Ifranahter. Hy W. T. C« l »<» b . N». in. O11I af I lie Men. •' <,i.«n. smi-sr, aerial in its delicacy and adapted that one haapav^d a precious human life. v i J. N Dolph «lie has what I hav< n’t” Ns.m. TheIjMdrst Fora*llrlde. Ry UsaasaavR^ourrv. N«. Ml. Th® Mfary ntn Hlwria. hv Mr J,..«s piatvre r J. H Mitrhnn Meriden, Conn., is the home of such a b L e :. **W.ettottaftP* Na-17i. A lissawereaw W Ry lira AaaM.Hvsrwkwe. Na I ?• The fr'.vll ttmln*. •». M. T i W« Me. Nlarktelrd lllll Hy Wvraaa Mnaia K kmmktm . K. Binger Hermenn to the evanescent "will-o’-the-wisp” a. IIS 'Ihr Myelerr at Illa« L n .:«.«i i««it«i3 hr r.s LEE. ** V. ell, she r ts «21 «r t«T Kinaii happy inan. John H. Preston,of that city, Rs MS. The Peril ef Kish ark Pardew. Hv R. 1» r»w«'« ti«« M • v «s-i a h • ►«. ■» 1'.Sylvester Patinoye r Hon from th« Ungax no t ey take. I cdiuM that ■i writes: “hive years two I Re >» Mltfe Wld MasseC tho Batto»«lk>a* >7 *« IS. l°> Ths I a-t ef L, lb.-tt».<h ♦ «• y "t.. K <ieo. W. .McBride character of the fancies exhibited July 11. 189 |r.vf State »___ Thr _ « ... >»..... .. •be knows al’ tint 1« coin;; oo. end to bPdrt and ! Phil. Metaehan. K taken very sick, I bt«d t-eveial of the •btertalalps in cucvetsaiMui. but I «tod do as While reflecting o i was K»llc Iimtructiun R J. It. McElro.* I in the verse. well as eho Coes if 1 the rarto noutce or best doctors, and one and all called it a Frank Haket R Infennation, bhol rtns ibo UK wwmbsrW bet nmer Combine* the juice of the Blue Fi"»of the "Land of Lost Days, ” as he complication of diseases. I was sick » R d. Bea i. K klogasinc lately, Ilu^mei kc<» te ®MLonr• ST. À i-'«»« Irnir H uii G t . H» >» kk »7. î Wm. P. Lord four years, taking prescription« pre California, ao laxattvr and nutritious, reading, aboa; varlona aocid matter« sad the M. W «•«••le.» n».«l in »<. I.« • ) W. W. Thayer cull» the past, Mr. Lowell sings in a M. ‘I R i.lgl» • «brillile II yalrr» . topics of the day, than I w*<aid p ek np to •■mtto R pc ibeil bv the-e same doctors, and I with the medicinal virtues of plants • I. I It |( II-«lei« II« !•■<■. I-1 jlt'linr »I St.XTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: by my occasional cbaU with fr.cnda. It ccttaiaiy regretful strain,as if he mourned the truthfully state I never cxp^ced to get known to be most beneficial to the •1. A Pnasl V Crim« h rurl». Ouvors every top s •! Interest, from the aawa of •I. It«•«• !.•«!<«. Mli. I'.'«, tf. D M.’D. C lifford Judge any belter. At this tune, 1 cotnmenv- <1 human system, forming the ONLY PER th« day down o tie 4<tal’« of teaMkeepirf; • I. \ llrlilr.-1.’’I ...-. H- . -. r ÍAUorney ,D . C has . F. H ydb idyllic days. •nd everyHiln*» ii ao bea.itxfu’ly Illustrated, to«. to have the moat terrible pain-' in my FECT REMEDY to act gently yet (D), D. 8. 1)1’8TIN »presenta’ ive Every ti;oe Manno ooca over to tho ABene* atto (1>L 1ÍKNKY B lackman The cl< ising stanza implies a rec- back. One day an old friend of in me, promptly on the ttaior cocnes back ff.nd ici*» mo to pt yem to take Mr. R. T. Cook of the dim of Curtis de Demorest's Family kUraafM. la tiu rtorlM arw olcxtion with the Fate that ltud Cook, a* I vised me. to try Warner's Sale KIDHEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS (.UL5TY U. x RNEY: so good. Eve th boys watch for I' every riow H l as s place is found for t ern al o In its page«; 8M W m . M illfe changed the rural stream, with Bug Judge (U) -AND tO— Cute, as he had been troubled the Bam • Mr. Allen swears by tt. It Is natty «onderfal .W. É. GRA< R (Dl bow tt enita every member of th • lymly 1" T. li. R oberts gestiun of naiads and water-lilies ( way and it had effected a cure for him. (P) _ M r L x «~ “0 ell pert a* M c K innon 1 butt .-lit ai x bottles, took the medicine . . (DpT. A. Bpeeimen Copy; for. if It t-anything Mb« whalymi A. A. LO ING into [KK»r drudge,supplying "powi r” as directed and am today a well man. — ,O THAT - .tp) Mg it i- tt «Hi ama-e andinatruc. the wbote <<«•.** . W. E. Al.BER8.iN ilua L ks I see that W »enning« DemorMt .UHA8.NK .« ELL for prosaic factories. But the mem I I am sure no one ever had a worse casa PURE BLOOD, rnper iiitendeut. .<K) the publisher. IS Last 1 th f tf* I. New York. A i of kidney si d ire ■ trouble than I had. I W m . M eeker REFRcbHlNG SL. EP. icpectvr ............. • offering t • send a Fpecimen C opy for W eenta. M i Before this 1 was always against proprie we can t lose nything, rs each number contain« HEALTH and STRENGTH Wx. A LT NOW ory of the old jovous days abides tary medicines but not now, oh, nu." a ‘Pattern Or er* entiling the bolder to aay Lytle Howard. with the poet: Pattern eba may ebooe»-. and in anr d u o - which Friendsjnp expresses ii«ei in very Neturallv follow. Every one is using it alone makes each < opy wort u £< > cenn : and 1 Bast peculiar ways •omedmes; but the true •nd «11 »re ¿«lighted with it. Ask youl “ As the Moors- in their exile the want a jack« t pat era like Mra. ¿Uon'a. The HAUSKY V. .. LANU orHCB: for SYRUP OF FIGS. M»nu- •abwnpnou pH • la only 't'd a yuar: and I Ujcnu is the friend in need. J. R. HllNTTSOTOW keys treasured still mast fay 1 can't aea how they eaa pnUtah ft fsetared only by the r ..H askiaoh K allay Of their castleB in Spain, so have I; elegant a lia_aziM for u* littla > I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. and no fear S an F rancisco * C au But the doors will fly open, when Loc«- :u.u. l.v. Naw Y ork . N CHI RC H DIRECTORY. ever we will, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH To the prime of the past and th? THE HERALD. CHRISTMAS NUMBER. I W. C. BYRD & SON. IN FOUR VOLUMES. THE HOPKINS HOU SE Cena ral Blacksmith Waeon-mke THE-DREWSEY SALOON PATENTS. Houses and Cottages 25 COMPLETE NOVELS FREE TO EVERY READER OF THI8 PAPER! S Cleanse tit SysteiP Effectually, Steady Progress sweet of the year. The sentiment expressed in “Mv Brook” places Mr. Lowell on a plane wither. Ruskina regarding I the want of poetry implied by the flourishing era of manufactures. SOCIETIES. When the industrial arts, machine INKY LODGE. NO. Tt, LOO F. impelled, come in at a door, bring I hl Odd Fellow a Hail, everr Maturday ing wealth, plenty and luxurious F. M JtjRÍXJN, N. U. bRTt)*<, Treaa. comfort in tlieir tit n, poetry—ac LRMIf POS T KO. U. G. A. ». cording to these .two voices—flie« very 1st and*3d W rd r. cad ay of e«rh put at the window. t Odd Fclldw«’ Hall. AU Com rad ea • udinf invited. The Christmas number of the M. M. BRIERLY. P. C. IBWXLL. Ad’J’t. McbU>X« New York Ledger comes with a i cheerful exterior, in keeping with I the f< *tal season The. cover dis U. i. maha plays a Ne v York girl with her »?«»«—▼ate: id dataria dall). »«nd«: • excepted. I arms full of parcels—Christmas shopping— hastening forward to BVBir»—< 4XYOX CTYYt id«!« Wed Tirada-a. Frkfoy*,C«m. lys Tkwmda; a a äatvrdaya lfito p m. greet the subscribers and wish them < a "Happy Christmas.’’—Fhiladel-I p hi a Ledger I M.D. JTILBON Pastor. will be preaching bv the p»s*«r In each is follows, until further notice* >oath—Burns—at 11 a m. and 4:30pm >b»ih—Is.and School Hwae— al 11 i m — iiarney—at 7 JO pm. ibath—Burn»t—it 11 a m, and 4:80 pm bbazh—Haruey—at 11 a m, and 7x0p m n«s characterlied flood's Farsaparilla «ve» since it was placed be for« the pubic. Wher ever introduced, its sales bare grown from year to year, until now it is th« most popular and most successful medicine offered. Any drugg’st will confirm this statement. Th» secret of this rucce.«s lies la th« fact that Hood's Sarsaparlila Is a medicine oi merit, ft doea actually drcowiplish all that isclai r.ed for it, and when given a fair trial, is reason ably certain to be of benefit. Positive Statement«. • Since Jlood's Banaparilto hag been in my bands for sale I bav« ha 1 frequent and un reserved testimonials la its favor. Although carrying this preparation for lets than one year, my sale* Lave been greater than of any similar preparation,-and the testimoniáis fn Its favor are at one» po»i:iv« aud per.on- •Hy noticeable.* A. Wa.cirr, üoaUAburj, Sells On Its Merits. - My boy« »ay, ‘ r«ps. why don't yo i buy more of Hood’s Far arpar!"« at a time; w« are always short* It sei s on its own merits** F. Us AL, Port laud, Orc¿utx; Uto «Ide-t dm*- gist in Oregon. I B. D« rare to gwt only Hood's Sarsaparilla •ui* br 4rani«tA »1: ,1« fw I« « •nlr b, c T l UOOU *> CO., ApoUeivi«^ liweil. X^A X«. to. Ma. to. to N« ft». TIE OILY TRUE flRON i TONIC WHI Pv-*»fr *• «» Uwr sad I»*»!' ««»«I «**•»* «b« naKMaaSVIawpfVaato D*s«^ste. *If ’îif^ïfïSi suf1i*«sbMl>tt«lFe**rsS R o « m . BasrMa saS Mrvas rw- tvs *ww f«r*w Kaltv*us tbs ■1*4 n4 «atH-tss Sram PuWsr. LADIES EïïS5Â.“tts Sw«5»u« «• <L ¿ B« M, ..WT1««.’ 0Q^M.L m U.B a W«. «». Ns X«. N«. «• Na. *r*. T?‘l f I* II ' « thl» *• ▼'•Uf nr mW