BUK.xS THE HER WtOMiill' w. t. m tu d.v tful dirtnc -. i t tin- t- »till lili n-il lí rii-i.i v T .t l Interior T<> b.- ti.-Il al Barin. Fi'llo'-Ii -K i' th-- program of the « i rr.ev County Tench- r.-’ Institute. w bu rh will I e h. Id at Bums. Ore- goli . 5 nV. n.’er 2-lth to Stith inclu sive: ADVERTISEMENTS Of .ili periotis stili indvb‘o-1 to idersigm-d on Evsr O. ieo - n II i . k * au > accounts, viz: sulmcription» sui.»ee.ii.-iit to Nov 28 1889. adver- tising ami job Work doni- prior to March 1. lólK). is called to the fact th..! payment must bi- made before 1.1th dav of Scptvm'er, 1890, to save further emt of collection. D. L G racb , I Burns Oregon Aug. 21. 1890. t i«’w ÜF ORE t‘> . I-Ii. g I he ..'.t or The senati.ri ! nur** • ei - I, Mnv-ir »'Gt-PAY MOtlNING »' -StoX. eesament nod taxa'i Gralit, Hi a » .r to bi* rvqu«.-»l lol b iiio.imeiit and Org. :iiz -tio;i- g.-JiCv bUffc U...il been in ses--at in «?..! Dealer in General Merchant. a re«-iiu..t of the population of, First Days Dutiv«. Rules etc. >• t.;.- ;.-j :e that under certain weeks. pra;-ti--..llv ci -.- AT THE tii.li ST\\|, ' .:i’ ie » e, m g m- ii a'« justifia- New York City, l-y the chief clerk Introducid by M. N. Fegtley. • h.c. Ute Friday ev i: / House a.i.l irt.tio.- -air. General discussion. We s y :!. re < re no cordi- of the Census Bureau, hi» n-fised Bruxs. H arney C o ., Outoim. ‘ now in the hin-ls f'm- -' ■ . r a second request made by Mayor Orthography an.l Orthoepy. Prin-i A goo 1 house anil lot. situated Our loirne •»- fall a <1 Wl lUrSuxk will evm«eact^ ... cr, to lie issto d m.e c-p/ '. - » i f; tie-'.» i-r etr.-umrlat • und, r which G'ant for a reeouiil. all of which ciples and i-est methods of teaching. ¡n the town of Bnr ie. can ie pur- memlier of the Louie and senate men may be placedtliat will in tie ihi-f-<l cheap, for cash. House 111. kes it plain that it was the in —A. F R ’ter’ usch. ' least ” exenta- them for »ucn c-,i.- and for newspaper«, etc. la h- well built and furnished inside, con- tenlio i,of the repo lican» fr.im the 1 Portland Sxchange Sold. C^nty Serto Class Drill — Mir* Mol ’ : durt. Tie respect they sltoi.ld The county a<-s-- r »hill t lining 4 tiHiins and one store i start 'O eteal at least one Cnngr-ss man. have for tlmimu-lv, » their i.. tin rs. point an a*seas»-»or for e ich pre room. Lot 50X160 feet. Warran man from toe democrat* of Ni-w General Dia-ciis»i"ii. tee deed will l.e given. Apply at [ rinct. or whc'e t ie pr i. •"» are sister* and fumili«-». (:f th.-y l.avi- Y’ork City. The same |»>bcy ha* | AFTEKNOON SESSION. I H ekai .t> ollice. small, »«»e’sori can .:t.-i. 1 to c .e :-ny ) a’.d that resp>-ct theV UiOtlld or more pre- iut . ind-prudent of h. v ■ for ih, ir would i e victim ui d • «in pursued in the t-’outli where: M usic. Items From iialni-y. Illustration of Methods of Teauii- countyoffeer»,and mn«t ! ... •«. her f. ii fly »h< it’d coristr iti any every State is given a »matl.-r p>p ul.it io-i than it should have, in or-, ing Reading—Mias Ida Ro' erts. H arney . November?, 1890. They must complete l.-n ir w- rk ;i. n wit!, a particle of I om r to der to k. ep down its Congressional nnmber of families have General disscussion. A each vear by May a!i p p rty parsili different coiir»< . f . o d -ct v of a r t r, »ci.tati. n at d it.- r ] r. n i.ta-! Pernmiuahip—Methodsof ¡each- moved into Hnrney. for the winter, to tje as». »M-d to uwm r« up - > A p ;! I ’m r a iv if our r, adi-r» k case, nr I a Ve at y of tle-m <v r ti'H *I| the «-li 1*1« Tai college. The J ing—Gm. W. Hayi-s. ' for tin. purpose of schooling tluir 1 of each v»-.r Th - - £ngli»h Griiumiar—Methods children. shall return tie ir roll to the -- m.t. 1,1-.. d of a : a- . that to th-.-ir own ri-pu Ucatis are play ing a ’ old game. arses »or who is to- iiav.- five rods cer'ain ki r.wlnlg- the man IS 1 l.t 1 ut flay may emry it tco far The Teaching—Miss Macle* TOILET ARTICLES, G LARS, p t’TT' Four new buildings have gone up Takn g for grant, d L.et* will ie fully vxjs ' k U ly the General discussion. ! i.-t Harney, this fall, beside* other no'.de. The county court is lu.ide to I J. nr’ EVENING BESS1ON. a board of eqiiabx.iiion - f all ex* what yot:r answer will 1 », We then d. mncri.t* when tin- ; p| intiouii.ei.t i improvement*. I M usic. W. E GRACE. PuoriuKTiiK. ccpt road taxi », and its d-ei-io-i is «ai the inan shott d snffi-r the full I ill Colne» up this wi-.ti r Robert Copeland is building a I Tl.e patronage f the Ii.t'-r.ial Essay—Miss Ida Ko! erts. final. The assessn^nt t- dou l< d p. nally of the law for hi» own mi dwelling, on the corner lot, adjoin- Song. for those failing to fill list» 1 i.C m 1»ry trai-s’grexsion. lt is so or- R. vi: tie I uri .u I r l«ing list d in ing Mrs Coatswortli's. an iii.ti- ti| ulous manlier to defeat R citation— Mis Teresa Young. State loard is coui|ni.-cd of < ji ; c deud lh..t a tio-inn ha» to »uff. r A Large As.ortim.iit ut the 1 1 elion of tin ill-in' crntic nimi for In r f- Ily . sh. loot “ « her self re- Mu-i... M. M. Brii tlv. and fait.ily. have tnemlier of cacti jud.ci il di- net. l-i til-in ral dis. iission—‘■ u’j'Ct— ni v d to :hi John Da.- valley. be appointed uy the g ru un .-p i t tb< ift fidi t ee i f In r family ilWes in W'-*t Virgitu i K -p-eserit- FlfìE r»C til the next gei.erul eieelio i. !u re- a- d flier ds. stai the ars.issin.of her alive Wilson, who hn* repid'v It,«-«. tiv.s to Industry and O-der i where they will try r tu h life for a Ha» just ben Riceiv.d, » me. port to the Secretary of tile -'■tale, I o .or which every woma-i »In tild coine to the front o i th di-mncr.it- , and Rewards and punishment— : t time. who report* to tl.e c. not. ch its I old mon- sacred than any thi- g ic side l-i the Hotis«- i V his pluck lad 1 v Pmf. Sto-y. Mr. Brown ai d ivife. Mr. Drink ’• IVSICIANS' PREFCRHTIOM C/RJ M in when the choices hive bvei. rw.de. <l-i—tot excepting her lift—is ami n il.ty. pa*-i d through Wash Music wnti r and wife ai il Mi s tame» ington t bis w.-i k lie said: "Tin- made to fei I hiin»--lf innocent, of Everythit g fiinriitnd pire and of th ■ viry 1* when tlie eletks Wiil.mak th- p op- R.-eit itio i—Miss Mmil R icon. : Bia-hmie. D ivi.« and Bordi k, hiv ereha.-tges. Taxes are levied bl any crime against »ocirty or Ihe internal Revenue gang are lint af Ti ESDAY MiiKXtXG 8ES8IOX. ___ __ md» Igone to fili John l’ay fur a «oppi the county court in 8 ptemtr r of iaws of his govi rnnient. by the hi .-- ter mi-, ami tin- stnmgli- as a result Music am) Roll ( all. of fruii for thè wintcr i« close in my district. Men are each year. The shiriff udl-cts ati tion of the court a.-.d jury » Essie—Mo-.-tls aid Manners— ! r coi It is rumored that John Devi u ’» drawing s.ilari s from th. Govern-! T ke lor illustration a case taxes but the road tax T..x s arc Miss Julia Gage. m, gl' merit whose sole duties an- to wink fence has i.i-i-n cut for a mile, tin delinquent after j.i-miry 1, after stolen dien <n.ds amounting aritiiniati«-. Fundamental Rul.-s i ight 1 agaim-t me 1 hay.- the facts in - wire s< ver. d at ev-rv other post. which the clerks adds 5 p cent, thousand» of dollars, it is proven in —W L Powell » my possession, su scril «d and - XJ which goes to the county. Tim court that the diamo ds were not Mr. Haines is filli-g his store G. U. D and L C. M. — II. J ih al mortgage tax law, it eluding the propi-tly guarded; does th it justify sworn toY;i some cas s, and they - M.ilileV. with a choice variety of groci rii-s. itnes. Black amendment, . 11 mi g thei x the tl.ief, who stole the diamonds? cahin-t be i-.introvert'd. and in other i Common Fruition»—Miss Lena ! 'the I est variety ever brought into iding di-tricts in the state it is equi'lv! emption of taxes on murtg..g--». m Do » the court : nd jury acquit rhe WM. H GASA. - ~ - - - ?lh that Harnev. "J.” Harkev. repealed and all mortgage* are t ■ i prisotier for that reason, declaring. as lad.” It will not le surprising [ Decimal Fractions—Mrs. May ai ms assessed, not it) the form of mort Ibv their verdict, the thief to be iu- if Mr. Wilson imiki s an ext-osure 1 W rl bingto'i. B«»n( Fortt tieni -, <w* gages, but a* p- rso:,al prop -rty ii. : noct i t of t! e (rime? A woman's of this whole business when Con-1 Picenhige ai.d Its Applications I’.OAT Fo:.t>. Oct. 30th, 1o9l> This House Ini» a w ¡de ni.d «eli kinv.n li; li i. : 11'ui’m)t»^ |, the form of notes received nt pl .ee .honoris more precious than din- gr, ss m-ets. whatever the n suit it' —John E. Rotiert». Pr. Emoree has added it I ran in -nt of th<-present proprietor it is Ito i i-l to go tu th-r u.> i. .„.di« of residence or Luriness of the- le:i- [ iimnds and if she lisises it, (as w, ■ hi.« district may be. It will le a i,t General discussion. new chimney to his residence, and fame 7nd renown. No jr.in» sputili to please jui»:i d*r. No household exempt oi. of have already s.dd) she »uffi-rs for ' national h ss to the democratic par- its a charming structure The doc ANTEBXOON SESSION. ty if Mr. Wilson i.- d--fi-ated. »300 or any sum or no dtdtmtm.i I, r fully. I nt tl.e man often go. s i ! ty tor is an expert in the stone mason Music. road I It finks as though Mr Harrison's for indei'tcdness of :yty lot in I » tu Mcot f. ce juat I ecausi—well we »Up ry I usines», and all who chance to i ; re i- lnstrm-tion to T»achers — Hon j nerve had failed him ai.d that the |m.«e—just l ecaiisi- h-'» a man. be allowed pass Dr. E s residence, should, by d wil i dea of caHi: g an extra session of E B. McElroy. Gio_ranhy Methmfsof Teaching i’ll means, stop and see this gigan ¿^“Gmid tal le service, and .tal h» furnished with all n.i:ut pisto JolIXNY Paitin. who was arrested Congress for the purpose of passing A ccordino tn a stat, mi nt given tic structure, which very much re the — appnrtion. 1 —Mrs C: i field. by the National Demo« . h , a...l ilo» i i- the h- riti of tbi- ciiunt - F«»llll‘ the Force 1 ill and 1 •* clini li-B the ruins of Pomp. ii. ago. ella 1-j,. d with g »tu! '.tient i lili had f !*ei-:i a and uitd General dismission. time ' !--■! It s will statement v.as tuk u L.-m tin- i U .iti-d States History—Methods Adam Robbins, and gon Adam. the o-e.;.. still posai po.-.-i le i that t., ,; lu u.- may is ue jiort of tliu mu .ii-ipal autiioriti . i-tt a ma-e Not 11 ing ul le at lin , t» _____________ __________________ >ev i • k. proclamation ,.i..„.. i;. .) calling it nfti-r of Teaching—G. O. HenBrick.«. ■ ila ve moved to the I.ike. I orli tile t mi of hi* nr rest to give of New Yuik City, th n i,i i^ of nt Io General discussion. i tl.e i 1» i tioll, . in d vi ry probn! le William Rollins will winter that citv i* 197.214 more than tie i iv...« coi.fiiii d i>, the liarnet jail. and v I should the i We are gl d to learn that his di in- erats carry the EVENING SESSION. on his ranch, in the R -d-S field. count a» taken l.y th« Federal an- BURNS OSCULATING T »IBRA’ i t.iiiit r gav- it».- m cessary I mid this 1 House, a» they will if there is an and keep his »tuck tle-e. thoritie*. - Music. AN’» i mis v, • k tor Li - release. Wi say we honest v 'tv cast and their voter.« go Essay — Miss Rose Hembree. Thec.-ii-us was so couspifiouslv : John Eml.ree will locate near ti. all BOOK EXCHANGE R-.-eitat-on—M. K. I’iggs. inadi qu .te th i- tin N’.-w York Tri [ ' .Ue glad ol his release f om prison I ’O till- [ oils. Harney lake in the earlv part of IN THE UEg 11.0 Bi ll.DINO. Tin-re are i.o ne« of Im Song. bun* found it necessary tn m..k, , ' lor thi- r'-.-.sr.-i; we doii.it think the Novi-m! er. The citizens of Pont him boy i» to I..me Hi* niothi-r (now tn th-- -cram I-- for th ■ place of the CHIS. w. 1YR0. ------ l.-niil»». > leneral discussion —Su ject — opobglrs for the d <' il.Uli-y T.’llit Ford call weil afford te loose John ol jerl .4 . pe- 'i-T h I teil . n ii. «1-1,1, w»li ihe »re« Mi-lriln» «.»• ll-AKji paper acciiunCcd tor tiieMitTermice dead) ordered him and hi« little late Justii Miller o-i the I ci.ch of Sliall f*tl 8chuol» I e Graded .' L' ii Inn » t.a part hiiie. kl i,r « l-ul-lti e.lnr t.r eur> •—Th« Ul t’rltelsUl^KgH r mi I heir n id-t as tl e I a e o Lro'bvr to go and gi t th" nniim.l, th,- Snn-emi-C mrt Ait-.r:.e. <ì -n i,v -u,> rinl, d nt I’onha in, ot Gt ant T R’tS: Vein’e lhip Fis-s: s i-ir. R,-i 1 >-j Fee i V. lie* ll uf«rl'li ■ e . in the count bv stating th it c.-.i.j« “ ■ -f * 7* .*• » • ■ K : it »■ - i I. he I.Ii rar n i -- t-r : ea r. .-e> < f r pur i< ul.ir i » fir a r o’. < id nr t . taker Portar and hi« assi «tanta were the brand taring hi* in ither’a, the eral Miil.-r ha» n turimi funi Ids, < nunty ' 1 * 1 ;i 8 F ■’ f r Ult >• i zke ü g ti» j. g h ke I. M» U" I VC J hn Rozeley has rein ,id from t : 1 r > ’ ’ ” # ‘ VV À- r rkP \-i. H k u« P (. ’ j.nj ,j. «*• i’ !•' 1 »H g *». r - A lu. «h» I . , M mde not qualified for the wo.k, ach .rge l-ov iieli-iving tl.e mare to ! clung to[ visit tn Indiana. I lit it ha» not > i„gj , , h tir* RrC-it. tint!---Miss \l.tiil- Bril-rlv 'he John I) y country 4whe e he has which every intelligent rwider ; her. lint having the .east »iispivi'iii [ transpir-d whether he »ucce d d eeently lien in seni I, of fri.it and knows tu be false and gr<>uudl< rs that he. in following tier instruct imis, in his i ffort to make n onrgain th it Song Would resultiti the withilr.iw.il nt i Hour. Mr Porter, and his In Ips. were w-is cornu i’ling a felony. WEIlNESIlAY M0HXING SESSION. The mare remained in the po« the op|Mi»ition i f the republica only too coiii | h tent to du ti. - work Music mid Roll Call Road work is now in progress in • . t^ulUit of the republican Ì os.-. « He ,.v r s- -s-.nu i f Mrs. Partin for l.ine I» adera ot that St it«- to h s tamii ta Phvsmlogv—Methods of Teach this vicinity, and in the near fu rtiHtfr uio-.tl.s unmo ’ eRted. th'-nnthi r par tion to the Jacancv That oppisi did the work to-ueb an extent a» i' g—Prof. Stcry. Hire a new L-idge will be across ! fi to »how, only to i plainlv, fraud on ti* s i*l..iiu* d her. t< ok thi- aninril. t ii-i was .-Iro’ig i-:.oligli last ye ir to Gei i-ral discussion. ihe Silvies near Dr Eiul.ree’s resi . will und " ce th<- <b itli uf Mrs. P.irtia. d t hi* . pi-.lm.s and if^il . I l k the face of it; he inam-ged i-i « »me C "iiipositiun and Rlietorii—Miss d< i.co. »roc . frf 4® way tu over-look iiearly 2Uu <ajii m I-t-l 'k, -e' ir est d f ir the ):;rc ttv »lunild e ex--ftid it will do it Pin-! e Kelli-v. T J MORRISON A BYERLEY. Not long since, while Pent Em - ugniti, ut it a deal h .» 'oven or c.in ¡ habitants, which amou ii» to I -il» ol th in ir - Primary Lnngili-.ge Lessons— r e was vi iting at Mr. J’.zUy’ . ¿^^X“--verything in the furnitur-- line al vays ot Imd ie mai-- the Atto-m-y G-m-r.il will Miss Roe Hi ml n-e iiiucli: u"e r, pre», i.tativ.- and o .e í' ' G'Ve htm a call before purchasing el--whet* Bent ’s favorite pun, Ben Harrison, ri » I: ii >s w a -IX ,T< N t.l T . I n g- 1 th.- p. Z-. vote ill Ihe eli-, lorial Colli ge lu i General discussion. got drowned in Boziev's well. This Tie- r- pu I i-.i i District Attorney m -sw ■Olpe cases compiali.t» come from Wi-ltt GT N D < Oct Will I aftehxiox session . id affair has caused a di rk gloi m _____________________ ____________ __ -m a » c repul lican »tat. », for i-x imp .- m,r Thi ri-pu lii-nus in tln-ir <i<-»|«*r lien- h s d eide I that the crim - of Music. sud pi I ■ spread over the entire co i.mn-ii own State. Or.gon I ot tin u ».-> atioii to save tl.ems. lv. s from th.- the ni-vllt irpll lii-ati l‘o tni.stir Primary Class Drill—Mrs A J tv. »nd one and all »ymp.it! i e y ralw of tin- II -use. Wheat, in takir-V have I h - cii hi i • i m ir,- mi u r.ai- in. d-f- t ibi h æeins tole aw.itti-g Alphim with the Principal n.omner, over the democratic State*. ,nd tin- ap th m h tv. thro.i n discretion to the ri es. is . ot mmiidi.t' h under the' School Appartine What is the loss of hi» pup. That pup poitl'U.l lit* «I re III: de SA- tipo h- wi' d*. .-o d the seems around the' I IW, I C lise t III 1 i l ll-l s not reo^r Use net 11 d and Abus.—Job-- s o d o i t' e ; rn'< nf ih. —w 1 . • ilZ ■ the statusuf t ’ o gri-ssioliul i-in-1 can politieittti*. It looks, to say. <|. part meut» rimimi one of the NB Mt 1-1 I. I. 1 D««ran lie made a mi-leap and in he fell the leH*t. very suspii-i us times -Aheii Jay llul-b-ll. Do-a y ploy is. Quear isi.’t It.' MVV«>U Ti-acber’» D.dlv Pn paration— Its hard on Rent to loose his tmti JN'O. W. SAYER The ci-i.su» uf tl.e Slut, f Illinois and Star n Ute film-, and others of tllUH n ... i .. i. . i . • .. . Jobu E Ro'erts. • ni» Beali. N lm»i • I’ll». \V.»rl *. he reg show* an ir.vrcasi-i f ?4O63*i, ihit the s.iim- a’rlp--. were compelling (Ing. The Feieuci- of Government—A of Loui.-ianu mil. an tm n-a-c of file el.ik i i th - Governm- nt si-r - Ex Ma -or Ihrii’ l F Beatty. of 1» a 11V F Klltell lisi ll. Keet«'..t-a mi, ., h, . , ,r., r . .< of 176.882, n d of Mi* ia->| i-i O vic.- tn give up a regular |a-rci-iitagv Beatty V rati<1 Organs ai.d lì Gem-ral «lisi-iiFsi >n an increase of ¡.’3 2'.h> of their salaries t> the corruption aims. Warliii.gtutl, Xvu Jt rs< V. has The Etui tard EV-MXO SKsSlON returiad lh*HH* fruii» hii ext* i d d fii'ul f th- “G <) P.” Monev is i ‘ Mr Music. [Clark are in the act of turili * a lx the can 1 1 the ;-l.- vs. Ki- g ' i ing op nlv di-mnnd«-d of the lour (»I the world. Bead his ad- verti*ei»i<*iil iu l!»i»* pa|w r and *«*tnl which i net th, Stste G.tKMJ a ,d el ik- .tul in plain lai'gmige th Essay. Moral Training in b'chisds ¡so ti ai of Silvie.- riv r into the Em- t‘.»r eatahe.rje. tu* Yfr ree slough — Mi’» Curri-- Caw it;¿< the ?■ ducer accordi- g tn the ver i.-in-to'il th it if they fail tu chip ; 15LÆ o <X i\. t- » I glYe 1 uS< s « f P.ir *nt»¡ in flelathwi t«»í t OTiMa !»• II.»ys »i» on <]. « k. diet of tin jury, i H -iilwir. in they will Io«.- thi-ir plae s. Th.-1 w.th- Seh« —Siipt I’oTiluitii. Now was it ll 1 :if subie ii II O'linatis and Indi o i.i .• hivet ik. n ! W Ith • il V otigh tu till a p. < k X O If not Lv what I. 11.e you th. I d in the ldi d-.-zi- g of tie d l oliar» | R.cit;.t im-Miss Bertha Winter S.|lliri. E11( r ,. I (,1<U ¡,. hi, p .w Wv call suchmses'’ Il M lit. Ct ¡III . d d h Ip’--s i n id.ç.-i .• Mr. II ,rr son of Ciitarrii nwir. Ahather k, d t... kc.ll. il law the voui-g iiihii I* it»g. «• dllCe • the is full, aw .re ol what i* going on, Iv tuking • loshig song by studenti of 1 uros M.. 1 »ebeof girl, or did 11n- git I m dm- i In- vrn. ng - i - t I Le s:ii s r.nt a Word to stop this I F. H sAI.E. r luaii? \\ but d-w-s men think a out «ham* fu! and iiutr.iir-m:» violatimi F J Clici ev A' C< , Pro| » A I I ie-id» of > ducati-m are rr of fs the di cirinn uf the j-i>» «h- • urt of tin- I-,» ; the iih - iii !i rs ef th-- Civ Tol ilo. O. viti-d to atlcnd and p:irtiri*»-ite in The Red Front Liv.-iy Sta! |.-, - r .T ’ Jv M I raising liinilies! Men w io ili Ve ll Sei i ie,- Ci>m:ii’««ii>'i kn--w all We thè tmlvrsigtivd, b ivi knuwii thè i X, r, i»e» and di* us« of thi- In situated in I ur is. <v>|Misite th.- ' ' t-itbi- f. lud gruwn daughters, a 11 th.- arch I ni.I it. a’id do noth! g. "Xe- pt to F J Chi-e.ev far thè l ,»t 15 yi-ars. stillile. | Burn« hotel Mr Wilson offer» tin of bell. Itl.o IS ever r, id, Io t V .de d w th ir < il .ries I’ is ap;> ire it a ni 1 eli- Ve hitu I» rfi ctly h'iuorn le f Thursdav and Friduv will Le de this V h I uii . le Livery Stnl le for »¡de N B A G« mw 1 m || f * . WJ|V ta, h at the Mnetity uf the h | p h-nu i. i ir I ist if ei.o igb Vote« can I e pur- in all n-i.ie»« traiis.ietio'i«, and fi- Vat. «I to cxuiuination far teacher« at low figures. He live» in the ile ai.d ill eld, r te grat ly Ins • i . i-h » d lhe republicans will r-tain I nane'.- lly al li- lo curry olii anv o:i certificale». 'i-omitrv. » nil ■ distance from town, I •h lii”t LaSep i-»ii. ad- »tiny ll i p <•’ C ha ». N ewell . th n grtpon to- P- .in- f Ri p*e«e ■ lig-itn i-s mude I v their firm. and cannot give the I himihmi the1 Sufw-rintcndent. , attmtkai it r.-quir.-», is his reaoon pii »»• and t»»j . t 7 •'<• hit ut it 1.« th- fi *t ti .i • that I Wert A Trmx. Wholesale Drug- jly, wi.ii h. ti .-tv hn j for selling There is not a more g’-t Tel do Ohi -. W I ling Ki • al ep 1 out d t l <‘r Ma e o in A M. rvi . Whole- I V ilu.ll le piece of property in Burns Burns-Canyon Stsge Lin®, ' it-.d any line desiring tn inyest in Tol.d-i. «»I.ti. S r. n tiiilr« -*mth ;f I. J ewitt , PeomiEToa. th it kind of pro|M-rty, cannot efl- r rii Cure i tnk« n lu tn* a «.( rttif lut f-r f -V c <-be >p Irun r»rt • ..« Mate*« «. I»M«| a. »1 4 Tri • l»v ’hem«- lv«-* in anv town. Call im- •Colite II w|.k heinairi... l-rt.ttl !e. md like1|»w.»»«* » “ d A etly I. p ti ll c ri * I{r offer* V» fur« tn- diatrlv at thi» ndiee or on Mr. I • k»l • for PUH Rflr*. I.:.- s i f I be i:ish » Cm, •orti! le ft! in. that ran Wilson, for r u are likely to lose iif «4 ccumed l.y ÜM purchaser while a 1 !,r<a’1* • 1 he Stai le i* just what !•♦•«-- V*-«to-à» WM .. uvwLà ut |Al.U , wc recommend it to be. , feeding th< h»y X X OTEÌ Attentive and .••«e** L. TEE BURNS FiHNíllHE® J TPlio W’IhXOli sn*« .. iii IXToxv EÆacv ___ >•-