E ast O regon HERALD $2.60 a Year. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1890. < IV—Nc 2 A Pleasing Sense THE HERALD. I BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. i Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use BY ef Syrup of Figs, as it acts in har­ W. C. BYRD & SON. mony with nature to effectually PUBLIIHEKS AND PROPRIETORS. cleanse the system when costive or Open Every Day except Sunday, from 9 a m to 4 p m. try Lady aud Gentlemans welcome Visitor co the Realiug Room duriu? the houraa.nol. Honduras it in a state of revolu­ billious. For sale in 50c and $1 NEW3PAPER LAWS. tion. The people seeking to rid bottles by all leading druggists.4-2 L A postmaster is required»!« give notice by letter [returning the paper does not answer the themselves of President Bogran, hw] when a subscriber does not lake his paper A Woman of Nerve. out of the office, and the reason for its not being who showd himself to be a tool of THE HOPKINS HOU’SE taken. Any neglect to do so makes the post­ 2, i 76 Pages Barrillas the despicable ruler of --------------------------------------------- w master responsible to the publisher for pay­ AND ment A large cougar, and very hungry, Guatemala, in the recent trouble in M. D. HOPKINS, P roprietor . 2 If any person orders his paper discontin- too, made a spring into the yard of 620 Beautiful Illnstrationx! ed he must pay all arrearages or the Publisher may ¿continue to send it until payment is Central America. Mrs. Hash last Wednesday morning made and collect the whole amount whether it lithe office or not. There can be no legal utiivi>r»aleoini«cddiuiii of knowbdgo, practical, gVEfV-TWING NEW AND EIKST-CDA89. tiHefal, acitatbleand iranera'. Th* wort 1« p«b- dtapntinuance till payment is made. Mr. Bachelder, of Fort Bidwell, at Alsea Valley, Oregon, where her ItBlied eotnplcto In four large nnd liaaCeume 8 Any person who takes a paper from the vdumfs eornriUlug a total <>i 1,176 ragw, oW two children were playing. They postoffice, whether directed to bis name or an­ came over Monday Nov. 17 th and Is proiUH<r. j I b Dew (House, Rooms.and Furniture) asdoffcrBcourteous service to every Guest to u ake thin the nwrt eon.pitta, valuable sad brought Liout. Rirncie, the ’officer syonsible ior the pay. ueeful work for the tnasaeii ever publlehed. It Is 4 If a subscriber orders his paper stopped I dered by their mother to keep still. a work L r everybody—man. woman and ehild. at a certain time and the publisher contidues to i who was sent to Bidwell to report in every uecupnilun or walk in life. The eub> e Fino 33 © lit . Ef inee ami practical utility of twenty ardlaar.r send the subscriber is bound tc> pay for it 11 ne A moment later she pulled a Win ­ on its abandonment. Mr. B. is of v< lumt'M ate comprised in tlieso four, and ea takes it out of the postoffice. n plete h the work with knowledge of every IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. kind, ao d'led is it with useful hiuts and haipMl 5 The courts have decided that refusing tt the Bame opinion as the Examiner, chester and shot the beast through miiwefctionp, that we fully believe »hat in every take newspapers and periodicals from the post home to which it riisll find its way it will eaoa the hind quarters. The wounded office, or leaving them uncalled for, witnou- i. e., the post will not be regarris­ come to be regards d as worth I »a weight in gold. paying for the same, is prims facia evidence oi oned.—Lakeview Ex. For want of apace we can only briefly summar­ cougar managed to climb a tree, ize n small portion of the oontcntaof thto gross intentional fraud. — work, as follow« : Waeen-maker "I---------------------- when a second shut brought it to the Coneral Blacksmith IIISTOKV. Tn« M ^ OrciorJiDrAeoDtPtn« a complete Chinese, J*r*n**. ’h« «r ,nd,a- AMsa. Ma4a«MeM. Patesiln-, Inland, Borneo, Bnrmah, ths SsaAwlsh IslsaAs, SUBSCRIPTION BATES: an the ti tic lila torr ef tliAgre.il Amerlcuu Civil Wwr, pro- H. . SCHLÄGEL ______ L akeview , O kbgck «ud When Senator Ingall’8 term ex- ground dead.—Silver State. fu*cly l!’.u*»rnV!il, with num -rim* Anecdote« or Ilia Rebellion; a Berrlu, Kaffrarla, Tartar?, Cashmere and Tssls, tho Arabs, One Year complete History of Amm-lon. from in (Usoovery by Columbua to Turks, Mexicans, South Americans, American Iudians, Egyp­ the present limé; graphic d wirip:Ion* of fmhou« battl«« and tians, Siamese. Ab.vsainians, Norwegians, Spaaiafds. Swlsa, Dires it is reported on excellent au- Six Months............................ iruportint event« la tilt biatory of all uatiou», chronological Italians, Greeks Bussiau*. Slbs'iaue, Afghaas, FcrsiaM, Three Months Moslems, AustraUans, Bulgarians. Sicilians, ets , etc. How Esquimaux Keep Tab. One Year (in advance) thority that he will enter upon edi­ eared todo all Kind, of Wo n th Blackanilthliue. Horae Shoeing at fe.(.0 ,er head. history, etc., etc- BIOGRAPHY. This rront w>rk contains the Live« of all. 31 ANL'FACTC’KEB. In this great work Is else describe« the fivsblrnta of tho Uiiifd Ktnte*, fr.uu IVi-hington to and Htustrr.ted tho arts and processes of priuting, stervotyptag, torial work on the New York Sun. nnrrWon, with p< rtra:'* and other llluKiratlon*, nUo live* «’id boukblM lhig, wood engraving lithography, photography, sallso HERALD CLUB LIST portral'aof Napoloou Bonaparte. sbal<<-«|>earca Byron, WiUiutn priming, piano milking, witch Miring, paper making, lbs r-B U G G I E S, WAGON S, E T C.,-^ It is said that editor Dana has off­ When an Esquimaux baby is born Fenn, Benjamin Franklin. Il.-nry ek rain-.ig. Inelmling tlm ireuttueut of FOHSIGN riiOPrCT«. Interesting de«eriptl<»ae. IBM Herald and Alden'. Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 disoarcsofdiunestlr milmnM; icultry k-opiw», «ud Lmw made trawd, ortho culture »nd pn paralion for market of tea, eoSw, represent the Sun in western poli ­ is kept forever after. Into this bag chocolate, cottsn, time, hemp, sugar, rice, nutmegs, else«*« Each additional volume after Vol. 1,50 cent.; snetctAful and pt offtald ; ; bee kcupiii-.*, in:. dairy farming, etc. Th« Iroaim-Ll uf tlivse butJccH l.i completo ami exhaustiva, mid ginger, olnuatnon. nllspies, pepper, cocoanuts. pineapples, baa. 10 ceuta extra ver volume, postage. tics. renders the woik of gisatpm-jticnl u*o to farmers nnd »lockmeu. aims, prunes, dates, raisins, flgs, olives, indls-rubbcr. gull* a little bone is put once every year, pt.rctin, cork, camphor, castor oil, tapioca, etc., sic. 1IOKTICUT TUBE, jfc relu I* «h-en llmmo t uvefnl hint* r^Copies of all the above worka can be ex Interesting end instrnetlv» to growers of all kid-* of vcrcttibh:« nu i fruit*, as gathered NATURAL HISTORY. and it is considered a kind of sacri­ amlned at leisure in the Reading Room. descriptions, aec<»mpanicd by illustrations, of numerous heasss. DREW8EY ADVERTISEMENT. from the experience of the mo-l successlul hvi ticulturkl*. i birds, tishes aud iimccts, with much carious iuloriaaiiou regard­ The Mix administration will be lege either to take out or put in a ARCHITECTURE, ferien*mid plunsforhouse*.cnitn-o*. ing ihclr life and habits. buri.s nud oilier otulmi.dings, with vuluublo bug¿v»tion* to £HF*-Publishers of periodicals are solicited LAVI’. Tn« M C I !< » a complete law those inteuding to build. to senTclubbing rates, a copy of t^ir work for one to refer to hereafter when aspir­ bone except at the proper time. The I’ftUSF.IKH.D- Tbi* woric .rmvr.in* tried rnd testai recipe« book, telling everr tuan how be may bo his ow n lawyer, sad iur Free Reading Room-We file, «dM£HhT containing full and I explanations of the general taws for nlniori every imaçlujihk dirli f..r breakfast, diuncrnud t.-a. and ilia laws of the several Blau s upon all matter* whieh am latter at close of every half-volume, eod v-' ci ants for office have only as a recom­ year is reckoned from the time the I this department nlot.o being wwtli stoic thnn nlno-tenth* of subject to litigation, with numerous fortua of legal dosumsuto. the cook bosk* ««d.1 y nltuoM innumerable hints, helps mid *«g- copies bv advertisement. mendation to the place that they are person first sees the sun appear up­ gestions to honrekcepers ; designs nud sngg9*li«:>s for making MINING. Descriptions aud Illustrations of tho mialog ci many benntlful thkigs for the ndorumont of home, iu needle- gold, silver, diamonds, ooal, salt, copper, lead, sim, Ua ooA i, e . M c K inney , - - - P roprietor . work, embroi lery. etc. ; hintson lloricuiture. telling howto be quicksilver. “jolly good fellows,” wear fine cloths on the horizon—for that luminary is successful w hh nil ibo variotn pilin’* : toilet hints, tcllling how WON1»EK5 OF Tire SEA. Herein are deeoHbM and ADVERTISING RATES: to preservo and beautify,tlie con p'exiou, hauds, teeth, Lair, illustrated the many wonderfuland bowwlffnl thiows found ■« ’bo have the effrontry of a government not a daily visitor in the land of the etc., etc. bottomoftheocean, the plants, flowers, shells, itohoo, Ho., Ukw BPACK 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandios, MEDICAL. Many in doctora’ MU* will bo saved wise pearl diving, coral fishing, etc , etc. anuua’.iy to i-verv ponreasor of this book through the valuablo STATISTICAL ANIb MISCELLANEOUS, ncewta mule, play “ two pair, ” witn reckless 111.00 | ò no oo 12.50 frozen north. Four long months of 1 inch |1 50 Information herein contained. It tolls how-to cure, by simple is given a vast amount of nsotal and tnterootiog inforoatlew. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when 18.00 3 00 4 00 0 50 12 03 yet reliable boma remedio«, avaibiblc in every househnl^erery some of which lathe population or American aitlee, area OM extravagance and can crack a “¿mall continued night, lighted only by the H 00 15.00 24 00 disease mid nllnivut tli.it i i curable, this department forming a population of the emitinenU. of the Rtatoc and Terri CorIce, and 3 50 5 00 you call on “Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. comp ete ii 'Mii íI bork. tho va’.ua of which iu any home can cf ths principal countries of the werM. length ef toe priMimd 4.50 6 00 10 00 20 00 32.00 bottle ” with a grace befitting a hardly be computed iu dollars and cents. 48.00 28.00 rivers, Preaidcutlul rote for sixty years. Presidential otatotlM, A«-?1- 6.00 9 00 15.00 48 00 80 00 gfars and moon; four months of day ­ INVENTION A?;i> BÏSCOVEUY. nemarlcsWy Inter- area and depth of seas, lakes and oceans, height of mnwwtotod. 12.90 16 00 28 00 citing descriptions of great ItivenHouin luding tho Rtt-ntu looomotlcn of an I mu Is and velocity of bodice, height of teen king. — Baker City Democrat. 60.00 110 00 30 00 1 40 00 20.00 light, with out rest from the blinding Engine, the Telegraph, tl e Printing Pre**, tho Electri« Light, meuta, towers and structures, distance* from Waeblmrton. «too F“ the Sowing Machine, tliwTelephone, the Typa WLItgr, the Type from New York, to Important points, chronological hUtery of •»- oovery and progress, popular sobriquets of Amerieea State«, Settlog Machine, tho Cation Giu, cw. sun; two months of glimmering twi­ PATENTS. cities, etc., common grammatical errors, rules for epotRag, pew- NOTICE TO FOREIGN ADVERTISERS. THE WOHLDfl WON9BRS. Graphic descriptions, nuuciat Ion and use of capitals. Wall Street phrases, esmmcMt No matter how firmly the rail beautiful! v l!l’istr»te-l, of the Ycilowstono Park, Yosemite of the world, curious fa«»* in natural history, longevity e< light before and two after the com­ C. A. SNOW & CO. - - - WASHINGTON, D. C. While reepectlutly .olleltlnz Valley. Nlagiru Full?, tho Alps, Perl*. Venu vins, Venioe, animals, origin of th- name« of States, andaf countries, of freak ai we dezire to keep our reader, posted as to the road company may be in their ef­ Vienna, th« < nnon* ot Ci.loradc, Mammoth Cave, Natural worka, popular fables, familiar quotations, of gootacaad eC Kai »oíd. and reliable Srma to de»l with cor Patenta'obtained, and all patent business attended^© promptly and for moderate fees. ing of the sun make up the Artic Bridge, M'atkius Glen, t'e White Mauaiaius, etc., etc. plants, dying words of famous persons, fote of the AmMloe, -eapoudence will be aaved by referrlns to th. Our Offiee is opposite tho U. S.JPatent Office, and.we can obtain in lees time than .those TBAVEI/L Di-acrip«’on*. rroftssely illustrated, of the life, stat Ullas of the globe, leading goveuBonte of tbe waste, ase^ They have no register or following statements based upou our circula fort to lay the cause of the Lake year. uiuuncii. —jstoius, poauii .r 1 rm«, ritts aud ceremonies ot the etc. remote from Washington. Bend Model or Drawing. We advise as.to patentability free von n this and adjoining counties: From the ab'-vft bri f s'iniinary of il contente *om® i-iea of what a-remarkably interesting. InstHMtive a>4 of charge; and we make no charge unless patent is secured. 5 «•»Liberal reduction to all yearly adver- I.abish disaster at other doors than notation of time, nor routine of daily valuable w rk the M/ < YCLOPJHMA ie m?y be aiUaed. yet but a fractional part of tho topics treated in tlsTri Call at Office, or write to Publisher. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Superintendent of Money Order’Division, and to this gr. ac work havobeen i atriHil. Ir. isa raatetaretious« of useful and entertaining knowledge—«¡MfiBSStocto- their own, says the Oregon City life as we understand it. They cat nr-cuts charged extra, according to space; ably ->u- • f t'i’' )>■ nt ai’ lucreape our c reulatkm very largely during the next six months—to double It, r Tm H irald 1« kept reituizrly on Ulefor re Blbie. To nccompibh thin we need ttie co-operutlon of our presont subscribers and reader*. I. t.renc, In tb. Geo. P. Kewell 5ew»paper Ad ono ot our pruscut readers would securo for uj one neto tutneriber, our circulation would tie d<> Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 9.— A feet below the same level. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY THE BURNS READING ROOM. aku wh ammoth THE DREWSEÏ SALOON yclokdis s s m ooim m r mmoth COMPLETE NOVELS FREI ertlelnz Bureau. 10 Spruce at., new York. , most remarkable romance came to light to-day. Twenty-fivo years ago OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. two babies (Drother and sister) were abandoned in Castle Garden RATIOS al : Benjamin Harrison {reaident They were adop- Levi P. Morton [ by their parents.. ice President.................... James G Blaine icrvtary of State ' ted by different people. The girl William Windom eretgry ofTreaaury JohnW. Noble cretary ef Interior ! lived with her foster mother, Mrs. Redfield Proctor ie ret ary of War Benjamin F. Tracey ioretary of Navy Jeremiah M. Rusk Evans, in Philadelphia. The boy. icretary ef Agriculture, j Win H. H. Miller ttorney General John Wanamaker who was adopted by a man named oetraalter General STATE—OREGON ! „ I J. N. Dolph Barr, grew up. learned a trade and R | J. H. Mitchell . 8. Senators.. There he R. Binger Hermann went to Philadelphia. ugreeeman vsrnor ........................ D.Sylvester Psnnover met Miss Evans, fell in love with R. Geo. W. McBride •tary of State aurer R .. . Phil. Metschnn. her and in due course of time were J. B. McElroy . Public Instruction R Frank ,Pr‘*"r £ , i 8. Bakei B«n. married and came to Kansas City Jua,e. K | w«VTli?« to live. A couple of years ago Mrs. 8IXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: Evans died, and soon after a rela­ D M.D. C lifford iztrlet Judge .D C has . F. H ydb tive in Canada died, leaving a large .«riet Attorney (D). D. 8. D ustin int-Ke>rM.ntatlve (D) H enry B lackman fortune. Detectives, in searching ist Senator for Mrs. Evans’ adopted child, dis­ COVWTT—H\aMKY : (D).. W m . M iller covered the story and told it to Mr. «nty Jad,« (D) W. E. G racb trk . (D) T. H. R oberts and Mrs. Barr. eaaur.r.................. No issue had re­ rrejvt - . (D) T. A. M c K innon A. .(D) A. A. A. COWING C owing sulted from the marriage. rrt» . Legal .(D). W. E. ALBERSON MAir (R) C has .N bwrll steps will at once be taken to annul ho.1 é.perlri tend.nt W m . M rerer InSMr' - Ww. A ltnow it, the brother and sister will then ramlstioners Lytle Howard. take possession of the fortune.— j i Portland World. J. B. HuXTlSSTOV ..H arrison K ellry Charming people, these excep. tional people! Here’s a medicine CHURCH DIRECTORY. —Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ RMi METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH covery for instance, and it has M.D. WILSON Pastor. that’re known hern will bs preaching by the pastor in each cured hundred's I uth as follows,until further notice- ■t SMbbath-Burns—at 11 a ra. aud 4 » p m thousands that’re unknown, and I Babbath-Island School Houso— at 11 a m yet yours is an exceptional case! “ —Harasy—at 7:» p tn. I tabbath—Burna—st 11 a in, and 4 80 p m h iabbath—Hsrnsy—at 11a m, and 7:30p m « Do you think that that bit of hu­ man nature which you tail “I” is different from the other parcels ef SOCIETIES. human nature? “But you don’t HARNEY LODGI. NO. 71, I. O G F. know my case.” Good friend, in ests at s. Fridays,«sm »8 A ^atwrdays 18 Mp i you. Let the “Golden Medical Discov­ ery" take the risk. Gods blessing to humanity—So says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety Years Old. Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I have used the Oregon Kidney Tea and obtained immediate relief. It is God’s blessing to humanity. I take pleasure in recommending it to the afflicted. I am now nearly nine­ ty years old, came to Oregon in 1842 in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and since I began using the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good health. D avid M unrof . i i I ^£ST t ^££DS ars those put up by D.M. FERRY 4 CO. Who ore th« Largest ofrourje. But wo know that it will take an extraordinary Inducement to bring out tlm n utTorto of every one of our present subscribers—we shall have to make a high bld. Well, nx . i niLhlou*« ami anxious to double our circulation, aud, by special arrangement with one ot the load- Lig pubhdhlug houses wo are enabled to mako you An Offer Remarkable for Its Liberality. R. ad it : 1 To «»!,’ «’re »5» wilt irnit u, o no Subscriber to tbit paper fur One Year it ’V re/.tO» » <«(,».»■(;<, on plier, rubri-i ijiwn pi de, ire will glee Absolutely Free, and eeñd rend by mail, pvt- pved >>•11. 1 »vjnty-five Completo Novela -any lw- niy flee yntetay toMJran, the foltev applicants, artd to into «oason’s sus- tomere. It is better than ever Ev- •ry person turns Garden, Fltower or Field «BEDSshould send fork. D. M. FERRYACO. DETROIT, MICH. Ifn L ee . ** why. Addle, yon r.ccdn’c cryabottt ft! I only said. Mrs. Allen was a very well- informed woman, and I v.Ubed you would follow her example,” Mita. L ee . ’‘Yes, and IftFtweck yon said you wished I could manage to lopk as stylish as Mrs. Allen,— and she noakeA all he? own Glotbeg. But Bhe has what I have n’t.” ... R. Lie. ** What is that T** 1 ns L ed . •• Well, ehc prts all of her informa­ tion from ths Magazine they take. I admit that she knows all that is going on, and is bricht and entertaining in eaiversation; but I could do as well as she does If 1 had the samo sourco of fnfermation. She lent me the last number of her Magazine lately, and I learned more in one hour s reading, oboe; various social matters and the . topics of the day. than J would pick up in a month i by my occasional cbats with friends. It certainly AiRpvcrs every topic of interest, from the news of Ftte day down co the details of housekeeping; [ and everything is so beautifully illustrated, too. Every time Mamio goes over to tho Allens* she ' comes back and teases mo to get you to take | Demorest’s Family Ma^acine as the stories are ■ so good. Even the boys watch for it t-very month. a place is found for them aLo in its pages; and r. Allen e wears by it It is really wonderful every member of the ^nnily I ’* “ Well, perhaps I had better send fora opy; for. If it is anything ’ike what you ill amuse and instruct the whole of us.” . “I see that W. Jennings Demorest. i the publisher. 15 East 11th Street. New York, a ■ offering to send a Specimen Copy for 10 cents, «> we can t lose anything, as each number contains j a / Pattern Ortier’ entitling the holder to any I Wttcm she may «boose, and in any size—which alone makes each copy worth »• cents ; and I just I want a jacket pair era like Mrs. Allen's. Tho subscription price ie only St CO a year: and I ma»t say I ean’t see bow they can publish M oiegaal a Magasfoe for so Httio money.” u it c r.*rtl| t,i Ute Mann. Hr Jr«r* V ksnk Ü4 irdiM'i'e I’lol. Bi hr. J. H. ItnHi.iavN. i..-«-,»n'* Vi HL I - Fvi v»!.i;« t ••*»'. Jr. U m ; F’Jiuii. Br M. T. ISinon. *er>ew vf *• S«n-i «u By M«uv C»ow. H*r. r-v -y nitri 4 mm I’re pb.4. >’« Wiiate < -af •«*. T l . story mí nU\'«ler S Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with tho medicinal virtues of plants known to be most benefufal to the human system, forming the OX LY PER­ FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEY^ LIVER AND BOWELS Cleanse tn» System Effectually, — SO TH^T - Seedsmen in th« world. D. M. F erry ft Co's Beautifully IVustratori, Doscrtpdve Het- M.inlf. •( Ry Aiusc* M. Denso«. «><» tnpln. By M I. G aamus . l>ulor«*H. Mr Mr* J ank U. A ustin . rm o f.swMi’d. Kt It. L. Hr«.riew*m». nhiM.itu telrl. My " T he hvntiRM.** nr net <4 witty By A mano » M. I«<« vola * tU'-i y Aceum-d. Hv Mr* anw .4. M tcvhkì *«. lU a»wnMi. rurl of the Orient. Uy 3 vlv « nit *rrrivi>’« Biiugbtcr. By M. T. (.'«!.»<>« -•dull 1ir!d<‘. My M»«< ia «« r Mr ouwy. »nyrerun* i>u>i,n. Hi Mrs. A nn .«.stTKrtiitN«. it bii d tJitl l‘j t!*r»f*.tt S kni .« K kxnwtw . ’ Pvrll r»r>*lr!»«»r J Piiriioit. Il» li. I.. F» iw «. > n I.Slfie Oil -linn uf ths kite ligi, elle a. Hy PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SL« EP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally Wlow. * Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu­ factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S an F rancisco , C al . Ucwitta. Kv. N«w Y ork . N.df r«. No w* Ma b*. ’•« TvNiptutlnn. fry Mr*. M W«n«> Jfe. d«-r»ll** I«« «” n«« ’ Pura Thorne.' i I X«. <„te. it* M. T. «i.iUKiWi X*. >, «• Hi <’t «ni Atu>L'«T*. v<*. of T»ri»t. Hv .M. t Carne*. ■<- y H Bic«-« Hmoika, i.« ’»w H. Uumixnt «.. F; «.«ÍÍM-B M a URYAT. Mo. 4?. n«u i Tberne.” Ko. M. it.’ r«M*tK- Ha*UK. Vo. S«. .«nd Iler Inv. li» Mr*. A F iiwanihi . N a . *4. By Maty W inw . k ««*, no es. Mr* Ik»«« « .*»». TI.M I: « V«« mu Co« «.«'«e. 7«. M. «.bard. By 0. L. Brwr- S The W-n.’vm ’nrss uf Jvhu NltLaUon. By I .fl- -rx' »«.- - 1 l'p«s th«- Writer». MiseMtu.oex. t i'n*9 «r Fhree l*í*H*. I’-y W. kin«» l;-«u«un. ■h-lwo, <:««•. II»». rJwtek’o Mi«nl. My Mrs. H W»« m >. r<-rw. My ’I «««• n H*m.»Kt> tU ■>, l»»Nl*e (‘rima My W'^ na »««» A«w*n. J*, i • f!'*l,l*« Jyiirn-r. i«* “ Murn 1 hume. • /a J. M» M f OatSe«. *yrf. By »» I. » *.»v* Pnim. Jr. A Dark i nhrr|t*'>*i» I’y il*Nt 4' jk . m . H* V. ('lew* H Ititvr Nijgi»«. I’r k .«Mr M v * m * ma N. M T. Levo or Mlvitr«. My aotber •• A Greet Ne. Nd. Ne. N«. ' le. Me, Me. iriaard »r Grot»«!«. Ry W T 6*10.1«. e’r»«•♦eref. Mr fka«« Atrever.*. Th-.- Gl»; ti HI. rr. •» V ii air foil I»«. Flurr«•<-.- f *-kn'a Vesti.. M; lin. M any A «M«. /q«A-í..«e L f fnU.i. r-> Mr« M V V^rea. Gi ri. 'lr«t Omnien Mr Mr« l|«teie* Wvut- Peleón <»f '««pA M» Fpemu«c* M«»ev«r. f t !»«• Fvtler«. •'» Mr«. A« »s .Kumi. in.yy H ri’s Utens Irr. I»y SJre. ArfMS low A-h Holt. Mr MtoctMir PtniTNt. WJ. r.riered t.tru. Ml )I< mi * -.«». »n 1 « P fr. |u Mr«. M « y A*. - «e . k «res. |> »ri •’« r urtn.f. ftj > : e«tr- ck K *«wx . I hotthsrof Hewrt«. M« M. U V. iuk - n Lrdy VMlsertb’s bta^»nf». My ”Tsa Fj.il L..1 Fnl*«. ÜT »write« ef ”nor* Th MTS* ZU-». .‘Le w^*«-« l$Mg»r. Ry l'r J Mo«. **-" ne-r« Iw* bin«. My ib« ««•User ef'* >»• ?4. II. e f^iwy rr*« Meere«. M»«il«eV F H»i«*«». • frlrnngr» (V-'fhr. JcLyl! «rnd Mr. j»*. ». I I. ( Otd JCsJk's «neriÄoo. B.« Mr«. An» ?. ■ Fn«lnr ih» Ulne», fry »ether«/" Oev« T h* roe. • Specimen C omes every W eek R ead in 450000 H omes stories BYTHE scocfl É charmhk I I shiidrüís I mSTOrfr I Pkfet 1 1175 F amily 1 ayus - I w*. 7. I hr l.itwrH Mwol. Ry Ml-» M««.«ew «. Henry ArLell. » / C m S m I w AM»*’« l.#«ary. H.Mre««.* Amati g Ihr Rn In«. H' K'I i C ki , it.», AT 4. H< Mr«. ». Ana»* H »«*<»•». Br »er ♦ • • •••«*'t w1-«iteri .-.»Idr-i« Jassir. -I, 1 -r.,r 7— ■ 3 ist think of It ! Wn will give you twsnty flw» ehsrmfng b « v «I s ^«« ff y*»i w»|) «ret ** oi.:y «M« >•*»« ly »uUcitU r TLs naTcts are e; îendM fr.—. -• • er- p’iMtefo d empiete S« nent panjphl-t form. N^is tue nanita of the authors—they aro ih© most eeiwPraxevi writer«. heCM of America and Europe. Note a'eo tho long aud attract tv« ||»t fn m whU-h y<*«t art* f rlvikSRUd to - m H©, t No rtjatb t which of U •» äs’”?!© you chf»*«, you wjl| I»«* f^rfert’y wt h ttu»«. Mt that this 1« a <->«■-.ch a one as you never had l«rf..rw> Now let srory reader of th*« l’Sf'V'r e-'tiaMev »bla affi'r a© a *'b rnmed tn f her *-'f • Jlvtf- ually Make u;> voitr mind tha* yw will have twenty-five ef th«--« t;ht.rmlt-r .<>•’ o«*veia. And bow easily you can do II I Wl.at la It ro tro» oae ywirly aebocrltwr huh »paitar » Th er. K m I one «Ingle one of enr pr«*n* euliwrlMra and rosier» tort wn frr p member you are Rot aeked to c^t n?» • rfub or do any convaeefur. bri w< t- >y t<» u— y.^r fr lHrnar tfi IU'ltt'*e AflMBg soLcItai •rFt her r—.t « IkOTMil bj cAmit by Registered Mail, or «all at HERALD offle« Burna, OregMk.