E ast O regon BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY; OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1800 $2.50 a Y oar. ■W! ALD l l HIV WEDNESDAY I th •in hvn’w fifth. W ashington ’. O. & SON The hotels corri- p «oui t«i«' 'dors »ire deseitrd bv them aud (should you throw a 'tone on 1‘ huu svlv.miii it tumid i ot nit hx u j »<< sentali ves of i hr p-opi«. Mr Lin coln said, it would hav • struck, the Haim- num .«*r «»f rigadier fendala uill •** h id i*. « on rdiit il during (he war. st -ite of < I-vgo* it i.-* i ait, t<».> much To >.iv lii.d i r- t «l* » « «1 Tt is DOW well »h*vpb •*».-<) here ♦ h it. this is to I e a ul i'odle” v.’tm- P k OPRIETOHS. paign It is hanllv iH (»eR-arv to S2 n«!d that the renn’>licans ar«» th«* LAWS. I r.i ;e -i i if« hv 1 o »dlers, ast h<* «lenio'T die C'»m?nit- k.4’B iMt n n -tfr ' he ■ h <t lake his paper te * is hr p«»or MR a chnrch nioii«'*. ■ u f. r i 45 ii cm ; I iHk« b he p. * • After a len-iLiv co i^i U" Hi«» i nf th«* p lahar I. r pa -ucut • ti s paper ' k «44 n»:«tt'ir, and «fn-r «•vervlwitlr h id nara ’.<••«. r t he «'- j » provision i«»r con i g li mt i. pa men’ if edven np the (MritnRt. the r« pul liran 1 in 'I Mil a way again e a ... un. .vhc her it tiirx ot ..I e. tuia culle •• . There an re Kua nMM1 he Committee lins «l‘*t«*rmim d U r’<*»i a i» > [ pa men jb mafic. liH*ii teabzn 1 iiiit. you « ai. go h«m. ■4Al dit - H ill Lea ti paper i nun he cainn iig’i of rnnnev ;’<r:dnMt. I rtiinR, A o pernal when ;. <>ii e. n’t l o ani « L.-r<- .-Ir. . >«*••• ttt>' ff..i h r ¡m di * ->f un iti a n e i «r iv- . ib and f*>r th«' fi»>t time ,*ire tnlkirig r. <r nr bo.her to th-* t.cxt I io .-.e ot Ri-pi .-seni-, .utibi# W h« I,:» paper r uppe-t idnut ‘nnr ehat“*«*R forenr’- ville ’he Ht *ttir*ri'Mff li teller • wu iati. » 11 •’« h f rr instati *** A gisid d.-al I rertffini nw In . i- pti i. r it If nnxt Hotts«» ” Th** rut ir, (’«»riprrps titani n.> i; lavs ot fidi iws iv <; Thi« pr./! <•<• f wht«‘h will «•all f »hi« j;;rr«-st «*x- gñtiB pn . f..r whu !•« «ili .h. Wu.il, to c p«nidifure «»f h-«-«l rirdi G »h it h«d«l » if. bv* the r.^pnbUf’AH h«;>d:-r V *i«» Mc- Í ’1 Kinlev. <if Ohio. NrH n dv f Í)P k nvtv r« pl|hlican cnm’iiitt* .• ’ tit th- re « Ì •vus lì. n SI’* .CKli’TL- on l’can t i-iii* I ene. deter- i >1111er. e Vwffr i mi’vd nn«»'i hi< rt-tnrn .il C >le>ti»ÌT8. J I' Pages 620 BcaotiiDl lii strations!- AMD ■ \ U ■ ■? IH'1 ’t -piBi «i««1 ii ) >•: ' ritJlm-' 1 . ii-rtt*u , î. - .. Viid t u‘ Hued îhe h tuÌiriire j iv - iu' “Wl'nt s!i;:!l t he bur 1 1 I '■St J’, tai-.' m-, . .-«m- 2S - -'ll h ft. m idl"(W.. nth l'.f tlu-g' -. ■ T - h titm tir ’ ’l’-il, ¡ »1 - ! rato-M • I nn«‘<| ck u «’ .in ■ ! -.ViiM |,««¡ which 11 ' ft-llijt ’! t«> till Vfi ami ¡ 1“ Tttt ..-tirer :t . . • I. v. fl :«’I h ). e- I i ;.ci; al h\. • » • u.t t: IIIRTOUT. T; ■ t r,rr-’«r?»!v<»ont«lu9 ftîompleta gmi uu'hcut. i liHtot r o« i ■ <rc t .n.ilci-i 4‘ivll Var. pro Ju elvH u-tri ■ 1, wlils ,um"i'wi « ' .1 ! > « . et the il il' n; » crm-1-'» K-ry O ' me- i : '. f.- .-u iu li c -r. i v hv 4'oluiuhue to the p' «•'{■•!» H'iie; . 'i<-4o ip i .,• “ rf fim'oii» huti î« nm! l'. i>. tt ri err i’» '»i •• t 'i slur? «>l all ti ululili, oh urml-i;lcul »îum.-i.v' ..c . ÏHOv'MAPHV. Y*d«rr.--tw..-krftv .:-.4t'-o î .' vm «.f r ’1 f ih? Uni« I r'reii« nu I o'h, H >.<«’■ î.* H r . bi r í I _ ! 11 • g IU Reed. ft 1 rti«ri>-«il9M<4 .m’.'u m utTf th il t W iiieu^l- ml I «tv vi ! » uiii-.iij. Tin 1 exh ««i-.'ivr, r .1 if I y H uru.-on iu < ’-hll) l u.-i nm f. Hat ful h'-'l 4 ii >, r • cm In. rod t telili iirifct“, I i-’nn if >r l».»i»-< s. r»'t cc“. A i nlm. d loan num- I tlu , li.I V rm . mui . etm 1: i, na \ 11 l;s « II h 1 he .ili.ti’ A iox till. I u r. J I Uhl : for a orni* mo J fi.- w It bo sav, I «.- ruin ib ti . 1 1 ' I »Ilio h I ', < ••• r» • i o ■ lu» n y homo iu:l r.;.•* «reu\ ,i r t ’ r v U i».. . to, U m Di t»> t meet ! I.H . ! < I S ! 2, fl 76 rte .»Un 1.« a Our Latest and Greatest Premiam Offer ! is r j '»ted. 'ba W i . k .' i . t< r •-articular» bave d it 1 b uot I ■ns is Woi ■ew» tiltel'i •I iu • t u. • I 1 to hav ack i. T ub M aumotii cyclop . voia I>« m b««-n pafe tu» t nivvi i v »n ta ot tlie n aaae« for % u .ivt rnal «• ini«« n-iiuni ot l tx-wl ilge, i racti«*at. it <-t\il, ►. it tn irtc a d grti< ra'. T h- w.-rk te pub* lislot compli t<* in utir »rue «ml han« swim V"' uii »**. c -tn I* 1 .1- iv total <>t 2.ITO «««». and tapro'U» yi u>t at cd wHIi&Mix-MutitulanaTav* |tif». Tliotita da« «ltd urn haveb«-4-n»*|ia«'4kd t>> ale tlih the m<> c «•■'• po t«k va'ua»l»an<l uflfful w..rk im th> iniu'M-ncv*rpubllBh*d. ft la a v f« r- v r> b«>dy—loan, w m«n a <1 ehtM. H«* -’•y - ccnpatlon < r w. ik <n li«». fh» eub- Lt nc-a: ti pi-t lb a« u’lT- if twenty ordinary v t tn-- t c n-pil»- «1 In th<*»w f-ur. at d an r pli la tin* wor» with kiu wlithrv of ev^ry l.r <1, a«' ti h il 1« it with ii>e-n! hl* tagud h»lpfal tuffi «Mi , that we folly b- Hava that I»« arary lio'tit- to wl:t« It i* rlia 1 fl <; It - way it will e<w»n c r.i*' t ■ I- roffanl <! «• w« rth 1«a w*i- lv In an'd. F wnt-t of«, t o ■ w- cut* ntilv btlefty at.miuar* |z rmi ' a I pt-nion vf tUacvmtcutaor thia great w. r , va fill own : Chinese, Jnprn«-*-, the |*«.|1<» ef ìndia, Africa, 9fada<aM»rv P.-.l'“« n . le« lu 1. I’uiiioo, Rurniah, the Sandwich Island», K rvia, K ffrarin, Tnri ry, Cashmere and Tiltil», the Arab», Tur “, M« i’cati». ftoiith Americana. Anierlean Indlaa», ffgyy* ti.'i’vt. bit.im n«-, Ahim-in’aiia, N.«rv eglati», Rptnlarda. Swiaa, I iitan“, Greek», hu -inti», siberlun», vfgliaii». Persiana, M ,sl. r.i», A '.siri iiato, lìulgailan«, Sicilian», ein , etc. M \M F.\(Tt)HEn. lu ihtaareai wmk «e al«» describí i. I ilmiu i si chu arts «ml proceasea ot primitif. »tercMyplag, I . ..kbiii.l uz. uio l 11 pruitig. lith'Traphy.pbotugra-'hv, calice I rlu ii r, t . it««« making, much uiakiuc paper making, the miiiiiif • I e C t » Ik. Ir-t.. a:e*'l, do«« china, p« rfumcry, »cap, I. nth* r. Mar.-h. mil (it-pcr. imperniar, portal curd», poMagu usmp«. cn ui“ *. p<n«, poucii«. tice-llr«. ami many ether hin - . of t-iiloh will be louud pcuuiiMly ititereatiag aad •n .-ruct'v—. F ’K:'.:<:\ I'flOlirCT*. 1m»rr»tf»»«1e «-rlmlwn». Illa»* t. i.-I, «it .n unr Mi prep ra< iwn ftir market wf w«. coffee, 0-1“ ..I:iu-, « «»tint», fl «. farrap sugar, rlo- iiu-megi, clever, n'«i.«-r. c-iitniivm. > Ibplor p»i pC', anc«mauta. pii>oei>(Jae. ba», ni.»«. pri:n<n, «lit« «, raisin«, fte*. nl'vee Indi rubber gutM per» U i, crrlt, cauli ho». o:-’lor o I. tapioca, etc., at, A'i'l'U \ !. DH*T«»ltY. Interesting ord 1n«iriiMfig d — e. i|. ion«, nocompaiiii I ’ < ll'H-tr»tl»ne. of nnmerua« hceeie, b r<l« II h- « m I ii "«-eis. wi It much curious luioruatieu regard' I tig their tifo ctxl habita. T AV.’. To Miauffti r»ct«-pffmvie t*l»a a cwmp'ete law I!', trurri au Imi» h- may b-- hl« o*u lawyer aad • - i "•! r.inl ooiicUu expl-itiailou» ut the g»it«*r»i lawa I .eri',.- M-ieri'iPt-u«« ti"on a ' matterà which ara » I t ; I uîi . n ' hi uivruu* fetrn« of'.ugul doouaiotiU. :n r-ee.-rlnt'm v r- I «"'n»teatlana of the mining of i.r, tùoud», ouu , i-alt, oo|H'ir, kud, >!ae. tlu a»4 ■ er. jr~7-3 rr Tltr nr A. nrwln »r»Aa«<^« betört I liisfrmi 1 II 0 I LUV wund«rfuland beauufnl thing« ft.uad a: rha b.< i. .«.fili«-, «mi i* o |i»-t-, llowsie, »helle, t'.sheo, etc , Ubo* n ire pesi I tlh Inc, e«>rnl Uahtn#, otc., etc. r ~-\’j’tu'|’!< AT. A'I> MIM ELI b ANKSC^ TTcrel» i eli«n n i ' « amniiiit ot iiailul and iiiureatlm. Informatila. » inn c-f w Miti Itili«- | m > i iiln' ion or AmvrUan aille», area and .Im I n i f ihe c utiiiviit«. of the Sime» and TerrttotiM and .fih<-principal eiiuntri ««f th* world, length of the principal « V r“. P l- nlfiitl ' V. te fur rlkty years, l*r«zld»nti»l etatl«tloe, ' cv »ul .l«-i> h < f »v ». ':.ki'« uii'l ôeenn». height of mountain», I I.'.nn.iio’i «.f ni.lm~)< «nd velocity of hodir«. helaht of moau- ■ i«.«h>««r« n-id "trm'tnr«*«.dUtauoea from Washington, ala» t.«.i'i b. IV v«irk. to‘ni|Mirt n l poii.t«, ehmnoV.glchl hlctory of <Me* «■ i«- i timi progress, popular »««briqueta of American Ilateo, C.••«'*>. etc . roirmon rrniiitnniicn’ error», ru e« f«r «pelllng, pro- ".lient i«>n n--I n oof espita) . Wall rttn-rt pbra»e», ec« meres f -h • wi.rl'l, curious ftt.it« In natural history .|»ngovlty of « nr.’», ortviiiofth- i'.ame»nf Btntes, and of countrloa of «vea» ■vis-k -, popular f .ble» fnuUlar quotation», of ger la» aad of ■ I.i». I- i • word* of filinoti» person», fate of ibo Ano»tuo, * listi.- . filie globe, lead lug guren. tocata of the w*»'«d. axj., eta. '1 h -, d i dreflge I o.il . h’v <n»er. i' j S<«»m <1 "t'lh.'lig light« r ■it i I »-».» , i c T.i |«c « onti"l in a siuali tmu ■ i Tl-t«. 1UX Jr rrl ill-. O:m ih - o ' i th« ir • ill < f i : .¡o I., m d i 1 ir M Ki’.l. v infamv bus I < ■ w li.it st It. < it! I cf t*<* IPV. !.-. v. and it is opportuno to Iurkev egg“ ’.vine.. In I e-rvuiouie. • I the «on.-' of tin- par', mmtp g r.i«» I o « wh«t a romArkr-h’y Intcrr-Atlnff, InaC-uclIe«» »M Western f.irmers timi th; i *. I ti’ nfrac’tn- al p’t' t of fli” topi«*» trnato«! la i. lui mi » I f.i’err I r k’'».w| «)<-—tinqiii etl« o- (; wliii'li IIo:i. James lì on shore. Alter hi ! t;ri£ r,' <*ngi- anvla •• er I •• rtmw. N ■ i onmahnuh) b wlth- I • vnrinna pt*' pb*<ln • muntilo A that oonaUat'y ne re h -1 ilei-trovd a h¡ n V .• ■ «tinner iremost man in thè re Helu tbuirdulyûmlaauhdpnraalta,»«d forovw- > .“«um c. un. ibi.ïtf vi tuoi rudi v<. dicali party, said in il recent they 1 ft their <li: • ìiinZ'roa,;! and r:*- H . A : 1 .L », complete in Four r :m et a cuili g»* !>r-‘<i I'. tti r: ’Therc is i.ot a vi etimi or turned to wk. . The do r-f and I n»»t l«»ve iur Alma aline io thè cutire bill tliat wiil wimlo'.is iver«' all ■ per i. and the co- k Volimi- k -s thiiV’i1 ’?» a ii.n-d. ail p- stagt* prepaid and THE EAST OR i EGON HER \LD f<»r o -• year noon n c apt of i 3 00, which is but 50cU. . A d wh\ should not she, i Ì open thè market for anutlie" ! ushe; «lid t ot «'kill off til ■ ta! 1.- for some i ...v. <« rnor • .....i.yv. iliMti ou • regular -u f < ripii >n. 1 «I.»«.» lien f »rv. vou get this large and her Lr«>!Lx*B» tlwuk Lw I ir« wftrrt or ntiottier t.ff*?i I W t v.lfir,' Te w.i’lTfnr th • “ms 'I sum of 50 e it“ i We take pleasure in be dv.ircat. and do : l.-: t and pork.” Tiiis metina, if it nie.im ■ In this interval a large water ing ena'1 <1 '■■ ; 0 r ourr -il r> uch an op; r mitv. lly making this ofnearlv six feet cr-iwled ‘£ri‘:'' "ff '. we *' T” to largely iner.-aie ou circulation. The Mammoth ....... . ................... Alter r ading tin? charm- anytliing, that it in a bill for stilli moccasin I , rd the li. ht , nn«l v r ge'ed '«P di« i , four v.dmncM. w h a v. ar/s., ■ rip i >n to THIS PAPER ! w: and .magnifu i itlv fui ther liiling thè rdrcady binateli !<>n ii:ii.-t r.; . ti a •' de tei "Sindent Lii«* p< keta of thè riutocrats >4’ thè lintothe «lining-room through th«'! s . 1 ead >• won. Ht Wi-iit-stiev College,'’ih Demorest’* Northeas t, at thè exper.se of West i open door. In I i« pro<picli.ijt tour lu • lit U ‘î ..tid : iti:v. i'amil/ »M.igazuie, f.*r Novera hi r. ern producala. I he i limbed the table e.«, and here, oli 1hri ÄJ ïi . just r<et‘iv«d, we (I.i not wonder at I ivith a snakes fondness fortggs. he I The t •r; ot the I’ift,.' first the enthusin’*!!) of the Wellesley I tvei t in for a feast. Vite of ti etur- i READER OF PAPER! congrws; out amid a g‘o->m The Hood.“ i i Chinn are of a mcg Wv wom I to fucreitff« onr clroulnlln t v«-ry largely during th« ii'-it pig fiintithn»-f'> k , ,A. aluniuic nnd student« for the Wel- I key eggs lay alone by a plate and Bible Jo iwnxjiitpll !i fltln wa it»-. «1 tbu r » oprrut oil «»I our |irRMMiit mi -r ti -«it ’ t , ,, Which V. > i ; r s.-ive. l ies it, cd nitr.de tliat make the Johmtown I tiic rest were in a dish mi the <>th«r Olin ef our |>r*M«4jit r<ta lerx won d H«i-)tii-H fo.-u » on ■ n ' o *«i«“.-ru.>«r ,|- I k ir'*il<itin . . .; lv>h-y Llue. ot <*:.r -r litit wn kno-v t lit It w II t »ko ri e«tr nlliinry I .du « iiim . t t t t>r < 3 «■ . <« . i.-i| fo 1 . «. .-. i.ot master of liie sit In the center <iT«»rt ->f evnr/ oiih o-our t*r<*M*!it ■•nuMttrllmri—«T h r-liall ..»vn ti mt to • 1« tf.i t> 1 w „ Et very woman, and everv hfaii, disa -ter 1. ok small in comparison. ! side of the table id'.oil«* mol »iiilotiH u> doublet n’lr «’Irciilftt on, Htnl, by 4», ® c I mi at rttngenieul wit « «»• 1 or ih«. |. .. . at"1.1 and I ul.d througl. tile m g The timid season of China is now i stood a large water jug. and right rti Et T<»m. * feubiif Ub>g botifh-B .vu ui'o« nub|t | io luako you too. will Ije ittter**ste(l in the iilr.s- here the wilv serpent slipped up j na..unity < f the democratic IcaJ.-r» tr it« <1 article al out ‘’The Fur-S< al I» i at its h i'jht. anil the destrn-tion <.f Alter swallowing the loneso oe egg I An Offer Remarkable for Its Liberality. tor most «.I his own henchmen hail propertv and loss ,.f life ar<- simply | t.inlit; Jb .011/.»a. irM >»/fl ,« t»« O no Subscriber I*” iw/’r'tn. Voar th<* women, because « very hl«-. si‘d E.iivi.'Hiiiia Harr b-« he started for the main supper ami ' ir> . I- f,hr,' ipl.m, y, H t lrllt g"-* ..b*O U'e g »«OS, ■<»« <•»'( >.«>,< , K. ’ ey. F. -M«.r .1’ lied the city to save their own no- In the Yellow river in his nrtlefw manner crawl««! . n. ■unjtic f't-Hj mu - . Twonty-flvo Coinploto ««OVO1S --<•- •■ - td ' , lb'9yaiiiuoij - - ■ . aiut B it- i iHii.e o»ie <»f them lows a beautiful seal . r.iirmous my I.»': lltical lives Ne quorum was pr. s- V» I .1M.I4 Wi....... . region alone thousands of pe-ple j through tile handle of the jug It r skin garment; an«l th«' men, be- . ht.Vb. Svi U«-r Munifi ci t* «ll>iy. Hy a M»»n» M. Ih.»»» ««. K-. Me. I M. A I jiiv Marring«-. 4« Ml«« ««*«,»•« mH»rr«e<A. ; nd buslm SB ! Olympia. ' • M r <'«. >•"•«. No. IM. A wt<*k<-<l Girl. Bi M «uv '»«it if« ». Re tir.u Hr.»« 7..T c it. in co n-cqui uce. was lather a tight fit, and lie had l*Hlor«M> 14« M • .l«»»:<4. «uxtiM. N«. 1.11. Tilt- 1’i'Hrl »il‘ tli«- O«-«- um . II» « i.«n« 'Kim c.iuse they want tn know what they have been drowned, and nt L ast, Be jai.iii. r* l «a «’ i A «I ru > «• <'0« i«r«l. II« l< I. «•t»»»•>•>«■ to" IIS l it«. <11 «4 4» Leu I'hcaf. 44y Mvt.vtwps t jf. to stop about half wav through on leieiniuh ••’. uUbk could tiave uten stopoeil, Lut Mich 1 A Tr U»hlr«ullb' 4«t| I. l<V”Tn». Ituriiraa.** N« U?. ’Th«* < ulir.irtt4i. ( h I i I n . 44» V. T. 4'niu.a. W¡a «i. t». ■•«î -r I pay their niomy for. for ‘•sealskin 4,000,000 have been rendered hcnie-| account of the igg, which «;: 1 .rged 1 4« «illf » uriiui «tilif « Hr AMiNiu M. I>««i«ni »» IU '1 Ne. 191. 'I'ht-F-ri*< llhil Htil»l«-a. Hi M. T <*«!«>»», f**H-a**ly Amri»»e«1. Ih M«« A d » ■«. hfarur.»«. h.i Wauaniaker : men an lireckeiirid«,e of Kentucky I ll - III . ihoik I llri*«-rh f. I<r Mr». H *«»•. less. It is doubtful if statistics re L At'al«v4*«’rnt. 4l.M>* Aiir««ni>va 4 lilt.. If«««••<■. lie Err« it i tcNcr. is sealskin’’ now, and costs a pile him somewhat. So. stretching for 'I it.- «*»««ri ui* 4tee «IrlcMi. H» Hvt »•«•(*«<'■•»». .Ir. Agii I It it'" Iflaliiry. 44» Mimimr Ri.n|t«T. rea=o ed that ‘he mi;.h e had al ( J. N. ootpU . hlMl iM trvrrfrk*» t»>« uffiilvr. Mt M T. C««m.» garding Noah's flood coulil be sc-1 ward, he lioltcd another egg, and <»l«4 wf'tii«- Me«. •'! -R« Il••l«•r4. money. *l'n«• I.I h »!«-« i l**urm Urlìi«-. H« M ih ««* m »V lli.infCT. •) J. II. Ml ' he I T’lt* Mlitr» «it'ii Mfirrm. "I Mr« J«vw<l Att»*t>. A l*i»Mff[«*rH»»» Vi umtMi. • ’ < Mr» <»■« * -»«■.«■ n» »». ia i.r 1 ecu d ne aid hi Lit j 14.« l i II (J.-ulii.. fl. M T Ciim-a. . hinder tivruiu.<; cored, tliev would not show mueli there1«« fastened himself. Ili •««*«(•!• •> Hill Hi IsriirM <«.««.» Iti MNVtii 'I'tio tl)cl.-rv Mt Ilin, k n .«»d f>rwaff*. Mr Indeed, this nunr-*T of the mag- [b.svhu ••■«-v- Tt«<-t*«-r!) uf tfb-.iHrd l’nr loti. Iti II I F.iuir'.w M . » « o \ , a 1 . I w ■ «4 tiic tizine really takes us nil around the »ar4-'tr figure* than China presents On each side of the jug handle »t. Mrr.ri .e c.mld now te ..ttain«d tliiough I t»«* l.llli«« OH Vi mi . ni II.» Hnlltfiiull««. li) Vo. IM Tilff I r»4 tl»<- It .«th « «.»■. Hr ••!»» Mri.n«*«. III r II i».«»i ip Xo 101 T’ie tl««r»«l k Kiiriw Mjafcry. Ry STkgta lii. Me B ha. . ■viis an « og on Ids inside, and he l' rdj» tlrcKwrf*» I*» !•««- M uuh . ”» .Ivt»» V«» m < .«a. /"»,»r> ■ »ew applica ion of heroic remedies. i.. .*44 Ell'M.1 *4' I .* 4»MitP«lll»«**“ l'i.il. Hi II». .4 II. ttoniHMOH Xa It» <b««< i,f th«« Itrpfk« R» five«« 4*««»vsV. world Starting at Well«*lev, l«y —Telegram. f:auk t.aket could move ne.ther I ackward nor I T «» littron*« M III. !■> t*«i »«»<■«> ..«in.Jr. X» *>. If l-l rllt Hl 4 «.it Hr M<«l«allK» * l>.|'NT Hct.c til ■ republicans were [ «'emit T-»” «ir.»» !*.«)«■<>n. li «I T < «ii»>'< ... »‘I. A Tul • ««r*f., K. c. l.ettfl. Hr Mr« llcwav IV" -t». »imply turning the leaves we are ; forward, practically rivet«d in posi I. I ter “srraw ni -4«*«.r-|, •'» M «"» Ci rri, fi. ’ u »7. A I- <>r|MM«. H-iatrr. H« ahmik T r «. w « c WTff. , 5Ain. 1’. i.wru * l’rn-,» «»rid t "- l’rr»,»b«-l. H- " n ni» i . in ». !*<». M. Al ,-.ldr<l »e <4 l'nrlrll« ft« •inlnr ft..ra 1 b«>t>c.'* ) WTh a ar ted Io complete their tariff scheme John Surrey hail an uncommon j tion. lie was soon found in this transported to •'The Land of the T.'.rwurry ol m W « «ldl«iff Itlug. l-jr III» auilior Xa. M. I S- K t«4eS««tirfdffr Mi atery. H. I n«» Ha«r>g, I» ■»• I tevri.e Al. • it»: u-‘ T; *•. »4. l«.wl. drH II..M..., ij .. h..r .r- Dera flictu». • and it is now Lt fore the people for > JUwrlyii W »«re«*» Trmpfitfli*»». •’» M«» Il Worn« *o. »I. Af*««»tv < rim«* ft» peculiar situation by the couk, who T wm lit«-t«»»». • experience not very long since. Lapp “” and the numerous illuatra- M. D. CLUF0.lI> i A Mmlrrii < iu«!,-rrl.i« II» »mi..»- Imi ■ Titani«« ’ ». »1 ft««»» I odg«'. H. >lr« Ha»a* Went,, I. T .- ÍMÍ »1.1 ll.»>«r. H M. r « k H r HY.'R an expression id’their judgment. »I. 1 IIrM«rr »' l.atr, R» au h«.» •• ft.»a Thar»».*♦ speedily killed him. toe’. While the -Filing Yank<e ’ ’ was ; tiona ami vivid descriptions make I 'I ¡,r ! alai bhm I « i u « Ap par*. ' rSwFftiNl llnrrÍM«« B» M|.« W ft W», mw > o . 14.0. 14( RT Ito I<1» I Ti MI!IU4rl»ri»r.l ' -i. T »'»i e-«»» Me. • A Queen Anmng.l U »R»«it. fly I hr a jitter ut The reporter was shown the skin a», m LNEY » LAv RMAto Noone, iti the failing hours, rose ns quite familiar with these «pieer pursing through (.real Work“, Mr B ìm I wii « ¡< i * » .-!«<««. 4 « fi- ItipKM lliun.iu». i h •». !» It«-rrl.-k. I y « ■■ 11 «r II. 'ii'.iHwri t. •4», of the snake with a crease still in Ñu--ì •• ft»*». W mi il. ’yf'i«««« «rM«»»»»». *«. to move a vote of thanas to Speaker people; then the illustrated serial at the rate of forty mile', an hourl b \ RN B. Y : I. *|'iy«» KI•«•«••. H '•«• »««itior • |i*>r» Ti.o«ric " the middle from the tremendous I <T.»i» >• unti w««n»l»li»r>. Hf»«» c «M m « i > m . WH. X’LLKtt *«». RP» ll.-td. Tins customary resolution »tory carries m to China, and we he jumped from the cars anti struck I A 1 i.ifrtbHt: «I M«*roill>- l<» -Ur« A >. i « w «» m . X,. Ri», ,U. i.. G MA« K pressure, and he was also permitted Tfttfr.'i yrro'l <»rHi«*< . B» i< » « t IT■ « wn«,i>, Jis. T. ti. K o . íkkií * 1. < crit'itrl < -fluff«-. Il» V«. Il» s n» M K, T . A. JitixillfeUf- never coim-s from the op;>o.-ition corupli te the circuit bv visiting the the ground 5!) feet from the spot to gaze oil the jog whose handle I l«» llrraia H maio I » H - mik <'..i i «“• ’Ì’Hte rr»-»»»rir«-«»r l »».»»«•)• ««rd. By II. I. Hygy* a . a . ’ o is«; ■b < and no democrat Could wuh eon- seals in Alaska and Greenland, where he left the train, ft war* proved to fatal.—Florida Times- KU», W. K. ALBER N TU • 11I« m • » i'«»t»ir»'» «>f J.iliti .\lv!i«d««»i», By .CliAH.à-IB KLL I »»•«• I. •»»««• •« I »« » S« ' Union. S.i Wji. >*XltK«K seici.ee put on paper an affirmation fhre'l I II«»»» lhe M m I i re. H 'll«« Mei »>«•». taking a little diversion by the way thought by the feiv who witnessed; A T’:»l»« wr l’ter»«»* l.l«»«i«. 1 I ti in «ut |l««n».cn. l’.itf«* Murtf lwa. h» V .»» f'»«'ii. li « » of the Sp.akss inqiartiality. in reading ‘‘('hat” »‘.out s .liety the affair that be would be killed We. W M. \UT!.v T |T>) / M-r» llur«iwli k *• KI»»«!. hr Mr«. Il iTun»,. k ■ L)txv iiw*.«rd. Hall F! >w»n. i-y »1 ««H.H ilaai •»» ///.», Mft. Reed, therefore, in the implied cen doing», and enjoying in imagina-I They were much surprised when T »«• Orrwlinftl’cl H»»»«*. I « 14 »«»«>> A« «». Jr, f <l«*«»r J ■ « ..«»lOeld'a 4»«Hl»f. I » MI*« Ila .».» -, We. 1«» ftl.frr k»l«a> H- meh«» 4>■•>• 1 f»*>»«w IH ,1. sure of his course had another of tion «<> manv good things told a’.ont I he picked himself up and Walked We. «»»FICK: Tl-.p rln. R« M T < «i«-.» .J. B. H urti moto :« I »»n fi»» *»rr. Il» m » i c «» i « c *'••»». Jr. the * proudest moment. “ of hia life. ” .A »»•»■•« Inltrrllcwrft •» M«»» « » mi . II*». in *TI->u»eh >ld,” tint w> wh i I off, having receive«), it is alleged ,.li AKRlIkOM fvELLXY 'Itili Witti«-» Vigili H, if.-CkH» 44»'«^ ««•“». •I li» Wed <'»<».•. B» H T •' «i-.«. Note the different:r. While Beed Thanksgiving were already com-' n<> further injuries than some light »'«»r i^»»» •» l|l»L«««. By a«» ha» • a (b-ci • •te» was thus Igir red in the House, in fi»«- WI amf A a # UriiHRifa. My M T <*«riMft. In fact, ifyou want t > be nmns.-d RcratcbtB. E; TORY. A Ua-ll -4l'« '«•»»»(. I«» »■« »»« «« »« •»« Ne. ffi Tlir Free-t» f»—•» * I « T4*r GiillH lUtrr. « Wncir < . , « «V. the Senate, under the usual demo with good stories, learn li >.v to X». 91 fleet leih" 4*14 U< Ï» t\4 Fl »»«-«»»- I « iMfflMH*» O m |I». tir M i ». M* m » a 'n »I Th. I .«.I Hank X« II,«.«.“ lU'itl »!•</ Ne. Ml |leater. • fi • »"•» JC ü F a L c Hl R:. 11 cratic inspiration, Vice President keep hou»«- and make it beautiful, Poise City, Ida., Oct. 10. — Word |.Nn».«Ml«-r*» < ahliy f«» Mr» t| T Viri«« lift. We. 4» A l«rMrfb»n»lh»M >1« «f 4«rwuff- R. M»« II«»»« W o..|. Pastor. X». 0 I to«*4«|rk.t »M U»> l'itll l*<»l"«w> <»f A«!»«. H« «|o»««r» N* ■»»<», fir <* h ■ ■■ •• f>«< ■» *a. ftt- Jlorlutt was being honored with a b the psuTor in each how to k> ep well, or anything else was received her-« this nflernoon kirflnff Ih«« fti-rc. H» U» • A> »»>>»»». IhhlluwMok Me. «4 A l*lMt n rlffM'c llwitfftefrr. l-y Mr*. We. 41. H"ll HrssilsN. H. ' MVll* « vote of conf, renee in hi» perform that yon want Io know, take our ad It .»« Holcliin«, living on Ten mile »“• ■ l’iuth ..<*•/ in. ni» ! P in II.t*4*w 1*1» llftlf. *'• M «im«art Hi •»»■«»» /r/'4. .n se— al 11 » n A lt«r|f».-.f l.lffe. B»M« mi «. «H • «“«• w*. n. ance of duty. .More than this, the vise anil send in yoi.r »«li-scriptioTi (,'re« k, near Hun'cra, al out nine P an. Mr N««»*1*«» Il .«fr. I»« M»« U •»*■<■«»* r < »«•<*•. x». »I. m. and 1X3 p m !*•■»*<•*■ *>«rit»»»«*. ky y«»««»*«* u *nr*. *• violent partisan Ingalia wa« like-j (only $2 a year) to W. Jenninas mib s from this I'lacv, h ifi I itn »h it T to» »•»;-«*/ll«>Hrf« »<■ I» ». » «•«<•» I Me. V ti a im . a ad 7>0p m YM*ffr«to*te i»lMm««»»d*. Wy **T m » k. ff« wi«c thus honored, Lccause when I Oeniorest. 15th East 14th Kt , New i twice by a mail named Jenninga *•. F«»1rb««1 Fn!»r. R» ••-«<•» nf •• h »• Tk*»t,* “ ttl'S. ft«». n. York. IH Th» 1) uniw». Ilnt-r. H. ’■ J 44. ft-..-- • AVA. r te A«»i»y. h» Mr». ». x-;». if he acts aa Vice President he leaves I * The treuble gr« w o-it of a dilticulty M* III ll-'twr«-a l w» Blu«*. By 'I • »•«!•»»«»<•• feffff Xo.’ »i. :4b» WhlrfwIwC. Ry M *«tr Cw Mat. I *1». Bft'e«"it<il lxtr.it»»." Ti.««« * " fff««»». w»*>f Me. i? partisan and senator behind hirn j C-wablnn th* juk* of th» P! m Fr, -I Ne. I. M«. t»•» 1 li» fyiN » »r’c •»*«»«■<. fi» Mi*« 'f. r. ti»«oc between the two men in reference 25 COMPLETE HOWLS FilEE THIS TO EVER/ Iff ‘U& a L C». i.i i>i .».er wi War i»! N«ux I. O. U. r. t-a ar».a « 4 P. Irrff/ar vf ffat h Ail C m «»«.« BE1IBLY r • excepte*. I ms . < • » a>«.0 t» j Opr dear little daughter was terri I to the land on which Holching had on the fl ior. Here is an object les- ‘ idy sick. son tor Toni Reed. It mu*t base [filed a prerr.pt.on claim, but bad galktl the Maine man to be thus i a brjclc. m ;L eti <1 t . p o; erly corr ply with W<- feared »be wctild die slight«d bv his associates pariicj- tljc law. aid Jennings had filed a Till nt* haf'pencil V» try lariy as in th- j.a*t Congre»» he Pi f.’Ce* Pellets—«they curtd he re- homesteiil claim over hi» head ar.<l has i eca tLc i.. lividcal t > presentt jumped tiie claim. Holehinv w»»' wtarkablr q«ick ii.gr of the I the rrso’t tion in Nevt-r I •«•■iti out Pierce*!* Pei’ctn I in the city a few day« ago, al-i judicial fainxr» of lat c Sp akei th* hou»e. They arc g»*ntic* and gthr. c Jeunius* had firvd three i Carltsle. But (<>:ig’e«s :» is gone ctive in '»cticn and give irnme ■ »': <itr aUbim witlirut effect about! • nd joy go with it. for it ear» r. at* relief ia c 3 m m <»f itUig ration, , a week »ir.ee, 1 I being considered , Iy said, iii lormaed phrase, d WHioiisnc»» and constipation. I rather e. upl - no attention w»< paid we will never lis.k up ¡1 it» Ttoey do tb-ir work thoroughly and to the »tor» a» r. jx<rted. again. ¡cave to bad effect*. li-.naik«t. Thia afternoon Jenning rent his Members of Congre*» who us«d cheapest, «’.ni«»t to take. One n wife to Kolchina’ ealiin to say that to bv as ti*»c k t? jeas arc scarcer do«e. £e«t LUffr PtUaictde. her buabsnd xiehe-d to ar.- him. CaJifc»«!*, «n laaativ» ail »“'.rill« n, with th* nwdiei’.nl »in««« <d pits', koowfl to b* Bio— be»r* .1 to - r ‘lamamvoem,foTTrioj th*O ■ t V I' PICT RFMEDV : . , promptly on th* KJDKET3, LITER AUD BO?”] Cieanss n* System Efiec hta!:/, —AJO T > — —li THAT«— PURE BLOOn. REFReCHib.’n SLt*^r HEALTH r.nd GTriZlfGTH XikfnrV’y f 'r- •. Fv y -«5 1« t;<f • Aa.li-B .1 .«.1 w. . y,.t f r S'. h.l V CF rXJSte Ki. ( » cniy ]y lb« : alifornia fb syf .:? co . n»r»««iv «■-. r.i« Va«». * A to* t • T l*r *»»rMHff«* 4 N»«» wf ftr. «f«*kyll '-»»«I Mr. ff« A m . B« If ». « t »»»«* o « I «■ < c» <»l«l .’.I^u'c ff»»rrT8«^«. R» Mr». A nr R. 9 I « ». W-» IH l'to 1«*ff iHr f Jft«»«. Ry ■ •i«^ •#'!’-»< Tfe«»*.* I ». ___ _____ J'«Uliltillnfl I W« will r v» you ■»«,«» Mr» H-grw»fr<r fni'**«» ffr-T«»’ji "f ynn will ffwt «ff oi> v rtwtriy oiitMk’rll»«*r T».e ’v »• Iff «*• - ¡»»ltd «I <•» M •! ft»«'* mi - pHMlff!** ■! r*»fT)p!ef«» la i «"•! i> i*iiptil i fnrng. ?• •• t .« 'ta n*«» f »»to ntffi»«»*-'«—»her »•••» ilio r»«^f »>f Anirrb n «uff E>ir« |> W«>i» »t **» ”t* *" < ■ .4 Mi»m nt • IM fr» m whh h *r- i FlvUMgrA f'lt N-» n«a”*r wIilHi *-f «• •• ”• i •• rw» •»», jrnff t»! î t-* f-orfwrf y dollff’it-»! wt h tjbffff). x< Xw. X-, M«r ’ «»f •!»«• 4I-.VHI« ta U.K» I*«»' w ’ f- r ■ io«*.'»« «• •« .T »t »»«/•«•■ «4 r^!i»r lihnrt»*«« Tr>n r-n*t ffwg t-m/f Ir» n//A»"»» jiwsn'tllrA’ i • i«« ’-n-/r»w.f • r. ■ • It *t-<•!;«▼ •»»•■ vr si : r »U boerlboF. gibt» ’0'4 d««U»H tha» ' hfl« )■» « f,- n . t, ft. -IO r-w gnu ri—Vwr bivi bwfwtn » No r le’MTffry r tiW M • ... “* I nitwits — i: >l»«-ff i « n *.» iimfw» - f e»r . v* -n h*« it .. l«x if it»»» of tW«4i rhannliitf »-nrv»bf* nortlK m *' f MffH* «»i» m«n<l I An-1 »low onslljr »»>« r* do I I W O« »•• i . • «i ». i i»ntlr ►nb* rf»-»-r ’ »th •rtrwrf It act I», Iff e* Will trf R'-niAtBbur, Fi' »-rwffi .1 »C. sia t rt Mil • •<»* w|ngi«* . nr | mi T m tm n»*t s»>li 4 fff ff-1 • I ♦» nr i ♦ « • ri.1 <■ Ht»/«Iliff, bnt tn«-r» ly tn n-*» Jn»:r IhfllNMt**** tO *n ■••ssfof wir »t-«gbb - » » r »*• m io InhA • » r f-4 r tn - -» o «r A r»a do tMt Ir twe u h« will twh«»rrt1» r»rent j ti-er at )mif tfes 1 r.« I“» <-r « ff tm ' i F »»• !ffh’iorw » '.» I f I : i or. ■ I wt r* Off’ I fit «I ««m® > n I tit jowf wnb- •oi’--* tollón Dii.tf -»I « c-*T «r rt- n f • f ♦ n ih»i «r <t N m do an I * hen yon rectirt •nl»*-» Yon V4W-*'f *HI I.*»'r r -r-l • » fa - I i r rewdinM lh< m. will bo 4e ightol to ihtaff you •i I rt.fff’”' yowrtwff*'!» flffsrnmp » ove I «*«•* •>»m «1 Tv f<w4k«*f »Mir ffrra« a ! . r »• M»*et>tr-Av» fr* three *r beer het*, fcaft |>e W« Wl’l < »Afirtr nf th» novelv t rt ■ - r If g i « * i wltlitttlt mn< h trfibl*. b¿t «m g»”nWs y BTtihr <ht •« n« Dcff'Sil tl ff*< at !»<»•« O«i* A 4 «AlmlMffrrsn I «- mb •- o i B9T<ff by U« ti k»u val £|gr • •« 9 m A j . i tr A a ri »rin i<«•nreief-re, fa* _____________ a J UM Ulff b3tf by tiil b—4ti L WMier ywnf • * . I-*.-«*« Reu.it by K«gi»‘.c: d Lau, o Cab at HLK a L.) otL«.« Burna, Urcgon.