SMMmMMMMMtaMM Isophene Morris v» M • b, King The mileage of the land grant dismissed;*’ O ne of the oldest, most trusty- staff durili the Me civil war, of THE HSHz\LD. hetuslly hulistructed-.^uii which he 1 ' : wr tti i an interesting railroad ia.tfcctii» J. C. Parker v». Louis Racine, no th.' his ! successful firms of Pat­ and ... . -— voluminous, history, favored to tlu^lo4 o| ojg |he last fiscal vegr •ros» bill tiled, ig ent Attorn« vs fluii g I u«i:.' as at the WKDNRxfUY O T ' R 19.07® ild '131 's. gin revs have c- The King case still pending. National Cap tai, aro M« s«rs. G. A. Washington wit’rf r visit this week. an exnnflna-j en ¡tcsjffed Snow A Co . 710 Eighth St , N. W., Gen. Fchofiild gave him a dinner. W. r. IIVIll’. I — "•lit ia and some of his old comrades look tion i iqU A d d of 4,462.691 acres. .041 W »4YRI I Tlie Kntertnlnim-nt. Wnsbim.tO'i, D C. If you are in­ » r Vernon « • f N. *T !.. numberTf > • « > > « I . s- , y ( ««««roc FC him down to >ft. ” T tr*is" THe acres lit in Oregon 11 are terest« d in any way in patents, or , The following is the program of Wr cnnijot see tljat the usury wish any information relating now -d. fig” the Virginia bsltle 'f4,V*V J ’ the concert, given at the Hall, on. law of O-ego-i is of a - v ■idvint.ige tlii'reto write to them. We know fields; later he will -«-turn here and the evening of Oct. loth: Our Cemetery. to its eitiz ns flow would t’>o'-e. them to I« courtiou» and atte;«-, Washington’s snob society « ill “do” , Lord’s Praver; Bread Song; The The cemetery committee think it Wreck of the Pies; Sunflower Song; who like it, favor n similar limi4"- him and the titled Frenchmen who I tion put on fjtiv .other comm dity 'properto have published the fol- 'Each Dav’s Duties; Visit oGranrt I compos» his party. , V, SK1NCTON I.HTrti. Money if a commodity, ami i*- n It is feared that the Democratic lowing ri-j or : pa’s; Our Colors; Flag Drill; Our individual I as it. it is l.i- own; th-- The I < tin larv lines of the reme- Flag; Bugle Song; Bride of the W a hisgt -'N D. C. (h-t. 15th 1S90. Congressional Campaign committee same as wheat, I nrb-v orane Tii- Ex (lover: or William II English is trusting too much to Providence ff.rv have been run and the lots Autumn's Sun; Golden Rod Song; ■cle that I elongs to him Then «by _ partly surveyed. of I- diana, who ran on the Nation- and a cood c iusv. Song. A Mother,« Fool; Song, Lit- should the owner not have th «■¡¡il.t : i «L ui- erutic ticket with the late The Ohio republican oflice hold-j. 2.100 feet of lumber is on the Itle Barefoot; Song, Across the to do what he pleases » th w h.t Gen. Ilam- .ik in '660 ia tn Wash- era here have been assessed 3 p- r ground ready fur the fence, and i way; Nine Little Sparrows. | elongs If him i- gton, searching among the ar nn.t of their salaries for campaign -stakis for the lots. The following is the list of chil- The fullowing persons have paid [dren that took a pari in the con- e . ■ : . ^^1 e (>■ v. rnment for • pti r poses. th ir subscriptions: tv- riul-tlff T he cartoon representation, giv- rial-jiff ured in a history ot Lidi | cert: \V. E. Grace, Harry Adler, N I A Ei klijo B ih !!’’ Needed. en by the \V< st Shore of Ort gon • ’i I ana. i’^r which he is engaged, nt Bessie. Harkey, Edith Byrd. Ma- display at the Worlu’s Fair, is a ’ t ¡| he ie rr'wfi rr'rfficat of tin- surviving m m- Win re the countv road crosses Brown. J. T. Siiman, J M. \ aughn rv Ashford. Ina Thompson. Nellie ’ j t »ir? \ Convention i>ii r v iitn'ii which V»r catalouge. ii.d vicinitv will u .di-rstand th the Lost Cause dot the Souther., Kinky, etc. This heat« d the 1 lood« to le a vittiie.” thr ugl boil so frequently. Justice always of the McLinley republicans and [ kindness of Mr. Mason ar«I Jtis fori ■ ueces.-ity of c.mipli ting this wo.-k come before aentiment. and bread they have ever since been standing i : man. stopping «m the Ag«-m-y ranch, .¡nd will come f rw.ild and assi ' for the mouth of the deserving -old .tn eml ami hurling uglv epithets i ¡people have 1 ecu permit’ed t- .-ithi-r in money or work, we owe The Red Front Livery Stai 1« icr should take precedence of shaf s it Mr. Blaine’s head. They ask ¡rive through the inelosure. Ever, this much t,> those who h.iv< situated in burns, opposite th to commemorate the dead. Tin- now could Mr. Blaine leave Wash­ -lie knows that it requires a gn-at .,lr«-ady paid their money or labor, Burns hotel Mr. Wilson offe: South is growing rich, a fact in ington three months with Congress stntch” nf generosity to allov eeause, unless tile work is finished this vnlmu h- Liverv Stable for sub which the whole country rejoices, in session, as lie uu<3 i’oui'l I’l-oceediiJKs. in want. attention it requires, is his reasm charge that Mr. Blaine wishes to Parties .lirectly interested in thi;- 1—XL_____ . ’ ' — Judge and Commissioners pres­ for selling There is not a mon see Mr McKinley defeated, fearing inatter, are aware of the fact that vnlual le piece of propertv in Burt .- ent. . T he National I), mocrat whicl that if be is electe^: he will be hi- ind any one desiiiug to invest, i the owners of the Agency ranch (Jove Spring at.d Moss Flat road h:;t kind of property, cannot i ett. was estal lished one vear ago I y ival for the Presidential nomimi- ! have the right to lock their rat« ■ granted and ordered opened. Edmund Hudson, with the indo.-s hemst ives in any town. Call in. :o:i in 1892. In fact they ; r Charge io Rockford ordered, ■ nediatrly at this oflice or on Mi merit of many of the great leaders barging so many things ugainst i itid lefuse I;a- right of-w.-iv ov. Viewers appointed on Olis road Wilson, for vou are likely to los of the party, litis entered upon its dr l-l -ii.e that he will probably la 1 their lands. Vale, Ontaiio aid Viewers a; pointed o.i Stova.l i I argain. The Stal le is just wha second year with a eircnlatimi (•) o rccim.dder his determination - fuutington mu.-t rememler Depp ve recommcod it to 1 e. 40, 0 ) copies «¡.ch we k. This s .1 out going to Ohio* in order ful a-r’s effort in this dirw.tion, mu road. «H witl.-uut found.--.Cron, tie t-irm V:ewcrs a d on «■hang, perhaps the large« c ciilitmii g road le. ding from IL ppm r t« the Em- ree roi.d. during the firstye.¡r f its existenc 1 us I,., vi- i-i.t. red into an otfi-nsi v« got find of loi kii g ’h ough th Canyon, with ar. eye single to tl,< Saloon license granted to the ful- bar i of the Uni n j i 11 st w k at <’, The Rational Democrat oeciipies ; a «1 d. f« lu-ive aliiance against Mr. trade of Harney county. Suit be owii-g named: J. T, G o field of its own, noil one that t<- B : i which make- th«- latter g-n s iwing off s ime of them escaped* tio. ves the towns m< iitiom-il, aid Tregaski-:, J. C. Buckla. d ami I. E iong remained u filled. It uiv ■ b it he couldn't ‘saw ’ his w ay ■ u mail’s cliunc« s for being nuinina M .¡hour j cuntr, to look to tllei McKinney. complete ix-c tr-1 of p info of the countv, so the « flic rs of th dforPri.-.d :-t exceedingly slim i in i tere.-t, an 1 i n ■ of the nms Dr. Ashford aw. r - d the CO I a v saw him o ice n ov a gu st <« mation. including the most impm' L' i mocrats ami honest peopl important factor,-—if they wish to tract for m- dical att>. ndance at.d c >u tv hotel.—Oreon Blade, lint spe< chcs that ure d< liv. red b in rail« are m das they have a hold our trade—is a Ltidge a eros keeping the county poor. Democratic leaders in Cot-gres glit to he, Lt cause the r« publican the river at the Agency. P. F. ir-thnger awarded the coun­ and on the stump. It is renderin ’nit. d States Attorney of this 1 is tv wood contract. the party an important s. rviee.a d iet has t .ken no st« ps to arre-t The Kern Californian say: A sun l The county tax levy is 10 mills and j tould be re td by all who wi V e t the r« publican ex Po tnius to keep fully informed it, t t - i tlie.bmsi ofR-presentativ«-- ofS. I’. I< Cox. v ho lives n ar San T «e school tax 5 mills. Th .• Stn e Emigdio. while liunti g. was l.itti i t ;X is not levi.d, I ut in all likeli public aflfa r ‘ and who mt- - ! n >t ■-.ith. ia.ub g Ins m kn-iwli ilg«-- feat the wicked scheme of th.- ii tn t "In n his attention was e on the leg l>y a rattlesnake. 11« hood wiil be 5 mills, which will vas sev. nil miles from Lon e. and in.ike our tax levy about the Sunn publican 1. a lets to secure perm o tiie matter, that the crimes com- ssistance was impossi! le; I ut he «t .vas la: t yi ar. nent control of the Government, m itid t v \\ heat were punishable spite of the fai t that they are. nt < u .der the United States Statutes rose to the nee onun, and mm if s'- must remain, the minority party .t uv Loth fine and imprisonment. id a remakal.le degree of comage Circuit Court rrocce ear of 49-1. Of co-1 p t 11* 224 k:s; plead guilty to allowit g min ten months, and as the result we fail it will be fiightemd I were issue«]—an in<-n a«e of 69. >rs in his saloon; lined $50. hav« s bankrupt treasurerv; w •• i f s>d deal worse when the returns State of Oregon vs. Peter An­ The patenta te.r renting 15,376 have the infamous McKinley taritl from the Crngressiomd cieelions drews, f«r keeping saloon open on i acres. bill, which increases taxation; we *are all in The State »chool «e’ec'ion« ng- !-S;; plead guilty; fineil J20. have a denmraliz. I silver bill and According to the Aunual report [ gregate ~ State of Oreg« n vs. Peter French, o '«tL.”9 acre» while the se- pension act that “caps the climax,” |of the Commissioner of Pensions p jury. Liken under advisrntent. ' lections of th-- previous y ;-,r ag which necessitates even greater 11here are 53« ,944 pvtisious on the gregate onlv 132.351 acres. Th«* State i.f Oregon v>. Geo. S Sin- sources of revenue than is at pre rolls ot the Goeernment now. and acreage of swamp lands patented more, assault with a dangerous rent provided. 1 more th in a half mil.ion additional to the several States during the weapon, discharged and tail even- Some say there has never teen [applications are on file in hi» oflice, year was 109,351. There were et«d. a mor'incompetent (we say com­ and they ar«- still pouring in. Great State of Oregon vs. John Parton, petent) ret of r » • .la at.d fn el out- •■■colt.' Think of m«-re than a mil­ patented or certified to under Iho law for th» lienefit of railroad com- larc« ny of a mare; arraigned. bfb sssemljed in \\ arhington, and lion pen»ii«m-rs. pR' i« » during the year 363 >62 CIVIL SflTS, tboir adjonrr.irnnt is • God-send to The Count of Paris, who fondle Teter French vs Seward, cause the people; we ran have a short ill i gii i s tj.ut he will cue d»v le T;«i*|aa d-crease f«»r th«* v»-nr of N. feepite, st any rate, fiuui th. Ir dep- km, of Frat for a 61,183 acres. The letal cash sale» coutiiwd. during the fiscal vesr were 3,302,- _ v_. Wyllie, __ , catlse John Knox fedatioup lime alia« Led lo Gen McCllelan’s 1946 acres |dismissed at pbinliflf’s cost 8 BURN’S ADVERTISEMENTS LKT ■ Xürë.O’X/j7,j^> X S' Dealer in General Merchant' ,u7 «1er AT THE OLD STAND . t. Wist «-• i ha B urns . H arnby C o ., O hkcix Our l:ntr • »-■ Fall » ‘«I Wtntrr Stock will cam«.., Portland Exchange Sold. County Script Jf at H r U). tfive’i 1 e.i «« lit Btll «111 ver at DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, 8L . Will I «•<«« TOILET A RTICI.ES, G LASS, • 3. HOS \V. E GRACE. P rocriktor . H'iiHE CIRCI! I IN T A Large Assortment »f FINE CUTLERY NOTIONS,® lias just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY iff“ Evervthiig guarr.utied pure and of the r«ry ^,£3 ■"» bek - a WM. II GASS. - P‘ l’s riiis House Las aw id« and well ki.onn m. n e. : i d m.- ment of the present prop- ietor it i« bou id to go furilu-r up '.iiue .nd renoan. No pains spared to please gumti. is Ol m- to . wsmoe Attentive cvnd A Bl' f furnit tal le pervie**, and tai 1< r furnished with »11 J- -;f < a . ¡ii. e.^s, MRS (JilAt'E. i i fui^^ .a i< n i << Y »AkiEPo; » n g i e:t ly i. i.u | k h.j th , TLijo iicc i - - ri ’Uy new in evtr ie ¡»e<\. I;o h y 'C and .. iiii i ii«» «-r <.«\ni . in, it,; im‘n . While no M-.'.ee V ail ti. Siati-nu-nt'J Horne Hanci in yo.;r or le s For Letter Heads, Non- Head«, Bill Heads, opes, business Curds. Posters, Hand 1 ills, L'alli < Wedding Gatiinets, Notices, i-it, .£?“A11 Job Material is fresh, and of best- qu .lily. 1’lita ewerv Lkofi ■“ntiag t H urns osculating J j IE AND M. Hur i. is n urns, him of ng hi i BOOK EXCHANGE IN FlIE UEK a I.J BUILDING. CHAS. W. JiYRD, ------ L1BKABHH object of fpenirijrjhig hugh ese in cum ofti--.ii with the Fred Reading Koo« •“ uih a fur part having bo» ka R.r a Public Librerj t\,r nuri.s—Tha M Lr TERMS: Mem! crihip Fee >1 n ear. Ren i i* Fee Pc. Pepsi «.! i*. urB'*i al ur BtJok, nin-.e wi h .I e l.iliraiun, in «\er i,aai. I he I uive him a .-all before purchasing elsewbr1* CM je as and I y ral p> NEAR HCItNS. OREGON. JNO. W. SAYER ö 0 & Q 5> 4 O’ a M old in j to acco nd then rt thBw cry of of ! flooring, 3. chore Flustio. All koi la st rirlai « Iwmbcr !bon>n«l>b maone«! f-r ImtWl»» REPt’CED PRICE. 0 u & I I Kecii rung-antij on hand a law ■’<>< k ash sub short tii n «topp« A G< h “' - o . i 4 aj] («ie wnv f Burns-Canyon Stage Line, I J F.wtrr. P roprietär . f thing li» IM'., Tor-.. . M.- h -a , • »r* rrt,’r* ‘’2L ***U feT. ... r K. I « *** p ikti iw pMk*s|Rre.