-r-Tex’s Saloon is the “boss.’ —Circuit court still in session. / —Judge Fee expects to adjourn 'Circuit court to-day. —J. C. Garrett rererts hard times —Everybody goes to Tex’s Sa- in Surprise valley. loor. > .IVKS :: —Mrs. Hatkeli • new house is. —We heard this morning that f e 1 .of In »upp./rt of !:*> «Raim Irwin Geer’s baby is ill. •rill ^a ». land Otte4 at ' • about reaily to move into. I uri er -j, 1-^-jliMr ‘ w Cr libcrt. . iff —The new drug store, of F. M. . —Don’t forget when in town to j have your picture taken. Jordan, is ul out completed. a.»ua reaitanre w|M*tnnd , \ “'••Irt.h. 'tsr»«' miai» Tti—B. R. Witzell is laving the1 —Ex county Judge T. J. SheUds ■' I'srter «-1Ü lt»n»r. E , ... , ' was in town part of this week. i» 'irer.ia. | found.it'Oil for his new hiittse. I. IICSTINOT.-». ««staler. ^Crirt t —— at l'utat« Oregon, o r 20. .880 »1 ven tlrnh the folbiwin«? i ed no’-ice of hit 1 -»ten> i - iu «upp <ri »»( bit hí ------- »vil! Le mad* lef. re ih ' ver at burea, uragvn, — <• , j . ) r . William«« Nth-of < ’ 1 Hi . , 4 ■* ft K 27 Z/ K. r. W W M. -W. ' liana n^Tia • ■- * 'Ntí lo .prava h?a Cpbti u i * id «u'tivaii-’ii uf s.u n r-„ .va. .l.»hn <’. ‘»aria'l* K 1 l T]Vi Khhard N. Millar,«;. 3. HüSTíNGTOM. Regia er B'Bki HERALD. — Is the town of Burns going to X —Sul scriptions for all newspa- P' anti periodicals the have any sort of a tire company? I postoilice at publishers rates. o —Mrs Hill, christinn scientist, is —Mrs, Nellie Grace is now pre still stopping with Mrs. Witzell. pared to do any kin? uf Job print- —The bady of Giorge Sizemore | ing. See her nd in this issue of the was very ill last night, but better ¡P Per- to-day —Rc-nernber Tex’s Saloon dur j —Miss Gunther, our dress mak ing court the Lest of liquors for his customers, gentlenienly bar-tenders, er, returned from Bilker City last Saturday. everything in order. —Send in vour subscription,» —Henry Miller, also, Peter remember for every two cash sub- French have several suits on the scri! ers, you get 25 No. 1 novel law docket. prize. Hurns IPhotograuh G-allery, J. DURKKEIMER <&, CO., W. IL CANADAY,................................................... P roprietor . ()—DEALERS IN )>—() --------- :---------- 0----- O----------:---------- Nothing I ut first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicates furnished ai reduced rates. str Give me a call. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, OBEGOM BURNS Curry the Largest S.ock in Eastern Oregon. OREGON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. HUhTlKGTcN,- - - - - - -OUÜ.UUN WHOLESALE & RETAIL IN GENERAL MLKCiiAA oioE. Al! orders have oar prompt attmtiaa. T he F rench H otel . MRS. LOUIS RACINE, - - - - -P roebixtrws «, B urns , O reoon . A large and commodious Hotel, everything neat and comfortable. Tables furnished with all market affords. Sure to suit the public. When in Burns, do not fail to give the Hotel a trial. f®~GOOD TABLE SERVICE FLOUR, MEATS, COAL OIL, SALT, SULPHUR, BARB WIRE, ETC.. EI’C. BOOTS SHOES & DRY GOOuS, STOCK COMPLETE. -------- ------------ () : ()--------- :--------- All orders receive prompt and careful attention, with ONE PRICE toever, body. Proprietors of Huntington Warehouse, solicit correspondence .Jgl Portland Boot and Shoe Store I.UN A BL’ RG & FRY, P kupkietors , B urns , O ueoom . — Robert Baker has been on the —“United we stand divided we fall,” is the brand of whiskey sold sick list for a few days, but to-day i , L of Bevi» and Sb. <■, of the vary last «Mllly, fust irwlrH t IN THIS COUNTY. by Henry Long. Best in the mat- is improving. —Jlldg.i Fee. during this session ket. Trv it. = Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, of circuit court in Burns, lias made O. CJ. OO. — If you desire to purchase a du XC^Al« ), Cuatora work a*4<l Repairing nea*/ done. rable, guaranteed Of'an or piano, many friends. call on Prof E. A, .McCoy, he is Hi.Uhc anti Ladlor hule» IIY ( ial News. —N. Brown’s new stock of fall — Burns must have a fire coni- - agent for several reliable firms and cotn- .. —■ -------------------- and winter goods commenced A good house and lot. situated pany. will must assui'i<lly suit you tot 11 Verr 1 COUNTY ITEMS. j ill the town of Bums, can be pur- ing in last Monday, nt price and style. — Our town has been quite livelv \ ' chased cheap, for cash. House —Thomas Whiting came Ìli u this and last week. — Business nte^ when you want •1BER ft! 1 00. well built ami furnished inside,con- nice coinfoi'tnble' parlors to write v.r:t; few days ago heavily loaded with ■ t.iining 4 rooms and one store _ j. J. Pierson, photographer, in. or enjoy a good cigar, call nt frieght for Bums. ronin. Li.t-59x161) feet. War iin- Í ^Tjiday night. ---- P roprietor «. started this morning for Prairie ■tie Fr.'l.ch Hotel. o lee deed will be given. Apply at I s'UTii a - R.ciiARLsoN — A number of ejectment suits, in ourt adjourned Satur H erald (»flice. City. — Don’t forget Ed Walton when von desire a nice cas;- shave, sham which Henry Miller is plaintiff, are —The trustees, of the M. E j A V MS!». poo or hair cut, you will find him continued for the term. church, are going to linvo a bri< k I i ’ s goods wilt be in, in Shop BUpp'.ied with all Mea s marke, uiiv. m . ¡Shop opposite reatoflee. nor th of Texas’ saloon. Bums, On go -., Oct. 20 ’90. — Deputy countv clerk, P. L 11.ie put in the chi rch —The Burns Hotel still in Several we< ks ago, I wasarrested hid.'let’s, child is ill. but we un —The concert last night was cx- ! by the Sheri.T of Grant county, m. t (ain was raise.l on : had Dining rouni, parlor jderstnnd not dangerous. i clerks office renovated. Gen .lk-nt with good attendance. We an indictment fo.it.d by the grand ..jM 25 bush. 1st« c iiirb'otis waiters, splendid ccok. — Ed ll.-.nley lias one band in a have not yet learned what amount jury of Grant county, in Noventl er, v< rything in order. sling, caused by coming in contact of money was taken in bv the chil is oi y i2.50 a y a 1S8.8. ne being accessory to the — When in town during’ court w th a vicious cow brute. AND ne tn sU scribe I dren towards buying an organ for murder of Win. Brown, who was don’t fail to call at the French Hotel, nd WFpi’ter. the M. E. Church. --W. E. Grace, county clerk, re t is fixed to accommodate the pili - killed in Burns, in September. TRHSPüRTATION Company i <t Byerly have a fi ; ■ ,ic. Good, warm Led rooms, and turned from Portland, in company —In order to get a little read , Ib88^ 'I lie circuit court of Harney f furniture, ji >t.ice th -ii tables laden wit ball market affords with J. S. Di vine, last Saturday. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, cash the editor of The Press hits county, now in session, failed to ¡thill iu4"'- "f lle‘;A: " —Don't forget to immediately ------- o :•()----- been teaching school, the junior find one Lota of evidence in proof ' —The Odd Fellows’ hull is used Stages leave Rums. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Banish, < a . piv yotir subscription to the Burns or a ctaud jury room and I’ll ul • <litor of the H ei ald is waiting on f the justice of the indict merit, ■ I Westfall and Vale, where e nietery. l’lie committee must rrg.-t, while nttemli Locher’s new I uildihg for a j 'try the table at the Burns hotel andthi i-learly proving the grand jury that have the tnot’.ev to pay off the in -the Auriia Hot <1. I Close Connection is Made editor of the Items says he is look found the I ill against me to hnv< room. idlor l h is spare I d t< tlniss. with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vebielM, aad ing fnr a soft job of sawing wood oeen pr. jitdicid J. C. W ooley . —We see in the Fayetteville i :<• hi> h >use first . I !•' v IlKs I<I<AS<INABI E. —W. E. Dalton, once a resident Deniocr.it, i i b -Ind in Aika 8.T, Verily the newspaper business in i-nlar JOTNORTH WESTERN EXPRESS 1 CX GN EVIRY STAG! Gods blessing to humanity — So Harnev Valley is a bonanza. — Har of Harney vailev, now living al I i •<> v i do .ut f r ’ ’ th it [> dities are fed lint and getting H arry F loyd , J- C. P ar ««« M V Lo g at the obi I: <ays an Oregon Pioneer Ninety [ii'l' peud nee Oregon, bought re ney Press. Gen. Sup't. Burn* Ag«*A hotter. »er (.¡.j, son Saloon. h<- k Years Cd. ci'u’lv a firm near that place fo ¡Hin q.ii.rs. Loll ’ o —Prosecuting Attorney Chas. F For Sale. Forest Crove, Or., March 19—I i hieli In- paid cash o»er ; 9.090 Dili- is the right man in the right ■I r « 150 have used the Oregon Kidney Te: Seven miles south <»f Burns, — The Negro minstrel Lusinesr il ice. He ha« ma le many friends Slice will fee| I i tons of tine bay for sale cheap Bv mil o'-tai >ed irinicdiate relief. Ii 'eft l ur .swi ;:ticss in v-r to r< lur:. s m Harm ty. all ti.e farmers. Green Hudspeth, lie oflei'^to fur is (iod’s blessing to humanity. I We eleive we are safe in saving 4tf inenti j I Inmey county, ilk iiish a coiufbrTarie cal In, that can rake pleasure in recommending it to — W. i. Grace received this 'bev didn’t make a fortune here • Cal.i, r. j •<• t to tLib of. <•> DEAI.BR-:-IN e occupied by the purchaser while l he afflicted. 1 am now nearly nine .orning t wo new th tv c iSes fm h , MC., . ai d gr in This ! b- nght they held firth in ot.r tv years old, came to Oregon in 184'. h « dmg store, a d r 'centlv baa re . < ding the liny. • . frica 1 DRUGS CHEMICALS. PVTENT MEDICINES. STA own. in the employ of the Hudson’s Bay •l ived a full stock of drugs. everv dav We le ; TIONERY DIAMOND DYES. FANCY TOILET —Th-O. C. Co. at Huntington llanei-. ! > .'ompany, Vi I I J hl i I » , «&!•«< Ufi ami rtlllW since I irvjr.lll began usiiq. akufh aving stale t bi u ARTICLES, FINE CIGARS A- TOBACCO. — Lee Brown left Burns a f w re the !e uling General Merchant ““ntr.g to ‘ tiv siintct r. On Friday evening Oct. 24 at the I i he Oregon kidney tea 1 enjoy gone: i ivs ago for Ontatio. to l e present - .r-rn'ice in yotir icalth. o . the rilroail Their inc rea si 14 to \ n hall one of the most I rilliant I Fine Winesand Liquors for Medical Purposaa, Lr-*''.-i-.g uy< r> ami D avid M un roe . n i n s? is evidence of their uop t he h a ling of ’ll" te ms wi ll ..alls of the season. Floor man I a ll quicker. ■J.-sr fgfPrescriptions accurately compounded. Postotlice Building, Burn* ularity and square dealing wi ll o ids for the Store of N. Brown. \ agers, Dave Scott nml Harry Me- }E M- Horton, our promi their customers c —The Grand Jury i t thii firm 1 Clure. The best of mtl-ie lias 1 e< n BV 1< NS A n V i: KTISB M ENTS. I . is now perniimeli! I . ■fi'.ittrl: Foreman. .T.N Baker, W. li’fed for the occasion. Two st< vis - We will send the Mammoth Ct ,, urns, all wiehiui:-v. JE3URNS BUTCHER SHOP. I Johnson. John Switzer. Robert aill be put in the ball, soevery one idoiadia. complete in four volt me» jK .. I Kt.e of l usiliew. V. H. BOYD I W. ASHFORD, po.-tage prepaid, and the E au riiikwat'-r. — I ’ oidimie, .J. E. Lam! JAMES COPSHALL Proprietor. LriRi ng him a <;al|. <) .,. will be comfortable. Supper at tin Ashford & Bcyd. Oi.Eiio.v H i '. kai .D, fir one vein, a id J. W. Norton. ly«'. - Bums Hotel. rulli.<« «... upon the receipt of -.3 00. By PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, ' d-string tn !>; —.Judge Fee and Prosecuting At making this offer we, too. increasi " 11 proof imtices in ' - largely our subscription list gvliool-tlepoit. B urns ................................. O regon torney Chas. Hvde are l oth ener Oflit e in W. E. Grat e’« Drug Store. n leave their deci : —This is court week, and tin getie go ahead men. anil we hear Report of the Riley school, for ------ efliith the editor, wlm w ili popular Saloon of J. ’1'. Silman is oth of them highly spoken of on the nmr.th ending Oct. 3, 1890. stocked with the very best brands the street. .he necessary det. 17 Dft.H.M. HORTOft No. enrolled,.................. lot' Liquors. Steing, tasting and ice. x - Full weight given. (loo<l be f or the block. Mutton, pork, 13 Average daily attendance, —In this issue of T he H erald ' feeling, is beleiving. Just try Tex's DENTIST.................B urns O regon . veiHK)ii and game, when on the maket. evs from a diet.; Roll of Honor: Otto Smith. Maud ¡liquors, and you will agree with s. e the ad. of the 0. ('. Compan F.'J'.lM.ftT t .JALHEJt'PJ I1,» « ■ ■!■■■■■■■— offbeat residence, in the J«.Kn Robb a- t » no cuit court in Pm , me. c Hnt^ing’on. That company is Smith, Earnest Shields, Myra btiih i’iK. and in prepurei to a fe <1 to ih» } ^ •nee.ofPdtwvill. > prue i e .»( < en ’ ari, ml la I ritt.« I.»« I —Notice the ad of Henry Cana prepared to sell yon nnv and every Shields. T3NS0RIAL PARLOP., Stoddart and Co., Ic-e-h exfrarteti wlih.-ut pain b\ ai.i of rea«. d M Dustin, of t '.i ivo i day which appears in this weeks thing in the mercantile line. Names of those grading at 70and ROBINSON & MYNATT. P rop ’» ecutin* Attorney over, on written examination: ' issue. We were shown some of his —This town will catch on fir" Pensio r and Claim A <• T V . EMBREE, M. D. .85 pictures which are good. Conn son e night in the near future, and Pearl Lewis, .......... » his t e «>.. rhe e«fc’ ide ol Sil- Everything in their line guaranteed 82 vie« River. i**¡ i'.cfc Lciow burn«. «liirr Martin ' I ovs your sweethearts want your without ntiv organization for protec Ada Smith............... to Le dono satisfactorily. . i j/i. 81 Arlu Garrett .......... f picture, nd you want your sweet- ed wheat, liartey or oat.-, The onlv place in Burns you tion gnodl'Ve to our town. Then .80 Myra Shields^ ... ____ ^froti« owe pound to a ton, hear 8 picture. can g t baths. ue will think and »nv if----- 78 j Notary Public. Earnest Shields,... aM^MHdBrni •• —Reiiiein! er our great offi r to I). L GRACE, —The 0. C. Co, at Huntington Lee thomburg, Op|roaite U. S. Patent Offias. . -j 1 J( rv, and (»latuee "f an ex- »uLscrB ers to the H erald . We »URNa. OK WM. MILLER. Land Filnga. ('«Hite«< nianke. AppH ati.jra for have just received one ear each of ÍO I Della Lewis. ili^y raised Mpout irri- will send the entire«*1 of I 1 PuuiKa:iuii N’utL »a. c.-rrettly and pr.,mpih All person having Claiaas fcr alien«.e<i to. l»eev». and Aiirltfagt« Works, consisting of 12 vol. pos Can goods. Coal oil, Salt, Groceries Dilie Williams,. ... Real Estate Agent. • • ?' «uioly dra*n up. v liarxe» rea« .uabie. o-.AJ Pension Incre ase of Pension, ot of tage pi’< paid, and the H sshald for anil five ears of Flour, and are pre Maud Smith,............ I... 70 ; Office with W. E Grace, Coun- any nature whatever against th* . 7. fur ' -?■ ----------- ash »ubecriliers sending one year, t. 3.10 cents. . This is pared to sell at low prices. * I da R oberts , 3-45 tv Clerk. Gouernnirnt, should write to us for one of the grandest premiums ever money J NAT HUDSON, Teacher information. Proposed now law« '—In the ease of the State vs. I to accompany the order, offered to subscribers» Remit by ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. affecting. Soldiers right« fully «X- F’or r ale. registered mail or call at the H er King the jury agreed to disagree, nd then» T h « H erald for r Ai.D office, Burn«, Oregon, Office: BURNS, OR. plained. Advice free. Notice. 160 arce farm, will watend and and was dis-hnrgi-d, another Mini- it tWngnlwr’price, and tow^ moned. and tin- ease i< now being NO FEE UNLESS CLAIM 18 AL improved 1| miles from Burns. —Thu conceit given st the All persons knowing themselves ovcla. ° LOWED. indebted Lee Caldwell, please come Terms: <800 down. heard the second time. chil- 1 hall, bv the Sunday School <’. V KWEEK. i |ras heard dren, on the evening of Oct. 15th. and settle, for I am in*need of 3-45 W m . M ili . fr , Agent —The-c is no necessity for Mock motifv to send and gi t a winter ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. st Sat-r- was a decided sui c rss. The ladies in adjoining cotiiities to suffer for stock of liquor. Obice: Hum* Oregon. o'clock. of Burns deserve a great deal of SADDLE AND H ARNESS Sliql h—in the credit, and especially Mrs. Swff k f»el thia winter. Plenty of bay in ty. Ma«hi gtun.New j*>r«ey. H.irvn-v noiinty. Drive in your Xotlc?. J. C. WELCOME - PiuriifEToF. rt house — and the Mieses Agnes and Bee stock we will soil you feed clieati Ht ßX». ORtGOX. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, >«e, was Gage. T hese three ladies took a All persons indebted to nie for —Prof. Chas Newell, county black -mit hing, will please om.-at >f having particular interest in training the ATTORNEY, One children.and to the them, more than school superiutenilenl ia g' ing to once and s-ttle. I must luve in Hi i urns , ............................ O h BOON. r >«i«l. gun Fz Mavir Desiai F. > Hallen a Zimv ait. A8«hhig*un. Sew J«:i«v (’ollrr ten*. Lund bu ine-«, «nd Kral or tuoce were there any one else, we owe the success of hold a county institute in Burns ev tu carrv on iny busines«. I Estate tei ro.i.j tlVM lenued tv CONTRACTORS <t BUILDERS , A T upker . sometime in Noveni! er. lie ex the entertainment. pacts the State School Superintend damage JOB WORK DONE NEATLY. Attoncy-at-Low. Altrntlon. —The vast amount of btfiner« ent to be present W. W. Cardwell, Shop In Huston building, Burn». M DUSTIN dime bv our Hardware merchant Of all persons still indebted to —Piter French, while ««»iafing > !• e: Harney City and Bn rn« _________ niALD and Geer Ibis season, is a sutlieieiit ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW. (or one gitarant-.-e. of the confidence, the to st< pthe fire at the M. E church undersigned on E ast O reo > x H er - Bi RXi, O r BLACKSMITH. y ii will *ili pui lie ba« in the head of the firm last Sitnrilav. fell from rhe roof, ald accounts, viz: «ubscriptions Fr*ctl?es» in all the pour * •»' the Htate Al-o. be «-re .he V. K. Ixmri Office. can Mr. G> er spirt s 1.0 pains to pl-.i«e and had it not Is en for J. T. Silman subsequent to Nov. 28 1889, adver >w chea,' ADOLI'H TUPKER - - P«o,i’ Wachmaker & Jeweler, L and M atter * # S ee » ialty . S. F. Ex mil' • r. ." his eti-toni'rs. and ke-• • h »:ant- tising and job work done prior to ’ J. W BONF.BRAKE. I —GENERAL repairing — atmn : h Ivon hind evtrytiiing in Lis line., and Peter Stenger, who ran under March 1. 1N90. is called to the fact L»k«rt«w. orsr»». A«» at tedrock p'icrs. In connection cateuing him as he came down Free that payment must be made before JtA'orld. ar.d with the Hardware is the tin shop th rd v 1 r- k" g the fall, the re I RACTICAL SURVEYOR. also, dit- under the inarmgaemcnt of Ralph mt might hav- I ecu serioti», tut loth dav of Sept.-mlicr, Js90, to P II MURPHY. T. a . M c K innon , _ papers: (Jeer Who is ready at *11 times to a« it was Io- wa- unhurt and very save further cost of collection. Ar.r «M »il M »«• ■»< nr-» l»S *U.n« •» »B*»t ( pp.>TFt-r:. exo* u r *. 1b« iaiMtng h«a teen •<> AKKVIKW - - - - •«■•«• ra’A work«, in accommodate, Le can n ¡ a r your nvtir« «nd reaa^’.«.».« <” • ; ■< * **:’'i»r ta?X* ' and »ntpr- rd and ia nreparod to '«rn D. L G race . oi.icklv on the I ui.ding again at w«»b nf U- H I «te■*. van ha»« T* z » |U.'u.«na ,»• b'i.rg line stov-. b okr or nadie fur you a new HAY ? GRAIN a 1 » « «. »In.« ti.2 ia b«a. • . .a 1« m .« t uaa. 1 .y Bur us Oregon Aug. 21, 1890. j v.urk ; one - e CIRCULATfOX OF -ANY ' ^’8. bounty Paper. mWiERN MAIL f BEATTY'SORGANS . r■ a Aduna* Hu« Danial F. BEATTY'S PI A NOSì JOB WORK. ■