H erald E ast O regon $2.BO a Year. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1890. wl; be re-i»8ued as legal-tender notes are now re-issued, and are to be available for all monetary purposes. HKD BVEKY WEDNESDAY W ashington , D. C BY Much interest is manifested by C. BYRD & SON. The fight against the Force bill members of the House and particu­ still draws its length along. While! larly by Western members, in the hers and P roprietors . tbe surface indications were not sig-. appointment of a ehairman of the NEWSPAPER LAWS. nificant, there was no little disturb­ committee on Coinage, Weightsand miter is required to give notice by ling the paper does not answerfhe ance on the republican side en ac­ Measures, to succeed Mr. Congor of subscriber doe« mH >»ke his oaper Ice. aud the reason for its not being I count of the telegram from Ocala, Iowa, who resigned to become .min­ neglect io tlo so nukes the p^et- Mr. Wickman, of msible to the publisher for p»>’* Florida, to the effect the Farmer’s ister to Brazil. has unanimously de­ Ohio, is the senior member of the •rson orders his paper discontin­ Alliance ly all arrearages or the 1 ubiisher nounced the force bill. Partisan committee, but his views on the sil­ e to send it until payineut is lect the whole amount whether statesmen of the Rowell, Lodge and ver question do not coincide with i or not. There can be no legal ee till payment is made. Carter stripe, in the House, were i those of Speaker Reed. Mr. Wai- rBan wb«> take« a paper from t» e het her directed to hia name or an­ quick to characterize the Alliance ker of Massachusetts, is the next other he aubacribed or not, is re- as a “democratic annex” and to as- in point of seniority','and lie sup­ ,r the pay. »arritar o«I,re bl. papfr atoppad meant ports the Speaker in opposition to time and the publishercoiitiuue»-o Bert that the resolutions I scriber is bound to pay for it if he 1 nothing and would have no effect. free coinage. It is the opinion of of the p* skiQce. lurts have deciiied that refusing tt ; This waa also Senator Hoar’s idea, members of the coinage committee kpeia ami periodicals from the p- si lavinc them uncalled for. wltnuu but there were quite a number of that Speaker Reed will select the th*, same, is prima fucia evidence oi other Senators, who, while they chairman from outside the com­ I fraud. »fre not out spoken, may be regard­ mittee. VBSCIUI’TION RAT Et«. Freni reliable sources it is under­ ed as anxious to heed any utterance .LÓ0 hb. stood that no river and harbor ap­ . .75 of the Alliance. Senator Ingalls, j >n¡he - •;..>o It (In advance).. Plumb, Stafford and others are not [ propriation bill will be passed this likely to disregard the voice of the session. The river and harbor com­ IERALD CLUB LIHT: id llarpirS Muguzine........... . 5.00 Alliance, especialy when that voice mittee of the House may not even . 5.20 id IInr|»tr'< Weekly 5.20 is not in direct conflict with their begin the preparation of a bill. I ,d ItnT|»er’s Baxor 3.75 ■d Ilarmr'M Young People The Farmer’s Alli-! understand from what Gen. Hen- .Ml own opinions. <1 Khieii's Manifold Cyclcpcdi», ¿itional volume «Per Vol. 1, <» cents: ance is a large representative body, derson of the committee said that fextra uer volume, postage. influential in most of the States in is of the opinion that the coiiiinitte des of all the above works can be ex lu.sure iw the Reading iKrotti the west and south, and gaining a would let the bill go over, How- nr.Ueheis «f pertodk-alR *re eullciied foothold in the eastern States. The ever a meeting of the committee ine ni’ti a <-P' of their work for Ko*--W?a:e. •■•.*. •*?. ♦ him : »15.00 ous bills to regulate federal election | brilliant and entertaining social 12.D ' i is 00 15 < » i, 24 00 20 CO ! 3W.00 now or lately before congress, the satire under the title of “Mrs Har­ Ji. 00 48.‘XI 48.0-' 11 80.00 general public have regarded the old Stagg.” Tue story is told with i.O. U) 1 110.00 central proposition in ail these sug­ the amusing and quiet cleverness fc TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. I gested measuics as either intended which has made the author’s repu­ BgnecifuUv solh itin i ' our re o keep our r«a icis p-R eu us to t! t 1 to correct or create a sectional evil tation, and contains many striking I an I re ¡able flruiH .v «usi»vi«-ll vlsv Vvit—w»«» -wv wuivttnt ne w x wk Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer ! ««a BURNS advertisements . COM M UNICATION. I -----xIN FOUR VOLUMES. ¿r? ¡41 THE^HOPKINS HOU SE M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . e V ery M iing new and first - class . Ä*- tssab Chi« H otel id uew filo use. Ru/mi.nid Furniture) and offerseouriccaiR service to ever) <•«*•»’ c. i*/ Xt. IN CONNECTION WIT I T»’F llol’HE. General Blacksmith V II. . üMií. * - - - ci th Blacks -BUGGIES, - en na k 0 - :’'i’ibe. WAGONS, ■ í -, Chia««, J«i»»aae**, »M pc*rW bf IMIb, AM m , P b I mi I b -, lcclgwd._R«r»»«w, RarwiBh, Ik« R«ti4wl«h Ul*«4a, Bcrvlo. KntfYari«,_T»rt»ry, CMhmoro m 4 T wh I o , U o Aram, Tur*.», Moxtoau«. Bouib > «•««»■•. ARMTI4M R«w!, llano. BiameM. Abv—lal>Ra, Nfwtisa», RpaalatS». Swloa, I'allaao, ®r—ko, Ru-niaaa. Mboriana, Afgbaaa. rirnaaf. Moato-o, Auatrallaaa. Bulgaria«., SMltaM, aw,—. HI8TBRV. T»I CvCLAF«M«MnUiB4S0Maplal4 gni Mii'hriitia hlatoi- of the gr« t «merioiii Civil Wtr, pro- fu«elv l|iunirii!t*.t, with iiuiHt-rtiu« *.tieo4<* e« of th« Rohelllon; • eonv-l. f* Hi«**»rv of »mn'lon. fr»iu Ii« >lho»verjr bv Columbua 1« U k i.r.-e it '¡me; L*r»p*>td >1uM'tp irai« ot famous hattlea and lnit»*i< I-» «-»eit«« in iho •• »lory of all uxtioua, «h.ouologioal bUiarj c 1 mein MANrFAOTD3l^_jR_«^*.»^ NI4»<: UAIHIT. TM. grent w.«k aMtalua lha LWM *f U.o l*r> aldetita .if th. Uulie l NtaMM. f...- U* Narri.o*., with i-.rlralt, and other llbi-itration«, al«o live» and no'uai ...f >.|«|. tou Honaparw. SU.kd-.r., Bvr».. William Ht.u Ronjami.. Fr.atelln, Henry Ctor, BaaM W«k»Rr, a.4 fhmoiK.t.t.ama, .-hara, p—ia, gvacral», atorgymM, •«., dowu w lha Howni day. AGHK’UI.TUIIE. FaltinM. blataaad n-ftil a«t<«*oloaa U F iimer,, irvatiug .f H*-|.| r-ropa, gate« and ft iieca, fcrtilliara. farm Imrh mom» ; livuMuck rniaiug. iiiebuling th« ireaimtmt of diaca w«anf<|.Ha—il. aniitmi»; p.>ulw* Xueplug, aud how mndo .ueea««fulit ofilH-w ■*u»*Jcct» m complete and exhauMtlva, mid retrlvra the work of groaiitrH-itlciil u«e to t tc. Evert thing in our line of the Be: Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cip .* ii cull on ‘‘Mack.” at c. I*ATE£ i ai ie I. «>1*1 a’I patent buslaea» alt .a • pp she the U. s. Pateut^)fB< <•» .VdB.i -ig o n. i. se id Model or D nwl i :. . e .take no charge un le»» pniei ’ s f »V .» .he I'caimaster, the Superin nd. mu he : . ». P« ein office. For circular, nd’. • flgM .f a-u.ate^ looomotlon of animate and velocity .f B40SV, Might .f mm * men'», towera and Mrneturee, dlataMaa Waahlagtoa, M m from New York. t. Important point».ehroaeUgleal bUt—y^fte eoverv and progreaa. papular eebrlqw«. .f At—»Mg SIMM, «‘J"***“f L"'.?. JTl’A r.^, mliU- «¡otariMi'of «enUafafl a? ¿XXTte M amtlatloaof the gtob., I m 4» m g«v— brhbi . W lb* w—*4. —a. eu. Rne»*’»’ Mila w3l be eared . I.;. k thr....,«. the valuable lnf«rmr.i:*»i l>. tell • bow tu euro, by »Imple yet r liaMe n..me i<-im-.t or .1 nblu in .very hou»eho| I, every diM-aw -id •U-fnt thnt 1« aur .Me th!« ft -narimeiG binning a eootr* cm mi-lir .I l-*k. the v .hi. of wbkh 1» any heme ea. hardly ba computed k tlw» M a MMOTH t YCLOPJIBIA ir m>F b. t «In*»«, yt hat a frastlanal part af U m toRloR traatad la thin ar- at work have b*en ram >1. It fa a va«t MurwhoaM of useful and ent4rt*inlng knitviMge— ably u f»i th • l>* nt Rtul m* tha variruag perolaala« nuMtlong that ayte—llr arlM in wrltlnc m <1 < nnv raatton, by tbe farmer and housewife la tlisff MU/ AsUSSSM »M Iw»te tlnuoaa reading no work is more •utartaiainf ar iastrvstlre. AVE-A U M, -n d the M A M EGON HERALD for one year upon receipt of ifo.w, wtiicin» Wk WNt more than our regular subecription, therefore, you get this large and valuable work for .the email »um of 50 cent». We take pleasure. in be­ ing enabled to afford our reader» rnoh an opportunity. Ry making thia great offer we hope to largely increase our circulation. The Mammoth dia, in four volumes, with a years subscription to THIS PAPER >3.00. ____________ ___________________ ___________ wes and CJottages committee said to your correspond­ society. ent that the committee would begin D. 8. HOPKINS, A iiciiitect . consideration of the apportionment Grand Rapids, Mich. Th« West Shor«. will Corn < «h Dr nit? ng of Houses Cottages, and Mansions costing from |8i)0 on up to au> tlaual bottle,. bill .text week, and that he did not loan ’’ ^ l ,’om?! n a «'" • a Tory The Holiday number of West Lili’and eomp'eie ,.» anv .„.Unary tarpe:..er .,r , ■Hi-rlptlon axet'K’W wl,h n«*,nc“ tbe House before the Christmas ahea-1 H”d ron’p’o lnu the work. And H ..tin.» not H •’ J »’ ' [ ,hl“ i:h, at re«Ron«ble rttit-R. Shore is an elegant specimen of »•h.‘ . hanrea r. n .io. re mai*«. and Iwt! .. eon:n... <. e »u. ,r '™'£Xiltuu no . - Pamphlets holidays. He was of the opinion color printing. Its designs are P.Bfera, Hnu ■. V..I1 «1'1 it ■■ . h.ap to erect a hu i , ■ e 11 ' F , 7 t‘ «t-Lf ¡.citer Heads, Mil neat'R. •l.hil, buliulug. WI1J aid >.u In re-««M,ruellnK ><.ur pimul Ul.cn (. «-«i Can't. TieKcfs. that the question raised by New beautiful and varied, and its litera­ , Note Heat a, Dodgers, Etc. I. invitation». York City aB to the accuracy of her ry features are of the higest order enumeration should not delay pre­ all being suited to the season. B alo la kept regu-arlv on e’e for re fib. uao. P *-*••» Ad paration of the apportionment bill, ■iireau, 10 Spruce at.. New ì vrk. Nothing finer has been received for if it should be decided after fair from the great eastern illustrated and full consideration that New papers. Every journalist in the official directory . York City’s claim was just, the northwest feels proud that such a matter could be fixed so as to give national : publication, which has no rival out­ Benjamin Harrison New York the membership to which Levi P. Morton side of New York City, should Le lent............ w ■ • .lamesG- Blaine she was entitled. I find from nu­ f state W*lliani Windom produced here, and every citizen in fTrensury JoiinW. Noble merous conversations with promi­ >f interior Redfield Proctor fhe northwest should take aa equal f War Benjamin F. Tracey nent democrats that the latter will ►fNnvy Jeremlab M. ta»k pride io it and give it a Lea -tv sup­ f Agriculture, Wm H. H. Miller not agree to an apportionment that eneral John Wanainaker port. Copies of the Holiday num­ General STATE— OREGON T5-'; : j n . noiph will keep the House at its present ber can be purchased of news deal­ R ¡JU Mitchell niembersbio of 332. They would ers, or by mail from the publishers .R.. Binger Hermann an L».5?ylve»ter Pvnnoyer lose right members; one in Mary­ at Portland, Oregon. Pr c ■ 25 cts. K ,.G»o. W. McBride >f SUU rhll. Met«ch«n. land, Virginia. Kentuckey, Ten­ R .. ~ * “ “ J. B. McElroy ic Instruction R Frank Bak.i nessee, 8 Carolina and Indiana, ’7..... R er R S. Benn. i > R K Combine* ths jalee of the Blns Flp of ! Wm. P. Lord and two in New York, while they udge» ......... -B- Wl W. Thayer California, ao laxativo and nupil»o«\ W. $ < 1 w. would gain one each in Arkansas, [XTH JUDICIAL LI8TRICT: with tha medicinal virtues of plant« M.D. CLIFFORD to bo moat beneficial to th« D ige ........ Jersey and Texas. On the The Century Magazine is running knoera CHAR. F. HYDK New .D torney human aystem. forming th« ON LY PER­ D. ». DUSTIN (D). ear nut iva other hand the republicans would FECT REMEDY to act gnlly yet a fast press day and night in order bar.............. (D). H enry B lackman promptly on the lose only two, one each in Maine to Drint the first instalment of the COUNTY—HARNEY t W m . M iller and Ohio, and gain one in Califor­ delayed “Talleyrand Memein” in IIDIET8, LIVER AMD BOIEU (U1) .W. -R.~GÜCK ,'Z. -------- 1- -ARB T*>— T. H. R obektb nia, Oregon, and Washington and (D) RonanT. the January number. This same (DI T. A. McKinnon .A. The proportion i magazine was the first to print, be­ Clause an System EffectMlly, ...(D) ■ A. ‘ COATING three in Nebraska. — » THAT - ..................... (D). W. E. ALBERSON ..CHA8.SRWBLL : of loss and gain is so largely in fa- fore its appearance in France, the PURE BLOOD, perintendent. - (R) W m . M eeker I pector .......................... RBFRIiBHINa 8L. EW, WM. ALTNOW I ¡ vor of the republicans that the life and literary remains of the , __ i (D) I loner, .............. ,D¡ I Lytle Howard.' democrats will contend for some great French artist, Jean Francois' HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every on« b atiag I other method of apportionment. Millet, and now The Century is to HARNEY U. 8. LAND OFFICE: and all are delighted with it. Aak yocl J. B. H untington A new bill was •'ntrodnceii in the bring to light, before they appear in druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Menu* . ..H arrison K elley I House by reprer ..afire Tllana of any other country, the long-hidden facturcd only by the FIG SYRUP CO. Missouri, requiring the the Secre­ mejnoriew of the moat famous of CALIFORNIA S an F rancisco * C al . CHURCH DIRECTORY. French diplomatists. This first ar ­ tary of the Treasury to prepare a Aounvn.T.iL >• M zw Y ork . 9 » METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH new series of .Treasury tiotes, com­ ticle will be preceded by what ’» M.D. W.IAON PMtor. monly called greenbacks, and issue I said to lie a brilliant fien-portrait will lx praarblng b. the ptetor In rech X ulk,»!, until further u«ni e them m sums equal to the amount of Talleyrand, by Minister White­ ».»nth— Httrun—at 11 n m. «nd CTO 1> m oath—Island School House— al 11 a in of national bank notes that maybe law Reid, who has made the selec­ -Harney-at 7.30 p m. bath—tern»—at U a mb . and 4 30p m from time to time surrendered for tions from the most interesting bbath—Harney—nl 11 a tn. and T:rop m redemption or cancellation by na- chapters of the first volume The first instalment of selections THE CRY OF MfLLC^^Si tioal banking associations. Repre­ SOCIETIES. sentative Bland also introduced a from “The Memories of Talley­ J»BY LODGE, KO. T>, T. O U F. bill authorizing the issue of a new rand,” which is to appear in the U Odd Fallows Hall .rere Saturday series of legal-tender notes to meet January Centnry, will contain a P. M JoRDOK, ». tl. OR YON. Tro«». any deficiencies in the revenue of sketch of the author’s strange and IARKXY POS T KO. 4», G. A. R. the Government. A preamble to lonely childhood, an account of his every lot «nd*3d Wednesday of each entry into Parisian society, an esti­ at Odd FelUwo’ Hall. All Comrades this l-ill recites that defWeney in Handing invite«!. M. M. BRIERLY. P. C. the revenues is now threatened and mate of La Fayette, seme account «BIX. Ad’j’L >Ìuh !>.]< the country is not in a condition to of the beginnings of the French bear further taxation. It author­ Revolution, a striking passage be in addition to the legal- on the subject of Free Trade and I • HK. i I tender notes r.ow authorized, may Protclion. •-m «a t » ... MW. T-. SBMH. Cm^MMAto .ta. . “ nto - rii-o n. latemittng •£ I 25 COMPLETE NOVELS FREE TO EVERY READER OF THI8 PAPER! W, want Io laorrea. onr olrtolAtlon rwy larg.ly durtag Ik. sail ,lr tnontb«—tn rtont.l« it. It i n«. Blbl. Toaeoom.lUh tbl.w. u»d IP. eo op.nlion ol our prea.at rewerlb.re.ixl »...Or. it.., l> •u.ot our prreanl reador. would woaro lor u. •«« apo our ulroulat on won..I ,l,. .h.».«. ofrourM. But wo know tballt will uk. ait .ilr*».r»Uuary ludaremout 1». bring out in„ u , t. .| •ft.rto nt orory olio ot onr prreont anbacrlboro— w. ohall hare to m«k. a bigli but w.» I. w» rmblllou. and anilou. to double onr circulation, and. by aprelal arrangement with eno o. th. I m L lug yubllab lug bouaea we aro enablod to inako you An Offer Remarkable for Its Liberality. Hmd It: 7b ony on« who nd« mh 4 w , O ne Subscriber fo t/.i, po»w»-/»»■ Ono Yo.r at lltii tlu rtqidar aubMrinttonnricfa aubiiei iption price, wwtllaio« tu« will glut Absolutely FfOO. Free, and Mnd and by l.y ntml, mail. >»«»•<- ,»>«- paid. Twenty-flvo Complete Hovels-«»i/ iwtniy-JIwy«um«y tMJrm ihtfniinf W..N3. Iler MBialfteltelUr. R, A Ba Ma M. DwMse. No. 2i*L «Ij mplta. Hr M. T. Cat nun. Ne. 2HI. l».lwrM» H.v Mra. J ahk G A u — ih . No. 1H0. A IIPMve Iieward. By It. !.. R?«vB»»e*w. No «». A Tr.wlilM.m. Girl. ItyTHK D vchrm .** R.. STS U h IH v .rH.l llullty By A manda »I. Douoi.an IU R m H.K (iANONIAU- No. 147. »roMlh.lhrtlitelk.MaM.«! Jaws T«a«s. Ne. »U. Toe Gaiardlaw’. I’lwL Hr l»r. J. H. H. mnmb . No. 141. Thu Bar..’. W III. ••» Bri vahuo < >••*, Jr. No «41 Th.GrMy Fnlvon. Br »I. T. Cai woN. No. «40. Th» Morrow of i* M« ht «*1. »«J M any Cren, ft«V. No.«3V. Prri v nod th«* l’r«»phrt. Bv RJ lnih <’»i mmo . No. LIT. The Mlory.r nUcdaiHg KI m «. My ll.o author •f ■■ Dora 1 horno No. «.*4. Starlyn W ar»’. Tempiali«»«. Mr »<'• *< Wncn No «41. A *1 mlurn linde rei I a Hr ooiimr ■'l»*»r. Thoruv" Ro tit Th. lal.Md ll-mto ••* M T <’ a > n .. n . ho «U. i be F.l.l <«l«»sr Bv <' lah « A v *« v » va . No.«* Thr MUI Wlrl^ Treni B v N.TC ainm » bolli. M.lwa*. Ilfv.NK«». 11» H- RvevN It AO. A no. Ko. in. M.th llorrlrk. hj Win iam ii . H uonnki . l . N. «lb MHlhvcM*» Ward. H» Fi « hkhcn M ahhtat . No. lit. TwoKlaaaa, B« tho »utU—of " p—a Tn— bo .” N h . 7.3 ( loMilo M.4 «Mnahlnc. By C nari . ko Ua.aB. No.«1». A VH>. Tb» lllaad v.»tarea •/J.Ua >B.b.l«.a. By r.o.anr l ouie N iovudoon Me. ra. Ilr»«4 |' b . m tl«. Wat.ra.Ry MIooMvr..««. tU'J. No 3M. A Tal. *r Tbr.. LI. mo . Rr H. R idm M.«»» m , Ko nt Po«. NI w M j -I w .. by M*ar <7« o « i liar. Na rn M.ry Mor.wirk’. Mlval. By Mro. ft Woo*. f»r- ft .11 Flower.. R» Mt bion IfaHiaN. ttt t. No »ii. Tb» Vrrvbwat’.« rlaia. By ll»a»vi. Ai**>., Jr. Wo Nw. D*a. Í bat Wl.lrr Nl.«or Rue»»«»«, No IM. Y b. 14*4 .w«bt»r. By M»o. 4»»N iene Hwlt.w Aob Hnll. *’ M *»*•»*» R> «wiM. ff. *. A N.rtcrrd I If*. By M. mo - H » a* a «. NI* Nere-I’o III-Ir. »' Mro M«v *««M r> »*»« N-vH.’o t-rtmvr. I»y FferroM W. m . n . 1 hr Nl.^..»f llowrto R-RI. I.wt.» I.«4y Falwarib*» •Hww».w4^ By "Taa I. Bhadawa »a th* aa«»w. Rv R I. rmw i. A t the W*r14’a Wrrw. Ry F í .« m »«» « » n * ow . I. ('wtlfd Harb. R Huren ■ «»war I. MlldP' fl Tto* vwwtww. R» fw «rrwrre'• I. I n 1’w»l«l** Met. Bv«N'h*W**f ■ Data H.arn« * I. Tk»Wr»f W niwnn . «V Mr. Ija»«,». . I'm I Th* My*t*ry •< lb* NwHy Frwv. • » >M i liar ef " l>«r» rtre-r«» /«»..«• ..».J, I Ualirld,s Msrrlaffi Rv I J*‘*w MNwwrbNNl’w » IL- . M. •..»/< I J •••«•r Hawr’a «te-r-1 "» M .Ml I Rt M\N v <’r< >■ 'liv /«>••« I l-«4y awWNilwllNw’w Ura-NNt. H> mr•• Mr•« Tl «r ' in- •> I. I<»4 t aria. Ry Mrs Ha«ar tr««». flr>. 1. Tbw Frw«eN list n. Rl 'iin« «t ! IH. ir4. I Ilari! I« th* M4 H m »', 'r w.ar f ret. Mar nt I Th* I m »«» IlMb Nwt-» H» Mrs H«.»e R »« i /M. 1 Maater, ''vR araiaaM I A Hrl4aBwN»tk*a*a- ♦■••«ib». «w»a tt.«r^** i TbaUrlrbrtwa lb«-ll*«Mb. ACbrlaMaa« marg. r««ai r* Dieac.a lew Ma*b «»y triune CwiMaa. «I m . Bv r Haauiwa MraM fWA Hr Maar Caco. Mar. B y lira F—at M*. Rj Wn aia f'«t.i •«>» ■ Fata. Ry Mra Aia««»->aa Fwlr b>»4 Fulo.. Bv ewtb— of f»«*ro TI.o—»o ' flf L f be I«»«.**, tl.rrr. By B' J M R*—so. fdd. re Hawn, i-yaartwr-'lltra fhaetM." M. Mi ll<-»«vr». 'Iw. tal««. B» 'be ami»— -I ’• B**«a nr, tbw Mfetary af Iba Hee44aMi Fira tr. Pi»»a llluttititl T*.—!.« /Nweft»'«» Ito Tb«ile» wtrr’o «**-«. RlN«tbe WblrfwiwA. Ry Maar Ta«" BaV. •rarwae. I. A 4»ff«l« 4 bin. Nv r a BMtwsa »I Bara Tbarva.** [*!»«• |«twr«-l Haali. R/ MtaaMai*«« irr I adwrlbr INwe«. B» pn M m W-D m . rb«m«. * _ label anv.la^w I. B» Mr« Ma.av Wawa J im ihtak of li I will tri.» you i wanly flw charming rarv r mpiHa if yw»t «til g»t aa only —to yearly Rate rlltar 1 ba nnvrle ara n|*!rn4l1 llart.H». I hoy Kr* pitbllKh» A c<>m|*|wi» Ua Amaa Rr Harare. Ki kt i»*o« |*n»MFhl-t form. M *ra th« namwa >»f th« author»— i Iter «rw Ite mowi clwhratwd halla ■I'aeK/MNwR UUdra Mair Rf writer*, • Yamtaa. I H <'ae*ntn Allrt'. I.rfaary. M r Raima n» A.I>< ori CM and Kurvo«. Not» alan tli» long and att rm- f * IM fr» tn which yon Hr ar* i rlvikag-ff to »wi«< t N" matter whirl» «>f IL« nr>r*fe )on ciinoNw, yoa wtii I** |>«wf> < t'y delighird wl h Item. Moot of th» ««rala in thia lie» **H f»»r raw« •■««•>» In lha Jh« h gon« rr y mt n»Y~r ha»! h-for. » Now I.« weary r»^d»«r of Ihtw i*a|>»r e *n»Wwr hl» aff-r aa a l>!r»«a*»«l io b'ni*. f r»r h*r,.lf IndlaMk nnliy Alab«» up yowr mind th«* y* will baro twenty ff»a of thwa aharmli g • ampi*!» noraig. Ami h«w «waally voi» «a* do li I What la It io rm ow* yarn I y »abaorllmr toihispanar! Thar» M nal on. alngt« ona of «>v»r prrrwnt »«• arrilar« »* I rcatfara I nt »an do It. If they will try lumeniter. y*»a era n«t o»k*d la r«* »»'• a »'Inh or t« d«a any ronva««1ug. bat in*rrly tn u«e your Ini «ana* ba ln iH«*f ynwr n»fghb>*r« or friend« tn Inka o»»r |»«!»T tor a y«ar Anybody ran da Hit». Am«ng roar n» Iglihn*» »nd Menda ih* rr I« <•« r’.h.ly —v* « ha will Rt»lia«*rlb>* for awr papar at ya«i •G|i>'li»il<*vt I»-» rent pot it nff nr rtnp t. th'nfc it <».»r I nt go right owl at anca ani fl )a«r awM* •rrlMr Y om vowr-*lf will M»tin riR»d i » Pud Imw • i»v a thing It I» la da. aw I whan y»a rate*» y«wr lw»wr..n»arn«v>piMa »inerì» a»-*l r«i». *»•<»»••» r*a»Upg item, you «Ulte <«HgM«d I« IMiak Jte tno< R-!r»nt> ». an wlihunt tow m»a« h trowbl«. tet da tpd fell fogrt a* Ira*« onr. and team M r mt *< f I 4anty « •« • rearming • ompite navale Irne. Ye« will m'-aa grand • han to- « gt <-Bf r.ft Httniiv if you paaa thia offer by uabeaded Order yete fiare!» »»y U.« »mmWra r « glrw.i .11 M»aw. Remit by Regiiiten*d Mail, or call ot HKR4LD office Burns, Orogoa.