East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, October 15, 1890, Image 2

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    w-r rg.«.
- T-r-^7------ -’rr-e
,r,.i ", a .■« " '
jjPayette JSTursery,
dem'cr.i's a-k i.oi in bet- equal pioportiin. so f he is getting
:t. i. go c ore the p. out,- with ttieworstofitheshouldshowalit-
■ han the r > ord of the m jority of t]e III0re Dutch grit and nut "squak.”
Of Payette Idaho.
; u KY ' T >W~R .
tn F.iti-tir.-t congn ss lfthep < n -•
I ouenly charge this same affida-1
p!< can ei dorse that record, tin re_
of vit us being composed of a tissue of
- lit i • is small hope for a continuance
I “lies" from beginning to end. He HARDY
.«■ »
the Republic.
says that the reason he did not ap-
Dealer in General Merci Uk IS
( I >H h HHIXCT« n LTTHS. pi-nr in several contests was because
I* V
* ».*-
9th. 1S90.
D. C
C O.
O* t.
1S90.1 ! tl"‘ R'g'*t‘T and Receiver was
Thu E»t«nslr« Mur«’«/, remprwlnf 1U
81- bns . H arney Co., Om,, "**
S, nato- Carlisle did himself i.diced against him and against Ins
p . .it »■
Mcr«a, b located one half oiila from Fajr-
0»r Imm«' «e F«ll »nd Wl«l«r SU<-k will
V" 1
n , ■ ’, * '
p'o d in his elusi ,g sp,, ch on the cause. \\ <- wouhl like to know Mr.
•t.e de| 0’.. on the 0.8. L. Ry. Thia
, hl«
Miller "how you find ’em ’oud
ta-id id I-
Nur»»*ry ba* dune ui«ie to j ru-
. o sii bis friend.«. aitilo igh they As at the time be made said affida­
Ost "i i
o i .* o ost
luo.e frui. growing in East­
Vi r> high, and Iliade what
wn ‘ i._ .1'1 ■ ' -111
bis opponente concede toliave vit th.-re liad I een no decission rch-
ern Origan and Idaho
t ve
• I • o
. ■ -1 1.
..11' rifornì
rifuriu dered, nor had the Register had
thè greatest tariti'
b ell
thau all o.lar Nur
Natio al • ap t.,1. I'-.' M ; rs C. A speech of th,- session.
He showed I time tu examine the testimony tak-
»«lies combined.
S110.V A Co . 710 Eighth Ht . N 'V . ¡that with the exception of sugar! ¡en. S uch a statement shows that
as the treee
Washington. D C. If you ire in bind molasses the bill removed more! he was afraid of a fair and impar-
are ac-
free list and |
ti-rested in any w iy in p.ite its. or I articles from the thë'dutïbîe
Ti»" t'«1
«"d üf
clinia«e<i and
I placa d tin in on t.„
wish any i-.formation relati ig than it took from the dulidle list| He also charges that I was an in-
such VMiie'.ie are
th* reto. «■ i ite to till m We k -on ' and pl <-* ,I on tin-free list; that it terestetl party, and that I w«s an
ciTtred h r
uje Known o thrive and
them to be couitious aid atten­ iiieri'iised taxation without incre.is- j verse claimant, I was not inter­
ing the reVv-iiUi-s. and was obviously ested to the extent of one cent, nor
fl« uri b in he hi »untaUi
intended to benefit the mauufuctur-j
nunry. The “IDAHO“ ¡.ear
e-s at the expense of the masses for
wl.l bet ff red in ijuji ed <<uan i ••
S1IAT.L the Ilona? of re;>res> nta pn of of which lie referred to the! State, ns mv land was pronounced
li tilt ACE. PiHIl'KIKTOR.
tives he a legislative 1 o iy. as it universal rates of increase from 45 j dry by Richmond ai d Elliot and tot Jiw fir time ’his year. " rear
i a i u ive bf Idaho i* coi'ddir d the finest
will he ifcontrolled by *1* mocrats. p. I-Ci-nt, as nt present, to 60 per ¡ the swni p omoved.
it. r,<.«wn and i- «’ re.¿.el, hrrdy. 1-0
or shall it leih tool of «>•-.«. ma n cent, lie gave the republican Sen­
The * nly interest I had in the
: o f .il o plan, a few r»«*.
and its «luti a 1 e simplv t< reen-d ators a raking over furhaving adopt- ! cases was to see justice done.
A Large Assortii «i.i «¡
id a so called reciprocity, but in,
Pay* vNtr.ry,
bis will, as it is under Speaker reality a retaliatory a *iendnient, | lie also claims that I took down
Pay • te !* ih .
Rei d, and’is it will continue to !•*• against their judgemnts for fear of j the testimony unfairly and wrong-
>«' a 44 na,, 11 i ■ >«
as "lot g as controllrd bv ripulii - offndigMr liai' e. He
<•'; | fu|h>, etC. Th> re were three c.f vs
IIas just lieen R*ceivw|, j
.’ one l.v
l ’ u ^.^. li
cans? These are qu s'i ns f. r . 41 rP from figures
. furnished
* n . taken
I v the 1 reasurv department that
intelligent votersto co isider.
RITTIONS CA r T i ('||.J
the United States had no tra ie iû>r their attorney one by A \\
with South or Central America.ami Waters attorney for the people for
Evervtl iig f ii riitu d pure and of tbf „..I
A ndrew Carnigie. the Peiinsyl that it could never hope to
j his own use ai.d one for the hind
vauia iron baron, is so littppy ovi r any as long as it had t" compete '|V|Ce bv
al„] llg ,.ach uues-
the passage m' the ta ill ■ i 1. which with European m inufactur, rs. j | | tion was read bv me before the wit
be knows will put millions in his whose raw materials iliil not have
ness answered it and th*' answer
pock t at the exp -use of the "d ar to pay a ta-itl' tax. Mr. Carlisle) generally read 1 efore another ipies
spoke for three hours and evi-ry I
p.-wri,” that he had to uni urden Senator in the Capitol was a care­ tion was asked it would have been
his mind tu a New Jo:k repul lican ful listener. This is a compliment impossil h- for me or any one else to
paper of some of its superfluous seldom paid to anv speaker in either
have taken it down diflerent from
elation. It would have been much Senate or House.
the way the witness said it and I e t
better taste had h - tin lirdened his
h id possi-s.•<•<! the moral courage of Ion- the witnesses signed their testi-1
pockets. I.y raising th - wages of his ! Bad lock. Plumb and Pettigrew,
This ' on e 1 ns a • ide and «• II k
monv it whs read to them and if.
w.irk men. of some of^th** consumers who voted against the conference
in -nt of th prese it pop-ietir it ¡«'mi el ti
-¡rtiitpo i’t
there was any corrections to l.e
cash, which the new l.-w now pre ! report on the tariff bill on its adop
time .nd reimen
No pains spared to | bia., p,,. ,u *
tion by the Semite, that villainous
11 I'-
sent« him with
' measure nould have been defeated, as he wished, it was then and there
to IM
H ors km branded
th** vote on its adoption being 33 corrected.
- r
TlIE r. ¿nt lican Semite so loved to 27.
If there was any remarks made Either Right *»r
the workingmen of the eott-i ri
A feature of the chi'-ing of the while Mr. Bates was giving his tes
rifle: < IL
th.ititnfu.edtopi8st.be; i Is I II session was the disgrace which be
,f H
timony a' out him or al out any one
dorseil I v orgmiz d la or. Speak
fW( lood tai k-service, sud ta lis fumislii-ii wiiluJ p' ■
else I did not hear it, nor do I Ran««— Gnat cuuiity, Oregon.
* '¡'I
er Reed p o a Iv kn w that such
other and the Assistant Postmaster think Mr. Bmes heard any remarks P. O.~B»riii. Grant county, Oregon,
would e the ease tth'-ti he allowed put in temporary charge. This was
Th -
al out himself.
the I ills *o ¿o through the Hou-e i t'ilimph tor Representative Enloe.
He further swears that while Rye
lii fai t Iheie is reason to eiievi * ho has been the recipient of more Smyth’s evidt nee was I emg read
_____ _ tiien
.1: «II ■
that a t a g..in w»« m ule i y a Inch than om- mans share of the injus­ over several p rsons were present
burns circulatingl
the -I'll ' i -is of the I lot:-- c -to
session just * tided. Mr. Rei d did 1 mv recolhction there was only pres- C atti » l>r«n<t«,l a
a^k for t! , v< to of the workingin- u eV* ■< r* thing in liis power to prevent ent at the time Rye Smyth, M
: un I eft eide; cirrle
on t
gr. und of having pass d Wheat i eii g investigat* d. I ut Mr. - Pitzgeruld and myself.
A Split iu oat k
their .11.-. k owing the rptl liens Enloe was persistent and finnlli : He also charges that the officers ear.
K .. .
of till- Senate I. ot.ld pr Vei t tl . get I he resi lulion through the 1 I o U m -i did not charge the adverse claim-
CHA». W. BYRD................................ I.’kuiin ‘
nd it unearth* <1 a shameful state ants thi-ir charge of the expen»'s
I ill- v. r I • eomii g :> la«
Object of opening ’hi« huai mm in coni eci ion with the Tre Ret'.ii'ita wSHI
*' i's
It was ¡T, ven that ¡and fe, . of said ciinti-st». etc. The Ratte»—Hat r,»v and Wraut < vun'..\ Oregou
I-un. —
■ fur r
I hm ks fur -- a —
L.r buri.i^-The Mt-U
..... hualtig
—- ---------
....... l.ibrr.r.«
F. G.—i mi . i. iiaruaj CvUDlj. Ur.
.in t ba ! comp-!1 dm* cii.tiicto >-* cords in Capt Kelley’s office show
TERMS: Memhcrehfp Fee |r. a \rar. Reading Fee l‘)c. I)ej-ii ”1
«><ii( al ur Book, ma<«r with ihr Librarian, in atrr> ii a ant e. s-ri.dfG<u.
/X SH"RT a '
i g th* in.>11» t>> nay him LiU.ih*- number of words written in
The Librarian ie agent f«*r atu! will take J-u a rip h mm ' 1»; 1
r.,’-i <1 I In ) til e
month out ot his pay, and that each case and lor each side, and so
al. anti .>n‘er am B«o*k. puhliahu<i in the ( ui.ru sa ta «.r ta.au. nd
l:is HOU W S ; ’ 1» a <1 tw<»
*k.«4 ■•li..
Pictures, Wurkauf Art, H«>use-Buihiing Drci.na, Etc.
two s.
sal I rii
ri. u s in ti
the n I [that
'lie ’ ” ’ is easily nailed.
r !
It. i«ir
office, ot-e ■ * ii.g iliawn by a man i He further says that $17,000 was
I t 'b '
e .
y pv
odid no work in the office anil) paid as cost forthese two contests.
to republican 1 g
tnrn-d itv* r to voting Wheat. Hi» j ! I had i o idea th it witness fees II« kcks brauded on
t In soi i ■ I a - acini
* ilt was so plain that he coul'l ! were so high. His fees at the land
’ •«•< • <
Left Stile
U uri«.» vial
u> t > e whit* washed and the r*-pu>>- office for the two cases were about
are ini ig ti c
Soim I oil) Siems to have fo’gotti ; lieans on the committee «ere com- 250. That leaves $16.750 ftir law­ Double H
reluctantly though it was. yers I oa rd and witnesses, l’roba-
the universal laugh which grut.il
¡ o vot* with the d* inocrat« in favor 1 ly the harder a man swears the
a stati n ent made on the sit ili) j <*f a resollido i declaring the office
more be gi ts. "The biggest por­
some iears ago by that shinitg >*f Postmaster vacant. Wheat is a tion of them."
C attlr branded un
T. J MORRISON..........................................
<1 "H
light of the repul licati party, John tine sp-ciiii in of republican official,
The other < h -rges he makes you
Mid«- V. Un
V'Verything in the furniture line alwo 'all«»
Mierimiti, o: Ohio, to tin ■ ft' el ti nt [and Speak« r Reid by his eff'o ts have commei.tei! upon in vour last
der-bit in Right rar,
f«r Give bun a call liefore jiurch.isiiig'l«-- <yu se*
the unusm.'l* g. od clop * f th. t to screen 'lie guiltv man gave a fine weeks paper, and shown up in the
■ x hi it ion of r* pul lican methods.
ekee np. Left rar
I r per light.
year wi re the results of a r* pu It
Is Mr. Blaine a ■ iggcr man than i Now, Mr Ed . the facts of the
Smooth crop.
can administr. t on.
' ongress? ill- . v.i’rntlv is of that [ case mav be summed up as follows: P.angr Grant, Crook, and I ak* CuUiHife.
¡'•pinion or he wutild not havedareu This man Miller lives in California, P. — iiie- . Grau c-*>uatv. ur«£un.
T hat moi opo'ists friend and re- !Io 'l""ire 'iæ wishes of Congress. is a millionaire; I ought this land
. ¡expressed in a resolution calling on a speculatio’i, entrust* d the man-
pul lican idol, Chat nev JI. .,
■ ') upon the Piesident f*r all of the ngi-m* nt uf his I usiness in this I
in a recent honey* d addri - s to 11.e , e*>rr> spondence between the State!
'coni try toother parties; now after
farmers, advised them to ado; . t a- ! depart in* nt and the U. 8. Minister! a hard winter, a count v-si-at light. ■ <TT*.S bra <?•*'.
¡lb ' S VA Ftft'.t b" • 1
tl e motto for their * ■ tg iniza'iiu s. )'o the Central American states re- I hits of at • 1'-. plenty of high pric'd > 1 «ft
'RAR ri i:?.
the time k’s. ".ecipn i itv, retalia- l-'t''ve to the killing of Gen. Barran j ! hqiKT. a jolly ¡mi d time with tin
■- ark«
|( V) j ) ilia on an American vessel. Con-) i l-ovs and two swamp contests, o’d r p fl hr Rl . »
tinu and revet.ue ”
i.» r « . pr in
gr* »8 adjourn* d without getting
headed I rain;, <L-n ocrat. 1'. \ id B. ) what its resolution culled for. Henry has a whoh jm cket full of
| experience at.d the mamigers’ cash
Hill, in an address also to farm* rs. Speaki-r Reed isn’t the only reptil,-¡ accoiiht talli* s 17.000 short, ami
said truly.'hat Mr. D* pew would lican who usurps authority not con insteail i f giving I’lofit and Loss its
have a hi sed much grc.te- enthu- ferred upon him by the Cuiistitu- just dues, fh'-v conclude to charge
it nil to swamp contests, and when
tiiisip among the f.irnie -, I e ides,
giving them a milch needed practi­ A lïcplj t»the AcciiHKtioii made* in hist July our fat old utcln r comes
around on a tour < f inspection and
ile Atli'lavii «»('Hriiri Mil­
mi , a
cal relief, by I* ling them that Ins
ler it»l he Schrei ary ol
inquires the meat ing of all this the
iln‘ Interior.
railroad had also adopt* d three R’s
managers look wise and sav swamp
—"regular ririicid im ' cs ” fur
contests; call in their most pliant
M ì‘d! m % i
U« <*
Burns Or. Oct, 12, I,SOO “10*11” and 1 gal w. Igl.t and lol the K» Ite Gnin • <1 Mu henro.uu-.il-«
transportation of th*ir products—
r. o. «.alt*««
ur ■ .ru.a r... rv».....
t IlMg
erald : A s the affidavit th.- woi derful affidavit of Henrv
for its motto. Hit him c.^ain Davy
! tiled by me Henrv Miller in the Miller.
'1 ' “■ ’« u- "• • • r
while youA e got your hand in.
he «ir«! mik <-uii vi» iiu>t ui a
t er-
Of course
tin re is . ..................
no o ie in ll.ir >ywwV
iGiiier.il Lain! Office was pul lisle d
TV* ’• ki -Í « « r • ?■ h.g a
. f he
valley or all Eiutern
Ori gon •“•»“•l* «<~*« • *»nd ..r -»I..»,.'«« here.,
I by you last week. I ask permission n y vail*-*
R ei RETENTAT1VE M. doo. of through your columns to make a that I elieves one single charge made
New Jerscv, « ho was th fe.itcd for few statements m regard to the said
■ Hiiitv
I’«».. sAI.E.
n renominntion. in answering sonic affidavit, and must earnestly re­ Sientan of tin Int, rior has treat­
ed it ns it desirves, like the 1. st
injudicious friends who tendered quest w l-.om so-ever may fv* I so di. liou 1 of ¡i (Hiimncd pup
I , The Red Fro.t Liv IV Sta I -,
him a nomination as an it d- pend pos*d to examine the records now
TV o w 1MT a.o > 1 > I- e£‘
Vi r> RepeVtfldlV.
; situated in 1 uros, opposite the
ent caidd.it>, used words which m the U. 8 land office—or ask
M. N. F eotly .
t will 1
Burns hotel Mr. Wilson offers
are com mend* d to every democrat those w ho were present during the
iu-r <•
N R A G.wwt —v,d all the wav
this valuii. h- Livery Stable for sal«
TO »1
disposed, for ; ny reason, to le dis­ taking i f the tistimony in the two
The repu lican point is i ot that nt low figures. He Ilves in the
>»«nt ?
satisfied. llesaid: "li annoi enter­ e ntest iiivntiom d in Henry Miller'»
r io ti
tain this prop sition. I am a dem atl .l ivit—to prove the stat* m< lite Quay is not a seoumlr, I, .ut that eo-.intrv. s me- distance from tow.i,
•«k hi
ii . i right l>> say so in and cannot give the busiiuss the
ocrat ai d I i aw * I afford to com­ 1 sh .1) herein make
meeting —K.inwas City tunes.
attention it requires, is his reason
promise mv position on th“*- great
mi i
In the first p|«c- when this Hen­
for selling There is not a more
Questioni which divide the two po ry Miller bought all the rignt, title
valmil le piece of property in Burns
Burns-Canyon Stage L*ff ’ Of
liticai parties. I shall remain frut­ and interest, of Devine A- To 1 hunt-
Corn is north '20 per ton on the and any one desiring to invest in
to the principila of the dtimcrutie er to th*- lands call*<1 swamp land .mund at tiw M n d river,
I. J kwitt , P**"’’'"1;"* ri ,a>x.
At 'hat kind .if property, cannot ' ettrr
I«,*« rar, ■.» M«eda «. ».'».a «. »> » rrt • •
party." R. n tini < r that you c; -;.n- in this country, lie well knew that
this figure with tin i no mous vivid ’hems* Ives in anv town. Call im-
/.Tina«. » wi s. Me uuMri... Prlu.Tltl« .nd I
I»" • •»'*
imdiately at this office or on Mr
noijsupj urt an indi pi t d* nt ,i t di­ those lands w*
tUi • t^r «•«••' «»'•
•. •*»
re in litigation and 1 f which tin 1 otti ui 11..ds are cap-
r Wilson, for mu are likely to lose'
date, i,id siili 11 ut lit ti I ly claim to knew that he "a» I uving lande. ’•'•I*’'he cultivation of corn !» or
a ! nrgain. The Stal |r is just what
Le tn.« tu the d, u ocratic ¡ally.
a..*J coukete, iu auwut ought tu L« luvtt prvtiuble.
we recoiuuie.-d it to b«.
Portland SxchangeSold. County^*”“
11 on 1 V
n X 3t4o