Hu use and LviAir.liala. i * • RURNS ADVERT(8g D: RtNc, « inee’ing la-t week, the no prospect of his party carrying the Ail persons knowing themselves \ good house and lot. situated THE D Ha saya; “ Business men indebted Lee Caldwell, please come in the town of Bnrnf, can be pur- Ho .. C. R B-i < kin-yh- was fired at House, Mr and lobticians with whom I have ami settle, foe I mu in need of chased cheap, for cash. House w ho »•»cortesl L,.. ___ and the one y »• tl... i ot 1 afi.-r co v-reed—»II repu'lieans-declare money to send and get a winter well built and furnished inside, con- jtaining 4 rooms and one store room. Lot 50x160 feet. IVarran- iiAetiiig w ii • Kn.wk.-d down with a that the m-w, tariff law will operate stock of liquor. publicans do to the disadvantage of the party and , tee deed will he given. Apply at >lr:nc eh'r* Th.- r« Notice. i.o! i hi -iod» litis outrage, l ut if a will lose us the House in the ensu- I H erald office. 4»»v. r get* All persons indebted to me for j Speaking of th-- contest f r th - ' i eg ii or a a 'leg'll 4ov»-r get* eggci egged or or jng «ng eieciiuue. elections. It will have a ten- Gods blessing to humanity—So next Vf-pn’ lirai- Pe.-«i 1 > rial nan - a eo i'. .■I la r and ftwthers, you will deucy to drive away the farmer vote blackrmithHig, will please comeat t in i v. rv republican paper in when that class ascertains that the Il rii - i- says an Oregon Pioneer Ninety {nation, Mr Pe , igni- once and settle, I must hive mon­ ' e cost of many articles of prime ne»*cs- ey to carry on my business. seems to have tn in’, a l but h- is he I pi ed ’ ta e< Years Old. Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I sitv is direct!» increased by reason “in it." Tin ide is not lo» ver. I A. T ipker . Dealer in General Merck* have »e used the Oregon Kidney Kidney^ Tea Tea -live **,e McKir.ley Lili A rise in »hand with tli lus s of : i- par S amvh . P. Miller, senior Ju*ticv AT THE OLD 8TA!ty I obtained immediate relief. It g pric'S all along the line seems to I e ami --------------- l'or Saie. of the Sugreme Court of the U. — IO '•«— - blessing —------ „ to humanity. I is God's B urns . H arney C o ., 0»«,, (. ex;>'cted, acd as that mean« addi­ Seven miles of cheap. Burns, 150 tons of fine bay south f-r sale Bv 1 ,ke P1.**"’",1*''' recommending it to was »trick-.n with pamlvri». Friday O»r laro« r»ll nd Wlnt«r Si««k «in N othing brings rpetdi r »-¡Jih nigl.t. (>«t. 10, and on tb>- following tional bun*ena for the consumer, meauLivi«-. - - . the afflicted. I am now nearly nine I great compliint is inevitable. It Green Hudspeth. He offers to fur- ty vwara „|d, eall,e t() Oregon in 1842 than a good patent. If you li.ti­ Mu-'dav- night died. He .was ... in fhe employ of the Hudson’s Bay ,, «nd had ’veins quite reasonablv therefore to nish a comfortable cal in, that can an idea, write der-crioing it. to the JStii/yrar of hi* „ age at Portland Exchange Sold. County Justice for 28 expect that the democrats will c .r lie occupied by the purchaser while Compiny. and since I began using Messrs. 0. A Snow «V Co., I’ut -pt Lem cn associate ■ fi tdir.g the hay. ' ’he Oregon kidney tea I enjoy good Iler leaves be. ' ry the House. In Lou-siana I don ’ t Solicitors, opposite U. S. Patent Iveara. 4u»tice Miller leaves be-, - _______________ . health. Office, Washington D. C., and tin y huid him a spotless reputation as think the republicans will win a sin- P»nn M cnrof . Congressionaldistrict.” will inform you free of charge aju.U-.aml he will always be re- Beatty's Tour oflhe World. A herd of seventy i.uifal» h ive 8‘M"«e thin?8 happen here. whether it is patentald**. Read j memliered as one of the ablest of Ex-Mayor Daniel F Beatty, of ——d frmii the Yellowstone Na­ ocal I the men who haw constituted the Yrt,t, rdav W W Belknap, who their advertisement in this pap*-r. Beatty 's celebrated Organs and Pi- 'RC'peu tional ““21 Park 1 eminent tribunal, the Supreme •• Secretary of War in aims. Washington, New Jersey, has t'- i Mount Etna is in a state oferup- | Grant's cabinet, in order io k. ep returned home from an extended T hx Democratic Congressional' Court of the U.S. tour Of the world. Read his ad- ,¡„7,', "he\ hole «ide lists« . i.v . .. of the mountain I j from being impeached in connection Campaign Couiuiitte has at la«t vert lenient in tin« paptr and send is • covered with a thick .... layer of cin ... ­ _ , , , the se.ling i f 1 d an Puat-t-a- auceeded in getting its text book f »r cata louge. ders. T he republican partv haa done » ■ , lino pilot. It will doubtless prove' TOILET ARTICLES. G I. A?S, p larpe. r . deruhlpa bv h'g wife, waa bun. d many things ... ■nilitarv honors in Arlington Th - 1 ig enftin in which Abrnhma I e B that would not with very valuable air] interesting to a great Lii coin l:ved when a 1 oy has stand inspection by honest eves, . ... , Attention. tha hangersen around the commit­ , - 7. . ... \ cemeterv, the M ar department was been I ought nv a committee. from but we find it bard to believe that , , ., , L. 8« , , dosed in his honor and the bu'.ld- tee rooms at Washington, and,ow­ Of all persons still indebted to Chicago in th« interest of the W. E GRACE, PuorKiKTnu. ils leaders would countenance a . , ., , , . , ing to the nearness of election day , , , , mg heavilv draped with mourning undersigned on E ast O keg > n H EK- World’s Fair The price paid was sebemeto dehlieratelv falsify the . ... ’ . , . build It will be taken down and , , , I ms thing of closing a Government ai . d accounts, viz: subscriptions it will not circulate much further, _ Census returns , for * the purpose of , , ., erected on a prominent site at the L _ department on account . of ... the death more’s the pity. aul-secuent to Nov. 28 1889, adver­ A Large A snort aunt g retaining control , of . House , wars before , . . . of Rep- r I of , some man who was tising and job work done prior to Worhl’s Fair eFee resentattves ' , , . , and ,, of gaining votes . in I at it head is a senseless custom at March 1, 1890. is called to the fact Iy the ladies who intend buying , Frink Slavin savs of John L Sul- FINE CUTLERY. NOTION the eletunal college. That they j all een k own if he h id c 'n‘- PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFUll'P"*" Justice Miller were held in the D. L. G race , republicans would be mighty scarce out in the l.i«t two von'« T'i hi ' trust that their is no truth in the Kverythirg jusrr.itttd pure and of j Supreme Court room yesterday Burns Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. in the next House of Representa­ All t:me he had nothing tn fight ' falsification scheme *s published in afternoon, and last night the re­ tives. Dress goods have been his i erfii-niani-ca t-ave ’ < e s t p:ng the new York World. FOR SALE. me-» in the first 4 or 5 round«, flis mains, accompained by a distin­ largely increased in price on ac­ fight with Kilrnin was a di'gr.ucv guished escort left on a special train count of the higher duties imposed The Red Front Livery Stable, heiy man who bn« n rr*n'>»ntinn T he chilly blasts that come from for Keokuk, Iowa, where the infi r by the ne r republican tariff law. I the mountain and float over the ; |nent ¡g t(| tafce |,].1Ce. The scram situated in Burns, opposite the and the go with '’itch'i'l was •* Punch ami Judv affair. I. *1 ‘Gilli I Burns hotel. Mr. Wilson offers vm pu» on or-hut nn v« regir-l« A ccording tothe New York Press valley, remind the citizens of this ’ ]e f,,r the place he left vacant is this valuat le Livery Stable for sale who is the he«» man. to div T* e good republican authority, the country that winter is close at already quite lively among the re­ at low figures. He lives in the ♦ ’ ¡rd ein«. is his corner in the fis workingmen of this country must hand,and that for this season we publicans. Attorney General Mil can no longer bask in the summer ■ [er on 8ccoUnt of hi; perSllllI1| rtl.,. country, aoni- distance from town, tic world.” not expect to be benefiited by the i 6un jlions with Mr. Harrison, has the i and cannot give the business the new tariff law for a long time to sunshine. A'l ’ lrl ini-1 liCH'a attention it requires, is bis reason WM. Il G A S3. Everyone who are ill prepared jn-ide track, but it is by no means come, and it ingeniously advises ' ' i’t for for selling. There is not a more —Mr« J. C. Garret» »• A d 'iv.’h- them to be patient under their in­ to receive a hard winter, vow to be eertajn that he will get the prize, > try t vnlual le piece of propertv in Burns tor w —e in R'i’n« la«’ Thur«d»v de him creased living expenses. This ad­ better prepared for the next winter, Secretary Noble would gladlv take ai.d any one desiring to invest in Mis«. Garr tt is n< t in vorv <-on I vise might b<- mure generally taken l ut summer comes and brings ease, j, but "( orporal” Tanner savs he that kind of property, cannot I etter h<*al»h «nd rnn.e in to consult Drs This House has a wide and well kumin haii.e.ui.» «k ‘ ’ eomfi rt and plenty, and we are apt will not, if his soldier influence can 'hemsi Ives in anv town. Call im­ in.-nt of the present proprietor it is bou id tOgofwh®P*'.r,,r. by the working men if they did not I Ashford A Boyd. to forget our vows -luring the win­ prevent it. Senator Edmunds mediately at this office or on Mr. fame .nd renown. No pains spared to pleue fully realize that the same law —Th0 edi’nr of the Long Creek ter, ai d I e in no 1 etter fix for the would not object, although he would Wilson, for vou are likely to lose which is making them poorer every Fa-lo. Orin L Patterson, was mar : lh»l*» m xt than we acre at the beginning onlv have about eight years to serve a I argain. The Stable is just what | ried Io Mis« Ftta Parsons, of Plain- day is piling up unenrm d wealth we recommend it to be. au'45' i of the last before he became eligióle for retire field Indiana, Oct. 1st. for the favored manufacturer. No necessity this coming winter ment, but they say the East isn’t —Three person« have been sent liis offl ' for stock to suffer for the want of in it. Senator Sp >oner a id several How'a I'lils. III to a sent from Prineville to California W ill Mr. Harrison take care of hay in Harney countv; we have other gentlemen have friends here We offer Ono Hundred Dollars i to investigate the death of Springer jfff"Good tai le service, and tai lea furnished siiirtV" his old law partner and present At- plenty and to spare; our neighi ora __ i.: .. u ii- .. and .1 -t._ 1 mill r< wo king : — in . i. their l lehalf, the'Reward fur any c«se of Catarrh whom they still believe to have terney General, by appointing him in adjoining countie«, if in m ed of .toi^B« Indiana folks who are oppostd to that can not be cured by taking been murdered. to the vacancy caused by the death i feed, we wish them to drive in their Attorney General Miller are trving Hall's Catarrh Cure. —Tn the case of the State vs. ———————lniost of Justice Samuel F Miller, on the I stock Hay can l>e bought in Har- tu do something forjudge Gresham. W. S. King, the jury brought in a F. J. Cheney dt Cc., Props . bench of the Supreme court? He ' m-y very reas mal le. verdict of not guilty. Before Congress reassembles the Toledo, O. B URNS O J RCU L ATI NG lint'm. .will if he has hie own way, tut the ... ,. ... . "’e Imp- outside pazlies wanting llMnibel.ofcandid.lteswillbelargelv We the undersigned, have known —Freight team« coming into AND A1” "ri ! fvr‘ wiH “Vail °f ,hi* increased. F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, Burns, heavilv loaded, every day, with the republican I os.-es 1 ecu»»- offt r nnd Jrive in thvir cattle. with winter goods for our mer ­ Representative Kerr, who is and believe him perfectly honurai le as U. S. Treasurer Iluston says, lie m chants. IN THE HERALD Bl'ILDIXC. * . A takes no interest in “practical poli­ IIEnALI'*.« WASHINGTON LETTEP. chairman of the Democratic State in all business transactions, and fi­ dentist. —The Williams Bovs, of Silver committee of Pennsylvania, was nancially able to carry out any ob­ CHAS. W. BYRD. ------ blla.i . .|( pn tics,” and it is not p-o able tlu.t i Creek, brought into Burns, and sold Object of openin» ’hl» bu»iti<>»» in connection with ’he Tre»K< W ashington D. C. Oct. 22d 1890. | here this week. He says that Quay ligations made bv their firm. Mr. Harrison will be allowed to | readilv. a four-horse load of fine Fun. i for port hasin» bo< ks f^r a Public Library L-r baru»-Ti< ■ - J" . . There’s a li nit to all things, even I ism is doomed in that state, anil West »t Truax, Wholesale Drug­ hutter on the 26th inst. TERMS: Mem benhip Fee 91. ■ «tar. Readme Fee I Or. jjiVID have his own way. I that if the election was held i.ow odkal or lluuk. maue wi.te th« IJbranan, in «wry in •«». n UU I reside« to republican audacity. Mr Har­ ! I>dameter vrouid le defeated by gist, Toledo, Ohio. Walding. Kir- i 4V" The Librarian i» agent f« r and will take b*’ •< rison, after a rather sUjamiy discus- from 30.000 to 40.000 majority. nan e ccrta.n did not remain in Washington long ternall», acting directly upon the new tariff law. The latest Europe­ enough to call on the President, in . , . » r ed to th .»I- 1, . ! blood and mucous surfaces of the (defeat to his party at the Congres- : , tact . ? there is rca«on to ta-lieve that i . an advic s sav that the majority of sional e'e t o is for him to issue a | certain members of the ad ministra-' *Ns’e,n' Ince, ioc . per bottle, t le manufacturers refuse to send j proclamation convening Cogress in tion were instrumental in hurrying '■ Sold by all Druggists. Call o* 1 P ... ................ a ----- 11 ’ I any exhibits to Chicago, taking the m r t n n f T -> ,I , , -» »rm onnM I extra session for the sole purpose of i Count off to prevent that call ground that it would lie a useless passing the Force bill, and the Connecticut is a democratic State expenditure of money for them to Ik'termineti Suicide*. j Congressional apportionment bill. T J. MORRISON A BYERLEY,................... i Rhode Island is a democratic State. do so as the duties impos 'd by’the two measures intended to perpetuate '•■everything ic the furniture line alssp’jP’^JTj A large per cent of the patients MaaMehusetta and New Hamp-i tariff law are so high as to practi­ j the power of the republican party entrusted to the care of the authori-1 Give him a call liefore purchasinpls’^B ' «hire are doubtful. In the late cally shut their goods out of Amer­ I This conclusion is another victory ties at Oregon’s insane asvlum are Vermont election the republican ican markets. Without foreign ex­ for Mr. Blaine over the Red wing ever on the lookout for an opportu­ -To majority was cut down one half hibits the World’s Fair will be but of his partv—Mr. Blaine has neve»' nity Io commit suicide. It is a -»WO I a travesty upon its name. The State of Reciprocity Blaine and wavered in his opposition to the thought that is ever with them. I Prohibitory Tariff Reed is the only Force bill. They are making the attempt almost j corner of New England where th<* M r . H arrison may or may not “Mr. Flower and the demo ratic daily. Many of them show great ask for the resignation of Commis­ Coi grcssional Campaign commit­ cunning in their plans. A short republican grip has nut been seri­ O o NEAR BI IÎXS. GRECOS sioner of pensions, but among hon­ tee,” said a metul er ofthat commit­ time ago one man made an sffort ously loosened. An epidemic of est men, no matter what their po­ tee to me. “are all right, and the that required great nerve and pa tariff reform broke out in New & England in the summer of 1889. CD litical opinions may be. there is no democrat who abuses Mr. Flower ticnce. He slept on a woven wire W difference of opinnion as to what he for his management of the campaign mattress, and at some time he had and has l*a*n growing ever since. ought to do. Commissioner Rauiu, do«'» not know what he is tuiking succeeded in breaking one of the anout. From the day on which he wires. This h'< unraveled from the when the republican manufacturers a»k»d for bread and got stone. Th» unfit to be at the head of a Govern­ was elected chairman of the com­ woven coil and brokeoff. giving him ment bureau through which two- mittee to the present time, he has a wire several inches in length, with republicans will not frv much fat fifths of the nation's enormous rev­ not made the slightest mpve with­ jagged ends. With this he bored a out of the New England iron and » of the ft enues are disbursed and if Mr Har­ out first consulting Senator-ch ct hole in his throat, near the main woolm iiiHuufaeturi rs this year or ar, call at I in 1892. — National Democrat. rison condones the Commissioner’s Brice, chairman of the National artery, and was making an effort at t I offenses by keeping him in office he committee, and Senator Gorman, self destruction that would have n.XXStiOa will lieeome personally responsible and nothing has been done wtlemt been successful in a short time hail reaver, Oct 14 —Acting Governor for them. their approval. Now if those two the attendant n.,t interrupted th»* Melbourne, of Wyoming, has receiv­ All kli.'liof su-far, ¡amber tboronshl» •'•••'"d •««Blade 3* men do nut know how to conduct a patient. He had gouged an ugly ed a letter from the interior depart KEPrcKD prick ari*» (Í T hk farmer or other head of fam­ campaign no one in the democratic hole in his nvek and was working ment asking about the whereabouts ily who pave anywhere from ten to parly does. Ol course Mr. Flower away witn h'a rude iinplawient of and safety of a herd of seventy fifty dollar», or more, according to has been to a certain extent ham­ destruction with a will and det«r- buffaloes that esenp-d from Yello i- the quantity purchased, fir the pered by the lack ot money, l ut minatiun that if directed in anv Nat on al p4 k several we« k- winter clothing of himself and fam­ that is not-iing new to dewocratic other cause would have aucomplisb- ago. The mi-sing herd ha« been ily than the aame would have c at caiupaign managers. The demo­ cd uiuch. Patients often secrete se nseveial time* lately in the Ig him last year, haa a practical il­ cratic party has never had a large pieere of glass, which thev pound Horn region and it is now thought lustration of the meaning of the corruption campaign fund, and I up and attempt to swallow. They tn be ranging in Bed Desert, between ‘ protection” extended to him *»v hojw it niter will. If we cannot also try to get hold of knives and Rawlins and the Shoshone Indian the r.ew tariff law enacted by the wm without purchasing votes I pre­ from the dinner tabic they take reservation. A big party of hunters republican majority in congress fir fer to lose. But unless al! of my meat Imncs, which tnev trv to shar­ went out to attempt their capture the special purpose of enriching information is at fault we shall car­ pen and um in cutting their thmat«. last week. The state officers ex­ Burns-Canyon Stage the already wealthy manufacturer* ry the House in spite of the •protec­ The t*»k of an attendant ia an end pect to organize, under the direc­ I. J ewitt , Puorairr* who furnish the republican party ted manufacturers’ money, with ilesa ous. lie never knows what »« *«-’■ a «K.W. a sM mV» tion of the interior department, an with it* campaign vorrupUo.. fuuda wi.i- h the rvpublicani are so plenti­ moment his charges will make some '• rriLa.iiif ..s mwv*** * expedition to round up the herd It ia for him tu decide whether bv fully supplied." attempt at suicide and he must con- and drive the animals back to the Ex .'euatur Kellogg. o«oe the re ttautly be vigilant.—8alem States- his vote whether he eudorses the park. W rl. Root, of Laramie, robbery or oot publican Moses us Louisiana, se» s i.tuan. will have charge of the expedition. J Attentive BOOK BXCHAICS I________ « H t1 d æ 0 c ?!•+ 0 ? •<