BURNS ADVERTI8IXIHTB buying of WAsntsoTo.v, D. C. American industries by Foreign Senator Paddock wl»o. like some syndicates. If they would tell WrDMFhl’AY DfCFWf > ÊH. J“'< D. L. <4 N. GRACE. Proprietors, ...................... Harney City, Oregon. WMivnotTSlwfuUorwr. ion. i-.kirs EVERY VARIETY of Job Pnnt- of the other republican Senators what they know it would Le inter ln» nsaily «nd j iciui tl>. esting. from the northwest, has a mind of Edit»?. W. C. «VRD TLUoffic« b > rictiv MV in «wry re-pe< i. bo:h ivye «nd pre»-«’, «nd »EiU- his own as to how he shall vote, | Mr. Wanamaker has succeeded ‘ lul pHn.tr. »w»i. eiuployiMa:. Hand in your orders Tmr report of th«- Controller of and who values the interests of his in getting the House committee on For Letter Heads. Note Heads. Rill Head* Slatements. Envel Die (iurrenc-, giv-s th- num' r .f c >r.«ti»uants r,b ve caucus decrees.1 P.ot-offices to report a resolution toj ope*. Business Cards. Posters. Hand Falls, Calling Cards, Rational Bank* at 3567. an afre* g .ve Mr llurri-un a bad turn when . the House setting arid.- January 6 Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notice*, etc., gate capital of #650.447,23»; *U” that gentleman attempted to laill for the consideration of the postal W“A11 Job Material i» fresh, and of best quality. Prices reasonable telegraph bill. He doesn ’ t seem to dux. th - d -uglify Nabraskan into PFt.fw plus 1213,503,895; undiv e B vbns .............................................. H amui v ting lu the Force Lili, by telling be worrying any to get a one cent i it* <97,006.636 Oa*m>s. Utter postage bill through. Now you must understand all inn, plainly that he was very decid The National Citizens Alliance, this vast amount of money e! ,r.g« edly opposed to the measure and ious-Mhe people—it is • ' r - f- would certainly vote against it. which is intended to be a twin . OREGON CONSTRUCTION O If PAN Y- mate property. A great n.-xnv u - M- Harr.- > then made an ineffect-' brother to the Farmers Alliance, HUNTINGTON,- ----- -OREGON pie do not see <-leariy tt. it mon is ual effort to get Mr. Padduck to is to have ht-ad quarters and a news WHOLESALE A RETAIL IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE property, but is t ie s me aa your promise that he would absent him paper in this city. horse or cow. sod if this money — self when the vote was taken. As a last resort to get the repub-i A woman in Jonesboro, Me., goes our property—is stolen or not prop erly handled, it is the people’* Le- lican Senator* into line Mr Harri- on the record as the champion CASH ! c I I CASH III longir.gs that is stolen < r cqua-i m n i.- said to have stated to several homebody.” She has just visit A ROBBINS, Burns, Oreg«, f tie in that he would consider the ed the home of her childhood fur dered, the criminality i- j ;-1 Haa a Lam and Complete 8toc|t of General Merchandise wia great if done by a L y. g .. t def it of the Fcree Liil an intima the first time since her marriage, will I • sold to p-. opk dirt cheap CASHI Give him a call kc t tbit iLt v d:d r.ot wish him be thirty years ago, although she has official as if it w-i* .. 1. > c ■ th jumpnig into a luuit.er tvagon and sloppingover the mountain, at . . • :’ ■ ri-i. -iuination in I I lived during this time only one Or LurgLr Whit is < 1 the snow and rain ¿UF* Bedrock Prices for CASH ONLY I I :■> i yery dangerous ar- mile distant, and has always been low thief, di-csn't cL.irg - :-,vt g i.mt : Mr. Harrison to use, in perfect harmony with the fami for robbing von, l jt':.---e .- f-.- low* do. The r..! n.-i! :.:i.':.r, n d it will pro a' lv result in mak nes there. She Bays she never had * 4 must be paid interest oi lb- u mt . ing i. tre 'o e a a nt the bi 1 time to go before without neglect than in it» favor, for it is d, ubtful ing her duties. of securi’y l.e d o > SALT, FLOUR. MEATS, COAL OIL. goveimie.-t for the p.,.;!<gi- if '• L- t'-i- ’ 'h-• i- i . alf-a-dozsH re- ETC. SULPHUR. BARR WIRE. ETC , Newspaper Laws. sknators who are sincere loaning the citizen* of th< govern P1- ¡¡can ■ EOOTS, SHOES & DRY GOODS, STOCK COMPLETE. 1. Subscribers who d> not give ly . f. i-' ei’ig Mr. Harrison --------------------- 0:0---------- :---------- ment their own n vr.-y All orders reeeive prompt ar.d careful attention, with ONE PRICE mims her nomination. express rotice to to the contrary of interest. I A repm Lean c met'« has voted to are ccn»:dered as wishing to contin- to every l>odv. TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, As. Our party leaders and govem- ¿^“Proprietors of Huntington Warehouse, solicit correspondence.,^ ment official* are not wise- etn ugh change the rules of the Senate in ue their subscriptions. 2. It tbe sui scribers order the io see the point we guees. for if they order to push the Force hill thro'. W. E GRACE, PaoraiBToa, The pr, .-ram is to debate the l ill discontinuance of their periodicals were they would not allow ». BUSK». class legislation \t h re do< a the the ri-st of this wik. then to take the pudlishvr may continue to send ' W- M.Jorganson surplus go? The citizens of the up the tn-w silver lill approved by them until all arrearages are paid.' I /—DEALER IN—> government do r.ot get jt. but th«- the same caucus, and p iss it into 3. If subscribers neglect ta or re-1 I Permanently Cured without Cutting A Large Asswrtmant af leading officers of our country its present condition, if the wicked fuse to take their periodicals from ' Burning or Dilating A perfectly know something of w hat becomes i.f d« lnoi-rats d • not succeed i i au:.- the office to which they are directed painless treatment and a guareen- Watches and Jewelry. Clocks and Silverware. teed cure in every case, no matter the surplus. There are men in stituting free coinage therefor; after they are I k Id responsible till they hmv fo'ig standing. This treat Has just teen Received. Repairs Watch, s, Clocks and Sew- congress who call themselves bon ward the change of rule* is to te pav their bill and ordered their pa nient for Stricture,of Dr. Box veil's, ii g Machines. adopt« d. it enough republicans can orable, who, if they saw proper.can I is the great. st disco"esy known to per discontinued. First door cast of P. stuffice, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMFOn Medicine, it dissolves and com tell about the benefit of such class Le persuaded to vote for it. stricture with- ¡ urns. Oregon. 4 If su ’ scribers move to other pletely remove« th- Evervthirg rlistsr teed pn«e and of the verv Isst **il The rumor is again current here. legislation. Ask the national bank jout annoyance or pain to the pa- places with out informing the pub I and generally believed to le true, PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. er. fine railroad monopolist, the ! tient. Wall street gold bug. the shylocks that Mr Harrison ha« fully made I lisher and the papers are to the for T03S0RIAL PARLOR, DISEASES OF MEN! of our government, who arbitrarily up his mind that C immissiuner, mer direction they are held respon ROBINSON à MYNATT. Paup’s .Peculiar totla-ir Sex. and not prop- assume bytheir fiat to increase or Baum is a heavier load than he sible. ¡cr to name here, including all those decrease intrinsic value where t;or.e cares to carry. He will ask for 5. Tbe courts have decided that delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses Everything in their line guaranteed exists. ' Baum's resignation, it is said, as refusing to take periodicals from 1 which they would shrink from dis to Le done satisfactorily. The government should control soon as the House committee, which the office, or removing and leaving closing to their family physician, £AF “ The only place in Burns you the monetary system,not a few indi i is pretending to investigate the Pen* them uncalled for is ‘-priuia facie” permanently cured in less time than can get baths was ever known to Me«licinebefore, i vidual*—and all the money i-sued Isiun office, makes its report, w hich evidence of intentional fraud. by Dr. Box well'» "Near System of WM. II GASS by the government, wheth -r it be [Treatment.” It rejuvenate*thegen- luetal or paper, should be a legal iwill probably not be until after the Jease Marshall, of Los Angeles. jito urinary organs and makes weak teAdcr for all debts, and tne p ople holidays. WM. MILLER. who need to borrow money, get it The- House exp' cts to vote on the . was awarded judgment against Ja injen strong This House has a wide and well known name, arid under the When iKK-i le. it is always l*st from the government, the rate of su' s'itute for tn-- S nate subsidy cob S. Tavlur, a wealthy capitalist Real Estate Agent. m.-nt of the present proprietor it is bound tn go further up the .1 to call f,r personal consultation aird interest would l e a great deal less, Office with W. E Grace, Coun- tame and renown No pains spared to please guests. Sure But those and the interest paid to the govern shipping Liil the 23d inst. This and cattleman, in the turn of '25.- special examination. 3-45 ty Clerk. ment Would l>e a benefit, to every substitute is a sort of a combina UUU as damages on account of her who cannot possibly call, should tone, not a few individuals. tion of the su' iilv and Ixiuntv betrayal. The case has been on j write, stating their case fully. Med The whole secret of the wrongs of the oth'-r two l-ills whicii haa trial for ten (lays Plaintiff al icine sent by mail or express, sealed and oppressions of the poor, is in l>«-«-n co c ct d by the republicans leges that in October, 1888, she was free from exposure, to all parts of For Sale. the government allowing h.-r inon, v. of the House committee on Mer employed as a waiter in a hotel at Pacific coast. Address: W m A. B oxwbll , M D.. 'Good tai le servier, and tai les furnished with all marks! her railroads and her express lines 160 arce farm, well watered and Consulting Physician. St Paul (o be owned and controlbd Lv in chant Marine in order to compel Delmar, thirty miles from Ban improved. II miles from Burns. ci rtain repul lican* who favored Diego, owned by Tavlor, and while Dispensary, Portland, Oregon. dividuals, ’tis the slave that iu.,k Terms: 1800 down. lhe millionaire; ’ti* the ser subsidizing steamship lines, but employed, by deceit and by drtigs, 3-45 W m . M iller , Agent. vant that makes the rich master; ¡•■pposed the I minty bill, tn vote for he accomplished her ruin and the 'tis the tramp that makes th<- i os»; oth Th«-n pal licans claim that ! result was the birth of a child in BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. ami it is the rich loss that will, under the present system ,,f i auk it i« certain to pass. An attempt j August, 1881), of which Taylor was ! ing and high tariff, ket-p th' tr. n,.» '••ill -<• tnid'-by democratic mem* the father. The jury only delib I Burns-Canyon Stage Line. * tramp, and the slave will s'.!! ■ - • t- -it! nh ..n ani< ndnient pro erated one hour when it returned J W. ASHFORD. H. BOYD SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP I. Ja wirr, P ropbietob . hiain where he is sul j. ct to the viding for fr. e ships to the bill, and a verdict as stated. J. C. WELCOME - P roprietor . Ashforà & Boyd. Leare» Barna ob Monday a. Wedneedaj«, and Frida'a, at • a. m . command of his master the ¡oil- ■ it may succeed as a number of re BURNS. OREGON. ’Couneeta wirti the Ontario, Prii.cYille. and Lakevieu «lait», » tun. a. Gocdji PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, lionaire will continue to hoard his ilvta für paa*eLgert One of the most exciting hunts millions, at the expense of the la publicans are believed to be willing B urns ................................... O regon had by Bomuold Pacheco, recently ■ to support it. borer and pauper Office la W. E Grace'» DrajStom I Represcntativo Pierce, of Ten- nominated Minister to Central Atuerica.occured one summer night No political leader in English I nessee, a member of the Farmers BLACKSMITH. history—not Walpole, nor Cha» Alliance, has introduced in the off the Californian seacost, where HORTON 3E3’JR ns circulating t . ibbah ham. nor Pitt, nor Fox. nor Peel, H"'i<, a r- solution instructing the the seals were in the habit of going. | ADOLPH TUPKER - - Pao t B ckxs O rroos . AND nor Gladstone-—has held s n-h 1 m o Wavs and Means to | The bears came there for the pur- [ DENTIST,........ —GENERAL REPAIRING— I pose of capturing and feeding upon | Office at reafdcncc. in the Tb hi a solute swav over his ua- y - P i* - tli S-,.!. Tr. isury l ill not BOOK EXCHANGE building, and is pr-pare-1 t« a e ’v ¡he IX THE ¡if KALJ UUILDlXtt. iit e <»f dentistry it. nil t-« bra. ». • « nell; ana no leader w-;» ev-r ti • • • M ■ -Liy Jammry .5. and the scale. Mr. Pacheco and his; prnt Teeth extracted without pain bj aid vf gaas. ¡ riders took a station at the top of I cold, indifferent. o- cyi a .. «1.- .! ■ . i1 • CHAS, w BYKD, ------ L ebbasia *. I. • r g ' I lay for its !a High bluff to wait for the return I T-ti'i-’g T:-« L •« : . < r r ar «r.ù fka Fre« Rcadlaf B oum « t* a dainful even of !• lr ■ vu | consideration F ul a for -- purvhaalng uovi» tor a Fublie Library fur ¿ama—Th» Ut tor th« bnróiag Promptly executed. The bmldiuf ha» been eu I •).: , iarxed and improved and ia orepared to turn Il Mills has intro- of the huge grxzly that they had I TERMS: Membership Fee |U a ear. Reataag Fee M*r. L’epuau af -x. or Ba *<- F I out all kinds of bleekamithin» on »bort nuti« e odica^ T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. Book. made with the Librarian, in «vary ii » aat ». aa*>< tor < atatogu». He I and in the bent «tyie Term»: ( aah. i-]y chiefs—Swill. 1’1 ■ <1 ,Grattan, O'- <1 i -I a r< M'iutim providing for a seen go down below to feed. Officehi* r»-« «•»»•< e o- ite eaat id« 01 Sil XWThe Librarian 1» arcui tor and will take bui •« rip: to»» pt th« I » watt lai«« I came Lack about 11 o ’ clock, ar.d i connell—for whom th. |-> ,! r vie» River, te: Eilet usiow Burnt. idi« al. and «rùer any B.. k. publiabed in th» l ui.eu pia;«« er Cauaaa. Ai«w, ab«B *s from l»e--. 22, to January 5. Fid urea. Wort» wf Art, Hvus«-Building Duatgos, Etc. thusiasin has been nroui_bt at ' it 1. is -• ■ ref ,-rcd t »the com when be was fairlv upon the top of the cliff the four lassos whirled and I tMuv a to pi ■ i« . : n rv , 1 mit: ■ i W k -.*..ni Means. It is leader, although without e ofi.' ic o' (« la ved that thtw republicans the I ear was caught. They were Notary Public. alague ____________ • - Adar —. Hun. DaaiclF. B»»l or flattery or deference, mid With will agree to such a lengthy recess never more successful in a first ef ty, W «»biLitton, New Jersey. I) L GRACE, fort. The four lassos were thrown Stfch tuperb scorn of the opinion of in fact a Senatorial caucus said IltiJNi OR ; ------------------------------ I^nd Fi)nn <-«!»«« blank«. A ppM rat tor* for as if directed t>y • one hand. Each IU!m<*lV'l Public»'ion Xv<itr», " rvrrettly » -•*.»■•_• «■«>■ «cd wr.v»> promptly F-.«z others, has ektreioed «o great a so there wi,ul«l 1« norm | paw was caught, - - - ■ - .22. ? ’ rut the bear was «itenueo tu. b*««. Nmr«. «»a Halt«« premacy, or brought the cause ,f taarge» reMuDAble. 11-^.G licpri s« ntativr Wilson, of Wash- gn asy from his seal feeding, and ------------------- S tor tal___„__ _________ ûalvgue Ireland so mar its happy is-u '---- Cx M»ur UiM r. Scan, ing'o i, who t«n«k J>art in one of tbe one la*«n after another slipped off Washington, New Jertey BYERLEY................... Pro The secret of bis power lies in the n«-to' :• 'll* slugging matches on tl he »Of course in »tirh hunting each- ¿.very thing in the furniture line always on hand.. „./rider has two or three lariats in re- ' ability with which he ha» made H «ir of the House at the last ses J NAT. HUDSON, i/9 G<ve him a call before purchasing elsewhere home rule for Ireland the centra) sion came very near having another 'nerve. As the lariats slipped off ATTOR N E Y-AT-L A W. I the bear charged. To protect i question of British politic«, by w in one with Representative Milliken themselves, it was necessary to I Office: BURNS,OR. hing tbe Support of the great |>op- of Maine wh»m he accused of hav throw new ropes and ut-on the in Pensio r and(jlaim A ular party in England,with its illus ing ‘turn'd d i va" his bill for a stant. Th:* tight kept up for ncar- t- t trious chief, the greatest English put-hc building at Spokane Falls [ ly an hour, when the bear and his i 1 orneys. party leader of the modern tiutca. M 1 iken called him a liar and Wil hunters both gave up the contest C. A SWFKK. He was too slippery to be held, but 1 To this result, doubtless, the time son started for him in regular pu thv persi-tecce of the hunters had ; 615 7th St.. Washington, O. V. ATTORNEY AT LAW. and circumstance have ©outLined, gilistic attitude when a friend so daunted hi« spirit that he was Office: Burnt Oregon. Opposite U. S. Patent Office. byt this does discre dit the ability grabbed him and Mr. Williken glad to lun off at the last, when the ¡ hunters became convinced that it ! i«hieh lias comprehended both, and made a hastv exit from the Speak PBorat t All person having Claims for turned them to the service of a er's lobby, where tney bail met ws< a hopeless case. Mr. Pacheco I has killed manv grixxlies. In one j Pension Increaae of Pension, oi of Cause.—Harper's Weekly. ! There may be more of it, as Wilson instance he had a very narrow es ¡any nature whatever against the GEO. S. SIZEMORE, CL'A B_____ ~ Gouernment, should write tons for ¡is known among hi* friends a* q cape. This was when he was rid-1 ing along upon the bank of a dry , information. Proposed new laws ATTORXKT, T mebe appears Io It » dvtenui- figliter. ted of a stream The gristly lie Bruxs, ................................ Or.KcoN. affecting. Soldiers rights fully ex hatiou on the p-rt of the r/.d eals [ While th-- app irt-oum 'nt b:ll,| was after was thirty feet la-low him Advice freo. CoMee ion». Land buxine a. and Real plained. to fcree tbe passage of the furvv I ill which ;».i««-.i<i this w.s-k w i« under As a proof of the wonderful agility | E aua U .. ».:er i roiupllv a tended u>. NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM IS AL even at the exoense of not taking discussion i:i the House the demo- of this animal, Mr. Pacheco aavs I LOWED. tbe usual holiday recess The 1 « rats p lid th dr respects to Seere-* that this partícula! bear, without < | —-—— democrats have made such a nuLie ; ti»ry Noble, Superintendent P rter the slightest warning of attack, W. W. Cardwell, fight against thio infamous uieas- and th - faulty Uen«u« upon which lounded frw:u the bed of the stream . Attoney-at-Law. ATTO» NEY-AT.LAW. clear and clean t<> the t!a ik o' his ure, that it haa put the repul lic-i.s jhe I ill IS based. If the census was kurse it was the sued n lot «>f¡ Bruxs. O b . M DUSTIN jn a hole, and they cann t ow . • a correct o-ie. which it w is not, t he the animal which savtd the rider. I PrsetWa in all tbe ct>nr • o-' the bia'e. >.b e: Harney City and Bu rns \ t•eiere k« V b twl Ollkw ford to allow the t ill to b- def aied ill would I* as fair as could lie ti The "liar hunlits emu«- up in a Laso M attkbs a SrB< ialty moment, and n three mi ut • after » pwcl< d and ita passage they h aine « I ward tlw iwar t tat had made »uch¡ till in diaas ar to Ineir par > . Al P H. MURPHY. A j.’int t'ongrrwsional committed a c urngwus . barge was lying help-. baa become a n»>>nster w bit h a PRACTICAL SURVEYOR »ill undiTt.ike n-xt week to make less in the nooses of the huntera—[ Jond lliair control —P. World. | some of tbe gruUe.iNn cone-TP rd t Uhic-.go Tribute. T a . M c K innon . HAYA GRAIN THE HERALD HBBALD'* WASHIXOTOW LEVTFW book & T he N ew J ob O ffce o I I L i Dealer in General Merchandise, stsil o. c. oo. STRICTURE!- FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. jAktten.tiv'® end. DR.H.M, i Juc ftuRK. BEAÏÏÏ’SORGANSl BEATTY'S PlA-NOSivs Stoddart and Co., THE BURNS FURNITURE S t OR S r¿i