HOME AND FARM, ayette JxT’orssry groomsmen and Ivy bridesmaid. PREMIUM OFFER! THE HERALD. He came on the evening train, ’ Harter’s Magati, LOUISVILLE. XV. Of Pavette Idaho set of the scarcely an hour before time, and fte LMdiii( *< to tersely increase C»e rircnteti»»n < f this lternla.br ( harte, Vedi., Wl * ers of the South and West. They do not treat Hff rater »« »i« n-n^m. »» »■•»• ni«‘le . o er «*• r, uud Ivy «o«:dei . 9- r re a pytuimu to our L r, i d *;A: •• ’ "»•»(tea <>( ..riwlnald Waldo F. Brown . Henrv Stewart John M. Mahl ; mote fruit growing in East ­ LI oj - som » ehc b. lu. ai d she w M Tbarkerar. aow bnbll.V» ,, LT .uLocritete , we« ci e her father. London br Wal'.r KeoanL^™ " A HOME MAGAZINE. a^nptimi price. Cur grext offer tn Bubaerilw r» /J Site need ruH have feared reproach aelics combined. in the uttml.r and rartMr of 1'1 same grand hills and broad up-ad Rverv subject of interest to the heme maker is ceHjwe« aB/ever heretofore made. Churlte per» an»l Other anteiM on nblert. Dicktte was tl»o rreoteet twvtliat who ever fully treated Mary Marsden. Loi»©»/«*»? MJX as the tresa tere»', aa wen „In theanrlrailad ows were l»etwern h<-rs< If and the f otn bint, fur be came forward sr.y-1 Brow n Mrs. Daviess, Mies Cabell. Mias Mosby, hv< d. Nn au bor Vef«»rc or e :»c< hie time has l>> abort ,’urlea. poor a. „e Alice Winston and a scoce of others will coo trib­ are ac­ u< n ti e Lmc that Le rt-hk-wd. and hie works nxa Will couiioae n» maintain ó handsome young man standing so ittg with perfect ease, as he quietly ute regularly. arc iven i. orniwpul r to-day thru Uuiing e»< elleure ter which 11 haa been , climated and ili»,ulabed *•"' FLYM l-ATI'JSR kin lifetime. They rlound iu wit. btuior, near tier, and looking down upon tcuk ber hand “How do Y<-U do, Ts in charge of our Chi’.fkcti’s Department, and path* a, iii:M <>uld are known to thrive and I smilingly down on the Hushed be uitfe r.t a r< t uf th- sc great ai d remark» Is a thrilling stery appearing in Kown and Graham Ji rome was not a Per Year: F ash , by John R. ■sales, and is exciting wide al»»o uoiks. Not to have read iLem in to be flourish in the mountain cheeks and downcast eyes. There attention, short stories by distinguished writers fir behind thu age in which we live. The inan, and although Ivy )o>el appear from lime to lime. country. The “IDAHO” pear _________________ «. t • f Diikit.e’ wtnks which we offer xa a was not time to say more until af­ erwmimn to BILL Af.rS LKTTKtS tn onr our eu>«cril*ers sul4eril»ers is ia handaotnciy handsomely print; print »1 d fro a .1 « « ntirely ttlirely n w plates, wi h as she csuld never love any n new type. will be off« red in limited quantités . •• - . --------------- ___ , » e n»uus _ _ ..ff «Inch wiiu.li M 10 pub­ Tnlontee fattoti the o follow i»»g wurbe, iecu ...... ui.u ul HARPER’S MAGAZIXB Appear in each issue, and this humorous philoso­ ter the ceremony bad been i er- TW twelve else, she was not quite sure pher was never more inieresting than at thi. W'jrr, wTe1.*. fd, ohLwsly'tmar.ilp«».- for the first time this year. This pear HARPER’S WEBKLY lished can- ‘ ---------- rJ— HARPERS________ U“C" 13 ITS UIT0B1AL BErABTBKBT bazar she was ready to give up everything ¡formed; then be drew ber out on DAVID COPPERFIELD. Li a native af Idaho is considered the flnest HARPER’S YOUNG I BARNABY RUDC3 AWO CHRISTMA« PEOPI1 STORIES, H oste and F abm speaks boldly and fearlessly in for love; and, besides, she was on­ the moonlit porch, and turning MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, '!,e: Kree ,o »>1 Bub »Titer,. pear grown and is extremely hardy. Do bcbalf of * Farmers’ Righty.” It favors a re­ 1 OLIVER TWIST AHO CHEAT EXPEC- I ui.vd Mat«.«, Canada, or Mexice. NICHOLAS NICKELBY, vision oi the tariff in behalf of the farmer ; better ly nine-teen, and he had seen near­ 1 said gravely: i TATIONS. not fail to plant a few trees. foods for the fanner ; Pree Mail Deliver« to the DOMBEY AND SON, THE OLO CUntOCITY SHOP AML» “ Hare you a kiss for vour father, farmer : Co-operation urnoug th- - farmees» and its The volume of be Magaane ben Addre-s. Payette Nursery, ly forty years. BLEAK HOUSE. THE'JNCOMhienClAL TRAVELER. aim is to “ Bust Trusts.” Its :n«tu is he Nmulier- for June and 0eetKV Ivy?” , ' Payette Idaho. LITTLE DORRIT, A TALE Or TWO CITIES. HARL» vac !i year. When no ime K •• Fife Trade and Farmets’ Rights.* “Ivy!” he said again; and she OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, TIMES ANO THE MYSTERY OF rri|> ion- will tiegin wi h fhe KaadJ An angrv light gleamed in her PICKWICK raised ber Hushed face, saying re­ ED'.VItl DHOOO. PAPERS. rvn at lime ol revviiu oi «nnr eyes; she drew back haughtily, Ti»e above are without qnceti'-n the meat f nj>>n< m>v< Is that were ever written. For i spectfully: Quarter rf a eentnry t •♦•/ hav* le*n <|el.r»t»-d in every i*«»*»k sud nnwr of »he civilix< I STOCK BRANDS. saving: world. Yet there are th<»ua«i.ds «»I le«n» a i A»ne-: te-t yet Mtpplicd with »»■ l> f Dickens, “Sir?” the natxil high e»mt of the lM»*ks preventing ¡ m *«»|>I<* i » nwderste « ir- urna ances m»m enjoying “You forget yourself. Mr Jerome; thia loxnry. But now. owing to t»»** u**- of m« alèrti i.npr *ved 1 rin mg. f ¡ding an I a niching He smiled just a littleat her tone, euch- l.v ajiciiiuery, the extrenrel« I«».» price of whi:e |«aper. ui*4 t < gnat cutu petit i»m in the book In. » , .o ¡I.»r cr' ■ ¿¿.»gazine. Ab I am 1.<4 a child!” THK SELF-THREADING and then abruptly asked: trade, we are euahled t-» offrr n» oor s»il«enl»rr« au*ì r- .. ltrs a »»-t of Dickens’ works at a alvi in a..», Cia - iiad, iur» in U«t> labi 1—y iwf l>- -idi a ael He biitgh-d. and said cr.rchssl : price which all can xff »r pty. Every I iii.iii ir. .. .»> .».ne, “How old are you. Ivv?” of the great xuih »r’s works. »e ve . > e. < i»».|i. | JO • . ..m .» rr. to hear that. Mis.- • O Young erx.ugh t». • unni,*- ah»,uhi I k iua»i«lir ter. or tirali, .<»uv»,ì»I •h.ker. for you will h-. ’ dly ; pprec - I Mr Jerome’’ OUR GREAT OFFER to an- bribers to THE HERALD We will HAKl-ET. i BUUTHIB, The man's face flu.h d hotiy. al<- lie lovely dol. .n d U.i.iioi.r t a send the entire wt i»f I’iekene* Work, r.s a»ove descrit**d, ¡»ostage pre­ paid, and the HERALD for one year, upon receipt of <3.10, which is fur he was very sei.sitiv- about h .- I have l.ronght for you.” She turned away her face, saying,! only 60 cents more than the subscription price. This is one of the years between them; and after a grandest premiums ever offered to subscribers. Remit by Registered few moments of silence he DUt out softly: Mail, or call at the HERALD office, Burns, Oregon. 1891 “I did not know you were so u: - his hand, and taking hers for scarce­ forgiving. Mr. Jerome. ” ly a moment in his ewn, he said, "You have not asked mv forgive­ Haro.r’s Weekly! coldly: “I teg your pardon, Miss Baker; ness.” he «aid. eagerly. •• l .,H I r,ov<— will ” «h-a*'«'" r -1 ' i.e»- ; iPER'e « EEK tv nee never faii’ed u iiie as » ui'iiai uf < ivinxaiiv.,1 t ou ►: id voU wotij.1. i that I shoul 1 exph.i » why I -ke iuue g lih.a tuns ant rtsail p. Mi ». i i« a mí e«.i. nt »Ba.«!» i». ug.il th. d»»)l and lonuons. I VI you here fur a last walk to-day, for Afu vi ar ir i ux . t«.- . a u<. » uc- ».«e I ti>„ rta you are too young. I presume, to Itn’t your word good?” 8 piu,! ■ II It . prt B.- *• a. • rib » i 'eit-c.ii-*, . H»- lu Id up before hrr a tiny understand me.” ». pe» e ne .. n< iivi ,cî. t i: $ 15 iai et p|. u> ni » .i! » V ». i ni I -i:t f-il ’ ox fill- <1 with c ■- He raised bis hut in adi»-n; bn’ The î.i »e liera» .a ieu ili'.» 911 M irai. « ritti a.. • p „rahb f herself. »•on b< s .¿¿«U . :• pas iMiivx .h $ 8 he put». « . «B m lai. i j ur h . h Droppingon her knees, still laugh “If you see any pretty dolls in »■• wlt , aa herc-M). r«*. ¡e r .. regar-1 iur.be

onier or Draft.to avuid eg my pardon for this ILLUSTRATED Or ROCKTORD, ILLUfOia ■atabltobad Twenty Yanrs; 8 Pttm«. SO tala mat. before we are friends again Miss Benuti toappe.tr)—Wasn’t Mr. V'ar, without »»dTertieonieute. Vawctarian. uapar- H abpsb ' s R asar is a Journal A»r tb tiMB, but «arne«t for truth and puritv, »eachiot Nice here last evening?” Baker.” Chriat, but with th« broadect charity. Have a clean ; «-c. ••ivlng the la’tar in forn.a.t.»it with _. religion« papwr in your family, ft ha« no hobM«-« or hw Fashione, ita nun.aroua il t at a U Miss B’s little brother—Yep. “I never will,” said Ivy, most de­ crotchet«, bnt aeeks t« «tipp y th« place of vito, or ion-p B»ta. anu pa«reu iu uikUt'iig ite anie ic stt week and a splendid «torr. Only 81.M a Tear. the wi'e ?' “Well?” he raid, still hoping for ist’ Ia clubs: Fir« for Five Doliara. Sample copies t run. of ibe hfsDeSt vlder. l.e clever • •‘Uli! *!.<•’* f=n.-n parlor pe, ard th«,uxbtful eesa;.e \ cp. You jest ort to see how so in*?« imctliiH.’ I c.-.ti'r : iY< some word of cncouragcine.it. "BEI RUB"!^ “THE WORSTFOE^sjramn Rance: Grant aud Maheur counties. ■ »».and La last page ie (amove cut - Wi ll, «c n I tv «o ' of wit and hum. ». lu ita weeklv P. O. address: burt.s, Grant eo., Orcr°«- “Unless you give me the doll and cial he is with sister when he gets tot •• - Ye* 11 : but I p ie-» ‘ v. t- u iI. • r.r nis-ter.’ 1 thinaie fnclwt «d wb:«b ie of In tin • >f sitinp and never I will pay Hundred Dollars for of ani» lee on -Tue House Comfortabi I bavinp anything t ■ ■i,hf,± -"Jt- |I|>/O * IJUllh r* w V W the arrvy* •natiliar Lit lag. He turned and strode away with­ «■»»susk^k-w*»*t< • *ti.m.caJ. too,— son or nersor». killing or dealing any ôf ihe lui eretti ng eoc .1 MKPER*8 YOCNU _______ BKUPi.E for double tlie eub«cripill i her for January of rath year. “ what ia going on ; tnv w Je « alw -y « trying some SAVtF- mm ! t>. K.*(Ahmi anU, »U i> tte wymttteUr, q. tute itne ie mei ioaed, auLacrlpii. a ne»v idea fro-n the Iiou^boid i!c;»artm< ’ ’ : ah« came in the soft, blue eyes, and «he on- < ti the Number eurrwat a: ?be dir.eU make« all her «ire-'O* r i t th- -c f »r th-s » ’ren, tf A a w ins Uvtrtism. Xt todkatos to the Tl.cn CUVUASO^ . rder. an-l -h- gets nil In r p ”. • f >r m i’iing. > h th« gather» d upthe» J »v r i - o ». tmTadcuU Mrertto«r tew, visa. art vkan he vuud volumes of Harper’s Baser Magaxine ; and w.- ► •-. dJ •»•«I hb I c wa« - > eiek MOBIES (Su rnsú«.).. ■ rtc neat cloth blading, will be sent with the r- Mtp. «••»• •• ¿1;/j r« 1 rect» I in th* hud ar’-ang ! A m U MvaniM ; hew to write ea Mnrttoeaest ; hew .i iiatft” CIAS.............. »vlded the freight does not exceed •* What wo .d-rfal ■ . i . . 1-1» » ’ to tolar «e; whet wvepepm to esc ; hew with th» in m > ver volume) fur <7 a volume, •«Thm r -•'«Fain ' « a 1» .and—** M. MUCO ... loth cases for earh volume, suitable MMf to aspad—Is fart, líteseme « etery petal •• W‘i ti! WI 7 t > r . . 1.- w n’ed »0 bad, hnnd-i... will be cent by mail p- spaid vn and I to‘ I h'r t wn* r. v v.vi« »SOW FUIE Groff-», Mswttotac b .*ac;h. ••Well. 1.’ 'rend , » ii. ic y >n Tinde a likely . eminences should be made by ft* grand ini ’ . ? -. d } l’d betr n • tify «« hfbv. The nev Order or Draft, to avoid chant» toon a« v • 1 cm. 1 . ' r S- .’H«t t here, »jrnel; on m Ai('e'«.T •■»»; -i to h • _• a cltiaa drees HARPER A bK* A «I tea— 1 11 tr f g n. xt month. ting :n 'h- cro>.de»d I...1 ! 1«rH ni • • had ik % . t . * lie mat Ieg i.:tk r But now a |dr.«icUn, . valued friend, Lad died, and in tak ing this position, with a ¿nod prac­ tice. the way art med clearer and br'fhtar, at»dha had dand to think of t 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure