Bargains, EGAL ADVrHT19EMlNT3. —Tex’s Saloon is the “boss.” PROOF. —Notice the premiums offered bv BARGAINS I ! ■•'rank M. Jordan. * w''!^ertiai,uEi*pz\liK' j —Now is the time to get your G reat R eduction sale ! BARGAINS ! I T he H erald . to Ornes. Burns, Oregon Xu». S. l»90. t ISHEREBY (JIVES thst IU follow- —Fine brandy, at Long <t Rosen rd settlsr bat filed notice uf hialnterr- lake dual proof 111 aupport of Ilia vlslni berg v ’s. for mince a pie, . sauce, etc. ------ aaid proof will Le made before ibo Trv ;» “ud Receiver, V. H. Laud office at, * rv Il‘ egou. on Ueceiuber 2Z, 1WC. v.B: j GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! AT BURNS IN THE NEW HALL. WHICH WILL BE THOROUGH LY RENOVATED. GREAT REDUCTION SALE!!! In Christmas Goods. We have a Larrrer Stcok than ever, ’ m 1 J*"1“' wotk done, as winter is com- ne« thè (ollowlug wltncama lo prove jng on_ uuou» re»ldente upuii a -<1 culti va' Lin »ad, viri J M. Ke.a-». JuÌeph Parker, vali and H. 8 Cauflald, ali uf Harney, : —Take B. UUMTi mgto ». Resister. o We carry the Best Goods; a load of wood, or hay, AT THE GEER HARDEWARE» | to Dr. Horton, and get your teeth STORE. ' fixed up before they ache. o We want Your Trade, A CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TOEVERYBODY. PROOF: —Persons wishing to purchase md Orrirt. at Burns, Oregon. Decem potatoes, call on Sam King; his po- ber 11. IMO : tatoes are first class and cheap. E is bereo» given that the following- »ttler has filled notice of hl» intention Anal proof In support of hi» claim, ■al 1 proof will be made before the and Receiver at burns, Oregon, on .4, 1891. vii: —Do not fo-get that Ed. Walton j is ready a’, all times to give you a ■ nice smooth shave or hair-cut. Stephen MS. for tho BH of °r W^ —You will find the best brands oINEar . See. 81 rp UH. KU E W M ge. the |..rowii:« sill ewe* to prove of liquors that can he bought in the liuou. reii'l.iwo upon > ulnv» I .11 market at the Saloon of Henry ud vli .l«:negGliberi. Char t, K. per IV. Ore.on, aiol Henry busier and JjOug. o '. sha.>.of i.iin«.Ore.-on. J B. HUKTISOTOV. Regli 'er PK: ill men thut by virtue of an order uf i Ci.unt V Cuiirt Gl «he Sia euf Oicg«»n. ev County, »la el lhe .-.»th «lav uf <><- yó, duly entere«», the unueralsfu« I na» ttclnied Auii>iiii»iraior of the »inc «4 t*r. de* eased. «tiu,h»wiB{ «lui.qua* et» have .»sued lu me in tiiu ' e.ut '• i»u b therefore, havlna^ai *>' 1 e, arc here >v uodfieJ »»a rvquiiv <•' the »ame tu me a tn V 111 « •e»i Buri.». Utegoli, «.uè ve i d » i. h Ith» from lie'.a e of he tifi p in a- hl.4 N t'.'e, ro-wit: G mutitka »rum ine of Nove uber, ISO ». ibi» Nov. U, 18V0 W illiam H. G ash . strator of the t» a‘e uf Wm. Tiö«*1, de- T ICKETS (WitL.ut St j jtr) Í1.Í0. •o- Grand March to commence at 8:45, sharp. A GREAT DISPLAY OF Tin Toys, Drums, Ornamen tai Disnes, Vases, Fancy Cups and —G->ge Sister. Milliners und Saucers, Sil verware. Tea Sets, Glass - Dressmakcns. Call and be con vinced of the stability of their goods Table Sets, Water and Lemonade and work 3—52. Sets, Castors, Pitchers, Cuke and —Received nt the Hardware store Fruit Stands, l ird Cag< s, Center ♦ wn crates of queenswaro. also a full stock of bird cages, hanging Table Noiclitii s and a fine dii-plav and bracket lamns - of Ornamental Lamps. —Sale of tickets for Christmas 1 nil will co-i'inence on Dec. 8 1890 nnd cun Le I ought at the principal business houses in town. —A limited numberof hall tickets for the Christmas dance will be re Having such an immense stock served for those living at n distance I proposals will be received by the cferk .'or building a bridge acivre Mi nnd cun he secured from Ben Brown of first class Christmas goods, rer. on what i» known us the £m> rue .arney county, »«i'l br da« will require or Geo. Young. which we are bound to sell at some I span, one bent at each bank and c.»n- 1 the fame as the bridge now at rots I —Voting gentlemen, call on our price, it behooves evefy one wish- River at Sax er'» Mill. All bi s "ill i-e by the County (A-urt, on Januury 5,1»»1 ! photographer, Henry Canadav, and rt reserving the right to reject any mid 1 have your pictures taken to give i ing to buy, to call and examine By order uf the Cvuntv court. ■smt hand and aval this 17;h dav of [ vour sweethearts Christmas. Young lour stock and prices before pur- ;er, iitii. WK GBAcr, Clerk | h.dies please follow suit. | chasing elsewhe-e. C al G eer , — Mr. John Pratt, our tailor. I HE HERALD. I wishes to inform the public that he j will lie pleased to receive orders for AKGEST < IK<T I.ATIOX OF ANY anv thing in his line, at his ranch XMAS IS COMING. -,wo miles east of town. o ÌWSPAPEU IN THIS COt'NTY. Harry Th mpson, Gio Zumwalt, J. C. Welcome, GENERAL COMMITTEE: M. Fitzgerald, Dr. H. Boyd, 11. Chambers, J. T. Silman, Geo. Young Lee Caldwell, IL C. Levens, Hugh Smith, Ed Hanley, P. Young, W. W Johnson, Pearl Geer, General Floor Manager: J. B. HUNTINGTON. G. Reinhold, Il 0 Levens. Committee on Music: M. Fitzgerald. Ben Brown. P. F. Stenger. Reccp'ion Committee: II Lang. Lou Bozenberg, J l’>. Huntington, P. G Smith. Lee Caldwell, Chas Byrd, Ralph Geer. WE WILL SELL Flour at ....................................................... ♦7.00 per. Barrel. Sugar “ ...................................... »-25 “ 100 lbs. Salt “.................................................................. 4 00 “ 100 fbs. And all other goods at corresponding low prices, during our GREAT REDUCTION SALE. Reductions are made in every Department of our large stores. IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIE8, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Yours Truly, J. DURKHEIMER & CO., 3-50 THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF HARNEY COUNTY. >SAJ 8 FOR BU1DIXG BRIDGE: Oliristmas! GRAND EXHIBITION. CHRISTMAS TREE AND BALL, AT RILEY SCHOOL HOUSE, DECEMBER 25, 1890. PROGRAM: Opens at 7:30 p tn. prayer by Rev. T. V. l>. Embree. 7-30 to 10: Exhibition, Songs, Recitations, Declamations, Dialogues, etc., bv the Riley school. 10 to 11: CHRISTMAS TREE. Speakers for the evening: D. L. Grace, W. C. Byrd, Dr. Emdree and Mrs. 8. 1). Hill. 12 o’clock p nt, to 12 a m, Grand B. II. C .MMITTiES: On gettin the Tree: T A. Baker. R C. Garrett and l ibl.le On dressing the Tree: Mesdames Geo Smith. Snmm L.wis, J F' Oakerman and Miss Ro! erts. cial County Paper. THE FINEST DISPLAY Taking off the Gifts: Misses Stella and Arlu Garr, tt, Elba Bilker and Maud Elliott; and Messrs. Riy Dusenlmrg, Lee Thorn urg, lio ert ba ker, Don Baker and Joseph Garrett. Local News. Calling oil the Gifts: T. J. Shields and William Hogan. Distri: uting Gifts: Misses Ada Smith. Myra Shields. Delhi Lewis, \RNEV COUNTY ITEMS. Ellie W illiam. Flounce Baker :; .Malldie Smith. I) !><»< lut I. it < f I at tn<*y shf j* On Supper: M^sdatttes Lib! le. Garret. Martha J. Baker. Creasman, Notieeis hereby g.v< n that the ; k <«R CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Martha linker. Hogan, Lewis. Lizzie Williams, Shield and Williams. firm known as .Morrison it livi rii y. ■-------------------------------------------------------------- I On Invitation: it, J. Baker. Sinton Lewis, R. J. Williams, J. F. Oak ¡|t iIul. ur new grist mill is now mak j .have, by mutual jornm. I. <1 ms..l y.ii erttian, M B. Smith. Jas. Smith, II. A. Dibble, Geo. Williams, J. C. I partnership. 1 J. Morrumn retir- ,|crv 1!ljo|usi,f >ur. * Creasman.and C. Cecil.' h . g from tito business. I " GAGE STSTERS. On Music; Wm Hogan and E D. Baker. p< tition is in circulation to Floor Managers: J.C. Garrett ami Thus. Allen. orate our town. —The O. C. Company Hunting ton Oregon have a full stock of everything in the mercantile l:ne. Send in your orders by mail, parcel j or wagon load. They will certainly | give satisfaction. r. M 8. Riggs moved his to town last week. Don’t Head This! After Jan. 1st 1891, I announce to the public, that I will not let any account run over i5 00; and when account reaches $5.00. vour bill will Le presented, and after said t ill is presented no more credit till said bill is settled. floUMC Miol IzOtfin* rtfrtf. For Sale. TRNSPORTATION Company C. C. McCoy, General Manager, --------- 0:0--------- Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfull and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE FBOSI l.l’RNa TO ONT RIO AND 1NTF EVENING POINTS: huriui to vn e I'.’.&S Burna .to < ’n arlo. |1'.<!* I •• - Wti Fall 7.60 •• •* Gr.»\ e. ity .. . H 50 “ •• Dre>>»e* ........................... 4 OS “ “ Beit ah <>.00 I • “ Uarney........................................ 1.00 *• ‘ Pine Creek ............ 2.50 | Baggage. BUIbs to each Passenger, Friegbt and Passengers must he way-Lilled. Passel ger fare paid in advance. J. C. P arks » H arry F loyd , N eri A ckers , Burna Gen. Sup’t. Division Agent. THE RED FRONT LIVERY STBALE, THOS. WHITING, ................................................ Proprietor. Till' proprietor of ti e Red Front Livery Stalilcs»-**« the j.tfb’- lie that he is prepared to accommodate in every way in hia line of business. A good house and lot. situated Seven miles south of Burns, 150 Of health and strength renewed and in the town of Bnrns. can be pur tons of fine hay fir sale cheap. By of ease and comfort follows the use chased cheap, for cash. House gWIIav and grain con staidly on hands, and careful hands. Green Hudspeth. He offers to fur of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har well built and furnished inside, con nisli a comfortable ca! in, that can mony with nature to effectually I H. Drake, of Happy valley, taining 4 rooms and one store be occupied by the purchaser while town hsl Saturday and Sun room. Lot 50xlGO feet. Warran cleanse the system when costive or feeding the hay. L ee C aldwell . tee deed will lie given. Apply at I billious. For sale in 50c and $1 H erald office. le fi>st grist at the new mill bottles by all leading druggists.4-2 Beatty's Tour the of World. ti Sayers—‘a nine pound I Seven Dteanicrs in the title of a A Telei-hune Lino collection of rhort stories and dia- Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of Attention. In the Harney Pres’, the two last i issues, reference is made to the ad- ■ 'e<,t ^kelche« by Annie Trumbull Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi P. Dickenson, of the Red S Of all persons still indebted to •....... we would —' I certainly derive Sloseon. which Harper & Brothers anos, Washington, New Jersey, has orhood gave us a call last | I..... vantages -P kofriitxim , MRS. LOUIS RACINE, - - - - ay. i from a telephone line, connecting have just published. The volume returned home’ fr’on? an ¿xtemb d undersigned on E ast O heg in II eh - I all our little towns with the rail’ in(.]ude8 “Fishin’ Jinimv.” one of tour of the world. Read his ad ai . d accounts, viz: subscriptions B urns , O regon . eiiai . d is only $2.50 a year road. Such a move if carrie/i into , stories , • of r its •. i kind • 1 vertisement in this paper and send subsequent to Nov. 28 1889, adver .... . , . , . . , , the most, popular A large and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. the time to subscribe to a ('fleet for catalouge. tising and job work done prior to would l;e of great value to , , . :al newsnni>cr. Tables furnished with all market affords. Sure to suit the ever.-one living on the route and I Pl,! d "ithi" recent years, and March 1, 1890. is called to the fact tlie business _ men of our I other sketches, scarcelv inferior in s call attention to the Christ-, i especiailv , public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel atrial. that payment must be made before To Delinquent Subscribe»’«. esents found at the Millinery ' towns, and county officials. 18th day of September, 1890, to ~‘ . What j merit, of eccentric characters or Ido our citizens think of the matter? |‘-dreamers.” Mrs. Slosson has but I the Gage Sisters. save further cost of collection. jfWGOOD TABLE SERVICE We call attention to the fact that | 1 As •? are ignorant of the probable: r , . D. L. G race , t' , e . i i i- . * i. few equals as a writer of stories hi ’. Horselev, an old resident' - • “ • paper cost money, and it takes Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. 11 cost of a telephone line to the near- / „. .. point on . . the l . __:i ----- 1 we desire .< the New England dialect, and these money to run a printing office, j •on City, died at his b°ll!l e, -‘ est railroad, inesdav night Dec. 3. ’ros»c wlaofLo«« to Jisstiv* hear frs»r»» from r*ur our r»if! citizens, whether sketches—some humorous, some Please think of this and remit. We , Take Ii Itcfoi-e Hrrnkfast. it* Canyon city News conivi | °r ,,ot such a move grave, some pathetic—represent her will take wood, grain and vegetables I best work. lis week with the President’^ Pr,KtK ,l’’ e* jin the absence of money. Your I The great npetizer, tonic and liv •hotograbh G-allery, ’Burns |e in supplement form. I county local paper is a ‘‘necessary er regulator. In use for more thnn HOB AM. EVA AGAIN. .................................. P roprietor . W. II. CANADAY Positive (¿rom vur Weshingt« n Corre ip indent.) I evil” that you can’t very well dis-| <50 years it. England. Baer, at one time interested ( specific for liver complaint. Bad lirm J. Lurkiivisuer of The House, after <>• e «lav spent pense with, and you would fei-1 pret ta-te in the mouth on arising in the I I m m our town tin-* wtik. , ........... ___ dull ___ r ............ ............... pains in the head Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicates Bob and Evi McGinlev’s musical fiHil.ustering and one in discus j tv sure over the matter if your i morning, furnished at reduced rules ir question to te discussed, comedies are excellent, Even , si'1", passed the International copy comity papers would pull up ai d and l ack of the eyas, tired feeling, i "scatter.” leaving you without liny;! dizziness, langour—svenine of liver jiterarv chip, a« the H ekald time they visit us they have some right I ill by a vote of 139 to 95. ‘and another fact you will have to complaint. ...... f.......... Remedv ...................... _ ’s —Dr. ........ Henley ¡♦morrow evening, is: "Should thing new, exciting and very enter Persuasion, threats, and I riberv, consider: your editors must I e paid ~ English Dandelion I onic Relieves ................................ ! Relieve« vernment Control the Rail- taining. consequently, always have ■ on the part of the administration, for their work or its “no go.” Pub- constipation, sharpens the appetite a crowded house in Burns. Prof. ,\H. W. Gross, in his novelty tre! I. 1 5 the promise of future patronage, Jishing a paper is our vocation, or and tones up the entire system, families of Wm. Skinner, j wav of making n living. The fact j Get ‘ the genuine from your druggist laver and'T. 1>. Harris, ate tongueing cornet solos, will make has so far failed to get together a |of the business is. we want you to' for SI, and take according to direc Ids murk if he continue ns he has ! quorum of republibans in the House, for Breakfast last Su. day , pay your s hecriutioti. tions. ng made of the Hour ground begun. The Prof, is a graduate of Without that republic a i quorum the Bosten conservatory of music. | new mill. no pattisan legislation will be al He has a fine gold watch and chain, BUHNS CHRISTMAS Hl EH. PnoraixraK Gods blessing to humanity— 80 SMITH A RICHARDSON splendid china dinner setj also the elegant silver cornet, of lowed to go through the House. I says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety ling of 120 peiees. for sale i t which Ho is master, Loth presented The Indies of Burns, met nt the Years Old. reers. Call and see it. This as a reward for superior qualifica- A man who has practiced medi M. E church. Saturday afternoon, Forest Crove. Or., March 19—I • set is offered at half of what' ti >ns as a musician, and close stu- and made following arrangement have used the Oregon Kidney Ti n cine for 40 years, ought to k ow salt Shop »applied with all Meat» market Hffor«.». opposite Pucroflre. i dent. .‘ally worth. o for a Christmas Tree: anil ol tained immediate relief. It I Bob and Eva are favorites here from sugar; read what he says: Speaker for the occasion, Mr. H. is God’s blessing to humanity. I attention in called, in this and on their return next season. Toledo. O.. Jan. 10, 1387. Jake pleasure in recommending it to Kelley. aiMue, to notice ofA.-nlcdpro- ,hl.v wi|] nicet with a Wilrill ftlld Messrs. F. J. Cheney A Co.— . for buildmg a bridge across ____ heartv recept)On Committee on music: M. N. the afflicted. I am now nearly nine- ,___ t____ . We wish them Gentlemen:—I have neen in the i ty years old, came to Oregon in 1842 ■a river, on the Embree road, success , on in ,\ pir journey , Fegtlcv and Miss Young. their to Cal. presented to the county court, j general practice of medicine for LUNABURG A FRY, P roprietors , B crns , O rmo «. Committee on finance: Misses in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay H. R. Bigns. deputy sheriff,! most 40 years, and would say that Maud Jameson, Minnie Reed and Company, and since I began using the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy gm d Oregonian; State ex rel Julius in all luv practice and experience Aggie Gage a with an accident a few days health. I $ > ) Durkheimer nnd N. Brown respond his horse fell with him bruis- Committee to purchase presents have never seen a preparation that D avh > M cxkof . Itn up considerably Dick. cuts vs. W. F. Grace appellant, np- I could prescribe with as much or other necessary articles: Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. ■ek. doesn't step so quick and peal from Harney county, judge Mcedames Fegtley, Swick and ment reversed and case remanded condfience of success as I can unit SAUK. with directions to issue alternative Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured Morrison. ua'ors w.irM »• 1 Rcpslrlns neatly dons. I Conimitte to trim the tree: Maud The Red Front Livery Stable, writ. Opinion of Lord J. by you. Have prescribed it a great Jameson. Minnie Reed EmmnCald situated in Bums, opposite the The next step this deponent | many times and its effect is wonder ; well, Mary Tupkcr Etta Byerlev. knoweth not, but we can safelv bet ful, and would sav in conclusion Edna Moore. D-ittie Bowen. Mary Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers! tins valunole Liverv Stable for sale that I have yet to find a case of Ca Geer and Messrs. Chas. By id. Pearl at low figures. He lives in the on a law suit.—Ld. tnrrh that it would not cure, if they Geer and Henrv Welcome. steal, country, some distance from town,I JAMES COP8HALL - -- -- -- -- Proprietor. would t ike nccordii g to directions. holier Committee appointed to obtain and cannot give the business the We received, this week, a copy j Yours Trulv, 4Mtendon it r< quires, is his reason the tree: I’. F Steegi r. T. J. Morri- of the Presidents message; we would L. L. Gorsuch, M. D. i son and Henry Caldwell. for selling There is not a more . npwi- like tw^tindsh it for our readers valuable piece of propertv in Burns Office. 215 Summit Si. Santa Claus: C. A. Sweek. Lot have notspacc. as it is a lengthy f The following little girls were se and any one desiring to invest in document, and like all other mes- ; Wc will give $ JOO for any case of that kind of property, cannot l etter Catarrh that can not be c ired with lected to sing a Chriatmaa Carol: sages of the kind treats of every thing in general, stands by McKin Hall's Catarrh Cure Taken inter Hester Johnson. Madge Byrd. Cl«- themselves in any town. Callim- ’ ra ai.d Bessie Stenger, Minnie and mediately at Ibis office or on Mr. ley and bis set, recommends the, nally. W iIson, for you are Ek lv to lose F. J. Cheney A Co . Props., . Dell Giannini. passage of the force bill, and all l ull weight given. G»od le f or the l-loek. Mutton, pork. C uba W ooley . a bargain. The Stable is jtilt wbut Tuled, O. as usual. other tills that are radical in their VviUkon and game, when or. the wak«L gMF'Sold by Druggists, 75c. Secretary, we recommend it to be. ill the grand jury of Baker nature. consider the fraudulent en- nade by ex County Clerk r which »>e gained »6.000? more likely they will consid-. amount a respec table stead of disgracing, ’ it. choice display of Japanese ies at the Gage Sisters. 3-51 Portland Boot & Shoe Store. BURNS BUTCHER SHOP. « curse of a country is dead beat subscribers—