Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1890)
flk. i r a BURNS « ••MEimY, MEUllY «■HttlSTMAS:- To marrow is ‘’^ferry, Merrv THE HERALD flkVKlSXD OX LAND C HERS. booh T he NEW JOB OFFCE Grover Cleveland, when presi I Christmas ” the feast of the pativi- dent of the United State,, in a uie,- WEDXMPAY DFCr>BIB:<v » ■>' '■ - -- i > of our Redeemer, or Savior of sag!' to Congrew, deliberately and emphatically declared E. B. Pond, ms* kind. w. c. m «» ........................ ij ii-' at <1 are glad of California, one of the party who I-Iaod in >our orders purchased of the Oregon Central ■i joi. i: g and haje M b . IL. .. p t .. H.sds Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel- Military Roan Company in 1874, J’Xit Cards, Posters, Hard bills, Calling tarda, ■ . < piompti d by the truth of any frier.ii.- nineteen-twentieth, of 808,400 acres Wedding Cabinets, b une-«1 Notices,«te. be bast us inugurated? a free coinage i ili il it n- |>..-e>d I How many families are there of land, a partx to “the nlost un" g««“All Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. I ■ congress. I blushing fraud upon the Govern I that will assemble around their own ■—ig fireside, to night, and with ¿heart, ment.” S ecretary Noble wesw to have The record is Senate Executive overflowing with gratitude and nt last discovered that the lb i»«i in Document No. 124 Fiftieth Congress thankful! ie-s. await the I our of 12 office i, a nest of corr.i pl i<> i ■?•. first session. On pages 325 and t tue- may raise the 0 . ■ k people knew it some t;i-. ■ eknowl- 32<J will be found the sworn testi HUNTINGTON,- - - "... . , :.!>• G .1 for mony of E. B. Pond, in which he WHOLESALE & RETAIL IN GENERAL ML. S ome prop . f,l ... - his admits that in 1874 he and others of the Oregon Central the victims of I ■ ;.i,d fir purchased . iamih- is -Military Company nmeteen-twen- iluti;-. iCtuuii CASH ! tieths < f 806.400 acres of land for »ilútenos »'"i . tb:-t, < lit to die an A. ROBBINS, •?200,000. This land had been nio <1< ath O l tie c-oss that gianted by the Government to se Has a Large and Complete Stock of General Merchanditt I) i\. ' might I e per- lr;c ’ ■ cure the construction of a military will be sold to people dirt cheap CASH! Give him a call l • u t h M, s ifler- Indians <• jumping into a lumber wagon and sloppingover the mount? road ’’rom Eugene city to the east i ■ ■ i ii L ve accisa to a the snow and rain. <W“Bedrock Prices for CASH O.XLU out. In viti • ern boundary of Oregon, a distance ui un rej . owee no thanks to the udmim tr.>- l;- of 420 miles. In 1887 Secretary How was it. do you supiwse, with tiou. Vilas became suspicious that the the wise men, when following the road had never been constructed ■■ ■ »------- star of Bethlehem, as it stood mo Tin republican newspapers seem tionless over the nri- ger where the a”d that somebody was trying to A-J Lav, taken a rest from tin ir self .fie steal 806,4C0 acres of the public ___ ____ ___________ SALT, child, Jesus, lay. und beholding I... COAL OIL. MEATS, FLOUR, f child f-»r the first time? Thev lands under a pretended compli appointed and laborous F sTuLPHUR, PARR WIRE, ETC.. ,KX^’ He or- , electing a Speaker of the • m-yt BOOTS, SHOES <t DRY GOODS, STOCK COJH’LETxi. < oiild ance with this land grant, In arts -A tfolr dertd an invi stigutioi< and the tts- House for the democrats. 1 , not contain their love for the f f ..i-. ith' All orders leceive prompt ard careful attention, with ONE PRICE tiuiony of many witnesses was tak- jcrand the redeemer of mankind; to every body. TOILET ARTICLES. GLASS, PUTTY, en. Mr. Pond tistifiid in his own S enator Teller refused to be tore-d their rejoicing wu, holv. ard their ¿^“Proprietci's hi Huntingion Warehouse, solicit correspondence. behalf and declared that he had into thesupport of the Force Lili, happiness, oh. so awfully glorirti,! passed over the road and found it aj and he also refused to give it even a and beautiful! It is hardly pos.-i- W. E GRACE, PlioruiKToH, F.l RK8. I passive support by keeping his , Lh- that we, of th'- pn sent genera- good r aid except for a ft«’ miles in I one place. Other witnesses contra- i W- M. Jorgensen; mouth shut. He openly, on the iti >n, can fell as the wise men fe t floor of the Senate, expressed the when first their eyes I el.i-ld the dieted him and declared that though DEALER IN A Large Auartuirtit W hope that the bill would le defeat« Savior; but we can be thankful and long familiar with the country they Permanently Cured withnutCutting knew of no such road having been | Burning or Dilating. A perfectly cd. We doff our hat to Senator rejoice and l>e glad, but our rejoic cnnsrructed painless treatment and a guarecn- Watches und Jewelry. Clocks and ing ,t Christmas festivities should Teller. , t | teed cure in everv case, no matter Silverware. J. B. McNamee, the officer "hoL (ong Ftandini Thig treat. not l>e like our fourth of July cele Ha, just been Reciwd. investigated the matter for the Gov. j |Ment f,,r stricture, of Dr. Boxwell’s, Repairs Watches, Clock, and Scw- Many years practice ha3 given brations; the one is for our nation ernment, made a report to the Sec. Js th« greatest discovery known to ii g Machines. Messrs. C. A. Snow <t Co.. Patent al independence,! ut the other is the retarv of the Interior under date of Medicine. It dissolves and com- fiF' First door east of Postoffice, PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMFOI Everything guaranteed pure and of the very lest « l Solicitors, opposite U. 8. Patent Of plan by which the chains of sin, February 18.1888, in which he say,:; removes the Stricture wdh- j Burns, Oregon. out annoyance or pain to the pa PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE fice, Washington D. C., unsnr- that bound the human family to From the testimony of E. B. Pond I passed facilities for obtaining pat Satan, caused by the fall of our fore- it appea s that B. J' Pengra and tient. DISEASES OF MEN! ent,. They give the same courte- i parents, were loosened .and a way wife transfered the land grant to Peculiar to their Sex, and not prop ROBINSON A M.YNATT. P,.or> made by which we all, the whole th<- individuals composing the land ou, attention to a request for infor -ompany. win/ in turn transferred er to name here, including all those mation from a stranger that thev human family might enjoy ever- it to that corporation The consid delicate Infirmities and Weaknesses Everything in their line guaranteed I. sting happiness, not only in this do to their clients I usines,, whi< h eration paid by the company was which they would shrink from dis to i e d'jne satisfactorily. accounts for much of their success World. 1 ut in the hereafter Re 4100,000 for each half, though it I closing to their family physician, i®~The T)nlv place in Burns you member this blissful blissful life of appears that but 4125.000 in all permanently cured in lesstimethan can get baths. enjoyment extends through all ever reached the road company. wus ever known to Medicine liefore, WM. H. GASS. Paoi T iie principal demands of the eternitv after the time that we now It is stated by Mr. Pond that the bv Dr. Boxwell’, “New System of Farmers’ Alliance—tariff reform know ceases to exist. Our enjoy i remaining $75,000 was appropriat Treatment.” It rejuvenates the gen- and financial reform—have long merit at this time should be holy. ed to some purpose other than that ito urinary organs and makes weak men strong. Thia House ha, a wide and well known name, and under ths formed the foundation slot.e« of | our hearts should go out in grateful intended by the land company. When powible, it is always best Real Estate Agent. Again ■ v ft the t rrrry same officer savs: mint of tllie present proprietor it is bound to go further up the. vmr«i—lit o iif“ i nv ivI • spcciftl ex a nTl'ASY^ Affiance will find Its natural afly wnn -w-. d . wravc, ^vun* rame ana renown. ]\o pains spared to please guests. Sure tliougbts should be of the sacrifice tile valleys of Eastern Oregon. in the democratic’party, just as it made I y Jesus Christ for our salva- ty Clerk. The present unsettled condition of who cannot possibly call, shor.ld ! 3-45 has already found its natural oppo ii'-n Parents Should teach their the title to this vast amount of land, write, stating their case fully. ’.led-1 sent by mail or express, Sealed I i _ ______ ______________________ nent in the republican partv I’ i- childivn to look at the feast of mostly agricultural, is a serious ob-! ! icine 'c,n’’.8e,n ov '"«»w wpnate.iteAiea stack-’to the growth of that part of Kree.'rom J °f well to keep thin-facts njnind when Christmas i:i the proocr light and he State. The people of Eastern w>( A p 0XWErT v p For Sale, discussing the po’itic -.l fiVun- to iaver lose sight of the cause of, Oregon almost unanimously agree f Consulting .„nslll.511„ Physician, phvslr,illF1. St. s, P ',, gV^Good table service, and tables furnished with all mari I the rejoicing. Paul . 160 arce farm, well watered and that the roads were not built as re Dispensary, Portland, Orcgun. improved. 1| mile, from Burns. quired by law. T he republicans of the House Terms: $800 down. After examining and considering censiM committee, have finally de Oin next legislature will have a 3-45 W m M Er.. A;. -.-.. cided upon the apportionment bill, glorious opportunity to make a all the testimony, as he always did ■ in such important matters, Presi BURNS AnVERTiSEMEXT«. which they wish to become a law. good record if so minded. It provides for a total membership The tax law should lx- considered dent Cleveland rejected the testi of 356, and is a better bill than the the usury law biotlid out of exist mony of E. B. Pond as unworthy of one originally introduced by R- p ence, the I allot system improved, belief, and deliberately decided: 1. W, ASHFORD. A&fyrd A Boya. rvsentative Dunnell, I e itisi- o und we d.ciibdly f.ivor, and call! "The roads have not been built, and u State will, under it, 1 • an i .ui Joint-Senator yet an attempt is made to claim PHYSICIANS & SURGEON», e the lands under a title which de tentative; but it is lie» ■ i .i ii-i.' district, r*cRNs.................................... O regon tivclv partisan r , i;..vii g its own pends, for its validity entirely upon I Office I d W.I Grace's Drug Store. T- •f I S’a'Y «ill b? opi«!.- - : ' . i. fact of one the construction of these roads.” I I iraS ¡’: ■ • Mr Pond swore that in J5A.3 ]ie 111 < dort to straddle BLACKSMITH. •<-i counties, alai do drove n wagon the entire distance BURNS CIRCULATING i 8 ii. . *<•. from Eugene City to the Idaho line ADOLPH TUPKER - - P ro ^’ I 11 1. DEN’r (ST,............... Bi rns O regon . AND ...< i mat m order to • xeept over the Klamath marsh, a —GENERAL REPAIRING— democratic p at residence, in the Jo**n Robfoaon U at, in- Stab Lointilut.on will distance of abou* five miles, where b’’ °5iice A«» .l1din<, and is prepared to attend to the organite its i.utioii l of dentistry in all its branches IN THE HERALD BUILDING. huW io ‘ ■e revisi-d; then we say re- the bridges had rotted awav. He ’practice Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gaas. sional conimittie for the next Pr.R vise it. said. CHAS W. BYRD. ...... USBABIAR. idential campaign, in ord>r thiij Object of opening this buelnew In eonneetlon with ths Free ReAdin, Room la to 11 I went over the entire length in Funds for purrbaaini bovka for a Hibllc Library for Baruk—Tbe lot for the ballala« Promnlly rxscuted. The bnildln, hu been so die members , leet of the Fifty-.» < - lergeit end Improved end le orvpered to turn the summer of 1883. I obse'-ved TRRMSn Membership Fee «12 a year. Reading Fee ISe. Depoalt of lie. or Retail fl out all klnde of blacksmithing on abort notice sand congress may le rtpn -ntid| T he N. « Ymk Commercial Ad the road a.« to its ennstrvetion; T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. oGical or Book, made with the Librarian, in every inaiaace. eeud for Catalog««. aud In lhe beat style Terms: Cash. 1-1 y Office at his !*-•««’•»*. e O m the east ide of Sil thereon, and also that the camp tign vertiser says: "When the McKinley found that much of it ran over a vies ... The Librarian it agent for and will take Sw! at riptiora at the Lowest Rami River, ter tile» below Burns. HlSi ’ *nwOTier WJ1*« k- Pu.b,<1 *n l ulled buuea «r vanaua. Aiou, abeat of education, by means of tariff and < ill went into o(« ration, there was wild and rugged countrv; followed Pict urea, Wurkauf Art, House-Building Deaigna, Etc. oUier literature, may at once I e le- st c.i a rush ol lu.jorlid merchaii- ii closely to Klamath marsh, a dis gun. It is a most timely sugges illcv lor the jurjsme ol taking ad-; I tance of 135 mile, where we came to corduroy bridge ncross the marsh Notary Public. tion, and should la* carried out at Vantage of the old tai ill rate-, that al out a mile in length, which had l..r<« , Adareag, _______ _ ___ I'-ria aluttur «logue Hun Dau lei F. Beat ty, Washington, New Jersey. 1). L. GRACE, the earliest practicable moment- the importations in tliis city alone partially rotted away and we were I Hl'RXs. OK Land FiInga, C«iiitea: Dianka. Applications for The value of thorough organixation during tiie four luoiith, ending uith unable to cross. We made n de Public a i..n Nut bra. rvrrrvilt and promptly to. itevv.a. X«»tra. and 5K.rti:au*8 and disaemination of sound demo- N-pli inter, exceeded, by nearly tour around the marsh and rrturped ail v num drawn up. t'harjcea reasonable. H--O cralic doctrine, both through the 13ti,lAJl».l*X.l, the imports of the, to t!ie road nt a jioint east, and we f.»r <aial.«ue . I ____ ti'en traveled back to the mafsh Fx-Ms.vor Daniel F. Beany Washington, New Jersey. party pre,, and by mean, of care same months of 18f>9. Ttie exces i opposite to where we left it. From BYERLEY................... pn>pri sive importations were paid tor in fully prepared pamphlets, cannot there turned east and went to the Everything in the furniture line always on hand -Jf J NAT. HUDSON, money raised l>y the importer, t>n State line over the road, he over estimated. The' ATTORN E Y-AT-L A W. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere Jff their own notes, for thirty and six grade, over the mountain, wen- Office: BURNS.OR. good. In the valleys and open ty day,.” A pension deficiency for the cur i This account, for the tightness of country, where smooth, no work had Pensio r and(jlaim rent fiscal y ear. of $ 34.500,000 has the money marki t. and shows plain npparentlv Iwen done, except when I baen reported to the House of Ri |e ly how dangerous—to business of tn ci ssarv in crossing slough, and orneys. I gulches; in other places, where ressntatives, by the Secretary of every character, and finance—is C. A. SWI EK. <-tony or brushy, stones had been th* Treasury. The pension appro tanqx riiig witli taritl queition. 615 i th St.. Washington, O. C. thrown out and brush cut. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. priation bill for the next fiscal 5 et it wa, shown that upon all 1 Mtwe llurnc'^p^ Opposite U. S. Patent OtCee ysar, a*parsed by the House, car- this 420 miles of road only <24,000 The rail road magnwta met at rias more than 4133.000.000. and it hud been expended! No wonder JNO. W. SAYER P bofmi I AH person haring Claims for is generally believed that it is !■ ss the residence cf J. P. Morgan, New President Cleveland rejr-cted Pension Increase of Pension, ot of York city, the ufterpcuioi the 15th by from forty to seventy millions of testimony cf such a witness. any nature whatever against the UEO. S. SIZEMORE. dollars than will be required. un lust A weatern association or Gotiernment, should write to us for i------------ •SSHS Keeps on hang a large are* k *f rather a gigantic combination of less a careful revision is made of (information. Proposed new laws ATTORNEY. Take Ii Befbrr ItraakfAM. we«tern road» A plan which was Bi ax,. ....................... O hegox . affecting. Soldier, right, fully ex the pension rolls of the government The great apetiter, tonic and 11 v- ■'"lias bu.tne-a. ami Meal plained. Advice free. It is believed that from 25 to 33 prepared by Mr. Morgan in the £»r.praniptb a.tenOeil to. er regulator. In u«e for more than per cent of the names on these rolls rha|>e of resolution, and submitted 50 years in England. NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM IS Ab Positive ■ LOWED. are there illegally, and that a care by him for consideration wa.« adopt specific for liver complaint. Bad ful investigation would show this ’d without a dissenting vote, 15 taste in the mouth on arising in the W. W. Cardwell, morning, dull |>ains in the head beyond question. \Ve should not road a sre in the deal. «nd hack of the ey,s. tired freling. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Attoney-at-Law. object to increasing the (tension to Brwx,. O r . dittiness. languor—,y«oms of liver AdtketnM Ibrut, M. DUSTIN every deserving soldier, but not one Mr» Wirahtw’B SkhdhinK St ritp h,« w«<st cerar»ot th* Sute. lice: Harney City and Be rns complaint Remedy—Dr. Henlev’, m 4-0, m W* >« ths ail r. tb« riitit«.i.« ,.f k «« the«« fvr < h»l*.rvu irwthjnt for 8. Lami Offic«. cent of the people«’ money should Relieves !« vtatp vtih Jwflrtt ItxirH If ret lev«« English Dandelion I'osie L a ^> M» oíh a SrictALTY. r IlM't «iiflvrvr «. «n e. |>r«< urv« na ncni. ftinstipathsw, sharpens the appetite lie paid to the undeeervine. r «I. «>!. .« hr rbihl Io« «>1 <b< .t tle»hcm»> awake« »• • Drtaht M « and tones up ths «ntir* qyrtem. should hi paid on illegal claims ■ lut«t. ” t: aver? > t«> irte. f«a|w( P H. MURPHY. ikwsblD’. sfitta 'bv «nne, •' a)B pal», p« Get ths genuine from your druggirt Ry all means let ns have a thor- !k-te» «lt< ret»la *a th« bk-w» a . aa t -,« PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. for $1. a««d lake according tq direc OREGON C J’- o. .TIONC o. oo. FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc i r » ADVERTISEMENTS TOaSORIAL PARLOR, WM. MILLER, a Attentive and DR.H.M, HORTON b BOOS EXCHANGE JOB WORK. Í BEATTY’SORGANSs THE BURNS FUlNiTURESWRE. BEAÏÏÏS PIANOS^ Stoddart and Co., ! 54« ¿High revision of the pension roll*. • ÌX im 'Ì"« JuVtew .,'*1’*4*'’' r tions » LARtvtlW T X MrKTVX’ON, i - _ _ _ HAY A GRAIN OBBOM M. B. A Goad road all the way.