p ^ embìlàwì IH'BNS ADVERTJSEMIN THE BURNS READING Of Pavette Idaho. ROM TES OKLY TRUE rtq La iy a ;! Jru Opoa Kvery Day oiropt Mundav. fr m y a m tv < p m * <•’ 1J 1 • '• - - - • • ’ 1 ’ •’ 1 In Twelve !h/ge V d ¡¡ oís 9 Whlc?* tto C uottá K i • I -oro ’ - Ption to thij Papor for r. Ti,. tn Thi< Katensite Nur e y, eonipndug 120 Our i^ojulur Cub2-riptio:i Frica. M D. HOPKIN’ P&OFlUfe. EVERYTHING NEW AND FIRST-CLASH ThM Hotel la u>n • . 11 r . •» n 1 ' • " i'”n • • • r BUbscriber'» & tiet cf the X’.. .hi al <»!«• <• DI k- ci; “in Twelve I f • ’ I I ' * Vclvm'.ea» pi li r. y; i »>»! aci h i i! i* paper. i'T ntriflo U'l'H! th • ur »«•*.j.‘ imJ - a r ) i< • !• • c; • tl ih ► Dúiii» Wve thri>!*n.r an* i ¡ly’ri •* t i*|. . } ji Inn k ibfntcEPi . ; > Á N*‘ h* ». * h ■ » *’«! jr bo V.itl-C lit M, I ■ 1 * l’ l:. HO gl .If ;■ U 1 ' ! I k- »bo uoiliR. Nut "1 ‘'• ■' d t.1 < n if t ■ I t fur beLii’d f. • n ‘ " h v r Ifv.*. 'i ! ♦ les r.icnrxs. * G< t 'f !>’. k.:u. i’n .uich ve cfici as .. - vi’¡« » ’.-i • • HC i <•: a i« handaom^ly prh;wd fro .i < t : 'y i. ¡» v >hrnf3 c : r in the f«»llo»» in«< woiid-f inuna •. < < •, t. • .1 t . j vi v l.,i b . 1.- le . <■ c.a g d, <1 .r th? most F-ogreasivc farm­ ers of the >mth and West. They do not treat of theoretical farming, but of the actual c-.ndi« tian« which confront us to-day: B. F. Ju! nson ; Waldo F. Brown : Henry Stewart : Jul n M. r tahl; A. P. Ford ; Jeff. Well rn : 11« a’l 1. Brooks : John C K i,gar: Steele s livoii :T H r.ab.lv.-ni ;.ud a host ot others make 11.1« jcuinal m<... pen sable. Moreover, it i; equally A HOME r.JAGAZi’^F. Every subject of Interest to the home-maker is f .lly treated. Mary il rrs-len. I.ois Catesby, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Davie i, Miss Cabell, Miss Muiby, Alice Winston aud a ¡»core of others wtt! contrib­ ute regularly. FAHII t.ATim I-'In charge of our cbil.v.n’* Department, nr.: rhe has the recvliar faculty uf being both in­ teresting aud iustructiva. THE MYStSHY OF THE I ATIC’J Ti a thrilling aiory appearing in Korrc r.”O F arm , by John It. Muslek, and ; ■ exciting wide attention. Short stories by uistii’.gubhcd writers apuenr from time to time. FILL Ann s LETTERS Appear each issue, rr.d tl:?'- In’inorousphilo’o- pwu-i never more interesting than at this t .nt. in its :TiTOiu it . bEi’.u:Trrr; H ome ai d F ar m syraks boldly ar. i in I i.nlf ol “ Furmevs’ Rights. ’’ It favorr. a re x i : /•! efthe i.;riff in behalf cf fi.-ntt r • uriter r > M ; for the fanu'.r ; Fr-.e Mail I-.. :iw. :c to >h: : ■ co-<;.< rat ion .• ■- n ■: - . i.i to •’ Bu. t Ti.. /. V‘ II.* u'.-: .to u “ Fair Trad j FariUtiS’ 1 bjuts.” COO1 DREWWEY i e ADVERTISEMENT. THE DREWSEÏ SALGCN - M c K inney , Everything in our line of the Pert. Liquor?—Whukice, Onndiee Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc.. Cigar«, etc., always on hn’.H when yen call on “Mack.” at Pr vrsey, Harney county, Or. Patenta eb:alned, and all paiam bualners a* tende 1 t.» promptly »» ■ : f.,- r . . . ¡y. e *.■*.«. Oir OSes itwpp. alte the C. fe. l'aænt Gft.ce, and we h, uf . h < ti.-i b. te remote from Wuh ngtou Sei I Mold or Druv;^. '.¥■? n ! vise u . 1.» luui-u-il . free ofrharte; and we make no charge unkas patent ibwtv <1. We reter here to the IVatm^Bter, the durerinter.i cn; of ::.o ev Omer I ¡vis.:. . , atd tu ufficiala of the U. b. Patent Office. For circulur, advice, tertra. a -d Toferouc ts tu c-’rr.l cliauta In jwr vwn State or (uuutv. > rite to alvi e aùc.nsa. C: -nct to £’-* cc * sí : í H/ t: -\J v.-i ?*-i Crx ! i c 3!*J s . ï j rt-tcb : : . b or ; ccveieJ poc'.Jn.i H . - ;:-æi T). 8. HOPKINS. A ihi fir t .Lnc .Li Mar. TLhp«ar i Ivc i<4 Ici.tho i.- roi -iviirtd lite finest :rovrn and is ex re i.».ly hardy. l‘o «'fe ..1 " 'x' '1 1 »4 •..'., AX DS. 4CKÍF lake • u, ra «a iftÄ H mm tCTKW . «ne .4 < ■ti>neu a it ’-. lt I" «V I. U !» .4 H ufe UÜ Li AbsoSjter»’ shdciJ 01 THE SELF-THREADING PUaUCHKD. 5tyç(jOldei) Çepsv OF ROCKED HD, T.rjjr’JO'a <.!.!■ juJ T„ -,t, !.. ., ... „ c,41>tl,< ' ‘ .»otit j».. y pi n • j :... , n».r ‘ e-v n • : f - ••••■ : h p,;.’ it . V p-l; t.hr: -, t.iu.f ti. : r . ;•„ a ( r«..v •• in p .j r in mi,: : o ulv. lih6«t<, h vr • biq !. »!. I . .... v |t, . ?<|1> nt vf (. •»»*». :.... ».«..«i.’ ■ ! y t .-at • ‘ ;»•: . .» .. ... , , Il 111. . jilij.-' .1 a; I {■_». old j.PO ...... i Ml »U Lt., ivi !.., .! , i. itfui a I ■''■ P «M-lr :i. Ài» la tot:. : 1:». t.. <■_• ji.’iat. .c—i -. u j», ELORVOCE MFC. CO. Fsctcry m 4 Wholeiale Cfl5.-c, Bslviie«, HL n ulm -ib 11*«., Ch trago, SO Brttatl Hirer tt New Voi le, GUI lie? ’.'j‘.... an ILL0.ni STñfi.EY .’W 'PT I JlfiiJ ÄWA TRUEST AFÍ11M P rinters I nk 4 /0i’ÆAT4£ FCR Á BVZRTISLr,, A Mit« 1 «•<-9 re« « utww xn»<*.**d e j «♦:> A - ver i«er, Trk >3 Vvl. Xi. Spor tmrn < » P' •»”/ A Marat. D .«.FdtàïÉtC. b* a 'M the L ».r ; «Î « .<»«»» ;• « * iki t F MT&C'*« ;> ifu.ly IÇ: t i » t«M a c*;<- ■ c >»*v Itiatatmihas !» -i» * i»-< i »•' c« Ga d FI vk «r ■ Fi•' ! -»Cr-DdiboAd l m «.-:ù.< 1> Sri ' . . i , i .------- ' Tv, ; ■ • q CAUTION 9 Intel C:rt ar •r¡V«a Anorta'*' H.AP.PEB