“Merry Christmas” to our readers. EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. L l moor. L no O ffk 1, Burn«, Oregon Nov. R, le90. I c e IS HEREBY GIVEN that the f.«IK»w ■Bed «ettler ha« filed notice of hlsinten* hnake final proof in aupport of hla Halm kt said proof will be made before the fr and Receiver, f. K Land OHloa at Oregon, on December *2, ltWO. v.a: —Notice the premiums offered bv m «bi­ II ira» that ali« l>, M. McMiitumy. < harlt b Hcirvu, Wm Tob.n, J. P. Garred, Kvre, W. 11 Caldwell, Ern. A* C WortJUrrgtnn, ■.her. G. W. Zumwalt. Kiuun, II, E. Thompson, R. E Keed, jkin, W. T. Bu< han an, P. II Y. ung. (., W. Wi c.,x«on. jiH r. GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! In Christmas Goods. —Fred Miller has rented the Burns Meat Market from Smith ; and Ricburdson. AT THE GEER HARDEWARE’ STORE. — Persona wishing to purchase |x. ..t.KS, call on Sam King; his po- i.a.K-s urc fiist class and cheap. —Do not fo-get that Ed. Walton ir leudy a*, uli limes to give vou a .ace s.iiuotli suave or hair cut. A GREAT DISPLAY (>F Drums, Ornamental —The Burns Dramatic Club will Tin Toys, play “Among The Breaksrb” at Dienes, Vases, Fancy Cups and Harney on the evening of the 31st Saucers, Silverware. Tea Sets, Glass inst —Received at the Hardware store Table Sets. Water and Lemonade two crates of queensware, also a Sets, Casters, Pitchers, Cake and full stock of bird cages, hanging Fruit Stands, Bird Cages, Center and bracket lanios o —Sale of tickets for Christmas Table Noielities and a fine display ball will cemmence on Dec. 8 1890 and can lie bought at the principal of Ornamental Lamps. business houses in town. —Wnen in town during holidays “drop iu” and see Tex, his liquors are of the best quality, and given to you by the polite mixologist in any shape you desire. o —Fine brandy, at Long & Bosen­ — Mr. John Pratt, our tailor, wishes to inform the public that he berg’s, for mince pie, sauce, etc. will be pleased to receive orders for Try it. any thing in his line, at his ranch —The O. C. Company Hunting­ two miles east of town. o ton Oregon have a full stock of —What’s the name of the girl in everything in the mercantile 1'iie. Harney county who was so unfor­ Send in your orders by mail, parcel tunate as to get her “little” foot or wagon load. They will certainly fastened in the kraut tub wiiile on a give satisfaction. vegetable and fruit expedition in Grant county. —The flour made by our new —Cal. Geer, our hardware mer­ mill, we consider first class, We chant and liis son, Irwin, who have had the pleasure this week of eat­ been absent for some time unavoid­ ing tread made from it, and do not ably detained in Baker city, by the hesitate to say it’s good enough for sickness ot Irwin, returned home anybody. lust Sunday evening. —We are in informed by Asses­ —At the Saloon of Henry Long sor Alberton, of a runaway which you will find the best of drinks occured 16 milch south of Burns a during holidays. “Bozy,” the polite few days ago. M B. Hayes and bar tender, is ever ready to accom­ Harrv Hunt were driving to some modate customers, with mixed point in a wagon, the team ran away, throwing the two occupants drinks, or whisky straight. to the ground; resulting in a seri­ —The hcliday issues of Harper’s ous accident, Harry Hunt had a Weekly. Young People. Magazine leg broken below the knee and Mr. and Bazar, show that the publishers Hayes had an ankle thrown out of ■> ,r. no pains iii milking their pe- joint. • i ■ c'ivo. interesting, en- ■ : ’ dou‘b- the v .-. a t a few » l y tie' I» aui 'o'i'ei- hereby g.ven that the J tiro, k u an ns Morrison t 50x160 feet. Warran­ tee deed will be given. Apply at H erald office. AND TRANSPORTATION Company C. C. McCoy, General Manager, --------- 0:0-------- Stages leave Rurns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsev, Beulah, Westfail and Vale, where Close Connection io Made COMMITTEES: with the railroad. On gettin the Tree: T A. Baker. R. C. Garrett and Frank Dibble On dressing the Tree: Mcsdames Geo. Smith, Simon Lowis, J F' Oakerman and Miss Roberts. Taking off'the Gifts: Misses Stella and Ailu Garrett, Ella Baker and Maud Elliott; and Messrs. Ray Dusenburg. Lee Thornburg, Robert Ba­ ker. Don Baker and Joseph Garrett. Calling off'the Gifts: T. J. Shields and William Hogan. Distributing Gifts: Misses Ada Smith, Myra Shields, Della Lewis, Effie William, Florence Baker and Maudie Smith. On Supper: Mcsdames labile, Garret. Martha J. Baker, Creasmnn, Martha Baker. Hogan, Lewis, Lizzie Williams, Shield and Williams. On Invitation: K, J. Baker, Simon Lewis, R. J. Williams, J. F. Oak erman, M. B. Smith, Jas. Smith, II. A. Dibble, Geo. Williams. J. C. Creasman and C. Cecil. On Music: Wm. Hogan and E. D. Baker. Floor Managers: J. C. Garrett and Tlios. Allen. J ohn E. mbree . Baggage, 30lbs to each Passenger, Fricght and Passengers must be way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. J. C. P arkrr N eri A cki . es , H arry F loi n, Burns A gout. Division Agent. Gen. Sup’t. THE RED FRONT LIVERY STBALE, TIIOS. WHITING,........................................................ Proprietor. The proprietor of the Red Front Livery Stable assures the pub­ lic that be is prepared to accommodate in every way in his line of business. For Sale. We call attention to the fact that paper cost money, and it takes money to run a printing office. Please think of this and remit. We will take wood, grain and vegetables in the absence of money. Your county local paper is a ‘‘necessary evil” that you can’t very well dis­ pense with, and von would feel pret­ ty sore over the matter if your county papers would pull up and ‘scatter,” leaving you without any; and another fact you will have to consider: your editors must lie paid for their work or its “no go.” Pub­ lishing a paper is our vocation, or way of making a living. The fact of the business is. we want you to pay your sibscription. I Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: Burna to Vale |9.5t Burns, to Qnlftrio. . |li).(P •• - West Fall 7.fi0 •• •* Grove City............................... B o0 I “ “ Drewaev .......................... 4 Ot “ “ P.eu’ah 6 00 •’ “ Harney 1.00 *• ‘ Pine Cicek ......... 2.50 I Seven miles south of Burns, 150 I hereby notify the public that I had nothing whatever to do with tons of line hay for sale cheap. By the poem and wood cuts which ap­ Green Hudspeth. He offers to fur­ peared in the columns of the Har­ nish a comfortable cabin, that can ney Press Dec. 13th inst., I have be occupied by the purchaser while never at any time written any feeding the hay. kind of an article or communica­ tion for the Press, and I have not Beatty's Tour the of World. at any time made wood cuts for the Ex-Mayor Daniel F. Beatty, of above paper. Persons who think I have been writing for the Press are I Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi­ oft' tbeiy base and all. such should anos, Washington, New Jersey, has not accuse befor they know. Per­ Ireturned honw from an extended sons who disbelieve my statement tour of the world. Read his ad- in regard to this matter can iielieve i vertisement in this paper and send otherwise if they wish, there are no for catalougc. shackels on them. To Delinquent. Subscriber». After Jan. 1st 1891, I announce to the piiòìiC, that I will not let any account run over »54)0; and when account reaches »5.00. Y«ur bill will be presented, and after sani bill je presented no more credit til) said bill is settled. AT PROGRAM: Opens at 7:30 p tn. prayer by Rev. T. V. B. Embree. 7-30 to 10: Exhibition, Songs, Recitations, Declamations, Dialogues, etc., bv the Riley school. 10 to 11: CHRISTMAS TREE. Speakers for the evening: D. L. Grace, W. C. Byrd, Dr. Enidree and Mrs. S. D. Hill. 12 o’clock p m, to 12 a m, Grand Ball. Special Notice. THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF HAKNkY COUNTY. NORTHWESTREN MAIL Merry OixxdLsstzxxsLss! GRAND Don’t Read Thia! House and Lot for Sale* —The jury in the Baker county circuit court, in the case of the E HERALD. State of Oregon vs. E. C. McCarty indicted tor murder in the second »GEST CIRCULATION OF ANY degree, for the killing of F. G. Win­ ’BPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. ningham, brought in a verdict ot not guilty. The evident« showing the voung man had no premedita­ tion in the act committed . the time to subscribe to a tai newspaper. A CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO EVERYBODY. 3-50 Having stich an immense stock —The grand jury of Baker coon of first class Christmas goods, ty circuit court brought into court a true bill of indictment charging which we are bound to sell at some ex-ciunty Clerk, E. II. Mix, with I price, it liehooves every one wish­ the crime of forgery. ing to buy, to call and examine —W. H. Gass, projirietor of the our stock and prices before pur­ Burns Hob 1, is on the “qui vive” this week, everything in the best of chasing elsewhe’e. C al G eer , Older, and preparations made for the accommodation of his numer­ ous holiday guests. (i erai . d ia only »2.50 a year We want Your Trade, «• —Several parties from Silver creek tiave i.eeii in town in the last few days, buying Christmas pres­ ents t il,.- G. W. Muiipin, J.-I n B. hnibree. Da»e Ne.Mitan, Thutiia« E. brink, o D. Rusk. Wm C. Sharatt, Cha«. Clark, M K. Big».«. Th. «. <;. D» m !« oh . brer. Wm. Skinner, 8. K. Jvy, H.C. Pa^ne i« herebxgiven rhat the underaigned Ippiit aih.n tv the Hon County Court Cvun y.Stae of *Jreg»w, für to »eil man and vinoua liquo a, in '« ah of Hdc.sUivv an i Kiaie. fia peri.Al vf k oti the 2 I day of Februar.-. i« 1 I. ong b, pT« Innon, h>H*. nnvit. lin. arc. We have a Larger Stock than over, 0 I I mk Ivfi. n < f I nrtnriahip. Ln, GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! I AT BURNS IN THE NEW HALL. WHICH WILL BE THOROUGH­ LY RENOVATED. —John Sweitzer is erecting a res­ idence in the south east part of town. forth« NUnf NEU NW^ «nd F NW‘4. Section U, Ip sR«4;-»E. « • '• ’»tne« the billowing winter«« • to pr.»ve hinuo » rcabJe««« up ”» » •* < uhi'« I t g . Uf H J. »epli Parker, «.• n! cf Hur« e«. fe* > BARGAINS 1 ! T he H erald . Frank M. Jonlan- I ce Bargains, —Mies Ollie Fry is spending her holidays in Burns, visiting friends BARGAINS ! I £W*IIay and grain con stantly on hands, and careful hands. T he F rench MRS. LOUIS RACINE,------ - - - -P m OPBI IT HU, B urns , O regon . A largo and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. Tables furnished with all market affords. Sure to suit the public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a trial. A l*le:iHiiig Sense Ml iiea'i'.h and strength renewed and of case and comfort follows flic tls5 1 of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har­ mony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or billious. For sale in 50c and »1 bottles by all leading dru^gists.4-2 «‘COGITABLE SERVICE Burns W. II. CANADAY Attention. 'hotogmh Grallery, ......................................... P roprietor . -----------;----------- O------ O----------- :----------- Of oil persons still indebted to undersigned on E ast O regon H er ­ ald accounts, viz: subscriptions subséquent to Nov. 28 1889, adver­ tising-and job work done prior to March 1, 1890, is called to the fact that payment must I m - made before 18th dav of Septemlier, 1890, to save further cost of collection. D. L. G race , Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. Nothing but first cluse pictures leaves this Gallery. furnished at reduced rates. Duplicates BUHN CHItlSTMAS TIIF.E. I’aopairroM. Gods blessing to humanity— So SMITH A RICHARDSON A man who has practiced medi­ says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety cine for 40 years, ought to k row salt The ladies of Burns, met at the Years Old. from sugar; read what he savs: M. E. church, Saturday afternoon, Forest Crove, Or., March 10—I Toledo. O., Jan. 10, 1887. and made following arrangement have used the Oregon Kidney Tea Shop supplied with all Meat« market attor«.«. «,4F*Shop oppilite PuatoBee, Messrs. F. J. Cheney A- Co.— for a Christmas Tree: and obtained immediate relief. It Speaker for the occasion, Mr. II is God’s blessing to humanity. I Gentlemen:—I have neon in the take pleasure in recommending it to general practice of medicine for Kelley. N. the afflicted. I am now nearly nine­ Committee on music: M. most 40 rears, and would say that ty years old, came to Oregon in 1H42 Fegtley and Miss Young. in all my practice and experience Committee on finance: Misses in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay LUNABURG & FRY, P kopkietoks , B urns , O reoon . have never seen a preparation that Maud Jameson, Minnie Reed and Company, and since I began using the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good I could prescribe with as much Aggie Gage. health. condfience of success ss I can Committee to purchase presents D avid M inrof . or other necessary articles: Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. Mesdames Fegtley, Sweek arid by vou. Have prescribed it a great FOK HALF. many times and its effect is wonder-1 Morrison. ■Also, Csstom work »»<1 R«*slrin( nsstff «one. The Red Front Livery Stable, ful, and would sav in conclusion I Committe to trim thetree: Maud Jameson. Minnie Reed EmmaCald situated in Burns, opposite the! that I have yet to find a ease of Ca­ well, Msry Tupker Etta Byeriey. Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers j tarrh that it would not cure, if they Edna Moore. Dottie Bowen. Mary i this valuable Liverv Stable for sale [ would take according to directions. Geer and Messrs. Chas. Byrd, Pearl at low figures. He lives in the1 Geer and Henrv Welcome. Yours Truly, cosintrv, some distance from town,, JAMES COPSHALI. ------ P. prieto». Committee appointed to obtain and cannot give the business the ; L. L. Goranch. M. D. atu-ntion it requires, is his reason 1 the tree: P. F. Stetiger, T. J. Morri ­ Office, 215 Summit St.' for selling There is not a more! son and Henry Caldwell. We will give »100 for any case of valuable piece of propertv in Burns Santa Claus: C. A. Sweek. Catarrh that can not be cured with I The following little girls were se­ and any one desiring to invest in < Hall's Catarrh Cure Taken inter­ lected to sing a Christmas Carol: ■ bat kind of property, cannot letter1 He»ter Johnson. Madge Byrd. Cla­ themselves in any town. Call im­ nally. F. J. Cheney A f«.. Props., | ra six! Bessie Stenger, Minnie and mediately at this office or on Mr. ' W ilson, for vou are likely ¡to lose Dell Giaunnti. Full weight given. Good be-f or the block. Mutton, pork, Toled, 0. Ç oea W ooley , a bargain. The Stable is just what v«m»ou and game, wbenuu the wakst. Secretary J we recommend it to be. Prnggists, 75e. j i Portland Boot &, Shoo Store BURNS BUTCHER SHOP. ’J