Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1890)
IOAL ADVERTISEMENTS. fraoor. —Tex’s Saloon is the “boss.” —Notice the premiums offered bv T he H erald . XMAS .IS COUIMG. BALL, G reat R eduction sale ! I d Ornca, Burr*. Oregon Nor. s, I860. It IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- E settler has filed notice of hisinten- feke final Pr‘H,f 111 “uPP°r1t of. u,a*n‘ Caid proof will be made behjre the laud Receiver. L H. l and O®Cd at ■gon, on December 22, 1890. vis: THE FINEST DISPLAY —More new goods were received GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! AT BURNS IN THE NEW HALL. WHICH WILL BE THOROUGH at Robbins’store this week. LY RENOVATED. Of Silverware,Jewelry, Plush Goods, GREAT REDUCTION SALE!!! —Mr. Walls, of Catlow valley, Dolls, Knick-knacks and Notions. is visiting our town this week , Toys of all kinds, sensible and Frank M. Jordan. We have a Larger Stcok than ever; Lor the N54OINEU NEU W .nd \ ’ novel, — Harry Thompson’s family ar- K W«Set tion 24, ip 25, HR 8AE. W. M • he* the following wlt«ie**c* to prove rived from Drewsey, last Friday. We carry the Best Goods; biioua residence upon ai d euliivail.iu FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, bad vl*; J M. Kela.i. Jo*eph Parker, [rail and II. 8. CanSeld, all of Harney, —William Shirk and wife spent We want Your Trade. two or three days of last week in .>. B. H vstikotom , Regtater. To be found at the popular Milli Burns. A CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDFD TO EVERYBODY. nery Rooms of GAGE SISTERS. —Fine brandy, at Long & Bosen (CR: TICKETS (Withcut Supper) $1-50. berg’s, for mince pie, sauce, etc. All men that by ilrtueof an order ol Try it. ■ —-1 'SI.......... ——■ LCounty Court of the Htateof Oregon, To Delinquent Subscribers. ley County, dated the 29th dav of oc Grand March to commence at 8:45, sharp. tet), dulv entered, the undersigned has —Now is the time to get vour pointed Administrator of the Estate of for. deceased, and^having duly quail dental work done, as winter is com We call attention to the fact that GENERAL COMMITTED: iers have issued to me in that behalf. ing on. o mods , therefore, having claims *K*{ns* paper cost money, and it takes Dr. II. Boyd, M. Fitzgerald, Ed Hanley, Harry Th-mpson, Lie, are hereby notified as required by —We are much pleased to see money to run a printing office. ►resent tne same to in»» at iny P,u<e. /’* J. T. Silman, II. Chambers, P. Young, Geo. Zumwalt, K at Burn*. Orason, duly ", W. W Johnson Lee Caldwell, Geo. Young Itb> from the date o! the ""‘.J’“,1’11.,* our young friend. Ralph Geer, on Please think of this and remit. We J. C. Welcome, bls Notice, to-wit: 6 month* Ito“* llu’ the streets again. Pearl Geer, Hugh Smith, H. C. Levens, of November, 1890. will take wood, grain and vegetables Bi, Nov. 11.1». W1LU4MI,Oi„ in the absence of money. Your —Take a load of wood, or hay, ktrator ol the Eltate ut W m Tiger, de- General Floor Manager: J. B. HUNTINGTON. to l)r. Horton, and get your teeth county local paper is a “necessary WE WILL 8ELL fixed up before they ache. o evil” that you can’t very well dis Committee on Music: Flour at................................................................. $7 00 per. Barrel. E HERALD. —Do not fo-get that Ed. Walton pense with, and you would feel pret G. Rembold, M. Fitzgerald, Ben Brown, P. F. Stenger. Sugar “...................-............................................ 9.25 “ 100 lb». is ready a’, all times to give vou a ty sore over the matter if your Salt “..........................................................; ’ ” 4.00 “ 100 Ibi. nice smooth shave or hair-cut. county papers would pull up and And all other goods at corresponding low prices, during our GREAT ROEST CIRCULATION OF ANY Reception Committee: REDUCTION SALE. ...... “ scatter, ” leaving you without any; —You will find the best brands VSI’APER IN THIS COUNTY. H C. Levens, J. B. Huntington, II. Long Lou Bozenberg, Reductions are made in every Department of our large stores. of liquors that can be Lought in the and another fact you will have to Lee Caldwell, P. G. Smith. market at the Saloon of Henry consider: your editors must be paid «■“NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR WINDER SUPPLIES, r o .cial County Paper. Long. CHEAPER THAN EVER. Yours Truly, for their work or its “no go.” Pub Chas. Byrd, Floor Committee: B. Brown, —M. R. Biggs, deputy sheriff, got lishing a paper is our vocation, or J. DUFKCHEIMER & CO., Ralph Geer. H. Richardson, P. F. Stenger, D. Drinnen. back from buleui last Saturday. wav of making a living. The fact 3-50 THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF HARNEY COUNTY. Local News. He delivered his "charge” safely at of the business is, we want you to the asylum. RNEY COUNTY ITEMS. pay yoyr subscription. —Gage Sister, Milliners und Dressinakeas, Call and be con DECEMBER. 10 BURNS CHRISTMAS TREE. vinced of the stability of their goods AND and work 3—52. The ladies of Burns, met at the- GRAND EXHIBITION, CHRISTMAS TREE AND BALL, AT RILEY SCHOOL HOUSE, DECEMBER 25, 1890. Married.—In . Burns, yesterday M. E. church, Saturday afternoon, TRWSPORTATION Company. PROGRAM: Ihas Adams moved his family morning, William Bullington and and made following arrangement Opens at 7:30 p tn. prayer by Rev. T. V. B. Embree. MisB Dora Cummins. Judge Mil- for a Christmas Tree: tn, last Monday. 7-30 to 10: Exhibition, Songs, Recitations, Declamations, Dialogues, I C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ler/olliciating. Speaker for the occasion, Mr. H. etc., bv the Riley school. -------- 0-:-0------ : choice display of Japanese —Received at the Hardware store Kelley. Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Bvulah, lOtoll: CHRISTMAS TREE. . ies at the Gage Sisters. 3-51 two crates of queensware, also a Speakers for the evening: D. L. Grace, W. C. Byrd, Dr. Etndrec and Committee on music: M. N. Westfall and Vale, where Ve call attention to the Christ- full slock of bird cages, hanging Mrs. 8. I). Hill. Fegtley and Miss Young. iresents found at the Millinery and bracket lamos Close Connection is Made o 12 o’clock p m, to 12 a m, Grand Ball. Committee on finance: Misses pf the £age Sisters. CJNMlTrKES: with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, —J. Durkheimer received this Maud Jameson, Minnie Reed and BITES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: On gettin the Tree: T A. Baker. R. C. Garrett and Frank Dibble I’e signed a petition, last week week more new goods. Ho has a »10 1X1 | ‘ Burn* Io -• Vale Burns, to Ontario. On dressing the Tree: Mesdames Geo. Smith, Simon Lewis, J F We*l Fall ’-J» ail service on tho Ontario supply of tho famous Parker Gum Aggie Gage. s no I *• “ drove city “ •* Drewaey . 4 00 .. 6.00 I “ “ Beulah Committee to purchase presents Onkcrman and Miss Roberts. [seven day of the week, •• Harney ■ ■ l-W .. 2 60 | bools with leather soles. •• ‘ Pine Cteck Taking off the Gifts: Misses Stella and Ailu Garrett, Ella Baker and or other necessary articles: Frieght and Passengers must Baggage, 301bs to each Passenger, lersons wishing to purchase Maud Elliott; and Messrs. Ray Dusenburg, Lee Thornburg, Robert ba —Sale of tickets for Christmas Mesdames Fegtley, 4Sweek and fare paid in advance. be way-billed. Passenger ” les, call on Sam King; his po ball will commence on' Dec. 8 1890 ker. Don Baker and Joseph Garrett. Morrison. [are first class and cheap. J. C. P arkbb Jy Calling off the Gifts: T. J. Shields and William Hogan. N eki A cki . es , and can be bought at the principal H arry F loyd , Committe to trim the tree: Maud Burns Agwnt. Distributing Gifts: Misses Ada Smith, Myra Shields, Della Lewis, Division Agent. Gen. Sup’t. Lr friend. Ed Perry, renewed business houses in town. Jameson. Minnie Reed EmmaCald- Ellie William, Florence Baker and Maudie Smith. Subscription to the H earld , —Miss Emma Caldwell, of the On Supper: Mesdames Dibble, Garret. MSrthn J. Baker, Creasman, [he is sending to a friend in Willamett valley, a neice of Mrs. w.ll, Mary Tupker Etta Byerley Maltha Baker, Hogan, Lewis, Lizzie Williams, Shield and Williams. Mary Caldwell, is visiting friends and Messrs. Chas. Byrd, Pearl On Invitation: R, J. Baker, Simon Lewis, R. J. Williams, J. F. Oak- Geer and Henry Welcome. erman, M. B. Smith, Jas. Smith, II. A. Dibble, Geo. Williams, J. C. is with pleasure we write the and relatives m our t,own. Committee appointed to obtain Creasman and C. Cecil. THE RED FRONT LIVERY STBALE, lement in the condition of| —A limited number of ball tickets (Miller’s little boy who has for the caristmas dance will be re the tree: P. F. Stenger, T. J. Morri On Music: Wm. Hogan and E. D. Baker. TIIOS. WHITING,... . ............................................... Proprietor. Floor Managers: J. C. Garrett and Thos. Allen. try ill. served for those living at a distance son and Henry Caldwell. Santa Claus: C. A. Sweek. le county scat question of and cun be secured from Ben Brown ' The proprietor of the Red Front Livery Stable assures the pub Ad vice to Mothrra* The following little girls were se zY Pieusing Sense kind Harney was docketed, or Geo. Young. lic that he is prepared to accommodate in every way in hil Mm. Wlmlow’B S.KJthing Bvru> hus imed been lected to sing a Christmas Carol: k Supreme Court docket, of —Lunaburg Sr Fry, our popular line of business. bv mllliora uf mUlier« fur chiloreu teething for Of health and strength renewed and fl fry jeurs with perfect lUCceM. It relieves lie» ter Johnson, Madge Bvrd, Cla [te. for last Tured-.y. boot and shoe firm, have just re ra and Bessie Stenger, Minnie and of ease and comfort follows the use the little sufferer at once, produces natural, quiet s'.eep b freeing the child from pain £W*IIay and grain con stnntly on hands, nnd careful hand». the little cherub awakes cs “bright as a teachers certificates granted ceived their winter supply of goods. Dell Giannini. of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har and button.” Jtis very pleasant to taste, soothes Give them a call. Their motto is I November quarter. G. O. C ora W ooley , theckiid, softers the gums, allays pain, re mony with nature to ■ effectually wind, reçu lai UK the bowels, and is the L-ks. Emily Howser. Nannie quick sales and short profits. Secretary. cleanse the system when costive or lieves lx»» known remedy for dirrah<ea. whether arising from other t anses. 2he a fcort'e Is, and Omer Terrell. —Young gentlemen, call on our billious. For sale in 50c and $1 Saddle Butte Item». photographer, Henry Canaday, and eriff Cowing lias returned have your pictures taken to give bottles by all leading druggists.4-2 A man who has practiced medi Dec. 4, 1890 ke sheep hunt. Sir. C .sue- your sweethearts Christmas. Young cine for 40years, ought to know salt Mrs. Morrell has been visiting pn overtaking the sheep; Mr. ladies please follow suit. Attention. from sugar; read what he sayB: Mr. Oil Porter and family the past [had possession of them, and Of all persons still indebted to Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. |e money for which the sheep —Burns is needing a warin com week, It ached. fortable hall for entertainments etc undersigned on E ast O regon H er MRS. LOUIS RACINE,----- ---- - - - - - -P romibtr «»«, Messrs. F. J. Cheney it Co.— II. R. Svms and family, left the It is impossible to enjoy anything 28th inst. forthuir home on Crooked ald accounts, viz: subscriptions Gentlemen:—I have been in the B urns , O regon . - • B. Huntington received, last no matter how entertaining it may ly, from Portland, three fine be, when one is suffering with cold River; J. Rov Dickenson accom subsequent to Nov. 28 1889, adver general practice of medicine for A largo ond commodious Hotel, everything neat and oomfortabl». panied them. tising and job work done prior to most 40 venrs, and would say that ngravings; one of Ulysus S. Tables furnished with all market affords. Sure to suit th» —If you desire to purchase a du Marion Templeton and family, March 1, 1890, is called to the fact in all niv practice and experience one of Abraham Lincoln ano public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a trial. rable, guaranteed organ or piano, Custur’s last rally. These got home the 28th, from Prineville, that payment must be made before have never seen a preparation that call on Prof. E. A, McCoy, he is is will be presented to Mrs. after a two months visit to parents 18th dav of September, 1890, to I could prescribe with as much £WG00D TABLE SERVICE, kg ton, by her husband, as a agent for several reliable firms and and friends. save further cost of collection. condfience of success as I can will most assuredly suit you both mas gift. D. L. G race , in price and style. The shoot gun malitia made a Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured iss Emma Loggan, daughter raid on Mrs. Geo. Stovall's d welling by you. Have prescribed it a great —The O. C. Company Hunting the 1st inst., breaking her window, Ire Loggan. of Harney, while many times and its effect is wonder Take It Before Rreakfast. It at the entertainment given ton Oregon have a full stock of door, etc., shooting into her dwell ful, and would sav in conclusion i Burns dramatic club, last i everything in the mercantile line. ing. Hrs. Stovall bravely stood great npetizer, tonic and liv that I have yet to find a ease of Ca Burns I^hotogranh Q-allery, had a slight hemorrhage of | Send in your orders by mail, parcel her ground and recognized the Co., er The In use for more than tarrh that it would not cure, if they kgs. She was able to go home or wagon load. They will certainly and has gone to Harney to see if 50 regulator. W. H. CANADAY,................................................. P roprietor ., . years in England. Positive Irning after the entertainment, give satisfaction. she cannot find a more appropriate specific for liver complaint. Bad would take according to directions. be she has entirely recovered. place for their drills. Yours Truly, taste in the mouth on arising in the • ’ L. L. Gorsuch, M. D. —The entertainment given, last Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicate» ‘ morning, dull pains in the head Prof. Story has a good school ■c H erald Acknowledges an i Friday evening, by the Burns Drn- Office, 215 Summit St. furnished at reduced rates. jtffiT"Give me a call. and back of the eves, tired feeling, ■on to attend the first anni. ; mntic Club, was a success. The here and is the right man in the We will give $100 for any case of dizziness, langour—sysoms of liver ■ of the wedding of Mr. and j j drama “Among The Breakers” was right place. complaint. Remedy—Dr. Henley’s ! Catarrh that can not be cured with x ■. H. Gass. Circumstances ■ well performed, and we hope the Hall's Catarrh Cure Tuken inter ■ch we could not be present, | club, after making a good begin There will be a dance at Prosper English Dandelion 1'onic Relieves nally. ity hall the 5th inst. constipation, sharpens the appetite te informed it was a very en- ning. will keep it up. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., and tones up the entire system. fe occasion, and the gifts, re- Mr. Woldenburg’s hay has been Get Toled, O. the genuine from your druggist [ by the happy’ couple, were —Lost, on the night of the dra destroyed by range cattle. £3F"Sold by Druggists, 75c. for $1, nnd take nccording to direc aid appropriate. matic entertainment, from the you “C” tions. I. > lias Mollie Lehman, of Harney watch chain of Dr. Bovd a gold medal Anv one finding the above, Notice. Lake View (Or.). November 25. pariied by several of her du - ---- PaoraiBTGM. Gods blessing to humanity—So —The trial of one of the famous SMITH & RICHARDSON E'ended tiie dramatic enter- 1 will I >e liberally rewarded by leaving Ail persons knowing themselves ent, given in the Town Hall, 1 the same at W. E. Grace’s drug indebted Lee Caldwell, please come says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety swamp-land cases in Luke county fiday night. They were late store. and settle, for I am in need of Years Old. Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I i has resulted in the horrible disfig | in; the cause, we are in- —County Judge Campbell, of money to send and get a winter have used the Ori-eon Kidney’ Tea urement of Alfred Henderson, an Shop i appi led with *U Me«t* m*rk*t «fforil*. « VSho? ofipoalt* Fu*t*»e*. I, was the bad condition of Baker countv. refuses to issue a stock of liquor. nnd obtained immediate relief. It agent of It F JleConnaughy, who is kd, causing the team to fag so wnrrant for the arrest of Mix. Dale is God’s blessing to humanity. I making things warm for swamp khat the party were com pel led ¡and Silver, charged with swindling For Sale. tnke pleasurt^n recommending it to land grabbers in the vicinity of nut of the vehicle and walk a the county of countv funds. But the afflicted. I am now nearly nine Portland Boot Shoe Store. he of two miles. Seven miles south of Burns, 150 I he thinks it is his dutv to compel ty vvars old, came to Oregon in 1842 ' Warner lake. tons of fine hay for sale cheap. Bv j le cordially invite all the read- I the bondsmen to re-imburse the Green Hudspeth. He offers to fur- j in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay Henderson was a witness against LUNABURG A FRY, P uoprietor », B urn », O regon . the H erald , to contribute to county. A settlement of the de- nish a comfortable cabin, that can | Company, and since I began using certain lands being swamp, and in iper, on all subjects of gener- I linquencies by the bondsmen, it is l.e occupied by the purchaser while ■ the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good the evening one J T Maupin met and Ebuea. of th« very boat qwaltty. )Wt reaetvat I 3,J! 2)3 A«tock of irest. Item from every neigli- thought, will end the matter. health. feeding the hay. [ Henderson in the office of the od in the county are thank- D avid M ukrof . —We were called on, bv the I Lake View Hotel, and after telling received, still we claim the . Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. Christmas Tree finance committee Beatty ’ s Tour rbc oTWorM. to accept or reject a part or him he had commited perjury FOB SALE. (Misses Maud Jameson and Min ■ole of any communication, i knocked him down and jumped on 41*1. rwiom work **d Repalrlnj n««Rp done. Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of I cases where changes are nie Reed) Monday afternoon, for Beatty’s celebrated Organs anil Pi-1 The Red Front Livery Stable, his face w .th his heavy boots. Hen be do not presume to change our “Mite to help towards buying anos. Washington, New Jersey, has | situated in Burns, opposite the presents to put on the Tree to he las presented. Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers derson’s face is an awful sight, and given to the many little ones who returned home from an extended ' this valuable Li very Stable for sale it is a wonder he lives. Thirteen tour of the world. Read his ad [good dance for Burns has will expect candv. nuts etc . and Lo’ teeth were kicked out of hia mouth; BURNS ZE3UTOHEP. SHOP. lie erv; and those who are one of the ladies remarked: “I vertisement in this paper and 6end i at low figures. He lives in the country, some distance from town, there area dozen frightful gashea on ly disposed and desire to thihk an elephant stepped on your for catalouge. JAMES COI’SHALL - - - ----------- --- - Proprietor. and cannot give the business the his head, and his face and one eye hcmselve so, can have an <>p- purse.” The remark made us feel attention it requires, is his reason lity by giving us a frierdly , somewhat “lonesome” hut such is H«a*e and Lot for Bale. for selling. There is not a more were mashd into a jelly. W. Bai Ihristmas. This dance is not the fate of an editor. This should A good house and lot. situated valuable piece of propertv in Burns ley. who attempted to stop Maupin ►d to be a money making sink deep into the tenderest part of b but only gotten up for the our delinquent subscribers who are in the town of Bnrns. can be pur and any one desiring to invest in when he was dancn fiendishly upon be of bringing together in so- in arrearage and touch their pity chased cheap, for cash. House that kind of property, cannot better Henderson’s face, was knocked Irmony the many lovers of for the jmor editor, and cause them well built and furnished inside, con ’hemselvea in any town. Call im down with a revolver by Abe Jones, I amusement who are torn to reach into their pockets to the taining 4 r<>oins and one store mediately at thia office or on Mr. one of Maupin’s friends. Thi latter kr by conflicting and sectional depth of 12.50 and a renewal of their room. Lot 50x160 feet. Warran W llaon. for yt i art- likely to loa^ has been arrested, but Jones es Full weight given. Good be. f or the block Mutton, pork, tee deed will 1« given. Apply at a bargai n The 3tn'"!e i» ju»t what veuiaon and game, w hen un the maket. ' subscription for the present year. H erald office. we recommend it to be. caped. NORTHWESTREN MAIL ‘ THE FRENCH HOTEL. BURNS MEAT MARKET.