AL advertisements . —County com t convened today.] Grl-dlTCl I • —Everybody goes to Tex’s Sa-! jEtìntertainment IlloOF loon. I d O ffice , at Burns, Oregon, Octo- —J. C. Wooley sold his butcher ’ [ her 20.1880 AT BURNS IN THE NEW HALL, WHICH WILL BE THOROUGH­ I is berm»» given that the following shop to Mr. Byerley last week. LY RENOVATED. it lor has filled notice of his intention Inul proof in support of his claim, A Weird and Romantic Drama, —Attention is called to the change sal J proof will r»e uiadtt before the ■ind Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on entitled: I in the Job Office advertisement. p, 1890, via: J. A. Williams, —We were greeted, this morning, “AMONG THE BREAKERS.” MB, for the N'e ofHE‘4, NEW of SW'.. I 19. Tp. 19. 8 ft 27 E. W M Ha names | by about two inches of snow, which .We ring witnesses to prove his contlitu- This interesting drama will be iedice upon »»nd cultivation of said I fell during the night. presented by the Burns Shnou Lewis, John C. Garrett, R od ilams aud Richard JN. Miller, all of Dramatic Club on —Married, at Baker City, Nov gon J. B. H untingtom , Register ' 27th, Dr. II. V. Clymer of Hunting­ A CORDIAL invitation extended to everybody . Friday, Decembers. 1890. ton and Miss Ida Geer of Burns. L PROOF. Come al). TICKETS (Witheut Supper) $1.50. —You will find the best brands Come one, L nd ’ O ffice , Burns, Oregon Nov. 8,1890. 9 of liquors that can be bought ii) the Children 25cis Admission, 50cts. I E IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow- led settler has filed notice of hislnten- market at the Saloon of Henry Grand March to commence at 8:45, sharp. hiske final proof in support of his claim Dance after the performance. o It said proof will be made before the Long. r and Receiver, L’. 8. Land Office at >regon, on December 22, 1890. via: Frank M. «Jordan. ,16fortbe Nkof NEW NEW of NW'.' and N WW. Section 24. Tp 2 >. sR8?|E. W. M imes the following witnesses to prove tiuuous residence upon and cultivation land, via: J. M. Kelso, Joseph Parker, lovall aud H. S. Canfield, all of Harney, —Ed. Waltoft has moved his barber shop; those desiring his ser­ vices will find him at Henry Long's saloon. —Tex’s Saloon is the “boss.” —Notice the premiums offered by T he H erald . —The Harney dance, thanksgiv­ —Judgo Parker decided the hog ing evening, was well attended every one seemed to enjoy them­ question in favor of Bunyard. «ON EOR LIQUOR LICENSE: selves very much. —Fine brand v, at Long A Bosen­ ■ Hon. County Court, of the State of Ore- —Joseph Deal shot and instant­ berg’s, for mince pie, sauce, etc. gon, for Harney county; ■theundersigned, your petitioners would ly killed Richard Clifford in the Try it. ■fully represent that we are, each and Arcade saloon at Heppner Saturday ■¡dents and .legal voters of Burns r>re- —Now is the time to get your Ku said county, aud we ask that a License | the 22d inst. luted Haul Locher, to sell and dispose of dental work done, as winter is com­ liquors in leaB quantities than one gallon —Attention is called to the enter­ ing on. Ki preciut for a period of six months, from o liter the 4th day of December, 1890. tainment to be given Friday even­ led this 10th day of November, 1890 ing at the town hall by tho Burns —Judge Miller’s child, that has WK In a burg, — — - Goodman, ------ D. M McMenamy, L Mchaffey, Dramatic Club. been ill for some time, we under­ Geo. S S lie more, a Am el, W B Myiiatt. J Welcome, Chas W. Byrd. —Received at the Hardware store stand is no better. . Byrd, Thea. McCormick. | Parser, two crateB of queensware, also a Charles II Bauman, —Wc had the pleasure of shaking bnnett, C M Macy, full stock of bird cages, hanging hands with Emanuel Clark, of Silvie Frown, J Jaiquemin, [. Mallory, and bracket Jarnos Win. Wood», o 1 Parker valley, this morning. Henry Richardton, ry Luig, Fred Miller Morrison, for Christmas — Sale of tickets J. M. ____ Vaughn. larKunuu, ____ n___ arRonan, —H erald is only $2.50 a year ¡tice is hereby given that the above petition ball will commence on Dec. 8 1890 now is the time to subscribe to a Jhe presented to the countv court of Har- (county, Oregon, uu Thursday, the 4th day and can be bought at the principal live local newspaper. December, 1890. business houses in town. —Take a load of wood, or hay, —A limited numberof ball tickets loTlCE: for the c’nristmas dance will be re­ to Dr. Horton, and get your teeth ■now all men that by \irtueof an order of served for those living at a distance' fixed up before they ache. o Ilion. County Court of the Stateof Oregon. ■Haruey County, dated the 29th f ranch. We understand that Mrs. —Do not fo-get that Ed. Walton [1 den re at Burns, Oregon, duly verified with p months from the date of the first public n- Tbos. Gianini, is going to take is ready at all times to give vou a n of this Notice, to wit: 6 months from the charge of the restaurant. nice smooth shave or hair-cut. h day uf November, 1890. Harry Thompson, Geo. Zumwalt, J. C. Welcome, J. B. H untington , Register. GENERAL COMMITTEE: Dr. II. Boyd, M. Fitzgerald, J. T. Silman, II. Chambers, Ben Brown, Lee Caldwell, II. C. Levens, Hugh Smith, Committee on Music: G. Rembold, M. Fitzgerald, Ben Brown, Pt F. Stenger. Reception Committee: H. C. Levens, J. B. Huntington, H. Long, Lou Bozenberg, Lee Caidwell, P. G. Smith. Floor Committee: II. Richardson, P. F. Stenger, Cliristmas! EXHIBITION, CHRISTMAS TREE AND BALL, AT RILEY SCHOOL HOUSE, DECEMBER 25, 1890. PROGRAM: Opens at 7:30 p m. prayer by Rev. T. V. B. Embreo. 7-30 to 10: Exhibition, Songs, Recitations, Declamations, Dialogues, etc., bv the Riley school. 10 to 11: CHRISTMAS TREE. Speakers for the evening: D. L. Grace, W. C. Byrd, Dr. Emdree and Mr». S. D. Hill. 12 o’clock p m, to 12 a m, Grand Ball. COMMITTEES: We have a Larger Stcok than ever; carry the Best Goods; We want Your Trade, WE WILL SELL: Flour at................................................................ $7.00 per. Barrel. Sugar “................................................................ 9.25 “ 100 ft>s. Salt “.................................................................. 4.00 “ 100 tt>s. And all other goods at corresponding low prices, during our GREAT REDUCTION SALE. Reductions are made in every Department of our large stores. 0W*NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Yours Truly, J. DURKHEIMER &, CO.. D. Drinnen. * GRAND GREAT REDUCTION SALE III Ed, Hanley,’ P. Young, ’.V. W. Johnson, General Floor Manager: J. B. HUNTINGTON. D. Drennard, GREAT REDUCTION SALE!! 3-50 THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF HARNEY COUNTY. NORTHWESTERN MAIL AND TRNSPORTATION Cmpanv C. C. McCoy, General Manager, --------0-:-0------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsoy, Bealak, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehieles, RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS: 99.M burnii to Vaio On gettin the Tree: T A. Baker, R. C. Garrett and Frank Dibble- Burns, to Ontario.................................... . ... 7.50 •• • Weit Fall “ “ Grove City................................ On dressing the Tree: Mesdames Geo. Smith, Simon Lewis, J F . 400 Jated this Nov 12, 1890. “ “ Drewaay... ** “ Beulah .................................... W illiam H. G ass . 1.00 •’ “ Harney •• •* pin© Creek............................. I —Henry Welcome has taken a —We are glad to learn that oui\ Oakerman and Miss Roberts. iministrator of lhe Estate of Wm. Tiger, de­ Baggage, 30Ibs to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must ped. position in the drug store of W. E friend, Ralph Geer, who has been ! Taking off the Gifts: Misses Stella and Ailu Garrett, Ella Baker and be way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. Maud Elliott; and Messrs. Ray Dusenburg, Lee Thornburg, Robert Ba­ Grace to study pharmaceutics. sick for some time is improving. Henry is one of our favorites. We ker. Don Baker and Joseph Garrett. H arry F loyd , N eri A cki . f . s , J. C. P arkib THE HERALD. —Lou J. Bosenburg, who had an Calling off the Gifts: T. J. Shields and William Hogan. heartily wish him success. Gen. Sup’t. Division Agent. Rurns AgeaC. attack of neuralgia of the heart Distributing Gifts: Misses Ada Smith, Myra Shields, Della Lewis, — Jim. Moore has returned from some time since has fully recovered. Eflie William, Florence Baker and Maudie Smith. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY Salem where he has been doing On Supper: Mesdames Dibble, Garret, Martha J. Baker, Creasman, NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. State service. His friends are glad | —Gage i Sister, Milliners und Martha Baker, Hogan, Lewis, Lizzie Williams, Shield and Williams. to shake his hand and welcome Dressmakeas. ------ ’■ Call and be con­ On Invitation: R, J. Baker, Simon Lewis, R J. Williams, J. F. Oak­ THE RED FRONT LIVERY STBALE, vinced of the stability of their goods erman, M. B. Smith, Jas. Smith, H. A. Dibble, Geo. Williams, J. C. Official County Paper, him hack to Harney valley. THOS. WHITING...................................................... Proprietor. 3-52. Creasman and C. Cecil. —Arc we going to have a Christ­ and work On Music: Wm. Hogan and E. D. Baker. mas tree? What, about the little —Received, last week, at the The proprietor o Floor Managers: J. C. Garrett and Thos. Allen. Local News. ones who enjov it so much knowing Hardeware Store of Cal Geer, a I * " < lcl°P,d1,a’|>" large Get the genuine from vour druggist mony with nature to effectually / cellent quality raised without irri­ “sheepes,” with “fleeces” white as at’d according to direc- snow, and everywhere that (she) cleanse the system when coptivo or gation. c 60cents we will give Dicken’s works, lions. P ropri by «! went, not the “sheepes,” Jacob was containing 12 volumes. billious. For sale in 50c and $1 SMITH A RICHARDSON —To cash subscribers sending r-nre to go. He followed "she” to Notice. bottles by all leading druggists.4-2 us two subscriptions the money in i the cookroom oft, oh Jacob' foolish A Card. The people of Prosperity, Red-S, l ” to every case to accompany the order, J”a’’^^.al cauB'ed greeting to all in- Attention. Burns Nov. >ov. 28 26 law. ........ - ~ 1890. , send a friendly r Shop »nppll«! with »11 Meati market «Sorde. tWrthep opponi» Pollo«««. we will send them T he H erald for laugh and play, but the Sheriff to E ds H erald : It might be well for 1 * ial,,tant8 Harney valley, * Union Hall, just erected in subsequent to Nov. 28 1889, adver­ subscribers to the H erald . We his our settlement. famous f "* language which r frequently ----------------- «... i LUNABURG A FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O bboob . will send the entire set of Dickens follows the sweet, and now his sit-1 conies Ball, Supper aod accommodtion, tising and job work done prior to from his vile and disgusting March 1, 1890, is called to the fact Works, consisting of ¡2 vol. pos­ uation is a perrious one, in fact its tongue in abuse of respectable peo­ $2.00. Dance opens at 7 p m tage prepaid, and the H erald for devastation. Ales! he thinks with ple. “B” | Our good wishes and invitations that payment must be made before $ 3,0’00 Bt,xk of Coot« tad Short. of tho v«rj boat qnalitr. M« asMIi 18th day of September, 1890, to one year, for $3.10 cents. This is angry frown, but then he cannot to all. save further cost of collection. one of the grandest premiums ever get to town, the only remedy is the Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. Sprin ,er D. L. G race , offered to subscribers. Remit by “Noble Crown.” Tex keeps it. FOR SALK. Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. registered mail or call at the H er ­ —Mr. Miller, of the firm of We are having uery fme weather. The Red Front Livery Stable, Also.Custom work aad Repairing naaMy doua. ald office. Burns, Oregon, Sworts A Miller, came very near situated in Burns, opposite the Our neighborhood is afflicted losing his life a f ■« days since by Gods blessing to humanity — So —If you want T he H erald and <.ne of bis herdsmen It siems the with measles, brought in by Alfred | Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers any of the following paoers for one herder leeaiue un a«y about his Marshalland Frank H