BLhhb ADVERTISEMENTS Sleep M I A good house and lot. situated, weeks' session of Legislature, and. THE HERALD Seven miles south of Burns, inthetownof Burn», can be pur dou' »less 1 elieviug the e«d justified Parties having sheep for sale tons of tine hay for ssle cheap chased cheap, for cash House the means. Gov. Bil.b signed the VEDXEèPAY MOVE* MF Ki. I *•- will please apply to R. Hickson. Green Hudspeth. He offers to fur well built and furnished inside, con- bills When tlw hoiiae* were in Ellens! urgh. Washington, stating nish a comfortable cabin, that can mining 4 rooms and one »tore joint session Senator Titus always Edit r. ■. at I* tv. c. nvun and giving full particu- 1« occupied by the purchaser while room. Lot 50x100 feet. Harran- er *>. Ml referred to himself as "the Senate.’ price lee deed will be given. Apply at >« given feeding the hay. filled nc It isthu* seen that Senator Titus Ltrs. Dor« the Tariff fniUcl the laborer? H erald office. *i io BU] >t will was as big a man as Speaker Reed., A Card. ■I ver M Beatty's Tour of the World. DIED, ffe Is it not fair to presume that onlv in a different way —Mobile ‘ A. Will where men pay more for material. Register. Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of is« On or almut the '20th inst.. I shall November 8th, 1890. Beatty’s celebrated Organs and Pi they pay less for la'o', at)d as a ■ ,»|>en a general mercantile store in anos, Washington, New Jersey, has Died at the residence of Mr. >a •»$ wag--. result employer* pn l-s- I >«<-.< is a rough uni' oi Re d. It Burns I have now enroute a com- returned home front an extend'-d Thus. Potter. Mrs. Helena Strong, c <• furthermore as r \ aged 69 years and 17 days. She is a. i I'toria p'tragrapl in the |,;,.te and varied stock of goods; tour of the world. Read his ad duction of wug. s, .. i died of cancer of the breast. Was B urn ». p. It.idrlplUA Keioru: and as I I uv forcish in the l<-»t vertisement in this pa,>er and send a great sufferer for mouths. product», inea s rm on r 1 j.d fc.ver for catalouge. O hkgon lampiign m a ,k'ts and purpose to Sell for ‘■.-p. ki- Ried’» She expressed great faith in a sales, which of c iiiif t oil! i 4ui‘ •peecner fairly bristle with t.ucui- i adt only, the people at Burns and ( glorious future for herself, as she the demand for liit or. Attention. had always livetl a devoted chriii- c t military epithet*. He»pcak*of vicinity may expect to procure at i I^t ua take a comn o i ».'nee view Of all persons still indebted to tian life. She awaited the Master’* gun? and bayonets iu his daily den my st ire first class goods at reason- of this tariff question ami learn if undersigned on E ast O regon H er call with patience. A bright ex unciation* of a helples* Democratic a* le prices ample for the living, of her faith in any benefit to the r man aecrnea ald accounts, viz: subscriptions minority in Congress, as if he were A R' i SB’XS her Redeemer. from it. Oct 20th the cappers in subseQuent t<» Nov 28 1889. adver familliar with these iinpl meuts of A son, Mr. Edwin Strong, ofi Polk’»canning factory I». X. Il lee. tising and jou work done prior to Rosalind. Louisana. a..<l a dough- warfare and eager for there use had their wages reduced from 11 to One would scarcely think that this All js-rsons kr.'iwing themsi Ives i March 1, 1890. is called to the fact t.r, Mrs. TLos. Potter, of Harney. 8 cents per humir d cans, tin re is the same Reed who got a navy indebted Iwr Cai<lwell, please c ionie that payment must I»- made Lefore Oregon, is left to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother. duction was made nei'esiary. : «•- pay mastership through the i tiff tieoce ' and settle, for I am in need of loth day of Septeiulier, 1890, to "Peace to her ashes. cause of the rise in tin “cat.s s:m e ter, save further cost of collection. money to send ami get a wi UQJOB of James G. Blaine in order to escai*- Rest to her wearv soul.” slock of licuor. the passage of the MeKinlt-v I ill. I» Coart I). L. G race . the dangers of military service and M. E B. rBUM The Valley Falls Manufacturi» g Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. _ — 1 the <: »1 of providing a MU Htl Co R. I. has reduced the wages of; Illi <IH. titte ”. —Ed. Stauffer is in town to-1 the girls employed 25 cents a we. k d son Gods blessing to humanity—So day. The reason is olrfotis the M> i J y crazv. savs an Oregon Pioneer Ninety A n exchange says that when a —See the change in N. Brown’s hill increased tin- duty on wool urn Years Old. when the cost oftj.e material goes' man talc» s a cigar out of his mouth • < ad. in this issue. Forest Crove, Or., March 19—Il up the manufacturer must redu<ej •ut il th editor to stop hi- pip. r W. K GRACE, PuoeiiiKTOR, — The George McGowan ranch have used the Oregon Kidney Tea . wages of increase hi* selling pr'ce j lire..use he can't "afford it” the and obtained immediate relief. It J has been rented by Orville Rusk. editor may say nothing but he thinks He find* it to his adyimr.ig ■ gi-n. r is God’s blessing to humanity. I ' —J. Durkheimt t A' Co. will not be ally, to reduce th»- wagek of his cm- ; a gr. at deal Atid when a man take pleasure in recommending it to under-sold. They have a large A Large Assortment of ploye». rather than risk losing stops his paper because he ‘'hasn't the afflicted. I am now nearly nine ' sto< k of merchandise, and must time toread it. ” at d goes down town, some of hie custom, for this reason, ty years old, came to Oregon in 1842 sell. Call on him before ptirchas- laborers must find employment, cus whittles a dry goods l ox for two in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay . ing elsewhere. tomer* if not satisfied with prices, hours, the editor may not sav much Company, and since I began using' H m just læen Received. can go else»fa re at d l uy. Th» re ! ut he thinks a great deal. And the Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good . —The next Congress will be health. has been a nductim of wage* in t hen he stops his paper 1.« cause a Democratic about 119, a bove ! PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CARI Fi lly D avfd M csrof . one ot the Paterson N J Bilk mill- i two line item do -' i ,t suit him and proof or par, and that is just the rir- Everything guaranteed pure and of th. lately, another result of the tariff then |H*8ter» hi* la iglit ora by bor Brand ofliquijryou will find >.t J. The employe-, of theXJvntrab Iron rowing the paper, the editor may Foil SALE. T. Sil man’s “bar.” Try it. and Steel Company’» blast furnace ay nothing I ut he thinks a great The Red Front Livery Stalle, —N. Brown, the leading merchant at Brazil Ind , struck Oct 21st deal. And when a business man situated in Burns, opposite the of Harney valley, receiving goods The wages paid were 1 55 a dat eats he does not adveitisi because burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers every day. Mr. Brown is our old ! for 12 hours work Hie strikers tai it does not p iv and then uses all the t!,i.- valua. le Livery Stable for sale standby, and we feel assured he will j to see how they can receive an sidewalk displacing goods and at low figures. He lives in the not be neglected by his many friends I ” McKinley *F » * fat • Ml i ■ covers them with cards such as "I m benefit from the country. some distance from town, bill. Mr. Gregory, an agent of T cheap, buy me,” etc., the editor ai.d cannot give the business the in Harney county, but will receive t vtr IlvniM l-'iotn liariivj. WM. H. GASS. a may sav nothing I ut he thinks attention it requires, is his reason hie fill share of patronag^ Dolen of Philad. phia. -n manufac- 1 There is not a more II akxey . Noveml er 10, 1890. for selling turer of w. olen goods, he is also an great deal. <BEB i — Bill Minot of Burns is st pping Every thing is quiet in Harney at ■ vnlual le piece of propertv in Burns at the court house. He took pos intimate friend of Postmaster Wan- j and any one desiring to invest in - n - present. session of a mare which he claimed This House has a wide and well known «ilo. in!i' ?n| amaker. was interviews I bv a re I that kind of property, cannot > etter belonged to himself and wife. I" His msnt of the present proprietor it is hound to go forth raj ilfriftr porter, the agent very readilv gave Thtre are 75 pupils in attend »hemselves in any town. Call im __ ___ __ ___ xt • for /_ Texas—State ticket. 160.000! ance at the Harney school. mediately at this office or on Mr. brother-in law hail him arrested fnr fame and j renown. the fact* of the new tariff’ bill as I e No pains spared to please (tiettt orttmrt the offense. A trial was had in the Wilson, for volt are likely to lose ing quite advanjagenns tn the wool democratic majority, congressional Ct Dave Davi.» has rented Mr. Bain’s ■ a bargain. TheStal le is just what justice’s court at Prairie City. He cn trade. “Of course, then.” said icket a rousing democratic m j -r- waived examination, and in default w e recommend it to be. butcher shop uer A of a $280 bond the prisoner was the reporter, “the workingmen are l.v- J9 a The citizens, who went to the] sent to jail.—Grant County News. Florada—Entire d- moeratic State or will receive more w _ »■ Un II ou ' m his. tjis«'« John Dav for fruit, have Ti turmd You are mistaken Bro. News, til this question was asked. th. >nd ini gres*iunal tn-k electid. gWGood table service, and table* furnished with ill ln withagSodiy , apply. ! We ,lffer Ono Hundred Dollars 1 ill Mvnatt is in Berns shavin Connecticut—Govt rnor Merwin agent was all smiles, But to this ' Reward for any c°se of Catarrh answered gruffly: “I do i't know rep 63.3.2; Morris, dem. 67,657; Mr Williams and family have ,|i;t (.fln n,it be euret| by takillg folks by the wholesalejor r tail just he ni as his customers prefer. We guess anything about an. increase in Auge>, pioliii , 3,025; scattering gout to burns, to attend a land eon- | C1(tltrrl, Cllre calib his brother-in-law was a little “ pre 167. Apparent mnjoirty 131 Lon- wages.” “I am very lutar, an- F. J. Cheney i Cc., Props vious” and he will find the anima] have r.o time to discus* tariff mat g-essional delegation, Sperrv, Wll- The aged mother of Mrs. Potter I Toll do, O. the p tors.” Several other similar c i*e- I ■ ox. De Forest, dem , Russell, rep. died at the residi-iiee of Tito*. Potter i \Ye the undersigned, have known really belonged to Bill and he had St.* »- a right to take her. Washington — Oi > inpia gets the ' are giveh bv th»- Nat. Democrat I II» Ou totliepot, was u ied Sunduy i.i ! F J. Chenev for the last 15 years, BURNS CIRCULATING I j IBL those we have stated are sufficie ’ State capital, congreis U ilson rep , | lice toe soiim is urging ground, at h, i I. and Believe him perfectly honorable 'I AND all tl to show our read« rs th'- effect of M< Sharp.-1 in, dt 111 , is electid to tiie' own requist, instead of the town ! in all business transactions, and fi- 1 Hart* Kinley’s tariff fill, the advantage it ii-gistatuie from the eleventh dis , cmetery. H.r d.. ea»e «as can- nancially able to carry out anv ob I i-port in the uerai . o gives tha monopoly and manufac : trict. art <«r. ligations made bv their firm. CHAS. W. BYRD, - ----------- --- - LinUU ' ty _____ turer. and the d;sadv.n t ge it is tn | Ohio—Democrats eh ct 14 com 1 F,o, 1 .'r t ( °. , ^ P * n ¿ nr / hl t b ' J , , ln . e “ 1,1 '•ontiwtl.n with the Tree Ki- . i com- West & Truax, Wholesale Drug the laborer, farim r and working ¿ri-ssmeu, r. p., 6. McKimey is de ' Another i e.\ dw, Ring just Fun. e for puri-tauiug book» for a Public Library for barn »-The gist. Toledo. Ohio. Walding, Kin- omíJí o8n u Readmit Fee 10c. ' De*. el. 4A«k “ : mene, d iu Harney. feated. pl**« generally. Every farmer atm ‘ odkal or Bovk. made with ihe Librarian, in «vary h.a ance, send Lr < atakt* >|L J , nan A’ Marvin. Wholesale Druggist, Indiana — The entire. State ticket ♦ « every laboring man can certainly ' Mr. King will put up a large hall i Toledo, Ohio. ,*aKe,1‘ ,, r au<1 win ••kataiKilp ivriatihel.k« w7iîr <“? Puhhahefî in »M lui.ed ma es „r tai an. ia plainly *ee that the tariff protects ; wep^ democratic. The deui. elect tn Harney this tail, for the benefit PKiuree. Wurka uf Art. House Building Deai<ua, Etc. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- those who do not need protection ; ed 11 congressman, only two rep of the dancing public. j tcrnally, acting directly upon the Wert Vi'ginia—Solid democratic. | and i* a curse to that very class i loo-l and mucous surfaces of the Pennsylvania— Pattison dem.,; ! Glt.VMi J( KY IlE.-Ottr ■whom McKinley and hi* foil iwen Price. 75c. per I otth- bo THE H o XOKAIILE ClBtVIT Cot'ltT I »I stem would make vou lielieve it benefits -lectcd gov. Democratic gain of ■»old by all Druggist*. I i '.81,000 votes. 18 rep. and 9 dem The bill increase* the taxes on F or H ausey Cot sty OaEGo.x everything that th- i>oor man uses elected to congress. We, your Grand Jury, regularly ' ---- ---- g.... w. Wisconsin—Entire dem. State drawn at the present term of this: T. J. MORRISON 4 BYERLEY, ......................... r-g 4. which goes into his mouth, nr oi Report of the Rilev school for the his back, the salt, that go» s into bis .icket eleoted. Gougressional dele- i H “onoraile Court reepeetfully leg ^*K^*“Verything in the furniture line al trays sn lad® leave to report: month ending Oct. 31 1890. bean*, even to the pine coffin ill gation six rep three dem. G<ve him a call itefore nurcha«ingel»e»brt* J^ That we have been in session No. enrolled................................. 23 Virginia—Ten dem. congressmen «J which he is I urii d. eleven days. lie rep. iverage daily attendance 18.8, Tliat we have earnestly amt dil-| Massachusetts—Dem. elect Rus- ligently inquired mto all matters' Roll of Honor: Myra Shields. A h Big * ilyn a* Tom Iteeil. •ell gov. Congressional, 8 dem, 4 pieseiited t efiire us for considers-' Della Lewis, Pearl Lewis and Earn « The absorption of all legist.itio o tion i ut that our la<.ors have been est Shields. ep. bv the recent Congress in th'- per , somew hat retarded in the expldi-1 Average standing of those grad- New York—20 dem . I l rep ta* son *f Speaker Reed h is only on» tions prosecution of : usim ss on ac I o Kentucky—Tue dene, carried con: ol the distance of *i D< Bses, I ing al ove 70 on a written rxanji- parallel in the history of this com. co ..ouisviiie and 6 co-.gressiona) dis and the necessary absenee of tie nation: f> NEAR BURNS. OREGON. | try. It is fountl in the early |.-gi» g tricts. The r. p. t Wil. i>istrict Alto:ney a portion ef ' Chas. Williams . . t: .91 . lation of the State of Alai anm, tail JNO. W. SAYER California— Elect» d Markham. tile time Joseph Garrett .................... 87 was due to a different cause, and i- That we have found and n turn, d ' g »■p . go v. ' Maud Elliott ... .............. .f . 88 not subject to the charge of usurp , PL Aevrasku—-k-li-Cted Bovd dem. to this Honoral le Court seven true ! Pearl Lewis........ bills of indigtn.eut and one not true .....................85 tion. The first Teriitorial leui-L iov. tiy a good plurality. K«ep« constantly or hand a ’»nrr M •* (/) Í Emil Baker ........ . ........................ 861 •■ill of itui ctment. ture of Alabama co iveurd at St W Kansas—One- drill, elected to That we i.ave insjH-cted and ex Arlu Garrett . . ...................... 85 Stephens, w hich all the world know- o i gr< as. o »mined the offices and records of Ada Smith ...................... 85 c is now the county »eat of Washi- y « .Michigan—Di m rb ct state tick- tin- county c.vrk. slwiiff and treas ! Albert Otiketman. .................... ,85 urer, and fiend them correctly and 3 ton county. That settlement. • !,- | t ¡.nd legislature : Earnset Shields . neatly kept. 85 the Capital of Ala- nma. was Minnceotii —1 'ini. el<-cls gov. and That we found one county cl^irge Ray Dusenburv . .................... 84] flourishing town. The remnants ■ f . »I al,|y legislature prop, riy k pt and for. ¡T l^e Thorn urg .. ...................... 84 i Its greatness may still le seen i 0> Coiunmo — i ’em h.iVe- captured Tnat we visited and examined ♦ Iwlla Law;» • - • »■*..».. . .84 many ruin* which I tv scatter». p .rt of state ticket. la girini un» the county jail at Harner, and Mvra Shields . ...................... 83 fiei.d the same unsafe ai d nut a through the wood4 along the riv> lose. «II kind« vf «urfnr« lembar tbunrashlv MMur »<1 far etMMt p*o]ier for keep! g prisom rs. Don Baker ... . .................... 83 road, which leads from the lainli- 1 RKDt’CSD PRICE. Mis-ouri — L.iiir ■ state ticket M e ncommelid that a HUltai le Effie William*.... .................. 82 to the present village. i »in one r»-p. congressman. safe I e proviih d the sheriff' i,y the i Maud Smith ...................... 80| The first Territorial Legislator ■ i w llamp-liire—1 i m. elect g.<v eouiiti cuuit of Harney ei unty ; Elia William* .......... .... met on the 19th day of January, A | And we further recommend an ¡Otto Smith mi legi.»-iutu:e. .. . ................ 80 investigation into the manlier in D. 1918. The Territory was divid i Illium»—12 d«-m. and 8 rep. elec I da R obkkts , which our road supervisor*conduct ed into »even counties. There wen ■d to eoiigre«- and pmsecute their lai on rs, and Teacher thirteen mem'ers i.t the loses 1> le.iare—lb-lu slate ticket eh C- tnat road la or b done more avs- N. The Oregon Pacific railniad is in house present but the only Heliatu d, and » go-d lusj. rily ;u legi-la- tematieallv and imnotuii-allv. who put in an appearance was Ja« ur«. We I eg to thai.k th»- Count of the hands of a receiver. This, how- Titus. Set a or Titus Would M ntaus— 1 i m uu ke I ig gains fleer*, our Bailiff, and the district -ver, it is thought, will not inter- fltfe attorney- for att< ntiou al d assistance himself to «rd«*, illtr>-dl|ie ■ |b d elyptidu' 'gr Mman i.nd leai<- at anv at d all and 1oexprt*s • fere with the early completion of' , the road through Oregon.- which failed to p.t*.< L>r «ant uf » ..UU'e. our appreciation for th»- Very san* quorum, concur in House 1 ill*, anti facti-r? manner in wfiich hi» Honor. A fine o^porturptv is afforded the Burn »-Can y on Stage Lin«, gfi adjourn over from tj.iy to day Ttie t«r ' a* h s rv« Munday as a Judge Ere, has tfanau«tid the i uri- t < member* of the fi>rthcotMi<ig h-gi»|a. I I. Jrwirr, P wofwixto * motion pi adjourn always 1*1 . lay <>f r«-t; the Persian».Tu«-.,d tv;* ut Ibis t» rui of ci.urt. live seMiun ts distinguish them- ____ t*a»w famw «• mmis « «. w«**»*-» a •»* Havti * cumpien d%ur htl or* we carr el without on;» s Imn Will. Sv Anyri.t », Wainesdny; the a^Cwttei »t*1 Ike OMsrta, rrtl.«»m*. »nil t »S»Tfa» * | selve*. The heaviest demand on ■ eg to 11 dischargi d th» « fwr *M*W'*e'* the aid <if h ' H U«e Sr iatW Tit.,- , <g. p»i.t' T iitrsdav; the Turks, ( their mental capacity Will be to undo Very Kespt cUttly. managed to'. a.. 'a rg • a ’ni.. tbuJiws, Saturday ¡ the T homas N. i axe *. some of the brainless work of previ- wf public LuJim m timing toe live J Chihtiwua, autiday. Foreman. I iom stwicn».—Gtaut County News, ¡ Dealer In Ceneral Mereh.,^ * I I I I ,r "1 I ■ FINE CUTLERY. NOT.ONi Corn ter Attentive and i I1 1 * BOOK EXCHANGE I a I f » » fl t1 o o k c £ 0 9> 4 II & ID 0 H* 4 •d ¡0 ft ¡ » § 0 p, s H ? •< s a 0 ? ¡a Í Î 0 p J iS