1 nlli.iL d to ’ v Alg mon on the m :ht of addressing of the invitations At length the magical mime v.as li < i ti«n . <! ni <1 l.< r i y» s iva tuli r< <1 . ..gerl, in tin* direction of the new THE HERALD WRf)\E-l>AY. O T >UFK" I”'-*- Till". •»<> W;'*OM. n i rival l<i u handsome florid Me ci.i < faCell 1 m.in of thirty, of n portlv and i gniliel figme, richly • ut mt sl.n ilv dressed. T! » mere ni<" • tim, ot tiis mime creati <1 ail imine di.ite sen atio i, find Algernon hur ried to introiluced 1 im o tie t* d es and gentlemen present. It was evident that he wssestemed a- an individual of more than ordina- ^importance; but was he really t}ie George A-hton she had formcr- jy known? She thought nV one ■ moment she could detect a resem- hlanee, and then she decided she cl)U]d not. If it were he. lie had certainly altered in eight years more than any pcrsi n she had ever Fr<n» New Y» rk Ve<k v of c: ilie) — Q'lill, M do you mean IV that '»o d fi which y u nppl.' I" * 1 many ; li e? Q ill—Well, o'.l I, I c '.mild with ' 1 11, it do a 1' ............ 1 hi, ..... g Il s li ................ m,-i'< fy ■ O' .1 • SMITH fc WES ■ (’Ullip'i IltC ll il p.tlUFt? V y After ih ilortur’H <knth. tb<‘ lpghly nd w -li t 1 avoid hinti ¡ i . the p HI J' T ■ fee mgs. fered L.zz o a h n•<*. g J ti. Later it to<, with such g<- tn •* tlli’h <t Pai tte(di« lavin'* a 1 ,t -t cre sincerity, fo much in tit»* H.l'lt if ation ot bi- cii u , — Ho i's thit'. real friendship» that in HCCl p' Illg Quill (to": ll, I.? hair'' ll i it she did not feel as one nk.cii'g my dear h How. thut s ivallv herself in a state of pecu« iarv <|poendence. They never s u t- Grcdherto fee: that there could Le r.nv such consideration, and the voting Master Purdy r,nil 'he y<’qiLtsr luling Misses Purdvs only knew her ns their ’“dear Aunt Lizzie,’ and either of them would have missed her almost as much as tin 1 vtrn mother. A few months aftit Lizzie had 1 ecatne identified with the Purdy*, knomn. one of the pnguers withdrew from1 At length they approached the Ccnnot ha successfully thriven wl the firm, for the avowed purpose ot ; snot where si e was stat.ding. am. oct good I oalth. To reach wa-’th cr ary < stablishing business in San Fran 1 Algernon ii.tri ducid him. coc'.ol pctllion In I: a ro^ theft'll pcs'. cí den r.i operation cf cl! tbo f-o cisco. Mr Pax'oi. was rigarded as •’Mrs. l’e:ks—Col. Ashton ” cities I.!rd r-.'.cro tu endowed us r.i.h. n shrewd operator in mercantile af At th, mention of her mime, th Thcco ccr/!tlofi3 car.rci w.kt cr/cest’.o phyc’c-l being Is in [M-cct wotUag fairs and when he extended to Al colonel rtartid ‘ack. and pres'-e,. or‘or, and this is ií.npoíG'blo when the gernon n pressing invitation to join b"th huhds to I is f .rhe.d.as one I lh:r and spleen are torpid, thfsobctruct- Ir.j Ce lec.-e'/crx?, closing I f gectic’i him as an equal partner, Volente, r- who had r* c, iv< d a sudden I l »w er.d dyepopsia, t.'.h a!! cr accotr.- fng himself to furnish more than Foran iii.-tapt Ids th.rid f.ice w;;s panylng horre rs. an equni share of the capital, integ the color of marl !<• Then the DR. HENLEY’S Er’lish Dande’icn Torlc rity end the i us ness qualifications blood came i mhii g i k from the excKc aspeciftc Influence ever tho liver, of her husband, offerid to assist heart, ai d one instant he grasp the oxcllcs ii to hosKhy action, recodos its cbror.ic engorgencr'-S, er.d prenotos the him, like a sensiUe Christian wo arm of Algernon for support. Tie eeerction:: c’-res l-d.¿ec'.’on ar.d consti man, with her legacy. shock of recognition was but mo pation, charpens the appc'.?.o, tor.os up thoonti.o cyc'.em, and rncl¡33 lita worth The result was a speedy remov mentary, and he railed himsell al, and the establishing of a new almost immediately. ai d enterprising firm in San Fran ‘•I izzie — Lizzie Leigh! Can it cisco. Not a nietnbe- of the fami be possil le.” ly would listen for a moment to the And be extended loth his hand idea of Lizzie remaining behind, to welcome her. mid so on their departlUe for the! Algernon looked surprised, but Golden City, she was induced to (dj .CI“( ,ly wit!,jrew a. 4 ! ft ihrm nccompany them. Lizzie gave her hands trembling It was at tha‘. auspicious time j ly. She could imt cont , I In- when colossal fortunes were some I voice to speak, and Gt-orgi' A:-ht"i Mn Lnr. “ WLy, .•¿ùie. von nei: cytò’ t times made in a year, and in eigh I for it was it.died I»', drew her to .- it! I only tftld '. i”.. . ■ V. - « • lnfornied i. o:a.m, c..d 1 *. u.;tù j. A vcu i teen months fiom the date of tlnir spot where a convenient Urc?;.:r.i lo.’’ I. n. ‘‘Yen. rnrf » ‘. v.-o?'.: you fnxl yoo arrival we find the Ptirdys occupy i screen o »cured them from wiebcd I cauld ra.i ■> e i • .. g ì : i et. .La 3 Xis. /.Dea.—and r’”? 1. L;r C’.«.i c . gu .. j . L uì ing one of the most palatial r.-si i olsei vatiou. t..e ua< hai 1 ii’t/’ > n. L. “ Sv’ .¿i ù itf.t:” dence? in the citv, and on the eve llii.-i Li ‘ • ■ '’c*’-?' “Lizzie. Low is this that I I» . tlon L ori i ”) ae r <7 ro. I r diait f • t of a grand reception, er "housi* ! p<m d to meet you thus unexpn che kr.ow ; a:' i :i5 h m5r* ’. ca. ¡'ul.is br li! urti ent. rlAiirn-; i 1 Corvo- a ;: le.) </. X C<41 d ca 24 warming” as they c I ioohb to term jcdly?—and if my do not greatiyd. veli r.9 tlij cloc3 if ! b-. tbo ¡r 3 bgjvco cf The family were arsemi ltd tu gether, one evening, n few davs preceding the impmlnnt >v nt. awaiting the return of Algeino. . who was to bring with him on this particular occasion. the printed card*« of invitation, lie came in presently, and as a part of the con ference that followed may prove interesting to toe leader we repeat I inforca! ion. bho 1 • t ne t ao * i-: b : h ìherof l e: 1 L’ r; :• :;.< ri ir. e/.c i our « iCeive me, you him' met with son - rcr.óiiT’. nlor; i. r::d ria co i l ri'Te: 3 f’id t <) (apice oi t ‘ r < «y, ? '¡.a 11.’ . p c\ u;> in p lunn*h r. cent ieicivment? Who is it'. Vymyocca oraJcaatjvidi fr.c ds. licermi ij cùvcr J e. -. . t >0 z r- ì i:-J' r t, »•cn t a nev.s U i Tell ii.o all that has happed t.;»5 ¿?y d<; ’a t") t '.0 fi r < c-e1 c< pii ' ; and evcr.i ¡117 ;■? so òc .’. iììùi ' ì ■ ilii;Mr.ìk<ì. too. [have not h<ar,l a word from Gr: L.'.ry ¿..1? -'.a“.. 0 ycu c.’cr to t' 0 dica’ s’..c co-rv* g ■: mi rn to f et you t-> t.l.o I dale since I left it.” L'cui >:-2 ,;'s l’aml.'y -■ v. e bo » * tìi »to.'estro tu -reo 1. JNo ti> boy:; v lc ’ i fori every monili, ’ We quittul the town .a C9o placo i3 faund ‘ori era : ! o in ila piccfl; and Mr. Allea i-ivcNifl ly ir I: i • r el'y ■- onderful [ months after you, to-orge, ’ su- bow J: j-’.hts ov'.ry u. :th r cf ih J y I ” Mi: l.E : '' il! li . t’Fin’fora sw. ri d l.izz'e, in a sul-dlied voi e SpcelmcnC'i>y ; Icr. ' Li ir.H/t :- li! <_ wln t you tayiti'.itwhlinali e ’n iincoile, It’ówbolw fca.” and I have in vi r visited the ; lac Alt..9 l. ;n T ih.;? V,-’ • <nr.ingBlumorosi, thè pn’iK.dic-. 15 ' . ' 1 t‘i ! ire l. > <w York. 15 si ce. My mother and hu- ,•::>< oberi n ’ t • m ni ,. peci rio 1 < opy for !' Cffctr ro W3 c’.n t k» •• n.i'i h nuuibcr containa lire utli <1 ad, and eighleen mo'll) a -rudero Or .r* » utili r-r lì - l.oh<r to tny l’alt-.-rn Le nrv choos . : .. I tn tn.v tdzo- r.bicli ago 1 rami'to C.ilifori.ia with Mi elo-ie inai e eh -, y i.-. r : ccnt9 ondi itisi v.’.nc a j,*.: pi 1 ra ; i.j ? »•;. . ile ’s Tba Hi. <lv’- f.iiilp-, uh re 1 have r j cab r i.’tifì p le i 0 ri0 :i yc r ; nnd I tax t . ’ z i m.lined i vi-r since.” Hlesant a Li Lizzie was writing mJ the ad I dnss> s of the invited on the env< 1 opes before her, in a neat feminine i "Can it l e p assible we have l ee hand, as fast rs they were call'd, j living for eighteen months so no.u i till they came to the end of the ! together and me not know it—lie married list. < feel t'.ie mesmeric iniliit nc" of yi u “And now," said Algernon, rn > presence? Oh. Lizzie! a n <1 I ing his bunds, and glnt cing shyly at thit k i f the void that has Leo i Lizzie, “suppose we begin with onr mv heart through nil these yeuis. most eligible bachelor acquaint You rememher our Iasi intervi w ances. For instance onr architect, in liiraBsdale. win n with a'.u o t fl the man who designed our present cry of agony you hade me go fr.ib abode, the Hon. Colonel George you? 1 was stronger than you t< Ashton.” will, and I went—went forth i:it Lizzie cave a visible start on the I.leak nnd cheerh ss world wi n hearing that well remembered name out on*> ray of hope, one rainbow spoken. gleam of promise. I have toiled, “He is, at present, one of our lo tho. glit and struggled. I have mail cal lions," continued Algernon. the accumul it.on of wealth an i- “He came to California al out seven pecial study, and gold hnspoun years ago, and to-day he is one of in vri n li e, 1 l irgii g a ¡th it so : the wealthiest men in Sen Francis and politii-i.l influence. Till re co. He commenced with a hand c.-ntlv I have pi rsistently avoid, i «aw and plane, they say. and th- opposite « x. not because I dis worked ¡himself lip. He has just l ilieved in the virtue and goodne- been elected to the State Senate, of woman, but because there was m has been a member of the citv coun room in my heart to r.tt up a - oil. and is one of the finest stump other idol. I loved you. and have orators I ever listened to. Hut, if never ceased to low you from th •’ report is to be credited, le is said hour, Aut. oh, Liiziid all of then, to be an incorrigible woman-hater.'1 nnsati-fled years of existcnc • hav What was there in a mime after imparted to me one imoortant 1, s 11 lapse of seven years, that should son—never put off till to-morrow «•■use Lizzie to trein.de so? Was what you would wish done to-da.\ it with emotion of pleasure, or of I have not altered in my senti pain that she now recall 1 that menta, Lizzie. 1 want you to I, last interview with George Ashton, •ni wife! Will you refuse me: ' prior to her marriage with the l ite He held her hands, but L’zz Ur. Perks? Whatever was the did not attempt to withdraw them nature of the emotion, sli strove Their marriage was rot delave I to corneal them by l owing her and George Ashto i often sa hi nd lower upon the envelope on his swiet wife in pl-nsantrv: which, with a trembling hand, she ‘:!*he followed me to Caltfo uas inscribing the name. She would liked to hav? asked Tcxra Mflilift: some questions. 1 ul she felt her po Join s—So ] e r ’Brow n 1» dead sition to embarrassing to do <o.m,d Wii.it a worthy man he was. ao she wisely refrained She w:.« McCusiek — I should say he satisfied she would learn all in wortliv. Left r 70.0110. didn’t III ” good time The «'veiling ar I • u' 1 for the ‘’house new house, and Ming of the 1. Llitahhig LA*.« Iwr wid > » r stood uhvn s . obaorwai the v«r., u- ■ras curi-'U* only as io one and that was the CilomI Ashlvu. at* restaurant I. u Of Payette Idaho. Ct ■ li< t t rm Io 11 '■ " L ■' 1 ' ll. t tin!: • fill aye ite J^Ursery rf V . ! WIM A aoo»«w«tvw i. 'jut '.L’..o.*<3i*r.* e L & 1 < ::;x m t ca. la cu.iun a 8 . T L» a: i .id 44-1A 81 <lou , ’ jienctlun. F. ■it* a äu 1 t’arv 1 ■ rt„ onuHcy D R.FtRRVâÇO. I r u urkuiuAsii.p aadt " I ■.Pili» durah.) t.y iti:d nc I. i uoilecuivu t i*y c l.' . .*tt n Hold tor thu gei.ut;: . t ¡( X V< l-Etl I Bild’ d ' ' ■. '1 i. rr, i- will v !. ve :i a’e r..iini on np î. >e, tvldrcss raid date-" U.I.1II-. „min»,'«" .. a |mvl„ r ilisaa i r tiieed pvt fei U I u >M u , - lerw-'t » t r <'vH’crcTnnot supi i) I — holov.' Wt!l : ec.t e r" :• i r nite”’! t» L ;.Gu catalogue und » r murra !-v> ÄfüfAL . died FREE lo au . 1,1 , i last bva^ui »cu*- h i, better than cwr. Ev- u., i_. ¡t. • Oartlc.i, Flower • ;Ei DdshouhlsendforiL M. FERS Y ACO. >r fPOí f. MICH. _____ , el e <le| o.. on die O. 8. L. Ky. Thu» Nursery hu< done mote to j r<» n< the trea< are mc - (•lim.ueJ and sui h vurielie urc ... lîiî c.tRred h r bu'e that i.re Known .o Jnive ami tl< uri h r 15 IT‘J ronttfcUL H omf AJTT* P ar -. i behalf of " Fi.rrc *r . vi‘ iun of the tHrnf iu 1 roads I. >r *!v funner ; C AI.U k I mountuin wi’.l bf' il red in inui ed <|Uan i e« ■ W \ -A Lv.LV-' for tin fix t lime ihh year, liiWr 'll.i^j cxi ai>a iveaf Idaho in con idered the flnta Combine» the Joice :!■■ I' ■ California, so bare" ¡ uk I :■• •• with tl.s medicinal virtues < t known to be most I : p,1,. humanrvJem.forming•nev.,1 , fect R emedy to c-"-11? promptly cn the till: grown and 1« ex reimly hardy. id i.i'i.,.. It full to plant a few it.es. ddreHM, 1‘aye -ri •Iv,. ' Alunit c Nur cry, Ibiyc.te Idaho le ' ' à ,.hi »tin * : KIDNEYS, L1?ER MiC BO'- ; rn r h»iu ..... .. ..'^■1 I nt via, v *" l>v lu .k ' 1,1 STOCK BIlANDti. '•y-— A*£> 1 > — ¿ ‘h Cleanse 1^8 — SysteifiEffai'ikj io THAT — » iioMEl Abs©!ute!y Pure PURE CLOOD, RZFRESHtNG SLEEP. lit-Hi, SMi A O HEALTH and CTREN tur-!!'/ f< "ow. Every one is ' t !,;1: -l".-hted v. ith c. oggiot f r .-.YKUP Ol'’ Fi :n.:e I ciAy by the "Rey Order, »U D:;d iadCReapssi »•i'.r. ■ HuJ CALitOIC'fA FIG SYRUP CO. L. Vor.K. ’ :i3Cf» ct.»u£ 1 PUBLISHED.- — Çeijs^r . ÌCKT'OKD, ILIiliTOIß. « <* i? ; b i ng't*. «s column’« ... < 1i;,«'<’t;.ri.«u. uni’tw- tr’.’.rh and ptiril , teiH.hintf r t :.,ir i • . llave r. < l.*nu ji 1. in i «i hobbit*« or - i*? y t'■ - pl’i 'v ot vii«*, u* ■ bi. . ,s wL i Pftometiud tru*- tti.d í •-< uh'. p< t*pb , and ita Ite 111 pfui A Fon.'ion .•• •• h e .-«iv Pi.25 a leur. 1» ¡hite ¡’ .Giii'k1 copici fren. t''F.eTF?E”sim!iJM STENGER. II ormís ! I L!.b> lARrElii WttRt/- »•’ e «I ilie ekhffl tn eri a. Thefiim ’ « i «i- iunti!i|¿ ■p«< nm' eotUKttu^ i "i lite\»r.ei« 154^ ■me i. »hhb»|3 h»! i ti mu i,|h; lrpvitisn;.'i|»^rf •I purgai ». Tki¿f «iku; e uri«. xpe líliitiei,^ i it M.’i;.. i,. ci liu-gt.i g,Mf; r . A MU. «U m » OMAS I. !uiin2 branded i iiiU'c-—' rr.nt tnuntv. Oregon. 1 1 •. ().—Jiur. s. Gra. < Ooun'.y. Orouun. i ALMEPA A. •.libs '. i [!’ê’A JÍ Ì fe? - ' 1 n LimCUSGUfintU-Y ■ /I T C A N i A. *" A., i < I nr * e- ef bi e; i - W T3»- ,MT'ta DAi ÏAÎ G r TMDFZ-T I; CbAiii coi,« on rVl.ANV — lil'ES -.1 and G the world. Oui tk< H-tn.are in.« (pioled, and to Introdn.'-'o>:r superior food« we will nwh rt.g tv ONE I EMHON ill carb l.- Hltty. tz a-above. Only tboe<* ubo writs 1=4 to it« st once can make »«.«• <f tbo rh»nce. All you have tn«1«> in I letun. la to »how our p- ■«!« n> the'e who cull—veur n. ighln.re und tlioee MtoimJ yen. 1 he l»e- (X'l.ttinff of tlii» e<lv> r’lx lueiit thaws tlie »mail cud of the tcle- icope. The following cut giv©« the nppc. raiKe of it reduced to A EYt. IIARI.LX SA i<’ l’’ObT< hra>.-..e«i tbotit tlw fif ieth putì ofli-litilk. Hi»« ~ran<1. d< tibie rise u b- vop,. u Virgo a* i.i-u-y »<>«•.>rry. 'Ve will nl«o show you bowyi.y hiu innke noni 4 * t., !*Ì . <> a lav nt letti», fn«m Ilio start.witti- »at espi li' >i- »•■ U' i|. rwriteetoin o. W«- ini v »Il «*»»<<'><• • barge». Udnii.U iiALi.LlTiCU.. D ca «tóU. l'uMWUM», iÌAtDU J tTS LIST c: 0O!.'TR’0UTOR3 Contaihe the nauieecl toto« itvefarm* ers of the rtoul't cud w.- r. -t ;i,.y\’u n t t>( ,t uf tlKorcti'.’«.! fttnitln^. 1 at o( tl ■ ■ ,- tur.l c 'i- U chk which confront v •> to dr y B. 1 Jo! us ; Makin I- Blown . .‘¡etjiy ¡-’t ; j,/, ■■ 1 ■ ?• T ,1 J’a ' MT» We! rti; JlHyh i*. Bi < h'igar: su; 3 j;n’ ’n-i > . h-i ■. host of others iii.’.kc iki.-s i<MUH*.l itidi..;-«.ki.iblc' Moreover, it in *.■ ¡»t illy A HOME MAC ’ ZINE. siibl-.’ct >.i intcrt st t.i 11. iiGinc-nnli a - ftdly treat*«!. Matv Mat"i t.. 1 c * Brown. Mis. D av V- s , ?.!i- , v-<-. , . ' ’ Alice Winston aad - uf oth.A • ’ - - ute regularly. f ATJ-. u’ Ijln clnrrc.r oni clii ' i,-,. -.- s»ne has the peculiar taeuity u (><.:« i*'. terceling and lu*»tmotive. THE MYSTERY OF THS k jjcm !<• ft thrilling sV-.r ■ ?•?•- .rim- •- • F avm . by John 1!. .-Jr-^.-u, md u t* lAtention. s!i.?rt “turi? • >> Cistu.. *,. appear from lime to t:au.’ C1U AilP S LETTAS Appear in each te*«. - nd th i ' |>her was iu-. a nturc . in ihe The ••IDAHO” ¡tar rGumry. TA « if. As n re.-r.:,! of «Ker .*vl a,-.-icuitnre. H ome and F arm :< is no eq’.nt!. E.’.iv topic i- ‘..i'.Hr; lo agricultutt isoptiiiv «J; jil in its cclunui;« hy the mini. 1-1I-. .. Nocxrm < ! ■ , -. J I" Hxurim; .-. *..t! : lv-r.. . ... u; . C«A3 oh the fariL. It is distinctively Lite FARMERS* OWN PAPER. A record of theii ■*.; v 1 • »■"■ntF-.j i-5 «. f.x ;u and lat’^ua;*.«. which tnti,. ’.t p;*/.: t-j .j, Idaho mbined. m lie*e» n J.wrial cf Nur e»y, comprising than all 01 her Nur Mndo by Farmers for Farmoro. ' ■ i . Extensive ucrvN, h located cue half mile rum Pu\. era Oregon and LOUISVILLE, KY. fha Uii;ng?.pi:.: Tbl< mo w fruit growing in Bust» et A C A Ï c* t'.u ¿it’u'utr.“ X T.E’GOO HOME AMD HARDY TREES SPECIALTY vii,.,.,., ih» L“r<«‘ •. dsricn in ine world. J) I F< HKY&iV* i; *. tr.’.t'J. i < .L’ iplive l ’S’ p kJIPEU'S ' t « i hr !» ik,*'^A¿'iha , . «.1.,'f* ■e mi :*, pk ' .-9’j F/ei-fa. ‘. ';'ì® «t». » ’ «n • ki . • ' ‘t¿\ .. «8 orti, », g.,.i . 8 i.l i’«/ •* k- . -3 ti.UilEl- *"UM rr^ < AJTLE bru* • ■ Le fi i e cler i i: lu ¡Ugb • ■ tì» «e up. THE SELF-ThHEADINC I efi cm Buio«»' h rr. J». Utin-e In it nro enm- Lined the tin. RFF.R’3 KH i K’a ill’« K> ki’i K’.; aae ....-* i'rrc '• **»■■ F f ... < raat, (. r.,v k. aid Lake <"« u ¡k». tti.e Grati < «unîç. ureTu I'I k - ru!«»« •'*’ ' : Mi umlerLr 1 B Jm<- i« ¡»"“‘•íL.üte i h iheSo»«l'“^ , ' „ul. ,-.,« *< • , .ni".« "-‘' o i . r " Hp' ' ! , ),r „iM."fc '"A B „[ |.,-r ,.-1, , ,n-'. B TODHUNTER. ed : 'chanic •J rkill. th Z,i .... . n' »it u spfn en I priictini. fôÇiyrë ch'HV nts, nnd ' i»n kn > wb nd- GUlDEj 124pp.j price cr.lv 25c. frost V brandet! itti -S Wruiit h” <»n i eft lijp. a I ar farkp <’l. r» p. rt i he Kiii’ui ear: itutr «Upe in Left ear. ,„B *111^. l'h"m1!:to""«*l¿: " a , tlril H jew. mne bini s:rabie t cell or v.îHi. * ,n.«.K , r.-« '• —1 horse « are branded ivilh “M-wrCiKh”«t» the ELDRJCdQE MFC. CO. »x tiutf'h»?’” eft thigh. ’T j’.e-.i'.a Cffi:e, Îahi4«r», Ill. k ».<Z i ,f. Clfira/^Q, I SI reft. Xfia Torfe- Harm's ”• 1« I Fange: Grant and Malheur counties, i’. U. adduca: ¡.urrà. Grant cu.. Oregon. •TJ?® ' IT* *w, ! » : t . » an* r« 1 *t nf Twrwty Vglu»b1a jok$ enutup • . «nd <1 •¿3rii>o*1 bjb>w. to every M»b- for tho «usuili? y?»!’, who ic;r.,u ■ tdi'.ivn tn the retrular dub-cri|'t‘«»n pries. 1 <»<e <, w.h onj of «In It contnine a reto pioieRrst elt J irel ot utner work by a w»||-kn<»*li Bt l -r r, are put Uslie«! in neat peutphiei • oriu. prim-.» n ’uo»! .t-a-LLl* typo t.n po..-l paper, • nd niAoy uf 1» l<n>n sly IHti.s* rnted. I'bey c»>m vri.«:» soice ,i . •-*. V.c «T. - written by omine «4 th» crea* • r “on p<>p -.1 »r writer*, both of Arnett- ca Bud Eurv; t.aea one is compiLtc la itself: P I C .'Tirile*» n’liiGt l.cctnre«. By P-jrjt.AS i . \e y o' l « tí very t>i-* v. The •Ider generation *hoal ■ n»tj ti -.-ni. it«»«*« »»t»» Bi«vlt«-h»r. Fv the a a ■ • e'» AdTentnree hi New \ork.” ■n i*.’« by a popular aulbr-r. Uto \ ! )'Lik. nn<i "'nve Mngeyoa tai-le rninpt’ation r.f u-efnl fact!», tor tar oner sa nd enrd«*neriiL 1 be tlarthi tt» the Moon. 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