E asi H erald ( )REGON $2.60 a Year. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1890 BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. | are mostly metal,40 percent. The i fourth order apparatus, which is i mostly used, costs 10,000 franc», HID KVEKY WEDNESDAY W . D. C. BY or say $2,000, the duty on which When the republican cuneus ad-j wj]i fce half the amount Certain C. BYRD à SOK journed last Wednesday night, I o’her articles needed in the cstab- OpcuXEvery jj«y except ouudu), from J a m k> 4 p m. ¡units P . - cu R li ax X j j a i i. uiraiaH. th.-re seemed to be a unanmity' hshment of light-houses and not about the future program that was , lnn de in this country are also sub-' NKW3PAPEJC LAWS. er ie required to give notice by A Greet and Wonderful Wort, not realized, yesterday. There was jevt to duty. Underthe new law,I Jliit" the paper nut ui.ktier'hc oorrrxiM»« I am •< rloer makes the p. «- sion vest, rd.i v <.v. r the details of >• I pi neg.ert urticles imporU d fur government i 2,8 76 Pages »ibie tu lite publisher Kr pu - the <-nucus action, Ht.d it was quite use is no long1 r allowed, and an np- AN® ers >n sirùer» fils paper < i»r. n b - M. D. HOPKINS, P . the Senators had prupriation will have to be made to Ml., nll arrvrtr»«¿<8 <«r ibe i*u.> i»hi r i vident that all 620 Bcantifcl Illrstratlou! lie tu sen.l 11 inilii pa ment ie Hlect lhe v.h.Je arnuiiuf wheifier not left Cameron’s house witli the emible the Government to nay duty TH» M « ba*« been put» »or not. Thcre < invtit is intK'e. uulvs rsalcuiniM'ixlhiia <>r Lnrv) «’p«. | r ieUcn), -x-s. ’ -y« ««eft»), aicnBitlea« dereuer»*. '.In- w« ik is | ul* ir».r: whitHkipn piiper fr m t e O’l-Ba coinplsto tu luur uve »-nd ! au< K<>ini» fcr in.-tunce said that if the causu»' Mr. G. A. Sachse, one of the di- I ffie fier «sir« .e i i.» his . an e « r a ■ vuluinc.«, cutni i a total • » 2,176 va ; i«urlMI en^ray. sin.-.v. <1 one tiling it wux.llittt the rccior* of the post «Rand teler.rxm * 1 11« new fît. «n-, T > >'■ • >"'l ruial'ur . »•' «1 child. 1» rinvr is •-u u tv pu.« fvrHJÎ he l.e passed, 'TtoVG-rF’'fwnnai’on «r wniic In life. The i»ul»- lie said that lhe pro-4 arrived in the city and registered Jit Fne i t-nco»u. (Uh si I it with n-eiul Idt tsand hrlpilti ppciB uud peil .i i< a ir- in liie p. u UUCP fiti'u’1. Unit we fully b« tk*ve itiat I” every I « fore the-financial till w‘a» taken with vour correspondent he stated >avin< Ihuf.b ummieU f* r. tvi.ii.,u home to whlfh it rlia'l find It« way it will «<»nn ih sii ae, i» prima fa< ia e»ii.eiu eRi cotno t<> l>- regard« <1 n»w< nli lu w«>t< hi in ««.I«!. up, tmd that if the democrats up- that he was here to confer with the For want of ►i-i.c»« w< can only briefly e><*innutr- [fruud. la • a a na)' peri ion of the contents of thia nrviit pond am olji ction to its passage it i’ostmaeter-General on ilie pro­ ’Cenerai Blncksn:hh Wagon-mke Work, BH fol Iowa : L , O HI*TOHT. 1"« M* Crcw?^nucantalo» aoompleta Chin«»0, Japaucv«, the pco, I«- of India, Afiicn, MMnc. fi »iis ite «U «ouvery hr Cofani .usio Tur. a, Blcx vrtna. Fcnih Americana. Amerioa»« ItulHne, K«y|>- to o i-t.-uct the very legislation that - mail .8. ai. oard steamships carrying Ut« p.-e-ent ifav ; craphlo .lexarip:i.»n< of BauiouA hall’«-» m.d ilans. hiaiiHso, AbvaHliCaiia, Ncr*e»lan«, Rpaaianla. »«»I , a .*•« lunocucl eveut» in ih« hiatory ot MI . «ii>u«, chrouolocicai linliane. Crock», Ku-xlaua, Bibarian», AQItahs, i'ereiaue, Mr. Gorman had so earnestly; from Hamburg ' . advance) i iat kiT i ’ Mino, fierce Fhceir g at f. .fi pur he i M<.«k ms, Au'itraliaa», Bulgarian", Sloillana, eie , v c. 1 _ and liiemen and e u th hlxtu.-j. •. tc., e e tcdo nil MI r fl f <> Í " o JIIOUUAI'IIV. Ti'ia rr»-»B wr-dt eaui.-iiiH» »Se I.lrea nf eli M ^M FACTCREP. In thl* peat wmk H also .icsarlbed ------------ o------------- prayed fcr. Of course Mr. Hoar New York The project is emi- I thè fn-vl t. ivo <•( Ih» U -.B S’ •»*-. i. su Wa iiiurtoii t» and tliir ir.ovl the an« and proc arca of i-rlating. atwreotyplnc. Ilasiu-u i, svili» . rinvi» u-.il «l'Iii r i'V.S'lr ttfaii«, i.l«o hs«*< n<..1 R>nkbl-.nl.nr. aw».! cngravlt'g, litli«-» r"|'liy, plsotogr«pl'v. oi-W--« ALI) Cl.PR Lh'T \V A G O N S, E T C.,-> hud in mind the fact that tiie rule neatly • nrerilorious. l’y having po-l.al »"f xiipoi-o» Rciiap tri«. Shsae.ipenr», 1lsr >n. Willliun prlu'ii ir, | inn« umking, isntc!« nuiklng. papor making, th* .cr’> h’agïuine......... rouu. B.rj.niin Fmnkliti. ll.-nrr Cl.iv. 1>4iifcl Wcb«t<-r, n-ni viannf.c'nie of »ilk. Iren, aitcl. ria»» ctalua. pvrh«m*ry, Map, «tr’.i Weekly.............. forno .•« »1 ■.itxBKi«, a«nh«»r», po.-i», c-.uvra:», cki^iucu, eie., Icnih« r, »«arch, will pnpsr, iiirncuiinc. portal earu*. p«i»:a»a NEATHE88, AND Of GOOD QUALITY. p .ss. d to facilitate the passage of MA. E TO OK 'ER Bazar .bln .-x. all uf uliIcU «illbu (»uuit pusullarly iutcseillug and AQKK VLTUHF. Vulna’4» bini»and ««cfi.l awr-r-ailous ... . rfo Young F eoi’le. tb linaneial bid would also eua ,le All. WO RK W A RR A NTE t. ::e m tils in transit, and thus o .vi- fa I'«!»*>' i•*, «n a ; < f fi«où rai in/, in. lniing rti calumili «.f FOKEICN ritODVCTn. fntm»t!i»t do-rrlrtlon». I!!«»*, , .. > «fier V-.fi L • -• » eut»; him t . close debate oil the election's iiMu-ca o(4»n*r"il n i'vini’« ; |>.»«HU v !..•opini’, mi.l hoW III . ' 1 (ratcl. «.ril e oi.-tuic i 4 |.'ip«-ruilon lor niaike-or »«.«, «ufli-a, the delay of from twelve to mcc9«'!'il .1.4 protfinbl •; lotok--.-|.in-,«inirr tarmine, ci« Il •« «•biscnlato, coti*li fl-x. I.vmp »upar. rln« nunu v. €*«»»••.<. ..lume. îtoBitouf. Ir itiBi-i t « ( ih—» ait'.J ci-» i« coiiitocia rshntistlvo, a-<1 g:U"cr. ciniintiion. hH»pita perdns. cork, cnini hor. ca»tor o I, tapioca, «u., «1«. IleiITK’VI.TraC. n -rclii 1« riveli ih« mn*>i n»«fot) hinta From present appearum-es it under the present system. Mr. Intcrv.ilng »mt li-lr«e«lra totruweriefall Limi« «-f VifgMnhhM a'i.t fcn «. a» rnitortnl r.ATUTIAL MIDTO1IV. DREWSKY ADVEHTISEMEXT. «¡•■‘ci B| 'n-*, aox'uuninis'l bv i'lu-iratlnn», of nioin«r«iiis be»iM>. froKi Ih» expciJcnsaef liu moto i>«s««.-«ia*tat borilculturlau. I. ii h< « mi.I iiiaceta, ui'.Li uits«.b curlou» tu oruiasion ruguid- would 8. cm that the force bill will Sachse states that the proposition AKL’IIX f ;’.CTT*’ JE. rr.’.'n« ritti |.lau««(.»r limieoa. rr.'t igc*. in>( ilulr lift and habit»- ’ are -»!.’ ited br«rtis . . I aiti r o iib-. ibn^n, wi:à vuluiAhlu nuj^i-au uf ifi. ir rk i\ r \IT. Tu • M Crcior«n»A 1« »!•<> a coinpl»ic 1ns. Ilio«* luts-mlic^ {•fotiU'l. quite .u, :ù ») bind* -, he . e passed, i.ut lhe democrats pay is I cfoie congress now and k. hllhi t rve-ry limn h«w )>•• mar ho tils awu I«»).'.»»4 nOVKKIIOJ D. THeWA-K-o-. nlnotH.-lri • -’ . c t lull nuil I « cxplaiiailoua u( I' gcnviisi law» LT ■ fill J VuiUillU. ^ •» J »»“■ , j JWQ tur ni.unti eri rr in>:«y!in:.!.«.li-‘i f ri- aakta«l. 11 ‘ - I « . «>( lie! newri ’ IPt-'»«« ui nii a'l mailer« whloh ar« that untill it is passed they are nut < likely an international agreement Ibi» uo I. Ir^ u i h ir-• a i'v«t; J- v11 »I.BIgatiou, with i.t incruua fcrtua uflcgul d«e>umcuU. vu,- .seyjcn^ J lì-.« eoak t-. ’kt -«•'•!: ai. ■ -t it«n«i-i.rral«l-« hi .l- VI*»<1. Pcwirlnllftnsami Pluntratien» of tho mining of going to give up the hope of defeat­ will be reached. goti, ni tal ■ :• «“e. j. r-; .' .ign«>.«nl au.-.x-e» P nt ou. i "'I. > ilie». doituouda, ouul, »alt, coppvr, leud, I at*4 nany ba intif 1 tini.«« I .r'ho i loritinoni of h . . . . i«u d'.Mlier. «rodi, »n|h.-.>l’.< r . ei.t. ; i.-iiism, fi «i -nui in e, folllutt I* ing it. Tiie democrats in the House! •*:e;'«>r«flit c hh ri' tho s .n '.. .« | ialite ; li. 1« i l.l'i'-, tdil V/'l’ tf-r.ltn or TKE nr*.. ncrdaaredemerltM««lsU t-i [v-eNsriu s.i -1 1.--J u\u ¡- , liauda, leciti, lo., |ilu>lrai<..| iho inniiv wmnti rfulaml hcauitfui tlouga lontol ai iha 1 yr- yesterday seemed to think that the1 pjnu |.jn o ho t . i«irthn-< ouu t e | l:o I«. 11.«wen. ebvli», tiahea, i-M., Uxo- It was Mr. Emerson who said Cts.. età. Everything in our line of the Pest. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandies, I «living, coin I tlrbing,«io , eta. MEOICAT- raayddln»» 1« ¿w>r4* blu» « Jl i* «armi v ii-o |> 00 ir..( J“ bill would be passed in the Senate <5«) 1 <-*» •>.» anotinl y in e»i rv po-thC-’.-r • f ?! - « b-h« ihr.iueb l’ic vitiii «'■ e •’.T YTISTK’AT. AM» MIflCELLAXFOCff. nerda ‘ the first wealth is health, ” and it 4.S.G0 1 i- u) i I« 00 Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when iufurn-'Ji«,n iteri i-i c'?ut «i’ie I. 1*. i«-li ■ ho-» i t «••■«•••, 1 v >4«>nil>- I • i-lv« n n vu«t amount «•> urefubainl iiii«.r»«t Ing in form nt Inn. 4.0). 4000 (M yto r IIi.i.le . renicdit «. ami .-ibis in «« -rr toni «di. I ', »■« . r r ¡ 1 .w r iiiHi.f wfihh kill«« ptii’iihiilon of American eiii<>«, lie* and } ’ . 00 and they were beginning to discuss, was a wiser than the modern pliilos- 5.0 J ìte«sje and r-i'.m.'iit thnl 1/cur thi? tiv «d-i ittiin--ui i-rniln-r a r-opulu'I- n <>f ilicci ntiui M. of HieFcnt«« and lerrttmiee mid 5)0) you call on ‘^!ack,”at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. VMM) l.i.fO 1 kO.vO ! •'* - oo corno « te n.>hr.->| i oni;, il.•• »ni. » « f wI.kJs.lu auy buine c:ui < I ib.« |»lii«!i|i il cn-imri s i-f III«« wnrlil. length of fk0 Í (»0 r.,0-1 ■ kS.O) barJiy >.« towptucd iu dull ¡ne and i.nis. that “the blood is rii'r-«. I’.« .iilcn'l l v« !«• for »ixtv year», I’le-idcniial aintMic», Í4S.Ü’ I H' <•0 r.lMw whai they should.do when it came opher who said I^VETTION AND D17COVSWT. Rem»rGWr Inter. n is nn I .1ep.li of ar- a, lake« mnl ocean«, height of mountain». llhU) over to tiie Ih ti/e. They will- de­ life.” The system, like dock work • t> w ■W.Od 1 «.«'. H lrt> trj •»tia< dowwipfa«» of rreui i ivebuou-. In fading ibu Rumui i ..minion of anlmn!« ami v. iodiy of brdi»«. he'd.t ut m.»nu- S»F«. IteTa *-nipb. (!••» Prin'lnr B'-e.««. ihe )b«,' Ui-i I i-.-l-i. me-.i". »awry« mnl Mrnrirr^, dl-innce» from V«'a«hln>iglc:il hlniory u(J1»> IhaSoainy Mischili.*, tiio Tulei.Uon.', C«oj T/paWt'itvr, Ihc T * mand a quorum of the republican runs down. It needs winding up. I'.ycry and proirrons. p«|.ii'nr M.briqtKla of American 8tawa, botling Mia-bine, U-n CjttuU Gin, eie. TJ FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. PATENTS. ctlo«. ma.. eomiHou (rrniiinintlral ctr«>r». rue- fcr »|ielllt>«,yro- TUE WONWA Wn.SDEH«. OrapMa «5«/erli.ii»»nn, ii . •irmi Imi tv it -o of ««pitHl-. Wall Birr« t p’ r»»e», eotntuirca pec f’ii!> r nfi Hinz y.»ur pa rou: agl at . very stiige of the proceeding", blood gets poor and stores of brantifultr ilfatoratM, of U.u \ IH< « < < l’uri, Y«.»erii< • ■ f th - . «'-B. c-.rioiia fcoie in natural liiMory.l >ngcvliy ol C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. u kvunour rwa .crEp e v.: as to Ilie Ning.ir* F»L», tho Alpa, Parli«« Vemirhi», Volitar. ► r in-«,.« -btefuhe nn-.oAofPial«», m di.fc.iuuiri««.« uf »read lit r.: ¡a ..’c Lra.s'tu i.cHi wi h, e«.r iYoin thu motion to appoint Patents obtained, and all patent bnaincaa attended to promptly and for moderate fees. a con­ diseases result, it needs atonic to Ticnnu. Ui» Canoni or >r v).», llomtnot i Cnic, Rapirai i Vaìtoy, k «. ... • -. f I I. -i, lllar .|>i.<-niioi ■, ot gc- lua amt of Bridge, Wa kin» Glcn, ih« M ilita Mouutuin», i la , eie. • i.i-l tu B.svf.i b. rcA rrir. j’«i-UiB ;>l til!" .1- > ■ V oi«S rf I '1I..U* pcremi«. fnio I r the AtKirlka, Our Office is opposite the U. K. Patent Office, and we can obtain in fi ts time than tbvao f : ■’! t; > *d Upwll viir < lr< uia- ference committee until the cwnfer- TH IVRIJJ. DrMrlpi'ons. proft»»e1» IttutorMcl. of i*.e i'ft», ?•• .:.«t..: -.'I'.U ,’!uta, I- feiluj GuVimmcut» uf the «««14. «s«.. enrich it. ’ reinuto from Washington. Send Molel or Drawing. We advise at* to patentability free ■mi»«*« “ueionis, iH-vi.U .r luim, rlu.« aud u-nt/i julca ■■( il.a I «ai. .. m 111 j.-.mug ««.uii.!« : h< r«y ucii.Hi tu ii i yearlv advet- . cnee report is brought in. The of efioj "e; and we make no charge unleaa patent is secure«!. Fiorii thoabiv-i briTf!,untn!»rye.f li»i»r'rttrn,a rot-r» | o> «- , ». a r'”n*rlc-1»’yl~t-rrrtlnff, InrVacilvw and A certain wise doctor, after years iii 1 »•!’< e, vr wii’.e 1.» ¡’piMlsher. ▼alacbl-w. tk ti«-« M VCLO '.XDIA tari y I- • !• .}»' •” u irn’ii.-r ni pid. ar.ni »1 rame, viiuabl.» «•.«irk-e■ t"- j u’al-h. .1 I nny fi» -I <»r 1 «• <'»:■• «•. K -1 otnvi houH b ■ wlth- fl..- 1 uE-* i .Eiitie-l. ou’ lt. It.Ua work lo hao-»n«nit- l’Krin-r uni lumi» wifu In lh«:r dall/ UuUoaunJ pura ulti, and (or aoa* lis • ••.v'.i ut m dian 1 (■«•nts per ttentra»ivudiug uu wurk i-imorc aute’ruiuu u oriiutnicthc. 1 ice, early, ur 20 < eniB, transient, as the committee on rules will not tone to the system anil mad men WE SVILI, »end thè MAM.UUl il uYCi.OV J.'IdA «omplete ir. tour , | siiiuii f2 ex»tn rbi’rne per in- meet until Senator Bla<-kburi> hatiy_ tir d. nervous, brain-wasting : p. si.L n a .« an ..iirf reader Volumi», ss nbovo deacrii.ed, »11 postume pri-pnid <1 THE EAST OR­ 1 i..n iu a . et;< h ue>k 1« ruuiu »»i.h j recovered from bis present indispo- inc:—Feel like new. He called it EGON IIEKALD for one yeor upoti rr'ceipt of Gì.00, ivhicli is Lut 50-at. f.n cr tree. semev s hition the republican line of action his "Golden Medical Discovery.” '«• s e:e-/. pv ui! «»nr a ’ver: ’ __ more than our rugular subm-riptiiin, thcrdbre, _s get this largo and u vr s: i.iur puk-U< uii.n 8, ¥1 each, it» iv t; rohiin 1 1 e u line. will be held in obevancc untilthen. v.-iluatlu worl: far thè email eum of 51) relitti. \Vo take pleamiro in l.e- Il has been sold for years, sold by b r b, an- has given several instances, lately, pr l»i,.rcPi who discovered it, now H«> .«f; B‘¡vsi rm of dtvel'iiiBiS. like the one «>n file in E » O H * office, uitii for only $3.00.______________________ JOB WORK full p a;i .if ea- h. fn’l size de-ai . complete »perifi« ationa. and l»il> of materia1», al’ very of a desire to be lil eral arid fair to feels warranted in selling it under rlf.iúli ese; II e-1 wllh.aentncr» f ill and cump'c e s.« anv ordinary carpenter or builder will have no trouble in going i, n rvt.B» itul»ic rú es ahead and t'omple’inx the w«>rk. And if vou do not find juat what von want, write tr.c the dembertos. This spirit was a positive guarantee of its doing f’hanrcs v. u des're made, and I will at-comnio«)ate »on. or leave Ortit ta with T Piunplfia Pe8.PI», i what I particularly noticeable during the good in all cases. 1 c-ier Ilea« », 1! . You w ill it as < heap to erect a handsome h< use ns 'o ’A a-'e material uu an un- i id iteti ». aigbti) building. Wilj aid yui in re-cons.ructing jour ptteeul bciidmg. 41-;. S’ fcr re vote, idthoiigh it was evidently quite Wa wojitto luera«a« onr clrcntatton Yrrjr largely duriug th« imit «lx month« -t<- ft, if j .». disease or lung disease, it lias cured fie Gev. F. K*..e i Neu »paper Ad rlble. To accomplkh till» wo n*w d Uio cuoperat on ol our preitetit H»itwrlb»T»« nn.l t-. .b-t-« ii ♦ n a ona of ottr proMUt ratolero won'<1 >« re fm* nt a« «» / i'x:ri./-f. n'l/ «drc>thtii<> i w<»ui«l I.-, e. But we ku'tw th»iit will tik«« art extr-v-rdIunry Ind»» »‘inei.t t-» brii-g out fit« u , :«• mntoi I ga b I W»« I, nr« Washington was not entith d to this als. worlh niaking and coet nothing, ambitlouN I ajixIouM to donblv our olrcnlatoii. ami, by special arrangement altu one ot th«* l»ud* I tug publishing lioQee« we are ensblod lu make you listened patiently Mon,ev vefuned if it don’t do you recognition. Ho 1 EtClAL DIRECTORY. good. An Offer Romarkablo for Its Liberality. to the democratic contention that; Head it: 7b «m»/ mp wAo irOl k .<* >4 w» O r o Subscriber to V<>» p ‘r^ fy One Year : Mr. Farquhar had not the authori-’ at lhe nnhiicriptioiipti> i>t ira trill gie,i Absolute’/ Free, ttn-r Hfi.'t b’/ tnntf. Benjamin Ilarriaun pii>i Twenty-five Complete Novoie~G«y fw nij/lct ¡joamau Ltvi P. .Mvfiuii ty of the Merchant Marine commit- ' “Go snowshoeirg?” Yen, my dear Jar.isG Maine mq lint: madarne, why not?—provided the Rate YS ididiit Winitoui tie to call up tl-.e shipping bill, and N . yto. Iler VwnliVM tBcilwy. By I M. Douai *«. A (.«»* Marrlaar H» 'll»» Utn/vw fct-Bury J I W . Nvblu A Wl.k-.l f.lrb H» M ««» <1» M,.. Na et. <*BywiplA. I'» M T. C*« « . heavens he propitious and furnish Miierfor Th«- Prnrl nf lh«- (Bt-enii. f«/• • •«« ivarare. W. . Na. W. |l•|!»• J Rv«.fieiu 1‘rwClur then after hearing Mr. Farquhar’s >Tn L . m V.’by, Addie, yon iwcwc cry about for • hr ••!«•<• Li-albe*«!. •*» »»'•*«»■••*•«,/r. JU. AO. A IBrrtvr Csswurd. By H-L Ht».»wsM.>w. Benjamin F. Tra- ey K! I only eol.l r.rx . Hen v.:u a very well- the snow, ai.d thcie is every pros ­ iuvy Th«- < alli’nr»ili« < itfolw. «I« . r r*«a«M ." in. A TrsMshlwsssssa« Ulrl. »»••Tur I ' jert-miah M. tvubk presentations of the facts, t’ecided informed \. ornan, &..U t kirúcú j-4 wou.dfuliow The Foerrllleel Kiefole«. I‘y M. I t'»i»»t»ni «■ in 4 uricnfinre. Win 11. 11. Mi« vr Hy II«« A 4.M»«ruKN«. JHM. Th « IM.iniHinl Ifrnreilit. Hy Mie. It R*««». X-». IT). her exam le.” nal < HIT«- lla»««r. Hr I »r* u I' ». N-> »’«. A B,‘ I« »H»<« 1. Hy B!r>. John Wauamaker against the New York member.! pect of plenty this winter. Snow­ Mia L . •‘T end h't voric yru aa’d you encrai A «ul hi«'« lll«f«iry. H» «I ,rn «s» r Bi uv»>r. JU. Ilk T Ise larari wf UseOrtaal. Hr «»• »*•«»•<> ’ ■». Jr. wlf’ucd 1 could M. .1 • to I J.k l 8 £t. JUh «S Mr«. shoeing is a. easy as sliding down Out »»riho Mei». H' f»sNloeies. »•« Mr. Jv.»n A««ry>. K | J. H. Mitche.I *i'.’i««r.»li («rnla«. »«• ■ •’ r Csioua. . Nd. ««. A B»«*ise*rw»s« U'«>mu». 8» Mrs Ass « - »»«»» •ne na« \- ba: 1 fiav- n’t.’’ hill,—after vou know how, and you srsis F..... ««in. *1 he Hyafrey sei Klei« I. w u«id Umtsse. By X« IM. Ihwokbsr« IIHI My K« *, ÜR.Í. . -W..athtbe*?* R.. .Binger Hermann cision must have been strange mu-1 *L»» A«»*»« 11 » J.' 'I N> BIX 'I'Bse Peril •H’IOrbssr« ••»»r«B»i». I»t H I 11 L . •* t. cl’, ¿úo mts ».n of lei I.-fonn«. D.8\ ivi.»ier Pennuyer .will know bow, and hew to form a ‘ ___ I for i.lldr Uld VttHuB (Bsa Blul!u Mo. 101 T he Muravi-k 1* »« Myniery. M, - By , Wu-aea K U «1 w. Mcbrioe Hate she krows «1* tùaS le roinp, ta. »ud it bri'ht and LfoaKaHh f Morse. Hy Vrawit Ke. JBL I'rtwss ** 1 hii. Mettohan. R N» t'W Out ef Ilie ll'-plka Rt H«- <*n«ar*v. Na tM Tiw <ín'«rrf!u»s'« ri«»t. II» Dr..« II ent. riatnln? in couremuOQ ; but I eon d do as That Senator Gorman is popular ' , club, and what to wear; and all j. H. y.•*> »•*-»« < well as »ho ¿oca if 1 tar* C o «ame acurro <»> I» Mr» Meaav *•«■« .’•«. «•". A Tal«« af*b» information, bbo l.-rtne tboiut sambar of tmr both parties was clearly about it, after re. d : g tic breezy A F«»»lMwr lÍMHlee. R» » T ---«*« > w*. THetormwoi •• »*»M-ret. l‘y M«"» Or»». R»y. » R h. Evan. among R ic"nsluc intoly.rr.d I io. rrc.1 tn re tn one Lcirr a • !’A. It e-iMe-.l ni.it Pnrleal. •» ««'M» • I»«.. « riHtriM. * I’rr-y »»•»«• th«- l,r»uh«'«. •’» tVn.«»M C.-m** > Win. F. Lord article on “Snowshoeing'’ i i Demor­ Combines the juice of the Blue Figs o( R bl. Tin-Is »il ,»■ Th «i ».<■ N«. • I. l»i-wl>-Srn lfi.»»«r. B« »tub«» <«f*'Dura fhe»»». 1 California, so laxative and nutritious, topics of t ie t>LU I wuiil p ck up tn »month est's Family Magazine for January; N.i. A !*•«••! v - t’rl'i««. hr " r»:«B>i «-MM». ’ Murly»» U »»»•<•%• T««» pin 11 »». Bi '••» »1 Wr-ou fl! JUP1CXAL : ty mv occr■ «-r.ai ©bau with fr.cnds. ItecrutU’.iy sympathy he. has received at 1^ with the medicinal virtues of plants t1» l’tì-iRd BBotsi«». H> M. f. <'•«»•■«. and if you don’t become enthusias­ known to be most beneficial to ti c *1 Ur I «Ini 4ilw»«- H» < i -nt «0- t-«r*. lln-rlna«-. . ... Br Ml«e M » R«<»e>t>*«. CHAN. F HYI»R loss in the destructiiwi of his home No. rj. TheFnlnt . ... . D the !i g| No. »*1. A <|-«i-«-r» A«u«><<«t W oMien. B J »S« «wuioy •» Ta- StllUIrBar Tjrsl H» M.T human system, forming th- ON LY PER­ J). I*. DCKT’N and ever.i m'» Jo »o bcautifaH/ IKuatrotca. too, >- ■ • i>..i ri.-»».- tic about the subject, we are mir- « It.-veii»-!. I » If. IG«-«« II *■««««•». .(D) H L Lvery t.. vt r.MiL.o toes O7cr to tko Al en»’ »Le by fire. Senators op both sides of FECT REMEDY to act gently yet w®, M. 'flsn III I .-liC-iril II« qn»-«l. Ils llrnw Cn««« «y JH. i:,st fo Us-gf L-L. I y M»« « i»M II. B« •»« »«».. cornea bre!: nd tea«?» to fd you to Lite •■•*--*• ——-««• —■— (l»«.««' -------- li-.t - ' — h«-1'l»r««-e»i i'nr.-tv IWa — T)»«rM.'* K.( H. 'I Ilut‘.s • «iS Warst. Hy F« ■««•« v«r > « . DcinTTCLt’s Family hfo arin«. rs tlv itort*« are 'I r s. r»t«M«-*. »> s»ih-r i-f " tw r • Ti.> «.** Wo. I«. i * foes »Iti II on in - I hrv«b«si»l. Ily M«*fi’rin I| » the chamber crowded around him taken. Or if vour tastes arc artistic promptly on the covx rr—u r. v : Ci,»-'»• un<1 M I I . B>> Cu«»'sus IIn»t-ss. liara ffourw» ’ NO. M. *1 In« F I I l lllra IB« ami «r •nf^tol. Ev* th b -yi natch fori- every month, A » MasefoM»«! Ilrrsstar. Hr M«« A Bi,w«a*«. No. SB. < i ’ »-»I«l«sn’a fi'fl It* Hi «.ut <>->«• «y Itl.l. , . M «« » b» a« » plsoe I» found «*• UBACR Nr. Alien »wcnr» by it. It I» r «¡¡7 v.onderfu ......... ■ tn;. T. .W.E. A tsraaarl lo'ihre* •'» B • Ho* «y W ’ll II f ’ il. SoiiERT» ’ leghted with the excellent paper on —AN© T ♦ — ........................... m> Imw it pn.is every member uf tb » t~ *?dv ! •• T«. H lit. TUeBrrji« II . I » » «< r•»«••« i-»«. .. I«< »»r üf r» t B • fi ' ma Co» » .»■ /'Ii.ititint, and assure the popular Senator of ............................. m> T. . MCKIK5ON I i»r B'reu*«*»« >»* B « HU' Lnsd. Bl/IL fo. H»a«- •• to Í» i* I'it- lloil.l.i r «. H. M«ay l*» WX. ALTNOT from Laural. Md., was a »new one M„r> tSisrJwli-l ” • Itlsssl. F» fo.«. II ’ -« ». I ■ ’ Ici l< n »h. I« Il ......... -s. »«y REFRESHING SL. EP. w. waevnt fo-c n> thing. r< ca« li ruwbrr contain« M • 'l>.' J ire W’s»'l » I iwer«» '■» M«».« IB MA, MHdr «B Tew>» ».I.« . It» lu* Oi-erraat ** u. Lyü« Howard. • • r»Hviu Pattern Or < «r* c-nUll m* the L*»i vnww »r«j ,u,: ear J The i|rr. «•»»•■ • Celines H» M-n- »■ > Ai. -o. •-. HEALTH and 3TRENGTH ii. I »i <’wt»H*a M -1. Il au»)...», f • l»<.r«a | he recently built by the Senator. The portrait of the eminent American I’Utem -he tn-7 cbooe . ar..] in ar.jr «fee- whlcb ora ttoaCle l'!'« Josrnr«, I rBe-«H«^- • »». B» Mr- »iieunii.. /t»d. Yo. il. 'T’«r <•»•■» IT sculptor Hardly; aid if you have My M-ler tonus ’I» •>i»l-ir “ D»»«Tfo«1 so * J . N«. n. T)«*- .. Mv«t«-ry nf the ll«.lly Tre». »s *«, N», M Jh«*«*r !•««»»• ’• »ree. 1 K,)H«aM K t»«H4». ■p»H 4<*r««a. h. W f «■,»«»«•. I.- line. H »l«a»*’r. .. Il «y Xt»,f ..foJ etotADt M3,a_!no Lru» tfttte ®t»n» /.” were fanned so vigorously by the tions for an.jteurs and ' eginm-rs f?ciare I only Ly the t -e Leil ae f’e.fo«—. B’y •« fc * “A W-»M Ho r«. !•••!> <’«• .i A uil »•«•'• l>»rn*i. lOUrtaaMr»! •■I'- •♦aT'arv«. ’ W •?'»»•-(. 1 will be of grert aasistence. "Sage CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ■ Ve ’ Uar-t tf Genna-tau Bly IL T e.»o«a. Ye. 4«. It^d < ’ -»»rf h-«m»i. H» »fr» liw-srWo/»* IU U gale, that Mrs. Gorman and Mito *»•«■»• Ryriiiair - IH •. II Mt»-'«»*« a i rr t. I » •* s», 4«‘« *. Ae. w i i-f Fr«.r tren . F ¿**» .*. C . LblU; fUriw. «toi»«ir< in «. ie. n Cr i fet'..llid |fl.rt.r. -» »1 -a» « »< •. il.» W Gorman barely escaped with their Maidens of Cornell University” is taviirp • «. k r. ,t -tie l*Bacl«.*'« Salto l»y Ha«. Tesy 4 *•. ai ’1 »««' !-««l i1«u-fo Me.i*. Hj Mr» l«a«a. /B. hfo*Wo»K, X./ fle.tee. H eva»«rN fis» /// «•.air.» M »« - •/ • faOULsT EPISCOPAL CIILRCH l^en «râler'« t LG . Bly tir« V V V flVj. lli Idr fbiiM thw Ira. H’ambu. Ih««« 1 >-•»•• '* M live». The Senator’s valuable li-, another handsomely illustrated ar- ». «5. Î __ leHbt ............. I.• t * |G .. ileurtl». ALbifoitM« »»«y. M*r* L» .n»i- I » *•»« t -*»•» ......i- ML’..« WILSON Pa«*»r. >• : j I brary, the accumulation of a life­ 1 tide, written by one of them, tell- —-------— Itluth B.r C. . .»• * rs -- !»»••■•>• T fo- I>1— i rtf ’ » • ■»- r rs »l.««.er, _ — w— B» _ rt i. V- ____ i. 41 It.«» M.i.k » Wilma Cr» »m«. » wrgiaeif I im > . ig'.iltt. i-, fo»« 1 ing of some of the trials and many until further null« « I... - to > M. Mia.!-g. l'i M-a» < r. ■.< liée. time, and the family paintings and i—Burt «—a: 11 a na. and 4 '30 pm A-«»»- r.| Jha. t|«»»| ||«< |t He'll» •..iMall. »” M * s'*re ••«e lit >. A t»nr|«-»e«l life. I • *' • I. » » B«l»(« rl*»a% H| W V e il <'I i «««. —Island School H«-u«c— at 11 a m relics were all destroyed; a logs ; of the pleasures of the life of a “c»- % «.'» r1c** Fi.ft», Bf M»e Ai «e* •■.»» r-l’e Netr. »• ••»« Ku s-.«»l i m»« — Marne.—at 7»ipa. A G«*f«l.-»i Ih.sin. » aaihar D- a F11M»«». ' ffl. '«»•rii»»»«, e» » «-»••» I .«er*. ed ” at that noted seat of learning; —finer»—at 11 a in. and 4:M) pm karesT Bfraet« ' * I K,*»». ■ r-»v:»| «r. ih* HyaUry al tfo* *l»«diai»4a. which weighed more heavily on i—Harney—at 11 a in. and 7kOp m .-».W f en a. //f>.W««r- I « a! a •• le a PfaMs«-Mtt«s l y ”Ta; the illustrated Chinese story is par ­ |* I -y « e»»l' «e». H) NlaaU f. r«si-«.*W. the Senator's than the fact that the «ro» "* I. II M 1*«' • r. IS Il « -'i.y «y « ». i M»1, ’• B» Urteer r I ♦» « »» o«. 1’1 insurance was only $5,000, or one ticularly interesting; the other sto- THE CRY OF MILL.- .JlSl 8OCIKTTT9. M« . I le. u»»« m ■ '»«»a Vwwa*. ’ B*». A • - fc-«. i ries are all good; the “Sanitarian” « i a . *9 MH» M» - a» 1 ’» b.- « The- Lies > .r .f «eri - fcunh of the value of the house. • *>ei»r> LrL»;i. f ln.'i».»iWvz». I» Tfei *ir-.MM- <«»»««• Mf j i'r, 4 tor. oh . 7«Y encKi ». A w»o« »I«»r1i w. fr hi' •«» Fi e-v llyatr. H» H I. jh«.fc^un has seasonable articles about the LODGI. KO. 7?, I. O O F. THE OHLY TRUE F| Mr». Br-« R. Mi»ai’f».m -i G H. n liât» H • « teT<*N»a. Ito A OBJ Xa«e ff«r»:i — X A practical i>lustrtoion of the op ­ •TO F IT NOW. a 4 «»!•■** A'J'I-’. I.«'V«.'|. H* M. I l'titwa. arar«»«- « i Fellow« Hail, «very Saturday M. ». A wie» » ils» Huiw«. H»a»«M««i H»v. fie* Bit t es4»r tú» f Jin« r. »/•*•♦- r J ■ (Ma TA *•*.'• F. M. J .KÏ », <». erations of the new tariff law was ' “Effects of Colb,” and how to take • win at too tare. -■ r »»• ’*•* n v« 1» A** 'f you <•< ui W. Tree« I -aHMtl e.fl’| IT.- wttl, ‘v • fntB ir-erify ttv» I.era-l ___ . i sitz, foot, and other baths, for rem ­ ____ i fos i*-T tu nm n.-l ud ii ri ew. a .4 III -> n |H«Mlaltoe.ui if give» tb.e House in. the shape of a' I hove trowb» many rear» wiite Ur-I |i'i'»«|>hl t t’rCKl. X ” un ’ wtt'M« «- fti.eaul.i » • —i' ««»Vami’.w tî«..«i rrtating'Ml *rli»*t** b*i.‘» dtoease of th« kklnry» and have tried edial purposes; “ Chat ” and ‘ The F.Y roa 1 IO. 48. G. A. R. »♦ A » ri» «e ___________ Mn«| Kar« p*. . Ruto- a -o th«« to: g * ; I »..MA ' Y-» H I Ifiln •libi» y»»il B»r* I riVilAift-d letter from the Secretary uf the I m»uy different r«-ro*dieR and hiyy lot eitd'fd W-dr.redar of rath M-« «•<•»•« •«•’► ■»,, » r. • ••, \ ■ i m l'I I- » I t ■ f «1 > d itpbr- »I tri II l|**ra. fr» «sede I “ in»-ar ». Lieto ‘ *>ugM »ul trom ditfereot p'ajtoklaM la ibis II« iJiff.!« •". < '» f . I ’ « A r • • oit c» I I r.ii i» * Tim ''ll- r.»* Hatt, an Ocaex-di» Treasury a»king ba MoMleef Q»*f. .r __________ an appropri-i I World’s Progress” arc especially without relief. Aboat th« 15th of Apr.l •« ar|y »Ute» • Ibwr. .. fr! V < /. * • a •' «»-r i— <-l«*v - n. y ttorn’y r.« I wu tufiomi front a rrry vp.lrnt . attractive; and all the other depart ­ A a I» fa » t»* l.R 7 ' • "W*F |>n I I« i i « ? M. M. BRtIRLY. F. C. (%» »I «u ’ K -i ut th!* i » a ation of $25,000 be made to enable attack that almoct pratorated me La f !« eff • ir r f»ir« a e4 ’n i»«»..‘c f . I wr-M»!! ta.lirld- Xn « > era ¡ ««sdar -»< i r.ía i - i«ë.- e ¿X Meto U-lf •neh a raacaer t<»at î wa» bent uY«r. ments are brimful of good things. w.n »»• w-M« rw’»:.*»***« AA'iT >4« »P Jour IM I*»4 ti.H > •« ’l'-c ly 1 »n r»f T ’** r’ «T’itLitf fi.mph-ln Biw »MwtUf ma rto'i do I' I W‘»»i Io get up «tome, or to pnt on ray dothea, w.»en »r.^ -, -, • • r n <’r» I P ’’ »V W!|- b'f R ■me-rvil»*’ »iso »I <’.a osa »4« nr prrari»t wi'-a rii to ritt on imported articles used in the es­ Indeed, fcr beauty, variety, and kin 1 Proviticnre »ent Dr. Healey, with Lb« . but in- rvly B »!•■» ftoir Infliwen-" I« Jlua «era g»«4 a«k d 10 g t »’» a «•«•’I» or i • «; OKEfXh.V KIDXEY TEA, to my completeness, Demotest ’ a Family Ü. e. MAILS. >1 »hrV « k». «i «J. », «i - a ï»r.r Anytxwlv r»H do »h!» ta a » co* of roar »»"t'bh • ” 1 or .»tend.' 1 • 1 tablishment of light-hoiiseg, and on hotel. I i*3:o4diate1y c-.r.Ktxed »- in auf wrr'b* for oi.r («apw Al y«m< Aiir-t«< r*> «r B. kl»’«»»in » I« I f»L »..’« iip-i , c Magazine must 1« awarded the octet the tra. It had »n »'m-jat f . 4» t *wt ».i <«nra » n 1 art jnar »ub •ol‘Hta/1 *•» l»> i.T. Ar at V. t-e I ft which the government has to pay rairacnJotu effect, and to the Atoun- I • J « d •< i • ♦ o do. an 1 v hc u y nn rarte* t avril« Vot rnartorff «rill |i»»Ntr’ e’ard fo tn J ». •CWfe-lMML iahoKnt afeli the gueto« at the hotel, .*» . j'>n »ili Ito ôtoiftite-i to Iblhk yw« ft. rtt». h "»rm j, «ü nota it c..m', t. < ter?» do*’.», «ar.daaO tXC*pted. duty. In hia letter the Secretary pelm of superiority as the Family is a few dayM •» happy to Mate. t«K>ll adva .1« * of enr «• *' vr - fl rr I r r«« c ciw*.»*«- w,'. I « «•titrer lb, »'.««•«; ,t n-. . —.-•*«« e — r-re w*rn,Mmi>«T« >4 »ays that the illuminating appara­ Magazine cud should be in every that 1 wxa a a«w w.an. 1 • at *4 MHI-. r.l»K. «U «II! . « ( ,, , I, I-,.., bl.. Lal <■« ------------- t« pcç dar il • y F tb« f rementneal thr tea tu »B a:J bcwebold. Published by W. Jen- * tOf d ot l**l ■ t»’«^ <•’<• -•■«• f». . . « t »/ .: H rl »rrn.» g i r«.|» ole »»»»Yr1« free. T^a Ito eu titoaat — «>t tfo« o »I«. ? , tus, used in light-bou ’ c» is nut tolteti bees. I •»II 0. »-. »>•«• • ■ , r>| . ! »S. Sr a.Uul.J uUar r«M Tt'.fii'i » • inn.* ” made in tbia country. “The duty ! rings Demorest, 15 East 14th St-, a . »:«. •ad<«£ka «•«.»> Dwa »*1 Dt^a totola» rotaie*•'W) la ywi I New York. Or. HAKT Ul BHOl-.l-rt C0.,UU4*l. on the parta” be adds, •’which Remit by fiegirtared Mail, or call at ITERALO oCûce Rom», Or*go-,. E HERALD. OOHMjPW’-VriON. I ; ashington and 1HE BURNS READING ROOM. kopkietoks a iba d ja hub hopiuvtob ammoth cy lofxdia iik i -’-«41 si a b h b b with the house m b akeview uhoon mm ith c md aoi m a iiìk e u h mi ch s î b i i ammoth coiic m i i rop io et x m uh iaììii mi i ivbc i ii m ji j ii iw i hi j i a ammutii i ì hi h b viu huh b h oh f rchitect oub t reoon aj t erald h he f ral ock 26 COMPLETE KELS FREE p m hb th a h ba wh i hik rational h m iti sss ew msnls im s sihhh sii m ht iks xh ms wm s ss ce b immcs m m o miumt v fmo v km ini eb iia mw h go mi Mo i hm au m l mik u h imi ba m district si ksm liftoüd y enry m lackman h wt m mrv v mh a rs a miio i sic v m m w m ill mmhi a hi m i s mj m m sui h m kzt ouih tm office i m a directory a an c aii al m i iiim h v to m i m ism a n mv mi t m i h ooh it /IROtë ? TONIC m mi mm mm q n ài à tuff /